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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nothing Short of Really Healthy Children: Mothers, the Children's Bureau, and Disability, 1914 - 1933

Edsall, Brooke C. 05 1900 (has links)
In 1931 the United States Children's Bureau asserted that "nothing short of really healthy children should satisfy parents." This thesis examines how literature published by the Children's Bureau from 1913 to 1933 shaped perceptions of motherhood and of maternal control over the body. As the bureau taught mothers how to care for their children, it also taught them that by following bureau advice, mothers could shape the bodies of their children to adhere to normative body standards. The research considers the relationship between mothers, the state, and the physical body. This thesis is divided into chapters about prenatal care and maternal marking; infant care and maternal policing; and child care and maternal control.

Organizing Freedom: Collaboration Between the Freedmen's Bureau and Church-Supported Charitable Organizations in the Early Years of Reconstruction

Lee, Kimberly Taylor 18 July 2019 (has links)
This case study examines why the Freedmen's Bureau, a Federal agency that existed within the War Department between 1865 and 1872, formed collaborative relationships with church-supported charitable organizations to establish schools during the Civil War Reconstruction Period in Virginia. This project examines the relationships between Freedmen's Bureau officials and the leadership of church-supported charitable organizations. Specifically, this project examines the formation of these relationships, the nature of the relationships that formed, the norms and values that shaped the relationships, and the impact those relationships had on education policy in the South. The examination of a historical federal agency through archival research methods generated findings that were consistent with current knowledge of the collaborative process. Preexisting relationships formed during the Civil War served as the foundation for collaborative relationships that formed between the Bureau and church-supported charitable organizations. These relationships were integral to the formation of schools that served formerly enslaved persons as well as other war refugees. Ultimately, political and social pressure facilitated the closing of the Bureau, but the schools remained, forming the foundation for public school systems throughout the South. Examining an extinct agency which worked alongside church-supported charitable organizations, shows that facets of collaborative governance occurred much earlier than presently identified, especially as it pertains to discrete steps in the collaboration process, specifically antecedent and initial conditions of collaboration, pre-existing relationships, and impacts of collaboration. The project also adds to the study of public administration as a field by extending the timeline of the practice of public administration. This dissertation also adds to the scholarship on the impact of race on policy implementation and administrative practice. / Doctor of Philosophy / This case study examines why the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands (the Freedmen’s Bureau), a controversial federal agency that existed within the War Department between 1865 and 1872, formed collaborative relationships with church-supported charitable organizations to establish schools during the Civil War Reconstruction Period in Virginia. This project will examine the relationships between Freedmen’s Bureau officials and the leaders of various church-supported charitable organizations. Specifically, this project will examine the types of relationships that formed, the customs and values that shaped those relationships and the impact of those relationships had on education policy in Virginia. Relationships between charitable organizations and army officials formed during the Civil War and served as the foundation for relationships that formed between the Bureau and charitable aid organization. Although not unique for its time the Freedmen’s Bureau relied upon nongovernmental actors and entities in performing its functions, especially education. The schools that were established, served formerly enslaved persons as well as other war refugees and served as the foundation for the public school system across the South. Although the Freedmen’s Bureau would be abolished in 1872, the schools that were established with the help of the Bureau, remained. The fact that organizations were involved in Reconstruction-era schooling is known. That the Freedmen’s Bureau helped organizations establish schools throughout the South is known. Less is known about the extent of those relationships, however. Examining a historical and extinct agency which developed relationships with a number of church-supported charitable organizations shows that collaborative relationships occurred much earlier than we once thought.

