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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tai chi, dans och boxning för att förbättra balans hos patienter med Parkinsons sjukdom - en systematisk litteraturöversikt / Tai chi, dance and boxing for improvement of balance in patients with Parkinson's disease - a systematic review

Ewaldsson, Niklas, Uggeldahl, Rufus January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Parkinsons sjukdom (PS) är en kronisk sjukdom med progressivt förlopp där nedsatt balans och ökad fallrisk tidigt blir ett problem. På senare tid har alternativa träningsformer som bland annat innefattar stegstrategier anpassats till personer med PS, dock är det vetenskapliga underlaget rörande dess effektivitet oklart. Syfte: Att granska kunskapsläget avseende alternativa träningsformer såsom tai chi, dans och boxning som behandling för att motverka nedsatt balans hos personer med PS. Resultatet presenterar relevanta studiers effekt på balans, samt gradering av evidensens kvalitet. Metod: Litteraturstudie valdes som design. Datainsamling gjordes genom sökning i databaserna PubMed och PEDro. Författarna  kvalitetsgranskade inkluderade studierna med granskningsmallen TESTEX, därefter  granskades studiernas resultat och slutligen sammanvägd tillförlitlighet med GRADEstud.  Resultat: Nio studier med totalt 608 deltagare inkluderades i studien. Studiernas kvalitet varierade mellan 8-12 poäng vid kvalitetsgranskning med TESTEX. Fyra studier fann signifikant förbättring i balans jämfört med kontroll. En inkluderad studie undersökte boxning, utan att skillnad mellan grupperna identifierades. Det samlade evidensläget för tai chi respektive dans som behandling vid nedsatt balans vid PS bedöms vara lågt, detta främst på grund av heterogenitet i studierna. Boxning bedöms ha otillräckligt underlag för sammanvägning av resultat. Konklusion: Med den granskade evidensen kan vi i dagsläget inte säga om träningsmodaliteterna är effektiva för att förbättra balans vid PS, men det fanns indikation på att samtliga interventioner har en positiv inverkan på balans. Mer forskning med hög metodologisk kvalitet och större urvalsgrupper behövs. / Background: Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a chronic disease with a progressive course, where impaired balance and increased risk of falls becomes a problem. In recent times alternative forms of training, which include compensatory stepping responses among other things, have been adopted for people with PD. However, the scientific evidence about its efficacy is unclear. Purpose: To systematically review the evidence surrounding alternative training methods such as tai chi, dance and boxing as a treatment for imparied balance in people with Parkinson's disease. The result presents relevant effects on balance, as well as a grading of the quality of the evidence. Method: The search for literature was carried out on the databases PubMed and PEDro. The authors reviewed the quality of the included studies with the assessment tool TESTEX. After that the results of the studies were reviewed, and lastly the reliability was assessed with GRADEstud. Results: Nine studies with a total of 608 participants were included in the study. Studies ranged from 8-12 points in the quality assessment. Four studies found significant improvement in balance in comparison to control. One of the included studies examined boxing, the study found no difference between groups. The reliability of evidence for tai chi and dance as treatment for impaired balance was assessed to be low, mainly because of heterogeneity in the studies. Boxing did not meet the requirements for an assessment of the reliability. Conclusion: The result does not provide us with enough knowledge to determine whether these training methods are effective for improving balance in PS, but there were indications of a positive impact on balance caused by the interventions. More research with high methodological quality and larger sample groups is needed.

Slagens påverkan på accelerationer hos huvudet vid lågintensiv sparring hos tävlande ungdomsboxare / Head impact accelerations during low intensity sparring among competitive teen boxers

