Spelling suggestions: "subject:"blood - rationation"" "subject:"blood - actionation""
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Tredje årets gymnasieelevers inställning till och åsikter om blodgivningHjelmtorp, Andreas January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjukvården är i ständigt behov av blod och bloddonation har under senaste åren minskat. En viktig uppgift för blodcentraler är att rekrytera nya blodgivare. Forskning på gymnasieelevers inställning till blodgivning saknas. Syfte: Att undersöka gymnasieelevers inställning till blodgivning och deras anledningar till att donera och att inte donera. Könsskillnader ska också utredas. Syftet är också att utreda vad dem vet om blodgivning. Metod: Etthundra fyrtiofem gymnasieelever från Uppsala och Stockholm besvarade en enkät inriktad på bloddonation. Resultat: Endast 22,1% visste vad som krävdes för att donera blod. Majoriteten av gymnasieeleverna ansåg att det var bra med bloddonation. Hälften ville donera blod (52,4%). Den främsta anledningen att donera blod var att vilja hjälpa andra. Stick- och blodrädsla var den främsta anledningen till att inte donera blod. Främsta anledningen att inte donera blod för männen var ointresse (21,8%). Medicinska skäl var en viktig anledning för kvinnor att inte donera blod (19,1%). Slutsats: Kunskapen hos gymnasieelever angående bloddonation är bristfällig. Gymnasieelever anser att bloddonation är bra. Gymnasieelever vill donera blod för att hjälpa andra, och väljer att inte donera blod på grund av att de har stickrädsla och är rädda för blod. Anledningar till att donera blod är liknande mellan män och kvinnor, medan anledningarna till att inte donera blod har stor spridning. / Background: Health care is in constant need of blood and blood donation during the last few years has declined. An important task for blood centers is to recruit new donors. There’s a lack of research on high school students' attitudes towards blood donation. Objective: To examine high school students' attitudes towards blood donation and their reasons for donating and not donating. Gender differences will also be investigated. The aim is also to investigate what they know about blood donation. Method: One hundred forty-five high school students from Uppsala and Stockholm answered a questionnaire focused on blood donation. Results: Only 22.1% knew what was required to donate blood. The majority of high school students felt that it was good with blood donation. Half wanted to donate blood (52.4 %). The main reason to donate blood wanted to help others. Needle phobia and fear of blood was the main reason not to donate blood. Main reason for not donating blood for men was lack of interest (21.8 %). Medical reasons were an important reason for women not to donate blood (19.1 %). Conclusion: The knowledge of high school students about blood donation is flawed. High school students believe that blood donation is good. High school students want to donate blood to help others, and chooses not to donate blood because of their needle phobia and fear of blood. Reasons to donate blood are similar between men and women, while reasons for not donating blood is widespread.
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Att lita på andras blodgåva : Åsikter om att homosexuella män i praktiken nekas donera blod / Trusting others’ gift of blood : Opinions towards denying homosexual men, in practice, to donate bloodElwin, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker vilka uppfattningar sjuksköterskor och homosexuella män har kring reglerna för blodgivning, med inriktning på att homosexuella män i praktiken inte får donera blod. Studien har genomförts med kvalitativ intervju som metod. Resultatet framhäver att mina informanter klassificerat blod och människor olika, där både utländskt blod och svenskt blod rangordnas efter potentiell risk för smitta. Sjuksköterskorna och de homosexuella männen hanterar även reglerna olika, där sjuksköterskorna lägger ett större fokus på att skydda de som ska få blodet. Samtidigt anser de i likhet med de homosexuella männen att reglerna är diskriminerande och bygger på fördomar om att homosexuella män skulle bete sig mer riskfyllt än andra i samband med smitta. Egentligen går det inte med säkerhet att veta om någon är ärlig när de besvarar hälsodeklarationen som ska hjälpa blodcentralen att sålla bort olämpliga donatorer. Bloddonation från homosexuella män går att se från olika håll och är därför ett komplext ämne utan ett lätt svar, då tekniken inte kan upptäcka smitta omedelbart från smittillfället. Däremot framhäver mina informanter att alla bör bli bedömda efter individuellt beteende istället för kollektivt. Exempelvis bör homosexuella män i monogama förhållanden få donera blod. / This Bachelor Thesis investigates the perceptions nurses and homosexual men, respectively, have concerning the rules for blood donation, focusing on the fact that homosexual men in practice aren't able to donate blood. The study was conducted using qualitative interviews. The results emphasise that my informants classify blood and people differently, where both foreign and Swedish blood are rated on potential risk of infection. Nurses and homosexual men also handle the various rules differently, the nurses placing greater focus on protecting receivers of blood. At the same time nurses, like the homosexual men, find the rules discriminatory and based on the prejudice that homosexual men have a riskier lifestyle than others relating to infection. In reality, there can be no certainty in knowing if someone is honest when answering the health declaration which is meant to help the blood bank weed out unsuitable donors. The issue of blood donation by homosexual men can be approached from different angles and is therefore a complex topic without an easy solution, especially since current testing cannot detect the HIV virus immediately after transmission. In contrast, my informants emphasise that everyone should be judged on individual behaviour instead of collectively; for example, homosexual men in monogamous relationships should also be able to donate blood.
