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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propriétés d’usage et mécanismes d’hydratation du système ternaire [Ciment Alumineux – Sulfate de Calcium – Laitier de Haut Fourneau] à haute teneur en sulfate de calcium : De l’approche expérimentale à la modélisation / Usage properties and hydration mechanisms of ternary binder [Calcium Aluminate Cement – Calcium Sulfate – Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag] with high content of calcium sulfate : From experimental approach to modelling

Kedziora, Charlotte 02 June 2015 (has links)
L’étude menée s’attache à évaluer le potentiel d’activation du laitier de haut fourneau dans un liant ternaire constitué de ciment alumineux, de sulfate de calcium et de laitier. Dans ce système ternaire, le constituant majoritaire est le sulfate de calcium. Le potentiel d’un tel système n’est pas encore connu mais cette étude vise à renseigner sur les principaux avantages et limites d’utilisation. D’un point de vue des propriétés d’usage de ce liant, la prise, le durcissement rapide et la montée des résistances sont assurés par le liant ettringitique. Ensuite, et uniquement si la dessiccation est évitée, le laitier de haut fourneau réagit et dans ce cas, l’apport du laitier dans de tels systèmes est double. Il contribue à l’augmentation des performances mécaniques à moyen et long terme et à limiter l’expansion sous eau. D’un point de vue de la compréhension des mécanismes d’hydratation, une démarche expérimentale originale est mise en place et dévoile le potentiel du laitier. Elle est basée sur la comparaison des performances obtenues avec différentes cures. Le potentiel d’hydratation du laitier est amplifié lorsque le système subit un séchage puis une réhydratation. Cependant, les techniques utilisées (diffraction des rayons X et calorimétrie différentielle à balayage) ne sont pas adaptées au suivi et à la quantification de laitier consommé. Ainsi, la compréhension de l’hydratation s’appuie sur des techniques dites indirectes. Une semi-quantification par diffraction des rayons X est réalisée pour le suivi et l’évaluation de la mayénite, le sulfate de calcium (anhydre ou dihydraté), la syngénite et l’ettringite, l’analyse thermogravimétrique permet de mesurer le degré d’hydratation du système, et la porosimétrie mercure informe sur les changements microstructuraux. La plus grosse difficulté dans ces travaux a porté sur le suivi et la quantification des phases amorphes (anhydres ou hydratées), telles que le laitier, les gels de C-S-H et d’AH3, et c’est pour cette raison qu’une approche par modélisation a été mise en place afin d’identifier le rôle de chaque constituant du système ternaire [Ciment Alumineux – Sulfate de Calcium – Laitier] et particulièrement du laitier lors de l’essai de réhydratation. L’approche par modélisation permet de mieux identifier les phénomènes chimiques et physiques ayant lieu lors de l’hydratation du liant. Elle est utilisée pour expliquer les observations macroscopiques (comme les performances mécaniques) et aide à déterminer les cinétique d’hydratation dans le milieu poreux. Le modèle utilisé n’est pas encore parfaitement au point mais il a permis d’identifier les différentes séquences d’hydratation (à savoir que le liant ettringitique réagit dans les premiers instants et qu’ensuite, l’hydratation de l’anhydrite entraine la formation de gypse et l’hydratation du laitier est effective à long terme) et de confirmer que la réaction du laitier est lente. / The potential of activation of a Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag has been evaluated into a ternary system comprising of a Calcium Sulfate as major component and a Calcium Aluminate Cement. This system is not well known and the main goal of this study is to determine its main advantages and limitations. From the usage properties point of view, fast setting and initial strengths are governed by the ettringitic binder. Then, and only if the dehydration is avoided, slag reacts. In this case, slag contributes to the increase of mechanical performances at medium and long terms and to limit the expansion under water. From an understanding point of view, the original experimental approach reveals the potential of the slag. It is based on a comparison of performances with different types of curing methods. The potential of hydration of the slag is amplified when the system is dehydrated during a few days and then rehydrated. However, slag contribution is complex to establish because analytical methods to follow-up slag consumption (such as X-ray Diffraction and Differential Scanning Calorimetry analysis) are not well adapted. So, to understand the hydration mechanisms, indirect approaches are used. Semi-quantitative methods by X-ray Diffraction to follow-up the mayenite, calcium sulfate, syngenite and ettringite, ThermoGravimetric Analysis to measure degree of hydration and Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry to identify microstructural changes have been carried. The most important difficulty concerns the identification and quantification of amorphous phases such as slag, C-S-H and AH3. That is why a modelling approach is necessary to understand the role of each compound in the ternary mixture and in particular the obvious contribution of slag during rehydration test. This modelling approach increases knowledge of the physical and chemical phenomena in this ternary binder. It is useful to explain the observed macroscopic properties such as strength and helps to determine the kinetics of hydration in porous environment. Even if this model is still under development, it has allowed identifying the sequences of hydration (ettringitic binder reacts at very initial time, then anhydrite transforms into gypsum and slag reacts at long term) and confirms therefore that the reaction of slag is slow.

