Spelling suggestions: "subject:"flame."" "subject:"blame.""
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An Analysis of Blame as it Relates to Self-Blame: Within the Scope of Impaired Relations and Reactive Attitudes TheoriesLundgren, Alexandra Renee 01 January 2017 (has links)
This paper will introduce the theory of blame and demonstrate how it relates to self-blame. I will begin by first highlighting two competing definitions of blame. The first of these forms, upheld by two prominent philosophers, Thomas Scanlon and Linda Radzik, looks at blame as impairing relationships. Both philosophers study how wrongful actions cause impairments in relationships and argue that blame is utilized to the extent of that impairment. Reactive emotions, according to them, are simply a byproduct of blame and not of quintessential importance to the theory of blame. The second form of blame, presented by Susan Wolf and R. Jay Wallace, refutes the Impaired Relations Theory and, instead, studies the theory of blame in accordance with reactive emotions. These two philosophers contend that blame is the reactive attitudes one has, or should have, towards wrongful actions. These emotions are, therefore, required in order for an agent to be blamed. This paper will first thoroughly outline the differences between these two forms of blame. It will then introduce the notion of self-blame with respect to these four philosophers’ viewpoints and compare them to one another. It will ultimately conclude by revealing how the Reactive Attitudes Theory represents a more accurate account of self-blame.
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Crisis, Accountability and Blame Management : Strategies and Survival of Political Office-HoldersBrändström, Annika January 2016 (has links)
Crises are an integral part of our modern world; they are breaking points that disturb our sense of normalcy. While some of them are treated as ‘normal incidents’ that are bound to occur in a vast and complex array of governmental activities, others spark a blaze of media attention, public emotions, and political upheaval. This thesis explores how political office-holders respond to incidents that are perceived as blameworthy and how crisis-induced accountability processes affect their political careers. In an attempt to determine this, a series of case studies containing elements of high-pressure crisis-induced accountability were examined. Strategies employed by top political actors in coping with accountability and blame are identified and discussed. Crises often trigger discussions on accountability and top political actors engage in a framing contest over defining the causes of the crisis and who or what should be held responsible. This is a staged and dynamic process in which key actors employ different strategies in several arenas for managing and ultimately assigning blame for the unwanted event. These processes are shaped in relation to issues regarding causality, agency, and responsibility. In addition to the fact that crises can be managed on different ‘levels’ and arenas, we can also see that certain contextual and situational factors (such as personal experience and the constitutional framework of the cabinet) can constrain or enable how blame is managed and ultimately what the consequences will be for the careers of top political office-holders.
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Who Do You Blame? An Examination of Partisan Motivated Reasoning and BlameHalaseh, Odeh 21 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Making Sense of Doxastic Blame: An Account of Control over BeliefRettler, Lindsay Marie 19 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Jaha, kommer du idag? : En kartläggning av sjöingenjörsstudenters upplevelse av den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön ombord under sin fartygsförlagda praktik. / Oh, are you comming today?Granlund, Johan, Persson, Carl January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning var att kartlägga sjöingenjörsstudenters upplevelse av den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön ombord under deras fartygsförlagda praktiker, och i vilken utsträckning det påverkat deras framtida vilja att arbeta till sjöss. Undersökningen genomfördes med en kvalitativ forskningsansats där datainsamlingen skedde genom två fokusgruppsintervjuer och tio individuella intervjuer. Totalt har 18 sjöingenjörsstudenter från Sveriges sjöfartshögskolor ingått i undersökningen. Intervjuerna analyserades och tolkades genom hermeneutisk och semantisk metod, som presenterades i ett tematiskt resultat. De mest framträdande resultaten av undersökningen är att även om studenterna fick en förtrogenhetsutbildning, gavs den inte alltid innan de sattes i arbete. Majoriteten av studenterna arbetade betydligt fler timmar än vad som överenskommits i det så kallade elevavtalet. Studenterna upplever även att det förekommer ett bristande ledarskap hos vissa av handledarna, där några av studenterna har utsatts för kränkande särbehandling och dåligt beteende. Trots brister inom onboardingen och den organisatoriska och social arbetsmiljön, var det inga övergripande orsaker till att studenterna inte ville fortsätta arbeta till sjöss. Det var dock en minoritet som inte ville fortsätta att arbeta till sjöss. För dessa var orsaken bristande ledarskap och jargongen ombord. / The purpose of the work presented in this student thesis was to identify how marine engineer students have experienced the organisational and social work environment onboard during their internships, and if their experiences have affected their future career choices. A qualitative research approach was adopted. Data collection was performed through two semi-structured focus group interviews and ten semi-structured individual in-depth interviews. The data analysis was interpreted hermeneutic and semantic, and the result was presented thematic. The participating students shared many experiences. Most of the students were given the mandatory familiarization training onboard, but in many cases this was not completed until after the students first work task onboard the ship. Almost all the students worked more hours than stipulated in the student agreement. Some of the students experienced bad behaviour and were treated badly by their supervisor. Even though students experienced shortcomings in the organisational and social work environment, most of the students were still willing to pursue a career at sea. A small part of the students did not want to work at sea due to their experiences of poor social work environment and lack of leadership onboard. / Drivkrafter för kompetensförsörjning i en socialt hållbar sjöfart
