Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biodegradable"" "subject:"iodegradable""
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Valorization of by-products and products from agro-industry for the development of release and rejuvenating agents for bituminous materials / Valorisation de sous produits et produits de l'industrie agroalimentaire pour le développement d'agents revenants et anti-adhérents destinés aux matériaux bitumineuxMikhailenko, Peter 15 July 2015 (has links)
La croissance de caution vis-à-vis l'utilisation des produits pétroliers dans la construction a nécessité le besoin de développement des alternatives. Le BTP, en particulaire pour le secteur routière, a un certain nombre des piste ou les produits pétrolières ont utilisés, par exemple le liant pour les enrobés comme les agents régénérant (pour recyclage des enrobés), mais aussi le produits qui sont utilisés sur le chantier comme les anti-adhérents (ARA) et les débituminants (BR). Alors, il y a une besoin de remplacer les produits d'origines pétrolières par les alternatives bio-sourcés. Ce présent ouvre est une partie d'un projet qui va développer une nouvelle filière dédiée à la production de nouvelles formulations pour le BTP à partir de la transformation des huiles végétales et des graisses animales. Ce thèse concerne les produits développés seront destinés au l'asphalte, et alors, deux types d'applications sont particulièrement visés : (i) des agents anti-adhérents et (ii) des agents régénérants. Un débituminant sera développé aussi. Les produits anti-adhérents ont pour fonction d'empêcher le bitume d'adhérer aux engins de travaux sans effet secondaire, théoriquement, sur la matrice liante.. L'objet du travail est de caractériser l'efficacité et l'innocuité des agents anti-adhérents développés dans le cadre du projet et de développer les méthodes expérimentales visant à les évaluer. Trois essais principaux ont été développés pour caractériser la performance et innocuité des anti-adhérents vis-à-vis des essais qui ont optimisé leur implémentation et paramètres. La performance des anti-adhérents a été caractérisé par l'essai de glissance des enrobés. L'innocuité des anti-adhérents ont été caractérisés par des essais de fendage sur les enrobés et par l'essai de la dégradation de bitume. L'essai de la dégradation de bitume a servi aussi comme une mesure de la performance de débituminant. Les essais sur les anti-adhérents commerciaux d'Etats-Unis et la France a trouvé que ils ont deux modes de fonctionnement : i) lixiviation du bitume et ii) en formation d'une interface entre le les enrobés et la surface métallique. Même comme les deux modes ont été trouvé dans des certains anti-adhérents, le mode interface ont été trouvé préférable, grâce à l'option de garder les mêmes applications du produit pour plusieurs cycles de usage. Ensuite, un produit - basé sur glycérol sourcé de l'agro-industrie - a été développé. Les débituminants commerciaux ont été essayé, aves les conclusions : i) les débituminants plus effectifs ont eu les plus grande % des esters et ii) que les esters chaines courtes (C7-10) d'hautes concentrations ont été trouvé les plus efficace. L'agent régénérant est destiné à régénérer le bitume vieilli issu des agrégats d'enrobés (RAP) en lui redonnant ses propriétés originelles et en assurant leur maintien dans le temps. Le travail sur les agents régénérants se compose de la caractérisation physico-chimique du vieillissement du bitume et du bitume vieilli avec l'agent. Plus précisément, le travail se serve des techniques de spectrométrie IRTF (avec imagerie) et thermogravimétrie. Dans ce contexte, une produit bio-sourcé a été évalué comme une régénérant. Pour la spectroscopie FTIR, une moyenne de polir le mastique a été développé pour rassuré la platitude des échantillons. La régénération du bitume a été observé avec la spectrométrie ITRF, donc quelques peaks (notamment les indices IC=O and IS=O) pendant 0-42 jours de vieillissement dans l'étuve (loin-durée). Il a été trouvé qu'une période de vieillissement de 14 jours à l'étuve était à peu près équivalente au bitume vieilli par un cycle de RTFOT + PAV en termes de rhéologie et de la pénétration. Le mastic (vieilli 14 jours) a ensuite été mélangé avec un agent de bio-source (à 7,5% en poids de mastic). Il a été constaté par imagerie FTIR que l'indicateur de l'oxydation IS=O a été réduit par l'incorporation de l'agent régénérant dans le bitume. / The growing health and environmental concerns brought on by the use of petroleum based products in the asphalt construction industry have necessitated the development of alternatives. Infrastructure, especially that involving transportation has many uses for petroleum products including, as fuel, as well as in asphalt pavement construction - where petroleum products have traditionally constituted the binder for the mix as well as the rejuvenating agents (for asphalt recycling) - along with various agents used in the construction process including bitumen removers and asphalt release agents. Thus, there is a need to replace petroleum base agents with bio-sourced and biodegradable substitutes. The present work is part of a project to develop bio-sourced (recycled from agricultural waste) products for the construction industry. This work is dedicated to developing products relating to the asphalt industry. Two types of product applications were envisioned: i) an asphalt release agent (ARA) and ii) an asphalt rejuvenating agent. Additionally, a bitumen remover (BR) developed as part of the work on the ARA. ARAs prevent asphalt from adhering to tools and equipment used in asphalt production, without producing overly negative side effects with regards to the pavement. Three principal tests methods were developed and optimized for the performance and damage to asphalt of the ARAs. The asphalt slide test was developed to quantify the performance of the ARA by sliding hot asphalt mix down a plate with the ARA applied. The testing of the damage to asphalt from ARAs consisted of testing an asphalt cylinder - in contact with an ARA for seven days - in indirect-tensile strength (ITS). The bitumen degradation test consisted of submerging a bitumen sample in an agent over a certain time and weighing the bitumen that did not dissolve in the agent. This was followed by the observation of the bitumen-ARA chemical interaction by FTIR spectrometry. This test served as an assessment of ARA damage to bitumen as well as of the performance of BRs. The testing of the commercial ARAs from both the French and USA markets found that they had two primary modes of functioning: i) by softening the bitumen and ii) by forming an interface between the asphalt and the metal surface. While some agents had elements of both, it was found that interface agents