Bioreducer use in blast furnace ironmaking in Finland:techno-economic assessment and CO₂ emission reduction potential

Suopajärvi, H. (Hannu) 13 January 2015 (has links)
Abstract Most of the steel produced in the world is based on the integrated blast furnace-converter route, which is based on the use of virgin raw materials. Large amounts of fossil-based, carbon containing reductants are used in blast furnaces, which results in carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Fossil carbon dioxide emissions from steel production can be reduced by new technologies or moving from non-renewable to renewable energy sources. Biomass-based reductants could be one way to reduce the specific emissions from blast furnace-based steel production. The aim of this thesis was to examine the techno-economic and CO₂ mitigation potentials of using bioreducers in blast furnace ironmaking. Bioreducer feasibility was analyzed in the Finnish context, but the research methods used can be applied more widely. The metallurgical properties of bioreducers were evaluated and compared to fossil-based reductants. The impact of bioreducers on blast furnace behavior and on other steel plant processes was evaluated, with an emphasis on the reductions achieved in CO₂ emissions at the plant scale. The CO₂ emissions, energy consumption and production costs of bioreducers were evaluated, as was the availability of energy wood for bioreducer production. The results show that solid, liquid and gaseous bioreducers can be produced with thermochemical conversion technologies. However, their suitability for blast furnace use varies greatly. The highest substitution of fossil-based reductants in a blast furnace is achieved with charcoal injection. The carbon footprint of torrefied wood, charcoal and Bio-SNG is moderate compared to fossil-based reducing agents and their production is energetically feasible. The economic feasibility of bioreducers is currently weak in comparison to fossil-based reducing agents, but competitive when compared to other CO₂ emission reduction measures such as carbon capture and storage. The biomass availability assessment revealed that sufficient amount of energy wood could be available for bioreducer production in the areas where Finnish steel plants are situated. The feasibility of bioreducer production could be improved by producing a number of products from the biomass and taking advantage of the process of integration possibilities. / Tiivistelmä Suurin osa maailmassa tuotetusta teräksestä valmistetaan integroidulla masuuni-konvertteri reitillä, joka perustuu neitseellisten raaka-aineiden käyttöön. Masuuniprosessissa käytetään suuri määrä fossiilisia, lähinnä hiilipohjaisia pelkistimiä, jotka aiheuttavat hiilidioksidipäästöjä ilmakehään. Fossiilisia hiilidioksidipäästöjä voidaan teräksenvalmistuksessa vähentää uusilla teknologioilla tai siirtymällä uusiutumattomista energialähteistä uusiutuviin. Biomassasta valmistetut pelkistimet voisivat olla yksi mahdollinen keino alentaa masuunipohjaisen teräksenvalmistuksen ominaispäästöjä. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tarkastella biopelkistimien käytön teknistaloudellista potentiaalia masuunikäytössä ja aikaansaatavia hiilidioksidipäästövähenemiä eri systeemirajauksilla. Työssä keskityttiin tarkastelemaan biopelkistimien hyödynnettävyyttä lähinnä Suomen tasolla, vaikka käytetyt tutkimusmetodit ovat sovellettavissa myös laajemmin. Työssä arvioitiin biopelkistimien metallurgisia ominaisuuksia, niiden vaikutusta masuuniprosessiin ja laajemmin muihin terästehtaan prosesseihin, pääpainon ollessa saavutettavan CO₂ päästövähenemän tarkastelussa. Työssä tarkasteltiin biopelkistimien valmistuksen CO₂ päästöjä, energiankulutusta ja tuotantokustannuksia sekä energiapuun saatavuutta biopelkistimien tuotantoon. Tulokset osoittavat, että biomassasta voidaan valmistaa kiinteitä, nestemäisiä ja kaasumaisia pelkistimiä termokemiallisilla konversioteknologioilla, joiden soveltuvuus masuunikäyttöön vaihtelee suuresti. Masuuniprosessissa suurin fossiilisten pelkistimien korvaavuus saavutetaan käyttämällä puuhiili-injektiota. Torrefioidun puun, puuhiilen ja Bio-SNG:n hiilijalanjälki on varsin maltillinen verrattuna fossiilisiin pelkistimiin ja niiden tuotanto on energeettisesti järkevää. Biopelkistimien taloudellinen kannattavuus verrattuna fossiilisiin pelkistimiin on tällä hetkellä heikko, mutta kilpailukykyinen verrattuna muihin CO₂ päästöjen vähennyskeinoihin, kuten hiilidioksidin talteenottoon ja -varastointiin. Energiapuun saatavuus biopelkistimien valmistukseen on suurin alueilla, jotka sijaitsevat lähellä Suomen terästehtaita. Biopelkistimien tuotannon kannattavuutta voitaisiin parantaa tuottamalla useita tuotteita ja hyödyntämällä prosessi-integraatiota.

