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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Επίδραση του ζυγού αναφοράς στην ανάλυση συστημάτων ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας με κατανεμημένη παραγωγή

Τζατζάνης, Ανδρέας 26 August 2010 (has links)
Κύριος στόχος αυτής της εργασίας είναι η παρουσίαση ενός μοντέλου ανάλυσης ροής φορτίου (ΑΡΦ) το οποίο να ανταποκρίνεται στα σύγχρονα συστήματα διανομής με κατανεμημένη παραγωγή. Η ανάλυση ροής φορτίου είναι μία από τις βασικότερες τεχνικές που χρησιμοποιούνται στην μόνιμη ημιτονοειδή κατάσταση ενός συστήματος ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας και ορίζει την βέλτιστη λειτουργία του. Με την ευρεία εισαγωγή στα ΣΗΕ των ανανεώσιμων πηγών, η δομή των παραδοσιακών ΣΗΕ έχει αλλάξει. Σημαντικό μέρος της κατανάλωσης τροφοδοτείται τοπικά και κοντά στα φορτία. Η παραγωγή επομένως αποκτά ολοένα και περισσότερα χαρακτηριστικά κατανεμημένης παραγωγής. Η κατανεμημένη παραγωγή αναπτύσσεται ραγδαία τα τελευταία χρόνια στα συστήματα διανομής. Εξαιτίας αυτής της ανάπτυξης και αλλαγής της δομής του συστήματος επηρεάζεται και η ανάλυση ροής φορτίου. Στην παραδοσιακή ανάλυση ροής φορτίου δεν υπάρχουν πληροφορίες για την κατανομή φορτίου και των απωλειών μεταξύ των κατανεμημένων παραγωγών και της παραγωγής από το σύστημα ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας.. Για τον λόγο αυτό νέα μοντέλα ανάλυσης ροής φορτίου θα πρέπει να σχεδιαστούν. Με την παρούσα εργασία γίνεται μία προσπάθεια επανατοποθέτησης και νέας επίλυσης του προβλήματος της ανάλυσης ροής φορτίου ώστε αυτή να λαμβάνει υπόψη τις κατανεμημένες παραγωγές και την παραγωγή του ΣΗΕ, υπό την έννοια ότι και η κατανεμημένη παραγωγή ορίζεται σε κάθε βήμα και δεν θεωρείται εξαρχής σταθερή. Για το σκοπό αυτό επιλέγει μία νέα κατάστρωση του προβλήματος η οποία η οποία αντικαθιστά τον ζυγό αναφοράς με ένα μοντέλο κατανεμημένου ζυγού αναφοράς στις γεννήτριες παραγωγής του κατανεμημένου συστήματος. Το μοντέλο κατανεμημένου ζυγού αναφοράς εισαγάγει παράγοντες συμμετοχής για την κάθε επιμέρους παραγωγή, οι οποίοι είναι ανάλογοι της επίδρασης που έχει η κάθε μία στις απώλειες του συστήματος. Στην συνέχεια οι παράγοντες συμμετοχής υπολογίζονται με την έννοια των περιοχών γεννήτριας. Η περιοχή μίας γεννήτριας ορίζεται με βάση τη φορά ενεργού ισχύος. Αφού αυτή οριστεί, βρίσκεται η συνεισφορά κάθε παραγωγής στις απώλειες του συστήματος. Είναι προφανές ότι η περιοχή τοποθέτησης των παραγωγών καθώς και οι παράμετροι δικτύου επηρεάζουν την κατανομή των απωλειών σε αυτές. Έτσι δοκιμάζεται μία νέα μέθοδος ΑΡΦ με την τεχνική Newton-Raphson βασισμένη στη νέα δομή του συστήματος. Τα αποτελέσματα δείχνουν να είναι ενθαρρυντικά και βελτιστοποιούν τη συμμετοχή της κατανεμημένης παραγωγής στο σύστημα. / Distribution system operating environments are changing rapidly. With large number of distributed generators (DGs) installed within distribution systems, distribution systems are facing great challenges: the traditional methods for distribution system analysis and planning needs to be revised, and new tools have been developed. This thesis addresses these challenges by using a method of slack bus new modeling. The concept of the distributed slack bus model is used for distribution system analysis and planning. Its impacts on distribution applications are also investigated. The method introduces scalar participation factors to distribute uncertain real power system loss for three-phase power flow calculations. It provides a method to calculate network-based participation factors by using the generator domain based method. Three-phase power flow is a vital analysis tool for distribution systems. In this work, the main objective is to study slack bus modeling and to use the new distributed slack bus model for three-phase power flow. The new method of power flow analysis is tested in a simple power system and the results are satisfactory.