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Kraujo donorystės įstaigos organizacinės kultūros įvertinimas / Evaluation of the organizational culture in the blood donation institutionGelmanienė, Rita 05 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti kraujo donorystės įstaigos organizacijos kultūrą.
1. Išanalizuoti ir pasirinkti organizacijos kultūros vertinimo metodą.
2. Pagal atliktus tyrimus įvertinti ir palyginti trijų kraujo donorystės įstaigų organizacijos kultūrą.
3. Pagal kraujo donorytės įstaigos organizacijos kultūros vertinimą nustatyti organizacijos kultūros bruožus ir ją formuojančius veiksnius.
Tyrimo metodika. Anketinė darbuotojų apklausa, tyrimo instrumentarijus remiasi D.Denison parengta metodologija, n=126, atsako dažnis 90,64%, statistinei duomenų analizei naudota SPSS 21,0. Aprašomoji analizė: kiekybiniai duomenys – vidurkis ±standartinis nuokrypis, kokybiniai parametrai – dažnis. Proporcijų tarp klausimų atsakymo variantų palyginimui naudojome χ² testą, ryšiui tarp kintamųjų - korealiacinės analizės metodas, poriniam procentų palyginimui taikyta z kriterijus.
Rezultatai. Įvertinus ir palyginus trijų kraujo donorystės įstaigų organizacijos kultūrą, duomenys statistiškai reikšmingai parodė, kad: įsitraukimo bruožo veikiama daugiausiai NKC Pn organizacinė kultūra - 78,3% aiškiai žino, ką ir kaip turi daryti, daugiausiai NKC Kl 61,5% ir mažiausiai NKC 32,5% – tiesioginio vadovo sprendimai priimami atsižvelgiant į jų nuomonę; nuoseklumo bruožo veikiama organizacinė kultūra - daugiausiai patenkinti NKC Kl 50% ir daugiausai ne visada patenkinti NKC Pn 65,2% respondentai darbo organizavimu; adaptyvumo bruožo veikiama daugiausiai NKC Kl 64% organizacinė kultūra ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate the organizational culture in the blood donation institution.
1. To analyze and select a method for the evaluation of organizational culture.
2. According to the performed studies, to evaluate and compare organizational culture in three blood donation institutions.
3. According to the evaluation of the organizational culture in the blood donation institution, to determine the features of organizational culture and factors affecting its formation.
Methods. Questionnaire for the employees, statistical analysis was based on the D. Denison methodology, n=126, response rate – 90.64%, statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0. Descriptive analysis: quantitative data – mean ± standard deviation, qualitative variables – frequency. We compared the proportions of answer variants using χ² test. To find associations between variables, we used correlation analysis. To compare paired proportional data we used z criterion.
Results. After the evaluation and comparison of the organizational culture (OC) in the three blood donation institutions, we received statistically significant data, showing that: involvement feature mostly influences the OC of the National Blood Centre (NBC Pn) Panevėžys division – 78.3% respondents clearly know what has to be done and how to perform the task, most respondents from the National Blood Centre Klaipėda division (NBC Kl) (61.5%) and fewest from the... [to full text]
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Kauno kraujo donorystės centro donorų motyvacijos ir su ja susijusių veiksnių vertinimas / The evaluation of Kaunas blood center donors’ motivation and factors related with itKazakauskas, Paulius 11 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - įvertinti Kauno donorystės centro donorų nemokamos donorystės galimą pokytį bei motyvaciją duoti kraujo ir su ja susijusius veiksnius.
Metodika. Buvo vykdomas dviejų metų palyginamasis tyrimas, tyrime buvo apklausiami 2009 metų ir 2011 metų kraujo donorai, kurie atėjo duoti kraujo į Kauno kraujo donorystės centrą. Respondentams buvo pateikta anoniminė anketa, kurią sudarė 20 klausimų, apimantys bendrąją informaciją, informaciją apie žinias bei nuomonę. 2009 metais buvo išdalinta 330 anketų, o pavyko apklausti 330 donorų. 2011 metais buvo išdalinta 250 anketų, respondentai atsakė į 212 anketas. Respondentų amžius svyravo nuo 18 iki 58 m. Hipotezėms, kad požymiai tarpusavyje susiję, tikrinti skaičiuotas chi kvadrato (χ2) kriterijus.
