Spelling suggestions: "subject:"budgetary"" "subject:"budgetar""
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Analýza hospodaření vybrané obce / Analysis of Economy for Selected MunicipalitiesŠevčíková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the evaluation of quality of life in Machová. Needs of inhabitants are detected with the help of a questionnaire survey. Partial target is to analyze the economy of selected municipality. The work is divided into three sections. The first section describes the theory of municipal budget and the issue of internal and external environment of Machová. In the second, analytical part of the thesis is presented selected municipality, an analysis of its financial performance for the past seven years and SLEPTE and SWOT analysis. In the third, the proposal part is a questionnaire survey of citizens' satisfaction. The results of the questionnaire and results of analysis is used to formulate proposals to improve the quality of life in Machová and to improve its economy situation.
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Analýza marketingových aktivit příspěvkové organizace Sportovní zařízení města Jičín / Analysis of the marketing activities of contributory organization, Sports equipment of the Jicin cityPetrovický, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Title of thesis: Analysis of the marketing activities of contributory organization, Sports equipment of the Jicin city. Aims of the thesis: The aim of the study is to analyze the current marketing activities of contributory organization dealing with sports facilities in Jicin. Next aim is to find the extension and quality of these activities in the relation to customer. In case of poor or inadequate usage of it, the suggestion of new marketing activities is the goal. The thesis consists of two main parts, the theoretical base and practical, which processing of marketing analysis and presentation of new proposals. The theoretical part is focused on the characteristics of funded organizations and their relationship to marketing, definition of marketing terms and concepts, and approaches the relationship between marketing and sports organizations. In the practical part the specific contributory organization is introduced and its marketing activities are investigate using questionnaire exploration and marketing analysis. Then, on the base of the results, suitable proposals are recommended, which could lead to stability and development of marketing activities. Methods: In this analysis is used of the method for personal and written interviews, which were the basis for development research. For the...
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Právní úprava rozpočtové odpovědnosti / Legal regulation of budgetary disciplineJanáčková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the concept of budgetary discipline and various aspects of its possible enactment in the legal system of the Czech Republic and of the European Union. The aim is to analyze the current legal regulation in this field and suggest legislative changes that could improve its existent unsatisfactory state. The first chapter provides the theoretical basis for the subsequent analysis as well as for the recommendations presented in further chapters. The concepts of budgetary law, public budgets and budgetary discipline are defined here together with the basic principles of budgetary law. The stress is put on the principle of the long-term balance of public budgets that constitutes a starting point when examining budgetary discipline. The second chapter concentrates on the regulation of budgetary discipline in the Czech Republic. Taking into consideration the current situation, when the principle of long-term budgetary balance and consequently the budgetary discipline are almost totally ignored in our legal system, I decided to focus on the analysis of drafts that have regularly appeared since the 1990s and have never passed the Parliament. Regarding the valid legal regulation I centre on expenditure frameworks which are dealt with in the law on budgetary rules. The third chapter pays...
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Rozpočtové zásady z hlediska českého a evropského práva / Budgetary Principles from the Point of Czech and European LawsHorváth, Marian January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the principles of budgeting in countries of the Visegrad Group (V4), primarily from the perspective of legal theory. In the introduction, the historical and logical methods are used to compare current and historical knowledge. For the sake of better orientation, the dissertation is divided into five parts with chapters and subchapters. The dissertation gives an overview and shows some opinions of international authors of professional publications and articles on both financial law and its system, and also budgetary law and its place within the system of financial law and public finance. In addition, there is also an analysis of arguments relying on distribution of budget principles as applied in the V4 countries. The principles are not avoided in professional publications addressing finance from the economic perspective or the perspective of financial law, these principles have not been sufficiently analyzed in practice, which largely ignores the need to deal with the problems arising from non-compliance with the budgetary rules.
