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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza veřejně dostupných dat Českého statistického úřadu / Analysis of Public Data of the Czech Statistical Office

Pohl, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is analysis of data of the Czech Statistical Office concerning foreign trade. At first, reader familiarize with Business Intelligence and data warehousing. Further, OLAP analysis and data mining basics are explained. In next parts the thesis deal with describing and analysis of data of foreign trade by the help of OLAP technology and data mining in MS SQL Server including selected analytical tasks implementation.

Analýza a návrh manažerského reportingu společnosti s využitím nástrojů Business Intelligence / Evaluation and design of managerial performance reporting using Business Intelligence tools

Brožová, Aneta January 2020 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on evaluation of managerial reporting in defined department of a company and by using a case study approach, it designs a reporting that actively engages Business Intelligence tools based on performed process and infrastructure analysis. Prior to the analysis there a literature review explaining concepts of information management and Business Intelligence. The thesis is concluded by a project plan that designs a proposal of the new reporting process utilizing given technology.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification

Jäger, Vítězslav January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on issues of information systems, evaluates advantages, disadvantages and possible risk coming from implementation of IS. In theoretical part are the main issue ERP systems, its history and modern trends in this field. It aims also on the analytical tools business intelligence, which are helpful in the decision-making process creating future strategy of the company. In practical part the information system of Kermi will be evaluated by using analytical methods HOS 8 and Zefis. With the help of both tools the problematic part of the information system will be found and then aim of this thesis will be elimination of these problems.

Využití technik Data Mining v různých odvětvích / Using Data Mining in Various Industries

Fabian, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis concerns about the use of data mining techniques in banking, insurance and shopping centres industries. The thesis theoretically describes algorithms and methodology CRISP-DM dedicated to data mining processes. With usage of theoretical knowledge and methods, the thesis suggests possible solution for various industries within business intelligence processes.

Marketingová strategie firmy v oblasti CRM IS / Marketing strategy for CRM IS

Všetička, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the issue of the proposal of a marketing strategy in Melzer company in the area of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) of Information Systems (IS). It concentrates on modern marketing conception and emphasizes the necessity of effective CRM. It explains important factors in connection with successful CRM IS implementation. It analyses domestic market of CRM IS including information system QI which is supplied by Melzer company as well as an internal CRM atmosphere in the firm. In the practical part there are analytical conclusions and recommendations leading to the proposal of the marketing strategy. This should significantly enable the firm to penetrate into the market of CRM IS and become successful.

L'intelligence économique à la lumière des concepts managériaux : l'étude de cas d'une entreprise du secteur énergétique / Competitive intelligence in light of managerial concepts : The case study of a firm in the energy sector

Harriet, Loïc 01 December 2014 (has links)
L’intelligence économique se présente comme une exception conceptuelle francophone issue à la fois de traductions de différents termes anglo-saxons mais également d’une agrégation de fonctions organisationnelles liées à l’information. Ces fondements hétéroclites se conjuguent à une effervescence pratique, l’intelligence économique ne cessant de se développer sous diverses formes dans les organisations. Cette thèse vise à proposer un fondement théorique nouveau à ces expériences en s’appuyant sur les concepts managériaux au travers de l’étude du cas de Gaz de Bordeaux, une entreprise du secteur énergétique. S’inscrivant dans une volonté exploratoire fondée sur une méthodologie qualitative, l’objectif est de proposer une définition s’appuyant sur les théories gestionnaires de l’asymétrie d’information, du système et de la valeur. / "L'intelligence économique" is presented as a French conceptual exception after at a time of translations various English terms but also an aggregation of organizational functions related to information. These heteroclite bases are combined to an effervescent practice, “l’intelligence économique” never ceasing to develop in various forms in organizations. This thesis aims to propose a new theoretical basis for these experiments based on the managerial concepts through a case study of Gaz de Bordeaux, an energy firm. As part of an exploratory will based on a qualitative, the objective is to propose a definition based on the Management Science theories of asymmetric information, system and value.

The Major Challenges in DDDM Implementation: A Single-Case Study : What are the Main Challenges for Business-to-Business MNCs to Implement a Data-Driven Decision-Making Strategy?

Varvne, Matilda, Cederholm, Simon, Medbo, Anton January 2020 (has links)
Over the past years, the value of data and DDDM have increased significantly as technological advancements have made it possible to store and analyze large amounts of data at a reasonable cost. This has resulted in completely new business models that has disrupt whole industries. DDDM allows businesses to rely their decisions on data, as opposed to on gut feeling. Up until this point, literature is eligible to provide a general view of what are the major challenges corporations encounter when implementing a DDDM strategy. However, as the field is still rather new, the challenges identified are yet very general and many corporations, especially B2B MNCs selling consumer goods, seem to struggle with this implementation. Hence, a single-case study on such a corporation, named Alpha, was carried out with the purpose to explore what are their major challenges in this process. Semi-structured interviews revealed evidence of four major findings, whereas, execution and organizational culture were supported in existing literature, however, two additional findings associated with organizational structure and consumer behavior data were discovered in the case of Alpha. Based on this, the conclusions drawn were that B2B MNCs selling consumer goods encounter the challenges of identifying local markets as frontrunners for strategies such as the one to become more data-driven, as well as the need to find a way to retrieve consumer behavior data. With these two main challenges identified, it can provide a starting point for managers when implementing DDDM strategies in B2B MNCs selling consumer goods in the future.

