Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bud"" "subject:"cud""
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Dolda bud och förtroendet för fastighetsmäklaren och fastighetsmarknaden / Hidden bids and the confidence towards the real estate agent and the real estate marketRydin, Odd, Malm, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Budgivningen är en av de mest vitala delarna i bostadsaffären. Det är genom budgivningen som den slutgiltiga köparen koras och det slutgiltiga priset uppskattas. Trots budgivningens centrala betydelse för bostadsaffären är den inte lagreglerad. Vidare är bud inte bindande förrän köpekontrakt är upprättat enligt de formkrav som följer av JB 4:1 respektive BRL 6:4. Detta innebär att det är säljaren som bestämmer budgivningens utformning, och köparen är inte skyldig att stå vid sitt bud förrän formenligt köpekontrakt är upprättat. Mäklarens skyldigheter i budgivningsprocessen är i viss mån reglerade genom lagar och praxis, bland annat finns skyldigheter att föra anbudsförteckning, vidarebefordra alla bud till säljaren samt förhålla sig opartisk men samtidigt särskilt iaktta säljarens ekonomiska intresse. Ovan anförda premisser har medfört att budgivningen i vissa fall kan bli tämligen problematisk. Pressade marknader kan utmynna i pressade budgivningar förenade med pressade villkor. Till följd av den frihet som spekulanter har att lägga bud, har fenomenet dolda bud förekommit i allt högre utsträckning - ett bud som budgivaren instruerar mäklaren att endast vidarebefordra till säljaren och hålla dolt för övriga spekulanter. Dolda bud har blivit allt vanligare, men saknar vidare kunskap och fördjupning. Detta är en rättsvetenskaplig studie som avser att analysera och diskutera vilka effekter som dolda bud kan anses ha på förtroendet för fastighetsmäklaren och fastighetsmarknaden. Arbetet bygger på en rättsdogmatisk metod där vi avser att tolka och systematisera gällande rätt. Den vedertagna bedömningen visar sig vara att dolda bud tar bort transparensen från affären och budgivningsprocessen vilket i sin tur påverkar förtroendet för fastighetsmäklaren och fastighetsmarknaden i negativ riktning. Förekomsten av dolda bud bidrar till en otydlig och orättvis budgivning. Budgivningen brister i transparensen vilket inte sällan leder till missnöjda, frustrerade spekulanter som känner sig förledda och snuvade på en affär. Detta resulterar i sin tur i ett dåligt rykte för såväl bostadsmarknad som fastighetsmäklare. Ambitionen är öppna transparenta budgivningar med tydliga ordningsregler, då skulle förtroendet troligen tillta. Att förbjuda dolda bud hade varit en god början. / The bidding process is one of the most vital parts of the home purchase. It’s through the bidding process that we get a final buyer, and the market value price is set. Even though the bidding process plays such a vital part in the real estate affair, it is not regulated in the Swedish law. Bids are not binding until a formal contract of sale is written according to what is written in JB 4:1 and BRL 6:4. This means that the seller is the one who controls the bidding process, and that a buyer is’t obligated to stand by his bid until a formal contract is established. The real estate agent's obligations during the bidding process are somewhat regulated in the law. There is for example an obligation to write a list of tenders, to pass on all the incoming bids to the seller and to stay impartial but to always see to the sellers economic interests. What's mentioned above has led to some complications regarding the bidding process. Pressured markets lead to a pressured bidding process which in turn lead to pressured demands from buyers. As a result of the freedom a potential buyer has to make an offer, has the phenomenon of hidden bids become more common - a bid where the bidder instructs the broker to only pass on the bid to the seller and to keep it hidden from other intending buyers. Hidden bids have become more usual, but further knowledge about the subject is still missing. This is a jurisprudence study which is meant to analyze and discuss what effects hidden bids might have regarding the general trust towards real estate agents and the real estate market. This paper is built upon a legal dogmatic method where we intend to interpret and systematize applicable law. The general assessment shows that hidden bids eliminate the transparency from the affair and the bidding process which in turn affects the trust for the real estate agent and the real estate market in a negative turn. The existence of hidden bids contributes to a bleary and unfair bidding process. It lacks transparency which leads to disgruntled and frustrated intending buyers who feel misled and sniffed of their potential new home. This results in a bad reputation for both the broker and the market. The ambition is an open and transparent bidding process with clear rules of procedure, the trust would then most likely increase. To ban hidden bids would be a good start.