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Política de garantia de preços mínimos no Brasil - uma avaliação dos custos sociais e orçamentários para arroz e milho no período de 1987 a 2013 / Minimum price guarantee policy in Brazil - an assessment of the social and budgetary costs for rice and corn from 1987 to 2013Schwantes, Fernanda 11 September 2015 (has links)
A Política de Garantia de Preços Mínimos (PGPM) no Brasil foi inaugurada oficialmente em 1966, com os objetivos de reduzir a instabilidade dos preços agrícolas, assegurar uma renda mínima aos produtores e garantir o abastecimento interno de alimentos. Tratava-se de uma política de caráter universal, no sentido de que qualquer produtor poderia vender a sua produção ao Governo Federal, desde que este último tivesse recursos suficientes para adquiri-la. O governo utilizava-se, até meados da década de 1990, dos instrumentos de intervenção ampla no mercado, as Aquisições do Governo Federal (AGF) e os Empréstimos do Governo Federal (EGF). Com a crise fiscal do Estado nos anos 1980 e as mudanças estruturais liberalizantes da década de 1990, a intervenção governamental reduziu-se gradativamente. No que se refere à ação do governo por meio da PGPM, foram criados instrumentos de apoio à comercialização, cujos subsídios foram reduzidos em relação aos anteriores e levaram à redução de estoques públicos. No Plano de Safra 1996-1997, o governo adicionou aos instrumentos tradicionais de operacionalização da PGPM o Prêmio para Escoamento de Produto (PEP) e o Contrato de Opção de Venda de Produtos Agrícolas (COVPA). Em 2004, foram criados os Contratos Privados de Opção de Venda e Prêmio de Risco de Opção Privada (PROP) e, em 2006, o governo criou o Prêmio Equalizador Pago ao Produtor (PEPRO). Simultaneamente, os instrumentos de operacionalização da PGPM de caráter universal voltaram-se à agricultura familiar, a partir da criação do Plano Safra da Agricultura Familiar, pelo MDA, em 2003. Tomando como base a exposição acima, o objetivo geral desta tese é analisar a política de garantia de preços mínimos no Brasil, no período de 1987 a 2013, ressaltando os instrumentos de execução da PGPM e os seus custos sociais e orçamentários. A escolha desse período devese às grandes mudanças ocorridas na PGPM e à disponibilidade de dados para os cálculos a serem realizados. Especificamente, procurou-se avaliar a influência dos grupos de interesse no redirecionamento da política brasileira de preços no período democrático, bem como quantificar os custos sociais e orçamentários envolvidos na operacionalização dos instrumentos tradicionais (AGF) e dos novos instrumentos, criados a partir de 1996/1997. Para atender aos objetivos propostos, conjugou-se um referencial de economia política para o estudo dos grupos de interesse e dos seus recursos de poder e o referencial da microeconomia para a avaliação dos custos sociais das diferentes políticas de preços agrícolas. Verificou-se que a atuação dos distintos grupos de interesse resultou na dissociação entre os instrumentos de política de garantia de preços voltados à agricultura familiar e não familiar, nos planos de safra e nos ministérios que atendem aos pleitos de cada grupo. No que se refere aos custos sociais e orçamentários da PGPM, verificou-se que a política de compra de excedentes é a mais custosa, seguida pela política de seguro de preços e pela subvenção ao preço para o produtor. / The Minimum Price Guarantee Policy (PGPM) in Brazil was officially started in 1966 with the objective of reducing the volatility of agricultural prices, ensure a minimum income to producers and secure food supply. It was a universal policy, in the sense that any producer could sell their produce to the federal government, since the latter had sufficient resources to acquire it. Until the mid-1990s the government used broad market intervention tools, the Federal Government Acquisitions (AGF) and the Federal Government Loans (EGF). With the fiscal crisis in the 1980s and the liberalizing structural changes of the 1990s, government intervention was reduced gradually. With regard to government action through PGPM, marketing support instruments were created which led to lower subsidies and to the reduction of public stocks. In Harvest Plan 1996-1997, the government added to the traditional instruments of operationalization of the PGPM the Award for Product Flow (PEP) and the Agricultural Products Put Option (COVPA). In 2004, the Private Put Option and Private Option Risk Premium were created (PROP), and in 2006 the government created the Equalizing Premium Paid to Producer (PEPRO). At the same time the instruments of implementation of universal nature of PGPM turned to family farming, since the creation of the Family Agriculture Harvest Plan by the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) in 2003. Based on the above exposure, the overall objective of this thesis is to analyze the minimum price guarantee policy in Brazil, from 1987 to 2013, highlighting the implementation instruments of PGPM and its social and budgetary costs. The choice of this period is due to the large changes in PGPM and the availability of data for the calculations to be performed. Specifically, we sought to evaluate the influence of interest groups in redirecting the Brazilian pricing policy in the democratic period (1988 onwards) and to quantify the social and budgetary costs involved in the operation of traditional instruments (AGF) and the new instruments created from 1996/1997. To meet the proposed objectives, we used both the political economy framework for the study of interest groups and power resources of these groups and the microeconomics framework for assessing the social costs of different agricultural pricing policies. It was found that the performance of the various interest groups resulted in the decoupling of the price guarantee policy instruments aimed at family farming and not family farming, as well as of the harvest plans and ministries that meet the claims of each group. With regard to social and budgetary costs of PGPM, it was found that the surplus purchasing policy is the most expensive, followed by price insurance policy and by the price subvention to producer.
