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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse der Identität und Abundanz Methanogener Archaeen in Biogasanlagen

Theiss, Juliane 12 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Trotz der zunehmenden Bedeutung, die der Biogasprozess in der Reihe der regenerativen Energiequellen seit einigen Jahren einnimmt, sind dessen mikrobiologische Prozesse häufig nur zum Teil verstanden und die Zusammensetzung der mikrobiellen Biozönose oft unbekannt. Um jedoch die Biogasgewinnung möglichst effektiv zu gestalten, ist es essentiell, die physikochemischen Bedingungen im Reaktor an die Mikroorganismen anzupassen. Daher war es ein Ziel dieser Arbeit, die mikrobielle Gemeinschaft in verschiedenen Biogasanlagen abhängig vom eingesetzten Substrat zu charakterisieren. Dabei zeigte sich, dass insbesondere die archaeelle Diversität in NawaRo-Anlagen sehr limitiert ist und die Organismen in den einzelnen Anlagen nah verwandt sind. Von großer Bedeutung waren dabei die Genera Methanoculleus und Methanosarcina (bei hoher Acetatkonzentration) bzw. Methanothrix (bei geringer Acetatkonzentration). Deren genaues Verhältnis in den verschiedenen Anlagen hing wesentlich von den zugesetzten Co-Substraten ab und vor allem in Anlage A konnte eine Abhängigkeit der Abundanz von Methanosarcina je nach Zusatz von Hühnertrockenkot bzw. Rindermist beobachtet werden. Im Gegensatz dazu spielten die untersuchten chemischen Parameter eine geringere Rolle und es konnten kaum Korrelationen zwischen der Abundanz einzelner archaeeller Genera und physikochemischen Parametern beobachtet werden. In der mit Klärschlamm betriebenen Anlage KA waren außerdem verschiedene Methanobacteriales und Organismen der WCHA1-57-Klade von Bedeutung. Neben methanogenen Archaea konnten in den Anlagen C, KA und KL außerdem Crenarchaeota nachgewiesen werden, die wahrscheinlich in das erst kürzlich neu postulierte Phylum der „Bathyarchaeota“ einzuordnen sind. Deren genaue physiologische Funktion im Biogasprozess ist jedoch noch ungeklärt. Zusätzlich zu den Archaea wurden exemplarisch auch Proben aus den einzelnen Anlagen hinsichtlich ihrer bakteriellen Population untersucht. Dabei waren in den NawaRo-Anlagen A, B, C und KL vor allem Firmicutes und Cloacimonetes zu finden. Letztere stellen dabei eine bisher nur wenig charakterisierte Gruppe dar, die wahrscheinlich im hydrolytischen Abbau von Cellulose und/oder Aminosäuren eine entscheidende Rolle spielen. Innerhalb der Firmicutes übten insbesondere die Clostridiales vielseitige physiologische Funktionen innerhalb der anaeroben Fermentation aus. Überraschend gering war jedoch der Anteil der syntrophen Organismen. Es ist möglich, dass einige der nicht näher klassifizierbaren OTUs dieser Gruppe angehören, da der syntrophe Abbau verschiedener Säuren von essentieller Bedeutung für den Biogasprozess ist. In der mit kommunalem Abwasserschlamm betriebenen Anlage KA war der Anteil der Firmicutes und Cloacimonetes deutlich geringer. Abundantestes Phylum waren hier die Proteobacteria, unter denen zusätzlich Syntrophe zu finden sind. Zusätzlich zur Untersuchung der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft während des Normalbetriebes von Biogasanlagen wurden außerdem häufige Prozessstörungen simuliert. Dabei zeigte sich, dass es trotz rückläufiger Methanbildung häufig nicht zu Veränderungen in der Zusammensetzung der Mikroorganismen kommt und stattdessen deren Aktivität sinkt. Erst bei dramatischer Veränderung der physikochemischen Parameter, wie es im Rahmen des ersten Versuchs zur Ammonium-Intoxiaktion der Fall war, wurden deutliche Veränderungen in der archaeellen Biozönose detektiert. Die bakterielle Gemeinschaft blieb dabei kaum verändert. Bei geringerer Ammoniumkonzentration hingegen konnte eine gute Anpassungsfähigkeit der Archaea gezeigt werden. Dennoch war es nicht möglich, anhand dieser Versuche einen allgemein gültigen Grenzwert der Ammoniumkonzentration, ab der inhibitorische Effekte auftreten, festzulegen, da in Anlage A bei ähnlichen Konzentrationen die archaeelle Abundanz durchaus zurückging. Auch im Rahmen der Versuche zur Versauerung konnte eine gute Anpassungsfähigkeit der Archaea gegenüber erhöhten FOS-Konzentrationen gezeigt werden. Dabei war insbesondere eine erhöhte Abundanz der Syntrophomonadaceae mit Stressresistenz verbunden, während eine erhöhte Abundanz von Methanobacterium mit verminderter Säuretoleranz einher ging. Insgesamt liefern die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit einen aufschlussreichen Einblick in die mikrobielle Population in NawaRo-Anlagen sowohl während des Normalbetriebes als auch im Verlauf von Prozessstörungen, die zu einem besseren Verständnis der ablaufenden Prozesse beitragen können. Dennoch ist die Rolle vieler beteiligter Organismen noch nicht gänzlich geklärt. Es sind daher weitere Studien nötig, um die mikrobiologischen Prozesse in Biogasanlagen vollständig zu verstehen.

