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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Killar och tjejers faktorstruktur i personlighetsformuläret Pers Q

Jonsson, Emma, Nieminen, Marja-Lena January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det nya personlighetsformuläret Pers Q fungerar på ungdomar samt studera eventuella könsskillnader i personlighet. Vidare undersöks om bakgrundsvariablerna årskurs, syskonplacering, sociokulturell bakgrund samt självuppskattad skolprestation har samband med personligheten. Studien är ett led i utprövningen av Pers Q som mäter verifierade personlighetsfaktorer med validitet för arbetskriterier. Respondenterna består av 138 killar och 233 tjejer från gymnasiet (n=371). En explorativ principalkomponentanalys verifierade en tidigare faktorstruktur med sju personlighetsfaktorer: Omtanke om andra (alfa ,87), Noggrannhet (,84), Social förmåga (,84), Kreativitet (,82), Humörinstabilitet (,77), Stresstålighet (,76) samt Självförtroende (,72). Resultatet visar signifikanta könsskillnader i fem av sju faktorindex. Slutresultatet visar att Pers Q är ett snabbt och lätthanterligt personlighetsformulär som fungerar väl på ungdomar.

PERSONLIGHETSFAKTORER OCH RISKY BUSINESS : Vilka personlighetsfaktorer är kopplade till individers riskbenägenhet?

Markebjer, Susanne K. A., Holst, Carina January 2011 (has links)
Personlighetsfaktorerna har betydelse för hur mycket risker individer tar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan personlighetsfaktorerna enligt femfaktormodellen och graden av generell riskbenägenhet. Mycket av tidigare forskning har kopplat personlighet till domänspecifikt risktagande som hälsa, ekonomi och arbete, medan denna studie undersöker kopplingen till generell riskbenägenhet i vardagen vilket kan vara att välja ett okänt resmål eller att söka till en ny universitetsutbildning. 189 undersökningsdeltagare i olika åldrar och från olika yrkesgrupper besvarade en enkät bestående av två olika tester, den svenska versionen av the Big Five Inventory (BFI) och en svensk översättning av the Risk Propensity Scale (RPS). Resultatet visar på ett signifikant samband mellan fyra av de fem personlighetsfaktorerna enligt femfaktormodellen och en ökad riskbenägenhet, nämligen Öppenhet, Samvetsgrannhet, Utåtriktning och Vänlighet. Däremot fanns ingen signifikant korrelation mellan personlighetsfaktorn Neuroticism och riskbenägenhet.

Do Work Values Add to the Prediction of Entrepreneurial Intent Above and Beyond Personality?

Pooya, Arash January 2011 (has links)
This study examined the importance of the Big-Five personality traits and work values for the prediction of entrepreneurial intent. Data were collected from a sample of 261 undergraduate students at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Results of a hierarchical regression analysis revealed that none of the Big-Five personality factors predicted entrepreneurial intent; however, the importance individuals attached to achievement and social-affective work values accounted for 9% of the variance in entrepreneurial intent, above and beyond personality. The results lend support to the argument that entrepreneurship is a cultural phenomenon and that entrepreneurs are ‘made’ as opposed to ‘born’. Consequently, the implications of culture and gender characterization are discussed in relation to entrepreneurial intentions. Finally, a dynamic model of entrepreneurial emergence is proposed and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Är mamma verkligen lik sin mamma? : En studie kring motivation utifrån generationstillhörighet och personlighetsdrag i temporära arbetsgrupper

Karim, Tabin, Astvik, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
Purpose – The current study aims to analyze how employees in temporary groups gets motivated, based on their personality traits and generation belonging, focusing on the goal setting theory. The study also focuses on the combination of these two variables concerning the goal setting theory. Design – A total of 56 individuals working in project groups completed the questionnaire made for measure their personality traits and their work motivation. Findings – Results in this specific case demonstrated differences in motivation based on their personality traits and generation. The study also found differences when studying the combination of the two variables. For example that generation X employees with a high trait of extrovert, gets motivated by taking more responsibility, while employees in generation Y with high trait of openness gets motivated when a goal is set high. Research limitations – this study should be seen as a case and not to be generalized across all employees working in temporary groups.

