Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business model"" "subject:"business godel""
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Open Data : Attracting third party innovationsOfe, Hosea, Tinnsten, Carl January 2014 (has links)
With the adoption of European Commission directives in 2003 related to open data,member States of EU were encouraged to provide citizens access to previously inaccessiblepublic sector data. This published public data could be used, reused and distributed free ofcharge. Following these directives, many municipalities within Sweden and Europe ingeneral created open data portals for publishing public sector data. With such datapublished, expectations of third party innovations were highly envisaged. This thesis adoptsa qualitative research approach to investigate the challenges and proposed solution ofusing open data for third party innovation. The thesis identifies various aspects ofgovernance, architecture and business model that public organizations should take intoconsideration in order to attract third party innovations on open data. Specifically, theresults of this thesis suggest that in order for open data to act as a platform for innovation,there is need for integration of open data policies. This involves developing commonstandards relating to governance, data format, and architecture. Harmonizing thesestandards across municipalities within Sweden and Europe, would provide the muchneededuser based which is necessary to enhance the two-sided nature of innovations onopen data platforms.
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Delivering on the Vendor's Value Proposition: Business Process Outsourcing at EFundsBeath, Cynthia, Ross, Jeanne W. 23 September 2005 (has links)
EFunds Corporation is the third largest business process outsourcing (BPO) provider in India. Specializing in the financial services, retail and telecommunications industries, EFunds offers financial services, customer services and transaction intensive applications. In early 2005 EFunds was assessing how it could garner a larger share of the growing offshore BPO market. EFunds management was focusing on honing three distinctive competencies: robust IT support, business process expertise, and its unique customer qualification methodology. But to really grow its business EFunds also needed to help customers recognize how BPO could make them stronger.
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How Entrepreneurs are Managing Open Innovation in SMEsQureshi, Nouman Ahmed January 2018 (has links)
It is these days very consistent for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to participate in open innovation activities to battle the internal and external difficulties they are confronting, for example, less resources for R&D, constrained financial resources and specialized abilities, fewer production facilities and distribution channels and so on. Studies demonstrate that open innovation encountered a quick increase in recent years. As of late researchers have additionally indicated distinct interest in research on SMEs whereas in past research large companies were the focus. The focus of the thesis is to highlight how SMEs solve their shortage of scare resources by engaging into open innovation activities. Two SMEs from various regions, to be specific Pakistan and the United Kingdom, were chosen as research cases for the thesis. Interviews have been utilized as a primary method for data collection. Despite of certain limitations, the research was successfully concluded with imperative findings with the suggestions and practices of open innovation utilized by SMEs. Finding from the thesis demonstrate that entrepreneurs in view of their individual attributes perceived the value of the opportunity and well-spoken the thought into a successful product. Their most vital entrepreneurial qualities are quick basic leadership, risk taking capacity and innovativeness in discovering answers for issues. Both entrepreneurs were effective in sorting out and managing the open innovation process and overwhelm the liabilities of being small. In both cases, entrepreneurs must have utilized external resources to satisfy the absence of their internal resources such as technology exploration innovation strategy and through building and dealing with their innovation network. The result of the research demonstrates that the achievement of the entrepreneurs of how an entrepreneur deals with the business is not simply based on his aptitudes and abilities, however it additionally relies upon the type of innovation procedure which entrepreneurs incorporates within the organization. While organizing and managing the open innovation process there were many difficulties that both entrepreneurs needed to face to make their SMEs successful. Although few differences emerge when the both CEO’s adopted open innovation activities.
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From opportunity to business model:an entrepreneurial action perspectiveAtkova, I. (Irina) 18 May 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the present study is to theoretically and empirically examine how entrepreneurs create business models to capture opportunities. More specifically, this study focuses on the business model antecedents, in other words, entrepreneurial actions between the moment of opportunity identification and the inception of the functioning business model. By reviewing the extant literature on opportunity and business models, this study develops and argues for an action approach to understanding the business model creation process.