Småskalig biogasproduktion : förutsättningar, hinder och lösningar

Nääs, Charlotta January 2010 (has links)
Biogas är en förnybar energikälla som kan framställas genom rötning av organiskt material som gödsel eller grödor. Trots att lantbruket står för 76 % av den totala biogaspotentialen i Sverige producerades endast en procent av biogasen 2008 i gårdsanläggningar. Uppsatsens syfte är att ge en översikt över vad som orsakar den långsamma utvecklingen av småskalig biogas, samt att ge förslag till lösningar som kan leda till en snabbare expansion. Aspekter som studeras är politiska styrmedel, anläggning och produktion samt information och kunskap. Det största hinder som påträffas är produktionens bristande lönsamhet, vilken föreslås hanteras med ett produktionsstöd, tekniska effektiviseringar, förenklade och mer fördelaktiga lagar och regler för småskalig produktion samt en långsiktig nationell biogasstrategi. En snabbare ökning av antalet småskaliga biogasanläggningar tros inte inträffa innan lönsamhetsproblematiken är löst. / Biogas is a renewable energy source that can be produced by anaerobic digestion of organic material such as manure or crop. Although agriculture accounts for 76 % of the total biogas potential in Sweden, only one percent of the gas was produced on farm biogas plants in 2008. The paper aims to find the conditions and barriers regarding policy instruments, construction and production, and information and knowledge that are causing the slow development of small-scale biogas. Based on the findings, suggestions for solutions that can lead to a faster expansion are given. The biggest obstacle found is that the production is unprofitable, which is suggested can be dealt with by introducing a production-based financial support system, technical efficiency, simplified and more favorable laws and regulations for small-scale production, and a long-term national strategy for biogas. A rapid increase in the number of small-scale biogas plants is not believed to occur before the profitability problems are resolved.

Profile and perceptions of biogas as automobile fuel : A study of Svensk Biogas

Larsson, Anneli January 2008 (has links)
From an environmental- and health perspective, biogas and other biomass-based fuels have several advantages; nevertheless the majority of motorists fill their cars with petroleum-based fuels. This thesis is designed to explore the profile of biogas in relation to its perceptions. It is a study concerning the communication between the biogas producing company Svensk Biogas and their biogas users and non biogas users. To obtain a thorough understanding of the profile and perceptions of biogas a qualitative approach was considered appropriate. Biogas users and non-users were interviewed at gasoline stations, while Svensk Biogas was interviewed as a group. The three interview segments were analyzed and compared in order to identify patterns, similarities and differences. Based on research data the thesis concludes that the profiling arguments of biogas correlates to that biogas is the most environmentally friendly fuel, the least expensive fuel, and locally produced. Furthermore, the company profile of Svensk Biogas is equal to sustainable alternative, locally produced, trustworthy, environmentally friendly and climate smart [klimatsmart]. Given the arguments of the company profile, environmental values seem to be the core communicating value. Profiling Svensk Biogas happens through events and by using communication material such as company logotype. Motorists have an overall positive perception of biogas. Biogas users states environmental benefits as the key argument behind their commitment. Non-users are positive toward biogas although expressing a lack of knowledge confusing biogas with ethanol and bio-fuels in general. According to motorists the negative perceptions, in addition to the prerequisites of biogas, are connected to insufficient infrastructure of biogas filling stations, a short range of the biogas tank, a high investment cost of a biogas car, a biogas price increase, scarcity of cars, and information (lack of information and misleading information). The overall perception of Svensk Biogas among biogas users is positive. Biogas users express a negative perception concerning the Svensk Biogas filling stations and also wish for a lower biogas price. Non-users express modest perceptions of the company. This research also concludes that perceptions of the biogas producer are correlated to the perceptions of biogas. Furthermore, biogas producer, users and non-users wish to be directed by political decisions, guiding them toward environmentally friendly fuel alternatives.

