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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gates Fair on All Sides: Christian Reflections on Establishing Ethical and Sustainable Border Policies and Citizenship Laws in a "Globalised" World

Micallef, René Mario January 2013 (has links)
Thesis advisor: David Hollenbach / This dissertation starts by noting a tension in Catholic Social Teaching between the right of certain persons to immigrate, and the right of polities to control their borders, and seeks to find a way to resolve that tension. In a first moment, we ask whether the "right to immigrate" made sense only before the mass international migration movements starting around 1980, and before "globalisation", and whether polities today are morally justified in adopting increasingly harsh immigration restriction measures unilaterally. After rejecting this hypothesis by using an interdisciplinary analysis of the changes in the phenomenon of human mobility in recent decades, we propose another hypothesis to resolve the tension. We claim that the two rights are not "absolute" rights, and must be kept in tension. Which one of them trumps the other in concrete situations is determined partly by a set of (moral) priority rules, and partly through political discernment via fair democratic processes (which are always necessary so as to formulate concrete policies which require the consent of the governed). The rest of this dissertation provides a well-documented argument in favour of this second hypothesis, and in the process, we formulate a number of priority rules which help activists and policy makers, qua citizens and qua Christian disciples, adjudicate between rights claims based on the right to immigrate and the right to political sovereignty. The work also includes a systematic and historical presentation of Catholic Social Teaching on migration, a case study on immigration and emigration in Malta, a diachronic analysis of concepts related to human mobility in the Hebrew Bible, a philosophical reflection on Political Sovereignty in a "globalising" world, and a virtue ethics approach to the notions of solidarity, hospitality and kinship. / Thesis (STD) — Boston College, 2013. / Submitted to: Boston College. School of Theology and Ministry. / Discipline: Sacred Theology.

Wastewater expenditure effects on in-stream bacteria pollution in the Rio Grande / Río Bravo post-NAFTA : evidence from panel data estimations

Torres, Adam Jared 18 November 2014 (has links)
The United States and Mexico share responsibility in preserving the quality of their international river system, the Rio Grande / Río Bravo, and several international treaties govern the quantity of water each country must give and take. Because no treaty establishes joint standards for the quality of the river, the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) was created in 1993 as a declaration of principles and objectives concerning the conservation and the protection of the environment as well as a guide of concrete measures to further cooperate on these matters. One particular goal of the NAAEC was to improve water quality in the US-Mexico Border Region, ensuring a clean, safe, and reliable water supply for the area. Although the US and Mexican federal governments have made substantial technical and financial commitments through binational agencies like the North American Development Bank (NADB) and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC), few empirical studies have assessed the impact of binational expenditures on wastewater infrastructure in this region. This report uses longitudinal panel data regression models to estimate the impact of capital expenditures on water quality made by binational, federal, and state water quality management institutions from 1995 to 2012. This analysis considers expenditures made on both sides of the Rio Grande watershed that constitutes the international border, beginning with El Paso, Texas and ending in the Gulf of Mexico. / text

De-Fence Europe! The Defence Industry, the Refugee Crisis, and the Shaping of EU Border Policy

Sanbar, Sarah C 01 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores some of the connections between the defence industry and the European border policy that emerged leading up to, and following, the European refugee crisis of 2015. The paper is divided into two parts. The first seeks to examine and understand the context in which the refugee crisis occurred. In order to do this, I begin with a literature review that uses the integration theory of Multilevel Governance to understand how and where the European Union (EU) is susceptible to political pressure or special interest influence. Next, I present a brief history of the causes and course of the crisis, the pre-existing border regime, and the defence industry and lobby. The second section synthesises the context provided in the first section in order to determine whether actors in the defence industry were lucky beneficiaries of policies movements that happened to benefit them, or, if they were proactive lobbyists. I identify four trends in policy, namely the militarisation, centralisation, privatisation, and externalisation of border controls, and I discuss each trend, lobbyist influence, and the implications each trend has for refugees. Finally, I conclude that although there is significant evidence of lobbyist influence in shaping the policies, the presence of a myriad of other factors makes it nearly impossible to quantify how big a role lobbyist influence was in determining outcomes. Nevertheless, the implications of such institutional susceptibilities to lobbying in the EU should be both cause for concern and further inquiry.

