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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le secteur bancaire libanais face aux crises : un essai de modélisation de la résilience / The lebanese banking sector facing crises : an attempt to modeling resilience

Azzi, Elie 12 September 2011 (has links)
Le secteur bancaire libanais constitue, à côté du tourisme et de l’immobilier, le socle et la clé de voûte de l’économie libanaise. Ce secteur donne l’apparence d’avoir survécu, sans grands dégâts, aux destructions des différentes guerres et crises politiques qui ont détruit une grande partie de l’infrastructure du pays. Cette résilience apparente est clamée dans les discours des dirigeants qui affirment une dichotomie entre les perturbations de l’environnement politique et la stabilité et la performance du secteur bancaire libanais. Après avoir présenté les concepts théoriques nécessaires pour l’analyse de la résilience, cette thèse a analysé la résilience de ce secteur à plusieurs niveaux : d’abord au niveau des banques libanaises, à travers un modèle à deux régimes ayant pour échantillon l’ensemble des grandes banques, en distinguant entre la performance des banques cotées et non cotées ; ensuite à travers une étude VAR, reliant les variables bancaires aux variables macroéconomiques, et estimant leur réaction aux impulsions simulant les chocs. Les résultats ont confirmé la résilience du secteur bancaire libanais face aux crises. Cependant, des renforcements aux conditions qui améliorent la résilience sont à apporter. / The Lebanese banking sector is the cornerstone of the Lebanese economy, next to tourism and real estate. This sector gives the impression of having harmlessly survived the numerous destructions of different wars and political crisis that have battered the Lebanese environment. This apparent resilience is omnipresent in the speeches of political leaders of Lebanon, who claim a dichotomy between the perturbations of political environment and the performance and stability of the Lebanese banking sector. Once the study has been situated in its Lebanese context, and the theoretical concepts necessary for the study of resilience have been presented, this research studies this sectors’ resilience at multiple levels: First, at the level of the Lebanese banks, through a 2 stages model, distinguishing between the performances of the listed and non-listed Lebanese banks. Once the resilience of the banking sector was proven, the second step is to confirm it at the level of the macroeconomic determinants of the banking performance through a study using the VAR methodology, testing the interaction between the banking variables and the macroeconomic data, and their reaction to impulsions, simulating exogenous shocks. Our results confirmed the resilience of the Lebanese banking sector to shocks; although numerous measures are still to be taken to improve the governance and the resilience of the sector.

Řízení reportingu v bankovním sektoru / Management of reporting in the banking sector

Hyblbauer, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on a proposal for a methodological framework of reporting management in the banking sector and identifying key weaknesses of the current state. Using the proposed methodology precedes weaknesses and proves it on practical example from the real environment. The main benefit of this work is design of a methodological framework that allows the organized management and control of the reporting. It also brings identification of main weaknesses of the current reporting and last but not least universal template for the report specification. The work consists of three parts. The first, theoretical, defines area of reporting in a banking institution. It includes all the terminology, characteristics and types of reports. The second part, analytical, examines the current weaknesses of reporting within the defined area. Provides an overview of three to six major weaknesses in a particular phase of a new report development based on the scientific literature and practical experience of the author of this work in the banking environment. The third and final section contains a draft concept of reporting management in the banking sector with avoidance of the identified weaknesses from the analytical part.

Analýza vývoje základních ukazatelů o bankovním trhu v ČR a použití modelu RSW / Analysis of financial indexes in the Czech banking market and application of the RSW model.

Tiutiunnic, Olga January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to explain the basic financial indexes in the Czech banking sector, to analyze Czech banks with the model of financial health RSW, which was modified according to the specifics of Czech enterprises, and to contribute to the conclusion, if it is possible to apply the model RSW in its modified form for testing financial health of Czech banks. The RSW model results will be compared with achieved results in the model, which I named alternative comparative model (S-model). S-model works with indexes from banks annual reports. The theoretical part will be defined by definition of bank and a brief description of Czech banking, by financial description of the specifics in bank statements and fundamental indexes. Then I will describe the way of using the model RSW in its modified form. In the practical part of my diploma thesis I will test eighteen Czech banks by RSW model and compare achieved banks ratings with the alternative comparative model. I choose the techniques of S-model based on my individually attained knowledge and read literature.

Analýza marketingové komunikace na bankovním trhu a segmentace spotřebitelů v ČR / Analysis of Marketing Communication in the Banking Sector and Segmentation of Consumers in the Czech Republic

Jedlička, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The importance of the banking sector keeps growing in the modern world, and the marketing communication of banks intensifies as competition heightens. The diploma thesis covers not only the analysis of communication tools of banks, evaluation and comparison of the effectivity of their communication, but also segmentation and targeting of consumers of banking products in the Czech Republic. Conducting segmentation helps to understand consumers better, choose suitable target segments and to create tailored communication. At the end of the thesis, the communication of banks is evaluated in relation to the created segments, and recommendations are made about targeting the segments. All analyses in the thesis are based on real data.