Energy recovery at Chişinȃu wastewater treatment plant

Graan, Daniel, Bäckman, Rasmus January 2010 (has links)
Possibilities for energy recovery from sludge at Chişinȃu wastewater treatment plant have been investigated and evaluated. One way of recovering energy from sludge is to produce biogas through anaerobic digestion. Which method of biogas usage that is to prefer in Chişinȃu has been evaluated from a cost-efficiency point of view. There is a possibility that a new waste incineration plant will be built next to the wastewater treatment plant, and therefore solutions that benefit from a co-operation have been discussed. The results show that biogas production would be suitable and profitable in a long time perspective if the gas is used for combined heat and power production. Though, the rather high, economical interest rates in Moldova are an obstacle for profitability.

Profile and Perceptions of Biogas as Automobile Fuel : A Study of Svensk Biogas

Larsson, Anneli January 2008 (has links)
From an environmental- and health perspective, biogas and other biomass-based fuels have several advantages; nevertheless the majority of motorists fill their cars with petroleum-based fuels. This thesis is designed to explore the profile of biogas in relation to its perceptions. It is a study concerning the communication between the biogas producing company Svensk Biogas and their biogas users and non biogas users. To obtain a thorough understanding of the profile and perceptions of biogas a qualitative approach was considered appropriate. Biogas users and non-users were interviewed at gasoline stations, while Svensk Biogas was interviewed as a group. The three interview segments were analyzed and compared in order to identify patterns, similarities and differences. Based on research data the thesis concludes that the profiling arguments of biogas correlates to that biogas is the most environmentally friendly fuel, the least expensive fuel, and locally produced. Furthermore, the company profile of Svensk Biogas is equal to sustainable alternative, locally produced, trustworthy, environmentally friendly and climate smart [klimatsmart]. Given the arguments of the company profile, environmental values seem to be the core communicating value. Profiling Svensk Biogas happens through events and by using communication material such as company logotype. Motorists have an overall positive perception of biogas. Biogas users states environmental benefits as the key argument behind their commitment. Non-users are positive toward biogas although expressing a lack of knowledge confusing biogas with ethanol and bio-fuels in general. According to motorists the negative perceptions, in addition to the prerequisites of biogas, are connected to insufficient infrastructure of biogas filling stations, a short range of the biogas tank, a high investment cost of a biogas car, a biogas price increase, scarcity of cars, and information (lack of information and misleading information). The overall perception of Svensk Biogas among biogas users is positive. Biogas users express a negative perception concerning the Svensk Biogas filling stations and also wish for a lower biogas price. Non-users express modest perceptions of the company. This research also concludes that perceptions of the biogas producer are correlated to the perceptions of biogas. Furthermore, biogas producer, users and non-users wish to be directed by political decisions, guiding them toward environmentally friendly fuel alternatives.

