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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bank robbery; architectural implications from the criminal's point of view

Dickey, Thomas Swift 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Modus operandi van die bankrower : 'n kriminologiese introspeksie

Maree, Alice 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In die ondersoek na die modus operandi van die bankrower: 'n kriminologiese introspeksie, kan die ondergemelde drie dimensies onderskei word: Die eerste dimensie is 'n kriminologiese introspeksie wat die betekenis wat bankrowers self aan die uitvoer van bankrooftogte heg, behels. Hierdie leefwereld van die subjekte word deur die navorser "betree" en mede-verken. Doelgerigtheid, morele oorwegings, teesin in geweld, charisma, kognitiewe vermoens en 'n materialistiese ingesteldheid is begrippe wat die bankrower as mens belig. Die tweede dimensie word verteenwoordig deur die begrondingsteorie as navorsingsmetode, gebaseer op die werk van Strauss en Corbin {1990), wat toegepas word ten einde sodanige navorsingsdoelstelling te fasiliteer. Tydens die aanvanklike fase van die ondersoek is daar met 28 bankrowers in aanhoud i ng, gefokusde semi -gest ruktureerde ind i epte-onderhoude gevoer. Opvolgonderhoude is met ses van die 28 subjekte gevoer, met die doel om 'n substantiewe begrondingsteorie te ontplooi, verskille op te klaar en die geldigheid van die data te verhoog. Die derde dimensie reflekteer vervolgens die ontplooiing van 'n substantiewe begrondingsteorie wat weerspieel word in proposisies en wat in vier fases van die modus operandi van die bankrower onderskei word, naamlik die beplanning-; uitvoering-; afhandeling-; en heroorwegingsfase. Elk van die ge'identifiseerde fases word gekenmerk deur progressiewe beweging, natuurlike kontinu'iteit, emosionele belewenisse en 'n individualistiese inslag. Twee kernelemente, naamlik besluitneming en rasionaliteit staan prominent binne die kader van die modus operandi van die bankrower. Die substantiewe begrondingsteorie is daarop ingestel om die verskynsel wat bestudeer word, te verklaar. Seide die oorweging van die ondersoek asook ander doelstellings van die navorser word binne die teorie geakkommodeer. Verdere vergelykende studies kan daartoe bydra om die substantiewe begrondingsteorie te verfyn, te falsifiseer, 6f by gebrek daaraan, tot 'n formele teorie uit te bou. Derhalwe word die begrondingsteorie as navorsingsmetode nie slegs as toepaslik beskou vir toekomstige navorsing oor onderwerpe waaroor daar 'n gebrek aan empiriese bevindinge bestaan en waaroor relatief min kennis in kriminologiese literatuur voorkom nie, maar hou dit ook die voordeel van 'n pluriforme navorsingstudie in. / In the investigation into the modus operandi of the bank robber: a criminological introspection, three dimensions can be distinguished. The first dimension is a criminological introspection comprising the meaning attached by bank rob.bers to the execution of bank robberies. This world of the subjects is entered and co-scouted. Sense of purpose, mora 1 considerations, aversion to violence, charisma, cognitive powers and a materialistic disposition are conceptions that elucidate the bank robber as a human. The second dimension is represented by the grounded theory as research method, based on the work of Strauss and Corbin (1990), which are applied to facilitate such research aims. During the initial phase of the investigation, focused, semi-structured, in-depth interviews were held with 28 bank robbers in detention. Subsequent interviews were held with six of the 28 subjects, aimed at expanding a substantive grounded theory, to clear up differences and to increase the validity of the data. The third dimension reflects the development of a substantive grounded theory which is revealed in propositions and signalised in four phases of the bank robber's modus operandi, namely the planning, execution, disposal and reconsideration phases. Each of these identified phases is characterised by progressive movement, natura 1 continuity, emot i ona 1 experiences and an individualistic infusion. The basic elements, namely decision-making and rationalisation, are prominent in the cadre of the bank robber's modus operandi. The substantive grounded theory is aimed at explaining the study phenomenon. Consideration of the investigation as well as other aims of the researcher are accommodated in the theory. Further comparative studies can assist in refining or falsifying the substantive grounded theory or, failing, to expand it to a formal theory. The grounded theory is therefore regarded as appropriate for future research on subjects about which there is a lack of empirical findings and relatively little knowledge in criminological literature. The theory offers, in addition, the advantage of a pluriform research study. / Sociology / D. Litt et Phil. (Kriminologie)

