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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energy Release Rate Based Mechanism for the wear of Punches in Precision Blanking of High Strength Steel

Singh, Siddarth 27 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Etude théorique et expérimentale de l'usure des outils de découpe : influence sur la qualité des pièces décooupées / Theoretical and experimental study of the wear of blanking tools : influence on the quality of blanked pieces

Makich, Hamid 19 January 2011 (has links)
La qualité des pièces découpées pour les industries électroniques et micromécaniques est appréciée via trois critères principaux : le niveau de bavure, l’aspect du bord découpé et la précision dimensionnelle. Or, l’étude de la qualité des pièces découpées ne peut se faire sans une compréhension de l’usure des poinçons. Ainsi, des méthodes de mesure en continu et in situ de l’usure ont été mises au point et validées, soit l’activation superficielle et la mesure par double réplique. Ainsi, il a été possible de suivre l’influence d’un certain nombre de paramètres du procédé sur l’évolution de l’usure lors du découpage. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis au point une méthode de quantification de la bavure sur la totalité du contour découpé. Il a ainsi été possible d’étudier l’évolution de la bavure au cours de la découpe. L’aspect des bords découpés a été examiné grâce à des relevés topographiques permettant le suivi de son évolution. Ainsi, une corrélation entre la cinétique d’usure des poinçons et l’apparition de la bavure a été établi. De plus, une simulation expérimentale de l’usure des poinçons a été entreprise. Un dispositif expérimental de tribométrie a été conçu et installé sur la ligne de presse, simulant les conditions de frottement d’un poinçon sur une tôle. Il a permis d’évaluer l’abrasivité des tôlesminces vis-à-vis des poinçons. Par ailleurs, une modélisation numérique de l'opération de découpage par éléments finis a été entreprise, permettant d’approcher le profil d’usure d’un poinçon de géométrie cylindrique. Et par conséquent la possibilité de prédire son évolution en fonction du nombre de pièces découpées devient accessible en fonction des paramètres du procédé / The blanked parts quality for electronic and amicromechanical industry is assessed using threemain criterions: the burr amount, the appearance ofthe cut edge and dimensional accuracy. However, thestudy of the quality of the blanked pieces can not bedone without an understanding of the punches wear.Thus, methods for continuous and in-situ wearmeasurements have been developed and validated:Thin Layer Activation and measurement by doublereplica. Thus, it was possible to follow the influenceof process parameters on the wear evolution duringblanking.In addition, we have developed a method forquantifying the burr on the entire blanked contour. Itwas thus possible to study the evolution of the burrduring blanking. The appearance of the cut edges wasexamined by means of topographic survey for monitoringits evolution. Thus, a correlation between the kinetics ofpunches wear and the appearance of the burr has beenestablished. In addition, an experimental simulation ofpunches wear was undertaken. An experimentaltribometry was designed and installed on the press line,simulating the conditions of friction of a punch on onesheet. It evaluated the abrasiveness of thin sheets againstthe punches.Additionally, a numerical modelling of blanking wasundertaken to approach the wear profile of a punch ofcylindrical geometry. And therefore the ability to predictits evolution contingent on the number of blanked pieces becomes available depending on process parameters

Deformační a napěťová analýza lebečních fixátorů / Stress-strain analysis of cranial fixators

Klištinec, Dávid January 2018 (has links)
Zranenia hlavy si často vyžadujú lekársku starostlivosť, pri ktorej dochádza k stabilizácii alebo náhrade poškodeného tkaniva. Pre tento účel slúži kranioplastika, ktorá prinavracia pacientovi ochranný a kozmetický výsledok. Výber správneho materiálu kraniálneho implantátu je veľmi podstatný. Naviac potrebuje správny druh fixácie, ktorá ho udrží na mieste a predíde sa tak nedovolenému pohybu implantátu počas bežného života pacienta. Táto práca analyzuje deformačné a napäťové stavy dvoch druhov fixačných plátov prichytených na PMMA implantáte a ich mechanickej odozvy na rozličné záťažné podmienky spôsobené rôznymi stavmi kraniálnej hypertenzie a silou pôsobiacou na sústavu z exteriéru.

