Spelling suggestions: "subject:"burial"" "subject:"curial""
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Das igrejas ao cemiterio : politicas publicas sobre a morte no Recife do Seculo XIXSial, Vanessa Viviane de Castro 24 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Sidney Chalhoub / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T02:09:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Esta dissertação analisa, a partir do projeto de construção do Cemitério Público Bom Jesus da Redenção no Recife do século XIX, como se deram as transformações dos costumes fúnebres, mediante a imposição de normas sanitárias relacionadas às práticas funerárias tradicionais, que eram entendidas pelos médicos higienistas como um dos fatores de propagação das epidemias. Neste sentido, os cemitérios extramuros desencadearam novas práticas culturais e adaptações nas atitudes diante da morte. Os médicos higienistas, que influenciaram decisivamente na elaboração e aprovação destas normas sanitárias pelo poder público, acreditavam que os corpos cadavéricos eram possíveis focos de emanações miasmáticas, sendo agentes de grande poder de infecção do ar, causadores de toda sorte de epidemias na cidade. A proibição dos sepultamentos nas igrejas gerou múltiplos pontos de discussão e conflitos na sociedade recifense do século XIX, assim como ocorreu em várias outras cidades brasileiras: dentro do poder público, na elaboração de leis e regulamentos para as novas práticas fúnebres, como também na população, que viu suas crenças mais íntimas
ameaçadas, sobretudo entre membros de irmandades religiosas e os emergentes comerciantes dos novos serviços mortuários. Ademais, o estudo das transformações dos costumes fúnebres foi fundamental para a compreensão do conflito entre a Igreja e o Estado na segunda metade do século XIX, sobretudo pela negação da Igreja em conceber o direito dos não-católicos a serem sepultados nos cemitérios públicos, interpretados
como elementos decisivos no processo de secularização da morte no Brasil oitocentista / Abstract: From the study of the construction project of the Public Cemetery Bom Jesus da Redenção, in the XIXth century Recife, this work analyses how the traditional funerary customs were modified after the imposed new sanitary norms. In this sense, the outdoor cemeteries triggered new cultural practices and new adapted attitudes related to death. The hygienist physicians, decisively influencing the elaboration and approval of these norms by the public authorities, believed that the dead bodies were possible focuses of miasmatic emanations, becoming powerful infectious agents of the air, and sources of all possible epidemies in the city. The prohibition of burials inside churches originated many arguments and conflicts in the Recife's society of the XIX century, as also happened in other Brazilian cities: into the public authority, in the elaboration of laws and regulations regarding the new burial practices, as well as in the population, that perceived as menaced its most intimate burial practices, mostly between those belonging to religious fraternities and emerging dealers of the new funereal services. Besides, the study of the transformations of the funereal customs was fundamental to the understanding of the conflict between Church and State in the second half of the XIX century, mostly because of the Church refusal in accept the right of the non-catholic to be buried in the public cemeteries, viewed as decisive elements for the secularization of the death in the eighteenth century Brazil / Mestrado / Historia Social / Mestre em História
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Náhrobní mříž v českých zemích v období raného novověku. Mříž a hrobový prostor 1550-1740 / Sepulchral Ironwork in Early Modern Bohemia. Ironwork and Sepulchral Environment between 1550-1740Gandalovičová, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
The text deals with various types of ironwork from ca 1550-1740, which we can encounter in sepulchral spaces in Bohemia. The text includes notable examples of individual types of ironwork related to sepulchral monuments in Bohemia and even Central Europe, especially when the works were inspired by Bohemian examples. The main research subject matter of the dissertation is a typological group of ironwork that defined the space around a tombstone or mausoleum freely situated in a sacred environment, e.g. the most important cited work - the ironwork surrounding the Royal Mausoleum in Prague, or the ironwork surrounding the Cenotaph of Maxmilian I located in the Court Church of Innsbruck. Other types of ironwork related to sepulchral monuments are mentioned complementarily, such as ironwork closing off interior chapels, freely standing ironwork, and ironwork protecting sepulchral niches. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Osídlení Českého ráje v době lužických popelnicových polí / Settlement of Bohemian Paradise in the Period of Lusatian Urn FieldsŽilincová, Lucia January 2016 (has links)
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of arts Institute of Prehistory and Early History Lucia Žilincová SETTLEMENT OF BOHEMIAN PARADISE IN THE PERIOD OF LUSATIAN URN FIELDS Dissertation thesis Summary: The main aim of my dissertation thesis is to contribute to better understanding of the Bohemian Paradise settlement in the Lusatian urn fields period and its relation and contacts to the neighbouring areas. The basic source is archaeological material from seven cemeteries (Sovenice /bez. Mladá Boleslav/, Sovenice /bez. Nymburk/, Svijany, Svijanský Újezd, Koryta, Březina, Příšovice) and two settlements of the Lusatian culture (Turnov-Maškovy zahrady, Svijany). Its analysis is basis for enrichement knowledge of Lusatian material culture and its clue for completing of missing elements in chronological development. Inevitable part of this work is substitution of these localities to the Bomemian Paradise frame and classification in the wider space of this culture widespreading. On the base of acquired knowledge I will try to solve the question of possibility for comparation of the settlement and burial material of Lusatian culture. 2016
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Ein Huhnnachweis und andere Tierknochenfunde aus dem spätkaiserzeitlichen Gräberfeld Hemmoor II (Ldkr. Cuxhaven)Ewersen, Jörg 29 May 2019 (has links)
Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts wurde nahe der Ortschaft Hemmoor (Niedersachsen) ein kaiserzeitlicher
Urnenfriedhof entdeckt, aus dem die sogenannten Hemmoorer Eimer stammen. Die vorliegenden 32
Tierknochenreste wurden bei der anthropologischen Bestimmung der Knochenfunde aus sechs Eimern aussortiert.
