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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proving Ground Durability Simulations / Simulering av utmattning på provbana

Ramakrishnan, Siddharth January 2019 (has links)
Virtual durability simulations have been explored in the automotive industry to complement physical testing in designing durable vehicles. Simulations are useful to check the validity of the design before even building the prototype of the vehicle. They are also useful in checking the effect of changes in vehicle design to the durability of the vehicle. Buses are designed and tested for durability before they are sold to customers. Bus manufacturers use special test tracks consisting of different kinds of maneuvers/obstacles to test the buses for durability. Proving ground durability test schedules defines the combination of different test track maneuvers/obstacles at which the bus is to be run. The test schedules are created to achieve accelerated fatigue damage in the bus comparable with the fatigue damage occurring in typical customer usage. This thesis is an attempt to check if a proving ground durability test schedule can be simulated in a computer. A Multibody dynamic model of the bus with its constituent subsystems is modeled in a multibody simulation software MSC ADAMS. Sub-systems like bus chassis frame and axle are modeled as flexible as their dynamic properties are assumed to influence the simulation results. The virtual bus is run on the virtual version of the test tracks. Loads at suspension torque rods, anti-roll bars, axles and displacement of dampers are extracted from the simulation. The load signals are post-processed to derive fatigue damage. The simulation model is compared with the test results of a single standard test track maneuver. The simulation model is tuned by adjusting the parameters to match with the test results of the given maneuver. Finally, the tuned model is used to run the bus in a test schedule. Results achieved at the end of the thesis shows that well-tuned simulation model is necessary for simulating test schedules with enough accuracy. Comparison with test results are to be treated with caution as the conditions of the test bus should be exactly same as the simulation model; which is difficult to achieve. Future extension of the work involves improving the accuracy of simulations and using simulations to iterate new kinds of maneuvers/obstacles to improve existing test schedules. / Virtuell hållfasthetsprovning utnyttjats inom fordonsindustrin för att komplettera fysisk provning med avseende att konstruera hållfasta fordon. Simuleringar är användbara för att kontrollera designen innan första prototypen har byggts men även för att kontrollera hur hållfastheten påverkas av olika fordonskoncept. Bussar utvecklas och provas så att de ska klara målen för hållfasthet innan de säljs. Busstillverkarna använder speciella provbanor bestående av olika hinder och manövrar för att testa hållfastheten. Tillsammans med speciella provningsprogram som specificerar vilka provbanehinder och manövrar som bussen ska provas enligt kan hållfastheten säkerställas. Dessa provprogram är framtagna för att den accelererade utmattningen på provbanan ska matcha den utmattning bussen utsätt för hos kund. Denna avhandling undersöker huruvida provprogram kan utvecklas digitalt via simuleringar. Multidynamiska modeller av bussens delsystem modelleras i programvaran MSC ADAMS. Delsystem som buss chassi ram och axlar modelleras som flexibla då deras dynamik egenskaper anses påverka simuleringsresultaten. Den virtuella bussen provas på en digital provbanan. Krafterna i reaktionsstag, kränghämmare, axlar och förskjutningen i stötdämpare beräknas. Dessa kraft- och förskjutningssignalser används senare för att beräkna utmattning. Simulerade resultat av ett hinder jämförs med resultat från fysisk provning för att därefter justera vissa parametrar för att virtuella resultat ska matcha fysiska. Efter att modellen är optimerad kan slutligen delskadan för ett helt provprogram simuleras. Resultat visar på att en väll optimerad simuleringsmodell är nödvändig för att simulera fram provprogram med bra noggrannhet. Att jämföra simulerade resultat med fysiska ska göras med viss aktsamhet då den fysiska bussen bör vara identisk med den virtuella; vilket är mycket svårt att uppnå. Framtida arbete inom ämnet bör innefatta förbättringar av simuleringsnoggrannheten och använda simulering för framtagandet av nya hinder/manövrar för att förbättra befintliga provprogram.