Hörnberg, Jonathan January 2020 (has links)
SyfteSyftet med studien är att undersöka translationella accelerationer och rotationsaccelerationer hos huvudet vid lätt sparring hos manliga ungdomsboxare samt hur dessa påverkas av slagens acceleration, hastighet, slagteknik, träffområde och blockerande guard.MetodUrvalet baserades på fyra manliga ungdomsboxare tillhörande viktklass -60 kg och -77 kg. Tandskyddssensorer (Hybrid Mouthguard, Prevent Biometrics, USA) och handledsaccelerometrar (Corner Wearables Ltd. U.K.) användes för att mäta accelerationer i huvudet respektive slaghastighet och slagacceleration. Testupplägget bestod av 15 minuter individuell uppvärmning och två ronder a’ 3 minuter per rond på 50 % intensitetsnivå. Pearsons korrelationstest har använts för att undersöka samband och independent-samples t-test har använts för att mäta skillnader.ResultatEtt starkt positivt samband uppmättes mellan translationell acceleration och rotationsacceleration (r = 0,75; p < 0,001) hos huvudet. Inget signifikant samband upptäcktes mellan träff med/utan blockerande guard gällande translationella accelerationer (t = -0,09; p = 0,93) eller rotationsaccelerationer (t = -0,80; p = 0,43) hos huvudet.SlutsatserInget signifikant samband upptäcktes mellan uppmätt slaghastighet och translationella accelerationer hos huvudet eller mellan slaghastighet och rotationsaccelerationer hos huvudet. Ett starkt signifikant samband mellan translationella accelerationer och rotationsaccelerationer hos huvudet. Kollisionerna kännetecknades av de kinematiska egenskaperna som indikerar potentiella skaderisker. Det krävs mätningar i större omfattning för att undersöka de potentiella effekterna av upprepade subkonkusiva slag, då samtliga kollisioner låg under de tidigare uppsatta gränsvärderna för milda hjärnskador. / PurposeThe purpose of this study was to examine the translational and rotational accelerations from head impacts during low intensity sparring bouts among competitive teen boxers and how they are affected by punch velocity, acceleration, punch type, impact locations and a defending guard.MethodsFour male competitive teen boxers in the -60 kg and -77 kg weight classes participated in the study. Mouthguard accelerometers (Hybrid Mouthguard, Prevent Biometrics, USA) and wrist accelerometers (Corner Wearables Ltd. U.K.) were equipped to measure the accelerations to the head as well as the punch velocity and punch accelerations. The test battery included 15 minutes of individually chosen warm-ups and two sparring rounds at three minutes each at an intensity of 50 %. Pearson’s correlation test was used to examine the relationships between variables and independent-samples t-test was used to compare means.ResultsA strong correlation was found between translational acceleration and rotational acceleration (r = 0,750) (p < 0,001). No significant relationship was found between the translational and rotational accelerations of a clean punch to the head and a punch to the guard (t = -0,09, p = 0,93 (t = -0,80, p = 0,43).ConclusionsNo significant relationship between punch velocity and translational accelerations or between punch velocity and rotational accelerations of punches to the head. This result emphasizes the need of defensive movements to further avoid the risks of punches to the head. There was a strong correlation between translational accelerations and rotational acceleration. The kinematic properties of the head impacts could indicate potential injuries to the head during sparring even at lower intensities. Even though none of the impacts surpassed the 25 % probability threshold for brain injury, more extensive research is needed to evaluate the potential risks of sub concussive impacts.

Boxares förmåga att slå slag med förbestämda slagintensiteter / Boxers ability to punch at predetermined punching intensities

Åkerman Sandberg, Anton January 2020 (has links)
SyfteStudiens syfte är att undersöka boxares förmåga att slå slag med givna intensitetsnivåer mot en boxningssäck. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka boxares förmåga att hålla en förbestämd submaximal intensitsnivå vid sparring.MetodFyra boxare deltog i studien. Corner handledssensorer användes för datainsamling av slaghastighet och acceleration i slag under slagtest på säck i självvald 50 %, 70 %, 90 % och 100 % intensitet, och i två 3-minutersronder av lätt sparring med instruktionen att sparras i 50 % intensitet. Shapiro-Wilks test användes för att undersöka variablernas normalfördelning, därefter analyserades data med One-sample t-test och Wilcoxon Signed-rank test beroende på normalfördelningen.ResultatDet fanns signifikanta skillnader (p < 0,05) mellan flera av deltagarnas slag och slagteknikernas respektive uträknade slagintensitet i samtliga slagintensiteter. Det förekom ingen eskalering (alla p > 0,05) under lätt sparringen, men merparten slagen var över den instruerade sparringsintensiteten (50 %), och i flera fall även över boxarnas maximala slagintensitestvärden.SlutsatserDeltagarna tenderar att underskatta sin egen slagintensitet vid slag mot säck. Vidare så kan det under lätt sparring förekomma flertalet slag med intensitet vid eller över deltagarnas egna maximala slagintensitetsvärden. Resultatet från den nuvarande studien kan dock inte generaliseras på grund av ett litet urval och utrustning utan validering. Mer forskning bör genomföras med ett större urval och även med högre sparringsintensiteter för att se om slagen i de olika intensiteterna skiljer sig åt. / PurposeThe purpose of the study was to examine the ability of boxers to punch in predetermined submaximal intensities. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate the ability of boxers to maintain a predetermined submaximal intensity during sparring.MethodsFour boxers participated the study. Corner wrist sensors was used for data collection for punching tests in self-selected 50 %, 70 %, 90 % and maximal effort on a boxing bag, and for punches thrown during two 3-minute rounds of low intensity sparring with the instruction to spar at 50 % intensity. Shapiro-Wilks test was performed to examine the variables normal distribution. The data was then analyzed with One-Samples t-test or Wilcoxon Signed-rank test depending on the normal distribution.ResultsThere were significant differences (p < 0,05) between several of the participants punches and the punching techniques respective calculated punch intensity for each boxer, in all punching intensities. No escalation of punching intensity was found in the sparring rounds, most punches was over the instructed intensity (50 %), and in several cases had intensity values near or even over the participants maximal effort punching values.ConclusionsThe participants tend to underestimate their punching intensity when punching a boxing bag. The results of the present study show that high intensity punches are still present even in light sparring, with several punches having values near or even above the boxers respective maximal punching effort value. However, these results cannot be applied to the general population because of the limited sample size and due to not validated equipment. More research with a larger sample size and including higher sparring intensities for comparison.