Bio-coal pre-treatmeant for maximized addition in briquettes and coke

Robles, Astrid January 2017 (has links)
Carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere today cause problems around the world. In Sweden, the steel production contributes significantly to carbon dioxide emissions. The steel industry challenge is to improve the metallurgical processes to decrease the carbon dioxide emissions. One way to reduce the emissions is to use renewable carbon sources. The blast furnace process is a counter current reduction process for ironmaking. Raw materials such as iron ore agglomerates, coke and slag formers are charged at the top of the furnace while oxygen-rich blast air and powdered coal are injected in the bottom. The gases produced by combustion rise through the burden on the top of the furnace. The combustion of carbon produces carbon monoxide which is the reducing gas used for the reduction of iron oxides to pig iron. The process is the highest producer of CO2 emissions in Sweden; biomass can partially replace fossil carbon in coal blends for cokemaking, coal powder for coal injection and coke in self-reducing briquettes.  The purpose of this project was to maximize the addition of biomass in coal blends for cokemaking and the addition in briquettes produced for the recovery of iron bearing rest products. The challenge with biomass in cokemaking is its low density and high reactivity which decrease the coke yield and coke strength at the same time that it increases the coke reactivity. The coke quality has to be kept at sufficient quality in order to avoid effects on productivity and process stability in the blast furnace. The addition of biomass in briquettes is limited due to the low density of the biomass which may affect the strength of the briquettes. The effect of the addition of sawdust in coke and briquettes has been studied to understand the effect on reaction behaviour of bio-coal. Heat-treatment of sawdust with high volatile coal was performed in order to achieve a coating of coal on the sawdust surface and get less reactive sawdust. Torrefied sawdust contained 23 wt. % fixed carbon while the pre-treatment of sawdust with high volatile coal increased the content to about 60 wt. %. Pre-treated sawdust was added to coal blend for coke making and briquettes containing iron oxide. The pre-treated sawdust was added to five coal blends for coke production, the contents were 5, 10 and 20 wt. %, and a base blend was used as reference. Coke reactivity, chemical composition and cold compression strength in coke were studied. This work resulted in an improved bulk density; up to 20 wt. % pre-treated sawdust could be added to the coal blend and still keep a bulk density of 800 kg/m3. The coke yields in cokes with pre-treated sawdust were comparable to the coke reference. The temperature at which carbon in coke began to be consumed was slightly higher in coke containing sawdust treated with 50 wt. % high volatile coal. It was estimated that the CO2 emission from fossil coal could be reduced with 8.6 % per ton hot metal (THM) with the addition of 10 wt. % pre-treated sawdust to coal blends for cokemaking. The addition of 20 wt. % pre-treated sawdust could reduce the CO2 emission with 10% per THM. In addition, two different mixes of briquettes were produced, one with torrefied sawdust and one with pre-treated sawdust. The chemical composition and reduction of iron oxides in briquettes was also studied and evaluated. Briquettes with treated sawdust were more compact, i.e. had a higher density than briquettes containing torrefied sawdust. The amount of hematite that could be added to the briquette mixes was 0.107 moles in briquettes with torrefied