are preferable, due to the ability to use a single ARA application for multiple occasions. With this completed, a water-based bio-sourced substrate ARA - based on glycerol derived from agricultural waste - was developed. The commercially available BRs were tested as well, finding that i) the most effective BRs had the highest ester concentration and ii) that highly concentrated short chained ester (C7-10) were very effective bitumen dissolvers. The goal of rejuvenating agents is to regenerate the old bitumen from recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) by restoring the original properties and ensuring the stability of these properties over time. This part consisted of the development of methods for bitumen and aging, as well as characterization of the chemical rejuvenation of bitumen by FTIR spectrometry (including imaging) and thermogravimetric analysis. A bio-sourced rejuvenating agent was evaluated as well. For the imaging, a mastic polishing method was developed in order to attain as samples as flat as possible for the analysis. The bitumen rejuvenation was observed using FTIR spectroscopy analysis. Several peaks (notably IC=O and IS=O) were observed for bitumen oven aged up to 42 days (long term). It was found that an oven aging period of 14 days was roughly equivalent to bitumen aged by a RTFOT+PAV cycle it terms of rheology and penetration. The mastic (aged for 14 days) was then combined with a bio-sourced agent (at 7.5%w of mastic). It was found by FTIR imaging that the oxidation indicator IS=O, was reduced by the incorporation of the rejuvenating agent.
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Ett nytt användningsområde för materialet OrganoComp® : genom en materialdriven designprocess / A New Application For OrganoComp® : through a material-driven design processBerg, Jonatan January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med detta projekt är att med hjälp av en materialinriktad designprocess skapa en produkt av biokompositmaterialet OrganoComp® för att demonstrera dess styrkor och möjligheter. Arbetet kommer att följa metoden ”Material Driven Design (MDD)”, vilket betyder att processen kommer att börja med en noggrann studie av materialet – dels tekniskt och ur ett användarcentrerat perspektiv, men även jämförelsemässigt mot andra material. Insikterna från dessa studier kommer sedan trattas ner och sammanfattas i en ”designintention” som ska sätta målet för designarbetet. Slutligen kommer ett antal koncept som uppfyller designintentionen arbetas fram, varav ett koncept – ett litet, ihopvikbart och nedbrytbart paraply/regnskydd kommer att väljas ut som det slutgiltiga. Paraplyet visar på materialets vattenavvisande egenskaper, i kombination med hårdhet och vikbarhet. Målet med projektet är att skapa en demonstrator som även har potential att bli en användbar produkt i framtiden, och samtidigt ge företaget OrganoClick nya insikter och flera förslag på nya användningsområden för sitt material.
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Développement de biomatériaux nanofibreux/microporeux actifs pour la régénération osseuse / Smart nanofibrous electrospun membrane for bone regeNErationFerrand, Alice 30 March 2012 (has links)
Les nanotechnologies sont en train de révolutionner le domaine biomédical et plus particulièrement l’ingénierie tissulaire. Elles permettent aujourd’hui, non seulement de réparer mais aussi de régénérer les tissus. Cette nanomédecine régénérative est particulièrement adaptée pour répondre aux besoins importants liés aux maladies dégénératives, au vieillissement et aux traumatismes.Mon travail de thèse s’inscrit dans ce contexte et concerne l’élaboration de biomatériaux nanofibreux et microporeux actifs pour la régénération osseuse. Notre objectif essentiel est de réaliser un implant biodégradable nanostructuré permettant d’accélérer la réparation du tissu osseux. Notre stratégie innovante repose non seulement sur la mise en oeuvre de membranes par électrospinning mais aussi sur leur fonctionnalisation par des facteurs de croissance. Cette fonctionnalisation originale a consisté à enrober ces principes actifs dans des nanoréservoirs en utilisant la technique multicouche de polyélectrolytes. Des membranes de polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofibreuses et microporeuses ont été obtenues par électrospinning puis les fibres ont été enrobées de réservoirs contenant le facteur ostéoinducteur, la protéine morphogénique osseuse 2 (BMP-2). L’induction osseuse engendrée par ces réservoirs actifs a été mise en évidence in vitro après culture d’ostéoblastes humains primaires. Des expérimentations in vivo chez la souris ont permis de confirmer l’accélération de la régénération osseuse grâce à ces nanoréservoirs.Cette même stratégie a été validée in vivo, chez la souris, en utilisant des membranes de collagène d’origine animal commerciales utilisées en clinique. L’activité de ces membranes fonctionnalisées par des nanoréservoirs de BMP-2 est en cours d’analyse dans le cadre de tests précliniques pour une application maxillofaciale et parodontale. / Nanobiotechnology enables the emergence of entirely new classes of bioactive devices intended for targeted intracellular delivery for more efficiency and less toxicities. Tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary field that has attempted to implement a variety of processing methods for synthetic and natural polymers to fabricate tissue and organ regeneration scaffolds.We report here the first demonstration of bone regeneration by using a strategy based on a synthetic nanostructured membrane. This electrospun membrane is manufactured by using a FDA approved polymer, PCL, (polycaprolactone), and functionalized with nanoreservoirs of a growth factor (BMP-2). Our expected outcomes are the development of clinical applications in the field of tissue engineering and nanomedecine and particularly in bone regeneration.We propose the development of smart nanostructured active implants for regenerative medicine. Our strategycombines a synthetic biodegradable electrospun nanofibrous membrane based on PCL and a bioactive growth factor (BMP-2) entrapped into polymer nanoreservoirs built atop the nanofibers according to the layer-by-layer technology. In this study, by using primary osteoblasts, we have shown the capacity of these sophisticated implants to promote and accelerate not only in vitro bone induction; but also, in vivo, bone formation (mouse model).We have also validated our strategy, in vivo (mouse model), by using an already used in the clinic collagen membrane (animal origin) to accelerate bone regeneration. This unique strategy is used to entrap, protect and stabilize the therapeutic agent into polymer coating acting as nanoreservoirs enrobing fibers of membranes.