Modèles prédictifs pour la post-adoption des systèmes d'information

Naceur, Rhouma 13 December 2023 (has links)
Thèse ou mémoire avec insertion d'articles / Les avancements fulgurants dans les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) ont changé nos modes de vie à plusieurs égards. Ces technologies, perçues hier comme un luxe, sont devenues un choix indispensable dans les organisations contemporaines. Cette tendance s'est accentuée avec l'intensification de la mondialisation et l'ouverture des frontières économiques. En outre, la concurrence passera principalement par la mobilisation de ces technologies de pointe. Cette pression oblige les organisations à examiner les avantages de ces technologies. En effet, certains systèmes d'information nécessitent une mobilisation importante en matière de ressources, et donc, une prise de risque importante. Selon les statistiques d'une firme de sondage indépendante (Sage Group PLC, 2021), le coût moyen des implantations de certains systèmes d'information est évalué à 6.1 millions de dollars au cours des cinq dernières années . Cependant, la durée moyenne de ces projets ne dépasse pas les 15.7 mois. Ces statistiques nous poussent à mieux approfondir nos connaissances sur le sujet. Dans le cadre de notre thèse, nous nous focalisons sur l'impact de la post-adoption des systèmes d'information sur les processus influençant la performance financière et non financière de l'organisation dans un contexte canadien. De ce fait, la mesure de performance est considérée comme un indicateur pour évaluer le succès ou l'échec de l'adoption du système d'information. Cette mesure est à la fois complexe et illusoire. Ainsi, en nous basant sur les résultats empiriques de notre étude, nous étendons la portée de la thèse pour avoir une meilleure compréhension du succès et de l'échec vis-à-vis de l'adoption des systèmes d'information. Bien que les termes "échec" et "succès" sont bien connus et largement utilisés dans le champ de la technologie de l'information, mais ils demeurent délicats et sont difficiles à définir (Stefanovic et al., 2011; Petter et al., 2008; Jiang et al., 2002; Garrity & Sanders, 1998). Par ailleurs, nous visons définir une meilleure conceptualisation du succès et de l'échec de l'adoption du système d'information en se référant à la performance financière et non financière de la firme tout en prenant en considération le résultat des autres processus. Afin d'atteindre nos objectifs, nous avons commencé par explorer la littérature pour avoir une meilleure compréhension du domaine de l'adoption. Nous avons procédé par une étude exploratoire. Un questionnaire en ligne a été créé avec l'aide d'un expert et envoyé à des employés travaillant pour des organisations au Canada. Les données collectées ont été analysées avec les outils SPSS et SmartPLS afin de valider nos hypothèses. La régression des moindres carrés partiels (Partial least squares regression PLS) est utilisée pour analyser les différentes relations entre nos variables tandis que, pour comprendre la conceptualisation du succès et de l'échec, nous avons utilisé l'analyse par segmentation en deux étapes (the two-step cluster analysis technique). Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis d'avoir une compréhension du domaine de la gestion des organisations à travers le diagnostic de l'adoption des systèmes d'information et une compréhension des comportements et perceptions humains qui permettra une meilleure prédiction du succès ou de l'échec et donc une gestion organisationnelle optimale. Selon la littérature grise, malgré le fait que le taux d'échec était en déclin durant les dernières années, le taux de succès demeure presque stable. Nos résultats empiriques confirment la dépendance entre le succès et l'échec, ce qui permettra d'avoir une meilleure visibilité sur le taux réel du succès et de l'échec de l'adoption des systèmes d'information. Notre étude étend le modèle de TTF (Technology Fit Model), largement utilisé en TI (technologie de l'information). Elle intègre d'autres facteurs qui peuvent expliquer la performance de l'entreprise. Le nouveau modèle conceptuel permettra aux praticiens de mieux comprendre l'impact de l'utilisation sur la performance de l'entreprise, la performance individuelle et celle des processus d'affaires. Les résultats de notre étude incitent les praticiens à mettre en place des mesures de performance intégrant la qualité du système, la facilité de son utilisation, la performance individuelle et la performance des processus d'affaires. Ces facteurs ont un impact direct et indirect sur la performance financière et non financière de l'entreprise. Finalement, des recherches empiriques s'avèrent nécessaires pour évaluer l'impact de ces facteurs à travers différentes frontières contextuelles et culturelles. Les études futures doivent considérer d'autres facteurs comme la sécurité, qui de nos jours, devient une priorité afin de mieux comprendre l'effet de l'utilisation sur la satisfaction des utilisateurs et la performance de l'entreprise.

