Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bourdieu"" "subject:"bourdieus""
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Corruption and Crisis Control: The Nature of the Game – New South Wales Police Reform 1996–2004Karp, Jann Ellen January 2007 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Using the Wood Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service in 1994 as its major case study, this thesis hypothesises that, although this inquiry had a far reaching impact on both the personal and working lives of police officers in the organisation itself, it proved ineffectual in its attempt to control corruption. It argues that corruption, and the subsequent inquiries into this corruption, can be seen to have a cyclic nature and the failure of such inquiries has a long and international history. It contends that the nature of the public inquiry itself can be seen to contribute to the continuation of the cycle of corruption. Clearly, putting an end to corruption requires more than the investigation, public exposure and punishment of a few corrupt police, followed by a generalised tightening of the chain of command. Instead, this thesis demonstrates that the problem is primarily an organisational one and it is important to look at management reforms. This thesis contends that the cycle of corruption involves the nature of police work; the catalyst that triggers the inquiry; the inquiry itself and the issue of the report; and the police and community responses. An examination of all these factors is crucial to understanding the cycle’s dynamics. The final report of the Wood Royal Commission was in 1996 and this thesis specifically analyses the cycle of corruption in relation to the response of the police executive to this inquiry. It shows how the police response focused on the tactical crisis response central to operational policing — in this case appeasing official censure and community fears. As little more than a public relations exercise, senior management strategically addressed the specific recommendations of the report rather than creatively considering the implications exposed during the inquiry. The idea that corruption is a symptom of an ineffective system and not simply a slackening of effective control by senior management was never considered. In the aftermath of the Wood Royal Commission there was much discussion about ‘police culture’ being ‘a culture of corruption’. The forgotten casualties of the inquiry has been individual police officers, many of whom see policing as a vocation. This thesis has allowed many voices to be heard and used both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyse a wide range of information and data, which included personal interviews with serving police officers and members of external organisations, as well as printed material from Royal Commission Reports, Hansard and other government documents, internal Police Service documents and media reports.It has used Bourdieu’s theoretical approach which allows an analysis of the complex relationships involved between police officers as individuals who operate within the wider networks of a specific organisation and the way the personal is important as an explanatory tool of what happens within a policing culture and how this culture is perceived differently from within and without. Bourdieu’s theory also facilitates analysis of the interactions of this network with the wider community, putting in context the responses of both the police service and the community. The connection with the personal is important as an explanatory tool of what happens within a policing culture and how this culture is perceived differently from within and without. Bourdieu constructs an understanding of the ‘nature of the game’ of policing and the shaping of the individual within police culture, giving insight into the source of moral dilemmas, personal beliefs and personal behaviour. As the current management system of command and control is at the heart of this response, this thesis has also analysed the assumptions inherent in this management philosophy, considering both necessary operational strengths as well as organisational weaknesses. A central theme of the thesis is that open dialogue will reduce the incidence of corruption and risk within policing institutions. This thesis argues that there must be an integrative approach to reform — accountable, active leadership combined with critically constructed practical approaches that tackle the complexity of the dynamics embedded in the ‘nature of the game’ of policing itself.
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The shaping of decision-making in governance in the New Zealand Public Healthcare ServicesMathias, Wanda Lee Unknown Date (has links)
The study explores what shapes decision-making in governance in the New Zealand public healthcare services. It contributes to the understanding of the impact of the beliefs, perceptions and roles of the decision-makers and the tensions in public healthcare services in New Zealand. The focus was on ascertaining the characteristics of the people as individuals and as members of groups, their skills, preparation and the experience required to make governance decisions in healthcare services in New Zealand. The research analysed data from interviews with individuals in senior positions in public healthcare services in New Zealand, focus groups made up from those individuals and observations of formal District Health Board (DHB) meetings. The context for the study is the New Zealand public healthcare services within the DHB model. This study focuses on the organisational and operational aspects of governance from the socio-anthropological viewpoint of Pierre Bourdieu. Bourdieu’s methodology was chosen as it highlights the interaction of power and the management of tension between individuals and groups in different, but abutting, fields of practice. Using Bourdieu’s methodology the researcher has placed healthcare services in an economy of political power where the capital individuals and groups bring to an environment is demonstrated through their power and influence within a particular field of practice. In this study the field of practice is governance in New Zealand public healthcare services. The method involved purposive sampling of participants from three DHBs. The participants included appointed and elected members, chairmen, chief executives and senior clinicians from medical and nursing cohorts. The participants identified 22 abstracts which determined the shape of their decision-making. Through analysis and reflection these 22 determinants were organised into groups reflecting the generic principles of governance identified in the literature. The study concludes that decision-making in governance is shaped by the concepts of professional maturity, quality and safety, power and tension and fiduciary duty within the context of structure and time. The scope of governance is connected across healthcare organisations by the tension of power manifested through the capital individuals and groups bring to the interaction or field of practice. The study also found that there are two aspects to decision-making in governance which allow transferability of the concepts of governance across healthcare service organisations. Firstly, governance is decision-making in good faith with independence of mind and with the appropriate skills, diligence and care on behalf of others. Secondly, the structures of governance operationalised in audit, laws, guidelines, codes and principles support the decision-making on behalf of others. Consequently, the rules of decision-making in governance in healthcare services are the same whether the decision is being made in a clinical or corporate environment. They are enacted differently because of the different contexts. The study brings together the determinants in their concept groups into a framework in the context of structure and time. Use of the framework will enable those with governance responsibilities to shape their governance decision-making from an informed and common base which recognises the tensions in the field of healthcare services governance.
