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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vidareutveckling av grafkomponent / Further Development of Graph Component

Silverlycke, Peter January 2012 (has links)
Rapporten täcker vidareutvecklingen av en grafkomponent som från början kunde visa linjediagram med datapunkter bestående av reella tal. Grafkomponenten var en del av programvaran Tunnel Manager som är utvecklad av Sogeti till Atlas Copco. Tunnel Manager används i kombination med Atlas Copcos borrigg Boomer. Grafkomponenten utvidgades med stapeldiagram med flera serier, stapeldiagram med adderade serier och med cirkeldiagram. Den utvidgades även med nya datapunktstyper i form av datum och tid. Även gruppering av data för stapeldiagram lades till. Utökad information visades också när muspekaren hölls över ett diagram, ett så kallat tooltip. Zoom och panorering i diagrammen implementerades så användaren kunde granska vissa områden i detalj.  Rapporten omfattar även en utredning där det undersöktes vilken information och vilka diagram Atlas Copco hade behov av i framtiden i Tunnel Manager. Det visades sig att det fanns stort behov av att visa diverse information i diagram för att få ett bra underlag till beslutsfattning. Dels för planering av användandet av borriggen. Dels för underhåll av borriggen.  När stora mängder information samlas in behövs bra sätt att sammanfatta den på. Diagram är ett mycket bra sätt för detta ändamål. Diagrammen behöver dock följa vissa grundläggande regler för att de ska vara tillförlitliga. Bland annat att diagram som jämförs ska ha samma skala för att underlätta jämförelsen. Vidareutvecklingen av grafkomponenten tog hänsyn till dessa regler, det bidrog till att den lämpar sig att använda i produktion. / This report covers the further development of a chart component. The component could display a linechart with real number datapoints at the beginning. The chart component was part of as software called Tunnel Manager, developed by Sogeti for Atlas Copco. Tunnel Manager is used in combination with Atlas Copcos drilling rig Boomer. The charts added were barchart with support for several dataseries, stacked barchart with support for stacked dataseries and piechart. A new datapoint type for date and time was added. Grouping of data for the barcharts was also added.  Extended information was shown when the mouse pointer was held over a diagram, a tooltip. Zoom and panning in the charts was implemented, allowing the user to view some parts in detail.  The report also covers an investigation. The investigation finds out what kind of information, and what kinds of charts Atlas Copco had need of in the future in Tunnel Manager. There was a great need for displaying information in charts to get a good base for decision making. The information was needed for planning and maintenance of the drilling rigs.  When a lot of information is gathered from different sources a good way is needed for compilation and displaying of the information. Charts are a very good way of doing this. The carts need to follow a set of basic rules to be trustworthy. For example if several charts is to be compared, they need to have the same scale, to make it easier to compare. The further development of the chart component took these rules into account and it made it suitable for usage in production.

Erkundung taktiler Grafiken: Schulungsunterlagen für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen

Bornschein, Denise, Engel, Christin 12 May 2020 (has links)
Die vorliegende Schulung ist vorrangig zum Selbststudium für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen konzipiert. Neben Grundlagen und Prinzipien der taktilen Grafikerkundung werden effektive Strategien zur systematischen Erkundung taktiler Grafiken anhand konkreter Beispiele (Säulen-, Punkt- und Liniendiagramme) vorgestellt. Interessierte sehende Personen können die Informationen ebenso verwenden – einerseits um den Umgang blinder Leser und Leserinnen mit taktilen Grafiken besser zu verstehen, andererseits können Sie die Materialien auch als Grundlage verwenden, um selber blinde bzw. sehbehinderte Menschen zu schulen.:1 Einleitung 2 Grundlagen und Prinzipien der taktilen Grafikerkundung 2.1 Was ist eine taktile Grafik? 2.2 Welche Eigenschaften besitzt eine taktile Grafik? 2.3 Welche Grafiktypen gibt es? 2.4 Auf welchen Prinzipien basiert die taktile Erkundung? 3 Effektive Strategien zur Erkundung 3.1 Schritt 1 - Bildbeschreibung lesen 3.2 Schritt 2 - Einen ersten Überblick erhalten 3.3 Schritt 3 - Details erkunden 4 Anwendung der Strategien anhand konkreter Beispiele 4.1 Erkundung eines Säulendiagramms 4.2 Erkundung eines Punktdiagramms 4.3 Erkundung eines Liniendiagramms 5 Zusammenfassung