sawdust and 0.112 moles in briquettes with pre-treated torrefied sawdust. / Koldioxidutsläppet till atmosfären orsakar idag problem runt om i världen. I Sverige bidrar stålproduktionen avsevärt till koldioxidutsläppet. Stålindustrin har som en utmaning att förbättra de metallurgiska processerna för att sänka utsläppet av koldioxid. Ett sätt att sänka koldioxidutsläppen är att minska påverkan genom att använda förnybara kolkällor. Masugnsprocessen är en kontinuerlig reduktionsprocess för råjärnframställning och en av processerna där det används reduktionsmedel från fossila kolkällor. Råmaterial som järnmalm, koks och slaggformare chargeras på toppen av ugnen medan syrgasberikad blästerluft och pulveriserat kol injiceras i botten av ugnen genom masugnens formor. De gaser som produceras vid förbränning stiger upp genom beskickningen upp till ugnens topp. Vid förgasning av kol bildas kolmonoxid som är den reducerande gasen, den möjliggör reduktionen av järnoxider vid framställning av råjärn. Torrefierad biomassa kan delvis ersätta fossilt kol i kolblandningarna för kokstillverkning, i kolinjektionen och i briketter. Syftet med detta projekt var att maximera mängden tillsatt biomassa i kolblandningarna för kokstillverkning och i briketter för återvinning av järnbärande restprodukter. Utmaningen med biomassa i kokstillverkningen är den höga reaktiviteten och den låga densiteten av kol, vilket resulterar i låg koksutbyte när den tillsätts i kolblandningar. Biomassa innehåller också en högt halt flyktiga ämnen vilket resulterar i koks med låg hållfasthet och hög reaktivitet. Kokskvalitén måste behållas för att undvika processvariationer i masugnen. Tillsatsen av biomassa i briketter, är begränsat då biomassa kan påverka briketternas hållfasthet. Effekten av tillsatsen av biomassa i koks och briketter har studerats för att kunna förstå reaktionsbeteendet i dessa när torrefied sågspån och förbehandlat sågspån med hög fluiditetskol har tillsatts till blandningarna. Värmebehandling av torrifierat sågspån med en hög fluiditeteskol gjordes för att uppnå en mindre reaktiv biomassa. Torrifierat sågspån innehöll 22.9 viktsprocent kol, förbehandlingen av sågspån med hög fluiditetskol ökade halten till cirka 60 viktsprocent. Den behandlade sågspånen tillsattes till fem kolblandningar för koksframställning, 5, 10 och 20 viktprocent tillsattes till en bas blandning som användes referens. Koksreaktiviteten, kemisk sammansättning och hållfasthet i koks studerades. Arbetet resulterade i en förbättrad bulkdensitet då upp till 20 viktprocent förbehandlad biomassa kunde tillsättas i kolblandningen och fortfarande behålla en bulkdensitet på 800 kg/m3. Koksutbytet i alla koks med förbehandlat sågspån var jämförbart med koksreferensen. Temperaturen där kemisk kol i koks började förbrukas, var något högre i koks som innehöll sågspån med 50 viktsprocent hög fluiditetskol. Koldioxidutsläppen från fossilt kol per ton råjärn (THM) uppskattades att vara 8,6 % lägre med tillsatsen av 10 viktprocent förbehandlat sågspån i kolblandningar för kokstillverkning. Tillsatsen av 20 viktprocent skulle innebära en minskning på 10 % per ton råjärn. Briketter med två olika blandningar framställdes, en blandning med torrifierat sågspån och en blandning med behandlat sågspån. Briketterna karakteriserades genom att analysera den kemiska sammansättningen och reduktionen av järnoxider i termisk reducerade briketter. Briketter med behandlat sågspån var mer kompakta, d.v.s. hade en högre densitet än briketter som innehöll torrifierad sågspån. Mängden hematit som kunde tillsättas i mixen med torrifierad sågspån var 0.107 mol, medan i mixen med förbehandlat sågspån 0.112 mol kunde tillsättas. / Bio4metals / CAMM

