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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”OFTAST FÅR MAN ROTA OCH LETA OM MAN VILL HA STATISTIK” : En kvalitativ studie om värdeskapande inom offentlig sektor genom datavisualisering och dashboards / "MOST OF THE TIME YOU CAN SEARCH AND LOOK IF YOU WANT STATISTICS" : A qualitative study of value creation in the public sector through data visualization and dashboards

Bäckström, Erika, Boholm, Freja January 2022 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) is growing fast and more and more companies realize the profits of data-driven decision making. One vital part of BI is data visualization and mainly in the form of dashboards. Although it is proven that private companies can create value from implementing dashboards in their decision-making process, we see a gap in the research whether the same can be done for the public sector. We find this topic interesting since the two fields have such a different view on what creates value. This study aims to fill in that gap by studying the possibilities and obstacles of applying dashboards within the public sector. In this study we created dashboard prototypes and conducted think-aloud testing followed by semistructured interviews with ten employees at a municipality in Sweden. The result of the study suggests that working with dashboards in municipalities have a possibility to create value, mainly in the form of analytics, decision-making, communication and motivation. However, the participants also expressed some negative aspects in the form of handling the immeasurable parts of society, mainly the parts of reality that is not measurable in statistics. We also found possible problems with handling data and a worry about resistance in implementing new systems for the employees. This study is conducted on one municipality, however we hope it will serve as inspiration for public sector organizations’ journey on using dashboards making their decisions data-driven and creating value for the citizens and employees.

Business Intelligence: Competencies and Cross-Functional Integration : A Case Study at ASSA ABLOY

Borgsø, Jon Ariel, Svensson, Maxim January 2021 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) and data analytics has grown to become one of the most prioritized technological investments for organizations today. For BI systems to be valuable for organizations’ decision making and support of end-users, research argues that competencies of multiple areas need to be represented in the work with BI. This includes knowledge of both IT and business domains, where challenges such as lack of domain competencies have been identified in the Swedish industry sector. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate the representation of BI competencies, with focus on IT, business domain, data analytics and their integration. The research is conducted through a qualitative case study at ASSA ABLOY, a leading company in the Swedish industry sector, where interviews are made with respondents involved with five BI tools from different functions of the company. The empirical findings show that competencies of IT and business domains are represented to a higher degree than data analytics. In addition, the findings show that while integration between these areas is being promoted, there is potential for further involvement with in-house IT and a need for cross-border knowledge to bridge the gap between functions involved with BI.

Kompetens och Kunskap hos användare av BI : En kvalitativ forskningsansats om individuella användares uppfattningar / Competence and Knowledge of BI users : A qualitative research approach of individual users perceptions

Lindskog, Nils, Persson, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) är en teknik som används av företag för att förbättra beslutsfattningen i den dagliga verksamheten. Bättre beslutsfattning kan betyda stora fördelar för de företagen som nyttjar BI-tekniken på rätt sätt. Att hitta korrekt tillvägagångssätt är däremot svårt, då organisationer bedriver sin verksamhet på olika sätt och inom olika branscher. Individer inom organisationer har ansvaret för implementeringen av tekniken, som kan begränsas av bristande kompetens. För en ny användare inom BI kan det vara svårt att veta vilken kompetens som behövs, något vi försöker klargöra i denna rapport. Det saknas däremot information om uppfattat behov av kompetens hos yrkesverksamma inom BI, därav vill vi även skapa en grund för denna kunskapsbrist. Tekniken förändras även över tid, en aktuell granskning av yrkesverksamma kan därför leda till klarhet angående behov av kompetens hos BI-användare. Studien genomfördes genom en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer där BI-användares åsikter om deras kompetens och ansedda behov av kompetens samlades in. De anonyma respondenterna var vid tidpunkten av rapportens genomförande yrkesverksamma på stora företag och myndigheter i Sverige. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Resultatet av studien visade på en trend av kunskap och kompetens hos yrkesverksamma samt deras individuella uppfattningar angående behov av kunskap och kompetens för att arbeta med BI. Kunskapen om tekniken hos företag som använder BI behöver spridas inom hela organisationen. De behoven av kunskap och kompetens som har kunnat identifierats i vår studie redovisas i resultatet. Vi tror att tydlighet angående BI och behov av kompetens kan gynna förståelsen för teknikens potential hos användare samt även öka teknikens användning. Studien bidrar med information ämnad för yrkesverksamma BI-användare, slutanvändare, ledning för organisationer, forskare inom BI eller nyfikna amatörer.