Modus operandi van die bankrower : 'n kriminologiese introspeksie

Maree, Alice 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In die ondersoek na die modus operandi van die bankrower: 'n kriminologiese introspeksie, kan die ondergemelde drie dimensies onderskei word: Die eerste dimensie is 'n kriminologiese introspeksie wat die betekenis wat bankrowers self aan die uitvoer van bankrooftogte heg, behels. Hierdie leefwereld van die subjekte word deur die navorser "betree" en mede-verken. Doelgerigtheid, morele oorwegings, teesin in geweld, charisma, kognitiewe vermoens en 'n materialistiese ingesteldheid is begrippe wat die bankrower as mens belig. Die tweede dimensie word verteenwoordig deur die begrondingsteorie as navorsingsmetode, gebaseer op die werk van Strauss en Corbin {1990), wat toegepas word ten einde sodanige navorsingsdoelstelling te fasiliteer. Tydens die aanvanklike fase van die ondersoek is daar met 28 bankrowers in aanhoud i ng, gefokusde semi -gest ruktureerde ind i epte-onderhoude gevoer. Opvolgonderhoude is met ses van die 28 subjekte gevoer, met die doel om 'n substantiewe begrondingsteorie te ontplooi, verskille op te klaar en die geldigheid van die data te verhoog. Die derde dimensie reflekteer vervolgens die ontplooiing van 'n substantiewe begrondingsteorie wat weerspieel word in proposisies en wat in vier fases van die modus operandi van die bankrower onderskei word, naamlik die beplanning-; uitvoering-; afhandeling-; en heroorwegingsfase. Elk van die ge'identifiseerde fases word gekenmerk deur progressiewe beweging, natuurlike kontinu'iteit, emosionele belewenisse en 'n individualistiese inslag. Twee kernelemente, naamlik besluitneming en rasionaliteit staan prominent binne die kader van die modus operandi van die bankrower. Die substantiewe begrondingsteorie is daarop ingestel om die verskynsel wat bestudeer word, te verklaar. Seide die oorweging van die ondersoek asook ander doelstellings van die navorser word binne die teorie geakkommodeer. Verdere vergelykende studies kan daartoe bydra om die substantiewe begrondingsteorie te verfyn, te falsifiseer, 6f by gebrek daaraan, tot 'n formele teorie uit te bou. Derhalwe word die begrondingsteorie as navorsingsmetode nie slegs as toepaslik beskou vir toekomstige navorsing oor onderwerpe waaroor daar 'n gebrek aan empiriese bevindinge bestaan en waaroor relatief min kennis in kriminologiese literatuur voorkom nie, maar hou dit ook die voordeel van 'n pluriforme navorsingstudie in. / In the investigation into the modus operandi of the bank robber: a criminological introspection, three dimensions can be distinguished. The first dimension is a criminological introspection comprising the meaning attached by bank rob.bers to the execution of bank robberies. This world of the subjects is entered and co-scouted. Sense of purpose, mora 1 considerations, aversion to violence, charisma, cognitive powers and a materialistic disposition are conceptions that elucidate the bank robber as a human. The second dimension is represented by the grounded theory as research method, based on the work of Strauss and Corbin (1990), which are applied to facilitate such research aims. During the initial phase of the investigation, focused, semi-structured, in-depth interviews were held with 28 bank robbers in detention. Subsequent interviews were held with six of the 28 subjects, aimed at expanding a substantive grounded theory, to clear up differences and to increase the validity of the data. The third dimension reflects the development of a substantive grounded theory which is revealed in propositions and signalised in four phases of the bank robber's modus operandi, namely the planning, execution, disposal and reconsideration phases. Each of these identified phases is characterised by progressive movement, natura 1 continuity, emot i ona 1 experiences and an individualistic infusion. The basic elements, namely decision-making and rationalisation, are prominent in the cadre of the bank robber's modus operandi. The substantive grounded theory is aimed at explaining the study phenomenon. Consideration of the investigation as well as other aims of the researcher are accommodated in the theory. Further comparative studies can assist in refining or falsifying the substantive grounded theory or, failing, to expand it to a formal theory. The grounded theory is therefore regarded as appropriate for future research on subjects about which there is a lack of empirical findings and relatively little knowledge in criminological literature. The theory offers, in addition, the advantage of a pluriform research study. / Sociology / D. Litt et Phil. (Kriminologie)

A criminological exploration of associated robberies in Gauteng, South Africa

Thobane, Mahlogonolo Stephina 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The goals of this research were to explore, describe and explain the crime of associated robbery, which at the time of this study, was a scientifically unknown phenomenon. Associated robbery is defined as “a bank-related robbery (by association) of cash or attempt thereto, committed against a bank client or his/her delegate, at any stage while en-route to or from a bank branch, ATM or cash centre or inside the branch to effect a deposit, or, withdrawal” (SABRIC 2013:4) This robbery is divided into two main categories, namely robbery before cash deposit and robbery after cash withdrawal. As found in literature and also evident in the findings of this study, more incidents and related cash losses are reported from robbery after withdrawal, which is sub-divided into muti scam, money bomb and spiked drink. This study followed an exploratory, sequential, mixed-method research approach where the qualitative phase took place first – followed by the quantitative phase. The topic was firstly explored by collecting qualitative data via in-depth, one-on-one interviews (from a phenomenological point of view) where mutual meaning was sought, as understood by victims of associated robbery. To gather quantitative data, 500 bank clients (i.e. individuals, small business owners and stokvel/saving club members) completed a survey questionnaire. Their perspective on the phenomenon of associated robbery was thus explained and described through the use of descriptive statistics, particularly univariate and bivariate statistical analysis. The most significant contribution made by this study, is embedment of the preventative measures used by the banking industry and other stakeholders such as the SAPS into the Situational Crime Prevention (SCP) and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles approaches. This model is heavily grounded on 12 SCP strategies, namely: access control; deflecting offenders; controlling facilitation; entry/exist screening; formal surveillance; surveillance by employees; natural surveillance; target removal; reducing temptation; rule setting; stimulating conscience; and facilitating compliance. Furthermore, the model emphasises that the combating of associated robberies is a collaborative effort and thus the individual (bank client), the banking industry, the criminal justice system (CJS) and the general public all have to work together in fighting this endemic. The lack of knowledge mainly from a victim’s perspective was identified as one of the challenges faced. However, this presented an opportunity for this study to make a significant contribution to the development of scientific literature. Moreover, the use of opportunity theories to explain the reasons why individuals are victimised placed the phenomenon in the criminological research milieu – thus pioneering a way for researchers who may wish to conduct future research on the same topic. / Criminology and Security Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