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Développement et étude des propriétés des films et des pièces injectées de nano-biocomposites de nanowhiskers de cellulose et de polymères biodégradables / Processamento e estudo das propriedades de filmes e peças injetadas de nanobiocompósitos de nanocristais de celulose e matrizes biodegradáveis / Processing and study of properties of films and injected pieces of nanobiocomposites of cellulose whiskers and biodegradable polymersMorelli, Carolina Lipparelli 04 April 2014 (has links)
Notre travail a pour objectif l'étude de l'influence de l'ajout de nanocristaux de cellulose dans des matrices biodégradables sur leurs propriétés. Des films composites et des pièces injectées ont été préparés et caractérisés. Dans ce but, ont été choisis comme matrices le poly(acide lactique), PLA, et le poly (butylène adipate-co-téréphtalate)), PBAT. Deux matières première d'où des nanocristaux de celulose ont été extraites ont été sélectionnées : le bois balse et la cellulose microcrystalline (CMC). En raison du caractère fortement polaire des nanocristaux de cellulose différentes voies de modifications chimiques de la surface de ces particules ont été testées afin d'assurer une bonne dispersion de ceux-ci lorsqu'ils sont ajoutés à des matrices polymères de polarité inférieure. En effet, les approches testées étaient: (a) le greffage de deux types d'isocyanates, dont l'un aliphatique et l'autre aromatique: l'octadécyl isocyanate (NCC_oct) et le phényl-butyle isocyanate (NCC_fb), respectivement; (b) le greffage de poly(butylène glutarate) à travers la technique de polymérisation in situ (NCC_PBG); (c) le greffage de l'acide polyacrylique à travers la technique appelée click chemistry (NCC_PA); et (d) la silanisation avec le - methacryloxy-propyle-trimethoxy-silane(NCC_MPS). Les NCCs initiaux et modifiés ont été ajoutés aux matrices de PBAT ou du PLA par procédés de mélanges à partir de solution (casting) ou à partir de l'état fondu (par extrusion ou en utilisent un homogénisateur de type Drais). En général, la modification chimique de la surface de NCC a augmenté la résistance thermique de celui-ci, a diminué son caractère hydrophile et a amélioré la dispersion des NCCs dans les matrices de PLA et PBAT. Cela a provoqué des augmentations encore plus grandes dans les propriétés de ces polymères, en fonction du type de modification et du procédé de fabrication utilisé. La caractérisation des nanocomposites a démontré que, en général, l'addition des NCCs a augmenté le module d'élasticité de la matrice et a conservé sa rigidité même à températures relativement élevées. Des niveaux plus élevés de NCC conduisent à de plus grandes augmentations de la rigidité. La perméabilité à la vapeur d'eau de PBAT a été réduite par l'introduction de NCC et n'a pas changé dans le cas du PLA. Les résullts de ces travaux ont indiqué de bonnes perspectives concernant l'utilisation des nanocristaux de cellulose comme élément de renfort de matrices polymères. De manière générale, le présent travail a démontré que les NCCs étaient capables d'améliorer les propriétés mécaniques, thermiques et de barrières du PBAT et du PLA, qui sont deux polymères biodégradables largement utilisés dans les applications de films ou de pièces plastiques. De plus, les résultats montrent qu'il est possible de modifier la polarité des NCC en les soumettant à des modifications chimiques de surface afin d'éviter leur agglomération par la formation de ponts de liaisons hydrogènes et de les rendre compatibles avec différentes matrices polymères. Ces modifications chimiques tendent aussi à élever la résistance thermique des NCCs. De cette manière, les procédés à l'échelle industrielle comme l'extrusion et l'injection peuvent être utilisés et fournissent de bons résultats. / This study aimed at evaluating the potential of application of cellulose nanocrystals as reinforcing elements of biodegradable polymeric matrices, in the films and injection molded pieces applications. Two polymeric matrices with different properties were used, namely: poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate), PBAT, and poly(lactic acid), PLA. For the extraction of cellulose nanocrystals (NCC), two sources were selected: microcrystalline cellulose (CMC) and balsa wood . Due to the high polarity of cellulose nanocrystals, different approaches of surface chemical modifications of these particles were tested, in order to ensure their good dispersion when added to polymeric matrices of lower polarity. They were: a) chemical modification with two types of isocyanates, an aliphatic one (octadecyl isocyanate) and an aromatic one (phenylbutyl isocyanate); b) grafting of poly (butylene glutarate) using the in situ polymerization technique; c) silanization treatment; and d) grafting of poly(acrylic acid) through click chemistry technique. Modified and unmodified NCCs were processed with PBAT and PLA by casting or melt extrusion processing techniques. In general, the chemical modification of NCC surface increased their thermal resistance, decreased their polarity and improved their dispersion into PLA and PBAT matrices. Some of these treatments, as well as the processing conditions enabled an increase in the overall mechanical properties of the polymers. Thus, the characterization of the nanocomposites showed that NCC addition increased the elastic modulus of the matrix and retained its higher stiffness even under relatively high temperatures. Higher NCC contents led to larger increases in the stiffness of the ensuing composites. The water vapor permeability of PBAT was also reduced with the introduction of NCC. This work points out several potential good perspectives for the use of celulose nanocrystals as reinforcing elements of polymeric matrices. It showed also that it is possible to obtain significant improvements in the polymer properties using the same processing techniques as those used at industrial scale, such as melt extrusion and injection molding. / O presente estudo de doutorado teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial deaplicação de nanocristais de celulose como reforço em matrizes poliméricasbiodegradáveis, em aplicações de filmes ou em peças moldadas por injeção.Duas matrizes poliméricas de diferentes propriedades foram utilizadas paraestudo