How Market Intelligence Helps With Pricing : A qualitative study on Systemair Group

Singh, Aryan, Eyad, Omar, Mohammad, Shaheen January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACT Date:  2021-06-03 Level:  Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Aryan Singh   Omar Eyad  Shaheen Mohammad  Title:  How Market Intelligence Helps With Pricing Tutor:  Ali Farashah Keywords: Digitalization, Business Intelligence (BI), Market Intelligence (MI), Competitive Intelligence (CI), Pricing, Decision Making, Dynamic Pricing Model, Price Authority Research Question: How does MI help in pricing decisions of the European market in Systemair Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate if Market Intelligence (MI) has any effect on pricing decisions within the European market in Systemair Group. Since the field of MI in pricing decisions is explorative, this study will conduct thorough interviews with the goal of getting a deep understanding of how MI can help with pricing decisions. This study also aims to contribute to the research in this subject. Method: This study has been conducted in a qualitative manner on the case company Systemair Group. Primary data was collected through academic articles found via the library of Mälardalen University and scientific databases. The research was based on 5 semi-structured interviews conducted online with employees of Systemair. Conclusion: MI plays an important role in pricing. It gathers real time market data that is objective to feelings from the sales team or other employees. Factory capacity will be optimized with the evolution of MI, profit margin will be set higher than before and so this will result in a push in the overall price level of Systemair products. Value-Based Selling points and Resources are an integral part of the dynamic pricing model, specifically in Strategic Input and Data Input respectively.

Sistema de soporte a la toma de decisiones para el seguimiento oportuno de indicadores comerciales en una empresa automotriz empleando analítica descriptiva

Olivera Aguilar, Luis Enrique, Nomberto Velásquez, Mauricio Enrique 08 May 2021 (has links)
La renovación del parque automotor requiere que los proveedores de vehículos atiendan con eficiencia la demanda del mercado nacional; para ello, estas empresas deben tomar decisiones con información precisa y oportuna; en este sentido, el presente trabajo de investigación plantea resolver el problema de la generación de indicadores comerciales de la gerencia de ventas de una empresa automotriz, debido a tareas manuales que consumen horas hombre, reprocesos y entrega de información inoportuna. En el primer capítulo planteamos el problema y definimos el objetivo general y los objetivos específicos, el análisis de factibilidad económica y técnica del proyecto. En el segundo capítulo detallamos los student outcomes establecidos por ABET. En el tercer capítulo exponemos el marco teórico, donde discernimos entre distintos marcos de trabajo, metodologías y herramientas para plantear la solución al problema, considerando el plan estratégico de tecnología de la organización para seguir escalando la arquitectura empresarial. En el cuarto capítulo describimos el desarrollo del proyecto, donde relevamos los requerimientos del negocio para identificar requisitos funcionales, no funcionales, atributos de calidad, drivers, tácticas de arquitectura; además, diseñamos la solución bajo la metodología de Ralph Kimball para soluciones de inteligencia de negocios. En el quinto capítulo documentamos los logros del proyecto, el TO-BE del diagrama de procesos y los prototipos de las principales vistas de los indicadores comerciales. En el sexto capítulo detallamos la gestión del proyecto basándonos en la Guía de buenas prácticas de PMBOK®. Finalmente documentamos nuestras conclusiones y recomendaciones según nuestra experiencia al investigar y diseñar la solución. / The renewal of the automotive fleet requires that vehicle suppliers efficiently meet the demand of the national market; for this, these companies must make decisions with accurate and timely information; In this sense, the present research work proposes to solve the problem of generation of commercial indicators of the sales management of an automotive company, due to manual tasks that consume man hours, reprocesses and delivery of inopportune information. In the first chapter we raise the problem and define the general objective and the specific objectives, the analysis of the economic and technical feasibility of the project. In the second chapter we detail the results of the students established by ABET. In the third chapter we expose the theoretical framework, where we discern between different frameworks, methodologies, and tools to propose the solution to the problem, considering the organization's strategic technology plan to continue scaling the business architecture. In the fourth chapter he describes the development of the project, where we survey the business requirements to identify functional and non-functional requirements, quality attributes, drivers, architecture tactics; Furthermore, we designed the solution under the Ralph Kimball methodology for business intelligence solutions. In the fifth chapter we document the achievements of the project, the TO-BE of the process diagram and the prototypes of the main views of the commercial indicators. In the sixth chapter we detail the project management based on the PMBOK® Good Practice Guide. Finally we document our conclusions and recommendations based on our experience when researching and designing the solution. / Tesis


