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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sweden’s budgetary response to the Covid-19 pandemic : A Multi-level governance perspective

Gicic, Sejla, Kelmendi, Ariana January 2020 (has links)
In the beginning of 2020, the world was struck by the Covid-19 pandemic that inhibited many economies. Sweden was chosen because of its unique case when responding to the Covid-19 spread by applying an open policy in contrast to the implementation of total lockdowns.   The aim of this study is to explore the governmental budgetary responses to the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden. To fulfil this aim, the study focuses on the multi-level governance relationships between different national and local actors in Sweden. In order to explore Sweden’s unique case, an inductive approach was carried out through netnography, mass-media analysis and document analysis in the period between January 31 and May 15. The theoretical frame of reference is based on multi-level governance and actor network theory.   The study concludes that technology as a non-human actor has played a vital role when enhancing collaborations between different actors such as government, regions, municipalities, companies and universities, in order to minimize the infection spread and economic consequences of Covid-19. The study is a basis for continued research on the unexplored topic of crisis management of Covid-19 in Sweden.

Finance územních celků v České republice / Finances of Territorial Units in the Czech Republic

Sláma, David January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis Finance of territorial units in the Czech Republic applies to analyze the self- governing budgets, especially municipalities. The thesis has the theoretical part and the practical one. An approach and function of public budgets and finance are described in the theoretical part. Following part of the thesis is devoting to the Czech budgetary system with the focus to municipal and region budgets. There are analyzed categories of income and expenditures. Budgetary expenditures are compared between municipalities and regions according to allocated field of application, according to the amount of capital expenditures. Another chapter is engaged in current issues in the municipality funding - there were changes in the system of tax distribution from the central government. The second issue is the growing indebtedness of Czech municipalities. The thesis tries to find some recommendations and solutions. The last chapter applies the financial and property analysis for the city of České Budějovice. An economy of the city is assessed according to chosen indicators, ratios and comparisons with budgets and assets between the years 2006 and 2011.

Проблемы формирования и исполнения бюджета муниципального образования : магистерская диссертация / Problems of the creation and execution of the budget of the municipality

Культиков, Н. В., Kultikov, N. V. January 2017 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена исследованию формирования и исполнения бюджета муниципального образования с целью разработки предложений по его совершенствованию. Необходимость научного исследования заключается в разработке методических положений и рекомендаций по увеличению доходов местных бюджетов и повышению эффективности расходования бюджетных средств муниципального образования. Актуальность научного исследования заключается в том, что большое значение приобретает организация бюджетного процесса на муниципальном уровне и стимулирование органов местного самоуправления к ускорению темпов экономического роста. / Final qualification work (master thesis) is devoted to study formation and execution of the budget of the municipal formation with the purpose of developing proposals for its improvement. The need for scientific research consists in the development of methodological provisions and recommendations for increasing the incomes of local budgets and increasing the efficiency of spending budgetary funds of the municipality. The relevance of scientific research lies in the fact that the organization of the budgetary process at the municipal level and the encouragement of local self-government bodies to accelerate the rates of economic growth acquire great importance.

Развитие методов учета и анализа основных средств в бюджетных учреждениях : магистерская диссертация / Development of accounting and analysis methods for fixed assets in budgetary institutions

