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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The creation and dissolution of binaries in William Gibson's <i>Neuromancer: Babylon, Zion, and the artificial intelligences</i>

Friesen, Rilla Marie 31 March 2008
Since William Gibson includes a Rastafarian Enclave and a theological compass in <i>Neuromancer</i>, this can be used to examine the troublesome natures of the two Artificial Intelligences, Wintermute and Neuromancer. The Rastafarian's beliefs and interpretations of Babylon and Zion, the oppressors and the liberated, add political significance to the Tessier-Ashpool's and their enslaved Artificial Intelligences. Since the Artificial Intelligences are both created of Babylon the Tessier-Ashpools and also wanting to be free of them, they are something outside of both. In the Artificial Intelligences, then, Gibson collapses the straightforward dichotomy of Babylon and Zion.

The creation and dissolution of binaries in William Gibson's <i>Neuromancer: Babylon, Zion, and the artificial intelligences</i>

Friesen, Rilla Marie 31 March 2008 (has links)
Since William Gibson includes a Rastafarian Enclave and a theological compass in <i>Neuromancer</i>, this can be used to examine the troublesome natures of the two Artificial Intelligences, Wintermute and Neuromancer. The Rastafarian's beliefs and interpretations of Babylon and Zion, the oppressors and the liberated, add political significance to the Tessier-Ashpool's and their enslaved Artificial Intelligences. Since the Artificial Intelligences are both created of Babylon the Tessier-Ashpools and also wanting to be free of them, they are something outside of both. In the Artificial Intelligences, then, Gibson collapses the straightforward dichotomy of Babylon and Zion.

“Fiction is woven into all” –The Deconstruction of the Binary Opposition Fiction/Reality in John Fowles’s The French Lieutenant’s Woman

Partanen, Susanne January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

The Monsters, the Men, and the Spaces Between in The Island of Doctor Moreau and Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Venter, Herman Adriaan January 2017 (has links)
In this dissertation I explore the dynamics of how the definition of the human is established and subsequently challenged in both H.G. Wells’s The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896) and R.L. Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886). Late nineteenth-century Europe was a time and place where an exploration of the definition of what it means to be human was particularly uncomfortable. The structures that upheld the then accepted conceptions of the human were under assault by new scientific discourses such as Darwinist theories of evolution, criminal anthropology and degenerationism. I show how the anxieties that these discourses inspired are reflected in the texts, and also examine how the communities in the texts act to reinforce the collapsing definition of what it means to be human. Victorian efforts to resolve this crisis of identity were mainly rooted in attempts to classify the natural world and to find or create some form of stable categorical distinction between the ‘human’ and the Other, or the not-human. The nature of the Other varied widely but manifested in terms of species, race, gender and class, to name but a few categories. The mechanisms through which humans, both as individuals and as communities, created and maintained their ‘humanity’ is examined through the use of theories of the liminal, from Anton van Gennep ([1909] 1960) to Homi Bhabha (1994). The reasons for the fear of the liminal characters are explored through Julia Kristeva’s (1982) notion of the abject – a phenomenon which arises in a confusion of the boundaries and distinctions between the subject and the object, the Self and the Other. Using Jeffrey Jerome Cohen’s (1996) ‘Monster Theory’, I examine what the texts reveal about the society in which the authors were writing and what the appeal or horror of each monster’s particular type of liminality might have been for contemporary readers. In my conclusion I show that the fears and anxieties in Wells’s and Stevenson’s texts are still extant today. The monsters in the texts reflect changing conceptions of what it means to be human. By examining the nature of the fear that these monsters inspire, one can better understand both the readers of the time and the origins of the modern understanding of what it means to be human, what it means to be Other, and the realisation that, ultimately, perhaps we all exist somewhere betwixt and between. / Dissertation (MA--University of Pretoria, 2017. / English / MA (English) / Unrestricted

Типологија и функција женских ликова у епским песмама Вукове збирке / Tipologija i funkcija ženskih likova u epskim pesmama Vukove zbirke / Typology and function of female characters in epic poetry collection of epic poems written by Vuk

