Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bureau"" "subject:"sureau""
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A New Birth of Freedom in the Southern Mountains: Emancipation in East Tennessee and Western North CarolinaNash, Steven E. 11 April 2013 (has links)
Lecture Series on Abraham Lincoln at the Reece Museum
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Agents of Change: The Freedmen’s Bureau in Western North CarolinaNash, Steven E. 22 May 2012 (has links)
This presentation explores the role the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands (commonly referred to as the Freedmen’s Bureau) played in western North Carolina’s reconstruction. It may seem ironic that an agency tasked with aiding the adjustment from slavery to free labor was in the southern mountains, but the irony dissipates in light of the evidence. The Conservative Party’s resumption of local control in 1865 led white Unionists to embrace the Republican Party and black political cooperation two years later, a move that would have been impossible without the Freedmen’s Bureau. Its agents represented the most tangible source of federal power in the mountain counties, and as such helped build relationships between black and white mountaineers that allowed the Republicans to sweep the pivotal local and state elections of 1868.
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The selection and preparation of white officers for the command of black troops in the American Civil War: A study of the 41st and 100th U.S. Colored InfantryRenard, Paul D. 09 March 2006 (has links)
American Civil War officer preparation activities were rooted in the broader practices of antebellum military education as applied at West Point, other military academies, and the state militia system. The arrival of black troops in the Union Army led to a radical, if temporary, transformation in the Army's process for the selection and preparation of officers—but only for the white officers who served with black regiments. Overtly political or casual processes of the early Civil War were replaced in many cases by formal examinations and the centralized review of results, operating in parallel with more traditional political patronage systems of appointment. This study uses the experiences of officers from several black infantry regiments, and particularly the 41st U.S. Colored Infantry from the East and the 100th U.S.C.I. from the West, to illustrate how leaders for black units were chosen, prepared, examined, commissioned, and continued their military education. It focuses on the experiences of the officers, along with the contextual environments of antebellum education, slavery, racism, tactics, and bureaucracy in which they served. / Ph. D.
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已婚女性調查官工作滿足與家人關係之研究 / A study on the job satisfaction and family relationship of married female investigation bureau agents黃奕維, Huang, I Wei Unknown Date (has links)
根據上述研究結論,本研究之建議如下:一、改革考評制度,鼓舞信心;二、透明升遷管道,重建信任;三、強化各項設施,安心工作;四、定期活動參訪,家人支持;五、貫徹倫理守則,行政中立。本研究後續研究方向為擴大研究範圍,及擴大研究對象,以期研究內容更加豐富完整。 / With the trend of gender mainstreaming in recent years, gender limitations have been removed from applicant qualification of many national exams. Since 1996, the year the limitation on the numbers of male and female applicants was removed from the applicant qualification of the Special Examination for Investigation Agents of the Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau, the number of female agents in the Investigation Bureau has been increasing significantly. New opportunities and challenges have been injected into the Investigation Bureau where most agents were male. How do married female Investigation Bureau agents look after both their families and their work? Issues such as their job satisfaction and their relationships with their families are worthy to be further explored.
In this study, 10 experienced and representative married female Investigation Bureau agents were selected via purposive sampling as subjects for an in-depth interview. The interview contains 3 parts: the personal quality part, the job satisfaction part, and the family relationship part. The conclusions of this study are listed below:
1.High salaries and benefits offered by the Investigation Bureau help to increase job satisfaction.
2.Not being able to adapt to the workplace culture may influence colleagues’ job satisfaction.
3.Overconcern from a supervisor creates pressure and disturbance in an employee’s work and further influences employee’s job satisfaction and employee’s relationships with their families.
4.An objective performance evaluation system helps to increase employees’ job satisfaction and devotion to their work, leading them to the right direction at work.
5.Understanding and supports from families are the most important reasons behind married female Investigation Bureau agents being able to look after both their jobs and their families.
6.The special properties of the job make female Investigation Bureau agents more independent and confident.
7.As long as a couple can communicate with each other rationally and try to understand each other, no matter what their jobs are, they can build a wonderful husband-wife relationship.
