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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metasurfaces for bioimaging / Métasurfaces pour la bioimagerie

Gortari, Antu Nehuen 15 November 2019 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, des efforts importants ont été déployés pour développer des métasurfaces (MSs) électromagnétiques avec la possibilité de changer de manière abrupte les propriétés de la lumière. Ces avancées ont ouvert une nouvelle gamme de possibilités pour contrôler la lumière en utilisant des dispositifs optiques ultra-minces. Dans ce contexte, et plus spécifiquement dans le spectre visible, les applications en bio-imagerie s’avèrent particulièrement intéressantes. Une technique qui est particulièrement bien adaptée à l'étude de molécules proches d'une membrane cellulaire est la microscopie à fluorescence par réflexion interne (TIRFM), qui repose sur un champ évanescent d'excitation. Dans ce cas la lumière incidente est totalement réfléchie sur une interphase (typiquement verre/eau) en raison de son angle d'incidence élevé. À ce jour, la TIRFM est généralement mise en œuvre à l'aide d'objectifs volumineux de grande ouverture numérique et de petit champ de vision.Dans ce travail de thèse, nous réalisons de substrats pour la microscopie TIRF à base de métasurfaces constituées de réseaux périodiques de structures asymétriques fabriquées en dioxyde de titane (TiO2) sur du verre borosilicaté. Ces structures, aussi petites que 48 nm, ont été optimisées à l’aide de simulations numériques "Rigorous coupled-wave analysis” (RCWA) dans le but de coupler de 50 à 90% de la lumière incidente dans le premier ordre de diffraction avec des angles élevés (θ > 63deg). Le fait de pouvoir utiliser des objectifs de faible grossissement et d'avoir une grande zone de champ évanescent fournit des conditions TIRF uniques qui ne sont pas accessibles par les méthodes traditionnelles. De plus, ces structures sont compatibles avec la lithographie par nanoimpression UV, ce qui permet d’envisager une fabrication à bas coût et à grande échelle. Outre la conception, et la fabrication, dans cette thèse nous aboutissons à une preuve de principe de la microscopie TIRF basée sur des métasurfaces en milieu biologique en imageant notamment des membranes fluorescentes de cellules souches. Ces métasurfaces permettent ainsi l’implémentation TIRFM à contraste élevé et à faible photo-blanchissement compatible avec des microscopes à champ large peu coûteux. / In recent years there has been a significant effort to push electromagnetic metasurfaces with the ability to abruptly change light properties into visible wavelengths. These advancements have opened a new range of possibilities to reshape light using ultra-thin optical devices and there is one field that is starting to gather attention: bioimaging. One technique particularly well suited for the study of molecules near a cell membrane is Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy, which relies on an evanescence field created by light being totally internally reflected within a glass substrate due to its high incidence angle. As of today, TIRF is generally implemented using bulky high-NA, small field of view oil objectives.In this project we present the realization of metasurface-based TIRF microscopy substrates consisting of periodic 2D arrays of asymmetric structures fabricated in titanium dioxide on borosilicate glass. These patterns, as small as 48nm, were optimized through rigorous coupled-wave analysis to couple 50-90% of the incoming normally incident light into the first diffraction order, which outputs at an angle that suffices total internal reflection in water and eliminates the requirement for high NA objectives or prisms to achieve TIRF. Being able to utilize lower-magnification air objectives and having a large evanescence field area provide unique TIRF conditions not accessible by traditional methods. Additionally, these structures are compatible with soft UV nanoimprint lithography, for cost-effective scale production, to give TIRF’s high contrast, low photodamage and low photobleaching capabilities to inexpensive wide-field microscopes.

