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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifiering av passformsproblem : under framtagningsprocessen av en dam-byxgrund

Hansson, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Företaget vars denna studie görs i samråd med, har identifierat problem beträffande de sömnadsprover som erhållits från olika underleverantörer. Återkommande passformsproblem har resulterat i att företaget valt att utveckla grundkonstruktioner för olika överdels- samt nederdelsplagg för att tids- samt kostnadseffektivisera framtagningsprocessen av nya klädesplagg. Utgångspunkt för denna studie är en dam-byxgrund konstruerad enligt anvisningar ur Öberg, Ersman, Cedervall och Svensson (2010). En programvara med tredimensionell avprovning används för att effektivisera utvecklingsprocessen av denna. Företagets kroppsmåttlista har jämförts gentemot STU (1977) ”Storlekssystem för damkläder; Måttlistor och marknadsandelstabeller”, SIS (2017) ”Storleksmärkning av kläder; Storleksmärkning baserad på kroppsmått och intervall” samt tre e-handelsbolags kroppsmåttlistor för att analysera företagets val av byst-, midje- samt stussomfång. Gradering tillämpas i denna studie utifrån två olika tillvägagångsätt för att jämföra dessa: (1) en underleverantörs applicering av koordinater utifrån en tillhandahållen skillnadsmåttlista från företaget, (2) anvisningar från undervisningsmaterial som används tillsammans med STU (ibid) och SIS (ibid). Studien belyser en problematik beträffande gradering som överlåtes till underleverantörer. Här uppmärksammas nödvändigheten av att regelbundet kontrollera denna, då det inte finns någon existerande process för hur detta görs i nuläget. Det finns även ett behov av att se över företagets kroppsmåttlista, specifikt bystomfånget, då avvikelser har uppmärksammats i denna studie. / The company which this study is in collaboration with, has highlighted a complex of problems regarding production samples received from subcontractors. Because of re-appearing fitting problems, the company has chosen to develop basic patterns for different types of garments to make the production process more time and cost efficient when creating new products. Starting-point for this study is a basic pattern for women’s pants created from Öberg, Ersman, Cedervall and Svensson’s (2010) directions. A three-dimensional fitting software is used to make the development process of the pants more efficient. The company’s body measurement chart is compared to STU (1977) “Sizing systems for women’s clothing; Measurement charts and market-share tables”, SIS (2017) “Size designation of clothes; Size labelling based on body measurements and intervals” and three e-businesses to analyze deviations. Two different grading techniques are applied in this study to compare them both: (1) a subcontractor’s choice on how to apply grading coordinates based on a given chart with differential measurements from the company, (2) tutoring materials from school that are being used in correlation with STU (ibid) and SIS (ibid). This study identifies a problem regarding grading as this stage is passed on to the subcontractors. Here follows an importance of always verifying the grading that is applied onto the pattern, because there is no existing process of how this is managed at this current moment. The company needs to look over their body measurement chart, specifically regarding the chest, because deviations have been observed in this study.

Morphometrische Untersuchung des Wachstums beim Alpaka (Vicugna pacos) von der Geburt bis zu einem Alter von 36 Monaten / Morphometric evaluation of the growth of Alpacas (Vicugna pacos) from birth to 36 months of age

