Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biodegradable"" "subject:"iodegradable""
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Biodegradable Mono and Multilayer Materials with Antimicrobial Capacity Based on Circular Bioeconomy of Application Interest in Food PackagingFigueroa López, Kelly Johana 28 June 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El envasado activo es una de las tecnologías emergentes más relevantes de la industria alimentaria. Su objetivo es interactuar con el espacio de cabeza del envase para controlar las reacciones enzimáticas, químicas, físicas y microbiológicas que deterioran los alimentos por medio de la absorción o liberación. La actual tesis doctoral trata originalmente del desarrollo y la caracterización de estructuras de envasado de alimentos activas y biodegradables mono y multicapa basadas en materiales de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA) electroestirados derivados de estrategias de bioeconomía circular. Con el fin de dotar con propiedades activas los materiales de envasado, se incorporaron a los PHA aceites esenciales, extractos naturales, nanopartículas metálicas o combinaciones de los mismos mediante electrospinning de soluciones. Las fibras resultantes de PHA por electrospinning se recocieron para obtener monocapas continuas que, posteriormente, se combinaron con películas de polímeros biodegradables fundidas, sopladas o fundidas con disolventes y/o con revestimientos de barrera de nanocristales de celulosa bacteriana (CNC) para desarrollar novedosos sistemas multicapa con propiedades antimicrobianas y de barrera. Estos sistemas multicapas basados en PHA presentaron un buen rendimiento térmico y mecánico, así como altas propiedades de barrera a los vapores y gases. Las películas activas también mostraron mejores propiedades antioxidantes y una alta actividad antimicrobiana contra las bacterias transmitidas por los alimentos tanto en sistemas abiertos como, lo que es más importante, en sistemas cerrados, que pueden imitar las condiciones de envasado en casos reales. Por lo tanto, los materiales y prototipos desarrollados en este trabajo pueden ser muy prometedores como materiales de envasado, para constituir bandejas, flow packs y tapas, siendo completamente renovables y también biodegradables, con una potencial capacidad de aumentar tanto la calidad, como la seguridad de los productos alimenticios en el nuevo contexto de la Bioeconomía Circular. / [CA] L'envasament actiu és una de les tecnologies emergents més rellevants de la indústria alimentària. El seu objectiu és interactuar amb l'espai de cap de l'envàs per controlar les reaccions enzimàtiques, químiques, físiques i microbiològiques que deterioren els aliments per mitjà de l'absorció o alliberament. L'actual tesi doctoral tracta originalment de el desenvolupament i la caracterització d'estructures d'envasat d'aliments actives i biodegradables mono i multicapa basades en materials de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA) electroestirados derivats d'estratègies de bioeconomia circular. Per tal de dotar amb propietats actives dels materials d'envasat, es van incorporar als PHA olis essencials, extractes naturals, nanopartícules metàl·liques o combinacions dels mateixos mitjançant electrospinning de solucions. Les fibres resultants de PHA per electrospinning es recocieron per obtenir monocapes contínues que, posteriorment, es van combinar amb pel·lícules de polímers biodegradables foses, bufades o foses amb dissolvents i / o amb revestiments de barrera de nanocristalls de cel·lulosa bacteriana (CNC) per desenvolupar nous sistemes multicapa amb propietats antimicrobianes i de barrera. Aquests sistemes multicapes basats en PHA van presentar un bon rendiment tèrmic i mecànic, així com altes propietats de barrera als vapors i gasos. Les pel·lícules actives també van mostrar millors propietats antioxidants i una alta activitat antimicrobiana contra bacteris transmeses pels aliments tant en sistemes oberts com, el que és més important, en sistemes tancats, que poden imitar les condicions d'envasament en casos reals. Per tant, els materials i prototips desenvolupats poden ser molt prometedors com materials d'envasat, per constituir safates, flow packs i tapes, sent completament renovables i també biodegradables, amb la capacitat potencial final d'augmentar tant la qualitat, com la seguretat de els productes alimentaris en el nou context de l'Bioeconomia Circular. / [EN] Active packaging is one of the most relevant emerging technologies in the food industry. It aims to interact with the packaging headspace to control the enzymatic, chemical, physical, and microbiological reactions that deteriorate food through scavenging or releasing means. The current PhD thesis originally deals with the development and characterization of mono and multilayer active and biodegradable food packaging structures based on electrospun polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) materials derived from circular bioeconomy strategies. In order to provide the packaging materials with active properties, essential oils, natural extracts, metallic nanoparticles or combinations thereof were incorporated into PHA by solution electrospinning. The resultant electrospun PHA mats were annealed to obtain continuous monolayers that were, thereafter, combined with cast-extruded, blown or solvent-casted biodegradable polymer films and/or barrier coatings of bacterial cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) to develop novel multilayer systems with antimicrobial and barrier properties. These PHA-based multilayers systems presented good thermal and mechanical performance as well as high barrier properties to vapors and gases. The active films also showed improved antioxidant properties and high antimicrobial activity against food-borne bacteria in both open and, more importantly, closed systems, which can mimic real case use packaging conditions. Therefore, the here-developed materials and prototypes can be very promising as packaging materials, to constitute trays, flow packs and lids, being completely renewable and also biodegradable, with the final potential capacity to increase both quality and safety of food products in the new Circular Bioeconomy context. / Al programa Santiago Grisolía de la Generalitat Valenciana (0001426013N810001A201) por concederme la beca Predoctoral. Al proyecto EU
H2020 YPACK “High Performance Polyhydroxyalkanoates Based Packaging to Minimise Food Waste” (Grant agreement 773872) de la Comisión Europea. Al proyecto RTI2018-097249-B-C21 financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España. A la Unidad Asociada IATA-UJI en “Polymer Technology”. / Figueroa López, KJ. (2021). Biodegradable Mono and Multilayer Materials with Antimicrobial Capacity Based on Circular Bioeconomy of Application Interest in Food Packaging [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/168439 / Compendio
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Use of ferulic and cinnamic acids to obtain active films based on starch and PLA for food packaging applicationsOrdóñez Lagos, Ramón Alberto 21 July 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Los residuos de envases alimentarios contribuyen en gran medida a la actual crisis medioambiental provocada por los plásticos. Por ello, la industria alimentaria necesita soluciones de envasado más sostenibles y respetuosas con el medio ambiente, utilizando materiales biodegradables y activos para alargar la vida útil de los alimentos. En este sentido, la presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo la obtención de películas activas a base de almidón y PLA mediante la incorporación de ácidos ferúlico o cinámico como compuestos activos, con el fin de desarrollar laminados multicapa que cumplan con los requisitos de envasado de alimentos, con capacidad antibacteriana para alargar la vida útil del producto.