Abdelaty, Hatem January 2021 (has links)
Battery electric buses (BEBs) bring several advantages to public transportation systems. With fixed routes and scheduled trips, the implementation of BEBs in the transit context is considered a seamless transition towards a zero greenhouse gases transit system. However, energy consumption uncertainty is a significant deterrent for mainstream implementation of BEBs. Demonstration and trial projects are often conducted to better understand the uncertainty in energy consumption (EC). However, the BEB's energy consumption varies due to uncertainty in operational, topological, and environmental attributes. This thesis aims at developing simulation, data-driven, and low-resolution models using big data to quantify the EC of BEBs, with the overarching goal of developing a comprehensive planning framework for BEB implementation in bus transit networks. This aim is achieved through four interwind objectives. 1) Quantify the operational and topological characteristics of bus transit networks using complex network theory. This objective provides a fundamental base to understanding the behaviour of bus transit networks under disruptive events. 2) Investigate the impacts of the vehicular, operational, topological, and external parameters on the EC of BEBs. 3) Develop and evaluate the feasibility of big-data analytics and data-driven models to numerically estimate BEB's EC. 4) Create an open-source low-resolution data-based framework to estimate the EC of BEBs. This framework integrates the modelling efforts in objectives 1-3 and offers practical knowledge for transit providers. Overall, the thesis provides genuine contributions to BEB research and offers a practical framework for addressing the EC uncertainty associated with BEB operation in the transit context. Further, the results offer transit planners the means to set up the optimum transit operations profile that improves BEB energy utilization, and in turn, reduces transit-related greenhouse gases. / Thesis / Doctor of Engineering (DEng)

Carbon dioxide abatement options for heavy-duty vehicles and future vehicle fleet scenarios for Finland, Sweden and Norway

Giacosa, Matteo January 2017 (has links)
Road transport is responsible for a significant share of the global GHG emissions. In order to address the increasing trend of road vehicle emissions, due to its heavy reliance on oil, Nordic countries have set ambitious goals and policies for the reduction of road transport GHG emissions. Despite the fact that the latest developments in the passenger car segment are leading towards the progressive electrification of the fleet, the decarbonization of heavy-duty vehicle segment presents significant challenges that are yet to be overcome. This study focuses, on the first part, on the regulatory framework of fuel economy standards of road vehicles, highlighting the absence of a European regulation on fuel efficiency for the heavy-duty sector. Energy efficiency technologies can be grouped mainly in vehicle technologies, driveline and powertrain technologies, and alternative fuels. The fuel efficiency of HDVs can be positively improved at different vehicle levels, but the technology benefit and its economic feasibility are heavily dependent on the vehicle type and the operational cycle considered. The electrification pathway has the potential of reducing the carbon emission to a great extent, but the current battery technologies have proven to be not cost efficient for the heavy vehicles, because of the high purchase price and the low range, related to the battery cost and inferior energy density compared to conventional liquid fuels.   A scenario development model has been created in order to estimate and quantify the impact of future developments and emission reduction measures in Finland, Sweden and Norway for the timeframe 2016-2050, with a focus on 2030 results. Two scenarios concerning the powertrain developments of heavy-duty vehicles and buses have been created, a conservative scenario and electric scenario, as well as vehicle efficiency improvements and fuel consumption scenarios. Additional sets of parameters have been estimated as input for the model, such as national transport need and load assumptions. The results highlight the challenges of achieving the national GHG emission reduction targets with the current measures in all three countries. The slow fleet renewal rates and the high forecasted increase of transport need limit the benefits of alternative and more efficient powertrains introduced in the fleet by new vehicles. The heavy-duty transport is expected to maintain its heavy reliance on diesel fuel and hinder the improvements of the light-duty segments. A holistic approach is needed to reduce the GHG emissions from road transport, including more efficient powertrains, higher biofuel shares and progressive electrification.