Energy recovery at Chişinȃu wastewater treatment plant

Graan, Daniel, Bäckman, Rasmus January 2010 (has links)
<p>Possibilities for energy recovery from sludge at Chişinȃu wastewater treatment plant have been investigated and evaluated. One way of recovering energy from sludge is to produce biogas through anaerobic digestion. Which method of biogas usage that is to prefer in Chişinȃu has been evaluated from a cost-efficiency point of view. There is a possibility that a new waste incineration plant will be built next to the wastewater treatment plant, and therefore solutions that benefit from a co-operation have been discussed. The results show that biogas production would be suitable and profitable in a long time perspective if the gas is used for combined heat and power production. Though, the rather high, economical interest rates in Moldova are an obstacle for profitability.</p>

Profile and perceptions of biogas as automobile fuel : A study of Svensk Biogas

Larsson, Anneli January 2008 (has links)
<p>From an environmental- and health perspective, biogas and other biomass-based fuels have several advantages; nevertheless the majority of motorists fill their cars with petroleum-based fuels. This thesis is designed to explore the profile of biogas in relation to its perceptions. It is a study concerning the communication between the biogas producing company Svensk Biogas and their biogas users and non biogas users. To obtain a thorough understanding of the profile and perceptions of biogas a qualitative approach was considered appropriate. Biogas users and non-users were interviewed at gasoline stations, while Svensk Biogas was interviewed as a group.</p><p>The three interview segments were analyzed and compared in order to identify patterns, similarities and differences. Based on research data the thesis concludes that the profiling arguments of biogas correlates to that biogas is the most environmentally friendly fuel, the least expensive fuel, and locally produced. Furthermore, the company profile of Svensk Biogas is equal to sustainable alternative, locally produced, trustworthy, environmentally friendly and climate smart [klimatsmart]. Given the arguments of the company profile, environmental values seem to be the core communicating value. Profiling Svensk Biogas happens through events and by using communication material such as company logotype.</p><p>Motorists have an overall positive perception of biogas. Biogas users states environmental benefits as the key argument behind their commitment. Non-users are positive toward biogas although expressing a lack of knowledge confusing biogas with ethanol and bio-fuels in general. According to motorists the negative perceptions, in addition to the prerequisites of biogas, are connected to insufficient infrastructure of biogas filling stations, a short range of the biogas tank, a high investment cost of a biogas car, a biogas price increase, scarcity of cars, and information (lack of information and misleading information).</p><p>The overall perception of Svensk Biogas among biogas users is positive. Biogas users express a negative perception concerning the Svensk Biogas filling stations and also wish for a lower biogas price. Non-users express modest perceptions of the company. This research also concludes that perceptions of the biogas producer are correlated to the perceptions of biogas. Furthermore, biogas producer, users and non-users wish to be directed by political decisions, guiding them toward environmentally friendly fuel alternatives.</p>

"Vår teknik hjälper indonesiska barn" : -En studie om kunskapsöverföring, ansvarstagande och hållbar utveckling / "Our technology helps indonesian children" : -A study of knowledge, responsibility and sustainable development

Nilsson, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Studien behandlar avfallsproblemen i Palu och hur problemen har hanterats. Svenska aktörer som Biogassystems AB och SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut har genomfört revolutionerade projekt i staden Palu på ön Sulawesi, Indonesien. Utöver det växandeavfallsproblemen i Palu, så bor många människor på stadens soptipp under extremt dåliga förhållanden. För att få bukt med avfallsproblemen och hjälpa dessa människor till en bättre livssituation så har flera projekt genomförts av de svenska aktörerna. Bland annat har en biogasanläggning byggts på soptippen för att ta hand om den skadliga växthusgasen, metan. Anläggningen omvandlar metangasen till biogas som genererar ström till de nybyggda huslängorna som SP tillsammans med Palu kommun har uppfört. Dessa nybyggda huslängor har blivit nya hem för alla familjer på stadens soptipp, som tidigare bodde i skjul byggt på material från soptippen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur svenska aktörer arbetar för att skapa hållbar utveckling genom teknologisk kunskapsöverföring i Indonesien. En lämplig metod för att analysera detta är intervjuer med de aktörer som är inblandade i projekten. Att intervjua de svenska aktörerna och Palu kommun har varit av betydelse främst för att få två perspektiv på projekten och stärka tillförlitligheten. Projekten i Palu har lyckats ge nya möjligheter för de människor som bor på soptippen. Deras livssituation och välmående har tydligt förbättrats, samt att barnen till familjerna som bor på soptippen har fått möjlighet att gå i skolan. / The study deals with the waste problem in Palu and how problems were handled. Swedish actors Biogas Systems and Swedish Technical Research Institute (SP) have implemented revolutionary project in the city of Palu on Sulawesi, Indonesia. In addition to the growing waste problem in Palu, so many people live in the city dump in extremely poor conditions. Too vercome the waste problem and help these people to a better life situation, several projects have been implemented by the Swedish actors. Among other things, a biogas plant has been built on a landfill to take care of the harmful greenhouse gas, methane. The plant converts methane to biogas which generate power to the newly built rows of houses that SP with Palu municipality has erected. These newly built rows of houses has become the new home for all families in the city dump, which previously lived in shacks built of materials from the landfill. The purpose of the study is to investigate how Swedish actors work to create sustainable development through technological knowledge in Indonesia. A suitable method to analyze this are interviews with the actors involved in the projects. Interviewing the Swedish actors and Palu municipality has been important mostly to get two perspectives on the projects and strengthen the reliability. Projects in Palu has managed to provide new opportunities for the people living at the dump. Their lives and well-being has clearly improved, and that the children of the families who live at the dump have had the opportunity to go to school.