Namér, Samuel, Shadman, Altai Jörgen, Svensson, Thomas January 2021 (has links)
Organizations depend on IT for the successful completion of many organizationalactivities. In this paper, we aim to contribute to the research field and the awareness of the opportunities and limitations data storage puts on value creation with Business Intelligence. Thus, the research question asked in this thesis is: Which opportunities and limitations does data storage put on the value creation with Business Intelligence? A case study was conducted on an IT-organization along with two expert interviews in order to answer the research question. Semi-structured interviews were held with developers and an IT-architect of the IT-organization. We conclude that there might be situations where data storage affects BI-systems, but there are factors such as BI-maturity, time and budget that play a big part in how the value that an IT-organization aim to create can be realized. We identified that a migration to a graph database could be applied to the IT-organization for a more effective and optimized value creation through the BI-system. This due to the advantages with graph databases in relation to the type of data that the IT-organization is working with.

Selbst-adaptive modellbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme - Konzeption, prototypische Implementierung und Evaluation einer Architektur für selbst-adaptive Entscheidungsunterstützungsmodelle

Breuer, Marcel-Philippe 06 May 2020 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein selbst-adaptives modellbasiertes Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem zur Anpassung von Modellen an eine dynamische Umwelt im Rahmen des betriebswirtschaftlichen Planungsprozesses beschrieben. Das Prinzip der Selbst-Adaption wird genutzt, um Modelle innerhalb eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems kontinuierlich realitätsnah zu repräsentieren, damit ein Entscheider stetig bestmöglich unterstützt werden kann. Hierfür wird eine Architektur entwickelt, die ein modellgetriebenes Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem auf Grundlage des Prinzips der Selbst-Adaption konzeptionell erweitert und prototypisch realisiert. Die konzipierte Model-/System-Controller Architektur besteht aus vier zentralen Komponenten: Dem Modell als Abbild der Realität, dem System-Controller zur Anwendung des Modells sowie zur Unterstützung des Anwenders, dem Observer zur Überwachung der Modellvalidität und dem Model-Controller zur Erstellung von Modellanpassungsvorschlägen im Fall einer Abweichung. Der Observer überwacht das Modell und prüft kontinuierlich, ob eine Modellaktualisierung notwendig ist. Der Model-Controller sorgt durch ein dynamisches Vorgehen beim Erstellen von Experimentalmodellen sowie eine vielschichtige Evaluation auf Modell- und Variablenebene für eine Reduktion der Komplexität. Das Zusammenspiel der Komponenten sorgt für eine kontinuierliche Evaluation und, sofern es die Umweltbedingungen bedürfen, für eine ständige Anpassung des Modells. Forschungsmethodisch orientiert sich die Arbeit an Design Science Research. Die gestaltungsorientierten Forschungsschritte werden durch eine ex ante und ex post Evaluation überprüft. Die ex ante Evaluation überprüft die Architektur auf Vollständigkeit und Korrektheit und bestätigt im Rahmen einer Umfrage, dass die entwickelten Komponenten sowie ihre Funktionen die Probleme von Entscheidungsunterstützungssystemen in einer dynamischen Unternehmensumwelt lindern können. Die ex post Evaluation weist mittels eines Laborexperimentes die Effektivität und Effizienz bei der Abweichungs- und Ursachenanalyse des Prototyps nach und zeigt die Gebrauchstauglichkeit für verschiedene Nutzungsszenarien auf.