Evaluating the use of Brush and Tooltip for Time Series visualizations: A comparative study

Eklund, André, Helin, Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
This study uses a combination of user testing and analysis to evaluate the impact of brush and tooltip on the comprehension of time series visualizations. Employing a sequential mixed-methods approach, with qualitative data from semi-structured interviews used to inform the design of a visualization tool, followed by a quantitative user study to validate it. Sixteen (16) participants from various fields of study, predominantly computer science, participated in the study. A MANOVA test was conducted with results indicating a significant statistical difference between the groups. Results deriving from the study show that the use of brush and tooltip increases user accuracy on detecting outliers, as for perception of trends and patterns. The study’s context was limited to desktop usage, and all participants were treated as a homogenous group, presenting potential limitations in applying these findings to other devices or more diverse user groups. The results provide information about improving time series data visualizations for facilitating more efficient and effective understanding, which can be relevant specifically to data analysts and academic researchers.

Kan en visualisering av studerad tid öka studiemotivationen hos en högskolestudent? / Can a visualization of time spent studying increase a college student’s study motivation?

Andersson, Charlotte, Sherzad, Mahmoud January 2020 (has links)
Det som ska undersökas i denna fallstudie är ifall visualisering av studerad tid kan öka motivationen hos en högskolestudent att studera på högskola. I denna uppsats definieras studietillfällen som schemalagda föreläsningar och övningar, eller självorganiserade studiepass. Kopplingen mellan motivation och visualisering av tid lagt på träning i gym har tidigare undersökts. Vi bygger vidare på det och undersöker ifall det finns ett liknande samband med mängden tid nedlagd på studier och motivationen att studera vid högre utbildning. Frågan är av intresse för främst utvecklare av lärplattformar, då ifall att fallstudiens resultat skulle tyda på att visualisering av tid nedlagt på studier orsakar en ökad motivation skulle det vara värdefullt att implementera i lärplattformar. Vidare, är frågan av intresse för studenter eftersom det skulle kunna öka deras studiemotivation. Fallstudien inleddes med att 28 studenters motivation mättes, för att få fram ett referensvärde. Därefter fick studenterna under en tvåveckorsperiod dagligen logga den tid de lagt på studier. Utöver det fick studenterna dagliga uppdateringar med stapeldiagram som visuellt representerade den loggade tid de dagligen lade ner på sina studier. Därefter mättes deras motivation återigen, som sedan jämfördes med den inledande mätningen. Resultatet visade att det fanns en signifikant skillnad i två av de sju motivationsskalorna i “Academic Motivational Scale”, den inre motivationen att prestera och den yttre introjicerade motivationen. Detta styrker tidigare studier som visat en koppling mellan visualisering av en elevs nedlagda tid på avklarade moment och elevens prestation i skolan. / This case study aims to examine if a visualization of undergraduate students’ learning sessions can increase their motivation to study. Previous studies have shown that there is a correlation between motivation and visualization of time spent on, for example, training in gyms. Consequently, this case study aims to expand on this subject and examine if there is a similar correlation in time spent on studying and the motivation to study in higher educational settings. This question is mainly of interest for developers of learning management systems, such as online course platforms, since if the case study results show that there is an increase in motivation caused by a visualization of time spent studying it would be of value to implement in their learning management systems. Furthermore, this question is of interest for students since it could increase their motivation to study. The case study was initialised by measuring and evaluating 28 undergraduate students’ motivation, to calculate a reference value. The students were then asked to log their study sessions each day and they were given daily updates based on their loggings of their time spent studying during two weeks, with visual bar charts. The case study finished by re-evaluating the motivation of the students and comparing it to the initial measurement. The results showed that there was a significant difference in 2 of the 7 motivational categories of the employed “Academic Motivational Scale”, namely the intrinsic motivation towards accomplishment, and the extrinsic introjected motivation. This further validates previous studies which shows a connection between visualising a students total time spent on accomplished course modules.

Studie operativního řízení výroby / The Study of the Operating Production Management

Mayerbergová, Ilona January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to use the principles of lean manufacturing to lean workplace and eliminate all forms of waste in this workplace. A part of this work is opti-mal design of the workplace in terms of ergonomics which should have a positive effect on shortening lead time and process cycle efficiency. Shortening the lead time will allow company to respond more quickly to customer requirements and this effect may subsequently lead to the drop in inventories.

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