Synthesis and Characterization of Geopolymers as Construction Materials

Acharya, Indra Prasad January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Geopolymers are a relatively new class of materials that have many broad applications, including use as substitute for ordinary Portland cement (OPC), use in soil stabilisation, fire resistant panels, refractory cements, and inorganic adhesives. Geopolymers are an alternative binder to Portland cement in the manufacture of mortars and concrete, as its three-dimensional alumino silicate network develops excellent strength properties. Use of geopolymers in place of ordinary Portland cement is also favoured owing to the possible energy and carbon dioxide savings. Geopolymer is typically synthesized by alkali activation of pozzolanas at moderate temperatures (< 1000C). The focus of the thesis is synthesis and characterization of geopolymers as construction materials. In this context, the role of compositional factors, such as, pozzolana type (fly ash, kaolinite, metakaolinite, ground granulated blast furnace slag, red soil), alkali (sodium hydroxide is used in this study) activator concentration, Si/Al (Si= silicon, Al = aluminium) ratio of the pozzolana and environmental factors, namely, curing period and temperature are examined. Besides synthesizing geopolymers that could be an alternate to concrete as construction material, sand-sized aggregates were synthesized using geopolymer reactions. This was done as river sand is becoming scarcer commodity for use as construction material. Several compositional and environmental factors were varied in geopolymer synthesis in order to identify the optimum synthesis conditions that yield geopolymers with maximum compressive strength. Besides varying external (compositional and environmental) factors, the role of internal microstructure in influencing the compressive strength of the geopolymer was examined. Micro-structure examinations were made using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) studies. The studies on compositional and environmental factors in geopolymer synthesis brought out several interesting results. The results firstly brought out that amongst the pozzolanas studied, ASTM class F fly ash is most suited for maximum compressive strength mobilization upon geopolymer reactions. Moderate temperature (75-1000C) was adequate to mobilize large compressive strengths. Room temperature curing needed more than 7 days before the pozzolana-NaOH paste began to develop strength. Curing period of 56 days was needed for the geopolymer to develop significant strength (19.6MPa). A similar range of compressive strength could be developed by the pozzolana-NaOH paste upon curing for 3 days at 1000C. Likewise curing the pozzolana-NaOH paste at temperatures > 1000C led to reduction in compressive strength from shrinkage and breakage of bonds. A caustic soda (NaOH) concentration of 10 M was adequate to develop maximum compressive strength of the geopolymer. Caustic soda concentrations in excess of 10 M did not result in further improvement of strength. The Si/Al ratio also contributes to strength mobilization. The Si/Al ratio of the geopolymer was enhanced by mixing commercially obtained silica gel with the pozzolana. Maximum strength mobilization was observed at Si/Al ratio = 2.45 corresponding to 6.5 % silica gel addition to the pozzolana (on dry mass basis). Comparing compressive strengths of geopolymers with varying silica gel contents, geopolymer specimens with least water content and largest dry density did not exhibit maximum compressive strength indicating that the physico-chemical (bond strength, micro-structure) played a pivotal role than physical parameters (dry density, water content) in dictating the strength of the geopolymer. MIP results showed that bulk of the porosity in fly ash geopolymer specimens is contributed by macro pores and air voids. Geopolymerization leads to bulk consumption of cenospheres in fly ash and forms polymerized matrix with network of large pores. After geopolymerization, all the main characteristic peaks of Al–Si minerals observed in fly ash persisted, suggesting that no new major crystalline phases were formed. Presence of small amount of inorganic contaminants in fly ash can drastically reduce the strength of the fly ash geopolymer. For example, 5-20 % presence of red soil reduces the strength of fly ash geopolymer by 16 to 59 %. Presence of unreacted clay coupled with less porous structure is responsible for the reduction in compressive strength of fly ash geopolymer subjected to red soil addition. MIP studies with geopolymers also revealed that there is good bearing between compressive strengths and maximum intruded volume (from MIP test) of geopolymers. For example, fly ash geopolymer specimen exhibits highest total intruded volume (0.3908 cc/g) and largest compressive strength of 29.5 MPa, while red soil geopolymer specimen exhibit least intruded volume (0.0416 cc/g) and lowest compressive strength (5.4 MPa). Further, analysis showed that specimens with larger airvoids+macropores volume had larger compressive strength, suggesting that geopolymers with more porous microstructure develop larger compressive strength. All geopolymer specimens exhibited tri-modal nature of pores i.e. macro-pore mode (entrance pore radius: 25-5000 nm), mesopore mode (entrance pore radius: 1.25 to 25 nm) and air void mode (entrance pore radius >5000 nm). The micro pores (entrance pore radius < 1.25 nm) do not contribute to porosity of the geopolymer specimens. Sand particles prepared from geopolymer reactions (FAPS or fly ash geopolymer sand) predominated in medium sized (2mm to 0.425 mm) sand particles. Their particle size distribution characteristics (uniformity coefficient and coefficient of curvature) classified them as poorly graded sand (SP). Dissolution, followed by polymerization reactions led to dense packing of the Si–O–Al–O– units that imparted specific gravity of 2.59 to FAPS particles which is comparable to that of river sand (2.61). Dissolution in strongly alkaline medium imparted strongly alkaline pH (12.5) to the FAPS particles. The river sand is characterized by much lower pH (7.9). Despite being characterized by rounded grains, the FAPS particles mobilized relatively high friction angle of (35.5o) than river sand (∅ = 28.9o). The river sand-mortar (RS-M) and fly ash geopolymer sand-mortar (FAPS-M) specimens developed similar 28-day compressive strengths, 11.6 to 12.2 MPa. Despite its higher water content, FAPS-mortar specimens developed similar compressive strength and initial tangent modulus (ITM) as river sand-mortar specimens. The FAPS-M specimen is more porous (larger intruded volume) with presence of larger fraction of coarser pores. Total porosity is majorly contributed by macro-pores (67.92%) in FAPS-M specimen in comparison to RS-M specimen (macro-pores = 33.1%). Mortar specimens prepared from FAPS and river sand exhibit similar pH of 12.36 and 12.4 respectively. FAPS-mortar specimens have lower TDS (1545 mg/L) than river sand-mortar specimens (TDS = 1889 mg/L). The RS-M and FAPS-M specimens exhibit leachable sodium levels of 0.001 g Na/g RS-M and 0.007 g Na/g-FAPS-M respectively in the water leach tests. The larger leachable sodium of FAPS-M specimen is attributed to residual sodium hydroxide persisting in the FAPS even after washing. The ultra-accelerated mortar bar test (UAMBT) shows that the percentage expansion of FAPS-M and RS-M specimens are comparable and range between 0.07 to 0.08 %.