Grund, Sarah 03 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Außerhalb ihrer ursprünglichen Heimat in Südamerika steigt die Anzahl der Alpakas stetig an. Die Tiere erfreuen sich auch in Deutschland einer großen Beliebtheit. Aktuellen Schätzungen zufolge leben in Deutschland circa 10.000 Alpakas. Siewerden zur Wollgewinnung, sowie als Begleit- und Therapietiere in kleinen Hobbyhaltungen oder in Beständen mit einer Herdengröße von bis zu 150 Tieren gehalten. Damit verbunden werden auch zunehmende Ansprüche an die Qualität der tierärztlichen Betreuung dieser Neuweltkameliden gestellt. Die Beurteilung des Wachstums und der Entwicklung junger Alpakas bildet dabei, genauso wie im Rahmen der Zucht, eine wichtige Grundlage. Derzeit existieren nur unzureichende Informationen über den Wachstumsverlauf beim Alpaka. Bisher dienten proportional angepasste Daten vom Lama zur Orientierung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die auf morphometrischen Daten basierende Beschreibung der physiologischen Entwicklung des Skelettes und des Körpergewichtes beim Alpaka in den ersten 36 Lebensmonaten. Weiterhin soll untersucht werden, welche Faktoren Einfluss auf das Wachstum junger Alpakas haben. Die Bestimmung einer Gleichung zur Berechnung des Körpergewichtes stellt einen weiteren Schwerpunkt der Arbeit dar. Über einen Zeitraum von 12 Monaten wurden 162 Alpakas im Alter von wenigen Tagen bis zu 36 Monaten vermessen. In einem zweiwöchentlichen Rhythmus wurden 9 verschiedene Parameter bei jedem Tier erfasst: Gewicht, Widerristhöhe, Hüfthöhe, Rückenlänge, Rumpflänge, Tuberculum majus-Olecranon-Distanz (TOD), Basis patellae-Tuber ischiadicum-Distanz (BTD), Thoraxumfang und Body Condition Score. Mit Hilfe von speziell angefertigten Messschiebern, einer digitalen Waage und einem flexiblen Maßband erfolgte die Datenerhebung am stehenden Tier. Das Wachstum beeinflussende Faktoren wurden mittels Allgemeiner Untersuchung der Tiere, stichprobenartigen Kotprobenuntersuchungen, Futtermittelanalysen und vom Halter ausgefüllten Fragebögen erfasst. Die erhobenen Messwerte wurden unter Verwendung der nichtparametrischen Regression LOESS (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing) zur Erstellung von Wachstumskurven genutzt, die den durchschnittlichen Wachstumsverlauf des Körpergewichtes, sowie verschiedener Körpermaße von bis zu 36 Monate alten Alpakas darstellen. Sie ermöglichen die Beurteilung der körperlichen Entwicklung eines Alpakas. Unter Anwendung der LMS-Methode (Schiefe der Verteilung der Messwerte λ [L], Mittelwert M, Standardabweichung S) wurden Perzentilkurven von vier Parametern erstellt, die als Referenzkurven und Richtlinien zur Beurteilung der tierartspezifischen Größe und des Gewichtes genutzt werden können. Wachstumsprognosen und Rückschlüsse auf das Alter eines Alpakas sind mit Hilfe der Perzentilkurven möglich. Sowohl die Wachstumskurven als auch die Perzentilkurven lassen erkennen, dass Alpakas mit 36 Monaten noch nicht ausgewachsen sind. Die Kurven wurden anhand von Messwerten von Alpakas erarbeitet, die unter Bedingungen gehalten wurden, die keinen beziehungsweise einen minimalen Einfluss auf das Wachstum haben. Dies ist anhand der Ergebnisse der parasitologischen Untersuchungen und der Futtermittelanalysen erkennbar. Weitere Auswertungen der Messdaten zeigen, dass keine signifikanten Entwicklungsunterschiede zwischen Hengsten und Stuten beziehungsweise zwischen der Rasse Huacaya und der Rasse Suri bestehen. Ähnlich wie bei anderen Tierarten auch, eignet sich der Thoraxumfang zur zuverlässigen Berechnung des Körpergewichtes besonders gut. Eine große Korrelation besteht auch zwischen der Rumpf- beziehungsweise der Rückenlänge und dem Körpergewicht. Praktische Bedeutung haben die Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit vor allem für Alpakazüchter und –halter, sowie für Veterinärmediziner. Die Ergebnisse bilden eine wichtige Grundlage für das Fütterungs- und Reproduktionsmanagement beim Alpaka. / The number of alpacas bred outside their natural habitat in South America increases continuously. Alpacas become more and more popular in Germany. According to recent estimates about 10.000 alpacas live in Germany. They are used for wool production, as companion animal and for therapeutic treatments. The alpacas are kept as pets in smaller groups or as livestock in herds of up to 150 animals. Due to the rising number of these camelids in Germany and more intense use, higher demands on the quality of veterinary care of alpacas occur. Knowledge and data on growth and development in young alpacas are essential for an objective health evaluation as well as for breeding management. Currently very limited information is available on growth of alpacas and the data published have been adapted by calculation using measurements performed on llamas. The primary objective of this study was to determine the physiological development of the skeleton and the body weight of alpacas from birth until 36 months of age based on morphometric data. An additional aim was to analyze factors that influence the growth of young alpacas. A third focus of this study was to generate a mathematical formula to calculate the body weight. The measurements were performed on 162 alpacas with an age ranging from the first day of life up to 36 months. For each alpaca nine different parameters were determined every two weeks: body weight, height at withers, height in the hip, thoracic circumference, length of the back, length of the trunk, Greater tubercle-Olecranon-distance (TOD), Base of the patella-Ischial tuber-distance (BTD) and body condition score. All measurements were carried out on standing animals. Three custom designed caliper gauges, a digital balance and a flexible measuring tape were used to obtain the nine parameters. Factors that influence growth were captured by clinical examination, randomized fecal samples, analysis of forage and a questionnaire completed by the breeder. Based on the data collected growth curves were developed using the nonparametric regression LOESS (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing). These curves represent the average growth pattern of body weight and various body measurements of up to 36 months old alpacas. Using theses curves the physical development of this species can be assessed. By applying the LMS-Method (skewness of the measurement distribution λ [L], mean M, coefficient of variation S) percentile curves of four different parameters have been generated. They can serve as reference curves and as guidelines for objective evaluation of species specific size and weight. Using the percentile curves a reliable prediction of growth or conclusions regarding the age of an alpaca are possible. The growth curves as well as the percentile curves show that alpacas are not mature at the age of 36 months. The curves are based upon data from alpacas who were raised under environmental conditions which have no or minimized influence on growth. This is evident in the results of the parasitological examinations and the feed analysis. Further analyses indicate that no significant differences in growth exist between males and females respectively between the two breeds Huacaya and Suri. Like in other species the thoracic circumference is particularly suitable for estimating the body weight. A strong correlation exists between body weight and the length of the trunk as well as the length of the back. The results of this study are of practical significance for alpaca owners, breeders and veterinarians. They provide a sound basis for recommendations in feeding and management of reproduction.