Methane Production through Anaerobic Digestion at Backyard Pig Farms in Pampanga, Philippines / Metanproduktion genom anaerob rötning vid småskaliga grisfarmar i Pampangaprovinsen i Filippinerna

Strömvall, Erika January 2015 (has links)
The Pampanga province is one of the largest pork-producing provinces in the Philippines. Half of the province's pigs are reared in so-called back-yard farms. At these farms, there are no regulations regarding manure management and because of this, large amounts of manure are dumped close to the stables. These actions lead to spontaneous emission of greenhouse gases, eutrophication of rivers and groundwater pollution. In addition, the spread of manure contributes to inadequate sanitation and increased risks of disease among the inhabitants of the province. LPG and wood are the most popular fuels for cooking in the Philippines. LPG is most common in the cities, while more than 60 percent of the rural population still relies on firewood for cooking. LPG is a fossil fuel that, when burned, contributes to an enhanced greenhouse effect. The use of wood increases the pressure on the local biomass and increases the risk of lung diseases for the user. Anaerobic digestion of pig manure under contributes to a more sustainable manure management. At the same time, energy in form of biogas is produced. Biogas is a renewable energy source, which is considered carbon neutral. If pig manure is co-digested with kitchen waste, a more efficient and stable digestion process may be achieved. This study aims to contribute to sustainable development at backyard pig farms in the Pampanga province by demonstrating how pig manure and kitchen waste can be utilized for biogas production. In order to develop an appropriate composition of pig manure and kitchen waste for anaerobic digestion, batch digestion of pig manure and kitchen waste was performed at laboratory scale. During a field study, the substrate composition was digested in test plants under local conditions in Pampanga. During the field study, several field trips to backyard pig farms were performed. Based on prevailing conditions and available materials in the province, a full-scale biogas digester was designed. The digester was sized to produce enough biogas to fulfil one family’s daily requirement of cooking fuel. If the daily biogas production reaches 2.5 m3 it is possible to replace 178 kg LPG or 9855 kg of firewood every year. The reduction of LPG prevents 2700 kg carbon dioxide equivalents from being emitted to the atmosphere every year. The reduction of LPG use also results in an annual saving of 9062 PHP (1672 SEK) for a family. This number corresponds to 11 procent of the total investment cost of the digester. / Pampangaprovinsen är en av de största producenterna av fläskkött i hela Filippinerna. Hälften av provinsens grisar föds upp på så kallade backayard farms. På dessa gårdar finns inga restriktioner gällande gödselhantering. Därför dumpas stora mängder gödsel i gårdarnas närområde vilket leder till spontana utsläpp av växthusgaser, övergödning i vattendrag och förorenat grundvatten. Dessutom leder spridning av gödslet till försämrad hygien och ökad sjukdomsspridning bland provinsens invånare. Gasol och ved är de mest populära bränslena för matlagning i Filippinerna. Gasol är mest utbrett i städerna medan drygt 60 procent av landsbygdens befolkning fortfarande förlitar sig på ved vid matlagning. Gasol är ett fossilt bränsle som vid förbränning bidrar till en förstärkt växthuseffekt. Användning av ved ökar trycket på den lokala biomassan och vid förbränning är risken för sjukdomar i luftvägarna hos användaren stor. Anaerob rötning av grisgödsel möjliggör en mer hållbar gödselhantering samtidigt som energi i form av biogas produceras. Biogas är en förnyelsebar energikälla som dessutom anses vara koldioxidneutral. Grisgödsel kan med fördel samrötas med matavfall för att uppnå en effektivare och mer stabil rötprocess. Den här studien syftar till att bidra till hållbar utveckling inom Pampangaprovinsens backyard pig farms genom att demonstrera hur grisgödsel tillsammans med matavfall kan användas för biogasproduktion. Under studiens inledande del utfördes satsvis rötning av grisgödsel och matavfall i laborativ skala, i syfte att ta fram en lämplig sammansättning av de båda substraten. Substratsammansättningen rötades därefter i testanläggningar vid lokala förhållanden under en fältstudie i Pampangaprovinsen. Under fältstudien genomfördes även studiebesök till olika backyard pig farms. Baserat på rådande förhållanden och tillgängliga material i provinsen designades slutligen en rötkammare. Rötkammaren dimensionerades så att den kunde förse en familj med bränsle för matlagning. Om den dagliga biogasproduktionen når 2.5 m3 är det möjligt att ersätta 178 kg gasol eller 9855 kg ved per år. Minskningen av gasol resulterar i en årlig reducering av växthusgasutsläpp med minst 2700 kg koldioxidekvivalenter. Minskningen av gasol resulterar också i en årlig besparing på 9062 PHP (1672 SEK). Denna siffra motsvarar 11 procent av den totala investeringskostnaden för rötkammaren.