Territorialisation des politiques énergétiques dans l agglomération franco-valdo-genevoise : la planification énergétique comme opportunité de réaménagement des zones frontières ? / Territorialisation of energy policies in the franco-valdo-genevan urban area : energy planning as a tool for reorganizing border areas ?

Lavallez, Catherine 12 May 2015 (has links)
En France comme en Suisse, les collectivités territoriales s'imposent comme des acteurs majeurs de la transition énergétique, une transition dont la mise en œuvre nécessite un important renouvellement des instruments d'intervention publics. Ce sont les enjeux et les conditions d'un tel renouvellement que le présent travail se donne pour objectif d'examiner, à partir des expériences de planification énergétique territoriale menées sur l'agglomération franco-valdo-genevoise. Conçues comme des démarches de relocalisation des filières énergétiques – filières dont nombre de composantes étaient, avec les énergies fossiles, externes aux territoires consommateurs –, ces démarches de planification énergétique sont ici examinées à partir d'une grille de lecture d'inspiration institutionnaliste et pragmatiste.Consistant à appréhender ces démarches comme autant d'enquêtes ayant vocation, à travers un travail collectif de (ré)équipement cognitif du champ d'intervention territorial FVG, à initier et accompagner la reconstruction des modes de coordination des hommes au sujet de leur territoire – territoire entendu dans sa triple dimension matérielle, organisationnelle et politique – , cette grille ouvre vers une double lecture des expériences de planification énergétique. La première se concentre sur la dimension organisationnelle de ces enquêtes en devenir, c'est-à-dire sur les cultures d'action en présence et les modalités d'interaction entre elles, tandis que la seconde porte sur la substance cognitive qui sert de support à ces interactions, c'est-à-dire sur les logiques de réflexion qui président à la mobilisation et à la production des représentations territoriales liées à ces démarches.Cette double lecture permet de tirer des enseignements à différents niveaux. Le premier concerne le champ (cognitif) d'intervention territorial que ces démarches de planification énergétique contribuent à dessiner. Un champ qui, bien que de mieux en mieux appréhendé dans ses dimensions techniques, reste à la fois limité et « déformé » de telle sorte qu'il valorise davantage les filières fossiles, dont on souhaiterait s'affranchir, que les filières renouvelables que l'on souhaiterait leur substituer. Le second niveau d'enseignement porte sur les processus de production de connaissances territoriales (PPCT) qui président à la délimitation et à « l'équipement » de ce champ d'intervention. Appréhendés à travers les normes institutionnelles qui les encadrent, et les cultures d'action dont les interactions peuvent initier des processus de déstabilisation-reconstruction de ces normes, ces PPCT s'avèrent donner naissance à des « zones-frontières » sociocognitives, zones favorables à de telles reconfigurations, mais nécessitant, dans le cas FVG, un travail préalable « d'aménagement ».C'est sur les facteurs les plus déterminants pour la qualité de cet « aménagement » – un aménagement qui n'est plus seulement cognitif mais qui renvoie, plus globalement, aux conditions de mise en œuvre d'enquêtes dont la finalité ultime demeure bien l'action collective territoriale – que se concentre la troisième catégorie d'enseignements. Ouvrant sur les défis comme sur les pistes de renouvellement ouvertes, au niveau des modes d'action publics, par ces démarches de planification énergétique, ces éléments permettent aussi de porter un nouveau regard sur le projet d'agglomération en construction sur ce territoire transfrontalier. / In France as in Switzerland, local authorities stand out as leading players of energy transition, a transition that requires an important renewal of public intervention instruments. It is the stakes and the conditions of such a renewal that the present work aims to examine, based on the experiments of territorial energy planning led on the franco-valdo-genevan cross-border territory. Conceived as initiatives of relocation of the energy supply system, these energy planning initiatives are examined through an institutionalist and pragmatic « reading template ».This « reading template » consists of seeing these energy planning initiatives as pragmatist inquiries aiming, through a collective work of cognitive equipment of the territorial franco-valdo-genevan field of intervention, at the reconstruction of the means of coordination between people about their material, organizational and political territory. It opens towards a double reading of the energy planning initiatives. The first one concentrates on the organizational dimension of these inquiries - i.e. on the cultures of action which they gather and the modalities of interaction between them - whereas the second focuses on the cognitive substance which represents the medium of the interactions.This double reading provides insights at various levels. The first one concerns the (cognitive) territorial field of intervention that these energy-planning experiments contribute to draw. A field which, although better and better characterized in its technical dimensions, remains at the same time limited and " deformed " so that it values more the fossil energy systems, from which we want to release ourselves, than the renewable ones, which we would like to replace them with.The second level of teaching concerns the processes of production of territorial knowledge (PPTK) which presides over the demarcation and « equipment » of the territorial field of intervention. Examined through the institutional norms and the culture of action at stake in them, this PPTK turns out to create a sociocognitive "cross-border" area, the kind of area that could shelter the desired reconfigurations…on the condition that they are beforehand correctly “equipped”, in cognitive and also in organizational terms.The determining factor for the quality of this equipment is concentrated in the third category of teaching. Starting with the opportunities created by these energy planning experiments concerning the renewal of public intervention instruments, these elements also allow us to take a new look at the urban area project under construction in this cross-border territory, a project that shows itself closely linked to the energy experiments through a common challenge of territorialisation.