Análise de atributos valorizados pelos compradores de mini e micro-ônibus

Portolan, Ricardo January 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento do consumidor com foco no processo de decisão de compra. O objetivo é identificar e avaliar a utilidade e a importância dos atributos considerados por clientes organizacionais e não organizacionais do mercado brasileiro de ônibus. O público analisado é o dos operadores de mini e micro-ônibus que fazem o transporte de passageiros no segmento de turismo e fretamento. O suporte empírico é fornecido por duas pesquisas de campo. A primeira, de caráter qualitativo, identifica os atributos mais valorizados pelos operadores no momento de decisão de compra. A segunda, de caráter quantitativo, atribui utilidade (importância) para cada um dos atributos e avalia o peso de cada atributo na decisão, através da técnica de análise conjunta. Os resultados apresentam os atributos de valor de compra e revenda, conforto, consumo, quantidade de assentos e valor de manutenção como sendo os mais importantes respectivamente. Apresentam também informações sobre a preferência dos pesquisados por mini e micro-ônibus com preço semelhante ou inferior ao atualmente praticado no Brasil e, indícios de rejeição por preços mais altos. O público pesquisado apresenta significativa preferência por veículos com maior quantidade de assentos. O estudo aborda também indicações de possível mudança nesse mercado em função de tais preferências. / This dissertation presents a study on consumer behavior with focus on purchase decision process. The objective is to identify and evaluate the utility and importance of the attributes selected by organizational and non-organizational customers. The environment is the Brazilian market of bus and the public considered is the operators of mini and micro-buses that carry passengers in the tourism and charter segments. Two field surveys are carried out. The first, qualitative, identifies the most valued attributes by operators at the time of a purchase decision through conjoint analysis technique. The second, quantitative, assigns utility (importance) for each of the attributes and assesses the weight of each attribute in the decision. The results show the attributes of purchase and resale value, comfort, consumption, number of seats and cost of maintenance to be the most important, respectively. There are also information on the respondents' preference for mini and micro-buses with similar or lower price than the currently practiced in Brazil and evidences of rejection for higher prices. The public reserched also shows significant preference for vehicles with higher number of seats. The study also presents indications of possible changes in the market according to such preferences.

Análise de atributos valorizados pelos compradores de mini e micro-ônibus

Portolan, Ricardo January 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento do consumidor com foco no processo de decisão de compra. O objetivo é identificar e avaliar a utilidade e a importância dos atributos considerados por clientes organizacionais e não organizacionais do mercado brasileiro de ônibus. O público analisado é o dos operadores de mini e micro-ônibus que fazem o transporte de passageiros no segmento de turismo e fretamento. O suporte empírico é fornecido por duas pesquisas de campo. A primeira, de caráter qualitativo, identifica os atributos mais valorizados pelos operadores no momento de decisão de compra. A segunda, de caráter quantitativo, atribui utilidade (importância) para cada um dos atributos e avalia o peso de cada atributo na decisão, através da técnica de análise conjunta. Os resultados apresentam os atributos de valor de compra e revenda, conforto, consumo, quantidade de assentos e valor de manutenção como sendo os mais importantes respectivamente. Apresentam também informações sobre a preferência dos pesquisados por mini e micro-ônibus com preço semelhante ou inferior ao atualmente praticado no Brasil e, indícios de rejeição por preços mais altos. O público pesquisado apresenta significativa preferência por veículos com maior quantidade de assentos. O estudo aborda também indicações de possível mudança nesse mercado em função de tais preferências. / This dissertation presents a study on consumer behavior with focus on purchase decision process. The objective is to identify and evaluate the utility and importance of the attributes selected by organizational and non-organizational customers. The environment is the Brazilian market of bus and the public considered is the operators of mini and micro-buses that carry passengers in the tourism and charter segments. Two field surveys are carried out. The first, qualitative, identifies the most valued attributes by operators at the time of a purchase decision through conjoint analysis technique. The second, quantitative, assigns utility (importance) for each of the attributes and assesses the weight of each attribute in the decision. The results show the attributes of purchase and resale value, comfort, consumption, number of seats and cost of maintenance to be the most important, respectively. There are also information on the respondents' preference for mini and micro-buses with similar or lower price than the currently practiced in Brazil and evidences of rejection for higher prices. The public reserched also shows significant preference for vehicles with higher number of seats. The study also presents indications of possible changes in the market according to such preferences.