According to the research findings, this study proposes the following suggestions:
1.Improve the performance evaluation system to develop a more comprehensive and fairer evaluation method.
2.Build open and fair channels for promotions.
3.Build various facilities (e.g. nursery rooms and lady’s rooms) for female employees to work without worries.
4.Hold all kinds of activities and invite employees’ families and friends so that they can understand more about the job content in the Investigation Bureau.
5.Carry out work ethics and administrative neutrality.
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La nature de l'écrit judiciaire devant les juridictions répressives françaisesPierre, Fanny 12 May 2011 (has links)
L'écrit judiciaire s’analyse à la fois comme un moyen de communication et d'argumentation devant les juridictions répressives françaises. C'est un instrument utile et nécessaire à la bonne administration de la justice qui connaît à l'ère des nouvelles technologies, de profondes mutations. Extrêmement formel dans ses retranchements, ce n’est que par sa présence que le jugement peut trouver force exécutoire. Mais si sa fonction demeure purement probatoire au sein de l’institution judiciaire, sa nature tend aujourd’hui à évoluer. Il est en effet plus aisé d’accéder aux bases juridiques constituées de ces écrits, notamment via l’internet. L’écrit judiciaire se démocratise donc par sa facilité d’accès alors même qu’il reste abscons et que le nombre de ses rédacteurs habilités reste très limité. Présent à tous les niveaux de la procédure pénale française en ce qu’il permet d’assurer le secret (de l’enquête, de l’instruction, des délibérations), l’écrit devient cependant de moins en moins sûr. Informatisé, il est souvent la cible d’intrusion et de convoitise, ce qui pourrait mettre à mal les tribunaux répressifs astreints à la discrétion. Informatique, il permet un archivage et une rapidité de traitement hors pair. Certaines procédures telle celle que l’on retrouve devant la chambre criminelle de la Cour de cassation sont complètement numériques et non plus seulement numérisées, grâce à un bureau virtuel spécialement conçu à cet effet. Le changement de support de l’écrit judiciaire est en définitive ambivalent. Des progrès sans précédent sont à en attendre, de même que les dangers actuels qu’il présente sont préoccupants. L’écrit papier traditionnel ne satisfait plus les besoins de notre temps, or l’écrit électronique n’a pas connu un essor suffisant et n’a pas acquis assez d’autorité pour être accepté comme tel. Le présent travail universitaire se situe lui-même à la croisée des chemins, entre un écrit papier imparfait et un écrit électronique toujours tâtonnant. / Legal writing can be analyzed both as a communication and an argumentation means before the French criminal courts. It is undoubtedly a useful and required way to a good rendering of justice, and moreover a deeply mutating one in our era of new technologies. Formal by essence, it is only through writing that the legal decision can be executed. If it mainly functions as way of proof within the institution, its nature is evolving. The access to databases consisting of these written records is easier through the internet. The legal writing is both more democratic through easier access, and hermetic as its authorized producers are limited in number. While present at every layer of the criminal procedure as it assures its secrecy (from the investigation to the deliberation), it is becoming less safe. Digitalized, it is coveted and sometimes penetrated from the outside, thwarting the obligation of confidentiality that binds the institution. Digital, it allows an unmatched archiving and data-processing. Some procedures, beyond their mere digitalization, are exclusively digital before the “Cour de cassation” criminal chamber, thanks to a tailored virtual desktop. This change in support is double-sided. Unprecedented progress as well as potential threats are to be expected. While the traditional paper writing no longer matches our modern needs, its digital counterpart has not grown enough in usage and authority to be accepted as such. The current dissertation thesis itself is a the crossroads of these trends, between an imperfect paper writing and a still struggling digital writing.