郭慶文, KUO, GING-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
金元之際的中原知識階層所處的是一個大動盪的時代,一方面漫天戰火奪去了無數生 靈性命,破壞了政治、社會秩序;一方面蒙古接替女真,成為中原新的統治者。由於 起初蒙古人並未大幅施行漢法,因此這已不是單純的朝代更替,而是整個政治、經濟 、社會制度的轉變。處於此一時間的中原知識階層他們如何自處、有那些一般性質、 如何協助蒙古可汗治理中原並保存漢文化,這些問題便是本論文探討的核心所在。 本論文研究的時間範圍是從衛紹王即位的大安元年(一二0九)至元世祖建國號為元 的至元八年(一二七一),共計六十二年。凡在大安元年以後去世,並在垤元八年以 前已有所成的中原士人(亦即成長在原金朝統治區域內的土人),恂是本論文研究的 對象。 法國年鑑學派史學家布勞岱將歷史分為三個層次﹕最表層是短期「事件」;中層是持 續較長的「時間」;最底層是綿延可達數世紀的「長時期」。就社會的結構而言,「 事件」只是在社會表面的人文現象;「時期」是數十年就可能改變的社會中層結;「 長時期」則是灴易改變的社會深層結構。就本論文的研究主題而言,金元之際中原知 識階層的言論、作為、以及當時個別的政、經、社結構屬於「時間」的層次;秦、漢 以後古代中國的政、經〉社模式則屬於「長時間」的層次。本論文的研究係從「事件 」層次著手,而逐漸突顯出屬於「時間」的中層社會結構,至於「長時間」層次的探 討,僅略有所及。 金元之際蒙古、西域、中原三大文化和他們的承傳者,彼此間相互的激盪,而中原文 化並未佔盡優勢,但對於元初政體的建構亦有其不可忽視的貢獻。


李俊熙, LI, JUN-XI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究目的,乃希望透過對清末民初的外蒙情勢,以及在外蒙中國、俄國、日本 等國際勢的抗衡,分析、探討,讓吾人瞭解外蒙脫離中國轉為蘇俄附庸的共產國家的 歷史背景。 在參考資料方面,以中文資料(其中包括英、日翻譯本)為主,加以英、日文資料來 補充。但在現實環境的限制下,蒙文資料的蒐集十分困難,而且本人的蒙文造詣不深 ,故不得不參考西方學者及日本學者相關翻譯本和著作。而本文研究方法上,主要是 採用歷史學的架構,予以分析、比較、綜合,尤其因資料上的史事記載有所不同,所 以經由分析比較,加以推論,最後提出定論。 本文研究內容,除緒論和結論之外,共四章十一節。概分為民族主義之抬頭﹕俄國的 策動以及中國的失策激起蒙古人的民族意識。革命集團之誕生及其活動﹕蘇俄十月革 命對外蒙部分民族主義者的影響,及與蘇俄共黨及第三國際人士的接觸,以擴張其革 命力量,其結果遂組成臨時政府。外來勢力之變化﹕首先探討中國內部之宜皖戰爭, 以至引起在外蒙外來勢力的變化,即白俄溫琴在日本的支持之下占領庫倫,嗣後蘇俄 赤軍藉口討伐白黨而侵入外蒙,並在蘇俄的指使之下建立人民政府。保守勢力之衰退 ﹕由於神權及封建特權之限制,青年團之組織及其在政治上所扮演的角色之影響,且 保守派與急進派雙方激型之鬥爭,至使保守勢力逐漸衰退,而以活佛哲布尊丹巴之逝 世為最明顯之象徵。 結論則是闡述,十九世紀末開始抬頭的蒙古民族主義,在俄國慫恿之下,並一九一0 年清廷對蒙政策的轉奱,以及一九一九年徐樹錚的武力撤治而被激起,加上蘇俄十月 革命的影響,終致外蒙出現革命集團。嗣後在第三國際的支使以及赤軍的武力援助下 ,建立人民政府。再經過數次流血肅清民族主義者,以及蒙人的精神領袖活佛哲布尊 丹巴的逝世,最後成立了附庸蘇俄的「蒙古人民共和國」。