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Kunskapsvarians vid förhandlingar : En studie om hur kunskapsvarians påverkar förankringseffekten vid förhandlingarEngström, Alexander, Jogedal, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Denna uppsats behandlar en undermedveten kognitiv bias vilken benämns som ”anchoring effect” eller förankringseffekten. Effekten uppenbaras då människor tenderar att lägga för mycket tillit till den första informationen som görs tillgänglig vid olika typer av beslutsfattande. Teoriramen för detta forskningsområde är tämligen utbredd med drygt 40 år av studier som på senare tid börjat undersöka förankringseffektens påverkan vid förhandlingar. Dessutom finns utbredda konstateranden för att betydande kunskap inte lindrar effekten i någon större omfattning. Däremot föreligger bristande forskningsslutsatser kring hur kunskapsvarians vid förhandlingar påverkar förankringseffekten. Till följd av detta avser studien att undersöka nedanstående syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur förankringseffekten påverkar utfallet i en förhandlingssituation, när kunskapsvarians råder mellan parterna gällande det aktuella förhandlingsområdet. Metod: I studien genomfördes ett experiment med totalt 44 deltaganden. Experimenten utgjordes av prisförhandlingar gällande en fiktiv bostad, där varje enskild deltagare fick genomgå två förhandlingar vardera. Den första förhandlingen avsåg en lägenhetsförsäljning och den andra en villaförsäljning där parterna agerade säljare respektive köpare. I experimentgruppen förelåg det kunskapsvarians då tredjeårsstudenter från fastighetsmäklarprogrammet mötte studenter med annan utbildningsbakgrund. I kontrollgruppen ställdes motsatsvis deltagare från samma utbildning mot varandra för att skapa mindre skillnader i kunskap beträffande det aktuella förhandlingsområdet. Resultat & slutsats: Resultatet i denna studie tyder på att deltagare vars kunskap stod dem till förfogande, alstrat förmånligare överenskommelser i jämförelse med deltagare med låg kunskapsnivå. Detta trots att deltagarna vars kunskapsnivå var låg, erhållit fördelen av förankringseffekten då de fick lägga det första budet. Resultatet indikerar därmed att förankringseffekten kan lindras till följd av kunskapsvarians vid förhandlingar. Förslag till vidare forskning: Vidare forskning bör utgå från liknande förhandlingsexperiment där forskaren i första hand eftersträvar att generera större kunskapsskillnader mellan parterna i förhandlingen. En större omfattning av denna studie torde således resultera i ökade statistiska klarheter vilket torde vara gynnsamt för det aktuella forskningsområdet. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studiens bidrag är att forskningsresultaten tyder på en lindring av förankringseffekten vid kunskapsvarians inom förhandlingar. Detta till skillnad från tidigare studier där olika kunskapnivåer inte visats ha någon större betydelse. I och med att ingen tidigare studie undersökt detta förhållande har denna studie lyckats identifiera ett tydligt forskningsgap som bidragits till. / Aim: This paper is about a subconscious cognitive bias referred to as "Anchoring Effect". The effect is revealed by the fact that people tend to put too much trust in the first information that is made available in different types of decision-making situations. The theory framework for this research area is fairly widespread with over 40 years of studies, and lately the research has begun examining the anchoring effect in different types of negotiation dyads. In addition, there are widespread findings that significant knowledge does not mitigate the effect in any notable degree. However, there is a lack of research findings regarding how differences in knowledge within negotiations might affect the anchoring effect. Therefore, this study intends to investigate the following: The purpose of this study is to investigate how the anchoring effect is affecting the outcome of a negotiation, when the parties have different levels of knowledge regarding the negotiated area. Method: This study has conducted an experiment with a total of 44 participants. The experiments have involved simulated price negotiations regarding a condominium and a residence property. Each participant performed two negotiations each, one for respective dwelling place. In the experimental group, there was a difference in knowledge when third year students from a real estate brokering program negotiated with students from other programs. In contradistinction to the experimental group, the control group included students with similar education background in order to create minor knowledge differences within the negotiated area. Result & Conclusion: The result of this study shows undeniably that the experiment participants with greater knowledge have generated more favourable agreements, compared to the participants with lower relevant knowledge. Even though the participants with lower knowledge had the advantage of presenting the initial offer in the experimental group. Thus, a mitigation of the anchoring effect has been identified as a result of differences in knowledge within the negotiations. Further research: Further research should be based on similar negotiation experiments with focus on creating greater differences in knowledge between the participants. This in combination with a larger replica of our study should enable increased statistical clarities with fruitful outcomes in this research field. Contribution of the thesis: The theoretical contribution of our study is primarily the fact that the anchoring effect tends to be mitigated by variance in knowledge within negotiations. Considering that no previous studies have examined this before, we argue that a clear research gap have been identified and that our findings has contributed to the theoretical framework.