Гусар, А. А., Gusar, A. A. January 2020 (has links)
Бухгалтерский учет в бюджетной сфере – составная часть единой системы учета Российской Федерации, поэтому учет основных средств в бюджетных учреждениях постоянно подвержен реформированию. Из года в год издаются различные нормативно-правовые документы, либо вносятся поправки в ранее созданные, которые, так или иначе, меняют ведение учета основных средств в бюджетных учреждениях. Как известно, выполнение бюджетными учреждениями функции, возложенных на них, возможно при наличии одного важного условия – обеспеченности основными средствами, а также максимальной степени задействования этих средств в процессе деятельности учреждения. При этом эффективное использование основных средств – это решающий фактор роста объемов оказываемых учреждением услуг, а также улучшения качества обслуживания. На современном этапе бухгалтерский учет можно считать важным средством систематического контроля, которое обеспечивает сохранность основных средств учреждения, их правильное использование и выявление дополнительных резервов снижения расходов. Основные средства бюджетного учреждения обладают одной отличительной особенностью – они многократно используются в процессе деятельности бюджетного учреждения и при этом сохраняют первоначальную форму. Основные средства в результате их использования, а также под влиянием внешней среды постепенно изнашиваются. При этом свою первоначальную стоимость они переносят на затраты производства. Данная информация позволяет предприятию выявить пути и резервы повышения эффективности обеспеченности основных фондов, а, кроме того, вовремя обнаружить и скорректировать негативные отклонения, которые в дальнейшем могут повлечь серьезные последствия для успешной деятельности предприятия. Принятие управленческих решений в отношении основных средств связано с формированием достоверного учетно-аналитического обеспечения, что предполагает проведение экономического анализа. Экономический анализ является следующим звеном между исходной информацией, формируемой в системе бухгалтерского учета, и принимаемыми управленческими решениями. / Accounting in the budgetary sphere is an integral part of the unified accounting system of the Russian Federation, therefore, accounting for fixed assets in budgetary institutions is constantly subject to reform. From year to year, various regulatory documents are issued, or amendments are made to previously created ones, which, one way or another, change the accounting of fixed assets in budgetary institutions. As you know, the performance of the functions assigned to them by budgetary institutions is possible if there is one important condition - the provision of fixed assets, as well as the maximum degree of use of these funds in the process of the institution's activities. At the same time, the effective use of fixed assets is a decisive factor in the growth of the volume of services provided by the institution, as well as improving the quality of service. At the present stage, accounting can be considered an important means of systematic control, which ensures the safety of the institution's fixed assets, their correct use and the identification of additional reserves for reducing costs. Fixed assets of a budgetary institution have one distinctive feature - they are repeatedly used in the course of the activities of a budgetary institution and at the same time retain their original form. Fixed assets as a result of their use, as well as under the influence of the external environment, gradually wear out. At the same time, they transfer their initial value to production costs. This information allows the enterprise to identify ways and reserves to improve the efficiency of the provision of fixed assets, and, in addition, to timely detect and correct negative deviations, which in the future may entail serious consequences for the successful operation of the enterprise. The adoption of management decisions in relation to fixed assets is associated with the formation of reliable accounting and analytical support, which implies an economic analysis. Economic analysis is the next link between the initial information generated in the accounting system and the management decisions made.

The role of governance in using project finance as a contract for the delivery of infrastructure in Africa