Enzymatic Pretreatment of Lignocellulose Rich Waste for Improved Biogas Production

Kvillborn, Carin January 2013 (has links)
The present study aimed to investigate the methane yield from anaerobic digestion of a lignocellulosic substrate subjected to different pretreatments. The lignocellulosic forest residues materials were milled and then pretreated with the organic solvent NMMO (N-Methylmorpholine N-oxide) and/or the lignolytic enzymes laccase and versatile peroxidase at a dosage of 60 U g-1 total solids (TS) substrate. The amount of methane produced was studied in a biomethane potential assay with inocula from a thermophilic biogas reactor treating municipal waste. All samples were run in triplicates. Due to the large amount of samples, two biomethane potential assays were conducted: series 10 &amp; 20 and series 30 &amp; 40. The gas production results show that NMMO-treated forest residues yielded 130 NmL CH4 g-1 volatile solids (VS) substrate and the untreated forest residues yielded 95 NmL CH4 g-1 VS substrate for series 10 &amp; 20. For series 30 &amp; 40, both untreated and NMMO-treated forest residues yielded 140 NmL CH4 g-1 VS substrate. NMMO-treatment appears to be favourable and no advantages from the enzyme pretreatment could be seen in terms of gas yield. An analysis of the reaction fluid after the enzymatic treatment showed presence of phenols, an indication of successful lignin hydrolysis. / Studien avsåg att undersöka metanutbytet från anaerob nedbrytning med förbehandlad lignocellulosa som substrat. Lignocellulosamaterialet, i form av skogsavfall, maldes och förbehandlades därefter med det organiska lösningsmedlet NMMO (N-metylmorfolin-N-oxid) och/eller de lignolytiska enzymerna laccase och versatile peroxidas med dosen 60 U g-1 torrsubstanshalt (TS). Mängden producerad metan undersöktes i en biometanpotentialanalys med inocula från en termofil biogasreaktor, som behandlade hushållsavfall. Triplikat av varje prov användes för att öka den statistiska stabiliteten. På grund av det stora antalet prover genomfördes studien i två omgångar: Serie 10 &amp; 20 samt serie 30 &amp; 40. Resultaten visade att det NMMO-behandlade skogsavfallet gav 130 NmL CH4 g-1 organisk substans (VS) och det obehandlade skogsavfallet gav 95 NmL CH4 g-1 VS i serie 10 &amp; 20. Både obehandlat och NMMO- behandlat skogsavfall gav 140 NmL CH4 g-1 VS i serie 30 &amp; 40. Förbehandling med NMMO verkar vara fördelaktig medan enzymbehandling endast resulterade i en smärre ökning av gasproduktionen. En analys av vätskan efter enzymbehandlingen visade förekomst av fenoler, vilket visar på en lyckad ligninnedbrytning.

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