Elaboration of New Layer by Layer (LbL) Fluorescent thin films and their functionalization for the sensitive detection of bacteria / Élaboration de films minces fluorescent couche par couche (LbL) et fonctionalisation pour la détection sensible de bactéries

Tian, Yayang 16 July 2018 (has links)
Les antibiotiques ont été utilisés pour le traitement des infections bactériennes depuis plus de 70 ans, sauvant des millions de vies. Cependant, leur mauvaise et sur-utilisation ont conduit à l’émergence de la résistance bactérienne. Outre le développement de nouvelles familles d'antibiotiques, la détection rapide et sensible de bactéries est très importante pour le diagnostic médical. Les polymères fluorescents représentent un grand potentiel, car ils sont faciles à fonctionnaliser, synthétiser et greffer. Les films sont plus pratiques, faciles à manipuler et peuvent être réutilisés, ce qui n'est pas le cas des méthodes de détection en solution. L’objectif de ce travail est de développer un film de polymère nanostructuré fluorescent et sensible sur des surfaces de verre pour la détection bactérienne. Sur la base de la méthode de polymérisation radicalaire par transfert de chaîne réversible par addition-fragmentation (RAFT), trois types de polyélectrolytes fluorescents à base de BODIPY (FPC) ont été synthétisés : des chaînes relativement courtes à caractère polyélectrolyte faible (SW FPC), des chaînes courtes à caractère polyélectrolyte fort (SS FPC) et enfin des chaînes longues à caractère polyélectrolyte faible (FPC LW). Les films FPC LbL ont été élaborés sur des lames en verre par interaction électrostatique. Les propriétés photophysiques et de surface des FPC LbL ont été contrôlées en ajustant les conditions de dépôt. Les films FPC LbL à base de BODIPY ont été utilisés comme dispositif de première génération pour la détection de E. coli. Dans l'étape suivante, la sensibilité des films a été augmentée en utilisant le principe de fluorescence exaltée par plasmon (Metal Enhanced Fluorescence MEF). Un film LbL -MEF a été préparé et testé pour la détection de bactéries. Des nanoparticules d'or sphériques (Au NPs) ont été synthétisées et recouvertes de poly(chlorhydrate d'allylamine) (PAH). Le FPC LW a été sélectionné comme couche fluorescente. Différents films contenant des Au NPs et LW FPC- ont été fabriqués. La distance entre les NPs Au et LW FPC- a été ajustée par l'ajout de deux polymères de charge opposée (PC + et PC-). Les deux surfaces de AuNP / 4 couches PC / LWFPC- et Au NPs / 8 couches PC / LWFPC- ont montré que E. coli peut être ciblée par LW FPC-.La sélectivité des films LbL a été ajoutée en introduisant un anticorps comme site de reconnaissance spécifique. Le polyanion et le polycation avec le groupe fonctionnel 4-dibenzocyclooctynol (DIBO) ont été assemblés sur des lames de verre activées. L'anticorps anti-E. coli a ensuite été introduit sur la surface en une seule étape via la réaction de cycloaddition azide-alcyne (SPAAC). Le nombre d'E. coli capturées dépend de la concentration d’anticorps sur la surface. La surface a montré une sélectivité significative pour E. coli, comparée à B. subtilis.La croissance bactérienne peut être détectée sur un film mince LbL en introduisant un fluorophore sensible au pH (fluorescéine). En effet, la croissance des bactéries est souvent associée à une diminution du pH du milieu due à une libération de métabolites acides. Nous avons préparé avec succès différents types de films LbL sensibles au pH. Dans un premier temps, la synthèse de différents polyanions fonctionnalisés (chaîne courte et longue de DIBO-PC et polymère fluorescent rouge) a été achevée. Ensuite, trois types de surfaces sensibles au pH contenant de la fluorescéine (DIBO-SWPC- / fluorescéine, DIBO-LW PC- / fluorescéine et ratiométrique RFPC- / fluorescéine) ont été préparés sur la base d'assemblage LbL et de chimie click. Enfin, trois surfaces sensibles au pH ont été étudiées pour la détection de la croissance des bactéries. Toutes les surfaces étaient biocompatibles, le nombre de E. coli augmentait même après plusieurs