Kamanga, Harris Benula 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF (Development Finance))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Infrastructure has been hailed as a fundamental link between markets and other development sectors of the economy. For over a long time the delivery of infrastructure in Africa has been the domain of the public sector. However, because of the continued budgetary constraints, most governments are seeking the support of the private sector in the delivery of infrastructure. Recent studies have, however, revealed that private participation in infrastructure delivery is very low in Africa. The research noted that certain obstacles at macro level of the economy are responsible for the low private participation in infrastructure delivery. It is, therefore, important that we assess the methodologies that have been used to attract private sector participation in infrastructure delivery in Africa. One method that is gaining popularity in the developing world is the use of project finance. The research study sought to achieve two objectives. The first was to discover whether governance played a significant role in attracting foreign lenders to use project finance in the delivery of infrastructure in Africa. The second objective was to find out, given that governance does matter, which of the governance indicators were important and what their relationship was with loan syndication. The study adopted a quantitative approach using six governance indicators as independent variables. The governance indicators are compiled by a team at the World Bank and these governance indicators are available on the World Bank database. Loan tranches were used as observations for the dependent variable with the data for the tranches originating from loans that were advanced under project finance across Africa covering the period between 1996 and 2006. The multiple regression model also incorporated certain control variables the data for which were collected from various sources. Findings from the research study revealed that governance does matter and is positively related to loan syndication in project finance structures. It was revealed that all six governance indicators exerted a positive influence on loan syndication. The results also revealed that political instability and violence, and control of corruption were statistically insignificant. In addition it was found that rule of law exerted the most positive influence on the composition of loan syndication in project finance structures. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Infrastruktuur is al aangeprys as ‘n fundamentele skakel tussen markte en ander ontwikkelingsektore in die ekonomie. Die voorsiening van infrastruktuur in Afrika figureer lank reeds in die openbare sektor, maar as gevolg van die volgehoue begrotingsbeperkinge soek die meeste owerhede die steun van die privaatsektor wat betref die voorsiening van infrastruktuur. Onlangse studies het egter bevind dat private deelname in die aflewering van infrastuktuur in Afrika baie laag is. Die navorsing het aan die lig gebring dat daar sekere struikelblokke op die makrovlak van die ekonomie is wat verantwoordelik is vir die geringe privaat deelname in die voorsiening van infrastruktuur. Derhalwe is dit belangrik om die metodologieë wat gebruik is om privaatsektordeelname ten opsigte van infrastruktuurvoorsiening in Afrika te beoordeel. Een metode wat gewild raak in die Derde Wêreld, is die gebruik van projekfinansiering. Hierdie navorsingstudie probeer om twee doelwitte te bereik. Die eerste doelwit is om uit te vind of staatsbestuur ‘n betekenisvolle rol speel om buitelandse kredietverskaffers te lok om projekfinansiering vir infrastruktuuraflewering in Afrika te gebruik. Die tweede doelwit is om, gegewe staatsbestuur se belangrikheid, te bepaal watter van die staatsbestuuraanwysers belangrik is en wat hul verband met leningsindikasie is. Die studie het ‘n kwantitatiewe benadering gevolg en het ses staatsbestuuraanwysers gebruik as onafhanklike veranderlikes. Die staatsbestuuraanwyser is deur ‘n span van die Wêreldbank opgestel en die staatsbestuuraanwyswers is beskikbaar op die Wêreldbank se databasis. Leningdeel is gebruik as waarnemings vir die afhanklike veranderlike, en die data vir die leningdeel is afkomstig van lenings wat toegestaan is onder projekfinansiering dwarsoor Afrika vir die periode 1996 tot 2006. Die meervoudigeregressiemodel het ook sekere kontroleveranderlikes behels, en die data daarvoor is vanuit verskeie bronne ingewin. Die navorsingstudiebevindinge het aan die lig gebring dat staatsbestuur ter sake is en positief aansluit by die leningsindikasie in projekfinansieringstrukture. Dit het aan die lig gekom dat al ses staatsregeringsaanwysers ‘n positiewe invloed op leningsindikasie uitoefen. Die bevindinge het ook daarop gedui dat politieke onstabiliteit en geweld, en korrupsiebeheer statisties onbeduidend is. Daar is ook bevind dat die oppergesag van die reg die mees positiewe invloed op die samestelling van leningsindikasie in projekfinansieringstruksture uitoefen.

Ekonomická gramotnost ředitele školy / Economic Literacy of Headmaster

Blažková, Vlasta January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with examining the economic literacy of a headmaster. The topic has been chosen because of the belief that a good financial management is important for the development of a school. Another reason for the choice is the fact that there is virtually no set of unambiguously defined responsibilities and no set of suggested knowledge in the economic area which would provide guidance for headmaster in his work. The aim of the theoretical part is to find the necessary information, to define the key terms and to place the economics of the school management into the legislative framework. The practical (research) part examines the actual state of knowledge and the activity of headmasters in the financial management of the school. The difficulty, the risk of financial management in relation to other managerial activities and the comparability of different types and sizes of schools are also examined here. The outcome of this thesis is to give the definition and the content of the economic and financial literacy of a headmaster. It is also to determine the level of the financial literacy of the interviewed headmasters. KEYWORDS: Headmaster, economic literacy, financial literacy, decision-making authority, responsibilities of the headmaster, delegation of responsibilities, financial...