Gradering av barnplagg : En jämförelse mellan två olika sätt att applicera gradering

Andersson, Josefin January 2018 (has links)
Följande studie är en kandidatuppsats i designteknik. Den undersöker skillnader som uppkommer vid gradering när två olika appliceringsmetoder används. Undersökningen görs på uppdrag från ett svenskt modeföretag. På företagets barnavdelning används i nuläget två graderingsmetoder men i framtiden vill de övergå till att använda endast en av dem. För att avgöra vilken behöver skillnaderna dem emellan klargöras. Den första metoden är utvecklad av företaget själva utifrån expertfunktioner i CAD-programvaran Modaris (Lectra 2017a). Medan den andra metoden grundar sig i en mer traditionell punktgradering. Metoderna jämförs genom att gradera upp två plagg utifrån varje metod, en t-tröja och en mjukisbyxa båda i trikå. Därefter undersöks skillnaderna genom att jämföra mönstren, plaggmåttlistor och provplagg. Resultatet av studien visar att appliceringsmetoderna utgör flera skillnader både i mönsterdelarnas form och i plaggmåttlistornas skillnadsintervaller. Under avprovning klargörs det dock att dessa skillnader behöver vara relativt stora för att påverka slutprodukten. En gemensam observation i alla tre jämförelsemetoder är att ju längre ut från grundstorleken graderingen rör sig desto mer ökar skillnaderna mellan appliceringsmetoderna. / The following study is a bachelor essay in design technology. It investigates the differences that occur when applicating grading with two different methods. The study is made on a mission from a Swedish fashion company. Currently the company’s children’s department are using two different grading methods, however in the future the company wants to transition into only using one of them. To determent whish one the differences needs to be identified. The first method is developed by the company themselves based on expert functions in the CAD-program Modaris (Lectra 2017a). While the second method is based on a more traditional point grading. The methods are being compared in the study by grading two garments according to each method, one t-shirt and one jogger both in jersey material. The differences are then investigated by comparing pattern pieces, garment measurement charts and garment samples. In the result several differences between the methods are discovered, these are found both in the shape of the pattern pieces and in the grading intervals in the garment measurement chart. However, during the fitting session it was determent that these differences needs to be quite large to impact on the final product. A joint observation in all three comparison methods was that the further the grading moves from the base size the greater the differences are.

Hodnocení počtu a kvality potomstva hřebců slezského norika / Evaluation number and quality of offspring stallions Silesian noriker

BARTOKOVÁ, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The Silesian noriker is an original Czech breed of a coldblooded horse whose stud book was approved by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1995.The Silesian noricker is a strong coldblooded horse with a relatively less harmonious body structure used at present not only in agriculture and forestry but also for rehabilitation and recreation purposes. The aim of the diploma work was to work out a list of information about stud horses being in the contemporary stud as noted down in the stud book. Besides, the work focuses at proving a possible existence of the differences between the outcome of the evaluation of the exterior, performance tests and the characteristic features inherited by the descendants of the stallions. Moreover, the main aim of the work was to find out if there are individuals among stud stallions which have sufficient number of descendants being able to provide an objective evaluation of heredity control. Studbook Silesian noriker recorded 44 sires, of which only 23 subjects had descendants in breeding; the number was 266 individuals. The stud book of the SN kept files of 44 stud stallions out which only 23 individuals had descendants in stud, whose number was 266. The data for the purpose of the analysis have been based on the records in the stud books of the association of the unions of horse breeders: body measurements, evaluation of the exterior and the results of the performance tests. All the data have been presented and evaluated both in charts and graphs. In conclusion, stallions having 10 and more descendants have been evaluated in detail and the results of the latter have been compared with the average ones of SN in stud. The analysis has proved that only 68% of the whole number of descendants is represented by those written in the stud book of SN. The average body measurements were: stick withers 159,07 cm; tape withers 170,88 cm, chest perimeter 204,85 cm, shin perimeter 23,20 cm. The evaluation of the exterior showed the average result 7,47 points. The final result of the performance tests was 7, 47 points. According to the detailed analysis, out of 75 descendants only 44% belonged to SN. The Top rated offspring (exterior 7,76 and results performance tests 8,03) had of stallion Steiman 2885

Desempenho produtivo e caracter?sticas de carca?a de caprinos com diferentes composi??es raciais. 2010. / Performance and carcass features of purebred and crossbred goat kids. 2010.