Darmanović Katica 15 May 2017 (has links)
<p>Типолошке одреднице у проучавању женских ликова епских народних песама показују стварни значај јунакиња и њихову позицију у епском систему. Испитане су функције женских ликова, степен и врста њихових активности у структури песме (од пасивне позиције до изразито активне) и типови односа, нарочито према мушким ликовима и утврђен је велики број позитивних женских ликова у односу на негативне.<br />Епски контекст најчешће одражава реалну позицију жене и оквире у којима се стварају изузетни, велики и свевремени ликови епских јунакиња. Породични, социјални, митски, историјски и психолошки оквири, као и поетика епског песништва, моделују типове јунакиња (тип мајке, љубе, невесте, сестре, ћерке, девојке и виле) преко бинарних опозитних парова и женски ликови у Вуковим епском песмама сагледани су као комплексни и семантички разноврсни типови. Прецизна позиција јунакиње у песми значи откривање смисла њених речи и дејства који су рефлекс правила традиционалне културе. Носећи у себи многе особине несвојствене мушком свету, женски лик открива колико моћи, знања, снаге и храбрости припада женском начелу, када постаје подршка или опасност и зашто је народни певач најјачу одбрану патријархалног устројства поверио управо женским ликовима.</p> / <p>Tipološke odrednice u proučavanju ženskih likova epskih narodnih pesama pokazuju stvarni značaj junakinja i njihovu poziciju u epskom sistemu. Ispitane su funkcije ženskih likova, stepen i vrsta njihovih aktivnosti u strukturi pesme (od pasivne pozicije do izrazito aktivne) i tipovi odnosa, naročito prema muškim likovima i utvrđen je veliki broj pozitivnih ženskih likova u odnosu na negativne.<br />Epski kontekst najčešće odražava realnu poziciju žene i okvire u kojima se stvaraju izuzetni, veliki i svevremeni likovi epskih junakinja. Porodični, socijalni, mitski, istorijski i psihološki okviri, kao i poetika epskog pesništva, modeluju tipove junakinja (tip majke, ljube, neveste, sestre, ćerke, devojke i vile) preko binarnih opozitnih parova i ženski likovi u Vukovim epskom pesmama sagledani su kao kompleksni i semantički raznovrsni tipovi. Precizna pozicija junakinje u pesmi znači otkrivanje smisla njenih reči i dejstva koji su refleks pravila tradicionalne kulture. Noseći u sebi mnoge osobine nesvojstvene muškom svetu, ženski lik otkriva koliko moći, znanja, snage i hrabrosti pripada ženskom načelu, kada postaje podrška ili opasnost i zašto je narodni pevač najjaču odbranu patrijarhalnog ustrojstva poverio upravo ženskim likovima.</p> / <p>Typological distinctions in the study of female characters in Serbianepic poetry show the real importance of heroines and their position in the epic system. We analysed functions of female characters, level and kind of their activities in the structure of a poem (from passive position to an extremely active) as well as types of their relationships, especially with male characters and found out that the number of positive female characters exceeded the one of negative.<br />Epic context usually expresses the real position of a woman and the framework within which exceptional, great and timelesscharacters of epic heroines have beencreated. Family, social, mythical, historical and psychological frames, as well as the epic poetry, model the types of these heroines (type of a mother, beloved one, bride, sister, daughter, girlfriend and fairy) throughbinary opposing pairs and female characters in Vuk<br />Karadžić&rsquo;s epic poems have been perceived as complex and semantically diverse types.The precise position of heroines within a poem means revealing the meaning of her wordsand activities and the effect which is the reflection of the rules of traditional culture. A female character, bearing in itself many features uncharacteristic for the man&rsquo;s world, reveals how much power, knowledge, strength and courage belongs to the female principle, when it becomes a support or a danger and why the strongest defense of the patriarchal systemhas been given to female characters.</p>

Can Humbert be Trusted with the Telling of His Tale?A Deconstructive Study of Binary Oppositions in Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita

Jangblad Jukic, Anna January 2013 (has links)
In Lolita, Humbert is obsessed with the 12-year-old Lolita. It is a vulgar and disturbing story which raises questions about morality and ethics. With a sophisticated and elegant narrative, Humbert manages to draw attention to language rather than to his actions. Through fancy prose style Humbert covers up and hides his horrible actions. His verbal game serves to manipulate his readers to accept Humbert´s feelings and actions and sympathize with him.  Humbert´s narration is very persuasive and the reader is easily fooled to concentrate on what he says rather than what he does. In this essay deconstructive method is used to analyse Lolita. The study shows how binary oppositions are used in Lolita and what effect they have on the reader´s comprehension of the text. The study presents a number of incongruities in Humbert´s telling of the story and therefore the essay argues that Humbert cannot be trusted with the telling of his tale.

In between East and West : Eastern German Identity Construction along the East-West Binary and the Potential for Transformation

Robinski, Marie January 2021 (has links)
30 years into the existence of a unified German Republic, the emphasis of differences, the use of stereotypes and the existence of economic inequalities remain. This affects the younger post-unification generation - children that were born after 1989. The study is concerned with the investigation into the process of identity construction along the East-West binary and the effects this process has on said binary division. Thereby, the Eastern German perspective is stressed by using in-depth interviews with Eastern German respondents for a narrative analysis that is based on structural, interactional and performative principles. This thesis sees its contribution in the renewal of the deadlocked debate about the German East-West discourse by taking a postmodern stance on identity while applying a sociological theoretical framework and postcolonial concepts. The ambivalence in identity construction and the indication for a hybrid form of identity point at the existence of a Third Space, in which socio-political transformations can take place.