Strategies for regional deployment of hydrogen infrastructure : The case of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Di Molfetta, Roberto January 2022 (has links)
In response to the growing urge towards decarbonisation, more and more initiatives have been set to reduce and/or compensate the level of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emitted by human activities, which is one of the main responsible of the incumbent threats of “global warming” and “climate change”. “Climate neutrality by 2050” has become a decisive topic for political agendas worldwide and, against that background, the hydrogen economy can play a significant role. More and more countries have launched roadmaps and strategies for the creation of hydrogen value chains at national and international level. Also on regional scale, local integrated hydrogen ecosystems are growing, the so-called “Hydrogen Valleys”. These include German region North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), which officially presented a hydrogen roadmap in November 2020, establishing targets for both the short (2025) and medium terms (2030) for the adoption of hydrogen in the sectors of Mobility, Industry, Energy & Infrastructure. The purpose of the present thesis is to investigate techno-economic strategies for the introduction of a hydrogen infrastructure in NRW over the next 15 years (2035), enabling the achievement of the abovementioned targets. Moreover, being buses explicitly mentioned within NRW hydrogen roadmap, the present thesis focuses on strategies to ensure the optimal deployment of hydrogen buses within the region. The work is conducted with support from the research institute of Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany. A simulation model (H2MIND) developed by FZJ is taken as main research tool. The output from two other models by FZJ (FINE-NESTOR and FINE-Infrastructure, respectively), which defined the scenario behind the NRW H2 Roadmap, are reviewed and served as starting point for the adaptation of the H2MIND model. An integrative mapping activity regarding i) existing bus depots for NRW population mobility and ii) existing steel production sites in Germany serves the purpose of increasing the resolution of H2MIND model in the geospatial description of the potential hydrogen refuelling stations for bus companies in NRW. Both the hydrogen demand and production derived from FINE-NESTOR are distributed geospatially over Germany for the years 2025-2030-2035, according to the hydrogen-related technologies modelled within H2MIND. The demand is broken down into Buses, Trains, Cars, Heavy-Duty Vehicles (HDVs) and Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs), Material Handling Vehicles (MHVs), Industrial uses for Steel, Ammonia, Methanol and other Chemicals. The production is modelled around onshore wind power plants, steam methane reforming industrial locations and import. Four hydrogen supply chain pathways were compared by H2MIND simulations: i) transport and distribution by gaseous hydrogen trailers (‘GH2 trucks’), ii) transport and distribution by liquefied hydrogen trailers (‘LH2 trucks’), iii) transport via newly built hydrogen pipelines plus distribution via gaseous hydrogen trailers (‘new pipelines’), iv) transport via reassigned natural gas pipelines plus distribution via gaseous hydrogen trailers (‘reassigned NG pipelines’). The analysis and assessment of the H2MIND simulation results are conducted mainly on economic merit. The key variable used for the assessment is the weighted average Total Expense (TOTEX) [€/kg H2]. This comparison is carried out from global-cost perspective, then the cost breakdown is considered in order to identify specific features in the cost determination. The weighted average TOTEX is calculated also for the case of onsite renewable energy-based electrolysis at bus hydrogen refuelling stations, in order to understand how such a strategic choice could impact the overall hydrogen supply chain cost – various shares of self-sufficiency at bus depots are considered, ranging from 0% (fully centralized configuration, no self-sufficiency) to 100% (total self-sufficiency, complete independent). An overall three-fold increase in hydrogen demand is expected between the years 2025 and 2035 (from 450.72 kt/yr to 1,862.33 kt/yr in Germany, and from 177.87 kt/yr to 519.16 kt/yr in NRW). Both on national and regional level, the main demand driver is expected to shift from the Industrial sector (in 2025) to Mobility (in 2035). As for the geospatial distribution, NRW concentrates the highest hydrogen demand in the country, covering alone approximatively one third of the total German hydrogen demand. Within NRW, the relevance of a district depends on what hydrogen-consuming sector is considered. For Mobility and public transportation, based on the allocation factors used within H2MIND model, Köln ranks as the8 |district with highest demand in many mobility sectors. For buses, Aachen, Wuppertal, Düsseldorf are the three top cities in the ranking in addition to Köln. Recommendation is that investments focus on high hydrogen-demand districts during the start-up phase of infrastructure development (period 2025-2035), where higher utilization factors of the infrastructural assets are expected and financial risks are therefore minimized. Looking into the weighted average TOTEX for the four analysed pathways, gaseous hydrogen trailers (‘GH2 trucks’) are the most convenient option for connecting production and consumption during the start-up phase of infrastructure development (period 2025-2035). Growing cost competitiveness is expected for ‘reassigned NG pipelines’ after 2035, thanks to the increased hydrogen demand and the higher utilization factor for pipelines. For the period 2025-2035, a fully centralized hydrogen supply pathway is the best option for covering bus-related hydrogen demand in the introductory phase of