Políticas públicas de custo mínimo de seguro saúde no turismo receptivo na área Schengen: causas e consequências / Public policies with minimum cost for health insurance in inbound tourism at Schengen area : causes and consequences

Fujita, Dennis Minoru 16 August 2018 (has links)
As áreas tropicais são consideradas propensas a doenças infecciosas e recentemente apresentaram desenvolvimento econômico com aumento do turismo doméstico e internacional de seus habitantes. Há um aumento de viagens internacionais com maior risco potencial para a importação de doenças, particularmente nos últimos 10 anos, e o novo quadro de surtos globais no século 21. A promoção de viagens seguras destes turistas no destino é um novo desafio para os governos receptores. Alguns países desenvolvidos com tradição turística, como os signatários da Convenção Schengen, implementaram políticas para lidar com o eventual custo de saúde de viajantes de áreas tropicais. Outros destinos, como os Estados Unidos, mantiveram suas políticas de saúde para turistas. Visando identificar a real condição de saúde destes novos turistas de países emergentes, estudamos os problemas de saúde dos turistas brasileiros no exterior, comparando o fluxo de viagens, o custo de saúde antes e depois da implantação da Convenção Schengen, a exposição potencial para algumas doenças infecciosas no intuito de sugerir medidas para proteção e prevenção desses viajantes brasileiros. Não há evidência de transporte de doenças por viajantes brasileiros para seus destinos turísticos. Países que adotaram seguro saúde obrigatório para os turistas brasileiros não apresentaram maiores custos de saúde, tendo queda relativa do fluxo turístico do Brasil, em comparação a países sem restrições. Além disso, o transporte aéreo e eventos internacionais de massa, como a Copa do Mundo e os Jogos Olímpicos, permitiram a transmissão de doenças para o Brasil, com introdução do vírus Zika e reintrodução do vírus do sarampo. A rápida transmissão mostra a importância das medidas preventivas que incluem o reforço da vacinação de grupos específicos, o alerta de higiene pessoal adequada e outras ações para evitar possíveis surtos devido ao elevado tráfego de viajantes nos eventos. No turismo doméstico, o potencial risco de transmissão de doenças infecciosas negligenciadas, como Leishmaniose Visceral, cuja disseminação se intensificou por deslocamento de animais de estimação; e da esquistossomose humana pelo aumento das mudanças climáticas e de atividades de lazer em áreas naturais, promovem maior exposição dos viajantes internacionais e nacionais. A rede atual de prevenção e proteção para viajantes no Brasil, composta por clínicas de medicina de viagem, mídias com recomendações para viajantes e centros de imunização tornam-se importantes na prevenção de contágio dos turistas e reduzem consideravelmente o número de atendimentos pós-viagem. Quando usada, fornece aos viajantes brasileiros proteção para as principais doenças infecciosas preveníveis ale de orientação para se evitar situações de risco em viagem, sendo um modelo de política pública interessante. Alguns protocolos para a entrada dos viajantes demonstram ser uma atitude adequada para melhorar a segurança dos viajantes e de seus países, bem como novas medidas preventivas são necessárias para evitar a disseminação de surtos de doenças infecciosas. / Tropical areas are considered prone to infectious diseases and have recently presented economic development with increased domestic and international tourism of its inhabitants. There is an increase in international travel with greater potential risk for diseases importation, particularly in the last 10 years, a new global outbreak chart in the 21st century. The promotion of safe travel of these tourists at destination is a challenge for recipient governments. Some developed countries with a tourist tradition, such as the Schengen Convention, have implemented policies to deal with the possible cost of health of travelers from tropical areas. Other destinations, as the United States, have maintained their health policies for tourists. Aiming to identify the real health condition of new tourists from emerging countries, we studied the health problems of Brazilian tourists abroad, comparing flow, health cost before and after the implementation of the Schengen Convention, their potential exposure to some infectious diseases, to suggest measures for protection and prevention of these Brazilian travelers. There is no evidence of diseases\' transport by Brazilian travelers to their destinations. Countries that adopted mandatory health insurance for Brazilian tourists did not present higher health costs, only a relative drop in Brazil\'s tourism flow compared to unrestricted countries. In addition, with air transport and international mass events, such as the World Cup and the Olympic Games, allowed the importation of diseases into Brazil, with the introduction of the Zika virus and the reintroduction of the measles virus. The rapid transmission shows the importance of preventive measures that include reinforcing of vaccination, adequate personal hygiene alert, and other actions to avoid possible outbreaks due to the high traffic of travelers at events. In domestic tourism, the potential risk of transmission of neglected infectious diseases, such as Visceral Leishmaniosis, whose spread was intensified by displacement of pets; and human schistosomiasis by increasing climate change and leisure activities in natural areas, promoting greater exposure of international or national travelers. The current network of prevention and protection for travelers in Brazil, composed of travel medicine clinics, media with recommendations for travelers and immunization centers is effective in preventing infection of tourists and greatly reduces the number of post-trip visits. When used, it provides Brazilian travelers with a protection for the major preventable infectious diseases and education to avoid risky travel situations, an interesting model of public police. Some protocols for travelers\' entry prove to be an appropriate attitude to improve the safety of travelers and countries, as well as new preventive measures are needed to prevent the spread of infectious disease outbreaks.