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Barriärer för miljöcertifiering i fastighetsbranschen : En undersökande studie om barriärer på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden / Barriers for green certificates on the real-estate market : An explorative study about barriers on the Swedish real-estate marketvon Gaffron, Björn, Watz Almquist, Ludwig January 2022 (has links)
En stor bidragande faktor till miljöproblem som global uppvärmning och icke förnybar resursförbrukning är aktiviteter inom fastighetsbranschen. Det beräknas att 40% av all världens koldioxidutsläpp produceras av byggnader samtidigt ses miljöcertifiering av fastigheter som en del av lösningen för att sänka mängden koldioxid och nå hållbar utveckling. Miljöcertifieringar för med sig en rad fördelar, bland annat en minskad användning av naturresurser och ett högre fastighetsvärde. Trots de fördelar som miljöcertifiering för med sig är knappt 1% av det svenska fastighetsbeståndet certifierat. Studiens syfte är att bidra till kunskap rörande vilka barriärer som föreligger samt hur de kan mildras på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Denna studie bidrar med unikt material eftersom tidigare forskning är bristfällig på den svensk fastighetsmarknaden. Studien är av mixad metod och använder sig av en kvantitativ online-enkätundersökning samt en intervjustudie om 3 respondenter från den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Enkätundersökningen utgick från tidigare internationell forskning och intervjustudien möjliggjorde en mer djupgående analys kring den svenska marknaden. De svenska aktörerna i studien ansåg att Brist på efterfrågan hos konsumenter, Höga Kostnader, Låg miljömedvetenhet hos konsumenter och Brist på statliga incitament var barriärer på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Brist på tid och extra administrativt arbete identifierades som nya barriärer som inte har blivit belysts i tidigare forskning. Studien visar även på att barriärer kan mitigeras genom företagsstrategier där svenska aktörer automatiserar och standardiserar sina arbetssätt utifrån de krav som miljöcertifikat ställer. / A major contributing factor to environmental problems such as global warming and non-renewable resource consumption are activities in the real estate industry. It is estimated that 40% of all the world's carbon dioxide emissions are produced by real estate and green certificates are seen as part of the solution to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and achieve sustainable development. Green certifications have several benefits, including a reduced use of natural resources and a higher property value. Despite the benefits that green certification brings, just under 1% of the Swedish property portfolio is certified. The purpose of the study is to contribute to knowledge regarding what barriers exist and how they can be mitigated in the Swedish real estate market. This study contributes unique material because previous research is deficient in the Swedish real estate market. The study is of a mixed method and uses a quantitative online survey and an interview study of 3 respondents from the Swedish real estate market. The questionnaire was based on previous international research and the interview study enabled a more in-depth analysis of the Swedish market. The Swedish actors in the study considered that Lack of consumer demand, High Costs, Low environmental awareness among consumers and Lack of government incentives were barriers in the Swedish real estate market. Lack of time and extra administrative work were identified as new barriers that have not been highlighted in previous research. The study also shows that barriers can be mitigated through company strategies where Swedish actors automate and standardize their ways of working based on the requirements set by green certificates.
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Stigma and Attributions of Blame toward Persons with AIDS (PWAs)Henschel, Peter W. (Peter William) 08 1900 (has links)
A sample of 227 undergraduate students was administered pre-intervention paper-and-pencil questionnaires to assess homophobia, fear of AIDS contagion, symbolic representations of AIDS and homosexuality, and specific personality attributes including authoritarianism, religiosity, and conservatism. Participants then read one of eight intervention vignettes about an ill person; these vignettes varied by sexual orientation of the patient, disease (AIDS versus lung cancer), and mode of transmission (in the AIDS conditions). Participants then completed post-intervention measures assessing the degree to which the ill person in the vignette was responsible and to blame for his illness, the level of stigma toward him, and concerns about social interactions with him. Results indicate the following: a) Attributions of personal responsibility are primarily a function of mode of illness transmission; b) fear of AIDS contagion is predictive of stigma and social avoidance of PWAs; and c) AIDS-related stigma and attributions of blame are largely a function of symbolic associations between homosexuality and IV drug abuse (which were previously stigmatized) and AIDS.