Focusing on theory development, this research follows a cyclical process of research-oriented action research, utilizing the diary method. In total, one hundred fifty five diaries were collected and analyzed for the purposes of this research. Four groups of respondents were included: the participants of a start-up accelerator program in Oulu, Finland; the participants of a project carried out at the University of Oulu, Finland; the participants of a venture creation training organized by the Business Model Design Center, Ålborg, Denmark; and two novice entrepreneurial teams based in Helsinki, Finland.
This study develops a conceptual model that illustrates how entrepreneurs create business models to capture opportunities. The model suggests that the process of business model creation is a continuous iteration of conceptualizing and contextualizing. Conceptualizing is associated with choices and decisions made under uncertainty, whereas contextualizing is about acting upon these choices and decisions, thereby testing their feasibility and acceptability against perceived reality. Conceptualizing triggers action as entrepreneurs try to actualize the choices and decisions they have made. Conceptualizing and contextualizing mutually support and reinforce each other by means of feedback loops: Changes in opportunity conceptualizations and/or business model conceptualizations necessitate modifications in their contextualization and vice versa.
The major contribution of this study lies in addressing what has previously been a mostly neglected area of research and explaining how entrepreneurs create business models to capture opportunities from the action perspective. From the methodological perspective, this study employs a novel combination of action research and the diary method, which allows investigating entrepreneurial actions in their natural setting. / Tiivistelmä
Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kuinka yrittäjät luovat liiketoimintamalleja liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia hyödyntääkseen. Erityisesti työssä keskitytään liiketoimintamallien aihioihin, joita yrittäjät työstävät liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien tunnistamisen ja toimivan liiketoimintamallin syntymisen välisenä aikana. Työssä rakennetaan aiempaan liiketoimintamahdollisuus- ja liiketoimintamallitutkimukseen perustuva, yrittäjien päiväkirjoja hyödyntävä toimintatutkimuslähestymistapa, jonka tavoitteena on lisätä ymmärrystä liiketoimintamallien luomisen prosessista sekä teoreettisesta että empiirisestä näkökulmasta. Kaikkiaan tutkimuksessa kerättiin ja analysoitiin 155 päiväkirjaa neljästä eri vastaajaryhmästä: yrityskiihdyttämöstä Oulussa, Oulun yliopiston järjestämässä yrittäjyysprojektissa, Aalborgin yliopiston Business Model Design Centerin järjestämässä yrityksen perustamiskoulutuksessa, ja kahdessa aloittavien yrittäjien tiimissä Helsingissä.
Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin käsitteellinen malli kuvaamaan kuinka yrittäjät luovat liiketoimintamalleja liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien hyödyntämiseksi. Malli esittää liiketoimintamallin luomisen jatkuvana ja iteratiivisena konseptointina sekä kontekstualisointina. Konseptoinnilla tarkoitetaan tässä yhteydessä yrittäjien epävarmuuden vallitessa tekemiä valintoja ja päätöksiä, kontekstualisoinnilla näiden valintojen ja päätösten mukaisesti toimimista. Konseptualisoinnissa ja kontekstualisoinnissa testataan liiketoimintamalliaihioiden toimivuutta, kannattavuutta ja hyväksyttävyyttä yrittäjien kokemassa todellisuudessa. Konseptointi käynnistää toiminnan, jolla yrittäjät pyrkivät toteuttamaan tekemiään valintoja ja päätöksiä. Konseptointi ja kontekstualisointi vahvistavat ja tukevat toisiaan kaksisuuntaisen palautemekanismin kautta: muutos liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien ja liiketoimintamallien konseptoinnissa aiheuttaa tarpeen muuttaa tapaa, joilla niitä testataan ja toteutetaan käytännössä – samalla käytännön toteutuksessa opittu heijastuu takaisin siihen, miten liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia ja liiketoimintamalleja konseptoidaan.
Työn pääasiallinen kontribuutio on liiketoimintamallien toimintatutkimuksen alueella. Aiemmassa liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia ja liiketoimintamalleja yhdistävässä tutkimuksessa ei ole juurikaan sovellettu toimintatutkimuksellista lähestymistapaa. Työssä onkin kehitetty uusi päiväkirjoihin perustuva toimintatutkimusmenetelmä, joka mahdollistaa yrittäjien toiminnan tutkimisen tilannesidonnaiset tekijät huomioon ottaen. Käytännössä työn tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää uuden yritystoiminnan luomisessa sekä yrittäjien ja yritysten tukemisessa.