Das wichtigste Fundstück ist ein Hühnerknochenfragment, daß mit seiner Datierung in den Zeitraum zwischen
dem Ende des 2. bis zur ersten Hälfte des 3. Jahrhunderts einen wichtigen Nachweis für den Beginn der
Haltung dieses Hausgeflügels darstellt. Die weiteren Knochenreste stammen überwiegend von Schafen oder
Ziegen. Die Altersbestimmung ergab, daß kaum eines der Tiere älter als zwei Jahre wurde. Bei diesen Stücken
fiel auf, daß es sich zumeist um Skelettreste aus den unteren Beinabschnitten handelt, die nur wenig Fleisch
tragen. / At the end of the 19th century close of the locality Hemmoor (Lower Saxony) an urn cemetery from
the time of the Roman Iron Age was discovered, on that the so-called Hemmoor situla were found. The 32 fragments
presented here were found during the anthropological examination of the cremated bone finds from six
situlae. The most important piece of the finds is a chicken bone fragment dated into the period between the end
of the 2nd up to the first half of the 3rd century. It represents an important evidence for the beginning of the
animal husbandry of house poultry. The further bone remainders come predominantly from sheep or goats. The
age determination resulted in that no one of the animals became hardly older than two years. In addition it was
noticeable that most remainders come from the bones of the lower limbs. That bones carry not a lot of meat.
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Sicheln als mittelalterliche und neuzeitliche Grabbeigaben in der SlowakeiReichenbach, Karin 29 May 2019 (has links)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit einem besonders aus dem mittleren Donauraum bekannten
frühmittelalterlichen bis neuzeitlichen Bestattungsbrauch, bei dem Sicheln als Grabbeigaben verwendet worden
sind. Dafür wurden exemplarisch alle publizierten Gräber mit Sicheln aus der Slowakei untersucht und Zusammenhänge
mit dem Sozialstatus der Bestatteten herausgearbeitet sowie allmähliche Veränderungen dieser Beigabensitte
seit dem hohen Mittelalter festgestellt. / This work is dealing with a burial rite using sickles as grave goods, which occured particularly in the
middle Danube region from early medieval up to early modern times. A systematic analysis including all published
graves containing sickles from the area of today Slovakia led to an interesting relation to the social status
of the buried persons and further results concerning chronological changes of this phenomena. / Práca sa zaoberá s kosákmi ako časť hrobového inventáru v stredoveku (Obr. 8). Doterajšie bádania
navrhovali rozdielne interpretácie tohto pohrebného zvyku. Kosák v hroboch bol vysvetlovaný ako zbraň,
prípadne súčasť bojovníkov alebo jazdcov (Obr. 6), ako osobné pracovné náradie mŕtveho alebo ako predmet
s ochrannou-magickou funkciou. Systematické vyhodnotenie všetkých hrobov, v ktorých sa našli kosáky na
území celého Slovenska vynášalo d’alšie výsledky čo sa týka tejto problematiky. Základ analýzy tvorilo 87
hrobov s kosákmi z 37 nálezisk (Obr. 1 a 2). Medzi tými sa nachádzalo aj 8 novovekých hrobov z 16.-18. stor.,
ktoré kvôli nedostatočným údajom zohrali len podradnú úlohu. Hroby, v ktorých sa nachádzal kosák boli
rozčlenené do 5 časových skupín, aby bolo možné sledovať chronologické vývoje (Obr. 3). Vyhodnotenie
ukazovalo, že mŕtvi pochovaní s kosákmi, boli často vystrojovaní s mnohými d’alšími predmetmi (Obr.7).