nessas aplicações, sendo elas: poli(butileno adipato-co-tereftalato),PBAT, e poli(ácido láctico), PLA. Foram também selecionadas duas fontes paraextração dos nanocristais de celulose (NCC): a celulose microcristalina (CMC)e a madeira balsa.Devido ao caráter altamente polar dos nanocristais de celulose diferentesrotas de modificações químicas superficiais dessas partículas foram testadas,visando garantir a boa dispersão dos mesmos quando adicionados às matrizespoliméricas de menor polaridade. Foram elas: a) modificação química com doistipos de isocianatos, sendo um de cadeia alifática (octadecil isocianato) e outrode cadeia aromática (fenilbutil isocianato); b) enxertia do poli(butileno glutarato)através da técnica de polimerização in situ; c) tratamento de silanização com -metacriloxi-propil-trimetoxi-silano; d) enxertia de poli(ácido acrílico) através datécnica de click chemistry.NCC modificados e não modificados foram processados com PBAT ouPLA através de mistura com o polímero em solução (casting) ou no estadofundido (extrusão ou homogeneizador de alta rotação do tipo Drais).De modo geral, modificações químicas superficiais dos NCC aumentarama estabilidade térmica dos mesmos, diminuíram sua polaridade e melhoraram adispersão dos NCC nas matrizes de PBAT ou PLA. Isso fez com queincrementos ainda maiores nas propriedades desses polímeros pudessem serxxivalcançados, dependendo do tipo de modificação e do processo de misturautilizados.A caracterização dos nanocompósitos obtidos mostrou que a adição deNCC elevou o módulo elástico das matrizes e conservou sua maior rigidezmesmo em temperaturas relativamente elevadas, sendo que maiores teores deNCC levaram a maiores aumentos na rigidez. A permeabilidade a vapor deágua do PBAT também foi reduzida com a introdução dos NCC e não foialterada no caso do PLA.Os resultados desse trabalho apontaram boas perspectivas no uso dosnanocristais de celulose como reforços de matrizes poliméricas. Tambémmostraram que é possível obter melhorias nas propriedades de polímerosmesmo através da utilização de processos de maior reprodutibilidade emescala industrial, como extrusão e injeção.
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Processamento e estudo das propriedades de filmes e peças injetadas de nanobiocompósitos de nanocristais de celulose e matrizes biodegradáveisMorelli, Carolina Lipparelli 04 April 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-04-04 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This study aimed at evaluating the potential of application of cellulose nanocrystals as reinforcing elements of biodegradable polymeric matrices, in the films and injection molded pieces applications. Two polymeric matrices with different properties were used, namely: poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate), PBAT, and poly(lactic acid), PLA. For the extraction of cellulose nanocrystals (NCC), two sources were selected: microcrystalline cellulose (CMC) and balsa wood . Due to the high polarity of cellulose nanocrystals, different approaches of surface chemical modifications of these particles were tested, in order to ensure their good dispersion when added to polymeric matrices of lower polarity. They were: a) chemical modification with two types of isocyanates, an aliphatic one (octadecyl isocyanate) and an aromatic one (phenylbutyl isocyanate); b) grafting of poly (butylene glutarate) using the in situ polymerization technique; c) silanization treatment; and d) grafting of poly(acrylic acid) through click chemistry technique. Modified and unmodified NCCs were processed with PBAT and PLA by casting or melt extrusion processing techniques. In general, the chemical modification of NCC surface increased their thermal resistance, decreased their polarity and improved their dispersion into PLA and PBAT matrices. Some of these treatments, as well as the processing conditions enabled an increase in the overall mechanical properties of the polymers. Thus, the characterization of the nanocomposites showed that NCC addition increased the elastic modulus of the matrix and retained its higher stiffness even under relatively high temperatures. Higher NCC contents led to larger increases in the stiffness of the ensuing composites. The water vapor permeability of PBAT was also reduced with the introduction of NCC. This work points out several potential good perspectives for the use of celulose nanocrystals as reinforcing elements of polymeric matrices. It showed also that it is possible to obtain significant improvements in the polymer properties using the same processing techniques as those used at industrial scale, such as melt extrusion and injection molding. / O presente estudo de doutorado teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial de aplicação de nanocristais de celulose como reforço em matrizes poliméricas biodegradáveis, em aplicações de filmes ou em peças moldadas por injeção. Duas matrizes poliméricas de diferentes propriedades foram utilizadas para estudo nessas aplicações, sendo elas: poli(butileno adipato-co-tereftalato), PBAT, e poli(ácido láctico), PLA. Foram também selecionadas duas fontes para extração dos nanocristais de celulose (NCC): a celulose microcristalina (CMC) e a madeira balsa. Devido ao caráter altamente polar dos nanocristais de celulose diferentes rotas de modificações químicas superficiais dessas partículas foram testadas, visando garantir a boa dispersão dos mesmos quando adicionados às matrizes poliméricas de menor polaridade. Foram elas: a) modificação química com dois tipos de isocianatos, sendo um de cadeia alifática (octadecil isocianato) e outro de cadeia aromática (fenilbutil isocianato); b) enxertia do poli(butileno glutarato) através da técnica de polimerização in situ; c) tratamento de silanização com - metacriloxi-propil-trimetoxi-silano; d) enxertia de poli(ácido acrílico) através da técnica de click chemistry. NCC modificados e não modificados foram processados com PBAT ou PLA através de mistura com o polímero em solução (casting) ou no estado fundido (extrusão ou homogeneizador de alta rotação do tipo Drais). De modo geral, modificações químicas superficiais dos NCC aumentaram a estabilidade térmica dos mesmos, diminuíram sua polaridade e melhoraram a dispersão dos NCC nas matrizes de PBAT ou PLA. Isso fez com que incrementos ainda maiores nas propriedades desses polímeros pudessem ser alcançados, dependendo do tipo de modificação e do processo de mistura utilizados. A caracterização dos nanocompósitos obtidos mostrou que a adição de NCC elevou o módulo elástico das matrizes e conservou sua maior rigidez mesmo em temperaturas relativamente elevadas, sendo que maiores teores de NCC levaram a maiores aumentos na rigidez. A permeabilidade a vapor de água do PBAT também foi reduzida com a introdução dos NCC e não foi alterada no caso do PLA. Os resultados desse trabalho apontaram boas perspectivas no uso dos nanocristais de celulose como reforços de matrizes poliméricas. Também mostraram que é possível obter melhorias nas propriedades de polímeros mesmo através da utilização de processos de maior reprodutibilidade em escala industrial, como extrusão e injeção.