Implementace CRM v bankovním sektoru / Implementation of CRM in banking sector

Pernikl, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the information systems used to support customer relationship management in organizations. The issue of CRM systems is discussed in this thesis in terms of their implementation and focusing on the banking sector. The aim of this work is to design the physical procedure of implementation of the CRM system in the banking sector, which will provide guidance, whose purpose will be to provide advice and highlighting the critical success factors in each phase of the project. The created instructions disposing fairly detailed description of each phase of the project will be very beneficial especially for banking institutions, which will be avoided well-known problems in the course of the project , and lead the CRM system implementation project to a successful conclusion. In the theoretical part the work user will be familiar with the theoretical concept of CRM and subsequently in detail with its sub-areas. Great emphasis is placed in this section in particular CRM processes. Subsequently, there will be presented the CRM systems itself, the basic distribution, functionality and, ultimately, their integration into the IS / ICT architecture of the organization. At the end of the theoretical part, the identification of the specific needs of the CRM system in terms of the banking sector will be performed. Practical work has been devoted to the implementation of the CRM system in the banking sector. In the introduction to this part the access to the draft proposal of the progress of implementation of CRM in banking sector is presented to the work user and consequently it is more generally introduced in the proposal itself. In order to thus created proposal considered is correct, this proposal was needed to confront the real CRM implementation projects in the real banking institution. Therefore, there is introduced a banking institution whose project of implementation of the CRM system will be compared with the designed physical procedure of implementation of the CRM system in other work parts. The conclusion then proceeded to a detailed presentation of the designed procedure and its confrontation with the real CRM implementation project in the banking sector.

Zhodnocení bonity klienta banky / Evaluation of Bank Client's Creditworthiness

Staněk, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the bank client´s creditworthiness for the purpose of loan financing and to formulate some proposals for its improvement. Some methods of financial and non-financial company analysis applied in banking practice are shown there. The proposals to ensure debt service are formulated on the basis of the results of analyzes.

Breaking the Bank : A study of career barriers among women in the commercial banking sector.

Jonsson, Matilda, Jangren, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
Background - Women are underrepresented in top management positions all over the globe. This also applies to Sweden, despite the country's long progressive and high material prosperity. This situation is particularly evident in the banking sector, where women represent approximately half of the workforce. However, in the four largest banks in Sweden, women only occupy 33,25 percent in the highest management teams and 34,5 percent on the boards. This phenomenon is often referred to as “the glass ceiling,” a set of barriers that hinder women’s accessibility to top management positions. This underrepresentation is, in turn, likely to result in a loss of potential human resources due to organizations not searching for competent candidates in approximately half of the population. Further, banks are associated with a lot of power in the society, where they have a significant impact, with a critical role in the economy, contributing to financial growth. Initiatives by for instance the EU Commission to increase gender diversity are on the high agenda. Consequently, the subject of understanding and overcoming these barriers stands high on the agenda of both politicians and researchers. Purpose - The purpose of this study is to identify barriers among women toward reaching top management positions in the commercial banking sector, as well as how women in top management positions have overcome them. By investigating the barriers and how women overcome them, we will contribute with a deeper understanding and meaningful insights to political and managerial practitioners on how they can identify and help women overcome the barriers. The foundation of the theoretical framework in this study will be based on Becker’s (1957) theory of discrimination, Social role theory, and System justification theory will lay the foundation of the theoretical framework in this study. Method - This study is based on qualitative research with a multiple case study in the banking sector in Sweden. Conclusion - We conclude that the most common barriers are based on stereotypical beliefs, the balance between private life and work, biases and discrimination, and organizational culture and structure. How to overcome these barriers is built on supporting organizations, an equal private life situation, and specifically identified personality traits.