La incorporación de los ácidos ferúlico y cinámico a las matrices de almidón de yuca mediante el proceso de mezclado en fundido, al 1 y 2%, promovió la plastificación de la película, probablemente debido a la hidrólisis parcial del polímero durante el proceso de mezclado. Los análisis de la actividad antibacteriana de las películas frente a Escherichia coli y Listeria innocua, en medio de cultivo, revelaron que las películas con ácido cinámico eran más eficaces para inhibir el crecimiento bacteriano, y que Listeria innocua era más sensible a ambos ácidos que E. coli.
Cuando los ácidos se incorporaron a las matrices de PLA al 1 y 2% mediante mezclado en fundido, las propiedades funcionales de las películas no se vieron muy afectadas. Sin embargo, los ensayos antimicrobianos in vitro con L. innocua y E. coli, no mostraron acción antibacteriana. Los estudios de liberación mostraron una liberación muy limitada de los ácidos desde la matriz de PLA debido al estado vítreo de la matriz polimérica y a su naturaleza hidrofóbica, que limitan el hinchamiento y la relajación del polímero en contacto con medios acuosos, como muchas matrices alimentarias. Por lo tanto, para promover la liberación del compuesto activo desde la matriz de PLA, se analizaron diferentes estrategias: 1) plastificar las películas termoprocesadas con PEG 1000, 2) aumentar la concentración de los compuestos en la película, 3) procesar las películas por casting y 4) anclar los compuestos activos a la superficie de la película.
Sólo la incorporación superficial de ferúlico o cinámico en las películas de PLA dio lugar a una inhibición significativa del crecimiento bacteriano. La pulverización de las películas de PLA con soluciones etanólicas de ácido permitió la formación superficial de una capa sobre concentrada de compuestos activos en las películas, con formaciones cristalinas que dio lugar a una adecuada liberación de activos para inhibir el crecimiento bacteriano. Disoluciones de PLA-ácido, utilizando mezclas de acetato de etilo con DMSO o ácido acético glacial, fueron electrodepositadas en la superficie de las películas. Los sistemas con DMSO produjeron fibras con una elevada superficie específica que inhibieron significativamente el crecimiento bacteriano, mientras que los sistemas con ácido acético produjeron estructuras particuladas sin actividad antimicrobiana.
Se consideró la incorporación superficial de los compuestos activos para obtener películas de tres capas PLA/almidón/PLA (PSP) con mejores propiedades funcionales y capacidad antimicrobiana. Las películas cargadas superficialmente, tanto por electrospinning como por pulverización, mostraron una eficaz inhibición del crecimiento de E. coli y L. innocua, siendo las películas recubiertas por electrospinning más eficaces que las pulverizadas.
Por lo tanto, los laminados PSP, con incorporación superficial de ácidos ferúlico o cinámico, representan una buena alternativa para obtener materiales de envasado de alimentos activos, con capacidad para preservar la calidad de los alimentos y prolongar su vida útil. No obstante, son necesarios más estudios sobre aplicaciones específicas en alimentos reales para determinar la posible aplicación industrial y la viabilidad económica de estos materiales. / [CA] Els residus d' envasos alimentaris contribueixen en gran mesura a l' actual crisi mediambiental provocada pels plàstics. Per això, la indústria alimentària necessita solucions d' envasament més sostenibles i respectuoses amb el medi ambient, utilitzant materials biodegradables i actius per allargar la vida útil dels aliments. En aquest sentit, aquesta tesi doctoral té com a objectiu l' obtenció de pel·lícules actives a base de midó i PLA mitjançant la incorporació d' àcids ferúlic o cinàmic com a compostos actius, per tal de desenvolupar laminats multicapa que compleixin amb els requisits d' envasament d' aliments, amb capacitat antibacteriana per allargar la vida útil del producte.