hydrogen infrastructure creation, with cost parity for onsite electrolysis being expected for the future after 2035. / Som svar på kraven på minskade koldioxidutsläpp har fler och fler initiativ tagits för att minska och/eller kompensera nivån av CO2 (koldioxid) som släpps ut på grund av mänskliga aktiviteter, vilket är en av de främsta orsakerna till de nuvarande hoten om "global uppvärmning". ” och ”klimatförändringar”. "Klimatneutralitet till 2050" har blivit ett avgörande inslag på politiska agendor världen över och mot den bakgrunden kan vätgasekonomin spela en betydande roll. Fler och fler länder har lanserat färdplaner och strategier för att skapa värdekedjor för vätgas på nationell och internationell nivå. Även i regional skala växer lokala integrerade vätgas-ekosystem, de så kallade "vätgasdalarna". Dessa inkluderar den tyska regionen Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW), som officiellt presenterade en färdplan för vätgas i november 2020, som fastställde mål för både kort (2025) och medellång sikt (2030) för införandet av vätgas inom sektorerna rörlighet, industri, Energi & Infrastruktur. Syftet med denna avhandling är att undersöka tekniska och ekonomiska strategier för införandet av en vätgasinfrastruktur i NRW under de kommande 15 åren (2035), vilket gör det möjligt att uppnå ovan nämnda mål. Dessutom, eftersom bussar uttryckligen nämns i NRW:s vätgasfärdplan, fokuserar detta examensarbete på strategier för att säkerställa en optimal utplacering av vätgasbussar inom regionen. Arbetet bedrivs med stöd från forskningsinstitutet Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Nordrhein-Westfalen, Tyskland. En simuleringsmodell (H2MIND) utvecklad av FZJ används som huvudverktyg för forskning. Resultatet från två andra modeller av FZJ (FINE-NESTOR respektive FINE-Infrastructure), som definierade scenariot bakom NRW H2 Roadmap, granskas och tjänade som utgångspunkt för anpassningen av H2MIND-modellen. En integrerad kartläggning av i) befintliga bussdepåer för NRW-befolkningsrörlighet och ii) befintliga stålproduktionsanläggningar i Tyskland tjänar syftet att öka upplösningen av H2MIND-modellen i den geospatiala beskrivningen av potentiella vätgastankstationer för bussföretag i NRW. Både vätgasefterfrågan och produktionen från FINE-NESTOR distribueras geospatialt över Tyskland för åren 2025-2030-2035, enligt de vätgasrelaterade teknologierna som modelleras inom H2MIND. Efterfrågan är uppdelad i bussar, tåg, bilar, tunga fordon (HDV) och lätta kommersiella fordon (LCV), materialhanteringsfordon (MHV), industriell användning för stål, ammoniak, metanol och andra kemikalier. Produktionen är modellerad kring vindkraftverk på land, ångmetanreformerande industrilokaler och import. Fyra varianter av vätgasförsörjningskedjan jämfördes med H2MIND-simuleringar: i) transport och distribution med gasformiga vätgassläp ('GH2-lastbilar'), ii) transport och distribution med släp för flytande väte ('LH2-lastbilar'), iii) transport via nybyggda vätgas rörledningar plus distribution via släp för gasformigt vätgas (”nya pipelines”), iv) transport via tidigare naturgasledningar plus distribution via släp för gasformigt väte (”om-utnyttjade naturgasrörledningar”). Analysen och bedömningen av H2MIND-simuleringsresultaten utförs huvudsakligen på ekonomiska meriter. Den nyckelvariabel som används för bedömningen är den vägda genomsnittliga totala kostnaden (TOTEX) [€/kg H2]. Denna jämförelse görs ur ett globalt kostnadsperspektiv, sedan analyseras kostnadsfördelningen för att identifiera specifika egenskaper i kostnadsbestämningen. Det viktade genomsnittet av TOTEX beräknas även för fallet med elektrolys baserad på förnybar energi på plats vid vätgastankstationer för bussar, för att förstå hur ett sådant strategiskt val skulle kunna påverka den totala kostnaden för vätgasförsörjningskedjan – olika andelar av självförsörjning vid bussdepåer övervägs, allt från 0 % (helt centraliserad konfiguration, ingen självförsörjning) till 100 % (total självförsörjning, fullständigt oberoende). En övergripande trefaldig ökning av efterfrågan på vätgas förväntas mellan åren 2025 och 2035 (från 450,72 kt/år till 1 862,33 kt/år i Tyskland och från 177,87 kt/år till 519,16 kt/år i NRW). Både på nationell och regional nivå förväntas den främsta efterfrågedrivkraften flyttas från industrisektorn (2025) till mobilitet (2035). När det gäller den geospatiala fördelningen, koncentrerar NRW den högsta efterfrågan på vätgas i landet, och täcker ensam ungefär en tredjedel av det totala tyska vätgasbehovet. Inom NRW beror ett10 |distrikts relevans på vilken vätgasförbrukande sektor som betraktas. För Mobilitet och kollektivtrafik, baserat på allokeringsfaktorer som används inom H2MIND-modellen, rankas Köln som det distrikt med högst efterfrågan inom många mobilitetssektorer. För bussar är Aachen, Wuppertal, Düsseldorf de tre bästa städerna i rankingen förutom Köln. Rekommendation är att investeringar fokuserar på distrikt med hög efterfrågan på vätgas under uppstartsfasen av infrastrukturutveckling (perioden 2025–2035), där högre utnyttjandefaktorer av infrastrukturtillgångarna förväntas och finansiella risker därför minimeras. Om man tittar på det vägda genomsnittliga TOTEX för de fyra analyserade varianterna, är släp med väte i gasform (‘GH2-lastbilar’) det lämpligaste alternativet för att koppla samman produktion och konsumtion under uppstartsfasen av infrastrukturutvecklingen (perioden 2025–2035). Ökande kostnadsfördelar förväntas för "om-utnyttjade naturgasrörledningar" efter 2035, tack vare den ökade efterfrågan på vätgas och den högre utnyttjandefaktorn för rörledningar. För perioden 2025–2035 är en helt centraliserad vätgasförsörjningsväg det bästa alternativet för att täcka bussrelaterad efterfrågan på vätgas i den inledande fasen av etablerandet av en vätgasinfrastruktur, med kostnadsparitet för elektrolys på plats vilket förväntas vara lösningen efter 2035.