Physical activity participation as a source of meaning and empowerment: A qualitative exploration of the experiences of fitness boxing participants

Welker, Kristen E. 04 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The Use of Video Modeling plus Video Feedback to Improve Boxing Skills

Reynolds, Charlsey Elizabeth 01 January 2013 (has links)
Video modeling and video feedback are behavioral procedures that have been shown to increase skill acquisition over time in a variety of environments. This study investigated the use of a video modeling and video feedback procedure, via a multiple baseline design to enhance skill acquisition in boxing. This study also incorporated multiple dimensions of analysis by including data based not only on a percentage of performance with a task analysis, but also the duration of each particular target behavior. The target behaviors for the study included three different boxing combinations, which were operationally defined based on component steps via a task analysis. Each step was marked as either correct or incorrect based on participant performance. The two participants in the study had little or no previous boxing instruction. During intervention, participants were shown a video of a professional boxer performing the specific combination being trained. The participant was then recorded performing the combination, which was used to compare to that of the professional model. The results indicated that both participants' skill levels increased upon intervention using video modeling and video feedback. Reaction time also decreased substantially for one participant.

"King Kong, bigger than Cape Town" : a history of a South African musical

Fleming, Tyler 14 October 2013 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes the South African musical, King Kong, and its resounding impact on South African society throughout the latter half of the twentieth century. A “jazz opera” based on the life of a local African boxer (and not the overgrown gorilla from American cinema), King Kong featured an African composer and all-black cast, including many of the most prominent local musicians and singers of the era. The rest of the play’s management, including director, music director, lyricist, writer and choreographer, were overwhelmingly white South Africans. This inter-racial collaboration was truly groundbreaking in a nation where apartheid was officially enacted a little over a decade prior to King Kong’s 1959 debut. Relatively apolitical in its message, King Kong proved accessible to South African audiences regardless of race or background, and became overwhelmingly lauded as an endeavor that all of the country could enjoy and cherish. The musical successfully toured South Africa’s major metropolises, often to sold-out crowds. Its domestic success later spurred a tour of Britain in 1961, making it the first major South African theatrical production to be staged abroad. Due to the multi-racial efforts behind King Kong, its success and the high quality of its performers, the musical initiated a new era in South African music and theatre for decades to come. Despite being based around King Kong, this dissertation contextualizes the production, as it uses King Kong’s creation, development and legacies to further analyze larger themes within South African and global histories. Each chapter, as a result, examines the evolution of the musical from the life story of the boxer from which the play is based, the musical’s making and tour of South Africa, the play’s 1961 tour of the United Kingdom, the experiences of the black casts in exile, and the failure of the play’s 1979 remake. By examining the play, its cast, and their collective legacies both in South Africa and further afield, this project complicates our understanding of the Black Atlantic framework by infusing Africans as active participants in these transnational discussions. / text

Fighting identities the body in space and place /

Heiskanen, Benita Anitta, Foley, Neil, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2004. / Supervisor: Neil F. Foley. Vita. Includes bibliographical references. Also available from UMI.

Le théâtre de la boxe : histoire sociale de la boxe anglaise professionnelle à Paris (et à Londres) (1880-1930) / The boxing theatre : a social history of professional English boxing in Paris (and London) (from 1880 to 1930)