Exploring factors that decides on how a Business Intelligence tool is being received by its users

Klaesson, Mårten January 2020 (has links)
Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI) is a service where users can create reports andanalyze data on their own. It is an approach to decentralize competence and knowledge withina company. It has been proven to increase productivity and provide employees with morepossibilities to make smart data-driven decisions. I decided to do this project to learn moreabout SSBI and specifically explore what factors that contributes to the user experience ofworking with SSBI. With the help of a survey I was able to reach out to the employees at IfP&C Insurance.I asked how satisfied they were with the SSBI solution at the company, how theyexperienced loading times, how active they were and if SSBI brought value to their day to daywork among many other questions. The data from the survey was analyzed looking at trendsand correlation between answers to identify what parts employees were pleased with and theparts that needs more attention. This was done with the help of Decision Trees, correlationmatrices and extensive graph comparisons. The results managed to answer my scientificquestion rather well. It shows that most employees find that working with SSBI at If P&CInsurance is an enjoyable experience and they believe that it adds real value to their work.There is an interest in further education in Tableau, which is the SSBI software being used atIf P&C Insurance. A fact that shows that employees are eager to learn more, but also that theavailable education at the company has not reached out to all employees. There is also a majorissue with loading times when browsing reports. Users that experiences that loading times areslow or very slow are also overrepresented in the group that is not pleased with the software.The issue with slow loading times has two solutions that I recommend to the company: • Educate employees to create reports that require as low processing power as possibleto browse. This is something that a few employees asked for specifically. • Increase the capacity on their servers. As using Tableau and creating reports hasbecome more and more popular at the company, the servers have not been updated inthe same pace, creating long delays when browsing and working with reports. In general, I think If P&C Insurance has created a functioning environment for SSBI and ifthey address the few issues I have mentioned they will have a thriving Tableau communitywithin the company.

Strategies for Small Business Sustainability

Adoukonou, Victor K 01 January 2019 (has links)
Small businesses represent more than 99% of all employers in the United States, but more than 50% of small businesses have failed before 5 years. Climate change, digitization, and social media contribute to a paradigm shift in consumers' habits, as more consumers have become environmentally and social justice conscious. Business leaders who are unable to follow the consumers' trends and changes of habit may not succeed in sustaining their businesses. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies owners of small businesses in the District of Columbia use to sustain their businesses for longer than 5 years while fulfilling their firms' social responsibility obligations. The conceptual framework was the sustainability development theory. Data were collected from 5 small retailers through face-to-face, semistructured interviews, observations, field notes, and reviews of documents related to business sustainability. Data analysis was based on the thematic analysis model, which involved a process of organizing, coding, arranging data into common themes relevant to the research question and interpreting of the information. Member checking was used to enhance the credibility and validity of the data. Emerging themes included business establishment planning, sustainability planning, and sustainability factors use. The results of this study may contribute to positive social change by providing information to entrepreneurs about successful strategies for small business sustainability, which can lead to business owners, employees, and communities living and working in a human-oriented, prosperous, and healthy environment.

Datadriven HR : HR analytics och dess framväxt / Data driven HR : HR analytics and its advancement

Lund, Theodor, Erlandsson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund och syfte: Implementeringen av HR analytics är mycket låg trots att forskning visar på att användandet av HR analytics leder till bättre beslut i organisationer. Syftet med studien var att undersöka HR analytikers uppfattning av hinder bakom den begränsade framväxten. Metod: Sex HR analytikers semistrukturerade intervjuer analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Analysen var induktiv med inslag av deduktion. Resultat: Det råder en kompetensbrist inom området. Hinder för framväxten har visat sig vara HR analytikers tvivel på sin egen förmåga att arbeta databaserat, brist på ledningsstöd, brister i mjukvara, kompetens- och utbildningsbrist samt informationsbrist. HR analytics ger en högre legitimitet för professionen vilket också pekar mot ett ökat framtida användande. HR analytics har också resulterat i ett större inflytande hos ledning och chefer. Slutsatser: Studien talar för en utbildningssatsning där fokuset inte enbart bör ligga på de `hårda ́ kompetenserna utan också på de `mjuka ́ såsom förändringsledning, storytelling och kommunikation.

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