A BRT Corridor Through Stockholm’s Inner-city : Assessing the Operational Impacts of a BRT Corridor Along Bus Line 4 Using Microscopic Simulation

CARON MALUCELLI, FRANCISCO January 2020 (has links)
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridors and systems have emerged in the past three decades as affordablesolutions of medium capacity public transport services to highly urbanized areas, especially in LatinAmerica and Asia. In Stockholm, trunk bus lines have gained priority over mixed traffic over the yearsthrough exclusive bus lanes, signal priority, and reliability control, for example, but no complete BRTsolution has been implemented yet. Among the inner-city trunk lines, Line 4 is the most demanded witharound 70,000 passengers boarding the service daily. This thesis proposes, then, to assess theoperational impacts that BRT solutions as segregate median lanes, stations with off-board farecollection and platform level boarding and alighting through all bus doors, full signal priority andheadway control strategy, would have in bus Line 4, using a microscopic simulation approach. Twoscenarios were simulated, and the results compared to the existing conditions (Base Scenario).Scenario 1 considered a 5-minute headway service and Scenario 2, 3-minute headways. Overall, theproposed scenarios reduce travel times by 37.6-49.1%, increase average operational speeds (includingdwell times) by 60.4-96.6%, decrease dwell times by 57.9-65.6%, decrease delays by 18.4-36%,decrease vehicle occupancy rates by 3.5-44.9% and improve the Coefficient of Variation of theheadways from 0.83-0.85 in the Base Scenario to 0.1 in Scenario 1 and 0.2 in Scenario 2. As a resultof the reduction in travel times, a BRT service would need 13 buses to operate a 5-minute headwayand 21 buses for a 3-minute headway, against 27 vehicles that are used currently for a 4 to 6-minuteheadway during peak hour.