Estación de transferencia modal.

Astorga Camarena, Fernando January 2005 (has links)
Considerando el estado de la ciudad y su relación con el transporte y el territorio mayor, el proyecto se define como Estación de Transferencia Modal, haciendo referencia a las relaciones entre el edificio propuesto, su funcionamiento interno y el sector de la ciudad en que se emplaza.

Diffusion of Electric Busses for Public Transportation : A Case Study in Three Indian Municipalities

Venkatanarasimhan, Aravind, Cherukuri, Saivenkat January 2018 (has links)
INTRODUCTION: In India, internal combustion (IC) engines are the main concern, due to the exhaustion of natural fossil fuelled buses. These are the three major factors which is considered as an urgency to find an alternate solution. First, the energy and emission trends from transports. Second, efficient urban infrastructures, such as mass transit system. Third, the policies to adopt the cleaner and efficient technologies such as electric vehicles and other available alternate fuels. This made the Indian government to think about adopting electric vehicles as a mode of public transportation. PURPOSE: By initiating the use of electric buses this thesis will assist the three state transport corporations in India who are willing to initiate use of electric bus by overcoming their barriers. Furthermore, this research will be an implication for automotive industries in India towards their diffusion of electric buses. FRAMEWORK: Electric buses usage has been a major part of this diffusion process where it helped the authors to analyse how important it is. Adding to this the different perceived attributes of innovation from Rogers model has been analysed in this research to find out the different factors affecting towards the diffusion of electric buses. METHODOLOGY: This study uses the case study method to study the diffusion of electric buses in three municipalities. Primary data has been gathered through semi-structured interviews with representatives from the municipalities and suppliers. In Addition, secondary data, such as press releases from the municipalities and suppliers, has been collected CONCLUSION: It is been concluded that the adoption of electric buses is one of the major solution which will help the country carbon emission rate to go low with the technicalities involved in the electric buses. In addition to that if the private and municipality transports plan to expand their fleet of electric buses, complexity and nature of social system are the one of the major attributes which should be considered initially during the diffusion of electric buses. LIMITATIONS: This research has a limit in the role of internal organisation (Government or Companies) of the municipalities, supplier’s business model, policy related issues between the municipality and the government has not been analysed. All these limitations in turn is a future research for the further researchers.

Fossilfri kollektivtrafik : Drivmedelsstrategi för införande av elbussar i Uppsala stadstrafik / Fossil free public transport : Fuel strategy for introduction of electric buses in Uppsala city traffic

Sahlström, Charlotta, Karin, Salander January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish government announced in 2015 that Sweden will work towards becoming "one of the first fossil-free welfare states of the world". The objective is to reduce the usage of fossil fuels by 70 percent by the year 2030 compared with the levels of 2010. Important factors to achieve this is to reduce the amount of transport, increase the use of biofuels and increase the fuel efficiency. The public transport sector plays an important part in reaching these objectives. There is a lot of potential in the biofuel market and in recent years there has been a development in the segment of electric buses in the city traffic. The purpose of the study is to develop a strategy proposal for the use of fossil-free fuels in Uppsala's public transport. The study is delimited to examine the use of fuels in city traffic with a focus on the introduction of electric buses. The report contains an environmental analysis of the advantages and risks associated with the fuels that the public transport administration UL decided to proceed with; biodiesel, biogas, and electricity. Based on the analysis, a strategy proposal was developed for how these fuels can be distributed in city traffic in Uppsala between 2019 - 2029. The study also examines how energy use, carbon dioxide emissions, and traffic pollution are affected if the strategy proposal is implemented. The environmental analysis suggests that biogas will continue to be used in Uppsala's city traffic, together with electric buses. Biodiesel is likely to come to better use in other areas of the transport sector in order for Sweden to reach the target of a fossil-independent fleet of vehicles in 2030. If the strategy proposal is followed the result shows that energy use and emissions of carbon dioxide and traffic pollution will decrease. Energy consumption will be reduced because of the energy efficiency of electric buses. The reduction of traffic pollution is due to the electric buses, but also because vehicles with the Euro V engine has been replaced with vehicles with Euro VI engine, which lowers traffic pollutions.