La incorporació dels àcids ferúlic i cinàmic a les matrius de midó de iuca mitjançant el procés de mesclament en fos, a l'1 i 2% p/p, va promoure la plastificació de la pel·lícula, probablement a causa de la hidròlisi parcial del polímer durant el procés de barret. Les anàlisis de l'activitat antibacteriana de les pel·lícules enfront d'Escherichia coli i Listeria innocua, en medi de cultiu, van revelar que les pel·lícules amb àcid cinàmic eren més eficaces per inhibir el creixement bacterià, i que Listeria innocua era més sensible a tots dos àcids que E. coli.
Quan els àcids van incorporar a les matrius de PLA a l'1 i al 2% mitjançant mesclament en fos, les propietats funcionals de les pel·lícules no es van veure gaire afectades. No obstant això, els assajos antimicrobians in vitro amb L. innocua i E. coli, no van mostrar acció antibacteriana. Els estudis d'alliberament van mostrar un alliberament molt limitat dels àcids ferúlic i cinàmic des de la matriu de PLA a causa de l'estat vitri de la matriu polimèrica i a la seva naturalesa hidrofòbica, que limiten l'hinxament i la relaxació del polímer en contacte amb mitjans aquosos, com moltes matrius alimentàries. Per tant, per promoure l' alliberament del compost actiu des de la matriu de PLA, es van analitzar diferents estratègies: 1) plastificar les pel·lícules termoprocessades amb PEG 1000, 2) augmentar la concentració dels compostos a la pel·lícula, 3) processar les pel·lícules per casting i 4) ancorar els compostos actius a la superfície de la pel·lícula.
Només la incorporació superficial de ferúlic o cinàmic a les pel·lícules de PLA va donar lloc a una inhibició significativa del creixement bacterià. La polvorització de les pel·lícules de PLA amb solucions etanòliques d'àcid va permetre la formació superficial d'una capa sobreconcentrada de compostos actius a les pel·lícules, amb formacions cristal·lines, que va donar lloc a un adequat alliberament d'actius per inhibir el creixement bacterià. Dissolucions de PLA-àcid, utilitzant mescles d'acetat d'etil amb DMSO o àcid acètic glacial, van ser electrodepositades a la superfície de les pel·lícules. Els sistemes amb DMSO van produir fibres amb una elevada superfície específica que van inhibir significativament el creixement bacterià, mentre que els sistemes amb àcid acètic van produir estructures particulades sense activitat antimicrobiana.
Es va considerar la incorporació superficial dels compostos actius per obtenir pel·lícules de tres capes PLA/midó/PLA (PSP) amb millors propietats funcionals i capacitat antimicrobiana. Les pel·lícules carregades superficialment, tant per electrospinning com per polvorització, van mostrar una eficaç inhibició del creixement d'E. coli i L. innocua, sent les pel·lícules recobertes per electrospinning més eficaços que les polvoritzades.
Per tant, els laminats PSP, amb incorporació superficial d'àcids ferúlic o cinàmic, representen una bona alternativa per obtenir materials d'envasat d'aliments actius, amb capacitat per preservar la qualitat dels aliments i prolongar la seva vida útil. No obstant això, calen més estudis sobre aplicacions específiques en aliments reals per determinar la possible aplicació industrial i la viabilitat econòmica d' aquests materials. / [EN] Food packaging waste is a major contributor to the current environmental crisis caused by conventional plastic. Therefore, the food industry needs more sustainable environmentally friendly packaging solutions, such as using biodegradable and active materials to extend the food shelf-life. In this sense, the present doctoral thesis aims to obtain active films based on starch and PLA by incorporating ferulic or cinnamic acids as active compounds, in order to develop multilayer assemblies useful to meet food packaging requirements, with antibacterial capacity to extend the product shelf life.
The incorporation of ferulic and cinnamic acids into cassava starch matrices through melt-blending process, at 1 and 2% w/w, promoted the film plasticization, probably due to the partial hydrolysis of polymer during the melt-blending process. The analyses of the antibacterial activity of the films against E. coli and Listeria innocua strains, in culture medium, revealed that films with cinnamic acid were more effective at inhibiting the bacterial growth, and that L. innocua was more sensitive to both acids than E. coli.
When the acids were incorporated into PLA matrices at 1 and 2% w/w by melt blending, the functional properties of the films were not greatly affected. However, the in vitro antimicrobial tests with L. innocua and E. coli, did not show antibacterial action. Release studies showed very limited release of the ferulic and cinnamic acids from the PLA matrix due to the glassy state of polymer matrix and its hydrophobic nature that limits the polymer swelling and relaxation in contact with aqueous media, such as many food matrices. Therefore, in order to promote the release of active compound from the PLA matrix, different strategies were analysed: 1) plasticizing the thermoprocessed films with PEG 1000, 2) increasing the concentration of the compounds in the film, 3) processing the films by casting and 4) anchoring the active compounds to the film surface.
Only the surface incorporation of ferulic or cinnamic on PLA films gave rise to significant bacterial growth inhibition. Pulverization of PLA films with ferulic or cinnamic acid ethanol solutions allows the formation of an overconcentrated layer of active compounds on the films with crystalline formations that led to an adequate release of actives to inhibit the bacterial growth. PLA-acid solutions, using blends of ethyl acetate with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or glacial acetic acid, were electrospun on the film surface. DMSO systems produced fibre-structured mats with high specific surface that significantly inhibited bacterial growth, whereas acetic acid systems produce bead-based mats that not had antimicrobial activity.