Policies and Practices for Improving Student Bus Behavior: A Delphi Study

Cornett, Joshua Stephen 17 November 2015 (has links)
Students' behavior on buses continues to be an issue that requires administrators to spend significant time investigating and applying consequences for the behavior (Neatrour, 1994; Pattington, 1945; Putnam, Handler, Ramirez-Plat, and Luiselli, 2003). The purpose of this study was to identify policies and practices that may improve student bus behavior. Two research questions were addressed: (a) What policies could school districts implement to facilitate the improvement of student bus behavior? (b) What practices could school districts implement to facilitate the improvement of student bus behavior? A three-round Delphi technique was used to conduct the research. The goal was to obtain consensus among experts on the policies and practices that school districts could implement to improve student bus behavior. A panel of 22 experts on student bus behavior participated in one or more rounds of the study. Panelists were selected based on their involvement with and knowledge of student bus behavior and their geographic location, using the five-region structure of the National Association for Pupil Transportation. This process resulted in a broad representation of experts on student bus behavior throughout the United States. The panel of experts included superintendents, directors of transportation, principals or assistant principals, bus drivers, presidents of out-sourced school transportation companies, authors, researchers, and members of the National Association for Pupil Transportation Board of Directors. Panelists recommended 19 policies and 284 practices for school districts to implement to improve student bus behavior. Based on the consensus of the panelists, student bus behavior could be improved if polices were enacted in eight areas: bus driver responsibility, stakeholder training, bus driver evaluation through observation, student consequences for assaulting a bus driver, bus ridership, bus surveillance technology, bus routes for special education students, and a district-wide universal transportation system with supporting programs. Panelists indicated that student bus behavior could be improved if practices were implemented in nine areas: stakeholder communication, bus driver knowledge, stakeholder training content, stakeholder training processes, stakeholder daily practices, the enforcement of policies and procedures, positive behavior support systems, data analysis, and a district advisory committee. / Ed. D.

Interfacing the IBM PC with the STD bus for multiprocessing

Datta, Diptish 14 November 2012 (has links)
The advent of the Personal Computer into the technical world has, at an extremely reasonable expense and trouble, made available to us, considerable computational power. But, as it was with computers, the next logical step is to have multiple units running in concert, or, in other words, sharing the load. This leads to the concept of Multiprocessing in order to attain an enhancement in operation speed and superior efficiency. The IBM PC is a versatile and market proven personal computer with a very large volume of software support and the STD Bus is a standard that has been developed to cope with a variable support, i.e. different processors and different I/O capabilities. Together, they combine the user interface - the display and keyboard · of the PC, the processing capabilities of the PC, the I/O capabilities of the STD Bus and the support processing possible on the STD Bus. The resulting system is powerful, easy to use and it has a lot of scope for development. / Master of Science