Rotina de alto nível em uma empresa líder da indústria do ônibus : um estudo ostensivo e performativo a partir das teorias da firma, evolucionária e posicionamento competitivo

Silva, Oberdan Teles da 27 November 2017 (has links)
A tese apresenta quadro conceitual baseado nas teorias da firma, evolucionária e posicionamento competitivo. É formado pelos construtos rotina e estratégia onde pesquisou-se a evolução da rotina de alto nível, representada pela qualidade da empresa Beta S.A., uma das maiores encarroçadoras de ônibus do mundo, com matriz no Rio Grande do Sul. O quadro é constituído pelos aspectos ostensivo e performativo, pelo individualismo metodológico interacionista e pelos elementos evolucionários: variação, seleção e retenção. O estudo caracterizou-se como uma abordagem qualitativa, com objetivo descritivo, tendo como estratégia de pesquisa estudo de caso. As técnicas de coleta foram a entrevista semiestruturada, história oral temática, técnica projetiva e pesquisa documental. Na variação, decorrentes da teoria evolucionária e do construto rotina, considerou-se para análise 42 questões divididas entre os blocos: seleção racional, cega, propagação seletiva path dependence, imitação, variação endógena, micromudança, padrões, conhecimento tácito e explícito, fatores emergentes e repertório individual. Pesquisaram-se os blocos, a partir da seleção, por meio das teorias do crescimento da firma e do posicionamento competitivo. Na retenção, consideraram-se os elementos que ampliam o escopo competitivo da rotina e que a limitam. Participaram da pesquisa 10 coordenadores, representados pelo nível operacional, 09 gerentes do nível tático e 10 diretores do nível estratégico. A análise ocorreu individualmente e após comparou-se com o nível correspondente. Ao final da análise de cada um dos blocos, formavam-se sistemas de inferência, que correspondiam as respostas simétricas, onde se caracterizavam, na sequência, os sistemas de dispersão, que correspondiam as assimetrias de concepção quanto a rotina da qualidade da Beta S.A. No nível operacional identificaram-se 34 sistemas de inferência, 42 no tático e 39 no estratégico. Em cada um dos blocos estabeleceram-se relações de causa e efeito comparados no modelo empírico da organização. Também se estruturaram, relações dos fatores limitantes e potencializadores da rotina a partir de subníveis. Evidenciou-se que a evolução da rotina, se deu pelas interações, erros e customização. Também se constatou que a evolução endógena da rotina, decorre de reconhecimento da restrição e ênfase na prevenção. Na aprendizagem da rotina, os resultados indicaram a necessidade de sistematização do conhecimento tácito em processo e maior comunicação. O estudo demonstrou simetria empírica com os conceitos teóricos de regularidade das rotinas, interpretações distintas, padrões heterogêneos e práticas de descobrimento. No aspecto performativo estruturou-se dois modelos para potencializar a rotina da qualidade da Beta S.A. Um, é a estruturação de estratégias futuras condicionadas ao estudo das variações retrospectivas, interações e aprendizagem. O outro objetiva ampliar a capacidade de absorção do comitê decisor da qualidade por meio do indivíduo e de segmentação de mercados transformando conhecimento de laço simples em duplo. / Submitted by cmquadros@ucs.br (cmquadros@ucs.br) on 2018-02-01T15:49:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Oberdan Teles da Silva.pdf: 6565069 bytes, checksum: 045c897834332e3093c39996e50cc059 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-01T15:49:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Oberdan Teles da Silva.pdf: 6565069 bytes, checksum: 045c897834332e3093c39996e50cc059 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES / The thesis presents a conceptual framework based on the theory of the firm, it is focused on organizational evolution and competitive positioning and it is based on routines and strategy constructs. The research was conducted with such theorical context and deals with high-level quality routine in the company Beta SA, one of the leading bus manufacturers of the world, headquartered in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The conceptual framework considered ostensible and performative aspects of the research, which included an interactionist methodological individualist strategy and the elements of the evolutionary, such as variation, selection and retention. The routine study is characterized as a qualitative approach, with a descriptive objective, having as a research strategy a single case study. The techniques were semi-structured interviews, using thematic oral history, projective technique and documentary analysis. From the variation constructs, arising from the routine and the evolutionary theory, 42 questions were identified from various characteristics, such as rational selection, blind selection, selective propagation, path dependence, imitation, endogenous variation, micro-change, patterns, tacit and explicit knowledge, emerging and repertoire. These characteristics were investigated from a selection perspective, using the theories of the firm and of competitive positioning. The concept of retention is dealt with the elements that extend the competitive scope of the routine and limitation in which they are restrained. Ten coordinators, from the operational level, 09 managers of the tactical level and 10 directors of the strategic level participated in the research. The analysis occurred individually and then each analysis was compared with the corresponding level. At the end of the analysis of each of the constructs, inference systems were formed to correspond to the symmetrical responses, where the dispersion systems corresponding to the asymmetries of conception and the quality routine of Beta S.A. The whole interviews procedure allowed the identification of 34 inference systems at the operational level, 42 inference systems at the tactical level and 39 inference systems at the strategic level. For each unit, a cause and effect relationship was established, by comparing them with the empirical model of the organisation. Relationships of the limiting factors and potentiates of the routine from sub-levels were also structured. The results show that the evolution of the routine is due to interactions, errors and customization. It was also established that the endogenous evolution of the routine results from the recognition of the restriction and the emphasis on prevention. In the routine learning process, the results indicated the need to systematize the tacit knowledge into internal and greater routine communication. The study demonstrated the empirical similarity with the theoretical concepts of regularity of the routines, the different interpretations, the patterns of heterogeneous operation and the discovery practices. In the performative aspect, two models were designed to enhance the quality routine of Beta S.A. The first is the structure of the future strategies conditioned to the study of retrospective variations, interactions and learning. The second was designed to increase the absorption capacity of the quality decision-making committee through the individual transforming knowledge from single to double loop.