Conscientiousness, Locus of Control och Arbetsmotivation

Petersson, Kristina, Suvanto, Mikaela January 2010 (has links)
Studien syftade till att undersöka om det finns samband mellan conscientiousness, Locus of Control och arbetsmotivation samt om ålder och anställningslängd predicerar en del av ar-betsmotivation. Studien omfattade 63 anställda (28 kvinnor och 35 män) på ett telekommuni-kationsföretag i Sverige. För att studera conscientiousness användes ett egenformulerat test med god intern homogenitet, Cronbachs alfa = 0,85. För att mäta Locus of Control och ar-betsmotivation användes redan konstruerade test med god validitet och reliabilitet, skapade av Rotter (1966) och Cammann, Fichman, Jenkins och Klesh (i Bowling & Hammond 2008). I den statistiska prövningen användes både bivariat korrelation i form av Spearmans rho och MRA-standard och hierarkisk. Spearmans rho visade ett signifikant samband mellan consci-entiousness och arbetspsykologisk motivation. Standard MRA visar att endast conscientious-ness förklarar en del av arbetspsykologisk motivation. Varken ålder eller anställningslängd predicerade delar av arbetspsykologisk motivation, vilket inte stämmer överens med tidigare forskning. I diskussionen förs resonemang om resultatet i relation till tidigare forskning. / The study aimed to investigate whether there are correlations between conscientiousness, Lo-cus of Control and job motivation, and if age and length of service predict job motivation. The study comprised 63 staff (28 women and 35 men) at a telecommunications company in Swe-den. To study conscientiousness, we used a self-constructed test with good internal homo-geneity, Cronbach's alpha = .85. To study Locus of Control and job motivation we used al-ready developed tests, with high validity and reliability, created by Rotter (1966) and Cam-mann, Fichman, Jenkins and Klesh ( in Bowling & Hammond 2008). Statistical tests, using both bivariate correlations such as Spearman's rho and standard and hierarchical MRA showed significant relationship between conscientiousness and job motivation. Using stan-dard MRA shows that only conscientiousness predicts aspects of motivation. Neither age nor length of service predicted aspects of motivation, which is not consistent with previous re-search. The discussion is carried on effect on the outcome in relation to previous research.

Sambandet mellan personlighet och arbetsmotivation bland kvinnliga entreprenörer

Piguillet, Doris January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Fördomar och urvalsprocessen till polisutbildningen

Banck, Nicklas January 2007 (has links)
Över 6000 personer söker till de 900 lediga studieplatserna vid polishögskolan vid varje ansökningstillfälle. Urvalet för att tillsätta dessa platser är således stort. Kritik har dock riktats mot polisens urvalsprocess som har utpekats för inte tillräckligt kunna identifiera och gallra ut olämpliga individer med låg och bristfällig respekt och inställning till andra människor och olikheter. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka skillnader i fördomar mellan två grupper; sökande till, och studerande vid polishögskolan (N=84) och jämföra dessa med en ickepolisiär kontrollgrupp. Fördomarna mättes med tre moderna fördomsfullhetsskalor; rasism, sexism och fördomar mot homosexuella. Studien undersökte även undersökningsdeltagarnas personlighetstyper med Big-Five Inventory (BFI), Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) och Social Dominance Orientation (SDO). Inga skillnader mellan grupperna i fördomsfullhet hittades, dock visade sig kombinationen av BFI, RWA och SDO vara bra på att predicera fördomsfullhet. Resultaten diskuterades och polisutbildningens urvalsprocess uppmanas reflektera över införande av motsvarande personlighetstest.