Estudo da formação da rebarba no fresamento de faceamento de ferro fundido vermicular utilizado em blocos de motores diesel. / Study of burr formation after face milling of CGI used in engine blocks.

Santos, Marcelo Otávio dos 30 November 2012 (has links)
Visto o alto custo gasto nas linhas de usinagem com processos de rebarbação e a crescente demanda na utilização do ferro fundido vermicular, principalmente em motores diesel, este trabalho visou investigar as rebarbas formadas no fresamento de faceamento em uma face similar à face de fogo de um bloco de motor de ferro fundido vermicular FV450. Foram utilizados insertos de metal duro em fresas de facear com 100 mm de diâmetro. Os ensaios foram divididos em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foi estudada a influência da geometria da ferramenta e a formação da rebarba remanescente. Na segunda etapa foram aplicados os melhores resultados obtidos durante os ensaios da primeira etapa. Um planejamento fatorial completo foi utilizado para a determinação da quantidade de ensaios desta etapa, variando-se a velocidade de corte, o avanço, a profundidade de corte e o desgaste de flanco. A medição da rebarba foi realizada em duas posições diferentes na borda da peça em questão, gerando assim dois ângulos diferentes de saída da ferramenta da peça. Verificou-se que a altura da rebarba foi menor quando se utilizou insertos de geometria mais positiva. O desgaste e o ângulo de saída da peça interferiram de forma significativa no tamanho da rebarba. Também verificou-se a redução da rebarba com o aumento do avanço e da velocidade de corte e com a diminuição da profundidade de corte. Através do software STATISTICA 8.0 foram obtidos os valores dos efeitos principais e das interações, juntamente com o intervalo de confiança e erro padrão. Por fim o planejamento adotado permitiu a elaboração de um modelo empírico capaz de predizer a altura da rebarba. / Since the high cost spent on machining lines with deburring processes and the growing demand in the use of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI), especially in diesel engines, this work aims to investigate the burr formation mechanisms during face milling of CGI FV450, in a face similar to the combustion face of an engine cylinder block. Carbide inserts were used in a 100 mm of diameter milling cutter. The tests were divided into two stages. In the first stage the following variables were studied: tool geometry and milling with remaining burrs from previous milling. In the second stage, were applied the best results obtained during the tests of the first stage. A Complete Factorial Planning was used to specify the amount of experiments, varying cutting speed, feed rate, cutting depth and the flank wear. The burrs measurement was performed in two different positions of the workpiece exit border, generating two different exit angle from the workpiece. It was found that the burr height was lower with more positive geometry. The wear of the tool and exit angle from the workpiece interfered significantly the burr height. It was observed the decrease of the burr height with the increase of the feed rate and cutting speed and with the decrease of the cutting depth. Through the software STATISTICA 8.0 values were obtained for main effects and interactions, along with confidence intervals and standard error. Finally, the plan adopted allowed the development of an empirical model capable of predicting the burr height.

Estudo da formação da rebarba no fresamento de faceamento de ferro fundido vermicular utilizado em blocos de motores diesel. / Study of burr formation after face milling of CGI used in engine blocks.