Validación exógena de estimación de paradero de bajada y destino de actividades de usuarios de Transantiago usando encuestas origen

Silva López, Diego Ignacio January 2012 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil / Con el inicio de Transantiago y la incorporación de tecnologías de información, se genera una base de datos masiva proveniente del uso de la tarjeta bip! como medio de pago y el registro del posicionamiento geográfico de los buses. Con el objetivo de que fuesen creadas herramientas innovadoras que permitiesen mejorar la planificación y operación del sistema, fue firmado un convenio de cooperación entre la Subsecretaría de Transportes y la Universidad de Chile, del cual surge una serie de proyectos de investigación, como la estimación de paraderos de bajada, que genera posteriormente matrices de viaje y estimación de actividades de usuarios. La metodología propuesta logra la estimación de paraderos de bajada para más de un 80% de las transacciones. Sin embargo, para aquellos usuarios que realizan sólo una transacción al día, los que usan un modo con tarifa no integrada y los que no pagan por el servicio, no es posible realizar tal estimación. Este trabajo de título consiste en comparar las estimaciones realizadas por el modelo con datos provenientes de encuestas Origen/Destino de viajes, para verificar la correcta estimación de paradero de bajada, y explorar los casos en que no fue posible determinarlos, identificando casos tipo. Además, se proponen criterios que permitan identificar endógenamente en la base de datos estimaciones incorrectas. Por otra parte, se analiza la elección de ruta de los usuarios en la red de metro mediante el cruce de la ruta declarada en las encuestas con la ruta estimada por el modelo usando un algoritmo de rutas mínimas. Complementariamente, para una muestra de voluntarios, se validó la estimación del modelo para cada una de las transacciones de su respectiva tarjeta. Esto se hizo mediante una entrevista personal en que el voluntario es confrontado con la información guardada por el modelo para las transacciones de su tarjeta, y es invitado(a) a confirmar o identifcar errores en la estimación. Como resultados globales de este trabajo de título, se tiene que para la validación usando encuestas origen destino de viajes, el modelo logró un 84.21% de estimaciones correctas, y para la validación con voluntarios, el 96.62% de las estimaciones resultaron correctas. Este trabajo de título permitió establecer diferentes criterios y aspectos que investigaciones futuras en el área debiesen considerar para lograr resultados consistentes que permitan una correcta validación de modelos de este tipo.