Une armée révolutionnaire : la guerre d'Algérie du 5e bureau / A revolutionnay army : the fifth bureau's Algerian war

Leroux, Denis 10 December 2018 (has links)
Durant la guerre d'Algérie, des officiers français ont pensé l'armée et son action comme révolutionnaire. Il s'agissait pour eux de réformer radicalement l'institution militaire, en l'adaptant à un conflit présenté comme une guerre révolutionnaire menée par le communisme dont l'enjeu est le contrôle politique de la population. Cette armée révolutionnaire se devait de participer à la modernisation de l'Algérie, intégrant les Algériens au corps social français, permettant l'émergence d'une «Algérie nouvelle». Afin de réaliser cet objectif, ces officiers prônaient un durcissement autoritaire de l'État à même de contrer la subversion communiste. Cette thèse explore cette armée révolutionnaire, dont elle s'attache à saisir les racines, le contenu et les conséquences, à travers l'étude des 5es bureaux, bureaux d'état-major chargés de mener l'action psychologique de 1955 à 1960, à la fois propagandistes, commissaires politiques et théoriciens de l'action politico-militaire. Elle se penche, à travers une approche prosopographique, sur les parcours individuels et collectifs de ses officiers. Elle analyse les logiques institutionnelles, les discours et les pratiques des 5es bureaux. Elle met en lumière l'action politique de l'armée lors de la crise de mai et juin 1958 à travers la mobilisation autoritaire des Algériens lors de manifestations de fraternisation mettant en scène l'adhésion des colonisés à un ordre coloniale rénové. Ce projet se heurte à l'opposition de plus en plus claire du pouvoir gaulliste qui dissout les 5es bureaux en février 1960, suite à la semaine des barricades, mais surtout à une mécompréhension systématique de la situation politique algérienne. / During the Algerian War, French officers considered the army and its action as revolutionary. They aimed to radically reform military institutions, adapting them to a conflict perceived as a revolutionary war led by communism whose goal was the political control of the population. This revolutionary army had to participate in the modernization of Algeria, integrating Algerians into the French social body, allowing the emergence of an "Algérie nouvelle". In order to achieve this goal, these officers advocated an authoritarian hardening of the state capable of countering communist subversion. This thesis explores the roots, content and consequences of this revolutionary army through the study of the 5th bureau : the staff officers responsible for conducting psychological action from 1955 to 1960, as well the propagandists, political commissars and theoreticians of politico-military action. It employs a prospography of the individual and collective career trajectories of these officers, and analyzes the institutional logics; discourses, and the practices of the 5th bureaus. Tt highlights the political action of the army during the crisis of May and June 1958 through the authoritarian mobilization of Algerians for fraternization demonstrations that aimed to evince Algerians' commitment to a renovated colonial order. This project was defeated by the cleat opposition of the Gaullist state, which dissolved the 5th Bureaus in February 1960 following the week of the barricades uprising, but particularly by its systematic misunderstanding of the Algerian political situation.

Les officiers français des 2e et 5e bureaux de l’état-major de l’armée (août 1919-juin 1919) / The french officers of the 2e and 5e bureaux in the headquarters of the War Office 1914, August - 1919, June

Bourlet, Michaël 21 November 2009 (has links)
Au début du XXe siècle, le 2e bureau incarne le renseignement militaire à l’état-major de l’armée à Paris. Entre août 1914 et juin 1919, 366 officiers servent dans cette administration secrète du ministère de la Guerre. Ce travail, qui a pour objet une histoire des services dits spéciaux à travers le prisme des dossiers individuels, comprend trois axes : une étude institutionnelle, une étude prosopographique et un dictionnaire biographique. En moins de quatre années, le dispositif de renseignement à l’EMA étend ses activités à des champs nouveaux (économie, politique, diplomatie, coopération interalliée). Ce développement passe par plusieurs réformes structurelles profondes. Pour mener à bien ces activités, le renseignement à l’EMA connaît un accroissement inédit de son personnel et un élargissement du recrutement, qui concerne en particulier les officiers de réserve. Les élites intellectuelles et économiques de la Nation occupent alors une place de choix dans cette organisation. Une fois la guerre terminée, le 2e bureau retrouve sa spécificité militaire. / At the beginning of the 20th century, the “2e bureau” embodied military intelligence at the headquarters of the War Office in Paris. Between August 1914 and June 1919, 366 officers served in this secret administration of the War Office. Through individual files and with the aim of relating the history of services known as special services, this thesis is made up of three main lines: first, an institutional study, then a prosopographic study and finally a biographical dictionary. In less than four years, the intelligence plan set up at the EMA (État-major de l’armée) opened to new fields (economy, politics, diplomacy, inter-allied cooperation). This development went through deep structural reforms. In order to bring its activities to a successful conclusion, the “2e bureau” increased personnel and recruitment, which applied to reserve officers in particular. The intellectual and economic elites of the Nation would then occupy a place of choice in this organisation. Once the war was over, the “2e bureau” was back in charge of purely military matters.