Ferreira, Leonardo 24 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:59:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoFerreira PDF.pdf: 340498 bytes, checksum: 3f4802a4a87c81e1c9c6d8da02697789 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-24 / This work was carried out aiming to evaluate the performance of purebred Anglo-Nubian and several Boer crossbreds (1/2 Boer + 1/2 Anglo-Nubian 1/2 BA and 3/4 Boer + 1/4 Undefined breed 3/4 BU) and male carcass features. 12 males and 12 females were confined and artificially milked twice a day with cow and goat milk, in rate of 1:1. From the second week on they received Tifton hay and concentrate, in rate of 40:60. They were weighed at birth and weekly early in the morning, before feeding. Zoometrical measurements were made in the morning even two weeks. The male kids were slaughtered between 20 and 25 kg of body weight. The crossbreds 3/4 BU were greater than others genetic groups in weight gain, denoting the Boer percentage influence in the crossbreds. However the crossbreds 1/2 BA weren?t greater than Anglo-Nubians purebred in weight gain. Therefore, the Boer genes percentage didn?t improvement the offspring results. The crossbred advantages in weigh at slaughter and empty body weight didn?t influence in carcass traits majority. Nevertheless, as bigger the Boer genes percentage, the fatter was the carcass. This may suggests a better carcass protection to cold shortening. The Hankins & Howe?s prediction equations, for carcass bovine evaluation, were not consistent to kid goats carcass. Was impossible to develop bone tissue prediction equation by HH section. On the other hand, the shoulder allowed a trustful prediction of tissue composition of carcass. / Este trabalho foi realizado objetivando avaliar o desempenho produtivo de cabritos e cabritas Anglo-Nubianos e mesti?os Boer x Anglo-Nubiana (1/2 BA) e 3/4 Boer + 1/4 sem ra?a definida (3/4 BS) e as caracter?sticas de carca?a dos machos. Utilizaram-se 12 cabritos e 12 cabritas, que foram mantidos totalmente confinados, sendo amamentados com leite de cabra e de vaca em uma propor??o de 1:1. A partir da segunda semana de idade os cabritos foram alimentados com feno de tifton e concentrado farelado, em uma rela??o de 40:60. Os animais foram pesados, ao nascimento e semanalmente pela manh?. As medi??es zoom?tricas foram realizadas quinzenalmente. Os cabritos foram abatidos com peso corporal entre 20 e 25kg. Os mesti?os 3/4 BS foram superiores aos demais grupamentos raciais no desenvolvimento ponderal, o que indicou a influ?ncia da composi??o racial Boer nos mesti?os. Entretanto tal superioridade n?o foi observada no comparativo entre os mesti?os 1/2 BA e os Anglo-Nubianos, denotando n?o ter havido melhoramento na F1 por influ?ncia do grau de sangue Boer. Os melhores resultados dos mesti?os Boer sobre os Anglo-Nubianos nos pesos ao abate e do corpo vazio n?o se refletiram na maior parte das caracter?sticas da carca?a. Contudo, o percentual Boer dos mesti?os determinou maior propor??o de gordura na carca?a, podendo indicar uma melhora na prote??o da carca?a em rela??o ao encurtamento pelo frio, no seu armazenamento em baixas temperaturas. As equa??es propostas por Hankins & Howe, para avalia??o de carca?as bovinas, n?o s?o compat?veis para carca?a de caprinos jovens. N?o foi poss?vel desenvolver equa??o de predi??o para propor??o do tecido ?sseo a partir da sec??o HH. Por outro lado, a utiliza??o da paleta possibilitou a predi??o confi?vel da composi??o tecidual da carca?a.