Políticas públicas de custo mínimo de seguro saúde no turismo receptivo na área Schengen: causas e consequências / Public policies with minimum cost for health insurance in inbound tourism at Schengen area : causes and consequences

Dennis Minoru Fujita 16 August 2018 (has links)
As áreas tropicais são consideradas propensas a doenças infecciosas e recentemente apresentaram desenvolvimento econômico com aumento do turismo doméstico e internacional de seus habitantes. Há um aumento de viagens internacionais com maior risco potencial para a importação de doenças, particularmente nos últimos 10 anos, e o novo quadro de surtos globais no século 21. A promoção de viagens seguras destes turistas no destino é um novo desafio para os governos receptores. Alguns países desenvolvidos com tradição turística, como os signatários da Convenção Schengen, implementaram políticas para lidar com o eventual custo de saúde de viajantes de áreas tropicais. Outros destinos, como os Estados Unidos, mantiveram suas políticas de saúde para turistas. Visando identificar a real condição de saúde destes novos turistas de países emergentes, estudamos os problemas de saúde dos turistas brasileiros no exterior, comparando o fluxo de viagens, o custo de saúde antes e depois da implantação da Convenção Schengen, a exposição potencial para algumas doenças infecciosas no intuito de sugerir medidas para proteção e prevenção desses viajantes brasileiros. Não há evidência de transporte de doenças por viajantes brasileiros para seus destinos turísticos. Países que adotaram seguro saúde obrigatório para os turistas brasileiros não apresentaram maiores custos de saúde, tendo queda relativa do fluxo turístico do Brasil, em comparação a países sem restrições. Além disso, o transporte aéreo e eventos internacionais de massa, como a Copa do Mundo e os Jogos Olímpicos, permitiram a transmissão de doenças para o Brasil, com introdução do vírus Zika e reintrodução do vírus do sarampo. A rápida transmissão mostra a importância das medidas preventivas que incluem o reforço da vacinação de grupos específicos, o alerta de higiene pessoal adequada e outras ações para evitar possíveis surtos devido ao elevado tráfego de viajantes nos eventos. No turismo doméstico, o potencial risco de transmissão de doenças infecciosas negligenciadas, como Leishmaniose Visceral, cuja disseminação se intensificou por deslocamento de animais de estimação; e da esquistossomose humana pelo aumento das mudanças climáticas e de atividades de lazer em áreas naturais, promovem maior exposição dos viajantes internacionais e nacionais. A rede atual de prevenção e proteção para viajantes no Brasil, composta por clínicas de medicina de viagem, mídias com recomendações para viajantes e centros de imunização tornam-se importantes na prevenção de contágio dos turistas e reduzem consideravelmente o número de atendimentos pós-viagem. Quando usada, fornece aos viajantes brasileiros proteção para as principais doenças infecciosas preveníveis ale de orientação para se evitar situações de risco em viagem, sendo um modelo de política pública interessante. Alguns protocolos para a entrada dos viajantes demonstram ser uma atitude adequada para melhorar a segurança dos viajantes e de seus países, bem como novas medidas preventivas são necessárias para evitar a disseminação de surtos de doenças infecciosas. / Tropical areas are considered prone to infectious diseases and have recently presented economic development with increased domestic and international tourism of its inhabitants. There is an increase in international travel with greater potential risk for diseases importation, particularly in the last 10 years, a new global outbreak chart in the 21st century. The promotion of safe travel of these tourists at destination is a challenge for recipient governments. Some developed countries with a tourist tradition, such as the Schengen Convention, have implemented policies to deal with the possible cost of health of travelers from tropical areas. Other destinations, as the United States, have maintained their health policies for tourists. Aiming to identify the real health condition of new tourists from emerging countries, we studied the health problems of Brazilian tourists abroad, comparing flow, health cost before and after the implementation of the Schengen Convention, their potential exposure to some infectious diseases, to suggest measures for protection and prevention of these Brazilian travelers. There is no evidence of diseases\' transport by Brazilian travelers to their destinations. Countries that adopted mandatory health insurance for Brazilian tourists did not present higher health costs, only a relative drop in Brazil\'s tourism flow compared to unrestricted countries. In addition, with air transport and international mass events, such as the World Cup and the Olympic Games, allowed the importation of diseases into Brazil, with the introduction of the Zika virus and the reintroduction of the measles virus. The rapid transmission shows the importance of preventive measures that include reinforcing of vaccination, adequate personal hygiene alert, and other actions to avoid possible outbreaks due to the high traffic of travelers at events. In domestic tourism, the potential risk of transmission of neglected infectious diseases, such as Visceral Leishmaniosis, whose spread was intensified by displacement of pets; and human schistosomiasis by increasing climate change and leisure activities in natural areas, promoting greater exposure of international or national travelers. The current network of prevention and protection for travelers in Brazil, composed of travel medicine clinics, media with recommendations for travelers and immunization centers is effective in preventing infection of tourists and greatly reduces the number of post-trip visits. When used, it provides Brazilian travelers with a protection for the major preventable infectious diseases and education to avoid risky travel situations, an interesting model of public police. Some protocols for travelers\' entry prove to be an appropriate attitude to improve the safety of travelers and countries, as well as new preventive measures are needed to prevent the spread of infectious disease outbreaks.