heures d'incubation sur chaque surface. La détection par le changement de fluorescence est en cours de développement. / Antibiotics have been used for the treatment of bacterial infections for over 70 years, saving millions of lives. The current antibiotic resistance crisis has been attributed to the overuse and misuse of these medications. Therefore, the prevention of infection transmission by the rapid and sensitive detection of antibiotic resistant strains is needed in managing this crisis. Fluorescent polymers show great potential for bacteria detection, because they are easy to functionalize, reproduce and graft. Compared with the methods used for bacterial detection in liquid, bacterial detection on a film surface is more convenient, easier to handle and is applied in devices that can be easily reused. The goal of my PhD work is to develop fluorescent and sensitive nanostructured polymer films on surfaces for bacterial detection. Three types of BODIPY-based fluorescent polyelectrolytes (FPC) with different features were synthetized based on reversible addition-fragmentation transfer (RAFT) polymerization: relatively Short chains and Weak polyelectrolytes (SW FPC), Short chains and Strong polyelectrolytes (SS FPCs) and Long chains and Weak polyelectrolytes (LW FPCs). FPC LbL films were fabricated on activated glass slides by means of electrostatic attraction. The photophysical and surface properties of FPC LbL fims were easily controlled by adjusting the deposition conditions.The following step aimed at increasing the films’ sensitivity by using the metal-enhanced fluorescence (MEF) principle. A MEF based LbL film was prepared and tested for bacteria detection. Spherical gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) were synthesized and coated with poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH). The LW FPC- was selected as the fluorescent layer. Different films containing Au NPs and LW FPC- were fabricated and the distance between the Au NPs and LW FPC- was adjusted by changing the numbers of layers with two oppositely charged polymers (PC+ and PC-). Both Au NPs/4 layers PCs/LWFPC- and Au NPs/8 layers PCs/LWFPC- surfaces indicated that E. coli can be detected by LW FPC-.The selectivity of LbL films was added by introducing an antibody on the surface of the film to provide specific recognition of a chosen bacterial strain. This LbL surface achieved a rapid, effective and specific detection of E. coli bacteria. The polyanion and polycation with a 4-dibenzocyclooctynol (DIBO) functional group were assembled on the activated glass slides and an anti-E. coli antibody containing an azide group was efficiently introduced on the surface in a single step based on the azide-alkyne cycloadditions (SPAAC) reaction. The number of E. coli captured on the surface was shown to be dependent on the amount of antibody on the surface. The anti-E. coli antibody surface showed significant selectivity for E. coli, compared with B. subtilis. An alternative approach is to detect bacterial growth on thin LbL film by introducing pH sensitive fluorophore (fluorescein). The growth of bacteria is often associated with a decrease in pH of the growth medium due to a release of acidic metabolites. Different types of pH sensitive LbL film were prepared and tested for the detection of bacterial growth. Firstly, the synthesis of different functionalized polyanions (short and long chain of DIBO-PC- and red fluorescent polymer) was carried out. Three types of pH sensitive surfaces containing fluorescein (DIBO-SWPC-/fluorescein, DIBO-LW PC-/fluorescein and ratiometric RFPC-/fluorescein surfaces) were prepared based on the combination of LbL assembly and copper-free click chemistry. Finally, three pH sensitive surfaces were studied for bacteria growth detection. All the surfaces were shown to be biocompatible, the number of E. coli increased after several hours of incubation on each surface, as detected by brightfield microscopy imaging. The application for the fluorophore-dependent detection of bacterial growth remains to be developed.