Europeiska mötesdestinationer : En jämförelsestudie om professionella möten & mötesindustrin i Stockholm, Warszawa & Rom

Kyritsis Froelich, Nikolaos Christian, Keding, Caroline, Margarone, Luisa January 2011 (has links)
The meeting industry is a growing industry around the world, and the technological development in recent decades is one of the contributing factors to the increased travel opportunities and meeting industry's expansion. It can be assumed that the technology could replace some of the personal meetings, but humans have always had a need to meet in physical locations in work related purposes, therefore there is no evidence that personal meetings will disappear. Technological development should be seen as complementary rather than a substitute to the existing professional meetings. Public and private sectors within countries has drawn attention to meeting industry's potential, as favored destinations in terms of economic administration, image creation, expansion and acquisition of further market share in the global market. Meeting industry is complex precisely because there are so many different actors and stakeholders that integrate. For a destination to differentiate them and excel in the increasingly global world needed an elaborate marketing plan and effective cooperation between the various actors at the destination. Usually the largest professional meetings takes place in cities where there is capacity to receive large numbers of visitors. Essential elements for sustainable meeting industry are mutually dependent network relationships with strong organizational skills, and are of primary importance to a functioning whole. Among the various meeting actors, Convention Bureau occupy key role as the representative, the primary aim is to market the destination, display options, and finally bring together stakeholders with meeting participants. Lack of a Convention Bureau inhibit communication between meeting participants and stakeholders, also weakened the meeting related image because of incomplete representation.

Estudo da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos: estudo de caso na rede de informações de crédito

Oliveira Filho, Sebastião Ronaldo de 19 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:51:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 60127.PDF.jpg: 12673 bytes, checksum: d8ca626e65adc54cf86d68f498201ddf (MD5) 60127.PDF: 2340960 bytes, checksum: 46ebdc9324e9033a2f4511c0b242a0b3 (MD5) 60127.PDF.txt: 282290 bytes, checksum: 614894c46ded6421dafc94cb15453abe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-19T00:00:00Z / Nowadays, consumer market globalization has urged companies to broaden their sales of goods and services to consumers all around the world. Credit availability, bor for consumers and companies, is a key success factor for improving financial standards of countries and their people. Notwithstanding, the lack of consumer information data in the market increases sales uncertainties and risks. It may increase default and frauds, thus leading to increasing sales costs. This scenario has favored the development of information companies (Credit Bureau), which are specialized in gathering and assuring trustful information on consumers and companies, as well as, the analysis of such information tailored to their customers' needs. The aim of this paper is to access the connections make up an information network and how information market has developed and currently interacts in Brazil. This paper relates to supply and network chain management, once it accesses horizontal liaisons, retro-feeding and mutual data exchange among a variety of players. After a series of ompany, clients and suppliers, interviews for evaluating their information networks, this paper proposes a value diagram for credit information in the buying process. This research presents the main performance features of both information supply and productive chains, by analyzing a case study o a company's process of capturing, analyzing and distribution of information. The conclusion of this paper states the positive outcomes of an analysis of a company's information supply chain network for their commercial relationships strategy. / Atualmente, a globalização dos mercados consumidores tem feito com que as empresas procurem ampliar suas vendas de produtos e serviços para consumidores ao redor de todo o mundo. O crédito para pessoas físicas e jurídicas figura hoje em dia como grande fator para a melhoria das condições financeiras a população e do país. Entretanto, a ausência de dados e informações no mercado a respeito dos consumidores, aumenta a incerteza e o risco no momento da venda de produtos e serviço e gera problemas como a inadimplência e a fraude, o que por sua vez, implica em um aumento dos custos de venda. Tais riscos propiciaram o surgimento de empresas de serviços de dados, especialistas em coleta e garantia das informações sobre consumidores e empresas, bem como na análise deste tipo de informação com uma orientação voltada aos clientes que possuem essa necessidade. O propósito dessa pesquisa é ampliar os conhecimentos sobre os relacionamentos nessa rede de informações e como esse mercado se desenvolveu a atualmente interage no Brasil. A pesquisa se aplica à Gestão das Cadeias e Redes de Suprimentos, visto que os relacionamentos envolvem ligações laterais, retro-alimentação, trocas mútuas com os diversos atores. É proposto um diagrama do valor das informações de crédito nos processos de compra, tendo sido entrevistadas empresas clientes e fornecedores em vista a enfatizar a evolução da rede de relacionamentos que tais informações envolvem. A pesquisa apresenta os principais aspectos de desempenho dessa rede de suprimentos e sua cadeia produtiva, tendo sido analisado, dentro de um caso de estudo, o tratamento dado às informações, e seu processo de coleta e distribuição. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que existem benefícios nesse tipo de estudo, junto às estratégias de relacionamentos, dentro de uma Rede de Suprimento voltado à informação.