Približne jedna tretina sa ešte vyznamenala nezvyčajne početnými a cennými predmetmi pohrebného inventára a
nákladnou úpravou hrobovej jamy s neobyčajnými rozmermi a s drevenými konštrukciami. Mŕtvych
pochovaných s kosákom teda musíme zaradiť do vyššej polovice sociálnej hierarchie, čo hroby z avarskej a
veľkomoravskej doby najzreteľnejšie ukazovali. Pohrebné zvyky sa potom pod vplyvom prenikavej
kresťanísacie zjetnotili a sociálne rozdiely boli menej poznateľné. Význam kosákov v hrobe by teda mohol
súvisieť s vyšším sociálnym postavením mŕtveho. Lenže kosák kvôli jeho svojej malej hmotnej hodnote nemôže
platiť ako prestížny objekt a musíme vziať do úvahy jeho symbolické reprezentovanie sociálneho statu alebo
bohatstva. Avšak kosák aj ako predmet hrobového inventára, zostal pre všetkých viditeľné poľnohospodárské
náradie, mohli by sme ho interpretovať napríklad ako symbol pozemkového majetku. Zatiaľ ale chýbajú ešte
presné informácie o vývoji vlastníctva a pozemkového pánstva v strednodunajskej oblastí z ranného stredoveku,
ktoré by mohli pomôcť d’alej v tejto súvislostí. Vyhodnotenie d’alej ukazovalo, že zvyk, dať kosáky do hroba sa
menil v priebehu storočí. Na to poukázalo najprv zreteľné zmenšenie mužských jedincov pochovaných
s kosákom (Obr. 9) a častejší výskyt neúplných kosákov (Obr. 10). Okrem toho sa menilo uloženie kosáku
v hrobe. Na začiatku boli prevažne uložené do pánvy. Neskôr, predovšetkým od pokročilého 10. stor. až do
novoveku sa vyskytli na rozdielných miestach v hrobe (Obr. 11). Pôvodný význam sa teda pravdepodobne menil
alebo bol stratený.
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The big things bowed : the community ministry of Catholic funeral leaders in a rural South African contextWustenberg, Michael 06 1900 (has links)
Funeral leaders share the ministry of comfort with others. They make a specific religious contribution towards restoring life or decontaminating from death, which affects the faith and hope of the bereaved. Their ministry responds to a need of the bereaved by
affirming community in the face of death. It is based on spirituality and grounded in the biblical and apostolic tradition; it is carried out in a catholic contextualisation. The leaders' insertion into both the cultural background and the religious realm encourages
contextualisation. Their verbal proclamation is done in various ways and is linked to ritual. It reflects the three dimensions of the model employed in pastoral theology by taking life seriously, interpreting it in the light of faith, and leading a celebration that opens up the future of the participants. The leaders' proclamation is sincere when they link cultural family-procedures and church rituals in a parallel way. Sincerity suffers when community leaders, used to provide a comprehensive service, cannot preside over the promised celebration of the Eucharist, which could be the culmination of the rite of passage. Their ministry remains incomplete because of factors beyond their
control. It nevertheless contributes to justice in many ways, in particular by deploying local people. While the ministry is carried out independently, it depends on collaboration with the pastoral staff, in particular the priests. They safeguard the quality of ministry by
formation and through supervision. The collaborative formation contributes to the cultural insertion of the local and expatriate staff and enhances their competence. This collaborative ministry serves the bereaved, the community of faith, and theology. It allows the development of a contextualised liturgy, and a local theology. It is a step forward on the road towards a genuine form of community ministry in this particular African context. It corresponds with contemporary secular approaches towards leadership and management. African approaches emphasise the need for
contextualised management forms. They assume the compatibility of different practices employed in different contexts. The comprehensively grounded ministry seems to contribute to the avoidance or overcoming of some of the grave shortcomings of
ministry as provided in the past. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)
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Les « modèles » égyptiens en bois : matériau, fabrication, diffusion, de la fin de l’Ancien à la fin du Moyen Empire (env. 2350-1630 av. J.-C) / Egyptian Wooden Models : materials, manufacturing, spread, from the End of the Old Kingdom to the End of the Middle Kingdom (circ. 2350-1630 BC)Eschenbrenner-Diemer, Gersande 20 December 2013 (has links)
Le premier volume est consacré à l’analyse des matériaux et des techniques utilisées pour la fabrication des « modèles » funéraires, c’est-à-dire, les maquettes en bois représentant des personnages ou des scènes de la vie quotidienne, typiques du mobilier funéraire des élites entre la fin de l’Ancien et la fin du Moyen Empire (env. 2350-1630 av. J.