3d On-Sensor Lensless Fluorescence Imaging

Shanmugam, Akshaya 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Fluorescence microscopy has revolutionized medicine and biological science with its ability to study the behavior and chemical expressions of living cells. Fluorescent probes can label cell components or cells of a particular type. Clinically the impact of fluorescence imaging can be seen in the diagnosis of cancers, AIDS, and other blood related disorders. Although fluorescence imaging devices have been established as a vital tool in medicine, the size, cost, and complexity of fluorescence microscopes limits their use to central laboratories. The work described in this thesis overcomes these limitations by developing a low cost integrated fluorescence microscope so single use fluorescence microscopy assays can be developed. These assays will enable at-home testing, diagnostics in resource limited settings, and improved emergency medicine.

Study of Immobilizing Cadmium Selenide Quantum Dots in Selected Polymers for Application in Peroxyoxalate Chemiluminescence Flow Injection Analysis

Moore, Christopher S 01 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Two batches of CdSe QDs with different sizes were synthesized for immobilizing in polyisoprene (PI), polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), and low-density polyethylene (LDPE). The combinations of QDs and polymer substrates were evaluated for their analytical fit-for-use in applicable immunoassays. Hydrogen peroxide standards were injected into the flow injection analyzer (FIA) constructed to simulate enzyme-generated hydrogen peroxide reacting with bis-(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl) oxalate. Linear correlations between hydrogen peroxide and chemilumenscent intensities yielded regression values greater than 0.9750 for hydrogen peroxide concentrations between 1.0 x 10-4 M and 1.0 x 10-1 M. The developed technique’s LOD was approximately 10 ppm. Variability of the prepared QD-polymer products was as low as 3.2% throughout all preparations.Stability of the preparations was tested during a 30-day period that displayed up to a four-fold increase in the first 10 days. The preparations were decently robust to the FIA system demonstrating up to a 15.20% intensity loss after twenty repetitive injections.

Squaraine Dyes, Design And Synthesis For Various Functional Materials Applications

Zhang, Yuanwei 01 January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation contains the synthesis and characterization of squaraine based new functional materials. In the first part of this thesis work, a water soluble benzothiazolium squaraine dye was synthesized with pyridium pendents, and controlled aggregation properties were achieved. After formation of partially reversible J-aggregation on a polyelectrolyte (poly(acryl acid) sodium salt) template, the nonlinear, two-photon absorption cross section per repeat unit was found to be above 30-fold enhanced compared with nonaggregate and/or low aggregates. Using a similar strategy, sulfonate anions were introduced into the squaraine structure, and the resulting compounds exhibited good water solubilities. A ‘turn on’ fluorescence was discovered when these squaraine dyes interacted with bovine serum albumin (BSA), titration studies by BSA site selective reagents show these squaraine dyes can bind to both site I and II of BSA, with a preference of site II. Introduction of these squaraine dyes to BSA nanoparticles generated near-IR protein nano fabricates, and cell images were collected. Metal sensing properties were also studied using the sulfonates containing a benzoindolium squaraine dye, and the linear response of the absorption of the squaraine dye to the concentration of Hg2+ makes it a good heavy metal-selective sensing material that can be carried out in aqueous solution. Later, a squaraine scaffold was attached to deoxyribonucleosides by Sonogashira coupling reactions, in which the reaction conditions were modified. Iodo-deoxyuridine and bromo-deoxyadenosine were used as the deoxyribonucleosides building blocks, and the resulting squaraine dye-modified deoxyribonucleosides exhibited near-IR absorption and emission properties due to the squaraine chromophore. Interestingly, these non-natural deoxyribonucleosdies showed viscosity dependent photophysical properties, which make them nice candidates for fluorescence viscosity sensors at the cellular level. After incubation with cells, these iv viscosity sensors were readily uptaken by cell, and images were obtained showing regions of high viscosity in cells.

Studying Milk Coagulation Kinetics with Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy, Image Processing, and Computational Modeling

Hennessy, Richard Joseph 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The kinetics of milk coagulation are complex and still not well understood. A deeper understanding of coagulation and the impact of the relevant factors would aid in both cheese manufacturing and also in determining the nutritional benefits of dairy products. A method using confocal microscopy was developed to follow the movement of milk fat globules and the formation of a milk protein network during the enzyme-induced coagulation of milk. Image processing methods were then used to quantify the rate of coagulation. It was found that the texture of the protein network is an indicator of the current status of the milk gelation, and hence can be used to monitor the coagulation process. The imaging experiment was performed on milk gels with different concentrations of the coagulation enzyme, chymosin. Rheological measurements were taken using free oscillation rheometry to validate the imaging results. Both methods showed an inverse relationship between rennet concentration and the coagulation time. The results from the imaging study were used to create a computational model, which created simulated images of coagulating milk. The simulated images were then analyzed using the same image analysis algorithm. The temporal protein network texture behavior in the simulated images followed the same pattern as the protein texture in the confocal imaging data. The model was developed with temperature and rennet concentration as user inputs so that it could be implemented as a predictive tool for milk coagulation.