卓宏祺, ZHUO, HONG-GI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的旨在探討清代台灣理番政策之成敗得失,而殷盼吾人之有心于邊政 事業者,皆能以台灣理番事業之興衰為鑑鏡,而致力于研究當今台灣山地之種種問題 ,以期使我國之邊疆政策與社會,能臻于郅治。 本論文之研究方法,係就歷史學、政治學、民族學之觀點,以分析、歸納、比較、綜 合之方法來詮釋清代台灣之理番政策。 本論文之研究,所需之文獻資料甚多且雜,如官方之地方志、檔案、秦議及私人傳記 、遊記,例台灣府志、宮中檔案、劉銘傳撫台前後檔案、台灣日記與稟啟、道咸同光 四朝秦議、裨海紀遊……等等。此外,尚參考眾多之近人著作、期刊及外文論著,例 台灣番政志、台灣文獻、台灣 番族研究、台灣文化志、台灣志名研究……等等。因而,于蒐集、處理資料之時,深 感繁蕪冗亂,所以,本論文若有遺漏不足之失,尚祈請諸位先進惠予指教。 本論文共計九萬餘言,分為六章,凡十三節。第一章緒論,係在說明筆者研究之動機 與目的、範圍、限制、方法。第二章旬在介紹台灣番的界說及其早年之生活習俗。第 三章探討清代台灣理番政策形成之背景。第四章說明清代台灣理番政策之內容與項目 。第五章分析清代台灣理番政策蛻變之原因。第六章綜合清代台灣理番政策施行後之 利弊,提出感想,作為結論。 經由本論文之研究結果,得知清廷甫平復台灣之初,因囿于主事者之保守心態,致使 台灣早期之理番事業,實無多少積效可言,迨日軍侵台後,清廷始積極經營開山撫番 之工作,欲令台灣內地化,成為中國國防之一要環,但,因為政策之偏差,終使理番 事業宣告失敗。

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