Air quality economics: Three essays

Yao, Zhenyu 17 June 2022 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three separate research projects. Each paper uses a different applied econometric technique to investigate problems related to air quality economics. The first chapter is a general introduction to all three studies. The second chapter explores adopting an environmentally-friendly public transportation system in Europe. The Bayesian econometric methods show that willingness to pay for a new public transportation system is primarily driven by improvements to public goods, such as air quality and greenhouse gas emission reduction. The third chapter uses the red tide-related stated experience and satellite imagery of chlorophyll-a concentration as well as field data of respiratory irritation. This chapter illustrates that ancillary scientific information can be efficiently combined with choice experimental data. The fourth chapter uses panel fixed-effect models to investigate the short-term effect of air pollution on students' cognitive performance in China. It is shown that PM2.5 has a significantly negative impact on students' exam performance. / Doctor of Philosophy / This dissertation consists of three separate research projects. The first chapter is a general introduction to all three chapters. The second chapter assesses residents' support for environmentally-friendly public transportation (EFPT) upgrades across Europe. We develop a novel Bayesian logit model to investigate residents' willingness to pay for local EFPT upgrades. We find evidence that WTP is primarily driven by expected improvements to public goods, such as air quality and greenhouse gas abatement, as opposed to private ridership benefits. WTP distributions are strongly positive in all nations suggesting implicit public support for EFPT in Europe. The third chapter presents a unique opportunity to validate stated experiences by Florida Gulf coast residents with red tide-related air toxins with satellite imagery of chlorophyll-a concentration, as well as field data on respiratory irritation at local beaches. We find that respondents are more likely to choose our proposed new harmful algal blooms forecast system when the chlorophyll-a concentration or respiratory irritation is higher at nearby coastal locations. Moreover, we illustrate that this ancillary scientific information can be efficiently combined with choice experimental data and consider this research a first step in a broader effort to directly link scientific data on environmental conditions with nonmarket economic outcomes. The fourth chapter investigates short-term exposure of air pollution on students' cognitive performance in a high-stakes exam: China's College English Test (CET). We use student fixed effects in the panel-data model to estimate the effect of air pollution on students' test scores. Our findings indicate a statistically significant negative effect of PM2.5 on exam performance and also show PM2.5 is equally harmful to listening and reading section, and maybe even more for writing section. We also find that short-term exposure causes negative cognitive effects, suggesting that temporary preventative measures could be effective in avoiding the negative effects of PM2.5.

An Evaluation of Eight Class B School Transportation Systems of Wise County, Texas

Braboy, John Robert 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is to determine the efficiency of the transportation systems of eight Class B schools of Wise County, Texas.


Konstantinos Flaris (16552848) 18 July 2024 (has links)
<p>Minimizing the impact of the transportation sector and across all vehicle classes and sizes on the climate consists one of the main goals globally. As heavy-duty vehicles are responsible for a high share of the total emissions emitted from the transportation sector, multiple initiatives are targeting this vehicle class, with transit buses being no exception. Although battery electric buses (BEBs) have the potential to save energy and decrease emissions, their adoption has been progressing at a slow pace. Despite the advantages of quieter operations, improved acceleration, and absence of diesel or gas odors, there has been limited attention given to the perspective of the users. This study aims to explore the preferences of bus riders towards BEBs and the general public’s behavioral intentions to ride public transit. To achieve these objectives, two separate surveys were designed and disseminated in Salt Lake City, Utah to solicit riders’ and general public’s typical travel behaviors and patterns and their their preferences and opinions regarding the emissions and noise performance of BEBs. The surveys also gauged participants’ attitudes, social norms, and environmental awareness. Statistical analysis revealed that various factors play a role in shaping riders' perceptions regarding the electrification of transit buses. These factors encompass the purpose of the trip, attitudes towards environmental concerns and the environmental effects of battery electric buses (BEBs), as well as non-instrumental ride factors like comfort during the journey and the social image associated with the mode of transportation. Turning to the behavioral intentions toward public transit usage, a structural equation model was estimated that revealed the positive and direct influence of perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, and improved transit ride comfort attributes that BEBs offer. The support for transit bus electrification and green self-identity were found to indirectly influence behavioral intentions. This thesis provides valuable insights into BEBs preferences from the perspectives of riders and general public. Gaining a deeper understanding of the significance of electrification for transit riders, and also, to the general public can enable transit service providers to modify their marketing strategies, promotion strategies, and adapt their overall operations at the system level to accommodate the preferences towards BEBs, and ultimately, attract more transit riders.</p>

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