Modélisation systémique des filières sidérurgiques en vue de leur optimisation énergétique et environnementale / Systems modeling of steelmaking routes for energetic and environmental optimization

Afanga, Khalid 19 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur la modélisation mathématique des principaux procédés sidérurgiques en suivant une approche systémique. L’objectif est d’élaborer un outil de modélisation de l’ensemble de la filière destiné à l’optimiser du point de vue énergétique et environnemental. Nous avons développé des modèles physico-chimiques du haut fourneau, de la cokerie, de l’agglomération et du convertisseur. Ces modèles ont ensuite été reliés entre eux sous forme d’un diagramme de flux unique en utilisant le logiciel ASPEN Plus. Dans une première partie, nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés au haut fourneau à recyclage, une variante innovante du haut fourneau dans laquelle les gaz de gueulard sont recyclés et réinjectés aux tuyères après capture du CO2. Nous avons testé une réinjection à un niveau (aux tuyères) et à deux niveaux (tuyères et ventre). Les résultats ont été comparés avec succès à des données expérimentales issues d’un réacteur pilote et montrent que le recyclage permet une baisse de plus de 20 % des émissions de CO2 du haut fourneau. Le recyclage à deux niveaux ne semble pas plus performant que celui à un seul niveau. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons simulé le fonctionnement d’une usine sidérurgique intégrée dans son ensemble. Différentes configurations ont été testées, pour un haut fourneau classique ou un haut fourneau à recyclage, en considérant un éventuel recyclage du laitier de convertisseur à l’agglomération, et en étudiant l’influence de la teneur en silicium de la fonte sur toute la filière. On montre notamment qu’il est possible de réduire le prix de revient de la tonne d’acier en substituant et recyclant différents sous-produits / This research study deals with mathematical modeling of the main steelmaking processes following a systems approach. The objective was to build a modeling tool of the whole steelmaking route devoted to its energetic and environmental optimization. We developed physical-chemical models for the blast furnace, the coke oven, the sintering plant and the basic oxygen furnace. These models were then linked together in a single flow sheet using the ASPEN Plus software. First, we focused on the top gas recycling blast furnace, a novel variant of the blast furnace in which the top gas is recycled and re-injected into the tuyeres after CO2 removal and capture. We tested both a reinjection at one level (tuyeres only) and at two levels (tuyeres and shaft). The results were successfully compared with experimental data from a pilot reactor and demonstrate that recycling can lower the blast furnace CO2 emissions by more than 20%. Recycling at two levels does not seem more efficient than at a single level. Second, we simulated the operation of an entire integrated steelmaking plant. Different configurations were tested, using a conventional blast furnace or a top gas recycling blast furnace, considering a possible recycling of the converter slag to the sintering plant, and studying the influence of Si content in the hot metal on the entire steelmaking plant operation. We show that it is possible to reduce the cost of producing steel by substituting and recycling various by-products

Etude des caractéristiques physico-chimiques de nouveaux bétons éco-respectueux pour leur résistance à l'environnement dans le cadre du développement durable / Characterization of the porosimetry modified by the clinker substitution in eco-friendly concrete

Bur, Nicolas 05 September 2012 (has links)
La compréhension des mécanismes à l’origine de la formation de la porosité et de ses propriétés dans les matériaux cimentaires est un enjeu majeur pour l’évaluation de leur durabilité. L’utilisation des laitiers de haut fourneau comme liant hydraulique modifie les phases formées, leur proportion et la microstructure des mortiers et bétons. Il reste un grand nombre de verrous scientifiques à lever concernant les paramètres modifiant les valeurs de porosité, le rayon des capillaires et, par conséquent, la perméabilité. Des échantillons de mortiers ont été réalisés avec différents mélanges de CEM I et de laitiers de haut-fourneau puis différentes cures ont été utilisées afin d’évaluer l’influence de la baisse de la température ou de l’hygrométrie sur la géométrie de leur porosité. Différentes techniques d’analyses de porosité et de perméabilité ont permis de mettre en évidence principalement une augmentation de la porosité totale et libre, des rayons des capillaires et de la perméabilité avec l’augmentation de la proportion de laitier et la diminution de l’hygrométrie. Des observations au microscope électronique à balayage à pression de vapeur d’eau contrôlée ont permis de montrer le lien entre l’ouverture des capillaires et l’hygrométrie. Ainsi les forces exercées par les pressions de disjonction et les pressions capillaires déforment les hydrates de manière à fermer les capillaires avec l’augmentation de l’hygrométrie. La mise au point d’une méthode originale de cartographie de la porosité à partir de données de conductivité thermique a permis de confirmer la présence d’une peau et de déterminer son étendue. Grâce à cette technique, il est possible d’évaluer la distribution des taux de porosité au travers des échantillons. De plus, une nouvelle approche d’analyse a permis de cartographier à partir du même modèle la distribution des proportions relatives de granulats. / In order to evaluate the sustainability of cementitious materials, it is significant to understand the mechanisms linked to the formation of the porosity and to its properties. The use of ground granulated blast-furnace slag as an eco-friendly hydraulic binder influences the hydration processes therefore the phases formed, their proportion and their microstructure of mortar and concrete. Mortar samples were made to evaluate the influences of the blast-furnace slag, its grinding fineness and the influence of temperature or relative humidity of curing on the porosity. The analysis of the mortar samples with complementary measures of porosity allowed us to highlight the increase of the total and free porosity, of the threshold diameter and the absolute permeability with the increase of slag proportion used and the decrease of relative humidity. We also showed a gradual slowing down of capillary absorption kinetics called self-sealing effect and observed the relationbetween the relative humidity and the capillary aperture with a low vacuum scanning electron microscopy. Thus, the strength of disjunction and capillary pressures applied on the hydrates clog the capillaries with increasing humidity. The development of a novel method for mortar porosity mapping from thermal conductivity data allowed us to confirm the skin presence and its area. This method allows the evaluation of the porosity distribution and the relative proportion of aggregates through the sample.