The surface incorporation of the active compounds was considered for obtaining three-layered films PLA/starch/PLA (PSP) with improved functional properties and antimicrobial capacity. Superficially loaded films by both electrospinning or pulverisation, showed effective growth inhibition of E. coli and L. innocua, electrospun films being more effective than pulverised, suggesting greater ability to release the active compounds.
Therefore, PSP laminates, with surface incorporation of ferulic or cinnamic acids, represent a good alternative to obtain active food packaging materials with the capacity to preserve food quality and extend shelf life. Nonetheless, further studies on the material stability and specific applications in real foods are necessary to determine the possible industrial application and economic viability of these materials. / The authors thank the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Ministerio de Ciencia e
Innovación, Spain) for the financial support through projects AGL2016-76699-R and
PID2019-105207RB-I00. / Ordóñez Lagos, RA. (2022). Use of ferulic and cinnamic acids to obtain active films based on starch and PLA for food packaging applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/184814 / Compendio
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Valorisation of rice straw by obtaining active compounds and cellulosic materials for the development of biodegradable food packaging systemsVieira de Freitas, Pedro Augusto 16 January 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En esta tesis se obtuvieron fracciones celulósicas y extractos activos de paja de arroz mediante diferentes técnicas de extracción y purificación, utilizando agua como disolvente. Estas fracciones se incorporaron en películas de almidón y PLA, y en bicapas de almidón-PLA, para obtener materiales de envasado activos para extender la vida útil de diferentes alimentos. Los extractos obtenidos por combinación de ultrasonidos y calentamiento a reflujo (USHT) y con agua subcrítica (SWE) (a 160 °C (SWE-160) y 180 °C (SWE-180)) presentaron un alto contenido fenólico (37, 51 y 83 mg GAE.g-1 de extracto seco, respectivamente) y actividad antioxidante (6,3, 2,0 y 1,2 mg de extracto seco.mg-1 DPPH, respectivamente). Los extractos SWE fueron activos contra L. innocua y E. coli. Se aislaron fibras de celulosa (FC) del residuo insoluble de las diferentes extracciones. A pesar de las ligeras diferencias en el grado de purificación, los nuevos métodos dieron lugar a FCs con rendimientos más elevados que el método alcalino (35-39 % frente al 29 %), con cristalinidad (60-69 %), comportamiento térmico y relación de aspecto (20-60) similares.
Se incorporaron fibras USHT al 1, 3 y 5 % (p/p) en películas termoprocesadas de almidón de maíz, y de almidón de maíz modificado térmicamente. La incorporación al 3 % dio lugar a películas con mejores propiedades funcionales. Los extractos activos (al 4, 6 y 8 % en peso) en la matriz de almidón, con o sin CF (3 %), dieron lugar a películas más extensibles y menos resistentes, con mayor capacidad de barrera al oxígeno. Las bolsas monodosis de aceite de girasol con estas películas activas y reforzadas redujeron eficazmente la oxidación.
Las películas activas de PLA termoprocesado, con diferentes proporciones (2, 4 y 6 % p/p) del extracto USHT, presentaron color y propiedades mecánicas ligeramente peores, pero con mayor barrera al oxígeno. La cinética de liberación de los antioxidantes incorporados en simulantes alimentarios de diferente polaridad (A: productos acuosos; y D1: sistemas de aceite en agua), mostró que las películas con un 6% de extracto, tuvieron una capacidad antioxidante similar en simulantes con distinta polaridad.
Se obtuvieron bicapas biodegradables laminando PLA, con y sin extracto USHT (6 %), y almidón termoplástico, con o sin FC USHT (3 %). Las bicapas mostraron mejor capacidad de barrera global que las monocapas. Sin embargo, la migración de compuestos entre capas dio lugar a películas menos rígidas y resistentes de lo esperado de la contribución del film de PLA. Las bicapas activas y reforzadas alargaron la vida útil de carne de cerdo refrigerada.
Las películas de PLA con un 6 % (p/p) de los diferentes extractos (USHT, SWE-160 y SWE-180) presentaron menor resistencia mecánica y capacidad de barrera al vapor de agua, pero una mayor capacidad de barrera al oxígeno y a la luz UV. Además, estas películas, especialmente con el extracto SWE-180, alargaron la vida útil de la carne de cerdo refrigerada.
Las FCs obtenidas con los diferentes métodos de purificación también se utilizaron para producir aerogeles de celulosa. Las diferencias composicionales afectaron a la microestructura de los aerogeles. La capacidad de absorción y de retención de agua de los aerogeles estuvo dentro de los rangos descritos para este tipo de materiales.