Intressentengagemang i hållbarhetsredovisningar : en studie av fyra företag i den svenska banksektorn / Stakeholder engagement in sustainability reports : a study of four companies in the Swedish banking sector

Harrysson, Ebba, Husic, Enesa January 2021 (has links)
I och med det ökade fokuset på hållbarhet ställer intressenterna ökade krav på information. Freemans (1984, s. 25) definition av begreppet intressent ligger till grund för utveckling av tidigare forskning inom ämnet. Begreppet intressent är brett, vilket har lett till att begreppet problematiserats. Majoriteten av företag väljer idag att tillämpa en hållbarhetsredovisning i syfte att visa transparens och bemöta väsentliga intressenters förväntningar.  Hållbarhetsredovisning har traditionellt sett varit frivilligt i Sverige och tillämpats genom självreglering. Från och med den 1 juli 2016 är det krav på att de största företagen i Sverige ska hållbarhetsredovisa. Lagkravet grundar sig i att regeringen ansåg att intressenter idag finner hållbarhetsfrågor alltmer aktuella och att investering i företag även grundar sig i detta. Det finns flertalet organisationer som tagit fram principer och riktlinjer för hur hållbarhet ska redovisas. Global Reporing Initiative (GRI) är ett av de större internationella ramverk som kan användas av företag för att upprätta en hållbarhetsredovisning.  Syftet med studien är att lyfta fram huruvida de fyra största bankkoncernerna i Sverige väljer att engagera sina intressenter i sina hållbarhetsredovisningar och huruvida engagemanget har förändrats över tid. Studiens resultat ska bidra till ökad kunskap om bankernas sätt att engagera sina intressenter i arbetet med hållbarhetsredovisning. För att kunna besvara syftet och forskningsfrågorna har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys på respektive banks hållbarhetsredovisningar samt en ordanalys med kvantitativa drag, för samtliga undersökta år. De årtal som behandlas i studien är år 2010, 2012, 2017 och 2020. De valda åren möjliggör en kartläggning av förändringar i bankernas hållbarhetsredovisningar under en längre period. Samtliga analyserade banker upprättar sina hållbarhetsredovisningar i enlighet GRI:s riktlinjer.  Studiens resultat gör det möjligt att dra slutsatsen att samtliga banker som studerats har enlikartad syn och kategorisering av sina intressenter. En andra slutsats är att majoriteten avbankerna har valt att identifiera och engagera sina intressenter och deras förväntningar främstgenom väsentlighetsanalyser och intressentdialoger. Detta förklaras och uppges ligga till grundför utformningen av hållbarhetsredovisningen. Den sista slutsatsen är att tre av fyra analyseradebankkoncerner har utökat sitt intressentengagemang över de analyserade åren. Förändringengör sig tydlig genom de antal gånger de mest väsentliga intressentgrupperna förekommer iordanalysen som presenteras i studiens resultat. / Due to the increased focus on sustainability, stakeholders place increased demands on information. Freeman's (1984, s. 25) definition of the term stakeholder is the basis for the development of previous research in the subject. The concept of stakeholder is wide, which has led to the concept being problematized. The majority of companies today choose to apply a sustainability report in order to show transparency and meet the expectations of key stakeholders. Sustainability reporting has traditionally been voluntary in Sweden and applied through self-regulation. As of 1 July 2016, the largest companies in Sweden are required to report sustainability. The legal requirement is based on the fact that the government considered that stakeholders today find sustainability issues increasingly relevant and that investment in companies is also based on this. There are several organizations that have developed principles and guidelines for how sustainability should be reported. The Global Reporing Initiative (GRI) is one of the major international frameworks that can be used by companies to prepare a sustainability report. The purpose of this study is to highlight how the four largest banking groups in Sweden choose to engage their stakeholders in their sustainability reports, and how the commitment has changed over time. The results of this study will contribute to increased knowledge of the banks' ways of engaging their stakeholders in the work with sustainability reporting. In order to be able to answer the purpose and research questions, we have used a qualitative content analysis of each bank's sustainability reports and a word analysis with quantitative features, for all surveyed years. The years covered in this study are 2010, 2012, 2017 and 2020. The selected years enable a mapping of changes in the banks' sustainability reports over a longer period. All analyzed banks prepare their sustainability reports in accordance with GRI's guidelines. The results of this study make it possible to conclude that all banks studied have a similar view and categorization of their stakeholders. A second conclusion is that the majority of banks have chosen to identify and engage their stakeholders and their expectations primarily through materiality analyzes and stakeholder dialogues. This is explained and stated to form the basis for the design of the sustainability report. The final conclusion is that three out of four analyzed banking groups have increased their stakeholder involvement over the years analyzed. The change is made clear by the number of times the most significant stakeholder groups appear in the word analysis presented in the study results.This study is written in Swedish.