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Evolution of floral and mating system variation in Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia (Onagraceae): An evaluation of patterns and processesDart, Sara Rachel 21 January 2013 (has links)
Understanding how floral traits covary with one another and with mating patterns is an important step in understanding how and why mating systems evolve. I examined the evolution of floral and mating system variation in Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia (Onagraceae), a species that exhibits divergence in key floral traits expected to be associated with variation in the relative importance of outcrossing vs. self-fertilization.
I combined geographic surveys of floral variation with genetic estimates of the proportion of seeds outcrossed (t) and confirmed that t covaried with corolla width and herkogamy in a predictable way both within and among populations. I then performed geographic surveys, manipulative experiments and genetic analyses to evaluate the potential role that; inbreeding depression (ID), interactions between flowers, pollinators and florivores, and reproductive assurance (RA) may have played in shaping and/or maintaining the geographic pattern of mating system variation in this species.
The main selective factor maintaining outcrossing in large flowered (LF) populations appears to be ID, which was much stronger in LF compared to small flowered (SF) populations. These results are also consistent with purging of ID in SF populations. Increased selfing appeared to alleviate pollen limitation (PL) because it was associated with higher and less variable fruit set and reduced florivory by a microlepidopteran. However, evidence that florivores preferentially attacked larger flowers was equivocal. LF experienced stronger PL than SF populations suggesting that one condition for the evolution of selfing via RA is met in outcrossing populations. Floral emasculation experiments revealed that the timing of selfing also covaried with flower size among and within populations. SF self-pollinate before flowers open but LF do not, suggesting that selfing evolved in response to chronic outcross PL. Negative side effects of emasculation were detected which prevented a clear interpretation of the RA value of selfing. Given that much of what is known about RA comes from emasculation experiments, my results suggest that the assumptions of this approach, which are rarely verified, require more serious consideration. Taken together my results suggest that C. cheiranthifolia has evolved multiple stable mixed mating systems perhaps in response to selection for RA. / Thesis (Ph.D, Biology) -- Queen's University, 2012-12-30 14:13:46.366
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Intracellular pH, the Proximate Signal for Cell Volume Changes that are Mediated by the Actin CytoskeletonPasley, William 01 January 2005 (has links)
The relationship between initial intracellular pH (pHi) and associated cell volume change was investigated by simultaneous measurement of pHi and cell volume with fluorescence imaging in polarized fungiform taste receptor cells (TRCs) loaded with BCECF in vitro. Ammonium pulses caused a brief, reversible alkalinization in pHi and induced cell swelling. Sodium-acetate pulses reversible decreased TRC pHi and induced cell shrinkage. Removal weak acids and return to Control Ringer's solution (CR) causedTRC pHi and volume to overshoot baseline levels before fully recovering. Replacing CR with zero-sodium solution resulted in irreversible acidification of TRC pHi and induced cell swelling. Addition of sodium allowed reversal of TRC pHi and volume and return to baseline levels. Treating TRCs with cytoskeleton inhibitors, phalloidin and cytochalasin, before acidic stimulation did not affect TRC pHi, but did result in an altered TRC volume change. I conclude that a decrease in TRC pHi induces cell shrinkage via the actin cytoskeleton. Cell shrinkage as a result of a change in pHi activates NHE1 to restore TRC pHi and volume.