Marcelo Otávio dos Santos 30 November 2012 (has links)
Visto o alto custo gasto nas linhas de usinagem com processos de rebarbação e a crescente demanda na utilização do ferro fundido vermicular, principalmente em motores diesel, este trabalho visou investigar as rebarbas formadas no fresamento de faceamento em uma face similar à face de fogo de um bloco de motor de ferro fundido vermicular FV450. Foram utilizados insertos de metal duro em fresas de facear com 100 mm de diâmetro. Os ensaios foram divididos em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foi estudada a influência da geometria da ferramenta e a formação da rebarba remanescente. Na segunda etapa foram aplicados os melhores resultados obtidos durante os ensaios da primeira etapa. Um planejamento fatorial completo foi utilizado para a determinação da quantidade de ensaios desta etapa, variando-se a velocidade de corte, o avanço, a profundidade de corte e o desgaste de flanco. A medição da rebarba foi realizada em duas posições diferentes na borda da peça em questão, gerando assim dois ângulos diferentes de saída da ferramenta da peça. Verificou-se que a altura da rebarba foi menor quando se utilizou insertos de geometria mais positiva. O desgaste e o ângulo de saída da peça interferiram de forma significativa no tamanho da rebarba. Também verificou-se a redução da rebarba com o aumento do avanço e da velocidade de corte e com a diminuição da profundidade de corte. Através do software STATISTICA 8.0 foram obtidos os valores dos efeitos principais e das interações, juntamente com o intervalo de confiança e erro padrão. Por fim o planejamento adotado permitiu a elaboração de um modelo empírico capaz de predizer a altura da rebarba. / Since the high cost spent on machining lines with deburring processes and the growing demand in the use of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI), especially in diesel engines, this work aims to investigate the burr formation mechanisms during face milling of CGI FV450, in a face similar to the combustion face of an engine cylinder block. Carbide inserts were used in a 100 mm of diameter milling cutter. The tests were divided into two stages. In the first stage the following variables were studied: tool geometry and milling with remaining burrs from previous milling. In the second stage, were applied the best results obtained during the tests of the first stage. A Complete Factorial Planning was used to specify the amount of experiments, varying cutting speed, feed rate, cutting depth and the flank wear. The burrs measurement was performed in two different positions of the workpiece exit border, generating two different exit angle from the workpiece. It was found that the burr height was lower with more positive geometry. The wear of the tool and exit angle from the workpiece interfered significantly the burr height. It was observed the decrease of the burr height with the increase of the feed rate and cutting speed and with the decrease of the cutting depth. Through the software STATISTICA 8.0 values were obtained for main effects and interactions, along with confidence intervals and standard error. Finally, the plan adopted allowed the development of an empirical model capable of predicting the burr height.

Caractérisation mécanique de la loupe de thuya (Tetraclinis Articulata (Vahl) Masters) en vue de sa valorisation / Mechanical characterization of the thuya burr wood (Tetraclinis Articulata (Vahl) Masters) in view of its valorization

El Mouridi, Mohammed 15 December 2011 (has links)
La loupe de thuya joue un rôle économique et social important pour le secteur artisanal marocain. Ces dernières décennies, pour répondre à une forte demande, le bois de la loupe de thuya a été surexploité entraînant une dégradation importante des forêts de thuya marocaines. Une réponse possible à cette problématique, à court terme, consiste à limiter les déchets d'usinage. Cette voie d'investigation passe par la caractérisation du matériau et notamment l'identification de son réseau de symétries matérielles. L'objectif de ce travail est donc de caractériser le bois de la loupe de thuya (Tetraclinis articulata (vahl) Masters) dont le comportement mécanique n'a pas été étudié jusqu'à présent. Pour atteindre cet objectif, on passe tout d'abord par une caractérisation multi-échelle. A l'échelle globale, la caractérisation est réalisée en étudiant la structure interne d'une loupe entière par tomographie X, et plus particulièrement la distribution des excroissances foncées caractéristiques de la loupe. Cette étude macroscopique est complétée, à l'échelle microscopique, par une analyse comparative de coupes anatomiques de bois de thuya et de loupe. À l'échelle du matériau, le bois de la loupe est caractérisé en étudiant la dispersion de sa rigidité par une méthode ultrasonore par contact direct. L'étude plus approfondie du comportement mécanique a nécessité la mise au point d'une méthode ultrasonore par contact direct sur des échantillons sphériques afin d'identifier les symétries matérielles d'un matériau. Cette méthode, appliquée au bois de la loupe de thuya, montre que la loupe a un comportement isotrope transverse. Par conséquent, il ne présente pas les mêmes symétries naturelles que le bois présent dans le tronc du même arbre. Cette méthode ne permet pas d'obtenir la matrice de rigidité complète : dans le cas d'un matériau orthotrope, elle donne accès aux 3 termes diagonaux de la matrice et à 3 combinaisons linéaires des 6 autres termes. Pour identifier complètement la matrice de rigidité, nous proposons, en perspective, l'utilisation de la Spectroscopie Ultrasonore Résonante (RUS). Le couplage de la méthode ultrasonore par contact direct développée et de la méthode RUS permettra de déterminer les symétries matérielles et la matrice de rigidité sur le même échantillon. Enfin, des coupes obtenues par tomographie X peuvent être superposées aux graphes de rigidité pour analyser la relation entre la structure interne et le comportement élastique de la loupe de thuya. / The wood of thuja burr plays an important economic and social role for the Moroccan artisanal sector. In last decades, as demand increased, thuja burr was overexploited resulting in an important degradation of Moroccan thuja forests. One possible solution, in the short term, consists in limiting waste machining. This approach requires the characterization of the material, especially of its materiel symmetries. This work aims thus at characterizing the wood of thuja burr (Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Masters), that was little studied up to now. First, a multi-scale characterization is proposed. At the global scale, the internal structure of an entire thuja is observed using X ray tomography, especially the distribution of dark growth elements typical of thuja burr. This macroscopic characterization is completed, at the microscopic scale, by a comparative analysis of anatomical microsections of thuja wood and thuja burr. At the material scale, the dispersion of the thuja burr stiffness is observed using a direct contact ultrasonic method. In order to progress further in the study of the mechanical anisotropy, a direct contact ultrasonic method for spherical samples is developed allowing to identify material symmetries. By applying this method to the thuja burr wood, a transverse isotropic behaviour is observed. Hence thuja burr wood does not exhibit the same natural symmetries as what is found in the trunk of the same tree. However, this method does not yield the complete stiffness matrix. In the case of an orthotropic material, it gives the access to 3 diagonal terms of the matrix and 3 linear combinations of the six other terms. The use of Resonance Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS) is proposed to identify the stiffness matrix completely: the coupling of the direct contact ultrasonic method developed and RUS method allows to determine the symmetries and stiffness matrix on the same sample. Finally, scanned images obtained by X-ray tomography can be superimposed on stiffness graphs to analyze the relationship between the internal structure and the elastic behavior of thuja burr.

