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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

U.S.S.R., Military Professionalism and Political Integration: A Case Study

Henderson, Bernard 05 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this investigation is concerned addresses the question of the proper role of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union in the Soviet state. The political leadership has two alternatives in seeking a remedy to this civil-military question. They may either control the military establishment by granting strict professional autonomy or by integrating the armed forces into the civil structure.

Proletarskai︠a︡ Moskovsko-Minskai︠a︡

Kuznet︠s︡ov, Pavel Grigorʹevich. January 1975 (has links)
First edition published in 1962 under title : Gvardeĭt︠s︡y-moskvichi. / Includes bibliographical references.

Socialized Medicine in the U.S.S.R.

Koeniger, John F. 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis presents a brief history of medicine in Russia leading up to the institution of socialized medicine by the U.S.S.R. in 1917. It also details Soviet medicine in the socialist period up through World War II.


車城滿, ZHUO, CHENG-MAN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分五章十二節。第一章論中、共蘇聯對外政策的本質,其主要內容為共黨外 交的理論基礎及「中」蘇對外政策的基本原則和其演變。第二章論「中」蘇關係與中 國東北地區戰略價值的關聯性,其主要內容為「中」蘇關係的演變和衝突因素、中國 東北的戰略價值及「中」蘇對中國東北的戰略目標。第三章論「中」蘇在中國東北的 軍事關係,其主要內容為蘇聯佔領東北與在軍事上援助中共、「中」蘇軍事同盟與衝 突關係及在東北的軍事對峙狀況。第四章論「中」蘇在東北地區的邊界關係,其主要 內容為「中」蘇邊界問題的起源、邊境衝突在「中」蘇關係中的角色及邊談判的經過 與展望。第五章結論的內容為中共的東北地區政策和蘇聯的遠東地區政策的檢討。


藍美華, LAN, MEI-HUA Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討一九五二至一九八四年期間外蒙與中共關係的演變情形.論文共一冊 ,計八萬字,分成六章十二節.第一章為緒論,概述一九二一至一九五二年外蒙本身 的發展,以期對外蒙有一概略的認識.第二章探討一九五二至一九六0年外蒙與中共 的關係,在此期間雙方關係進展迅速.第三章探討一九六0至一九六六年期間二者的 關係,在此期間由於蘇聯重新強化對外蒙的關係,加上中蘇共的爭執日益加深,外蒙 與中共關係大幅降低.第四章探討一九六六至一九七九年間二者的關係,在此期間雙 方關係仍然不好,文革期間更形惡化.第五章探討一九七九至一九八四年間二者關係 ,雙方「國」與「國」的接觸增加,但「黨」與「黨」的關係依舊不好.第六章結論 .


郭振遠, GUO, ZHEN-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
中、俄兩國之間橫亙著一條世界上最長的邊界線,在歷史上為了這條界線以及領土歸 屬的問題,已經動過幾次干戈,有過多次爭議,仍然沒有得到解決。 中共自從靠蘇聯的扶持當上了神州大陸的主人之後,對於邊界問題一直隱忍不發。等 到中、蘇共關係漸趨惡化,意議形態的爭執已不敷所需,邊界問題遂被提出,雙方爭 論的焦點從理念上的不同一變而成實際國家利益的衝突。1969年3月發生在珍寶 島上的流血事件是雙方衝突的具體表現,也是一連串衝突事件的最高峰。過此之後, 危機與緊張的情勢逐漸鬆弛,邊界的現狀朼就被當作既成的事實而被雙方所接受。 中、蘇共這兩個實施共產主義的國家,其同質性大於其異質性,任何的衝突都不至於 導致雙方用極端的手段來相互對抗。但是共產主義不像一個亙古不變,能實施久遠的 制度,中國和俄國也不會一成不變地永遠在共產制度下延續下去,一旦改變這個基本 的制度結構,而中、俄兩民族仍存在於世上,邊界的糾紛就會再度興起。因此,邊境 領土誰屬永遠是一個潛伏的而且會伺機待發的問題。


李俊熙, LI, JUN-XI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究目的,乃希望透過對清末民初的外蒙情勢,以及在外蒙中國、俄國、日本 等國際勢的抗衡,分析、探討,讓吾人瞭解外蒙脫離中國轉為蘇俄附庸的共產國家的 歷史背景。 在參考資料方面,以中文資料(其中包括英、日翻譯本)為主,加以英、日文資料來 補充。但在現實環境的限制下,蒙文資料的蒐集十分困難,而且本人的蒙文造詣不深 ,故不得不參考西方學者及日本學者相關翻譯本和著作。而本文研究方法上,主要是 採用歷史學的架構,予以分析、比較、綜合,尤其因資料上的史事記載有所不同,所 以經由分析比較,加以推論,最後提出定論。 本文研究內容,除緒論和結論之外,共四章十一節。概分為民族主義之抬頭﹕俄國的 策動以及中國的失策激起蒙古人的民族意識。革命集團之誕生及其活動﹕蘇俄十月革 命對外蒙部分民族主義者的影響,及與蘇俄共黨及第三國際人士的接觸,以擴張其革 命力量,其結果遂組成臨時政府。外來勢力之變化﹕首先探討中國內部之宜皖戰爭, 以至引起在外蒙外來勢力的變化,即白俄溫琴在日本的支持之下占領庫倫,嗣後蘇俄 赤軍藉口討伐白黨而侵入外蒙,並在蘇俄的指使之下建立人民政府。保守勢力之衰退 ﹕由於神權及封建特權之限制,青年團之組織及其在政治上所扮演的角色之影響,且 保守派與急進派雙方激型之鬥爭,至使保守勢力逐漸衰退,而以活佛哲布尊丹巴之逝 世為最明顯之象徵。 結論則是闡述,十九世紀末開始抬頭的蒙古民族主義,在俄國慫恿之下,並一九一0 年清廷對蒙政策的轉奱,以及一九一九年徐樹錚的武力撤治而被激起,加上蘇俄十月 革命的影響,終致外蒙出現革命集團。嗣後在第三國際的支使以及赤軍的武力援助下 ,建立人民政府。再經過數次流血肅清民族主義者,以及蒙人的精神領袖活佛哲布尊 丹巴的逝世,最後成立了附庸蘇俄的「蒙古人民共和國」。