Efektivnost hospodaření obce v závislosti na její velikosti v právu / Efficiency of economic management of a municipality depending on its size as governed by the law

Panáčková, Romana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the concept of financial systems of municipal budgets, especially in relation to different categories of municipalities and its size. The aim is to analyze the current legal regulation in this field and suggest legislative changes that could improve its existent state. The first chapter provides the theoretical basis for the subsequent analysis as well as for the recommendations presented in further chapters. Basic terms important to municipally policy, independent competence of municipalities and delegated powers of municipalities are defined here together with the basic principles of municipality finance system. The second chapter deals with the regulation of main sources of income of municipally budgets in the Czech Republic. The content of this chapter is concerned to legislation in Act on Budgetary Allocation of Taxes, Act on Local Fees, Act on Property Tax and legal regulation of subsidies. This chapter contains the characteristics of each individual income, presents a critical evaluation of its main advantages and disadvantages in relation to municipalities finance and a short summary of the issue. The third chapter outlines from the previous parts of the thesis and presents an analysis of selected municipalities of different categories and size. Analysis completes the...

Právní aspekty financování regionů soudržnosti / Legal aspects of financing of Cohesion Regions

Cvik, Eva Daniela January 2016 (has links)
Regional policy is one of the most important activities of the European Union. The fundaments of the regional policy can be found already in the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community from 1957, in whose preamble states commit themselves to reinforce the unity of their national economies and to ensure their harmonious development by reducing differences between individual regions. Above all, the regional policy attempts to equate differences among different developed regions through financial assistance, which they obtain both from national funds as well as supra-national funds. To key goals of the Regional policy belongs the reduction of differences in average incomes, unemployment, regional development and related satisfaction of public needs. On 1st February 1995, the Agreement on the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union became valid, and this was a fundamental impulse for the development of regional policy in relation with the possible drawing of financial means from supra-national sources. For this purpose, there was established the Ministry of Regional Development, which became the central coordinator for the use of means from the European Union. In the framework of the new program period, its position was reinforced. Thus, since 2004, the Czech Republic began...

Destinação das receitas das contribuições: efeitos na relação jurídico-tributária

Fudo, Patrícia 22 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:27:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Patricia Fudo.pdf: 931247 bytes, checksum: 4b3c23c20f3fb7f40c4fe3930adee9ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-09-22 / The present work aims the study of the tax species denominated contributions, particularly related to the effects of the effective destination of the product of its collection in the juridical relationship established between the Tax collection and the taxpayer. Then, we try to define the constitutional juridical system applicable to the special contributions, through the classification of the tax species, in agreement with criteria of pertinence present in the Federal Constitution, as well as with the sub classification of such tribute species, according to the destination of the income coming from its collection. In the analysis of the legal procedure with which the destination of the tax incomes is accomplished, the work will contemplate a study concerning the budget laws, defining which is the capable normative species for such desideratum, in order to analyzing eventual effects that such a legal diploma produces in the juridical relationship of tax nature. This way, we try to verify if the deviation in the destination of the collection product coming from the special contributions has the privilege of irradiating effects in the Rule of Tax Incidence and / or in the juridical relationship which involves the tribute. Finally, this work intends to make analysis about the forms of constitutionality and legality control of the budget laws, referring to the theme of the contributions incomes destination / O presente trabalho tem por escopo o estudo da espécie tributária denominada contribuições, particularmente quanto aos efeitos da destinação efetiva do produto de sua arrecadação na relação jurídica estabelecida entre o Fisco e o contribuinte. Para tanto, busca-se definir o regime jurídico constitucional aplicável às contribuições especiais, através da classificação das espécies tributárias, de acordo com critérios de pertinencialidade presentes na Constituição Federal, bem como com a subclassificação dessa espécie de tributo, de acordo com a destinação da receita advinda de sua arrecadação. Na análise do procedimento legal com que se perfaz a destinação das receitas tributárias, o trabalho abordará um estudo acerca das leis orçamentárias, definindo qual a espécie normativa apta para tal desiderato, com a finalidade de analisar eventuais efeitos que referido diploma legal surte na relação jurídica de cunho tributário. Desse modo, busca-se verificar se o desvio na destinação do produto de arrecadação advindo das contribuições especiais tem o condão de irradiar efeitos na Regra-Matriz de Incidência Tributária e / ou na relação jurídica que envolve o tributo. Por fim, pretende-se efetuar análise sobre as formas de controle de constitucionalidade e legalidade das leis orçamentárias, no que se referem à temática da destinação das receitas das contribuições