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Desenvolvimento e caracterização de filmes poliméricos de amido de milho nativo e modificado com incorporação de fibras de bagaço de cana e óleos vegetais. / Development and characterization of polymer films of native and modified corn with the incorporation of sugarcane bagasse fibers and vegetable oilsCarmo, Karina Palmizani do 28 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-22T18:41:32Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-04-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A few years ago, several studies have been conducted to transformatio n of raw matter into renewable biodegradable materials, since it is necessary to rethink consumption and rationalize the use of packaging derived from synthetic polymers. Among these raw materials can be detached corn starch produced worldwide, with low cost and high potential for biodegradability. In this paper, aiming a possible application in biodegradable packaging, starch polymeric films were developed using native corn starch with the incorporation of 1 to 4% of fibers sugarcane bagasse from industrial wastes, 2.5, 5 and 10% of castor oil, and 2.5, 5% epoxidized soy bean oil, and modified corn starch films with the incorporation of 1 to 3% fibers sugarcane bagasse, and 2.5, 5 % of epoxidized soybean oil. Some mechanical and thermal analysis for characterization of the films were made. The mechanical p roperties were analyzed by tensile test in Dynamic-Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) equipment. Among the films tested in tension, they stood the native corn starch films that have the best tensile strength results (1.05 MPa) and elongation at break (77.66%), followed by the native starch containing film 3% fiber (0.81 MPa) and native starch films containing 2.5% epoxidized soybean oil (58.55%). The fractured samples were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Thermal an alysis of all kinds of developed films were made by Differential Scanning Calo rimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Thermogravimetric Analysis Derivative, where the DSC curves showed higher thermal stability for native starch films containing castor oil and epoxidized soybean, in which the thermal decomposition was observed between 270 and 291 o C, being higher than the temperatures of other films , and four stages of degradation for these films, and the others had only three stages of degradation. Native starch films with incorporation o f 3% fiber and 2.5% epoxidized soybean oil were buried in soils incubated for completion of the biodegradability test, and analysis of the emissions o f CO2, CH4, and N2O were performed by gas chromatography, it was possible to observe high CO2 emission rates in the first month of incubation for all films. After 90 days, the films were dug up, and the polymer matrix was completely biodegraded. / Há alguns anos, vários estudos têm sido realizados para transformação de matéria- prima de fontes renováveis em materiais biodegradáveis, visto que se faz necessário repensar o consumo e racionalizar a utilização de embalagens derivada s de polímeros sintéticos. Dentre estas matérias-primas pode ser destacado o amido de milho, produzido mundialmente com baixo custo e alto potencial de biodegradabilidade. Neste trabalho, visando uma possível aplicação em embalagens biodegradáveis, filmes poliméricos de amido foram desenvolvidos, utilizando amido de milho nativo, com a incorporação de 1 a 4% de fibras de bagaço de cana- de - açúcar proveniente de resíduos industriais, 2,5, 5 e 10% de óleo de mamona, e 2,5 e 5% de óleo de soja epoxidado, e filmes de amido de milho modificado com a incorporação de 1 a 3% de fibras de bagaço de cana, e 2,5 e 5% de óleo de soja epoxidado. Foram realizadas algumas análises mecânicas e térmicas para caracterização dos filmes. As propriedades mecânicas foram analisadas através de ensaio de tração em equipamento de Análise Térmica Dinâmico-Mecânica (DMT A). Dentre os filmes ensaiados em tração, se destacaram os filmes de amido de milho nativo que obtiveram os melhores resultados de resistência à tração (1,05 MPa) e a o alongamento na ruptura (77,66%), seguido do filme de amido nativo contendo 3% de fibras (0,81 MPa) e do filme de amido nativo contendo 2,5% de óleo de soja epoxidado (58,55%). As amostras fraturadas em tração foram analisadas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Análises térmicas foram realizadas por Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC), Termogravimetria (TG) e Termogravimetria Derivada (DTG), onde as curvas de DSC mostraram maior estabilidade térmica para os filmes de amido nativo contendo óleos de mamona e de soja epoxidado, em que foi observada a decomposição térmica entre 270 e 291 o C, sendo mais elevadas que as temperaturas dos demais filmes, além de, quatro estágios de degradação para estes filmes, sendo que os demais obtiveram apenas três estágios de degradação. Filmes de amido nativo com incorporação de 3% de fibras e 2,5% de óleo de soja epoxidado, foram enterrados em solos incubados, para realização do teste de biodegradabilidade, e as análises das emissões do s gases CO 2 , CH 4 e N 2 O foram efetuadas por cromatografia gasosa, onde foi possível observar altas taxas de emissão de CO 2 no primeiro mês de incubação para todos os filmes. Após 90 dias, os filmes foram desenterrados, e a matriz polimérica foi totalmente biodegradada.