Rezultatai. Nagrinėjant 2009 metų Kauno kraujo donorystės centro donorų motyvus ir su ja susijusius veiksnius buvo nustatyta, kad Kauno kraujo centre besilankantys donorai dažniausiai gauna piniginę kompensaciją. Taip pat nustatėme, kad efektyviausias informavimo būdas, kurį įvardino respondentai buvo reklama per radiją ir televiziją. Kraujo donorus vyrus labiau motyvuoja gaunama nauda už kraujo davimą, tuo tarpu moterys labiau duoda kraujo pastūmėtos altruizmo. Tyrimas parodė, kad vyrai dažniau tampa pastoviais kraujo donorais nei moterys. Nagrinėdami respondentų atsakymus 2011 metais, nustatėme: dažniausiai kraujo donorai donorystės centre gauna piniginę kompensaciją už kraujo davimą; dažniau kraujo duoda vyrai; populiariausiu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose of a Work: to evaluate a possible change of Kaunas blood donation center donors in non-paid blood donation, motivation to give blood and factors related with it.
Methodology. A comparative two year reseach was managed in 2009th and 2011th. Blood donors that came to Kaunas blood donation center were questioned. In 2009th 330 questionnaires from 330 blood donors were collected. In 2011th 250 questionnaires were shared and 212 collected. Age of respondents varies from 18 to 58 y.o. Statistical analysis was made by using SPSS 20.0 version. To prove hypotheses about a connection between factors Chi Square (χ2) was used.
Results. When analysing motives of Kaunas blood donation center donors and factors that impact them in 2009, it was stated that usually blood donors get money for donations. The most effective way to inform donors was advertising through radio and television. Male blood donors were more often motivated by the gain that they got for donating blood while women were more motivated by altruism. The research has shown that men became regular blood donors more often compared to women. When analysing data of 2011th, results shown that blood donors in blood donation center usually got money for donating blood. Men gave blood more often. Television is the most popular source of information. Just like in 2009, women were motivated by altruism while men were looking for additional gain.
Conclusions. Blood donation system in Lithuania is not working effectively... [to full text]
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Habits, hassle, and health: how do blood donors respond to a temporary deferral due to low haemoglobin?Hillgrove, Tessa January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explored the impact on whole blood donors of a six month deferral from giving blood due to a low haemoglobin (Hb) concentration. The aims were two-fold: first, to quantify the effect of a temporary deferral on donation patterns once eligible to return, and second, to identify the processes contributing to the effect. The mixed methods design utilised four distinct research phases: statistical analysis of donation patterns over a three year period, surveys of whole blood donors three and twelve months after deferral, and semi-structured interviews with 25 blood donors in the weeks immediately following deferral. Deferral for a low Hb increased the likelihood of non-return in both new and repeat donors, and, amongst those who did return, delayed first return, reduced donation frequency and increased the likelihood of drop-out in later years. Qualitative interviews suggested that, predominantly, individuals give blood because it represents an easy and convenient way to help others, and provides additional rewards, such as enhancing positive self-concepts and a free health check. Returning promptly after deferral appears to be related to three aspects of a person and his/her context: an individual’s other obligations, especially parenting; the extent to which donation is considered personally rewarding; and whether donation arrangements were facilitated by a range of supports prior to deferral. Over three quarters of surveyed deferred donors seek further advice and investigations from their medical practitioner and nearly half of those are encouraged to change their donation patterns. With the exception of having a low haemoglobin level confirmed at follow-up testing, experiences seeking further investigations were not associated with either intentions or return. Triangulation of findings suggests that deferral disrupts the habit of regular donation, and that this disruption makes donors more vulnerable to changes to their personal circumstances or collection practices. Deferral may also increase the perceived inconvenience of the activity, decrease self-perceptions of competence and good health, and diminish the “blood donor” identity. Practical implications of these findings are recommendations that may increase retention of deferred donors, including encouraging donors to return promptly once eligible, enhancing the convenience of blood donation, and improving aspects of the deferral event. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1381077 / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, 2010