Numerical Investigation into The Cutting Forces, Chip Formation Mechanism, and Burr Formation During Slot Milling of Laminated and 3d Printed CFRP Composites

Hassan, Md Mahmudul January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Mätning av skärgradshöjd på stål / Measurement of burr height onsteel

Svensson, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Idag beskärs en stålrulle inom stålindustrin i ett skärverk, stålrullarna delas tillmindre delband med dålig kontroll av skärgradshöjdens kvalitet. Stickprover tas manuelltvilket endast blir ett fåtal stickprover på en stålrulle som har 150 delband ochär 30 kilometer i längd. En hål omsändning för en stålrulle kostar upp mot en miljonkronor och har en negativ klimatpåverkan. En mjukvaruprototyp för detektering avskärgradshöjd med en referenslinje togs fram. Prototypen innehöll en ljussensor, tvåmotorer, en PC och en prototypkonstruktion. Varje uppgift i programvaran tilldeladesen egen tråd. Operativsystem, trådar och algoritmer prestanda testades för mätningav exekveringstider och periodtider. Resultatet visade att en skärgradsdetektorvar möjlig att realisera. Algoritmen för skärgradshöjd med referenslinje detekteradeskärgradshöjden där amplituden var tillräckligt stor. / Today, a steel roll is cut within the steel industry in a cutting factory, the steel rollsare divided to smaller part bands with poor control of the burr height quality. Samplesis taken manually, the amount of samples is too low to know the quality of thesteel roll, the steel rolls can be divided up to 150 times and the length will be 30 kilometers. A whole resend for one steel roll costs up against a million SEK and has anegative climatic impact. One software prototype for detection of burr heights witha reference line was programmed. The prototype contained one light sensor, two motors,a PC and one prototype construction. Each task in the software was allocatedan own thread. Operating systems, threads and algorithms was performance testedfor measurement of execution times and period times. The result showed that a burrheight detector where possible to implement. The algorithm could detect burrheights that were too large related to its reference line.