Squaraine dyes for two-photon fluorescence bioimaging applications

Colon Gomez, Maria 01 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

A Structural and Functional Analysis of Human Brain MRI with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Watane, Arjun A 01 January 2017 (has links)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects 5-10% of children worldwide. Its effects are mainly behavioral, manifesting in symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. If not monitored and treated, ADHD may adversely affect a child's health, education, and social life. Furthermore, the neurological disorder is currently diagnosed through interviews and opinions of teachers, parents, and physicians. Because this is a subjective method of identifying ADHD, it is easily prone to error and misdiagnosis. Therefore, there is a clear need to develop an objective diagnostic method for ADHD. The focus of this study is to explore the use of machine language classifiers on information from the brain MRI and fMRI of both ADHD and non-ADHD subjects. The imaging data are preprocessed to remove any intra-subject and inter-subject variation. For both MRI and fMRI, similar preprocessing stages are performed, including normalization, skull stripping, realignment, smoothing, and co-registration. The next step is to extract features from the data. For MRI, anatomical features such as cortical thickness, surface area, volume, and intensity are obtained. For fMRI, region of interest (ROI) correlation coefficients between 116 cortical structures are determined. A large number of image features are collected, yet many of them may include redundant and useless information. Therefore, the features used for training and testing the classifiers are selected in two separate ways, feature ranking and stability selection, and their results are compared. Once the best features from MRI and fMRI are determined, the following classifiers are trained and tested through leave-one-out cross validation, experimenting with varying feature numbers, for each imaging modality and feature selection method: support vector machine, support vector regression, random forest, and elastic net. Thus, there are four experiments (MRI-rank, MRI-stability, fMRI-rank, fMRI-stability) with four classifiers in each for a total of 16 classifiers trained per each feature count attempted. The results of each classifier are the decisions of each subject, ADHD or non-ADHD. Finally, a classifier decision ensemble is created through the combination of the outputs of the best classifiers in a majority voting method that includes results of both the MRI and fMRI classifiers and keeps both feature selection results independent. The results suggest that ADHD is more easily identified through fMRI because the classification accuracies are a lot higher using fMRI data rather than MRI data. Furthermore, significant activity correlation differences exist between the brain's frontal lobe and cerebellum and also the left and right hemispheres among ADHD and non-ADHD subjects. When including MRI decisions with fMRI in the classifier ensemble, performance is boosted to a high ADHD detection accuracy of 96.2%, suggesting that MRI information assists in validating fMRI classification decisions. This study is an important step towards the development of an automatic and objective method for ADHD diagnosis. While more work is needed to externally validate and improve the classification accuracy, new applications of current methods with promising results are introduced here.

High Performance Image Analysis for Large Histological Datasets

Cooper, Lee Alex Donald 16 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Novel Method Of The Quantification Of Turbulent Fluid Flow In Silicone Artery Phantoms Using Acoustic Analysis

Vu, Ashley A 01 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to develop a test method to non-invasively measure the development of subclinical atherosclerosis through acoustic sound wave analysis. This test method involves the manufacturing and use of silicone arteries with varying relative roughness values in their inner diameters to mimic arterial plaque buildup, a flow model, and a physiological microphone. A flow model that can generate both steady and oscillatory flow to mimic the pulsatile flow of a heartbeat was developed to successfully test and analyze fluid flow through the varying arteries. The first finding in this study was that confocal microscopy is an effective method is quantifying the surface roughness of the inner diameter the silicone artery phantoms. Results of this study found that the surface roughness of the arteries reflects the increase of surface roughness hypothesized when manufacturing the artery molds. The gravitational flow model experimental design proved to be effective in collecting steady flow data that was used to verify the experimental relative roughness and friction factor values. Additionally, the results indicated that pressure drop and friction factor (both experimental and theoretical) increased as the surface roughness of the artery increased. Furthermore, the pulsatile flow model was unsuccessful in generating a consistent frequency that was greater than 2.0 Hz. Because of this, many of the Womersley’s numbers remained undefined or frequency dependent. No concrete conclusions can be drawn regarding the relationship between Womersley’s number and surface roughness during pulsatile flow. A key finding in this study was that the signal power of an FFT of the audio data vs. relative roughness for both steady and pulsatile flow conditions experienced a slightly positive linear association. Meaning that there could be a relationship between the increase of surface roughness and the increase of signal power in an FFT of the audio data. Based on the findings in this study, this demonstrates that there could be a method to correlate the values of signal power to a specific relative roughness value.

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