-C.). Dans une première partie, axée sur le matériel provenant des sites de Saqqâra, Assiout et Meir, les traits stylistiques et techniques ont été examinés afin de définir des groupes d’objets et identifier des ateliers de production. Des critères de datation ont ensuite été définis et comparés aux autres pièces du mobilier funéraire découverts dans les sépultures étudiées. Suivant un déroulé chronologique depuis la fin de l’Ancien Empire, la deuxième partie se concentre sur les ateliers de fabrication et les contacts interrégionaux. Une attention particulière est portée au rapport qui unit pouvoir royal, élites et artisans au travers de l’envoi d’équipements funéraires et plus particulièrement des modèles en bois découverts de la région memphite à la Haute-Égypte. La troisième partie s’intéresse aux fonctions sociales, économiques et religieuses des modèles et examine plus particulièrement le rapport étroit qui unit ce mobilier et les pratiques funéraires entre la fin de l’Ancien et la fin du Moyen Empire. Le deuxième volume présente le corpus des modèles en bois examinés. Un troisième volume est consacré aux annexes.L’examen des modèles en bois, significatif de profonds changements politiques et religieux à l’origine de nouvelles coutumes et croyances funéraires entre la VIème et la XIIIème dynastie, précise le contexte géographique, historique et social associé à la fabrication et à l’utilisation de ce mobilier et permet d’affiner la perception du rapport entre artisans et pouvoir, rapport omniprésent dans la société égyptienne antique dès la période prédynastique. / The first part focuses on material analysis and process use for the manufacturing of funerary “models”. These wooden objects represent people or everyday scenes of life, used by Egyptian elites for funeral furniture between the end of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom (cir. 2350-1630 BC). In a first part, focused on objects from Saqqara, Assiut and Meir, the stylistic and technical features were examined to define groups of objects and workshops. Then, dating criteria were defined and compared with the funeral furniture discovered in the studied graves. According to one unwound chronological since the end of the Old Kingdom, the second part concentrates on workshops and interregional contacts. A particular attention is worn in the relationship between royal power, elites and craftsmen through the sending of funeral equipment and more particularly bare wooden models of the Memphite area to the Upper Egypt. The third part is interested in the social, economic and religious functions of the models and examines more particularly the narrow relationship which unites this furniture and the funeral practices between the end of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. The second volume presents the corpus of the examined wooden models. The third volume is dedicated to appendices. The examination of wooden models, significant of political and religious deep changes at the origin of new customs and funeral faiths between the VIth and the XIIIth dynasty, specifies the geographical, historic and social context associated with the manufacturing. The analysis of these objects allows refining the perception of the relationship between craftsmen and power, omnipresent in the Egyptian society from the Predynastic period.
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The big things bowed : the community ministry of Catholic funeral leaders in a rural South African contextWustenberg, Michael 06 1900 (has links)
Funeral leaders share the ministry of comfort with others. They make a specific religious contribution towards restoring life or decontaminating from death, which affects the faith and hope of the bereaved. Their ministry responds to a need of the bereaved by
affirming community in the face of death. It is based on spirituality and grounded in the biblical and apostolic tradition; it is carried out in a catholic contextualisation. The leaders' insertion into both the cultural background and the religious realm encourages
contextualisation. Their verbal proclamation is done in various ways and is linked to ritual. It reflects the three dimensions of the model employed in pastoral theology by taking life seriously, interpreting it in the light of faith, and leading a celebration that opens up the future of the participants. The leaders' proclamation is sincere when they link cultural family-procedures and church rituals in a parallel way. Sincerity suffers when community leaders, used to provide a comprehensive service, cannot preside over the promised celebration of the Eucharist, which could be the culmination of the rite of passage. Their ministry remains incomplete because of factors beyond their
control. It nevertheless contributes to justice in many ways, in particular by deploying local people. While the ministry is carried out independently, it depends on collaboration with the pastoral staff, in particular the priests. They safeguard the quality of ministry by
formation and through supervision. The collaborative formation contributes to the cultural insertion of the local and expatriate staff and enhances their competence. This collaborative ministry serves the bereaved, the community of faith, and theology. It allows the development of a contextualised liturgy, and a local theology. It is a step forward on the road towards a genuine form of community ministry in this particular African context. It corresponds with contemporary secular approaches towards leadership and management. African approaches emphasise the need for
contextualised management forms. They assume the compatibility of different practices employed in different contexts. The comprehensively grounded ministry seems to contribute to the avoidance or overcoming of some of the grave shortcomings of
ministry as provided in the past. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)
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