Soro de queijo associado ao colostro sobre o desempenho de bezerros / Whey cheese associated colostrum on performance of calves

Lima, Renata Nayhara de 13 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-15T20:31:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RenataNL_DISSERT.pdf: 788520 bytes, checksum: 139bd91e569e27e8c84b8e7ce2750b54 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to evaluate the performance and yield components of carcass and non-carcass of calves fed whey associated with colostrum feeding of crossbred calves in 60 days, besides conducting the economic analysis of substitution. We used 24 male calves, Holstein x SPRD, distributed in a completely randomized design with three treatments and eight replicates: Whole milk (control), 50% whole milk + 50% of cheese whey in natura; 30% Colostrum + 70% Serum fresh cheese. The development of the calves was evaluated by weekly weighings and measurements of body withers height, hip height, heart girth and body length. To estimate consumption measurements were made daily consumption of hay and concentrate offered by the method / spare. The animals were slaughtered at 60 days, where measures were taken for pH and temperature at slaughter and after 24 hours. Were also parameters for carcass and non-carcass components. The evaluation consisted of calculating economic performance indicators of costs and revenues, and measures of economic outcomes. All variables were tested with mean comparison Tukey, 5% probability. The weekly intake of total dry matter intake, weight gain and body measurements evaluated did not differ between treatments (P> 0.05). There were no significant differences (P> 0.05) between treatments for the variables of carcass traits and non-carcass components. The treatment containing 70% whey + 30% of colostrum had additional income of R$ 126,86 and this was mainly attributable to spending on a liquid diet. The results show that the substitution of milk for cheese whey shown a very feasible alternative, associate it with colostrum enable further expand its potential use / O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o desempenho e rendimento dos componentes de carcaça e não carcaça de bezerros recebendo soro de queijo associado ao colostro no aleitamento de bezerros mestiços aos 60 dias, além da realização da análise econômica dessa substituição. Foram utilizados 24 bezerros machos, Holandês x SPRD, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e oito repetições: Leite integral (Controle); 50% Leite integral + 50% de Soro de queijo in natura; 30% Colostro + 70% de Soro de queijoin natura.O desenvolvimento dos bezerros foi avaliado através de pesagens semanais e mensurações corporais dealtura de cernelha, altura de garupa, perímetro torácico e comprimento do corpo. Para a estimativa de consumo foram feitas medições diárias de consumo de feno e concentrado pelo método oferta/sobra. Os animais foram abatidos aos 60 dias, onde foram tomados as medidas de pH e temperatura ao abate e após 24 horas. Foram também parâmetros relativos ao rendimento de carcaça e dos componentes não-carcaça. A avaliação de desempenho econômico constou do cálculo de indicadores de custos e receitas, e de medidas de resultados econômicos. Todas as variáveis foram submetidas ao teste de comparação de médias Tukey, 5% de probabilidade. O consumo semanal de matéria seca total ingerida, o ganho de peso e as medidas corporais avaliadas não apresentaram diferenças entre os tratamentos (P>0,05). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos para as variáveis de características de carcaças e componentes não-carcaça. O tratamento que continha 70% de soro de queijo + 30% de colostro apresentou lucro adicional de R$ 126,86, fato este principalmente atribuído aos gastos com dieta líquida. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a substituição do leite integral por soro de queijo se mostra uma alternativa bastante viável, associá-lo ao colostro permiti ampliar ainda mais seu potencial de utilização

The Body to Die for: Appearance Aesthetics, Body Measurements, and BMI Analysis of Female and Male Runway Models (2012-2018)

Jestratijevic, Iva 02 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Morphometrische Untersuchung des Wachstums beim Alpaka (Vicugna pacos) von der Geburt bis zu einem Alter von 36 Monaten