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Self Blame in Sexual Assault Survivors and Attributions to Other Sexual Assault SurvivorsPepper, Sarah E. 12 1900 (has links)
Previous research indicates that survivors of sexual assault often blame themselves for the assault. Research has also shown that people blame the perpetrator in some situations and the survivor in other situations involving sexual assault. The purpose of this study was to discover if survivors of sexual assault who blame themselves tend to blame other survivors (survivor blame) in situations different from their own. Another purpose was to assess whether or not sexual assault survivors who do not blame themselves for their attack tend to blame other survivors. The participants' attributional style was also assessed in order to understand the relations between self-blame and survivor blame in situations involving sexual assault. Findings indicated that certain types of attributional style are related to self-blame in sexual assault survivors and blame toward sexual assault survivors depicted in vignettes. This indicates that attributional style may have important implications in the clinical setting to aid sexual assault survivors who experience self-blame, as well in educating society about sexual assault and the ultimate responsibility of perpetrators.
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The purpose of this study is to understand and describe the experiences of parents of, and clinicians who provide services to, adolescents with co-occurring mental health and substance use challenges, particularly as they relate to issues of guilt, blame, and responsibility. The study is based in a theoretical framework derived from Symbolic Interactionism (Blumer, 1969), Attribution Theory (Heider, 1958), and Barrett`s (1995) Theory of Guilt and Shame. The guiding question the study is: What are the experiences of parents of adolescents with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse challenges and clinicians who provide treatment services around issues of blame, guilt, and responsibility, and how do those experiences shape their collaboration? Twenty three participants engaged in in-depth interviews. The results have been analyzed using a phenomenological approach to qualitative research. The results of the study have been organized within four domains. The first domain, Sources of and Impact of Guilt and Shame was comprised of three themes: (a) Parents experience of guilt related to their behaviors, (b) Parents` experiences of guilt has a serious impact on families, and (c) Guilt and shame felt by parents shaped the therapeutic process. The second domain, Being Blamed and Blaming Others, was comprised of two themes: (a) Feeling blame from every direction and (b) Parents blaming others. The third domain, Potential Pitfalls and Strategies for Success included three themes: (a) Anticipate issues of blame and guilt, (b) Inclusion and exclusion of parents in the therapeutic process, and (c) Clarify the process. The fourth domain is Training and Theoretical Orientation Issues, consisting of two key themes: (a) Theoretical orientation shapes practice with parents and (b) Importance of training specifically focused on working with families. Strengths and limitations of the study, along with implications for clinical practice, social work education, and future research, are discussed.
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The Predictive Relationship of Inhibitory Control, Emotion Regulation, Moral Emotions, and Life Stressors on Behavior Problems in School-Aged Children of Incarcerated MothersLotze, Geraldine M. 01 January 2006 (has links)
Children whose mothers go to prison are at high risk for poor outcomes of many kinds,including externalizing behaviors, internalizing disorders, school dropout, and eventual criminal activity. Inhibitory control, moral emotions, emotion regulation, and stressful life events were examined as predictors of externalizing and internalizing behaviors in children of incarcerated mothers. Participants were 50 children age 6 to 12 years (M = 9.77 y, SD = 1.54) with mothers currently in prison who attended a faith-based recreational summer camp. Inhibitory control was not impaired in these children, showing that their brains were functioning appropriately in this area of executive functioning. Inhibitory control did not impact emotion regulation as is usually seen, however. As expected, though, poor emotion regulation predicted both internalizing and externalizing behaviors. Lower levels of guilt (a healthy moral emotion) and higher levels of blame (an unhealthy denial of responsibility) predicted externalizing behaviors, while higher levels of shame (an unhealthy self-deprecation) predicted internalizing behaviors. A lower level of guilt also predicted the presence of callous/unemotional traits. Almost half the children experienced four or more life stressors within the past year; stressors predicted feelings of sadness and anxiety as opposed to externalizing problems, and not problems with emotion regulation. Results indicated that children who experienced the incarceration of their mothers have the cognitive and moral tools with which to regulate their emotions, but they do not always use these tools. Poor emotion regulation puts children at risk of difficulties ranging from psychopathy to long-lasting peer and relationship problems. One possibility is that their behaviors are learned and purposeful; perhaps their home and neighborhood environments modeled and reinforced out-of-control behavior. Suggestions for interventions include increasing the understanding of the impact of emotional self-understanding on self-control and behaviors, using strategies that employ both a cognitive and moral focus.
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