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Ämnesintegrerad undervisnig : En studie i ämnesintegrerat undervisning ur ett lärarperspektivHammarberg, Rikard, Sundquist, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
<p>Studien handlar om lärares syn på ämnesintegrering och hur den bedrivs på en skola med ämnesintegrering som profil i Stockholm. Intervjuade lärares förståelse av ämnesintegrering och en individualiserad undervisning analyseras utifrån Basil Bernsteins begrepp klassifikation och inramning, ramfaktorteorins begrepp lotsning, begreppet skolkod, samt med hjälp av Bourdieus sociologiska begrepp habitus.</p>
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Kulturella intressen och inställning till utbildning bland elever på designprogrammet.Andersson, Sanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Mitt syfte med detta examensarbete var att undersöka vilka kulturella vanor och intressen, inställning till utbildning och högre studier elever på designprogrammet har med sig från uppväxtmiljön, samt utreda huruvida ett eventuellt samband mellan dessa faktorer föreligger. Mina frågeställningar var:</p><p>- Hur har uppväxtmiljöns kulturella vanor och intressen sett ut och hur har de påverkat elevernas val av gymnasieutbildning?</p><p>- Hur har uppväxtmiljöns inställning till utbildning och högre studier sett ut och hur har den påverkat deras syn på utbildning?</p><p>- Finns det samband mellan uppväxtmiljöns syn på utbildning, kulturella vanor/intressen samt elevernas studieambitioner och framhävande av kulturellt betonade aktiviteter?</p><p>Med utgångspunkt i bl.a. den franska sociologen Pierre Bourdieus teorier om kulturell kapital har jag utformat undersökningen som bestod av enkät och intervju med tio elever på designprogrammet. Mitt resultat visar dock att ungdomarnas kulturella vanor/intressen och inställning till utbildning inte är lika starkt sammankopplade som Bourdieu hävdar. För ungdomarna i undersökningen tycks det omgivande samhället, kompisar och media vara faktorer om inspirerar dem i deras val av utbildning och yrke, snarare än föräldrarna allena.</p>
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När tar ansvaret slut? - En kvalitativ studie om alkoholens roll i idrotten utifrån ett tränarperspektivJansson Edholm, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
<p>Rapporten är en kvalitativ studie där nio idrottstränare har intervjuats och syftet är att </p><p>beskriva hur tränare upplever sina aktivas alkoholvanor och hur det upplever att det inverkar </p><p>på idrottsutövandet. Därtill undersöka om tränarna är medvetna om föreningen har någon </p><p>alkoholpolicy att arbeta efter. Många förväntar sig att ett aktivt idrottande och deltagande i en </p><p>idrottsförening ska leda till en hälsosam livsstil. Idrotten ska vara en trygg miljö ur en </p><p>alkoholsynpunkt där föräldrar ska kunna låta sina barn delta med förtroende. Det flesta tränare </p><p>är medvetna om att deras aktiva konsumerar alkohol men inte i samband med </p><p>idrottsutövandet. Tränarna lyfter fram de fysiskt negativa konsekvenserna vid konsumtion av </p><p>alkohol och är eniga om att det påverkar idrottsutövandet negativt. Alla nio tränare känner ett </p><p>stort ansvar för sina aktiva under utövandet av idrotten men nämner att det är svårt veta hur </p><p>mycket de ska inverka på de aktivas alkoholvanor utanför idrotten. Vid fortsatt forskning i </p><p>ämnet kan en kvantitativ studie genomföras för få en övergripande syn på hur tränare ser på </p><p>alkohol och idrottsutövandet inom olika idrotter. Det är därvid intressant, ur en pedagogisk </p><p>synvinkel, att undersöka hur ledarutbildningar behandlar ämnet och hur arbetet ute i </p><p>föreningarna ser ut för att minska användandet av alkohol och senarelägga alkoholdebuten </p><p>hos ungdomar.</p>
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Vanans makt : En kritisk granskning av Pierre Bourdieus bidrag till aktör-strukturdebatten genom George Herbert Meads tänkandeHill Cedergran, Oskar January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to critically review Pierre Bourdieus contribution to agency – structure debate. I will do this with help from the thinking of George Herbert Mead. My aim is to show that Mead can provide valuable knowledge to Bourdieus theory.</p><p>Pierre Bourdieus notion of habitus is his solution to the dilemma between agency and structure. It is in the habitus that the objective structures meet the inner, subjective structures and this results in various actions. Bourdieu claims that the relation between the habitus and the outer structures causes dispositions to ‘ways of reacting’. His aim with the notion of habitus is to show why the society follows an often strict regularity. Bourdieus is however often accused of being a determinist. I do not totally agree with this criticism but I claim that Bourdieus hasn’t done enough to stipulate his middle way between freedom and constraint and agency and structure. The habitus seems to be more or less immune to mayor upset. Bourdieu is often unclear of how the individual uses his dispositions in various situations. Bourdieus is letting the habitus to too much work. He sometimes seems to forget that it is an individual beyond the habitus. He underestimates the power of humans to make choices of their own. There seems to be more to the notion of agency then the habitus can fully capture. Thus we turn to the thinking of George