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A Stranger Amongst Strangers: An Analysis of the Freedmen's Bureau Subassistant Commissioners in Texas, 1865-1868Bean, Christopher B. 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of the subassistant commissioners of the Freedmen's Bureau in Texas from late 1865 to late 1868. Its focus is two-fold. It first examines who these men were. Were they northern born or southern? Did they own slaves? Were these men rich, poor, or from the middle-class? Did they have military experience or were they civilians? How old was the average subassistant commissioner in Texas? This work will answer what man Freedmen's Bureau officials deemed qualified to transition the former slave from bondage to freedom. Secondly, in conjunction with these questions, this work will examine the day-to-day operations of the Bureau agents in Texas, chronicling those aspects endemic to all agents as well as those unique to certain subdistricts. The demand of being a Bureau agent was immense, requiring long hours in the office fielding questions and long hours in the saddle inspecting subdistricts. In essence, their work advising, protecting, and educating the freedmen was a never ending one. The records of the Freedmen's Bureau, both the records for headquarters and the subassistant commissioners, serve as the main sources, but numerous newspapers, Texas state official correspondences, and military records proved helpful. Immense amounts of information arrived at Bureau headquarters from field personnel. This work relies heavily on reports and letters in the Bureau agents' own words. This dissertation follows a chronological approach, following the various Bureau administrations in Texas. I believe this approach allows the reader to better glimpse events as they happened.
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Byråkratins balanskonstnärer : En studie av emotionellt lönearbete hos tjänstemän / Bureaucratic Equilibrists : A study about emotional labour within official workersNilsson, Anna, Olsson, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie har haft som mål att undersöka hur tjänstemän inom myndigheterarbetar med sina känslor, inom deras arbete med enskilda individer, som ofta är iutsatta situationer. Vi vill med detta kunna svara på frågeställningar kring hurdessa tjänstemän arbetar med sina emotioner, men även om det kan uppståmotstridiga krav i arbetet och hur eventuella konsekvenser av dessa hanteras.Arbetet presenteras som kvalitativt, och har inslag av både deduktivt ochinduktivt tillvägagångssätt, med infallsvinklar av socialkonstruktivism ochhermeneutiska tankegångar. I utförandet av studien har vi använt oss av en semistrukturerad intervjuform med sammanlagt tio respondenter från tre olikamyndigheter, vilka är Arbetsförmedlingen, Socialförvaltningen ochSocialpsykiatrin. I arbetet har en bild av tjänstemannen växt fram, där det finnsbehov av att finna balans mellan empati och distansering gentemot enskildaindivider. Förutom detta framställs den administrativa delen som något somtynger ner motivationen och skapar stress, medan det kollegiala stödet ger enpositiv inverkan på arbetet. / This study has had its goal to see how official workers within governmentexercise of public authority, work with their emotions, when meeting withpeople in difficult circumstances. The aim is then to be able to answer suchquestions as “how do official workers deal with their emotions?”, but also ifthere can be cases where conflicts might occur within the worker and how theyhandle such consequences. This study is of quality nature, with hints of bothdeduction and induction practice, with social constructivism as approach andhermeneutics perspective. In the empirical gathering of information we haveused semi-structured interviews with a total of ten informants from threedifferent government organizations, consisting of Employment service, Socialservice center and Social psychiatry. Through this work a clearer portrait of theofficial worker has appeared, as a human in great need to find a balance betweenempathy and distance towards individuals. Apart from this the administrativepart of the work is what’s experienced as the anchor that weighs downmotivation and creates stress, while the positive aspect against this is with thesupport that comes from co-workers.
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Le pouvoir constitutif des stratégies rhétoriques des participants à une controverse socio-techniqueMcDonald, James January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Some antecedents of The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural OrganizationUnknown Date (has links)
"There are four international organizations whose contributions may be utilized to advantage by the UNESCO. They are (1) The Institute of International Education, (2) The World Federation of Education Associations, (3) the International Bureau of Education, and (4) The New Education Fellowship. It is the purpose of this paper to present something of the work of these organizations for the period of time between World War I and World War II as a basis for understanding what the UNESCO has to build on"--Introduction. / Typescript. / "A Paper." / "March, 1947." / "Submitted to the Graduate Council of the Florida State College for Women in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts under Plan II." / Advisor: Nita K. Pyburn, Professor Directing Paper. / Includes bibliographical references.
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A study of the backgrounds of eight pre-adolescent fatherless boys who came as clients to the Children's service bureau of Dade County, Miami, Florida.Goodman, Spencer Paul Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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