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Habits, hassle, and health: how do blood donors respond to a temporary deferral due to low haemoglobin?Hillgrove, Tessa January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explored the impact on whole blood donors of a six month deferral from giving blood due to a low haemoglobin (Hb) concentration. The aims were two-fold: first, to quantify the effect of a temporary deferral on donation patterns once eligible to return, and second, to identify the processes contributing to the effect. The mixed methods design utilised four distinct research phases: statistical analysis of donation patterns over a three year period, surveys of whole blood donors three and twelve months after deferral, and semi-structured interviews with 25 blood donors in the weeks immediately following deferral. Deferral for a low Hb increased the likelihood of non-return in both new and repeat donors, and, amongst those who did return, delayed first return, reduced donation frequency and increased the likelihood of drop-out in later years. Qualitative interviews suggested that, predominantly, individuals give blood because it represents an easy and convenient way to help others, and provides additional rewards, such as enhancing positive self-concepts and a free health check. Returning promptly after deferral appears to be related to three aspects of a person and his/her context: an individual’s other obligations, especially parenting; the extent to which donation is considered personally rewarding; and whether donation arrangements were facilitated by a range of supports prior to deferral. Over three quarters of surveyed deferred donors seek further advice and investigations from their medical practitioner and nearly half of those are encouraged to change their donation patterns. With the exception of having a low haemoglobin level confirmed at follow-up testing, experiences seeking further investigations were not associated with either intentions or return. Triangulation of findings suggests that deferral disrupts the habit of regular donation, and that this disruption makes donors more vulnerable to changes to their personal circumstances or collection practices. Deferral may also increase the perceived inconvenience of the activity, decrease self-perceptions of competence and good health, and diminish the “blood donor” identity. Practical implications of these findings are recommendations that may increase retention of deferred donors, including encouraging donors to return promptly once eligible, enhancing the convenience of blood donation, and improving aspects of the deferral event. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1381077 / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, 2010
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Quantificação de subpopulações linfocitárias em doadores de repetição de plaquetaféreseVargas, Luciana do Nascimento January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A doação de plaquetas por aférese é um método de coleta que vem aumentando em relevância. Sabe-se que esta técnica apresenta inúmeras vantagens em comparação à doação de sangue total. Observamos que há uma preocupação na qualidade dos hemocomponentes enviados ao paciente, no entanto, não se observam muitas pesquisas em busca do cuidado com o doador. Órgãos como o Food and Drug Administration (FDA) já publicaram normas mais restritivas em relação à doação de plaquetas por aférese, pois pesquisas apontaram uma diminuição de algumas células e proteínas do sistema imunológico em doadores de repetição. Objetivos: Analisar doadores de plaquetas de repetição quanto a parâmetros hematimétricos e quantificação de subpopulações linfocitárias comparando-os com um grupo controle composto por doadores de sangue total que não doam há no mínimo um ano ou doando pela primeira vez e, ainda avaliar se a frequência de doações, o tempo de procedimento e o número de plaquetas doadas influenciam na contagem de leucócitos totais e nas subpopulações de linfócitos. Metodologia: Foram analisados 88 indivíduos em um estudo caso-controle, sendo que o grupo controle (CO) incluído foi de doadores de sangue total que haviam doado pela primeira vez ou haviam doado sangue total há mais de um ano. Os casos (CA) incluídos foram os doadores de repetição de plaquetaférese (quatro ou mais doações no último ano). O pareamento foi feito por sexo e idade. As amostras de sangue periférico foram coletadas em tubos contendo EDTA e analisadas em até 6 horas por citometria de fluxo, através da utilização de anticorpos monoclonais anti-CD3, CD4, CD8, HLADR, CD19 e CD56. Resultados: Foram avaliados 44 pares de doadores (caso vs controle). Destes, 81,8% eram homens, a média de idade dos grupos foi de 46 ±13 anos nos casos e 47 ±11 nos controles. Comparando os dois grupos, observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa (p<0,05) na média de quantificação de leucócitos absolutos CA= 6476,6/μL vs CO=7115,4/μL (p=0,017), na média de linfócitos absolutos CA= 1862,6/μL vs CO= 2239,2/μL (p=0,007) e nos marcadores: CD3+/CD8+ (absoluto) CA= 437/μL vs CO= 