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Micropart?culas de poli (?cido l?tico-co-?cido glic?lico) obtidas por spray drying para a libera??o prolongada de metotrexatoOliveira, Alice Rodrigues de 19 December 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-12-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Methotrexate (MTX) is a drug used in the chemotherapy of some kind of cancers, autoimmune diseases and non inflammatory resistant to corticosteroids uveits. However, the rapid plasmatic elimination limits its therapeutic success, which leads to administration of high doses to maintain the therapeutic levels in the target tissues, occurring potential side effects. The aim of this study was to obtain spray dried biodegradable poly-lactic acid co-glycolic
acid (PLGA) microparticles containing MTX. Thus, suitable amounts of MTX and PLGA were dissolved in appropriate solvent system to obtain solutions at different ratios drug/polymer (10, 20, 30 and 50% m/m). The physicochemical characterizing included the quantitative analysis of the drug using a validate UV-VIS spectrophotometry method, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectrophotometry (IR), thermal analyses and X-ray diffraction analysis. The in vitro release studies were carried out in a thermostatized phosphate buffer pH 7.4 (0.05 M KH2PO4) medium at 37?C ? 0.2 ?C. The in vitro release date was subjected to different kinetics release models. The MTX-loaded PLGA
microparticles showed a spherical shape with smooth surface and high level of entrapped drug. The encapsulation efficiency was greater then 80%. IR spectroscopy showed that there was no chemical bond between the compounds, suggesting just the possible occurrence of hydrogen bound interactions. The thermal analyses and X-ray diffraction analysis shown that MTX is homogeneously dispersed inside polymeric matrix, with a prevalent amorphous state or in a stable molecular dispersion. The in vitro release studies
confirmed the sustained release for distinct MTX-loaded PLGA microparticles. The involved drug release mechanism was non Fickian diffusion, which was
confirmed by Kornmeyer-Peppas kinetic model. The experimental results demonstrated that the MTX-loaded PLGA microparticles were successfully
obtained by spray drying and its potential as prolonged drug release system. / O metotrexato (MTX) ? um f?rmaco utilizado na quimioterapia de alguns tipos
de c?ncer, doen?as autoimunes e uve?tes n?o inflamat?rias resistentes aos corticoster?ides. No entanto, sua r?pida elimina??o plasm?tica limita o sucesso terap?utico, levando ? necessidade de altas doses para manuten??o da concentra??o efetiva no tecido alvo, ocasionando o potencial surgimento de rea??es adversas. O objetivo principal desse estudo foi obter um sistema microparticulado biodegrad?vel ? base de ?cido poli (?cido l?tico-co-?cido glic?lico) (PLGA) por spray drying para libera??o prolongada do MTX. Para isso, quantidades distintas de MTX e PLGA foram dissolvidas em sistema solvente adequado para obter solu??es com diferentes propor??es de f?rmaco
em rela??o ao pol?mero (10, 20, 30 e 50% m/m). A caracteriza??o f?sicoqu?mica
incluiu an?lise quantitativa do f?rmaco incorporado na matriz
polim?rica por espectrofotometria UV-VIS em 303nm previamente validada, microscopia eletr?nica de varredura (MEV), espectrofotometria de infravermelho (IV), an?lises t?rmicas e difra??o de raios-X (DRX). O perfil de libera??o in vitro do f?rmaco nas micropart?culas foi realizado em tamp?o fosfato (0.05 M KH2PO4) em banho termostatizado 37 ?C ? 0.2 ?C. Os dados
obtidos do estudo de libera??o in vitro foram submetidos a diferentes modelos cin?ticos de libera??o. As micropart?culas de PLGA contendo o MTX apresentaram a forma esf?rica, uniforme, com superf?cie aparentemente lisa. O n?vel de efici?ncia de encapsula??o foi superior a 80%. A espectroscopia na regi?o do infravermelho demonstrou que n?o ocorreu liga??o qu?mica entre os
componentes dos sistemas, no entanto foi observado forte intera??o entre o MTX e PLGA indicando prov?vel ocorr?ncia de pontes de hidrog?nio. An?lise
t?rmica e DRX demonstraram que o MTX est? distribu?do na matriz polim?rica com a preval?ncia do estado amorfo ou em dispers?o molecular. O estudo de libera??o in vitro confirmou o perfil de libera??o prolongada para as diferentes micropart?culas. O mecanismo de libera??o envolvido foi por difus?o n?o Fickiana, ao qual foi determinado a partir do modelo cin?tico de Kornmeyer-
Peppas. Os resultados experimentais demonstraram o sucesso na obten??o das micropart?culas de PLGA contendo o MTX por spray drying e seu potencial como sistema de libera??o prolongada do f?rmaco.