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Ecological implications of grass bud bank and tiller dynamics in mixed-grass prairieOtt, Jacqueline P January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biology / David C. Hartnett / Perennial grass populations propagate vegetatively via the belowground bud bank. Climate, photosynthetic pathway, and growth form impact bud production, longevity, and dormancy; leading to alterations in bud bank and tiller dynamics. Previous research in mesic C₄-dominated tallgrass prairie revealed that a C₄ grass had greater bud longevity and differing bud bank dynamics than a C₃ species. This study examined the bud bank dynamics of rhizomatous and caespitose grasses in a more arid C₃ dominated prairie to gain insights into how bud banks differ among grass species, growth forms, and environments, and the relationship between bud bank characteristics and grass architecture and growth patterns. The bud bank and tiller dynamics of four perennial grasses in the C₃-dominated northern mixed grass prairie were examined over 15 months. The C₃ caespitose and rhizomatous grasses produced similar numbers of buds per tiller and their bud longevity was [greater than or equal to] 2 years. Tiller longevity drove the turnover within the bud bank of the dominant C₃ caespitose grasses Hesperostipa comata and Nassella viridula. Their polycyclic tillers (tillers that lived for more than one year) created multi-aged bud banks. The rhizomatous C₃ grass Pascopyrum smithii also had a multi-aged bud bank because buds were able to live longer than its annual tillers. Differences between caespitose and rhizomatous C₃ grass bud banks were driven by differences in tiller and rhizome production and spatial distribution. Responses to water availability fluctuations are likely buffered by the maintenance of polycyclic tillers in the caespitose grasses and flexible timing of annual tiller recruitment in the rhizomatous grass. The C₄ rhizomatous grass Andropogon gerardii had similar phenology to populations in its tallgrass prairie range center. Despite declines in bud production per tiller and lowered flowering probability in mixed-grass prairie, A. gerardii maintained a multi-aged bud bank and a positive population growth rate via vegetative reproduction at both the center and edge of its range. Bud bank dynamics of different growth forms and photosynthetic pathways, as they offer insight into the control of grass population dynamics and production, will enhance understanding of the mechanisms by which management practices and environmental change can alter perennial grasslands.
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Kyssta grodor : En studie av uppköpta svenska börsnoterade företagCheng, Sheau-Yun, Ljungner, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>We have examined the stock development of acquired listed Swedish companies - from the years 1995 to 2005 - upon the official publication of the bid. Thereafter we further investigated if there is a difference in the stock development between companies that are acquired by foreign investorscompared to Swedish investors. Also, a difference in the stock development could be due to the acquired firms’ industry classification and its company size, which we have been looking at.</p><p>In order to study the bid news impact on the share price, a quantitative study in the form of an event study has been done, where the abnormal return associated with the news has been measured.</p><p>The research shows that there indeed is a difference between companies acquired by foreign investors versus Swedish. As for industry classification, we find one out of six different industries standing out. The comparisons within the remaining industries shows similar results to the comparison of Swedish and foreign companies we mentioned before. In terms of company size,larger companies have shown a lower cumulative abnormal return compared to smaller companies. Furthermore the research also shows that larger the acquired companies are smaller the difference is in the cumulative abnormal return.</p> / <p>Vi har undersökt aktieutvecklingen hos uppköpta börsnoterade svenska företag, mellan 1995 till 2005, vid offentliggörandet av budet. Därefter undersöker vi även om det finns en skillnad i aktieutvecklingen mellan företag som blir uppköpta av utländska aktörer jämfört med de som blir uppköpta av svenska. Vidare skulle en visad skillnad i aktieutvecklingen kunna bero på de uppköpta företagens branschtillhörighet respektive företagens storlek, vilket vi har tittar närmare på.För att studera budnyhetens inverkan på börskursen har en kvantitativ undersökning i form av en event studie gjorts, där den abnormala avkastningen i samband med budnyheten mätts.Resultatet visar att det finns en skillnad mellan företag som blivit uppköpta av utländska aktörer och svenska. Vad gäller branschindelningen finner vi en bransch som utmärker sig gentemot de andra. Resterande branscher sammanfaller med jämförelsen av svenska och utländska företag. Storleksmässigt visade större företag allmänt en lägre kumulativ avkastning än mindre. Vidare är skillnaden mindre, mellan företag köpta av svenska aktörer och utländska, ju större företagen är.</p>
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Kyssta grodor : En studie av uppköpta svenska börsnoterade företagCheng, Sheau-Yun, Ljungner, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
We have examined the stock development of acquired listed Swedish companies - from the years 1995 to 2005 - upon the official publication of the bid. Thereafter we further investigated if there is a difference in the stock development between companies that are acquired by foreign investorscompared to Swedish investors. Also, a difference in the stock development could be due to the acquired firms’ industry classification and its company size, which we have been looking at. In order to study the bid news impact on the share price, a quantitative study in the form of an event study has been done, where the abnormal return associated with the news has been measured. The research shows that there indeed is a difference between companies acquired by foreign investors versus Swedish. As for industry classification, we find one out of six different industries standing out. The comparisons within the remaining industries shows similar results to the comparison of Swedish and foreign companies we mentioned before. In terms of company size,larger companies have shown a lower cumulative abnormal return compared to smaller companies. Furthermore the research also shows that larger the acquired companies are smaller the difference is in the cumulative abnormal return. / Vi har undersökt aktieutvecklingen hos uppköpta börsnoterade svenska företag, mellan 1995 till 2005, vid offentliggörandet av budet. Därefter undersöker vi även om det finns en skillnad i aktieutvecklingen mellan företag som blir uppköpta av utländska aktörer jämfört med de som blir uppköpta av svenska. Vidare skulle en visad skillnad i aktieutvecklingen kunna bero på de uppköpta företagens branschtillhörighet respektive företagens storlek, vilket vi har tittar närmare på.För att studera budnyhetens inverkan på börskursen har en kvantitativ undersökning i form av en event studie gjorts, där den abnormala avkastningen i samband med budnyheten mätts.Resultatet visar att det finns en skillnad mellan företag som blivit uppköpta av utländska aktörer och svenska. Vad gäller branschindelningen finner vi en bransch som utmärker sig gentemot de andra. Resterande branscher sammanfaller med jämförelsen av svenska och utländska företag. Storleksmässigt visade större företag allmänt en lägre kumulativ avkastning än mindre. Vidare är skillnaden mindre, mellan företag köpta av svenska aktörer och utländska, ju större företagen är.