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PEC do orçamento impositivo: um sonho que virou realidade? / PEC do Orçamento Impositivo: did the dream come true?Diniz, Vítor 25 November 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o processo de aprovação da PEC do Orçamento Impositivo. A proposta aprovada pelo Congresso institui a obrigatoriedade de pagamento de uma parcela das emendas individuais. Esse era um pleito antigo dos congressistas, mas só em 2015 a Emenda Constitucional foi promulgada. O intuito aqui foi mostrar as estratégias utilizadas pelos atores e o contexto institucional em que a aprovação ocorreu. Além disso, apresentamos os primeiros resultados sob a vigência do orçamento impositivo para as emendas individuais. A expectativa dos parlamentares ainda não se confirmou e as taxas de pagamento continuam baixas. / This thesis focuses on the approval of PEC do Orçamento Impositivo, which changed the rules for budgetary amendments. Congress decided to stipulate a minimum mandatory amount allocated through amendments, even without the support of the Executiv branch, which tried to avoid the success of the Constitutional Amendment. Moreover, this dissertation introduces data about payment rates. The expectation of high payment rates has not been confirmed. Rates remained low.
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Consequências dos modelos de medida de desempenho na criação de folga orçamentária: o caso de uma organização pública brasileira / The effects of performance measurement models on budgetary slack creation: evidence from a public sector organization in BrazilReis Júnior, Romulo Campos dos 18 May 2010 (has links)
Este estudo se propõe a analisar como a combinação dos indicadores em um modelo de medida de desempenho (MMD) impacta na criação de folga orçamentária em uma organização pública. A administração pública (AP) em geral, a partir do movimento New Public Management passou a importar ferramentas e técnicas do setor privado para gerenciar suas ações. A literatura sobre medidas de desempenho no setor privado, relata que a avaliação de desempeho está relacionada à criação de folga orçamentária. Os trabalhos no setor público relatam que uma das ferramentas mais importadas do setor privado é a avaliação e medida de desempenho. Dessa forma, este trabalho verificou se um subconjunto das variáveis que influenciam na criação de folga orçamentária existe nas administrações públicas e analisa qual o impacto dessas variáveis na criação de folga orçamentária. O estudo de campo se deu na administração pública brasileira. O estudo foi baseado na análise das séries históricas (de meta e realizado) dos indicadores do MMD da Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda (Sefaz) de um estado brasileiro. Os resultados dessa análise foram triangulados com evidências obtidas por meio de entrevistas em profundidade feitas com funcionários públicos da Sefaz. Os resultados apresentados aqui não confirmam a teoria onde indicadores contábeis e relacionados a bônus estão relacionados positivamente na criação de folga orçamentária. / This study aims to analyze how the combination of indicators in a model of performance measurement (MMD) impacts on the creation of budgetary slack in a public organization. The public administration (PA) in general, from the New Public Management movement has imported tools and techniques of the private sector to manage their actions. The literature on performance measures in the private sector, reports that the evaluation of performance is related to the creation of budgetary slack. Some papers in the public sector reported that performance assessment and measurement is one of the implemented used tools from the private sector. Thus, this study examined whether a subset of variables that influence the creation of budgetary slack exists in public administration and considers what impact of these variables in the creation of budgetary slack. The field study was made in the Brazilian public administration. The study was based on analysis of historical data (goal and realized) of the indicators of MMD Brazilian State Secretary of Finance (Sefaz). The results of this analysis were triangulated with evidence obtained through in-depth interviews with public officials. The results presented here do not confirm the theory in which accounting-related and bonuses-related indicators are positively related in the creation of budgetary slack.