Aspects of a deconstructive study of AM Maphumulo's poetry

Ndlovu, Bheka Stanley 02 1900 (has links)
This research examines the poetry of A.M Maphumulo by utilising selected strategies from the deconstructive literary theory. The exploration involves a critical analysis and application of deconstruction to isiZulu poetry, and more specifically to a selection of Maphumulo’s poems. This research shows that deconstruction does not constitute a traditional analysis of poetry, but that the theory attempts to interplay various meanings at the same time without giving prominence to a singular meaning. Perceptions regarding deconstruction are highlighted such as that the readings merely dismantle creative works without contributing much to its value. This research sets out to prove this observation wrong by first providing a deconstructive thematic reading of two themes of Maphumulo; that of death and education. Furthermore, the deconstruction approach is outlined and applied with specific attention to the multiplicity of meaning in Maphumulo’s poetry. Intertextuality and influence are also examined as it is evident that the poet Maphumulo was influence by his culture, the Bible and nature, amongst other influences. It is shown how the poet synthesises different influences and styles of poetry into a new original mode. Although this research focuses on selected aspects of the deconstructive procedure in analysing isiZulu texts, it is finally recommended that more research should be effected on deconstruction, and especially on Maphumulo’s poetry. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

Kärlek eller bara en fling? : En retorisk komparativ analys av Match och Victoria Milans TV-reklamfilmer / Just a love story?

Holst, Susanne January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar belysa de två företagen Match och Victoria Milans TV-reklamfilmer. Det primära syftet är att undersöka vilka retoriska grepp Match och Victoria Milan använder sig av i reklamfilmerna för att värva nya betalande medlemmar till webbplatserna. Genom retorisk analys granskas respektive reklamfilm. De retoriska teorier som används är ethos, pathos, logos -triaden och de semiotiska aspekterna denotation och konnotation. I mitt arbete analyserar jag även videoproduktionstekniken för att belysa kameravinklar. Med hermeneutik som vetenskaplig ansats tolkas reklamfilmerna med hjälp av den hermeneutiska cirkeln som tillvägagångssätt. Det sekundära syftet med detta arbete är att jämföra likheter och skillnader mellan reklamfilmerna. De frågor jag ställer är 1) vilka likheter och skillnader finns i reklamfilmerna och 2) hur skiljer sig könsmönstret åt mellan reklamfilmerna. För att synligöra de strukturer som finns kommer jag att använda mig av strukturalistisk teori. Victoria Milan har fram till idag enbart producerat en reklamfilm som analyseras. Match har däremot producerat flera reklamfilmer och jag har därför valt att granska den senaste av dessa reklamfilmer. Analysen visar att båda reklamfilmernas styrka och persuasiva effekt ligger i att de förenar rationella och emotionella apeller – att den tänkta mottagaren både känner igen sig i reklamfilmerna och att de innehåller argument. Reklamfilmerna vilar på strukturalistiska binära motsatspar som ligger till grund för hur mannen och kvinnans roll i reklamfilmerna framställs/upplevs olika. I Matchs reklamfilm är det mannen som styr. I Victoria Milans reklamfilm är det kvinnan som är aktiv. En slutsats som dras är att två undermedvetna frågor väcks hos mottagaren, ”det kan bli verklighet” (Match) och ”det kan bli bättre” (Victoria Milan). Genom denna emotionella påverkan ingjuts hopp i det undermedvetna hos de tänkta målgrupperna. Hoppet mottagaren känner är ett starkt retoriskt grepp som båda företagen använder sig av. Att hitta en ursäkt till ett dåligt beteende blir dock Victoria Milans främsta retoriska grepp. Nyckelord: ethos, pathos,logos- triaden, visuell retorik, TV-reklamfilm, hermeneutik, binärt motsatsförhållande, dejting, internet, Barthes, Lévi-Strauss / This study aims to highlight the two firms Match and Victoria Milan's television commercials. The primary purpose is to explore the rhetorical strategies Match and Victoria Milan use in the commercials to attract new paying members to the sites. Each advertisement is examined through rhetorical analysis. The rhetorical theories used are the triad of ethos, pathos, logos and the semiotic aspects of denotation and connotation. In my work I also analyze video production technology to illuminate the camera angles. With hermeneutics as a scientific approach I will interpret the commercials by using the hermeneutic circle approach.The secondary objective of this work is to compare the similarities and differences between the commercials. The questions I ask are 1) the similarities and differences in the commercials and 2) how different gender patterns differ between the commercials. To visualize the structures that exist, I will use structuralist theory. Victoria Milan has until today only produced one television commercial that is analyzed. Match, however, produced several commercials and I have therefore chosen to examine the most recent of these commercials. The analysis shows that both advertising films strength and persuasive power lies in that they combine the rational and emotional Apelles – the intended recipient both recognize themselves in the commercials and that the commercials contain arguments. The Promotional Films are based on structuralist binary opposites that form the basis of how man and woman's role in advertising films are produced / perceived differently. In the Match commercial the man is in control. In the Victoria Milan commercial the woman is the one who is active. One conclusion is that two sub-conscious issues are raised by the recipient, "it can become areality" (Match), and "it could be better" (Victoria Milan). This emotional influence instilles hope in the subconscious of the intended target groups. The hope they feel is a strong rhetorical approach that both companies use. Finding an excuse for bad behavior, however, is Victoria Milan's main rhetorical strategy. Keywords: triad of ethos, pathos, logos, visual rhetoric, television commercials, binary opposition, dating, internet, Barthes, Lévi-Strauss