Grund, Sarah 04 March 2014 (has links)
Außerhalb ihrer ursprünglichen Heimat in Südamerika steigt die Anzahl der Alpakas stetig an. Die Tiere erfreuen sich auch in Deutschland einer großen Beliebtheit. Aktuellen Schätzungen zufolge leben in Deutschland circa 10.000 Alpakas. Siewerden zur Wollgewinnung, sowie als Begleit- und Therapietiere in kleinen Hobbyhaltungen oder in Beständen mit einer Herdengröße von bis zu 150 Tieren gehalten. Damit verbunden werden auch zunehmende Ansprüche an die Qualität der tierärztlichen Betreuung dieser Neuweltkameliden gestellt. Die Beurteilung des Wachstums und der Entwicklung junger Alpakas bildet dabei, genauso wie im Rahmen der Zucht, eine wichtige Grundlage. Derzeit existieren nur unzureichende Informationen über den Wachstumsverlauf beim Alpaka. Bisher dienten proportional angepasste Daten vom Lama zur Orientierung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die auf morphometrischen Daten basierende Beschreibung der physiologischen Entwicklung des Skelettes und des Körpergewichtes beim Alpaka in den ersten 36 Lebensmonaten. Weiterhin soll untersucht werden, welche Faktoren Einfluss auf das Wachstum junger Alpakas haben. Die Bestimmung einer Gleichung zur Berechnung des Körpergewichtes stellt einen weiteren Schwerpunkt der Arbeit dar. Über einen Zeitraum von 12 Monaten wurden 162 Alpakas im Alter von wenigen Tagen bis zu 36 Monaten vermessen. In einem zweiwöchentlichen Rhythmus wurden 9 verschiedene Parameter bei jedem Tier erfasst: Gewicht, Widerristhöhe, Hüfthöhe, Rückenlänge, Rumpflänge, Tuberculum majus-Olecranon-Distanz (TOD), Basis patellae-Tuber ischiadicum-Distanz (BTD), Thoraxumfang und Body Condition Score. Mit Hilfe von speziell angefertigten Messschiebern, einer digitalen Waage und einem flexiblen Maßband erfolgte die Datenerhebung am stehenden Tier. Das Wachstum beeinflussende Faktoren wurden mittels Allgemeiner Untersuchung der Tiere, stichprobenartigen Kotprobenuntersuchungen, Futtermittelanalysen und vom Halter ausgefüllten Fragebögen erfasst. Die erhobenen Messwerte wurden unter Verwendung der nichtparametrischen Regression LOESS (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing) zur Erstellung von Wachstumskurven genutzt, die den durchschnittlichen Wachstumsverlauf des Körpergewichtes, sowie verschiedener Körpermaße von bis zu 36 Monate alten Alpakas darstellen. Sie ermöglichen die Beurteilung der körperlichen Entwicklung eines Alpakas. Unter Anwendung der LMS-Methode (Schiefe der Verteilung der Messwerte λ [L], Mittelwert M, Standardabweichung S) wurden Perzentilkurven von vier Parametern erstellt, die als Referenzkurven und Richtlinien zur Beurteilung der tierartspezifischen Größe und des Gewichtes genutzt werden können. Wachstumsprognosen und Rückschlüsse auf das Alter eines Alpakas sind mit Hilfe der Perzentilkurven möglich. Sowohl die Wachstumskurven als auch die Perzentilkurven lassen erkennen, dass Alpakas mit 36 Monaten noch nicht ausgewachsen sind. Die Kurven wurden anhand von Messwerten von Alpakas erarbeitet, die unter Bedingungen gehalten wurden, die keinen beziehungsweise einen minimalen Einfluss auf das Wachstum haben. Dies ist anhand der Ergebnisse der parasitologischen Untersuchungen und der Futtermittelanalysen erkennbar. Weitere Auswertungen der Messdaten zeigen, dass keine signifikanten Entwicklungsunterschiede zwischen Hengsten und Stuten beziehungsweise zwischen der Rasse Huacaya und der Rasse Suri bestehen. Ähnlich wie bei anderen Tierarten auch, eignet sich der Thoraxumfang zur zuverlässigen Berechnung des Körpergewichtes besonders gut. Eine große Korrelation besteht auch zwischen der Rumpf- beziehungsweise der Rückenlänge und dem Körpergewicht. Praktische Bedeutung haben die Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit vor allem für Alpakazüchter und –halter, sowie für Veterinärmediziner. Die Ergebnisse bilden eine wichtige Grundlage für das Fütterungs- und Reproduktionsmanagement beim Alpaka. / The number of alpacas bred outside their natural habitat in South America increases continuously. Alpacas become more and more popular in Germany. According to recent estimates about 10.000 alpacas live in Germany. They are used for wool production, as companion animal and for therapeutic treatments. The alpacas are kept as pets in smaller groups or as livestock in herds of up to 150 animals. Due to the rising number of these camelids in Germany and more intense use, higher demands on the quality of veterinary care of alpacas occur. Knowledge and data on growth and development in young alpacas are essential for an objective health evaluation as well as for breeding management. Currently very limited information is available on growth of alpacas and the data published have been adapted by calculation using measurements performed on llamas. The primary objective of this study was to determine the physiological development of the skeleton and the body weight of alpacas from birth until 36 months of age based on morphometric data. An additional aim was to analyze factors that influence the growth of young alpacas. A third focus of this study was to generate a mathematical formula to calculate the body weight. The measurements were performed on 162 alpacas with an age ranging from the first day of life up to 36 months. For each alpaca nine different parameters were determined every two weeks: body weight, height at withers, height in the hip, thoracic circumference, length of the back, length of the trunk, Greater tubercle-Olecranon-distance (TOD), Base of the patella-Ischial tuber-distance (BTD) and body condition score. All measurements were carried out on standing animals. Three custom designed caliper gauges, a digital balance and a flexible measuring tape were used to obtain the nine parameters. Factors that influence growth were captured by clinical examination, randomized fecal samples, analysis of forage and a questionnaire completed by the breeder. Based on the data collected growth curves were developed using the nonparametric regression LOESS (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing). These curves represent the average growth pattern of body weight and various body measurements of up to 36 months old alpacas. Using theses curves the physical development of this species can be assessed. By applying the LMS-Method (skewness of the measurement distribution λ [L], mean M, coefficient of variation S) percentile curves of four different parameters have been generated. They can serve as reference curves and as guidelines for objective evaluation of species specific size and weight. Using the percentile curves a reliable prediction of growth or conclusions regarding the age of an alpaca are possible. The growth curves as well as the percentile curves show that alpacas are not mature at the age of 36 months. The curves are based upon data from alpacas who were raised under environmental conditions which have no or minimized influence on growth. This is evident in the results of the parasitological examinations and the feed analysis. Further analyses indicate that no significant differences in growth exist between males and females respectively between the two breeds Huacaya and Suri. Like in other species the thoracic circumference is particularly suitable for estimating the body weight. A strong correlation exists between body weight and the length of the trunk as well as the length of the back. The results of this study are of practical significance for alpaca owners, breeders and veterinarians. They provide a sound basis for recommendations in feeding and management of reproduction.