Ville, Sylvain 17 November 2016 (has links)
La boxe anglaise professionnelle apparaît à Paris, au tournant du XXe siècle. Pratique venant d’Angleterre, elle se caractérise dès ses débuts par une forte monétisation et par une mise en spectacle poussée, au point de devenir rapidement l’un des spectacles sportifs les plus visibles de la capitale. Pour autant, peut-on vraiment qualifier cette pratique de « sportive » ? À bien des égards, cette appellation ne s’impose pas. Il semble même qu’il s’en fallu de peu pour que la boxe ne soit pas un « sport ». En effet, l’histoire de la boxe ne saurait se résumer à la transformation progressive, linéaire, incontestée d’un « combat aux poings » en une activité dite « sportive ». Cette histoire est plutôt celle d’une lutte opiniâtre et contingente entre des promoteurs cherchant à mettre en spectacle cette activité et des dirigeants fédéraux s’efforçant de la faire entrer dans la catégorie des « sports ». La perspective retenue permet alors d'étudier ce que recouvre la mise en spectacle de la boxe, étant entendu qu'il s'agit autant de décrire ce processus en lui-même que ses conséquences sur la structuration de l'activité. Et, parallèlement, il s’agit aussi d’examiner comment une instance « fédérale » s'érige et conquiert, plus ou moins difficilement, un pouvoir régulateur. Ce travail montre alors que la forte mise en spectacle de la boxe confère aux « organisateurs » de soirées une position forte dans la lutte pour le contrôle de cette pratique. Pour autant, les dirigeants fédéraux ne sauraient être considérés comme totalement absents. Les relations entre dirigeants fédéraux et organisateurs de spectacles sont même tantôt conflictuelles tantôt collaboratives. Finalement, la boxe apparaît comme une activité doublement codifiée, à la fois par le sport et par le spectacle, sans pour autant que ces codifications ne relèvent de l’action exclusive des dirigeants fédéraux ou d’industriels du spectacle. / English professional boxing made its appearance in Paris in the early nineteen hundreds. Originating from Great Britain, it was characterized, from its beginning, by the great amount of money that was vested in it and also by the incredible amount of matches that were organized. As a result of this, it soon became one of the most visible sports event in the French capital. But can we actually consider this activity as a “sport”? From many regards, this coinage seems unnecessary. It would not have taken much for boxing not to become a sport. The history of boxing cannot, indeed, be summed up as a progressive, linear, actual transformation of a “fist fight” into a sport activity. It is more the history of a hard and uncertain battle between entertainment promoters trying to develop boxing and federal directors who did their best to turn it into a noble sport. The point of view we have decided to adopt has enabled us to study what is behind the concept of organizing a boxing match. For obvious reasons both the process in itself and the consequences it has on the structuring of the activity need to be described. We also need to study simultaneously how a “federal” institution sets itself up as a regulatory authority and conquers power with varying degrees of ease and difficulty. This work demonstrates that the large amount of boxing matches that were set up conferred an important position to the “organizers” of the events in the fight to control this activity. Yet, the federal directors should not be seen as totally absent from the scene. Federal directors and show organizers had ties that could be either conflicting or collaborative. Finally, boxing appears as an activity that rests on a dualistic set of codes based on sports and entertainment. Therefore, these codes do not fall exclusively within the actions of the federal directors nor within the actions of people from the show business.

Analýza a komparace boxerských stylů elitních amatérských boxerů Kuby a Kazachstánu / Analysis and comparison of boxing styles of elite amateur boxers from Cuba and Kazakhstan

Čížek, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
Title: Analysis and comparison of boxing styles of elite amateur boxers from Cuba and Kazakhstan Objectives: The main goal of this thesis was to find out whether the frequency of use of punching techniques and the distance from which these punching techniques are used are statistically significant for the style of two the most successful countries in amateur boxing. The countries were compared in the use and success of the strikes and compared to their preference for long or medium combat distance. Methods: The method of quantitative observation was used, in which data was obtained by watching video recordings. Part of the matches was evaluated by recording the results manually on paper, the other part in the BORIS program. All data was then transcribed into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, where it was also processed. The source for the data were publicly available video recordings from top competitions in 2010-2020. Results: Differences between countries in the monitored indicators are insignificant and boxing styles do not differ much. In the frequency of the use of striking techniques between the rounds, a significant difference was found only between the first and second round of the Kazakhs. In the case of determining the preference for long and medium distance combat between the rounds, there...

Effective Leadership Strategies, Employee Performance, and Organizational Sustainability in the Boxing Industry

Ali, Rita 01 January 2018 (has links)
Ineffective leadership impedes employee performance and threatens organizational sustainability, causing U.S. businesses to spend billions of dollars addressing such issues. Correspondingly, boxing promotion companies are challenged as some leaders lack strategies to improve employee performance. This single case study was focused on leadership strategies utilized in the boxing promotion industry to improve employee performance. Transformational and charismatic leadership theories were the conceptual framework for this study. The data consisted of semistructured interviews with 8 participants from 1 organization (4 leaders and 4 subordinates), as well as document review of company training materials. The 6-step model for thematic analysis coding procedure was used for data analysis. Five themes/strategies emerged: leading by example, inspiring/fostering teamwork, honest communication, people-driven actions, innovative/adaptive organizational change, and providing rewards were each associated with effective transactional leadership for increasing performance and sustainability. The consensus among participants was that effective leadership is a significant factor in improving employee performance, maintaining constructive leader-subordinate relationships, and increasing organizational sustainability. The social change implications include community economic enhancement. When organizational performance, as well as local economies and communities have the potential to thrive, local spending and use of community resources may also increase to stimulate local economies.

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