597/μL (p=0,01), CD3+/CD4+(%) CA= 47,3/μL vs CO= 42,77/μL (p=0,007). Conclusões: Neste estudo foi possível observar que há uma diminuição em algumas células linfoides dos doadores de repetição em relação aos doadores convencionais, no entanto essa diferença não tem relevância clínica, demonstrando que os intervalos de doações que estes doadores estão sendo submetidos é adequado. A contagem de plaquetas dos doadores de repetição se mantiveram no decorrer do ano, este dado nos auxilia para mantermos um banco de dados de doadores de repetição com uma quantificação de plaquetas adequada, podendo ser convocado sem risco de ser bloqueado por contagem inferior ao preconizado. / Introduction: The donation of platelets by apheresis as a collection method has lately grown in relevance. This technique presents several advantages when compared to total blood donation. We understand there is a concern about the quality of the hemocomponents that are administered to the patients; however, there are not many researches concerned with caring for the donor. Entities such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have published more restricting regulations regarding the donation of platelets by apheresis, since researches indicate a decrease in some cells and proteins present in the immunological systems of repeat donors. Objectives: To analyze repeat donors of platelets with regards to hematimetric parameters and quantification of lymphocyte sub-populations by comparing them with a control group consisting of total blood donors that have not donated blood for the past year at least or that are donating for the first time. Additionally, to evaluate if the frequency of donations, the duration of the procedure, and the donated platelet counts influence in the total leukocyte counts and in the sub-populations of lymphocytes. Methodology: We analyzed 88 individuals in a control case study. The control group (CG) consisted of total blood donors in their first donation or that had donated for the last time more than a year before. The cases (CA) included were the repeat donors by platelet apheresis (four or more donations in the past year). We matched the individuals by gender and age. Peripheral blood samples were collected in tubes containing EDTA and analyzed up until 6 hours later by flow cytometry, through monoclonal antibodies anti-CD3, CD4, CD8, HLADR, CD19, and CD56. Results: 44 pairs of donor were evaluated (case vs control). Among them, 81.8% were men, the average age of the groups was 46 (±13) years in the cases and 47 (±11) in the controls. When comparing the two groups, we observed a statistically significant difference (p<0,05) in the average of the quantification of absolute leukocytes CA= 6476.6/μL vs CG=7115.4/μL (p=0.017), in the average of absolute lymphocytes CA= 1862.6/μL vs CG= 2239.2/μL (p=0.007), and in the markers: CD3+/CD8+ (absolute) CA= 437/μL vs CG= 597/μL (p=0,01), CD3+/CD4+(%) CA= 47.3/μL vs CG= 42.77/μL (p=0.007). Conclusions: We were able to note in this study that there is a significant decrease in some lymphoid cells of repeat donors when compared to conventional donors. This difference, however, is not clinically relevant, which demonstrates that the donation intervals to which the donors are subject are appropriate. Platelet numbers of repeat donors remained the same throughout the year. This piece of data helps us keep a database of repeat donors with an adequate platelet number. These donors can be called for without risking of their being blocked in the screening for a number lower than the recommended.
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Avaliação do impacto hematológico na dinâmica do ferro em doadores de sangue submetidos à coleta automatizada de células- aférese, de duplo concentrado de hemácias do hemonúcleo de um hospital oncológico / Hematologic impact assessment on iron dynamics in blood donors submitted to automated collection-cells apheresis, double concentrate of hemonúcleo of red blood cells of a cancer hospitalCardoso, Rafael Silva [UNESP] 01 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by RAFAEL SILVA CARDOSO null (rafa.silvacardoso@gmail.com) on 2016-10-15T16:22:28Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-09-01 / Trata-se de um trabalho do tipo coorte para avaliar a espoliação dos depósitos de ferro em doadores de sangue. Sabendo-se que um percentual expressivo da população brasileira é portadora de ferro deficiência, e tendo em vista as inovações tecnológicas envolvendo os processos hemoterápicos este projeto teve como objetivo a avaliação da dinâmica de ferro com o monitoramento de parâmetros tais como: hematócrito, hemoglobina, dosagem de ferro e ferritina pré transfusionais e quatro meses após a doação, em quatro diferentes grupos de estudo:A,C,Ce D. Foi feita pelo teste ANOVA simples e para as variáveis sem distribuição normal pelo teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney e o teste de Kruskal Wallis, teste T-Pareado e Wilcoxon. No primeiro momento de análise (M1), com análise intra-grupos, as variações estatísticas foram presentes