Investigation of single nucleotide polymorphisms of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) gene and their association with growth traits in Kalahari red goat

Mokoena, Kwena January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. Agriculture (Animal Production)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / Weighing scales are typically out of reach for small-scale farmers due to expensive cost and a lack of operational expertise. However, understanding body weight and its relationship to linear body measures are critical for farmers making management decisions. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are significant because they influence the coding area of the DNA, leading to changes to the amino acid sequences, which might affect the animal's phenotype. The current study sought to find genetic indicators of the insulin-like growth factor 1 gene that may be exploited for breeding selection in order to improve the growth traits of Kalahari Red goats. The research was carried out at the Zuurfontein farm in Polokwane. As experimental animals, fifty (n = 50) Kalahari Red goats (8 males and 42 females) aged 2 to 3 years were used. A balance weighing scale was used to record body weight, and a measuring tape was used to capture linear body measures. Blood samples were obtained from the jugular vein once per animal using vacutainer blood collecting tubes. The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was extracted and purified according to the methodology provided by Noegen's Genomic DNA isolation kit. Pearson’s correlation was used to achieve the correlation between the growth traits, Simple linear regression was performed to predict body weight from linear body measurements, Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) was utilized to discover the single nucleotide polymorphism, Chi-square test (χ2) was performed to assess the allele frequencies for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and General Linear Model (GLM) was performed for marker-trait association analysis. The mean square error (MSE) and coefficient of determination (R2) were exercised to choose the best regression model. Correlation results indicated a high positive significant correlation (P < 0.01) among BW and RH (r = 0.69), BL (r = 0.92), HG (r = 0.91), WH (r = 0.85) in bucks. While it does, all the linear body measurements indicated a high positive significant correlation (P < 0.01) expect SH (r = 0.41) which had a positive significant correlation (P < 0.05). Simple linear regression findings highlighted that BL had minimum MSE and highest R2 in bucks while in does HG had minimum MSE and highest R2. PCR-RFLP results indicated that two fragment patterns (two fragments and one fragment) were identified. Two genotypes were identified, KK with one fragment and KM with two fragments. The genotype frequency of KK was higher than that of KM and K allele had a higher allelic frequency than the M allele. The χ2 results showed that the Kalahari Red goats population used was not in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) (χ2 = 0.39*). Marker-trait association findings by GLM indicated that the genotypes (KK and KM) had no association with the growth traits measured. In conclusion, correlation findings suggest that BW had a higher relationship with BL and HG in Kalahari Red goats. The regression results suggest that in bucks, an increase of 1 cm of BL might increase body weight by 1.24 kg, whereas it does, a 1 cm increase of HG might increase the body weight by 0.73 kg. The χ2 results suggest that the studied population gene and genotypic frequencies keep on changing from generation to generation and the marker-traits association results suggest that the genotypes identified had no relationship with growth traits in Kalahari Red goats. Further studies need to be conducted on single nucleotide polymorphism of IGF-1 and their relationship with growth traits using a larger sample, more growth traits and targeting more exons. / National Research Foundation (NRF)

Avaliação de características de tipo e condição corporal em vacas Holandês e mestiças Holandês X Jersey / Evaluation of body traitsand body condition score in Hlostein and Holstein x jersey crossbred cows