Por tanto, fue posible obtener fracciones valorizadas de la paja de arroz, extractos activos y fibras celulósicas, útiles en el desarrollo de materiales biodegradables activos a base de almidón y PLA. Son necesarios más estudios para validar la seguridad alimentaria de los materiales, así como para el desarrollo de otras aplicaciones en el campo de la industria alimentaria o farmacéutica. / [CA] En aquesta tesi doctoral es van obtenir fraccions cel·lulòsiques i extractes actius de palla d' arròs mitjançant l'aplicació de diferents tècniques d'extracció i purificació, utilitzant aigua com a dissolvent. Aquestes fraccions es van incorporar a pel·lícules de midó i PLA, i bicapes de midó-PLA, per obtenir materials d'envasament actius útils per allargar la vida útil de diferents aliments. Els extractes combinant ultrasons i escalfament a reflux (USHT) i amb aigua subcrítica (SWE) (a 160 °C (SWE-160) i 180 °C (SWE-180)) van mostrar un alt contingut fenòlic (37, 51 i 83 mg GAE.g-1 d'extracte sec, respectivament) i activitat antioxidant (6,3, 2,0 i 1,2 mg d'extracte sec.mg-1 DPPH, respectivament). Els extractes SWE van mostrar activitat antibacteriana contra L. innocua i E. coli. Es van aïllar fibres de cel·lulosa (FC) de les fraccions insolubles de l'extracció. Malgrat les lleugeres diferències en el grau de purificació, els nous mètodes van donar lloc a FCs amb rendiments més elevats que el mètode alcalí (35-39 % enfront del 29 %), amb cristal·linitat (60-69 %), comportament tèrmic i relació d'aspecte (20-60) similars.
Es van incorporar fibres USHT a l'1, 3 i 5 % (p/p) en pel·lícules de midó de dacsa, i de midó de dacsa modificat per tractament tèrmic. La incorporació al 3 % va donar lloc a pel·lícules amb les millors propietats funcionals. Els extractes actius (al 4, 6 i 8 % en pes) a la matriu de midó, amb o sense CF (3 %), proporcionaren pel·lícules més extensibles i menys resistents, però amb més capacitat de barrera a l'oxigen. Les bosses monodosi de l'oli de gira-sol amb aquestes pel·lícules actives i reforçades van reduir eficaçment l'oxidació.
Les pel·lícules actives de PLA amb diferents proporcions (2, 4 i 6 % p/p) de l'extracte USHT, presentaren color i propietats mecániques lleugerament pitjors, però amb major capacitat de barrera a l'oxigen. La cinètica d'alliberament dels antioxidants incorporats, en simulants alimentaris de diferent polaritat (A: productes aquosos; i D1: sistemes d'oli en aigua), va mostrar que les pel·lícules amb un 6% d'extracte, tenien una capacitat antioxidant similar en simulants amb diferent polaritat.
Es van obtenir bicapes biodegradables laminant PLA, amb i sense extracte USHT (6 %), i midó termoplàstic, amb o sense FC USHT (3 %). Les bicapes van mostrar millor capacitat de barrera global que les monocapes. No obstant això, la migració de compostos entre capes va donar lloc a pel·lícules menys rígides i resistents respecte a l'esperat de la contribució de la pel·lícula de PLA. Les bicapes actives i reforçades van allargar la vida útil de carn de porc refrigerada.
Les pel·lícules de PLA amb un 6 % (p/p) dels diferents extractes (USHT, SWE-160 i SWE-180) van presentar menor resistència mecànica i capacitat de barrera al vapor d'aigua, però una major capacitat de barrera a l'oxigen i a la llum UV. A més, aquestes pel·lícules, especialment amb l'extracte SWE-180, van allargar la vida útil de la carn de porc refrigerada.
Les FCs obtingudes amb els diferents mètodes de purificació també es van utilitzar per produir aerogels de cel·lulosa. Les diferències composicionals van afectar la microestructura dels aerogels. La capacitat d' absorció i de retenció d'aigua dels aerogels va estar dins dels rangs descrits per a aquest tipus de materials.
Per tant, va ser possible obtenir fraccions valoritzades de la palla d' arròs, extractes actius i fibres cel·lulòsiques, útils en el desenvolupament de materials biodegradables actius a base de midó i PLA. Són necessaris més estudis per validar la seguretat alimentària dels materials, així com per al desenvolupament d' altres aplicacions en el camp de la indústria alimentària o farmacèutica. / [EN] This Doctoral thesis focused on obtaining cellulosic fractions and bioactive extracts from rice straw (RS) by applying different extraction and purification techniques, using water as a green solvent. These fractions were incorporated into starch and poly (lactic acid) (PLA)-based films, as well as into starch-PLA bilayers, to obtain active packaging materials useful for extending the shelf life of different food matrices. The extracts obtained by applying a combined ultrasound-reflux heating method (USHT) and subcritical water extraction (SWE) (at 160 °C (SWE-160) and 180 °C (SWE-180)) exhibited high phenolic content (37, 51, 83 mg GAE.g-1 dry extract, respectively) and antioxidant activity (6.3, 2.0, and 1.2 mg dry extract.mg-1 DPPH, respectively). The SWE extracts showed antibacterial activity against L. innocua and E. coli. Cellulose fibres (CF) were isolated from the extraction insoluble fractions and compared with those obtained from the traditional alkaline method. Despite slight differences in the degree of purification, the new methods gave rise to CFs with higher yields than the alkaline method (35-39% vs. 29%), with similar crystallinity (60-69%), thermal behaviour, and aspect ratios.
USHT fibres were incorporated into corn starch (1, 3, and 5% wt.), and corn starch-modified by heat treatment, obtained by thermoprocessing. The incorporation of CF at 3% gave rise to films with the best functional properties. When active extracts were incorporated at different ratios (4, 6, and 8% wt.) into the starch matrix, with or without CF (3%), the films were more stretchable and less resistant, but with higher oxygen barrier capacity. Likewise, mono-dose bags of these active and reinforced films effectively reduced the oxidation of packed sunflower oil.