Agriculture, Dams, and Weather

Mirghasemi, Seyedeh Soudeh January 2015 (has links)
The first chapter investigates whether construction of the Bureau of Reclamation dams in the early twentieth century raise farm values and increase agricultural output? I construct a new county level panel data set from 1890 to 1920 with information on geography, climate, politics, agriculture, and major dams and then evaluate the effect of the Bureau of Reclamation dams on the value of farms and on crop productivity. Using fixed effect panel estimation, I find that new federal dam construction increased the average value of farm land by approximately 6.4 percent. When I apply an instrument to control for potential endogeneity, the effect of Bureau dams on the farm land value increases in size, although the estimate is no longer statistically significant. When examining the crop output, the only crop for which the dams had effects was alfalfa. In the second chapter I investigate the effect of the geographic, economic and political factors on dam construction at the beginning of the Bureau of Reclamation's operation in the American West. Applying county level data which has been linked from various data sources for the time period of 1900 to 1910, I show that the percentage of votes for Republicans in presidential elections has a significant and positive effect on major dam construction. The last chapter investigates the effect of climate change on US agriculture using county-level data from 1997 to 2007. Compared to previous contributions, we pay particular attention to the spatial heterogeneity across the climate zones and include the presence of extreme weather events. The lack of consideration for both effects may have led previous works to generate biased estimates and incorrect impact forecasts. While current approaches use projected climate variables derived from coarse resolution Global Climate Models (GCMs), we use data at a much finer resolution by relying on dynamically downscaled simulation data. Further, we pay particular attention to the spatial heterogeneity in the impact of climate among the climate zones. Chow-Wald tests indicate the presence of significant heterogeneity across zones in the effects of climate on land values.

Analýza marketingových aktivit vybraných regionů ČR v segmentu kongresového cestovního ruchu / Meeting industry marketing analysis of the selected regions in the Czech Republic

Luhanová, Eva January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate marketing activities of the regions Prague, Karlovy Vary and South Moravia in the area of meeting industry and to suggest recommendations to increase their marketing effectiveness in this area. In the theoretical part, the concept of destination marketing is explained and the meeting industry is characterized. In the practical part, the prerequisites of the Czech Republic for meeting industry are assessed. Subsequently, the potential of each individual region is evaluated as well as their marketing and especially promotional activities. For the overall evaluation the SWOT analysis is used. Finally, by means of synthesis, the recommendations to improve marketing presentation of the Czech Republic and individual regions as convention destinations are formulated.

Tuberculosis and compensation: A study of a selection of Basotho mineworkiers from Maseru district

Budiaki, Lugemba 17 November 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 0105964W - MPH research report - Faculty of Health Sciences / The Employment Bureau for Africa (TEBA Limited) established in 1902 recruits mineworkers from Lesotho and neighbouring countries for South African mines. Information on mineworkers’ health and welfare from Lesotho is scarce. Tuberculosis prevalence ranged between 159/100000 and 506/100000 from 1991 to 2001 in Lesotho. This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the proportion of mineworkers affected with tuberculosis among adult male patients attending TB clinics in Maseru District’s three main hospitals and ascertain compensation of mineworkers affected by occupational lung disease including tuberculosis. A structured questionnaire was used to interview 421 adult male TB patients at Queen Elizabeth II, Saint Joseph and Scott hospitals in Maseru. 38.5% of participants in the study were mineworkers (former and active) in South African mines. Among these mineworkers, 70.4% were employed in goldmines. 30.7% of mineworkers were considered eligible for compensation. 42 mineworkers received compensation for previous and current tuberculosis whilst 33 mineworkers had not.

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