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In Vitro Induction Of Growth And Development Of Common Juniper (juniperus Communis L.) From Shoot And Bud ExplantsKocer, Zeynep Ahsen 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of the study was to investigate the optimum conditions for in vitro regeneration of common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) by using indirect organogenesis approach. Throughout the study / callus induction, organogenesis, improved organogenesis and root induction experiments were performed sequentially.
It was found that explant position, genotype, gender, treatments and sampling time had significant effects on callus induction rate in common juniper. The results of treatments indicated that IBA (indole-3-butyric acid) at concentration range 0.5-4.0 mg/l combined with MS medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/l BAP (benzylaminopurine), 3 % sucrose and 0.7% agar was the best one among the treatments to induce callus formation from common juniper explants collected as Spring buds. Also, a two-month culture was adequate period for the callus induction of common juniper regardless of position, before transferring the explants into organogenesis media.
After a two-month culture in callus induction media, explants were transferred to organogenesis treatments in order to investigate adventitious bud development from callus tissues. There were significant differences among genotypes, treatments and explant-sampling times in initiation of organ development in common juniper. Additionally, it was found that excluding the auxin components while maintaining 1.0-2.0 mg/l BAP concentration in culture media, as refreshing after a month, stimulated the formation and development of adventitious buds and shoots. Among the treatments tested, it was found that 1.0 mg/l BAP plus 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D was the optimum culture media with adventitious bud formation capacity of 37.5% was though ageing of callus significantly affected the frequency of adventitious bud formation.
Finally, rooting experiments were performed to investigate rooting efficiency of adventitious shoots. In the adventitious rooting experiments, no rooting was observed in any of the treatments used with common juniper explants.
Although whole plantlet development from callus tissues could not be achieved as indirect organogenesis, the results of the study could aid to future studies dealing in vitro regeneration and production of secondary chemicals from common juniper.
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Micropropagação da figueira (Ficus carica L.) : estabelecimento, multiplicação e enraizamento in vitro /Palú, Ednamar Gabriela. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz de Souza Corrêa / Banca: Kuniko Iwamoto Haga / Banca: Heloiza Ferreira Alves do Prado / Banca: Fabiano Guimarães Silva / Banca: Flávia Dionísio Pereira / Resumo: A figueira (Ficus carica L.), pertencente à família Moracea, é uma frutífera de grande expansão mundial, constitui-se numa das mais importantes frutíferas cultivadas, elevando o Brasil à condição de décimo produtor e exportador de figos do mundo. Porém, a ficicultura tem alguns problemas fitossanitários como insetos pragas e doenças como nematóides e viroses, patógenos esses que se encontram presentes em grande parte dos plantios comerciais e, juntamente com a propagação exclusivamente vegetativa, pelo método da estaquia, contribuem para disseminação dos mesmos, reduzindo a qualidade final das mudas, as quais contribuem de modo marcante para a redução da produção por área, bem como da área plantada. A utilização de mudas de alta qualidade é um dos requisitos mais importantes para implantação de pomares com maior longevidade e elevada produtividade. Assim, a propagação in vitro pode auxiliar na produção eficiente de mudas de figueira com alta qualidade fitossanitária e genética. Entretanto, para a cultura da figueira, são escassos os trabalhos realizados in vitro, conhecendo-se pouco sobre o comportamento da planta, e principalmente como é realizado o estabelecimento desta, de forma que a maioria dos trabalhos já realizados por outros autores utilizam plantas já estabelecidas in vitro, tornandose necessários outros ensaios, buscando a otimização de um protocolo para micropropagação da figueira. Objetivou-se com este trabalho estabelecer um protocolo de propagação in vitro por meio de gemas apicais, envolvendo as etapas de desinfestação, multiplicação e enraizamento in vitro da figueira (Ficus carica L.) / Abstract: The fig (Ficus carica L.) belonging to the Moraceae family, is a fruit of great global expansion, it constitutes one of the most important fruit crops, bringing Brazil to the position of the tenth largest producer and exporter of figs in the world. However, ficicultura presents some problems