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Controle de constitucionalidade de normas orçamentárias: o uso de argumentos consequencialistas nas decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal / Budget law judicial review: the use of consequentialist arguments in the Brazilians Supreme Court DecisionsChristopoulos, Basile Georges Campos 15 May 2014 (has links)
A hipótese do trabalho é a de que o Supremo Tribunal Federal utiliza argumentos consequencialistas para admitir e julgar o controle de constitucionalidade de leis e normas orçamentárias. A tese é dividida em duas partes. Na primeira são tratados os temas que fundam a análise argumentativa das decisões judiciais. A argumentação jurídica é proposta como lente de exame das decisões judiciais, especialmente o ramo da retórica. De acordo com esse referencial teórico, os tribunais e juízes buscam convencer o auditório de que produzem a decisão mais adequada possível. É ressaltada a importância do argumento na formação do precedente, no que há de fundamental nas decisões (ratio decidendi) e no que é periférico (obiter dictum). O argumento consequencialista é visto diante de diversas teorias que o propõem, como o utilitarismo e o pragmatismo, com destaque, em capítulo próprio, para a teoria de Neil MacCormick, que propõe um consequencialismo essencialmente jurídico. Em sua segunda parte, a tese explora os temas que levarão às conclusões da hipótese. Em primeiro lugar, as características marcantes da produção de leis e normas orçamentárias, sua natureza jurídica e seu fundamento de validade. É revisto o controle de constitucionalidade dessas normas no ordenamento brasileiro, sendo pontuadas as particularidades e limites pertinentes ao seu controle principal. E por fim, no último capítulo, são analisadas pormenorizadamente as decisões que o Supremo Tribunal Federal produziu no controle principal de leis e normas orçamentárias, demarcando a presença de argumentos consequencialistas e buscando estabelecer quais são os precedentes vigentes no direito brasileiro. Ao fim, conclui-se que o controle de constitucionalidade principal é a via mais adequada nas matérias orçamentárias; que o precedente estabelecido no Supremo Tribunal Federal é o de possibilidade de controle de constitucionalidade principal de normas orçamentárias por ADI e ADO, não por ADPF; e que o tribunal usa adequadamente, na maioria das vezes, os argumentos consequencialistas, porquanto estes predominam (ratio decidendi) nas decisões mais importantes sobre a matéria. / The hypothesis of this work is that the Supreme Court uses consequentialist arguments to admit the judicial review of budgetary laws. The thesis is divided in two parts. In the first, the themes that underlie the argumentative analysis of judicial decisions are discussed. Legal argumentation is proposed as a lens for examining decisions, especially rhetoric. According to this theoretical framework, the courts and judges seek to convince the audience that they produce the most appropriate decisions possible. It highlights the significance of the argument in shaping the precedent, in what is crucial in decisions (ratio decidendi), and what is peripheral (obiter dictum). The consequentialist argument is analyzed according to the various theories that underlie it, such as utilitarianism and pragmatism, especially, in a separate chapter, according to Neil MacCormicks theory, that offers an essentially legal consequentialism. In its second part, the thesis explores the issues that lead to the conclusions of the hypothesis. Firstly, the salient features of the production of budget laws, its legal status and fundament of validity. The judicial review of these laws in the Brazilian legal system is revised, and the limits and particularities of its main control are punctuated. And finally, in the last chapter, the decisions produced by the Supreme Court in the main judicial review of budgetary laws are minutely explored, the existence of consequentialist arguments is indicated, and it seeks to establish the precedents existing in Brazilian law. It concludes, lastly, that the abstract judicial review is the most suitable option in budget matters; that the precedent set in the Supreme Court is about the possibility of the abstract judicial review of budgetary laws by ADI and ADO, but not ADPF; and that the court properly uses, most often, consequentialist arguments, and they predominate (ratio decidendi) in the most important decisions about it.