Parizotto Filho, Roberto 25 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:24:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGCA15MA183.pdf: 887467 bytes, checksum: 2bc063cd18c41cbd3e4991109a6be33b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The crossbreeding with Jersey cattle has been used as an alternative in Holstein Cattle breeds aiming to raise solid contents of milk and poor performance in functional traits. Although there are recent research about productive and reproductive traits, there are few information about conformation of crossbred animals, despite the importance of this topic to determinate selection strategies. Thus, this work compared body measurements and body condition between Holstein X Jersey crossbred and Holstein cows. It was performed in four dairy herds with both Holstein and Holstein X Jersey cows, which was measured for 21 official body traits and an unofficial body trait called udder clearance, as well for body condition score. There was measured lactating cows, with metric measurements for the measurable traits, a 1-5 scale for body condition score and with a subjective score of 1-9, based on Canadian evaluation method to the not- measurable traits. The evaluations was done with a interval of 6-12 weeks, with three visits for each dairy farm, being collected information about milk production, birth date and lactation stage too. The data were submitted to analisys of variance with repeated measures, being the statistic model compound by genetic grouping, number of calvings, lactation stage, herd and the interaction of genetic grouping with number of calvings and lactation stage. For udder and dairy strength measurements was included the milk yield covariate. Factorial analisis was done to analyze the relationship between the body measurements and body condition score data in each genetic grouping. Difference was detected (P<0,0001) between genetic grouping for milk production, with advantage to Holstein cows (23,6 X 26,5 kg). In the udder traits, crossbred cows showed better scores for udder cleavage (P<0,01) and rear teat placement (P<0,01), but with worse results for udder depth and udder clearance (P<0,0001). Holstein cattle demonstrated better score for foot angle (P<0,001), but with worse bone quality (P<0,01). Holstein cows was taller (P<0,0001), had shallower body depth and worse body condition score (P<0,01) in comparison to crossbred cows. In rump traits was observed difference between the groups for loin strength, rump angle and rump width. The Holstein cows showed wider (P<0,0001) and less sloped rumps(P<0,0001), but worse loin strength (p<0,05) than crossbred cows. Factorial analisis showed negative relationship of milk yield with body measurements related with udder depth and udder clearance and positive with body depth, angulosity, bone quality and udder width and texture. There was a positive association between stature and rump width also, as well a positive relationship between younger cows with taller and shallower udders, better udder clivage and texture / O cruzamento com a raça Jersey vem sendo empregado como alternativa de recurso genético em rebanhos da raça Holandesa, visando amenizar baixos teores de sólidos no leite e mau desempenho em características funcionais. Embora haja pesquisas recentes sobre aspectos produtivos e reprodutivos deste cruzamento, há pouca informação sobre a conformação destes animais, apesar do tema ser importante para determinar estratégias de seleção. Assim, o trabalho objetivou comparar vacas mestiças Holandês X Jersey em relação a vacas da raça Holandês quanto à conformação e condição corporal. O trabalho foi realizado em quatro rebanhos leiteiros que possuem animais da raça Holandês e cruzadas Holandês X Jersey, as quais foram avaliadas para 21 caracetrísticas lineares de tipo e para a característica de conformação não-oficial udder clearance, bem como condição corporal. Foram mensuradas vacas lactantes, com medidas métricas para as características mensuráveis, com escala de 1 a 5 para escore de condição corporal e com pontuação subjetiva de 1 a 9, baseada na metodologia canadense de avaliação linear, para as demais características. As avaliações foram realizadas em três visitas para cada propriedade, com intervalo entre 6 e 12 semanas, sendo coletadas também informações referentes à produção leiteira, idade e estágio de lactação das vacas. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, com medidas repetidas, sendo o modelo estatístico composto pelo grupamento genético, paridade, estágio de lactação, rebanho e interação do grupamento genético com a paridade e o estágio de lactação. Para as características de tipo das categorias sistema mamário e força leiteira foi incluída a covariável produção de leite. A relação entre as medidas de classificação linear e escore de condição corporal foi analisada utilizando-se análise multivariada (análise fatorial). Observou-se diferença (P<0,0001) entre grupamentos genéticos para produção de leite, sendo que vacas mestiças apresentaram produção de leite inferior às Holandês (23,6 X 26,5 kg). Nas características lineares relacionadas ao sistema mamário, observou-se melhor pontuação para clivagem de úbere (P<0,01) e colocação de tetos posteriors em mestiças (P<0,01), com piores resultados para profundidade de úbere e udder clearance (P<0,0001). Na categoria aprumos vacas Holandês apresentaram melhor conformação de ângulo de casco (P<0,001), com pior qualidade óssea (P<0,01). As vacas puras apresentaram, maior estatura (P<0,0001) e menor profundidade corporal e escore de condição corporal frente as cruzadas (P<0,01). Nas características de garupa, houve diferença significativa entre os grupos para força de lombo, ângulo e largura de garupa. As vacas Holandês demonstraram garupas mais largas (P<0,0001), menos inclinadas (P<0,0001) e com força de lombo inferior (P<0,05) que as vacas cruzadas. A análise fatorial demonstrou relação negativa de produção de leite com caraterísticas lineares relacionadas à queda de úbere e positiva com profundidade corporal, angulosidade, qualidade óssea, largura e textura de úbere. Demonstrou também associação positiva de estatura com largura de garupa, bem como uma relação entre vacas com menor ordem de parto e úberes mais altos, rasos e com melhores clivagem e textura de úberes

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