An investigation of the bombing of automated teller machines (ATMs) with intent to steal cash content : case study from Gauteng

Sewpersad, Sarika 01 1900 (has links)
An investigation of the bombing of automated teller machines (ATMs) with intent to steal cash contentof ATMs. This is inclusive of the impact on society (banks clients) and banking institutions as well as the danger it poses to the general public and public and private law enforcement personnel. / (M.Tech. (Security Management))

The criminal career of armed robbers with specific reference to cash-in-transit robberies

Thobane, Mahlogonolo Stephina 06 1900 (has links)
Criminal career research postulates that offending behaviour develops over time during the course of one’s life. Thus, delinquency is not an isolated incident which occurs at a certain moment in time. This research comprises a mixed-method study of the criminal career of 40 offenders who perpetrated robberies against the banking and CIT industries. Through this research, an exploration is made for possibilities of using criminal career research to develop results which will guide crime prevention policies. The qualitative methodology used for this research included semi-structured interviews in order to collect information on motivations of armed robbers and the various mechanics (i.e. planning, recruitment, group dynamics) of the crime of armed robbery. Through the use of structured questionnaires, biographical data, information on risk factors and figures on the different aspects of a criminal career, such as age of offending onset, offending frequency and seriousness, and career length, were all gathered. The general findings of this research demonstrate that offending onset occurs between the ages of 11 and 15 with petty crimes, and then escalates to serious crimes. Secondly, witnessed throughout the dissertation is the fact that development of delinquent behaviour is not a result of a single risk factor but an outcome of multiple risk factors. Subsequently, a suggestion is made for the introduction of multifaceted deterrence programmes, which will holistically deal with the various offending risk factors (i.e. family, community and the offender’s personal risk factors as well as peer and school dynamics). Thirdly, armed robbers are responsible for various other crimes in the process of committing the offence of robbery. Accordingly, this study confirms the criminal career notion that a small number of chronic offenders are responsible for a large number of offences. That is why it is recommended that policy makers pay attention to disrupting the criminal career of this small number of high risk offenders. / Department of Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

An investigation of the bombing of automated teller machines (ATMs) with intent to steal cash content : case study from Gauteng

Sewpersad, Sarika 01 1900 (has links)
An investigation of the bombing of automated teller machines (ATMs) with intent to steal cash contentof ATMs. This is inclusive of the impact on society (banks clients) and banking institutions as well as the danger it poses to the general public and public and private law enforcement personnel. / (M.Tech. (Security Management))

The criminal career of armed robbers with specific reference to cash-in-transit robberies

Thobane, Mahlogonolo Stephina 06 1900 (has links)
Criminal career research postulates that offending behaviour develops over time during the course of one’s life. Thus, delinquency is not an isolated incident which occurs at a certain moment in time. This research comprises a mixed-method study of the criminal career of 40 offenders who perpetrated robberies against the banking and CIT industries. Through this research, an exploration is made for possibilities of using criminal career research to develop results which will guide crime prevention policies. The qualitative methodology used for this research included semi-structured interviews in order to collect information on motivations of armed robbers and the various mechanics (i.e. planning, recruitment, group dynamics) of the crime of armed robbery. Through the use of structured questionnaires, biographical data, information on risk factors and figures on the different aspects of a criminal career, such as age of offending onset, offending frequency and seriousness, and career length, were all gathered. The general findings of this research demonstrate that offending onset occurs between the ages of 11 and 15 with petty crimes, and then escalates to serious crimes. Secondly, witnessed throughout the dissertation is the fact that development of delinquent behaviour is not a result of a single risk factor but an outcome of multiple risk factors. Subsequently, a suggestion is made for the introduction of multifaceted deterrence programmes, which will holistically deal with the various offending risk factors (i.e. family, community and the offender’s personal risk factors as well as peer and school dynamics). Thirdly, armed robbers are responsible for various other crimes in the process of committing the offence of robbery. Accordingly, this study confirms the criminal career notion that a small number of chronic offenders are responsible for a large number of offences. That is why it is recommended that policy makers pay attention to disrupting the criminal career of this small number of high risk offenders. / Department of Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

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