Active, plasticised PLA films were produced, incorporating USHT extract (2, 4, and 6% wt.) by thermoprocessing, which exhibited colour and slightly worsened tensile behaviour, but with higher oxygen barrier capacity. The release kinetics of the incorporated antioxidant compounds in food simulants of different polarity (A: aqueous products; and D1: oil-in-water systems) showed that films containing 6% of extract delivered similar antioxidant capacity regardless of the food simulant polarity.
Biodegradable bilayers were obtained by laminating plasticised PLA, with and without USHT extract (6%), and thermoplastic starch, with or without USHT CFs (3%). The bilayers exhibited improved overall barrier capacity with respect to the monolayers. However, the interlayer compound migration led to less stiff and resistant films with respect to that expected from the PLA film contribution. The active and reinforced bilayers were able to extend the shelf life of the packed pork meat during cold storage.
PLA films with 6% wt. of the different extracts (USHT, SWE-160, and SWE-180) were produced, which exhibited lower mechanical resistance and water vapour barrier capacity, but improved oxygen barrier capacity and intense UV light-blocking effect. Furthermore, the active PLA films, especially with SWE-180 extract, extended the shelf life of cold storage pork meat.
The CFs obtained with the different purification methods were also used to produce cellulose aerogels. The differences in the chemical composition of the CFs affected the aerogels' microstructure. The water absorption and retention capacity of the aerogels were within the previously reported ranges for this type of material.
Thus, it was possible to obtain valorised fractions of rice straw, active extracts and cellulosic fibres, useful in developing active biodegradable materials based on starch and PLA. Further studies are needed to validate the food safety of the materials, as well as for developing other applications in the food or pharmaceutical industry. / The authors thank the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Spain) for the financial support
through projects PID2019-105207RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and Generalitat
Valenciana [grant number GrisoliaP/2019/115]. / Vieira De Freitas, PA. (2022). Valorisation of rice straw by obtaining active compounds and cellulosic materials for the development of biodegradable food packaging systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191380 / Compendio
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Effects of landfill sites on groundwater quality in Igando, Alimosho Localgovernment Area, Lagos stateOyiboka, Ifeoma Jennifer 03 1900 (has links)
With increasing population comes the concern for waste disposal. The absence of sanitary disposal methods has left most city residents with open landfills as their only source of waste disposal. The resulting leachate formed from the decomposition of these waste materials is highly polluting and finds its way to the underground water supply. The study investigated the effects of open landfill sites on the underground water quality by examining the physical and chemical properties of underground water in hand-dug wells around the Solous landfill sites in Igando, Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State. Solous landfill is the second largest landfill by landmass and volume of waste in Lagos State. Systematic random sampling was used for data gathering. Eighteen hand-dug wells were sampled at increasing distances from the landfill site. Physical, chemical and microbiological parameters were analysed at the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA). Soil samples were also taken from both the A (0 – 30cm) and B (30 – 60cm) horizons of the water sampling points to determine the soil texture (silt, clay and loamy composition) and to show the impact of soil texture on ground water quality within the sampled area. The level of contamination of groundwater was also determined using the Contamination Index method. The results showed high degree of conformance with W.H.O standard with respect to the microbiological properties of the sampled groundwater. However, coliform tests indicated the potential presence of pathogens. Of the seven (7) physical parameters tested, conductivity was higher in one sample. The study of chemical properties from the eighteen wells showed five (5) parameters (dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity, iron, lead, nitrates and copper) above W.H.O limits in some samples. The water may therefore not be safe for human consumption and there is a serious need to monitor the groundwater quality in the area.
The level of contamination of groundwater was also determined using the Contamination Index method. Areas of high and medium contamination were discovered. There was no area with low contamination level in the area sampled. Contamination levels were mapped to show the exact levels of contamination in the study area. The results of the soil analysis showed that the study area had soil that was mostly sandy in nature which may suggest an increase in parameters over time with significant health implications for the people who depend on surrounding wells for domestic use. The study also showed no significant variation in water quality with increasing distance from the dump site. Findings also indicated that the water around Solous 1 was of better quality for domestic use than groundwater around Solous 2 and 3 due to temporal reduction of contaminant concentration. There is therefore a need for adequate and proper planning, design and construction, and strategic management disposal of waste, as well as the implementation of a better sustainable environmental sanitation practice. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)
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Srovnání polymerních nanoléčiv odpovídajících a neodpovídajících na vnější podněty pro biomedicinální aplikace / Responsive and non-responsive soft matter nanomedicines for biomedical applicationsJäger, Eliézer January 2015 (has links)
The thesis outlines possible medical applications of soft matter assemblies as nanotechnology based systems as well as their potential in the emerging field of nanomedicine. Nanomedicine can be defined as the investigation area encompassing the design of diagnostics and therapeutics at the nanoscale, including nanobots, nanobiosensors, nanoparticles and other nanodevices, for the remediation, prevention and diagnosis of a variety of illnesses. The ultimate goal of nanomedicine is to improve patient quality-of-life. Because nanomedicine includes the rational design of an enormous number of nanotechnology-based products focused on miscellaneous diseases, a variety of nanomaterials can be employed. Therefore, the thesis is driven by a focus on recent advances in the manufacture of soft matter-based nanomedicines specifically designed to improve cancer diagnostics and chemotherapy efficacy. It will in particular highlight liposomes, polymer-drug conjugates, drug- loaded block copolymer micelles and biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles, emphasizing the current investigations and potential novel approaches towards overcoming the remaining challenges in the field as well as a brief overview of formulations that are in clinical trials and marketed products. Based on vehicle-related and...