茅慧青, MAO, HUI-GING Unknown Date (has links)
蘇聯自謂在「十月革命」後不久,已將其婦女從傳統舊社會的束縛下解放出來,並使 她們在政治、經濟、法律等各生活層面,享有與男性完全平等的權。利今天蘇聯婦女 地位的實際情況如何,是一個很值得探討的問題。 本論文計一冊,共約七萬五千字,分為五章十六節,以蘇婦女的地位為研究對象,其 內容大致如下: 第一章:導論,說明「地位」的意義,婦女地位的改變,及研究主題、方法與目的。 第二章:從俄國「婦女問題」的產生談起,說明俄國婦女解放的理論及策略。 第三章:將俄國分為革命後十年、斯大林時及斯大林以後三個時期,看其婦女政策及 婦女地位之演變情形。 第四章:分別由教育、政治、經濟和家庭四個方面,來看蘇聯婦女的地位實況。 第五章:結論,從理論與實際的角度,來看蘇聯婦女解放的成果和限制,以及蘇聯婦 女地位未來的展望。

Peasants and Stock Markets : Pathways from Collective Farming in the Post-Soviet Grain-Belt

Kuns, Brian January 2017 (has links)
What happened in the post-Soviet, European grain-belt after collective farms were dissolved and in what way can we say that collective farm legacies influence agrarian developments in this region today? These are the main questions of this thesis, which is a work of critical human geography, but is also inspired by theories, methods and approaches from the social sciences, broadly defined. Territorially, the focus is Ukraine, but several articles in this thesis take a wider geographic perspective beyond Ukraine, in particular taking into account the role of Nordic investors in the agrarian sector in Ukraine and Russia. The main aim of this thesis is to examine how farms of different sizes – from small peasant farms to super large corporate farms – develop and change in post-communist circumstances. Another purpose is to reinterpret Soviet agrarian history, in light of what happened after the collapse of communism, in order to incorporate the Soviet experience in a global historical narrative, and to better understand the legacy of collective farming today. These issues are explored in four papers and a comprehensive summary. The first article examines small-scale, household “peasant” agriculture in southern Ukraine and shows the conditions and factors, which have contributed to an impressive intensification of farming in certain villages. The second article investigates large-scale, Nordic investments in Ukrainian and Russian agriculture, with the aim of explaining why many (but not all) such investments have not succeeded to the degree that investors hoped. The third paper focuses on the legacy and afterlife of Soviet-era investments in large-scale irrigation in southern Ukraine, and uses the post-Soviet reincarnation of irrigation in this region to problematize traditional narratives on Soviet environmental management in a global context. The fourth paper, with a wider historical lens, explains the link between collective farms and today’s agroholding agriculture in much of the region, while also discussing the sustainability crisis in agriculture both in a Soviet and post-Soviet context, concluding with a description of a possible and ironic (but by no means inevitable) scenario whereby post-Soviet agriculture saves global capitalism.  Theoretically, this thesis is informed by agrarian political economy; related, contemporary debates on the financialization of agriculture; and critical human geography discussions on uneven development and the geographies of difference. This thesis also is inspired by Actor Network Theory, and the view that reality is constituted by hybrid subject-objects, which are instantiated through the agency of an assemblage or network of different actors, material things, discourses, institutions, etc... While such Actor Network approaches are certainly not new, their application to Soviet and post-Soviet change is relatively new. The source material, which is the basis for the empirical approach of this thesis, is eclectic, and produced via mixed methods from different locations. Analysis is based on interviews (75 interviews in southern Ukraine, in Kyiv, and in Stockholm, plus 28 visits to household farms in one study village in southern Ukraine); participant observation (carried out in the study village in southern Ukraine and in corporate shareholder meetings mostly in Stockholm); various texts, such as corporate documents and newspaper commentary; agricultural statistics; and satellite data.  Among other conclusions, this thesis argues that, given certain factors, small-scale, household agriculture can be viable, at the same time that the concentration and consolidation of agriculture into large-scale holdings is likely to continue, at least in the short term. This thesis also highlights similarities between Soviet and capitalist agriculture in a global historical context, which is one reason that the transformation from Soviet to capitalist agriculture could occur so fast in some areas. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Soviet Oil Politics and the Middle East

Abbas, Ehsan A. R. 12 1900 (has links)
This investigation, covering the past two decades, attempts to determine what benefits the Soviets have sought to gain in their relationships with Middle Eastern oil-producing nations. Chapter I surveys the U.S.S.R.'s oil industry and its tentative prospects for the 1980's. Chapter II discusses Soviet involvement in the Middle East since 1950, including nationalization and oil embargoes. In Chapter III, developments less favorable to the U.S.S.R. are, analyzed: the growing influence of conservative, anti -Soviet oil-producing states and the deradicalization of other Middle Eastern nations. Chapter IV concludes that the Soviets have met with varying success in their Middle Eastern involvements. The future of their oil industry remains uncertain.

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