Cultura organizacional y su relación con el compromiso laboral de los colaboradores del sector bancario de Lima Metropolitana en el año 2021 / Organizational culture and its relationship with the employees work commitment of the banking sector in Metropolitan Lima in 2021

Marañón Camacho, María del Pilar, Rivera Salazar, Frieda Stefany 09 March 2022 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como finalidad demostrar la relación entre cultura organizacional y el compromiso laboral de los colaboradores del sector bancario de Lima Metropolitana en el año 2021. Para lograr este objetivo se analizó una muestra representativa de 377 colaboradores de las 4 principales empresas del sector bancario con mayor utilidad durante el primer trimestre del 2021 en Lima Metropolitana. El diseño de la investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, correlacional y no experimental. Para la recolección de la data se utilizaron 2 encuestas con escala de Likert, se empleó la encuesta de Denison para la medición de la cultura organizacional y la encuesta de Meyer y Allen para la medición del compromiso laboral; los datos obtenidos fueron ingresados posteriormente a un programa estadístico confiable para analizar la información y lograr la validación de las preguntas de estudio. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran una correlación positiva entre ambas variables, confirmando la existencia de una relación directamente proporcional. En este sentido, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna propuesta, concluyendo que la cultura organizacional se relaciona positivamente con el compromiso laboral de los colaboradores del sector bancario de Lima Metropolitana en el año 2021. Finalmente, se proponen recomendaciones para el fortalecimiento de la cultura organizacional y su posible aplicación en investigaciones futuras en el sector bancario, las cuales serán de gran aporte para afianzar el vínculo con los colaboradores y promover el éxito en la gestión corporativa. / This research aimed to demonstrate the relationship between the organizational culture and the employees work commitment o of the banking sector in Metropolitan Lima in 2021. To achieve this objective, a representative sample of 377 employees from the 4 main companies in the banking sector with the highest profit during the first quarter of 2021 in Metropolitan Lima was analyzed. The research design has a quantitative, correlational and non-experimental approach. For data collection, 2 Likert scale surveys were used, the Denison survey to measure organizational culture and the Meyer and Allen survey to measure work commitment; the data obtained were later entered into a reliable statistical program to analyze the information. The results obtained show a positive correlation between both variables, which confirms the existence of a directly proportional relationship. In this sense, the null hypothesis is rejected and the proposed alternative hypothesis is accepted, concluding that the organizational culture is positively related to the employees work commitment of the banking sector in Metropolitan Lima in 2021. Finally, recommendations were proposed for strengthening the organizational culture and its possible application in future research in the banking sector, which will be a great contribution to strengthen the bond with employees and promote success in corporate management. / Tesis

El impacto de la improvisación teatral en la cultura organizacional en trabajadores del sector bancario en el año 2021 / The impact of theatrical improvisation on the organizational culture of workers in the banking sector in 2021

Isidro Hancco, Angela Inés, Leturia Herrera, Yahaira Abigail 12 February 2022 (has links)
En los últimos años, a través de diversos autores se ha identificado que la improvisación teatral aplicada en las organizaciones viene logrando un resultado positivo. De tal manera, el presente estudio tiene como finalidad determinar el impacto de la improvisación teatral en la cultura organizacional específicamente en trabajadores del sector bancario de Lima metropolitana en el año 2021. Esta investigación es a nivel cuantitativo, de alcance correlacional causal y con un diseño no experimental transversal. Se hizo uso de una encuesta como instrumento, la cual fue aplicada en las empresas bancarias del Perú con más trabajadores: Banco de Crédito del Perú - BCP, BBVA Continental, Interbank y Scotiabank (SBS, 2021). Se tomaron 04 dimensiones para cada una de las variables distribuidas en las 36 preguntas del cuestionario y se utilizó la escala Likert. La base de datos recolectada fue procesada con la herramienta estadística informática SPSS versión 25 y los resultados obtenidos muestran un nivel de significancia para el estadístico Chi-Cuadrado de Pearson menor a 0,05, por lo que se aceptan las hipótesis alternativas planteadas. Es así que, se puede concluir que existe un impacto significativo de la improvisación teatral sobre la cultura organizacional de trabajadores del sector bancario en el año 2021. / In recent years, various authors have identified that the theatrical improvisation applied in organizations has achieved a positive result. In this way, the present study aims to identify the impact of theatrical improvisation on organizational culture specifically in workers in the banking sector of metropolitan Lima in the year 2021. This research is at a quantitative level, of causal correlational scope and with a cross-sectional nonexperimental design. A survey was used as an instrument, which was applied in the banking companies of Peru with more workers: Banco de Crédito del Perú - BCP, BBVA Continental, Interbank and Scotiabank (SBS, 2021). 04 dimensions were taken for each of the variables distributed in the 36 questions of the questionnaire and the Likert scale was used. The collected database was processed with the computer statistical tool SPSS version 25 and the results obtained show a level of significance for the Pearson Chi-square statistic less than 0.05, so the proposed alternative hypotheses are accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant impact of theatrical improvisation on the organizational culture of workers in the banking sector in 2021. / Tesis

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