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Identificação de genes envolvidos na síntese de polihidroxialcanoatos em Burkholderia cepacia linhagem IPT64. / Identification of genes involved in the synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates on Burkholderia cepacia strain IPT64.Juliana Carvalho de Arruda Caulkins 05 December 2008 (has links)
Os polihidroxialcanoatos (PHAs) são poliésteres acumulados por microrganismos como material de reserva. O conhecimento das vias bioquímicas e enzimas envolvidas na biossíntese e degradação dos PHAs é uma importante ferramenta para auxiliar na produção industrial. A linhagem Burkholderia cepacia IPT64 é capaz de acumular uma blenda composta de P(3HB) e P(3H4PE) a partir de sacarose. Este trabalho está focado em duas das principais enzimas envolvidas na biossíntese de PHAs: a b-cetotiolase (phaA) e a PHA sintase (phaC). A primeira está associada à especificidade pelo substrato, e a segunda é considerada a enzima chave na síntese de PHAs. Neste trabalho a linhagem mutante phaC foi avaliada quanto à atividade enzimática de PHB sintase, que se constatou ter sido perdida. A presença de mais de uma tiolase no genoma de B. cepacia foi detectada. A inativação do gene phaABc identificado anteriormente, bloqueou totalmente a síntese de P(3HB), e não promoveu o aumento da quantidade total de polímero. Este resultado indica que a tiolase identificada é responsável direta do acúmulo de P(3HB). Outra indicação é que não há uma competição das vias de síntese dos dois polímeros P(3HB) e P(3H4PE), já que não houve alteração na quantidade de P(3H4PE) acumulado, mesmo quando P(3HB) deixou de ser acumulado. / The polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are polyesters accumulated by microorganisms as storage compounds. Knowing the biochemistry pathway and enzymes involved in the biosynthesis and degradation of PHAs is an important tool to help industrial production. The Burkholderia cepacia IPT64 strain is able to accumulate a blend of P(3HB) and P(3H4PE) from sucrose. The focus of this work is on the two main enzymes involved in PHA biosynthesis: the b-ketothiolase (phaA) and the PHA synthase (phaC). The first one is associated with substrate specificity, and the second one is considered the key enzyme in PHA synthesis. In this work a mutant strain phaC was evaluated on its PHB synthase enzymatic activity, that was discovered to have been lost. The presence of other thiolases in the B. cepacia genome was detected. The inactivation of phaABc gene identified previously, blocked totally the P(3HB) synthesis, and didnt increase the polymer content. This result indicates that the identified thiolase is directly responsible for P(3HB) accumulation. Another indication is that the synthesis pathways of the two polymers, P(3HB) and P(3H4PE), dont compete with each other, because the content of P(3H4PE) was not altered, even when the P(3HB) was not accumulated.
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Estudo de bactérias recombinantes e análise de fluxos metabólicos para biossíntese do copolímero biodegrádavel poli(3-hidroxibutirato-co-3-hidroxihexanoato) [P(3HB-co-3HHx). / Study of recombinant bacteria and metabolic flux analysis to biosynthesize the biodegradable copolymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) [P(3HB-co-3HHx)].Thatiane Teixeira Mendonça 05 November 2014 (has links)
O copolímero biodegradável poli(3-hidroxibutirato-co-3-hidroxihexanoato) P(3HB-co-3HHx) é um polihidroxialcanoato (PHA) que apresenta várias aplicações. A bactéria Burkholderia sacchari acumula P(3HB-co-2mol%3HHx), a partir de glicose e ácido hexanoico. Com o objetivo de obter P(3HB-co-3HHx) com diferentes teores de 3HHx por B. sacchari, foram construídas linhagens recombinantes, contendo genes do operon phaPCJ de Aeromonas spp. Os recombinantes produziram P(3HB-co-3HHx), a partir de ácidos hexanoico, láurico e linoleico, com teores de 3HHx entre 1,88-18 mol%. Experimentos em biorreator com o recombinante, alimentada na fase de acúmulo por glicose 140 g/L e ácido hexanoico entre 0-45 g/L, resultaram copolímeros com composições variando de 0 a 20 mol% de 3HHx. Os copolímeros assim produzidos foram extraídos e analisados quanto às propriedades físicas. A análise de fluxos metabólicos indicou que a produção de PHA pode ser aumentada com mudanças no metabolismo central e deleção/superexpressão de genes. / The biodegradable copolymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) P(3HB-co-3HHx) is a polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) presenting various applications. The bacterium Burkholderia sacchari accumulated P(3HB-co-2mol%3HHx) from glucose and hexanoic acid. In order to obtain P(3HB-co-3HHx) with different 3HHx amounts by B. sacchari, recombinant strains containing phaPCJ operon genes from Aeromonas spp were constructed. Recombinant strains produced P(3HB-co-3HHx) from hexanoic, lauric and linoleic acids, with contents of 3HHx ranging from 1.88 to 18 mol%. Experiments with the recombinant in bioreactor, fed in the accumulation phase by glucose 140 g.l-1and hexanoic acid 0-45 g.l-1, resulted in copolymers with compositions ranging from 0 to 20 mol% of 3HHx. The copolymers produced were extracted and analyzed for physical properties. The metabolic flux analysis indicated that PHA production can be increased by modifying the central metabolism and deleting/ overexpressing genes.