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L'encadrement normatif des politiques budgétaires sous la Vème République. / The normative frame of the budgetary policies under the fifth RepublicLaurent, Cyril 20 January 2017 (has links)
L'époque contemporaine est marquée par le caractère apparemment inexorable de la progression de la dette publique. Sous l'effet de l'accumulation des déficits, cette dernière a augmenté quasiment sans discontinuer depuis la fin des années 1970. Au niveau international, l'encadrement normatif des politiques budgétaires n'a eu de cesse de s'accroître et la France n'est pas restée étrangère à cette tendance. Désireuse de maîtriser ses finances publiques sur le long terme et de ne plus prendre des mesures discrétionnaires conjoncturelles, la France a mis en place un certain nombre de règles budgétaires sous la Vème République. En effet, depuis la loi organique relative aux lois de finances (LOLF) du 1er août 2001, on constate une multiplication des « règles de gouvernance » des finances publiques avec une accélération depuis l'apparition de la crise économique et financière de 2008. Alors que certaines règles résultent de simples circulaires ou tout simplement de la pratique politique comme la règle de non remplacement d'un fonctionnaire sur deux partant en retraite issue de la révision générale des politiques publiques, d'autres proviennent d'engagements européens comme le pacte de stabilité et de croissance voire même de la Constitution elle même. Ainsi, l'objectif de la présente recherche est l’encadrement normatif des politiques budgétaires. Il s'agit de se demander si l'encadrement normatif des politiques budgétaires françaises participe efficacement à l'assainissement des finances publiques. / The contemporary time is marked by the apparently inexorable character of the progress of the national debt. Under the influence of the accumulation of the deficits, the latter increased almost ceaselessly since the end of 1970s. At the international level, the normative frame of the budgetary policies never stopped increasing and France did not remain foreign to this tendency. Avid to master its public finances on the long term and not to take any more cyclical discretionary measures, France set up a number of legal rules under Fifth Republic. Indeed, since the organic law relative to the finance laws (LOLF) of August 1st, 2001, we notice a multiplication (increase) of the "rules of governance" public finances with an acceleration since the appearance of the economic and financial crisis of 2008. While certain rules result from simple circulars or simply from the practice political as the rule of not replacement of a state employee on two retiring stemming from the general revision of the public policies, others result from European commitments as the pact of stability and from growth even of the Constitution she(it) even. So, the objective of the present search is the normative framework for fiscal policy. It is a question of wondering if the normative frame of the French budgetary policies participates effectively in the purification of the public finances.
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Folga orçamentária na Secretaria da Fazenda / Budgetary slack in the Department of TaxationOsajima, Alyne Anteveli 20 December 2011 (has links)
Organizações públicas vêm adotando modelos de mensuração de desempenho (MMD), a exemplo da iniciativa privada, buscando gerar incentivos à eficiência de equipes de servidores. Este trabalho analisou o MMD da Secretaria da Fazenda de um dos Estados do Brasil e identificou que, a partir das metas pactuadas pela equipe diretiva da secretaria, a organização opera em um regime de folga orçamentária, em um ambiente organizacional de menor tensão em relação ao atingimento das metas e consequente gratificação. Através de séries históricas (Jan./07 a Jun./09) do desempenho individual mensal de 950 servidores públicos que atuam como fiscais, foram comparados o nível de atingimento das metas tributárias e administrativas. Adicionalmente, tais evidências foram trianguladas com observações participativas e análises documentais. Apesar da folga orçamentária detectada na utilização de metas com alta probabilidade de atingimento, o desempenho nas tarefas administrativas duplicou no último ano analisado, evidência de que o nível de esforço individual cresceu apesar do incentivo pecuniário ser garantido em um nível menor de esforço. Assim, como em outras pesquisas em organizações públicas, discute-se a existência de uma motivação intrínseca no servidor. / Public organizations have been adopting performance measurement models (MMD), taking as example the private initiative, seeking to create incentives to the efficiency of servants teams. This assignment analyzed the MMD of the Department of Taxation of a Brazilian State and identified that, considering the goal agreed by the management team of the department, the organization operates in a regime of budgetary slack, in an organizational environment of lower pressure in relation of the goals achievement and consequent reward. Through historical series (Jan./07 to June/09) of the individual monthly performance of 950 civil servants acting as fiscals, it was compared the achievement level of the tributary and administrative goals. Additionally, such evidences were triangulated with participative observations and documental analysis. In spite of the budgetary slack detected in the use of goals with high achievement probability, the performance in the administrative tasks doubled in the last year analyzed, evidence that the individual effort level increased, despite the fact that the pecuniary incentive is guaranteed in a lower level of effort. Therefore, as in other researches in public organizations, it is discussed the existence of an intrinsic motivation in the servant.
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