Vibration Assisted Drilling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer and Titanium Alloy for Aerospace Application

Hussein, Ramy January 2019 (has links)
The physical and mechanical characteristics of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) and Ti6Al4V make them widely used in the aerospace industry. The hybrid structure of CFRP/ Ti6Al4V material has been used in the new generation of aircraft manufacturing. The drilling process of these materials is often associated with unfavorable machining defects such as delamination, burr formation, reduced surface integrity, and tensile residual stresses. These machining defects are attributed to high thermal load, continuous chip morphology, and poor chips evacuation efficiency. Vibration-assisted drilling (VAD) uses an intermittent cutting process to control the uncut chip thickness and chip morphology. VAD has potential advantages include low thermal load, high chips evacuation effectiveness, and longer tool life. This thesis presents an experimental investigation into the effect of VAD machining parameters on the cutting energy, CFRP delamination, surface integrity, geometrical geometry, Ti6Al4V burr formation, induced residual stresses, and tool wear during the drilling process of CFRP, Ti6Al4V, and CFRP/Ti6Al4V stacked materials. Moreover, a kinematics model is developed to link the observed results to the independent machining parameters (i.e., cutting speed, feed rate, modulation amplitude, and modulation frequency). The experimental work covers a wide range of machining parameters using four levels of frequencies (83.3, 125, 1500, and 2150 Hz). The VAD results show up to 56 % reduction in the cutting temperature with a significant enhancement in the CFRP entry and exit delamination, geometrical accuracy, surface integrity, and burr formation. The use of VAD also generates compressive stresses, hence improving the part fatigue life. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Analyses expérimentales et modélisation de la formation de bavures dans l’alliage AlSi7Mg0,3+0,5Cu – Application en coupe orthogonale et en fraisage / Experimental analysis and burr formation modeling in the AlSi7Mg0.3+0.5Cu alloy –Application to orthogonal cutting and milling

Regnier, Tristan 14 December 2018 (has links)
Dans un contexte d’optimisation des lignes de production, la maîtrise de la qualité des pièces et des capacités machines est primordiale. Plusieurs études se sont intéressées à la formation des bavures en usinage mais les mécanismes sont encore peu connus, bien qu’un lien fort avec les efforts de coupe soit établi par divers auteurs. Ainsi, la maîtrise des efforts de coupe a un intérêt double : optimiser les lignes de production et servir de donnée d’entrée pour la prédiction de la taille des bavures. Cette étude propose donc de renforcer les connaissances concernant les mécanismes de formation des bavures générées par un outil en sortie matière, et de prédire les efforts de coupe en fraisage grande vitesse, dans l’alliage d’aluminium AlSi7Mg0,3+0,5Cu. Divers mécanismes de formation de bavures sont étudiés en coupe élémentaire. Une nouvelle méthode de mesure in situ permet d’identifier l’influence des conditions opératoires sur l’évolution statistique de critères géométriques caractérisant les bavures générées de façon hétérogène dans le cas de l’alliage étudié, dont le comportement est fortement dépendant de son état de contrainte local ainsi que de sa microstructure. Une analyse des champs de déplacement et déformation par corrélation d’images couplée ainsi qu’un modèle de simulation par éléments finis permettent d’identifier plus finement les mécanismes de formation des bavures. Le surfaçage est étudié pour modéliser les efforts de coupe puis comparer les efforts produits lors de la sortie des dents avec les caractéristiques des bavures obtenues. Enfin, une stratégie de minimisation de la hauteur des bavures en surfaçage à la fraise grande avance est étudiée. / In a context of production lines optimization, parts quality and machine capabilities control is essential. Several studies have been carried out on machining burr formation but the mechanisms are not fully understood, although a strong link between burrs formation and cutting forces is established by several authors. Hence, controlling the cutting forces has two advantages: optimize the production lines and be used as input data for a burr height model. This study proposes to consolidate the knowledge on burr formation mechanisms during the exit of a tooth, and to predict cutting forces during high speed milling of the AlSi7Mg0.7+0.5Cu alloy. Various burr formation mechanisms are studied in orthogonal cutting. A new in situ measurement method allows to identify the statistical influence of some operational conditions on the evolution of some newly introduced geometrical parameters defining the burrs heterogeneously formed in the case of the studied alloy, whose behavior strongly depends on its local stress state as well as its microstructure. A displacement and strain field analysis using Digital Image Correlation, as well as a finite element model provide a better understanding of the burr formation mechanisms. Face milling is studied to model cutting forces and compare the forces produced during the exit of a tooth to the obtained burr morphologies. Finally, a burr height reduction strategy is proposed using a high feed mill.

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