Análise de atributos valorizados pelos compradores de mini e micro-ônibus

Portolan, Ricardo January 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento do consumidor com foco no processo de decisão de compra. O objetivo é identificar e avaliar a utilidade e a importância dos atributos considerados por clientes organizacionais e não organizacionais do mercado brasileiro de ônibus. O público analisado é o dos operadores de mini e micro-ônibus que fazem o transporte de passageiros no segmento de turismo e fretamento. O suporte empírico é fornecido por duas pesquisas de campo. A primeira, de caráter qualitativo, identifica os atributos mais valorizados pelos operadores no momento de decisão de compra. A segunda, de caráter quantitativo, atribui utilidade (importância) para cada um dos atributos e avalia o peso de cada atributo na decisão, através da técnica de análise conjunta. Os resultados apresentam os atributos de valor de compra e revenda, conforto, consumo, quantidade de assentos e valor de manutenção como sendo os mais importantes respectivamente. Apresentam também informações sobre a preferência dos pesquisados por mini e micro-ônibus com preço semelhante ou inferior ao atualmente praticado no Brasil e, indícios de rejeição por preços mais altos. O público pesquisado apresenta significativa preferência por veículos com maior quantidade de assentos. O estudo aborda também indicações de possível mudança nesse mercado em função de tais preferências. / This dissertation presents a study on consumer behavior with focus on purchase decision process. The objective is to identify and evaluate the utility and importance of the attributes selected by organizational and non-organizational customers. The environment is the Brazilian market of bus and the public considered is the operators of mini and micro-buses that carry passengers in the tourism and charter segments. Two field surveys are carried out. The first, qualitative, identifies the most valued attributes by operators at the time of a purchase decision through conjoint analysis technique. The second, quantitative, assigns utility (importance) for each of the attributes and assesses the weight of each attribute in the decision. The results show the attributes of purchase and resale value, comfort, consumption, number of seats and cost of maintenance to be the most important, respectively. There are also information on the respondents' preference for mini and micro-buses with similar or lower price than the currently practiced in Brazil and evidences of rejection for higher prices. The public reserched also shows significant preference for vehicles with higher number of seats. The study also presents indications of possible changes in the market according to such preferences.

Rotina de alto nível em uma empresa líder da indústria do ônibus : um estudo ostensivo e performativo a partir das teorias da firma, evolucionária e posicionamento competitivo