Nauji kuriančios moters vaizdavimo stereotipai Dalios Jazukevičiūtės prozoje / New Stereotypes of Creating Women in Prose of Dalia Jazukevičiūtė

Bubulytė, Inga 27 August 2009 (has links)
Dalia Jazukevičiūtė (g. 1952 m.) – viena populiariausių, moterų rašytojų Lietuvoje. Pirmuoju Lietuvos nepriklausomybės dešimtmečiu autorė išgarsėjo tiriamosios žurnalistikos straipsniais. Jazukevičiūtės kūryba apdovanota ne viena premija, o jos trys romanai Anarchistės išpažintis, Juodas kvadratas, Dviejų mėnulių baras susilaukė didelio literatūrologų dėmesio. Rašytoja savo romanuose vaizduoja kuriančią moterį ir jos ieškojimus gyvenime. D. Jazukevičiūtė kuriančios moters stereotipą priešpastato iki tol literatūroje vyravusiam tradicinės moters paveikslui. Tradicinė moteris literatūroje buvo vaizduojama kaip atsisakanti savo interesų, nenorinti ar nesugebanti keistis kartu su besikeičiančiu pasauliu. Jazukevičiūtės romanų tematika apima kuriančios moters gyvenimo istoriją. Autorės kūryboje iškyla ne tik vaizduojamojo laikotarpio peripetijos, bet ir skaudi moteriškoji patirtis. Ryžtingas Jazukevičiūtės „silpnosios“ ir „stipriosios“ lyčių kaip socialinės problemos išryškinimas, moters paveikslo keitimas, kritikų ir skaitytojų vertinimai, liudija moteriškosios problematikos aktualumą. Magistro darbo objektas - kūrybine veikla užsiimančios moters „aš“ raiškos problema, remiantis D. Jazukevičiūtės romanų Anarchistės išpažintis (2007), Juodas kvadratas (2007), Dviejų mėnulių baras (2008) pagrindinių veikėjų, Katerinos N., Stellos ir Marijos gyvenimo istorijomis. Darbo tikslas - atskleisti naujus kuriančios moters vaizdavimo bruožus Dalios Jazukevičiūtės romanuose Anarchistės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Dalia Jazukevičiūtė (D.O.B. 1952) is one of the most popular women writers in Lithuania. During the first decade of Lithuanian Independence the author earned her fame by the articles of investigative journalism. The creational work of Jazukeviciute is awarded for some times and her three novels “Anarchistės išpažintis”, “Juodas kvadratas”, “Dviejų mėnulių baras” received much attention from literary specialists. In her novels the writer depicts creating woman and her searches in life. D. Jazukeviciute sets the stereotype of creating woman against the picture of traditional woman, which prevailed in literature till then. Traditional woman in literature was depicted as rejecting her own interests, not wanting or not being able to change with the changing world. The topics of Jazukeviciute’s novels includes life story of a creating woman. In the author’s creational work not only peripeteias of depictive periods are raised, but also a painful woman’s experience. Resolved emphasis of Jazukeviciute’s “weak” and “strong” genders as a social problem, change of woman’s picture, evaluations of critics and readers witness relevance of womanly problematic. The object of master thesis – self-expression problem of a woman, engaged in creative activity, with reference to life stories of protagonists Katerina N., Stella and Marija from the novels by D.Jazukeviciute “Anarchistės išpažintis” (2007), “Juodas kvadratas” (2007), “Dviejų mėnulių baras” (2008). Aim of master thesis – to... [to full text]

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