apenas nos parâmetros de Hb (p. 0,017), onde as variações estiveram presentes quando comparados os grupos A x D (p. 0,034) e C x D (p. 0,028) e Ht (p. <0,01) onde as variações estiveram presentes quando comparados os grupos A x D (p. 0,034) e C x D (p. 0,028). No segundo momento de análise (M2) foi identificada diferença entre os grupos, entretanto, devido à baixa significância estatística não foi possível identificar a diferença exata por grupo. Quando comparado entre os momentos um e dois- (M1 x M2) foi identificado redução da média de todos os parâmetros para os grupos A, B e C, significância estatística para o parâmetro de hemoglobina para todos os grupos e significância para o parâmetro de Ferritina exceto para o grupo B, sendo esse o único que demonstrou otimização na melhoria dos parâmetros exceto a hemoglobina. A doação de sangue diminui os índices de hemoglobina nos doadores de sangue a curto e médio prazo quando comparados em dois momentos com 4 meses de intervalo; para o indicador hematócrito e determinação de ferro sérico houve diminuição dos índices com significância estatística apenas para o grupo A (indivíduos que nunca haviam doado antes); quanto à sugestão na periodicidade das doações de CHD utilizando a modalidade de coleta aférese, o intervalo de 4 meses é insuficiente. Sugere-se 6 meses com a condição de se comprovar a viabilidade. / It is a work of the cohort to evaluate the plundering of iron deposits in blood donors. Knowing that a significant percentage of the population is disabled iron, and in view of the technological innovations involving haemotherapic processes this project aimed to evaluate the iron dynamics with the monitoring of parameters such as hematocrit, hemoglobin, iron dosing and pre transfusion ferritin months after the donation, in four different study groups: A, B, C and D. Statistical analyses was made by ANOVA and simple test for variables without normal distribution using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis test, Paired t-test and Wilcoxon. At first analysis (M1) and intra-group analysis, statistical variations were present only in Hb parameters (p. 0.017), where variations were present when comparing the x groups D (p. 0.034) and C x D (p. 0028) and HT (p. <0.01) in which variations were present when comparing the groups D x (p. 0.034) and C x D (p. 0028). In the second stage of analysis (M2) was identified differences between the groups, however, due to the low statistical significance was not possible to identify the exact difference per group. When compared between one and two- moments (M1 and M2) was identified reduction in the average of all parameters for groups A, B and C for the statistical significance hemoglobin parameter for all groups and significance for the parameter Ferritin except for the B group, which is the only one that showed improvement in optimization of parameters except hemoglobin. Blood donation decreases hemoglobin levels in the short and medium term blood donors when compared in two stages with 4 months apart; for the indicator hematocrit and determination of serum iron there was a decrease of the indices was statistically significant only for the group A (individuals who had never donated before); as the suggestion in the frequency of Double erythrocyte concentrate donations using the method of apheresis collection, four months range is insufficient. It is suggested that 6 months with the condition to prove the viability.
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Quantificação de subpopulações linfocitárias em doadores de repetição de plaquetaféreseVargas, Luciana do Nascimento January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A doação de plaquetas por aférese é um método de coleta que vem aumentando em relevância. Sabe-se que esta técnica apresenta inúmeras vantagens em comparação à doação de sangue total. Observamos que há uma preocupação na qualidade dos hemocomponentes enviados ao paciente, no entanto, não se observam muitas pesquisas em busca do cuidado com o doador. Órgãos como o Food and Drug Administration (FDA) já publicaram normas mais restritivas em relação à doação de plaquetas por aférese, pois pesquisas apontaram uma diminuição de algumas células e proteínas do sistema imunológico em doadores de repetição. Objetivos: Analisar doadores de plaquetas de repetição quanto a parâmetros hematimétricos e quantificação de subpopulações linfocitárias comparando-os com um grupo controle composto por doadores de sangue total que não doam há no mínimo um ano ou doando pela primeira vez e, ainda avaliar se a frequência de doações, o tempo de procedimento e o número de plaquetas doadas influenciam na contagem de leucócitos totais e nas subpopulações de linfócitos. Metodologia: Foram analisados 88 indivíduos em um estudo caso-controle, sendo que o grupo controle (CO) incluído foi de doadores de sangue total que haviam doado pela primeira vez ou haviam doado sangue total há mais de um ano. Os casos (CA) incluídos foram os doadores de repetição de plaquetaférese (quatro ou mais doações no último ano). O pareamento foi feito