Silva, Oberdan Teles da 27 November 2017 (has links)
A tese apresenta quadro conceitual baseado nas teorias da firma, evolucionária e posicionamento competitivo. É formado pelos construtos rotina e estratégia onde pesquisou-se a evolução da rotina de alto nível, representada pela qualidade da empresa Beta S.A., uma das maiores encarroçadoras de ônibus do mundo, com matriz no Rio Grande do Sul. O quadro é constituído pelos aspectos ostensivo e performativo, pelo individualismo metodológico interacionista e pelos elementos evolucionários: variação, seleção e retenção. O estudo caracterizou-se como uma abordagem qualitativa, com objetivo descritivo, tendo como estratégia de pesquisa estudo de caso. As técnicas de coleta foram a entrevista semiestruturada, história oral temática, técnica projetiva e pesquisa documental. Na variação, decorrentes da teoria evolucionária e do construto rotina, considerou-se para análise 42 questões divididas entre os blocos: seleção racional, cega, propagação seletiva path dependence, imitação, variação endógena, micromudança, padrões, conhecimento tácito e explícito, fatores emergentes e repertório individual. Pesquisaram-se os blocos, a partir da seleção, por meio das teorias do crescimento da firma e do posicionamento competitivo. Na retenção, consideraram-se os elementos que ampliam o escopo competitivo da rotina e que a limitam. Participaram da pesquisa 10 coordenadores, representados pelo nível operacional, 09 gerentes do nível tático e 10 diretores do nível estratégico. A análise ocorreu individualmente e após comparou-se com o nível correspondente. Ao final da análise de cada um dos blocos, formavam-se sistemas de inferência, que correspondiam as respostas simétricas, onde se caracterizavam, na sequência, os sistemas de dispersão, que correspondiam as assimetrias de concepção quanto a rotina da qualidade da Beta S.A. No nível operacional identificaram-se 34 sistemas de inferência, 42 no tático e 39 no estratégico. Em cada um dos blocos estabeleceram-se relações de causa e efeito comparados no modelo empírico da organização. Também se estruturaram, relações dos fatores limitantes e potencializadores da rotina a partir de subníveis. Evidenciou-se que a evolução da rotina, se deu pelas interações, erros e customização. Também se constatou que a evolução endógena da rotina, decorre de reconhecimento da restrição e ênfase na prevenção. Na aprendizagem da rotina, os resultados indicaram a necessidade de sistematização do conhecimento tácito em processo e maior comunicação. O estudo demonstrou simetria empírica com os conceitos teóricos de regularidade das rotinas, interpretações distintas, padrões heterogêneos e práticas de descobrimento. No aspecto performativo estruturou-se dois modelos para potencializar a rotina da qualidade da Beta S.A. Um, é a estruturação de estratégias futuras condicionadas ao estudo das variações retrospectivas, interações e aprendizagem. O outro objetiva ampliar a capacidade de absorção do comitê decisor da qualidade por meio do indivíduo e de segmentação de mercados transformando conhecimento de laço simples em duplo. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES / The thesis presents a conceptual framework based on the theory of the firm, it is focused on organizational evolution and competitive positioning and it is based on routines and strategy constructs. The research was conducted with such theorical context and deals with high-level quality routine in the company Beta SA, one of the leading bus manufacturers of the world, headquartered in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The conceptual framework considered ostensible and performative aspects of the research, which included an interactionist methodological individualist strategy and the elements of the evolutionary, such as variation, selection and retention. The routine study is characterized as a qualitative approach, with a descriptive objective, having as a research strategy a single case study. The techniques were semi-structured interviews, using thematic oral history, projective technique and documentary analysis. From the variation constructs, arising from the routine and the evolutionary theory, 42 questions were identified from various characteristics, such as rational selection, blind selection, selective propagation, path dependence, imitation, endogenous variation, micro-change, patterns, tacit and explicit knowledge, emerging and repertoire. These characteristics were investigated from a selection perspective, using the theories of the firm and of competitive positioning. The concept of retention is dealt with the elements that extend the competitive scope of the routine and limitation in which they are restrained. Ten coordinators, from the operational level, 09 managers of the tactical level and 10 directors of the strategic level participated in the research. The analysis occurred individually and then each analysis was compared with the corresponding level. At the end of the analysis of each of the constructs, inference systems were formed to correspond to the symmetrical responses, where the dispersion systems corresponding to the asymmetries of conception and the quality routine of Beta S.A. The whole interviews procedure allowed the identification of 34 inference systems at the operational level, 42 inference systems at the tactical level and 39 inference systems at the strategic level. For each unit, a cause and effect relationship was established, by comparing them with the empirical model of the organisation. Relationships of the limiting factors and potentiates of the routine from sub-levels were also structured. The results show that the evolution of the routine is due to interactions, errors and customization. It was also established that the endogenous evolution of the routine results from the recognition of the restriction and the emphasis on prevention. In the routine learning process, the results indicated the need to systematize the tacit knowledge into internal and greater routine communication. The study demonstrated the empirical similarity with the theoretical concepts of regularity of the routines, the different interpretations, the patterns of heterogeneous operation and the discovery practices. In the performative aspect, two models were designed to enhance the quality routine of Beta S.A. The first is the structure of the future strategies conditioned to the study of retrospective variations, interactions and learning. The second was designed to increase the absorption capacity of the quality decision-making committee through the individual transforming knowledge from single to double loop.

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