Amélioration des propriétés rhéologiques et à jeune âge des laitiers alcali-activés au carbonate de sodium / Improving the rheological and early age properties of sodium carbonate alkali-activated GGBS

Kiiashko, Artur 10 September 2019 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, les problèmes environnementaux sont plus graves que jamais. Des mesures urgentes devraient être prises dans tous les domaines de l'activité humaine, y compris la construction. L'un des principaux contributeurs à l'impact négatif de cette industrie sur l'environnement est la fabrication du ciment Portland ordinaire (OPC) nécessaire à la production de béton et d’autres matériaux cimentaire. Malgré son importance, il présente un inconvénient important: sa production est accompagnée par de grandes quantités de gaz à effet de serre. Ils représentent 5 à 8% des émissions mondiales totales de CO2. Des matériaux cimentaires plus écologiques sont maintenant nécessaires.Des réductions significatives de l’impact sur l’environnement ne peuvent être obtenues que par l’utilisation de liants de nouvelle génération dont la fabrication ne nécessite pas beaucoup de processus et de traitements supplémentaires. L'une d'elles consiste à utiliser des déchets industriels comme liants (différentes laitiers, cendres volantes, cendres de biomasse, etc.). De cette manière, il y a non seulement une réduction de l'impact de processus tels que l'extraction minière ou la calcination, mais également le recyclage des déchets (un principe de l'économie circulaire).Une possibilité consiste à utiliser du laitier de haut fourneau (GGBS) comme base pour ce ciment de nouvelle génération. En raison de sa réactivité relativement faible avec l'eau, des suppléments (également appelés activateurs) doivent être utilisés pour favoriser le processus d'hydratation. Le carbonate de sodium (Na2CO3) est l’un des activateurs les plus prometteurs et en même temps les moins étudiés. Un tel ciment alkali-activé présente des propriétés mécaniques et de durabilité élevées, ainsi qu'une empreinte CO2 très faible. Parmi les principaux problèmes qui entravent son utilisation à l'échelle industrielle, on peut mentionner une évolution de la résistance lente à jeune âge et de rhéologie médiocre.L'objectif de la présente thèse est de développer une nouvelle conception du liant à base de laitier activé par Na2CO3, qui répondrait à toutes les exigences modernes du secteur de la construction, en particulier les propriétés rhéologiques et le développement de la résistance à jeune âge. Ce liant doit toujours répondre à au moins trois critères principaux: faible impact environnemental, faibles risques de danger dans les applications sur le terrain et être économiquement compétitif à l'échelle industrielle.Dans le présent travail, l’influence de différents paramètres tels que le rapport eau/liant, la concentration de Na2CO3, la finesse du laitier et les conditions de durcissement sur les propriétés du mélange à jeune âge et à long terme a été étudiée. Sur la base des résultats du processus d’hydratation, les additifs à base de phosphonate qui permettent de contrôler efficacement la rhéologie de tels liants ont été testé avec succès. Ils permettent non seulement de contrôler le temps de prise, mais fournissent également un effet plastifiant.En ce qui concerne l’amélioration des propriétés de résistance au jeune âge, différentes méthodes ont été utilisées. L’utilisation d’un traitement thermique ou d’une augmentation de la finesse du GGBS s’est avérée efficace. L’exploration des causes d’une longue période d’induction a montré que l’accélération pouvait également être obtenue par l’ajout d’une source de calcium à cinétique de dissolution contrôlée. En conséquence, le liant est devenu plus réactif et plus robuste à certains facteurs (concentration d’activateur, rapport eau/liant, conditions de durcissement, etc.). Pour compenser l'empreinte carbone supplémentaire de la source de calcium ajoutée, le liant a été dilué avec succès par le calcaire sans aucune dégradation des propriétés à un certain pourcentage de dilution. / Today, environmental problems are more acute than ever. Urgent measures should be taken in all spheres of human activity including construction and civil engineering. One of the major contributors of negative environmental impacts from this industry is the manufacturing of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) required for concrete and other cementitious materials production. Although its importance to economical development, it has a significant drawback - its production is accompanied by the emission of large quantities of greenhouse gases. They account for 5-8% of total world CO2 emissions. More environmentally friendly cementitious materials are now required.Significant reductions of the environmental impact can be achieved only through the use of new-generation binders whose manufacture does not require a lot of additional processes and treatments. One route is through the use of industrial wastes as binders (different slags, fly ash, biomass bottom ash, etc.). In this way there is not only a reduction in the impact of processes such as mining or calcination, but also the recycling of waste materials (circular economy principle).One possibility is to use ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) as the basis for such a new generation cement. Due to its rather low reactivity with water, additional supplements (also called activators) should be used to promote the hydration process. One of the most promising, and at the same time least studied, activators is sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). Such alkali-activated cements present high mechanical and durability properties, as well as a very low CO2 footprint. Among the main problems hindering its industrial scale adoption are their poor rheology and too slow strength gain within the first days of hardening.The objective of the present thesis is to develop a new binder based on Na2CO3 activated GGBS that would meet all the modern requirements of the construction industry, in particular regarding the rheological properties and early age strength development. In addition this binder should always respond to at least three main criteria: low environmental impact, low health and safety concerns in field applications, and be economically competitive at industrial scale.In the present work, the influence of different parameters like water/binder ratio, Na2CO3 concentration, slag fineness and curing conditions on both early age and long term properties of the mixture were studied. Based on the results of the hydration process analysis, phosphonate based additives that allow for the effective control of the rheology of such binders were successfully tested. They not only allow control over the setting time, but also provide a plasticizing effect.Regarding the improvement of early age strength properties, various methods have been used. The use of heat treatment or an increase of GGBS fineness turned out to be efficient. Exploring the causes of the long induction period has shown that acceleration can also be achieved by the addition of a calcium source with controlled dissolution kinetics. As a result, the binder became more reactive and robust against certain factors (activator concentration, Water/Binder ratio, curing conditions, etc.). To compensate for the additional carbon footprint from the added calcium source, the binder was successfully diluted by limestone without any degradation of the properties below some dilution percentages.