por sexo e idade. As amostras de sangue periférico foram coletadas em tubos contendo EDTA e analisadas em até 6 horas por citometria de fluxo, através da utilização de anticorpos monoclonais anti-CD3, CD4, CD8, HLADR, CD19 e CD56. Resultados: Foram avaliados 44 pares de doadores (caso vs controle). Destes, 81,8% eram homens, a média de idade dos grupos foi de 46 ±13 anos nos casos e 47 ±11 nos controles. Comparando os dois grupos, observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa (p<0,05) na média de quantificação de leucócitos absolutos CA= 6476,6/μL vs CO=7115,4/μL (p=0,017), na média de linfócitos absolutos CA= 1862,6/μL vs CO= 2239,2/μL (p=0,007) e nos marcadores: CD3+/CD8+ (absoluto) CA= 437/μL vs CO= 597/μL (p=0,01), CD3+/CD4+(%) CA= 47,3/μL vs CO= 42,77/μL (p=0,007). Conclusões: Neste estudo foi possível observar que há uma diminuição em algumas células linfoides dos doadores de repetição em relação aos doadores convencionais, no entanto essa diferença não tem relevância clínica, demonstrando que os intervalos de doações que estes doadores estão sendo submetidos é adequado. A contagem de plaquetas dos doadores de repetição se mantiveram no decorrer do ano, este dado nos auxilia para mantermos um banco de dados de doadores de repetição com uma quantificação de plaquetas adequada, podendo ser convocado sem risco de ser bloqueado por contagem inferior ao preconizado. / Introduction: The donation of platelets by apheresis as a collection method has lately grown in relevance. This technique presents several advantages when compared to total blood donation. We understand there is a concern about the quality of the hemocomponents that are administered to the patients; however, there are not many researches concerned with caring for the donor. Entities such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have published more restricting regulations regarding the donation of platelets by apheresis, since researches indicate a decrease in some cells and proteins present in the immunological systems of repeat donors. Objectives: To analyze repeat donors of platelets with regards to hematimetric parameters and quantification of lymphocyte sub-populations by comparing them with a control group consisting of total blood donors that have not donated blood for the past year at least or that are donating for the first time. Additionally, to evaluate if the frequency of donations, the duration of the procedure, and the donated platelet counts influence in the total leukocyte counts and in the sub-populations of lymphocytes. Methodology: We analyzed 88 individuals in a control case study. The control group (CG) consisted of total blood donors in their first donation or that had donated for the last time more than a year before. The cases (CA) included were the repeat donors by platelet apheresis (four or more donations in the past year). We matched the individuals by gender and age. Peripheral blood samples were collected in tubes containing EDTA and analyzed up until 6 hours later by flow cytometry, through monoclonal antibodies anti-CD3, CD4, CD8, HLADR, CD19, and CD56. Results: 44 pairs of donor were evaluated (case vs control). Among them, 81.8% were men, the average age of the groups was 46 (±13) years in the cases and 47 (±11) in the controls. When comparing the two groups, we observed a statistically significant difference (p<0,05) in the average of the quantification of absolute leukocytes CA= 6476.6/μL vs CG=7115.4/μL (p=0.017), in the average of absolute lymphocytes CA= 1862.6/μL vs CG= 2239.2/μL (p=0.007), and in the markers: CD3+/CD8+ (absolute) CA= 437/μL vs CG= 597/μL (p=0,01), CD3+/CD4+(%) CA= 47.3/μL vs CG= 42.77/μL (p=0.007). Conclusions: We were able to note in this study that there is a significant decrease in some lymphoid cells of repeat donors when compared to conventional donors. This difference, however, is not clinically relevant, which demonstrates that the donation intervals to which the donors are subject are appropriate. Platelet numbers of repeat donors remained the same throughout the year. This piece of data helps us keep a database of repeat donors with an adequate platelet number. These donors can be called for without risking of their being blocked in the screening for a number lower than the recommended.
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A hipovolemia por doaÃÃo de sangue aumenta a complacÃncia gÃstrica e eleva o limiar de saciedade em humanos sadios / Hipovelemia elicited by blood donation increases gastric compliance and satiety threshold in healthy volunteersGeraldo Munguba Macedo 12 August 2010 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Objetivos: A hipovolemia aguda reduz o tÃnus e aumenta a complacÃncia gÃstrica em animais. A complacÃncia do estÃmago proximal à o principal determinante da saciedade no teste de saciedade (drinking test). No entanto, nÃo hà relatos de eventuais alteraÃÃes de complacÃncia, tÃnus, saciedade e de plenitude gÃstricas frente a uma reduÃÃo aguda do volume sangÃÃneo em humanos. MÃtodo: ApÃs aprovaÃÃo pelo Comità de Ãtica, e seguido