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Nanoparticules biodégradables et multifonctionnelles pour la régénération tissulaire de plaies cutanées profondes / Biodegradable and multifunctional nanoparticles for tissue regeneration of cutaneous deep woundsBerthet, Morgane 20 October 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse était de mettre en oeuvre le développement d'une thérapie des plaies cutanées profondes basée sur l'utilisation de nanoparticules (NP) biodégradables de poly(acide lactique) (NP-PLA) vectrices de médiateurs de la cicatrisation. Le but était d'accélérer la cicatrisation cutanée et de favoriser la reconstruction d'un derme fonctionnel. La méthode a été de (i) réduire la réaction inflammatoire pour en contenir les effets délétères et (ii) stimuler la réépithélialisation pour accélérer la cicatrisation et réduire le risque infectieux. Les moyens ont été l'utilisation d'un antioxydant, la vitamine E (VE) et d'un facteur de croissance des fibroblastes (le FGF2) vectorisés par des nanoparticules biocompatibles et biodégradables de poly(acide lactique) (PLA). Nos NP-PLA contiennent l'antioxydant (VE) dans leur coeur hydrophobe, et portent le facteur de croissance fibroblastique (FGF2) à leur surface. Ces formulations ont été (i) caractérisées par des méthodes physico-chimiques et (ii) testées par des méthodes in vitro pour évaluer leurs effets potentiels, en tant que système de délivrance de VE et de FGF2, sur la cicatrisation des plaies. Des modèles expérimentaux in vivo ont été développés et caractérisés pour mettre en évidence l'efficacité des NP-PLA fonctionnalisées pour la cicatrisation cutanée et la reconstruction dermique fonctionnelle. Nos résultats montrent que l'activité antioxydante de la VE n'est pas perturbée par l'encapsulation dans des NP-PLA et qu'elle est légèrement supérieure à celle de la VE libre dans un système in vitro. De même, l'activité biologique du FGF2 sur la prolifération et la migration des fibroblastes dans un système in vitro n'est pas altérée par son adsorption sur des NP-PLA. Aucune de ces deux NP-PLA fonctionnalisées n'a de cytotoxicité avérée in vitro. Deux modèles expérimentaux de plaies cutanées profondes ont été développés sur souris sans poils SKH1 saines : (i) Un modèle robuste de brûlure cutanée thermique de 3ème degré qui se caractérise par une inflammation massive de la plaie et par un stade de granulation tardif après 16 jours de cicatrisation. (ii) Un modèle de plaie d'excision cutanée a également été utilisé. Un modèle de cicatrisation retardée a été obtenu par induction chimique d'un diabète de type I stable avant réalisation des plaies d'excision ou de brûlure. Ces modèles de plaies cutanées ont été caractérisés tout au long du processus de cicatrisation par des études (i) macroscopiques de cinétique de fermeture des plaies, (ii) histologiques d'inflammation, de nécrose et de réépithélialisation, (iii) physiologiques de perfusion sanguine cutanée. L'expression de 84 gènes impliqués dans le processus de cicatrisation a été étudiée sur le tissu cicatriciel 14 jours après formation de la plaie. Pour conclure, nos résultats mettent en évidence le potentiel de vectorisation de molécules thérapeutiques des NP de PLA pour le développement de futures stratégies de délivrance ciblée de VE et de FGF2 dans les plaies cutanées profondes. Les modèles expérimentaux in vivo développés et caractérisés, ouvrent la voie aux études précliniques d'efficacité des NP-PLA fonctionnalisées dans le processus de cicatrisation des plaies profondes / The objective of this thesis was to develop a therapy of cutaneous deep wounds based on biodegradable poly (lactic-acid) nanoparticles (PLA-NP) releasing wound healing mediators. The goal was to accelerate wound healing and to promote the reconstruction of a functional dermis. Our method was (i) to reduce the inflammatory reaction in the aim of limiting its deleterious effects, (ii) to stimulate reepithelialization to accelerate wound healing and to reduce the risk of infections. The implementation of means was based on the use of an antioxidant (vitamin E, VE) and a fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) carried by biocompatible and biodegradable poly(lactic-acid) based nanoparticles. Our PLA-NP contained the antioxidant (VE), in their hydrophobic core and carried the fibroblastic growth factor (FGF2) on their surface. These formulations were (i) characterized by physico-chemical methods and (ii) tested by in vitro methods to evaluate their effects as a delivery system of VE and FGF2 on wound healing. Experimental in vivo models have been developed and characterized in the aim of studying the potential beneficial effect of functionalized PLA-NP on wound healing and functional reconstruction of dermis. Our results show that the antioxidant activity of VE was not inhibited by encapsulation into PLA-NP and was lightly increased compared with free VE in an in vitro system. The biological activity of FGF2 on proliferation and migration of fibroblasts in an in vitro system was not altered by adsorption onto PLA-NP as well. No cytotoxicity of these functionalized PLA-NP was detected in vitro. Two experimental models of deep cutaneous wounds were developed on the healthy SKH1 hairless mouse: (i) A robust third degree thermal burn model that was characterized by massive inflammation of the wound and a late granulation stage after 16 days of healing. (ii) A model of excisional skin wound was also used. A model of delayed wound healing was established by chemical induction of stable type I diabetes prior to excision and burn injuries. The healing process of these models of cutaneous wounds was characterized by (i) macroscopic studies of wound closure, (ii) histological studies of inflammation, necrosis and reepithelialization, and (iii) by physiological studies of cutaneous blood perfusion. A study of the expression of 84 genes involved in the healing process was carried out on the scar tissue 14 days post-wound. In conclusion, our results highlight the potential efficacy of PLA-NP as a vector of therapeutic molecules for the development of future strategies for targeted delivery of VE and FGF2 in deep skin wounds. The developed and characterized in vivo experimental models open the way to preclinical studies of efficacy of functionalized PLA-NP on the healing process of deep wounds
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