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[pt] Ésteres de glicerol derivados de ácidos graxos são surfactantes não iônicos com aplicação como lubrificantes, agentes anti-estáticos, auxiliares de processamento, plastificantes, anti-espumas, agentes de dispersão e de outras aplicações que requerem atividade bifuncional. Os monoésteres de glicerol derivados de ácidos graxos naturais, tais como ácido octanóico (C menos 8), decanóico (C menos 10) e octadecanóico (C menos 18), foram sintetizados e caracterizados por técnicas de infravermelho e ressonância magnética nuclear de hidrogênio e carbono 13. Eles foram espalhados sobre uma subfase aquosa formando filmes de Langmuir em uma cuba de teflon. As propriedades interfaciais destes surfactantes foram investigadas na interface ar-água. Desta forma, foi também possível avaliar a isoterma de Langmuir Pi-A e as propriedades mecânicas das monocamadas através do módulo de compressão (Cs elevado a potencia negativa 1). As monocamadas mostraram um comportamento na fase de líquido expandido confirmado pelo módulo de compressão de 10 a 70 mN/m e na fase de líquido condensado confirmado pelo módulo de compressão de 70 a 175 mN/m. Por meio da espectroscopia de reflexão-absorção de infravermelho com fotomodulação (PM-IRRAS) e a microscopia no ângulo de Brewster (BAM) foi avaliada a organização dos filmes de Langmuir dos surfactantes. A elasticidade superficial dilatacional (E) dos filmes adsorvidos foram analisadas pelo método da gota pendente em um goniômetro. / [en] Fatty acid glycerol esters are non-ionic surfactants with application as lubricants, antistatic agents, processing aids, plasticizers, defoamers, dispersion aids and other applications requiring bifunctional activities. Monoesters of glycerol based on natural fatty acids such as octanoic acid (C less 8), decanoic acid (C less 10) and octadecanoic acid (C less 18), were synthesized and characterized by infrared and hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance and carbon 13 nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. They were spread over the water subphase forming Langmuir films in a Teflon trough. The interfacial properties of these surfactants at the air/water interface have been investigated. Thus it was also possible to evaluate the Langmuir Pi-A isotherm and mechanical properties of the monolayers by calculating the compression modulus (Cs elevated to negative power 1). The monolayers showed a behavior in the expanded liquid phase, confirmed by the compression modulus between 10 and 70 mN/m and a behavior in the condensed liquid phase confirmed by the compression modulus between 70 and 175 mN/m. Through photomodulated-infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS) and Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) was evaluated organization of Langmuir films of surfactants. The surface dilatational elasticity (E) of the adsorbed films were analyzed by the pendant drop method with a goniometer apparatus.
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Biodegradable Composites : Processing of thermoplastic polymers for medical applications.Damadzadeh, Behzad, Jabari, Hamideh January 2009 (has links)
Despite the recent development in PLA and PLGA based medical devices, there are still needs to further improve the mechanical performance of bioresorbable medical implants and their bioactivity. This is normally done by optimizing the filler compositions in selected groups ofbiodegradable polymer matrices. In this study, the effects of various filler levels on mechanical strength and thermal properties of PLA and PLGA composites were investigated. Composites containing different dosage of osteoconductive HAp with various particles size (0-5μm, 0-50 μm, nano size), β-TCP, bioactive glass and biodegradable Poly-L-lactide and Polylactide-glycolic acid was manufactured with melt blending, using a twin-screw extruder.The samples were investigated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), viscometer, three points bending machine, and Optical Microscopy (OM). The Extruder produced a porous profile. The result from TGA and SEM indicated that there was homogenous filler dispersion in the matrix after compounding.The result from DSC and Viscometer shows that there was some degradation duringcompounding. Mechanical properties of composites were modified by adding filler to matrix. The addition of Bioactive glass, as a filler, increases the degradation of the polymer matrix. The best filler that was applied is 0-5μm and nano HAp. Also in in-vitro degradation part of this thesis work, the effects of calcium phosphate materialsare investigated on degradation process.