The big five as predictors of procedural justice perceptions

Wrenn, Kimberly Andrews 17 October 2005 (has links)
This study investigated the Big Five as predictors of procedural justice perceptions. Perceptions of a personality test, an assessment interview, a cognitive test, and the process as a whole were measured immediately after testing and again after the selection process outcome was known. The strongest pattern of relationships emerged between extraversion and procedural justice perceptions of the personality test and the individual assessment interview. No other personality factors were consistently predictive of procedural justice perceptions. Selection process outcome was not predictive of procedural justice perceptions. Comparisons across measures revealed that applicants perceived the assessment interview more positively than the personality test or the cognitive test and that applicants perceived the process as a whole more positively than the individual measures.

Employees¡¦ personality traits and job characteristics influence their job involvement in M company

Wu, Ya-chen 31 January 2011 (has links)
The present study investigates whether employees¡¦ personality traits and job characteristics influence their job involvement in M company. Using 163 samples, we found that the interaction of employees¡¦ personality traits and job characteristics, influence their job involvement. In addition, employees¡¦ personality traits and job characteristics have no significant influence on job involvement. The factors that affect the job involvement not only the two can separate cover. Enterprises should pay attention to employees¡¦ personality traits and job characteristics fit, making the employees in their suitable job. Employees have a high degree of job involvement will bring more benefits for organization.

The Inflence of Motivation in Participating Clinical Trial: Evidence from Healthy Volunteers

Li, Yu-Rong 18 July 2011 (has links)
Due to the rapidly development in biomedical industry and the progressive needs in clinical trial, the clinical trial has remarkably increased during the past years. The composition of volunteers is not only included patients but also healthy subjects, which catered for the differences of research design of the trial. Thus, many ethical issues related to clinical trials have gained attention, particularly, the motivations of participating in clinical trials from healthy volunteers are crucial issue. The intention of the study is not only to understand the mainly motivation, perception and personality trait of healthy volunteers, but also to discuss the influence of demographic variables and personality trait on the motivation of volunteers participating clinical trials in Taiwan. This study was a cross-sectional survey research. The study sample included 196 healthy volunteers from three different biomedical clinical trial companies. The self-administered questionnaire contained 15 questions. The internal consistency reliability (£\) for the BFI scale was .789. One-way ANOVA and post-hoc analysis were used to examine the differences of the motivation in different demographic variables. In addition, hierarchical regression analysis was employed to investigate the determinants of different motivation. The results of the study showed most of the healthy volunteers were single male undergraduate students with age 20-24. The types of personality, openness¡Bextraversion and agreeableness, tended to be high tendentiousness. On the other hands, the subjects in neuroticism personality tended to be low tendentiousness. Moreover, the results showed the main motivation of the healthy volunteers is financial rewards, followed by free physical examination and the last is invitation by friends, respectively. According to the results of the study, the relatedness between the motivation of participating clinical trials and different variables showed that the elder subjects considered the free physical examination and promoting scientific and medical development as the mainly motivation, and showed less concern of companion invitation. Also, the subjects with higher education concerned the invitation by companion as less priority. Comparing with students, the waged volunteers showed less consideration of promoting scientific and medical development as motivation. Moreover, the healthy volunteer with average income between 10,000 to 19,999 NT considered mostly free physical examination, promotion of scientific and medical development and curiosity as the main motivation for the trial. The more involved in clinical trial the more consideration of other motivation and less concern of the invitation by companion. Furthermore, the subjects with more agreeableness personality trait tend to be more consideration of promoting scientific and medical development as their mainly motivation. In conclusion, the financial rewards is the priority consideration and shows remarkable influence to the motivation for the healthy volunteers, compared with the risk assessment and the consideration of personal health conditions. Thus, the clinical trials companies should balance between the rewards and health conditions. Particularly, the understandable and fully explanation as well informed consent before any trial implementation are necessary. Moreover, the researcher should be carefully concern about the health condition enrolling volunteers, in order to prevent the volunteer form harm.

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