de jejum noturno de 8 horas, estudou-se 23 voluntÃrios sadios. TÃnus e complacÃncia: ApÃs obtenÃÃo de um acesso venoso, uma sonda-balÃo (12F, saco de PVC de 1600ml) foi afixada no estÃmago proximal dos voluntÃrios (n=17). O volume gÃstrico foi medido continuamente por um sistema computadorizado de barostato (SynecticsÂ), com a pressÃo intragÃstrica fixada em 12mmHg. ApÃs um perÃodo basal de 30min os voluntÃrios foram submetidos aleatoriamente a sangria (doaÃÃo padrÃo de sangue, 450 ml) ou apenas a punÃÃo venosa. Foram realizados tambÃm pequenos aumentos da pressÃo intra-balÃo atà o relato de leve desconforto, antes do perÃodo basal e ao final do estudo. Em sete voluntÃrios foi realizada infusÃo de salina 15min apÃs a sangria. Saciedade e plenitude: Avaliou-se seis voluntÃrios sadios (homens, 28,5Â3,5 anos) em duas ocasiÃes (intervalo de 1 a 2 semanas). ApÃs jejum noturno de 8h, os voluntÃrios ingeriram refeiÃÃo padronizada. Decorridas 2h, foram submetidos à punÃÃo venosa seguida (condiÃÃo experimental) ou nÃo (controle) por doaÃÃo padrÃo de sangue. Logo apÃs, avaliou-se a saciedade e a plenitude gÃstricas pelo drinking test modificado mediante a ingestÃo de refeiÃÃo lÃquida, achocolatada sem lactose, num ritmo fixo de 15 ml/min. A cada 5min da refeiÃÃo teste, avaliou-se a plenitude utilizando escala de 0 a 5 (0-nÃo sinto nada, 5-nÃo agÃento mais) e a saciedade com escala de descritores. Resultados: A sangria causou um aumento no volume gÃstrico (incremento sobre o perÃodo basal: 154  62ml aos 5min e 152  66ml aos 30min, p < 0,05). A inclinaÃÃo da curva volume vs pressÃo aumentou apÃs doaÃÃo de sangue (53,7  4,2 vs 45,1  4,2ml.mmHg-1 basal, p = 0,01). A infusÃo de salina trouxe os valores de volta ao nÃvel basal (0 ml basal vs -14  6 ml aos 30min, p > 0,05). A doaÃÃo padrÃo de sangue aumentou o volume mÃximo ingerido em relaÃÃo à condiÃÃo controle (790Â56,7 vs 1327Â127ml, p<0,05). O tempo para chegar ao valor 5 (plenitude mÃxima) foi maior apÃs doaÃÃo de sangue (52,8Â4 vs 95,8Â8min, p<0,05). O tempo para a primeira sensaÃÃo (âcomeÃando a encherâ) e o tempo para a terceira sensaÃÃo (âcheioâ) foram maiores apÃs a doaÃÃo de sangue (19,2Â1,3 vs 41,6 Â4,2min e 37,8Â3,5 vs 67,5  6,6min, respectivamente, p<0,05). A doaÃÃo de sangue nÃo alterou significativamente a pressÃo arterial e a freqÃÃncia cardÃaca. ConclusÃo: A doaÃÃo de sangue diminuiu o tÃnus e aumentou a complacÃncia gÃstrica. A infusÃo de salina reverteu esse fenÃmeno. A reduÃÃo da volemia aumentou o limiar para a percepÃÃo da plenitude gÃstrica. Isto pode corresponder a um novo fator determinante de sintomas relacionados à plenitude gÃstrica. / Introduction: We have shown that blood shedding reduces tonus and increases gastric compliance in animals. Since satiety to a drinking test is affected by gastric tonus and compliance, we investigated the effect of blood donation (BD) and saline infusion in gastric tonus, compliance and sensitivity in healthy volunteers. Method: After approval of local ethics committee, 23 healthy male volunteers were studied. After an overnight fast (8-10h), followed by a light meal, and a 2h interval, one of the following procedures was performed. Tonus and compliance study. A PVC bag (1.6L) attached to a catheter was placed into the proximal stomach. Gastric volume (GV, ml) was continuously measured by an electronic barostat (SynecticsÂ), with the intrabag pressure fixed at 12mmHg. After 30-min basal recording, the subjects (n=18) were randomly submitted to either BD (450 ml) or venous puncture site manipulation only, and GV was recorded for further 30-min. Small IP increments (until mild pain report) were also performed; before the basal period and at the end of the study. In 5 volunteers, saline infusion (1.3L) was performed 15-min after BD. Satiety. Volunteers were studied in two different occasions, 1 to 2 weeks apart. They were submitted to a blood donation or venous puncture only, before a modified satiety drinking test with a caloric meal was performed. Results: BD caused a rapid increase in GV (values above basal levels: 154  62 ml at 5 minutes after shedding start and 152  66 ml at the end of study, p<0.05). Volume x pressure slope increased (53.7  4.2 vs. 45.1  4.2ml.mmHg-1 basal, P=0.01) after BD. Saline infusion brought GV back to basal levels (0Â1 ml basal vs -14  6 ml at 30 min). BD increased the maximum volume ingested by the volunteers (790Â56,7 vs. 1327Â127ml, p<0.05). The time to reach the maximum score was also increased. (52.8Â4 vs. 95.8Â8min, p<0.05). The time to elicit the first (beginning to feel full) and third (full) sensations was also increased after BD (19.2Â1.3 vs. 41.6 Â4.2min e 37.8Â3.5 vs. 67.5 Â6.6min, respectively, p<0.05). BD did not change blood pressure and cardiac rate. Conclusions: BD decreases gastric tonus and increases gastric compliance. Saline infusion reverted such phenomena. Furthermore BD increases the time and volume sensitivity threshold in a satiety drinking test. This might explain dyspeptic complains in individuals under acute volemic imbalance.
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