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On Phase Behaviours in Lipid/Polymer/Solvent/Water Systems and their Application for Formation of Lipid/Polymer Composite ParticlesImberg, Anna January 2003 (has links)
<p>A new kind of lipid/polymer composite particle, consisting of a biodegradable polymer matrix with well-defined lipid domains, has been created. The lipid used is the water-swelling lipid monoolein (MO), which forms a reversed bicontinuous cubic diamond structure in aqueous solutions. The polymer is poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG), which degrades into water-soluble monomers through hydrolysis. This new particle might be a good alternative for encapsulation of active substances intended to be released over a longer period of time, i.e. sustained/retained/controlled release.</p><p>To prepare such particles can be difficult. Suitable phase behaviour and a solvent with the right properties are needed. For this reason, the phase behaviours of several different lipid/polymer/solvent/water systems have been explored. From the phase behaviour of a suitable system (i.e. MO/PLG/ethyl acetate/water), a route for formation of lipid/polymer composite particles has been deduced. Particles have been formed and distinct, water-swelling, lipid domains have been confirmed by characterization by means of confocal laser scanning probe microscopy (CLSM). </p><p>The sample preparation process has been automated and a method based on using a robotic liquid handler has been developed. Phase diagrams have been determined by examination of macroscopic behaviours and the microstructures of the phases have been studied by small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (L<sub>3</sub>, V<sub>2</sub>, L<sub>α</sub>, L), nuclear magnetic resonance self-diffusion (L, L<sub>3</sub>), viscosimetry (L) and rheology (L). Several different theoretical models have been applied for interpretation of the results. For example, the swelling of the reversed bicontinuous cubic phases and the sponge phase have been modelled by applying the theory of infinite periodical minimal surfaces, the sponge phase has been shown to be bicontinuous according to the theory of interconnected rods and the phase behaviour of the polymer has been described by the Flory-Huggins theory. The main focus of this work (4/5) concerns phase studies in multicomponent systems from a physical-chemical point of view.</p>
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On Phase Behaviours in Lipid/Polymer/Solvent/Water Systems and their Application for Formation of Lipid/Polymer Composite ParticlesImberg, Anna January 2003 (has links)
A new kind of lipid/polymer composite particle, consisting of a biodegradable polymer matrix with well-defined lipid domains, has been created. The lipid used is the water-swelling lipid monoolein (MO), which forms a reversed bicontinuous cubic diamond structure in aqueous solutions. The polymer is poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG), which degrades into water-soluble monomers through hydrolysis. This new particle might be a good alternative for encapsulation of active substances intended to be released over a longer period of time, i.e. sustained/retained/controlled release. To prepare such particles can be difficult. Suitable phase behaviour and a solvent with the right properties are needed. For this reason, the phase behaviours of several different lipid/polymer/solvent/water systems have been explored. From the phase behaviour of a suitable system (i.e. MO/PLG/ethyl acetate/water), a route for formation of lipid/polymer composite particles has been deduced. Particles have been formed and distinct, water-swelling, lipid domains have been confirmed by characterization by means of confocal laser scanning probe microscopy (CLSM). The sample preparation process has been automated and a method based on using a robotic liquid handler has been developed. Phase diagrams have been determined by examination of macroscopic behaviours and the microstructures of the phases have been studied by small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (L3, V2, Lα, L), nuclear magnetic resonance self-diffusion (L, L3), viscosimetry (L) and rheology (L). Several different theoretical models have been applied for interpretation of the results. For example, the swelling of the reversed bicontinuous cubic phases and the sponge phase have been modelled by applying the theory of infinite periodical minimal surfaces, the sponge phase has been shown to be bicontinuous according to the theory of interconnected rods and the phase behaviour of the polymer has been described by the Flory-Huggins theory. The main focus of this work (4/5) concerns phase studies in multicomponent systems from a physical-chemical point of view.
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Wheat Straw-Clay-Polypropylene Hybrid CompositesSardashti, Amirpouyan 23 September 2009 (has links)
The preparation of polymeric hybrid composite consisting of organic and inorganic fillers is of interest for industries like automotive, construction and packaging. In order to understand and predict the physical and chemical properties of these hybrid composites, it is necessary to fully understand the nature and properties of the employed fillers. In this study, the preparation of polypropylene hybrid composite consisting of wheat straw and clay was investigated. A detailed study was performed on wheat straw from South Western Ontario region. The effect of grinding the straw and compounding it with polypropylene was investigated. Experiments were carried out to identify the thermal stability of the ground wheat straw with respect to their size and composition. It was important to identify a correlation between these properties in order to minimize the straw degradation by processing and also to improve the final properties of the hybrid composite. The composite samples were prepared through melt blending method using a co-rotating twin-screw extruder. Sample test bars were prepared by injection moulding. The composition of the constituents of the hybrid composite; percentages of wheat straw, clay and coupling agent, were varied in order to investigate their influence on thermal stability, water resistance and mechanical properties.
The results of the study indicated that grinding the wheat straw with a hammer mill produced particles with different sizes and shapes. It was found that through the grinding system all particles, regardless of their size, had a multi-layered structure similar to the plant structure. Further hammer milling did not produce plant particles with long aspect ratios that would be expected in a defibrillation process. Analysis of the chemical composition of wheat straw particles of different sizes and shapes was used to measure the ratio of hemicelluloses: lignin and the ash content. It was found that the large particles contained more amount of lignin whereas smaller particles had larger amount of ash content. The thermal stability of the particles was found to be a function of particle size rather than the lignin content. Particle size analysis on the wheat straw particles after the extrusion process indicated a reduction in the particle length and aspect ratio.
The thermal stability of the composites was found to be enhanced by the addition of clay particles at higher temperature and the addition of coupling agent at lower temperatures. Increasing the amount of wheat straw and clay content increased the flexural modulus and reduced the resistance for water absorption. Increasing the amount of coupling agent also increased the flexural modulus and resistance for water absorption. The morphological study by scanning electron microscopy revealed that coupling agent increased the interfacial interaction between the particles and the polymer matrix.
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