Herbert Mead. I claim that Mead offers a way out of Bourdieus dilemma between agency and structure. He does this by focusing on what happens in the particular situation. Mead believes that the society reproduces itself in two different ways. There is the ‘unreflexive’ way which has certain similarities with Bourdieus way of thinking. The main difference between Mead and Bourdieu is that Mead claims that there is another way that the society reproduces itself. This is what he calls the reflexive reproduction. If the individual encounters resistance he/she becomes aware of the habitual expectations he/she brought in to the situation. The resistance causes a break in the world the individual takes for granted. The individual then reflexively adapt there actions to the situation. The break makes the individual aware of the world, and this is what lacks in Bourdieus theory. The individual can think and also act in opposite to their habits or habitus. This is what can cause the habitus to change.</p>
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Pretentioner och profit : Produktionsstöd till svensk långfilm genom filmavtalen 1963-2004Ollars, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att under perioden 1963-2004 undersöka hur uttalade och outtalade teoretiska kriterier för värdefull film i de olika filmavtalen omsatts i praktiken genom Svenska Filminstitutets (SFI) produktionsstödsgivning. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten utgörs av Pierre Bourdieus teorier om fält och olika former av kapital. Huvuddelen av undersökningen är en omfattande klassificering av sammanlagt 421 svenska filmer under totalt 25 av SFI:s verksamhetsår, utspridda över hela undersökningsperioden. Vissa komponenter/aktörer i respektive film – regissör, manusförfattare, skådespelare, samt eventuell förlaga – har klassificerats och kvantifierats utifrån en bedömning om relevans i förhållande till Bourdieus fältteori. Mönster i produktionsstödsgivningen har observerats och analyserats, med särskild tonvikt på de filmer som fått mest stöd under respektive period. Resultatet visar att de teoretiska kriterier för värdefull film som framförs i avtals- och utredningstexterna ofta förblir desamma, men att den produktionen som resulterar därav ändrar karaktär – från ett rakt publikfrånvänt kvalitetstänkande på 60-talet, till ett där publikens gillande rent av ses som ett tecken på kvalitet från 80-talet och framåt. Min slutsats är att de snarare är innebörden i begrepp som ’kvalitet’ och ’värdefull film’ somförändrats över tid än överensstämmelsen mellan teori och praktik i stödgivningen.</p>
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Stockholms modevecka synad i sömmarna : en undersökning om vad som ligger till grund för aktörernas syn på sin och övriga aktörers medverkanLindén, Elin, Karlsson, Christine January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Background:</strong> Over the past few years Swedish fashion has expanded and gained attention, both in Sweden and abroad. Every year fashion weeks take place around the world with the purpose of showcasing fashion designers new collections for the up-coming season.</p><p>Fashion week in Sweden is arranged in Stockholm four times a year in the end of January, in February, in the turn of June and July and in August. The different occasions have different activities and focus. The main focus of January and June/July are fashion shows and the main focus of February and August are trade fairs for buyers and wholesalers. The fashion shows and trade fairs are closed to the public, but other fashion events directed to the public takes place during these weeks. Seeing as many stakeholders are involved in fashion week they all have some kind of relationship to one another. This makes fashion week in Stockholm an interesting case to study and analyze from a sociological theoretical approach.</p>
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The relationship between interpreters and users of the interpreting services at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University / O.L. WittezaëleWittezaële, Olivier Laurent January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (English)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Dispositional reflectionsBrummans, Boris H. J. M. 17 February 2005 (has links)
In this dissertation, I explicate how scholars implicate themselves in the subfield of organizational communication studies by engaging in antinomic language-games which make the conduct of research (and textwork in particular) possible. My analysis suggests that the studied scholars enact these games to understand a more or less common object of knowledge, but also to constitute a more or less identifiable position in this given social space. Reflection on the ontological complicity between these position and subfield occurs uncommonly, however. I illustrate, in turn, that this lack of reflexivity hinders discussion about the way academic research practices induce breaks with the social realities which these scholars are trying to understand. In light of this argument, and based predominantly on a translation and extension of Pierre Bourdieus ideas, this dissertation thus illustrates how the language-games of scholars in organizational communication studies sustain a limited practice of reflexivity and considers its effects on their production of knowledge.
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