Softwaretests in der Domäne modellgetriebener BI-Systeme

Krawatzeck, Robert 07 July 2011 (has links)
Unternehmen agieren heute in einer hochdynamischen Umwelt, wodurch die Anforderungen an Business Intelligence-Systeme (BI-Systeme) sich stetig verändern. Durch zügiges Reagieren darauf können sich Unternehmen Wettbewerbsvorteile verschaffen. Die dazu notwendige Wandlungsfähigkeit von BI-Systemen setzt voraus, dass bereits die BI-Architektur auf Flexibilität ausgelegt ist. Die Anwendung des Paradigmas der modellgetriebenen Softwareentwicklung auf die Domäne des Data Warehouse Engineerings (DWE) kommt diesem Bedarf nach. Zudem muss neben der Agilität von BI-Systemen auch der Faktor der Korrektheitsprüfung nach vorgenommenen Änderungen betrachtet werden. Es soll untersucht werden, inwieweit sich die im modellgetriebenen DWE anfallenden Metadaten zur Unterstützung und Automatisierung von Softwaretests zur Korrektheitsprüfung nutzen lassen. Die so erzielte Verringerung des Überprüfungsaufwandes führt zu einer verbesserten Wandlungsfähigkeit von BI-Architekturen und kommt somit dem Bedarf von effizienten agilen BI-Lösungen nach.

To BI or Not to BI: Business Intelligence Role in Budgeting

Nåvik, Jonathan, Lydia, Rostedt January 2020 (has links)
Budgeting has a long tradition within management control but has faced criticism for being too expensive, time-consuming and irrelevant due to the inflexible nature of traditional fixed budgeting. In an increasingly volatile business environment, organizations need to move beyond the historical view inaugurated by the traditional budget and towards a more dynamically conducted budget that adapts to the environment. The proposed solution to the budget issue has been alternative budgeting methods such as beyond budgeting, rolling forecasts and zero-based budgeting, which are argued to excel with the utilities offered through emerging technology such as business intelligence, which has been on top of organizations agenda in over a decade. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the awareness of how business intelligence can improve the budgetary process to become more adaptive to the environment. This thesis takes a qualitative approach where six respondents were interviewed to form three groups; BI Experts, BI Prospects and BI Users, to elicit different perspectives of BI utility on the budgetary process. These perspectives were analyzed against the proposed purpose of budgeting to provide good targets, efficient resource allocation and reliable forecasts. The result of this thesis show that business intelligence can improve the budgeting process by providing more reliable forecasts through increased data accessibility and more reliant data, as well as ease of reporting. The budget process becomes less costly and time consuming in terms of data errors and reporting activities. An additional finding for this thesis is that there is a visionary discrepancy between the three defined groups.

Jämförelse av IT-system för säljrapporter : Framtagning av metod för jämförelse och med applicering i en fallstudie / Comparison of IT systems for sales reports : Development of methods for the comparison and apply in a case study

Swedenborg, Tobias, Brötmark, Karl-Anton January 2016 (has links)
Valet av IT-system kan vara en omfattande process som trots många iblandade kan resultera i ett misslyckade, vilket kan leda till stora och oförutsedda kostnader. Om jämförelsen inte sker enligt en säker och beprövad process är risken större att valet blir fel då det snarare grundas på känsla och marknadsföring än en opartisk jämförelse. Företaget Genero Solutions erbjuder en IT-lösning för säljstyrning som bland annat tillhandahåller rapporter över fältsäljkårers besöksstatistik och ser ett behov av ett bättre rapportsystem som ger granskare av dessa rapporter större frihet vid exploatering av data. Många leverantörer av IT-system inom Business Intelligence erbjuder den här typen av rapportsystem, vilket gör det än svårare att välja vilket system som passar Genero Solutions bäst. Eftersom det finns en väldig mängd av dessa system är risken stor att valet blir fel om jämförelsen inte sker enligt en säker process, utan istället grundas på känsla och marknadsföring. Denna rapport innehåller en metod som jämför tre olika rapportsystem baserad på en etablerad jämförelsemetod för att undersöka möjligheten att åstadkomma ett vetenskapligt resultat. Jämförelsen granskar de tre Business Intelligence systemen Microsoft Powber BI, The Diver Solution och Qlik Sense och baseras på Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Rapporten resulterar i motiverad metod som är lämpad för undersökningen samt en rekommendation till Genero Solutions av det rapportsystem som är bäst lämpat. / Selecting the right IT-system might be an extensive process which, despite many people involved, might lead to a failure which can mean high and unforeseen costs. If the comparison of systems isn’t done according to a proven method there is a higher risk that the final choice of IT-system is based on emotions and good marketing rather than a straight and fair comparison. Genero Solutions offers an IT-solution for sales control which is partly providing reports containing statistics from the sales force on field. Genero Solutions is in need of a better reporting system which gives the inspector of the reports more flexibility when exploring data. There are many providers within Business Intelligence who is offering this kind of reporting service, which makes it even harder choosing the system fitting Genero Solutions needs. This report develops a method which is based on scientific theories and the established comparison method Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), aiming to achieve a scientifically proved result and apply it by examine the Business Intelligence systems Microsoft Power BI, The Diver Solution and Qlik Sense The result of this report in a motivated method that is suited for this investigation and also a recommendation for which system that is best suited for Genero Solutions needs.

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