Návrh kotle na spoluspalování vysokopecního plynu a koksárenského plynu / Draft boilers for co-firing blast furnace gas and coke oven gas

Machara, Radek January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with design of gas steam boiler with given parameters of steam. Blast furnace and coke oven gas are used as fuel. At the beginning of this work, both co-fired fuels are presented to us, their chemical analysis and stoichiometry are performed. The main part of the diploma thesis deals with the dimensioning of individual heat exchange surfaces such as steam superheaters, evaporators, economizers and air heaters. All heat exchange surfaces meet recommended parameters such as recommended steam rates, flue gas, etc. At the end, the total heat balance of the boiler is performed. Part of the work is also drawing documentation showing the main dimensions of the boiler. It is also indicated the connection of individual heat exchange surfaces.

Lehké malty s obsahem alternativních surovin odolné působení nepříznivých vlivů / Lightweight mortars with content of alternative raw materials and resistant to adverse effects

Morkusová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes research and following development of lightweight cement mortars with alternative raw materials. Attention was focused on study of the effects of extreme influences such as high temperature (up to 1200 °C), freeze-thaw and agressive sulfur dioxide. Verification of durability of developed mortars was realized using physical and mechanical tests (density and strength), physical and chemical methods (computed tomography) and scanning electron microscopy. Assessment of durability was realized in a longer period of time (90 days).

Vliv ohybového namáhání na elektrické vlastnosti alkalicky aktivovaných struskových kompozitů / Effect of flexural loading on electrical properties of alkali-activated slag composites

Šimko, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
Ordinary concrete is the most commonly used building material, but nowadays the requirements for low energy consumption, durability of structures together with their easy diagnostics as well as ecological production raises. This thesis deals with cement and aluminosilicate composites with content of conductive fillers, which allows to monitor the change in electrical properties, most commonly electrical resistance in dependence on mechanical stress. In the experimental part of the thesis, test beams were produced based on alkali-activated slag with content of carbon nanotubes, graphite powder, carbon black and carbon fibre. The beams were subjected to flexural loading in a three-point bending configuration and the shift in electrical resistance was monitored.

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