Réforme de la comptabilité de l'Etat en Algérie / Reform of state accounting in Algeria

Belacel, Brahim 07 November 2018 (has links)
L’initiative qui a conduit à l’élaboration de cette thèse provient d’un désir d’explorer plus en détail le contenu, les objectifs et la portée de la réforme de la comptabilité de l’État en Algérie. Le cadre juridique et réglementaire comptable actuel souffrait depuis son édification de nombreuses insuffisances et limites qui devaient être complétées avec les nouvelles modalités juridiques et techniques inspirées des standards et des bonnes pratiques internationales. La nouvelle réforme comptable vise à fonder une comptabilité tridimensionnelle de l’État consacrée par de nouvelles normes comptables nationales, un plan comptable de l’État (PCE) et de nouvelles modalités de contrôle et de responsabilité des acteurs. L’analyse de l'état actuel de la réforme, à l’épreuve de la nouvelle gouvernance financière publique, marquée par les exigences de transparence, de performance et de bonne gouvernance, vise à proposer des solutions pour l'amélioration du système national d’une part, et à étudier le rôle de la réforme budgétaire et des normes comptables internationales (IPSAS) dans l’adaptation du nouveau cadre comptable, pour que la comptabilité soit davantage un instrument d'information, de décision et d’appréciation de la situation financière et patrimoniale de l’État, d’autre part. Vu la complexité des formes et de l’étendue des chantiers de la réforme, la transformation comptable recommandée peut prendre une approche globale, qui sera concentrée non seulement sur l'application du cadre législatif et réglementaire (LOLF), c’est-à-dire sur la mise en place de la nouvelle comptabilité, sur la production de comptes publics sincères, fidèles et réguliers, objet de certification et de valorisation par la Cour des comptes, mais également sur la modernisation de la fonction comptable et l’intégration du cadre de la gestion budgétaire et comptable aux fins de la réforme de l’État. / The initiative which led to drawing up this thesis arises of a wish to explore, in more detail, the content, objectives and scope of the Algerian State accounting reform. The current legal and regulatory framework suffered, since its implementation, from many deficiencies and limits which should be completed by new legal and technical procedures based on standards and international good practices. The new accounting reform aims at establishing a three-dimensional State accounting, realized by new national accounting standards, a State accounting plan (SAP) and new ways of control and players responsibility. The analysis of the current state of reform, proof against the new public financial governance, marked by the requirements of transparency, performance and good governance, aims at proposing solutions for the enhancement of the national system, on the one hand, and to study the role of budget reform and international public sector accounting standards (IPSAS) in adapting the new accounting framework, so that accounting becomes more a tool for information, for decision and assessment of the financial and patrimonial situation of the State, on the other hand. Given the complexity of the forms and extent of reform projects, the recommended accounting transformation can take an overall approach which will be concentrated not only through the enforcement of the legislative and regulatory framework (LOLF), or through the implementation of the new accountancy, or the production of true, correct and regular public accounts, which are subjects of certification and valuation by the Court of Auditors, but also through the modernization of the accounting function and the integration of the budgetary and accounting management framework for the purpose of the State reform.

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