as plant diseases and insect pests as nematodes and viruses, these pathogens that are present in most commercial crops, and together with exclusively vegetative propagation by the method of cutting, contributing to the spread of these, reducing the final quality of seedlings, which contribute markedly to the reduction of production per hectare and area planted. The use of high quality seedlings is one of the most important requirements for implementation of orchards with greater longevity and high productivity. Thus, in vitro propagation can assist in efficient production of fig seedlings with high quality and plant genetics. However, for the cultivation of the fig tree, there are few studies performed in vitro, knowing little about the plant behavior, and especially how this is done setting so that most of the work already done by other authors using already established plants in vitro, making it required further testing, trying to optimize a protocol for micropropagation of fig. This study aimed to establish a protocol for in vitro propagation through apical buds, involving the steps of disinfection, in vitro multiplication and rooting of fig (Ficus carica L.) / Doutor
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Micropropagação da figueira (Ficus carica L.): estabelecimento, multiplicação e enraizamento in vitroPalú, Ednamar Gabriela [UNESP] 21 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:35:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2011-02-21Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:46:24Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
palu_eg_dr_ilha.pdf: 415663 bytes, checksum: c997c1abd6761572ffe769e2c15fcb03 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A figueira (Ficus carica L.), pertencente à família Moracea, é uma frutífera de grande expansão mundial, constitui-se numa das mais importantes frutíferas cultivadas, elevando o Brasil à condição de décimo produtor e exportador de figos do mundo. Porém, a ficicultura tem alguns problemas fitossanitários como insetos pragas e doenças como nematóides e viroses, patógenos esses que se encontram presentes em grande parte dos plantios comerciais e, juntamente com a propagação exclusivamente vegetativa, pelo método da estaquia, contribuem para disseminação dos mesmos, reduzindo a qualidade final das mudas, as quais contribuem de modo marcante para a redução da produção por área, bem como da área plantada. A utilização de mudas de alta qualidade é um dos requisitos mais importantes para implantação de pomares com maior longevidade e elevada produtividade. Assim, a propagação in vitro pode auxiliar na produção eficiente de mudas de figueira com alta qualidade fitossanitária e genética. Entretanto, para a cultura da figueira, são escassos os trabalhos realizados in vitro, conhecendo-se pouco sobre o comportamento da planta, e principalmente como é realizado o estabelecimento desta, de forma que a maioria dos trabalhos já realizados por outros autores utilizam plantas já estabelecidas in vitro, tornandose necessários outros ensaios, buscando a otimização de um protocolo para micropropagação da figueira. Objetivou-se com este trabalho estabelecer um protocolo de propagação in vitro por meio de gemas apicais, envolvendo as etapas de desinfestação, multiplicação e enraizamento in vitro da figueira (Ficus carica L.) / The fig (Ficus carica L.) belonging to the Moraceae family, is a fruit of great global expansion, it constitutes one of the most important fruit crops, bringing Brazil to the position of the tenth largest producer and exporter of figs in the world. However, ficicultura presents some problems as plant diseases and insect pests as nematodes and viruses, these pathogens that are present in most commercial crops, and together with exclusively vegetative propagation by the method of cutting, contributing to the spread of these, reducing the final quality of seedlings, which contribute markedly to the reduction of production per hectare and area planted. The use of high quality seedlings is one of the most important requirements for implementation of orchards with greater longevity and high productivity. Thus, in vitro propagation can assist in efficient production of fig seedlings with high quality and plant genetics. However, for the cultivation of the fig tree, there are few studies performed in vitro, knowing little about the plant behavior, and especially how this is done setting so that most of the work already done by other authors using already established plants in vitro, making it required further testing, trying to optimize a protocol for micropropagation of fig. This study aimed to establish a protocol for in vitro propagation through apical buds, involving the steps of disinfection, in vitro multiplication and rooting of fig (Ficus carica L.)
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