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Byznys plán pro nezávislou taneční company / Business plan for contemporary dance companyHájková, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with small dance company's business plan process options focusing on effectiveness and simplicity. The thesis offers views on two approaches of strategic planning. The classic one by Michael Kaiser and the second one - Business Model Canvas tool - not so developed in this particular domain. This tool is used in other fields all around the world for creating, reviewing, innovating and presenting business models.
The aim of this thesis is to describe and compare this two approaches. A case study is also included in the thesis, verifying implementation of Business Model Canvas for independent dance company special needs.
The thesis is based on premise that the business plans of independent dace companies are often inadequate and for gaining strong partners or donors the ability to form and present an intelligible and confident vision is crucial.
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Business model canvas a jeho aplikace v dřevozpracujícím průmyslu / Business model canvas and its application in wood processing industryBorovičková, Nina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the creation of a canvas business model which is understood as a company strategy plan. Its structure consists of nine basic elements (customer segments, value preposition, chanels, customer relationship, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partners and cost structure), which must be interconnected in the way that they could bring significant values to the company and its strategy.
The aim of this thesis is to apply this method canvas business model to a business subject operating in the wood processing industry and to suggest possibilities of innovation in the same company using the canvas model. The innovation should have the significant positive influence on the future development of the explored subject.
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Komunikační strategie dřevařské firmy s využitím business modelu canvas / Communication strategy of wood selling company by applying business model canvasToms, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to define an issue of the business model Canvas now together with its implementation at the certain timber company tools with the help of tools like public relations, analyses of communication mix. In the theoretical part is described business model Canvas in detail and also defined the importance of communication in the market background including the marketing communication tools. In the practical part is with the help of business model analyzed and evaluated the current condition of communication mix at the certain timber company. Finally there are recommended the ways of improvement of the current marketing and communication system.
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Research on Business Model of SMEs’ Financial Service for Commercial BanksJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: The key chanllenge for Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) to get credit or loans is the fact that traditional financing business model in commercial banks cannot meet SMEs’ financial needs. Through extensive theoretical research, market analysis especially on SMEs’ behavioral characteristics and demands, serveral case studies on market-leading banks such as Wells Fargo and KASIKORN BANK, and the actual implementation experiences in China Minsheng Bank and Pingan Bank, this article proposes a new business model for servicing SMEs for commercial banks in China, which includes the principle and rationale of the business model, the technical foundation, business process and organizational structure, as well as the future transition of the model. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2015
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IoT business model change in theIndustrial sectorDeogratius, Sanya January 2018 (has links)
The industrial domain is experiencing relatively a higher growth rate than other Internet-ofThings (IoT) market domains. Much as a lot is said about its technological capabilities andapplications, less has been said about the business side, and specifically how business modelsfor IIoT are changing currently. This paper seeks to explore how industrial IoT business modelsare changing the key drivers in the now. Some of the key finding include the fact that thischange is expressed most within the value proposition, collaborations and partnerships, newskill sets, internal departmental convergences etc. The key drivers are mainly bothtechnologically and market driven with mostly reasons of IIoT adoption being cost cutting andefficiency in operations. It is also found out that standardization and regulations also play akey role but only to arbitrate (issue like privacy security, ownership interoperability etc.) whathas or is already been put to service, in most of the cases e.g., The General Data ProtectionRegulation (GDPR).
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Inovação de modelo de negócios: a entrada da Natura no formato multicanal / BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION: THE ENTRY OF NATURA IN MULTI-CHANNELRicardo Müller Pereira 08 November 2017 (has links)
Após anos desfrutando de vantagens competitivas frente a seus competidores por meio de seu canal de venda direta, a Natura começa a sofrer com a concorrência cada vez mais acirrada. O objetivo desse trabalho é, através do estudo de caso da Natura, avaliar como surge a necessidade de mudança do modelo de negócios e como ela pode ser implantada. Através de entrevistas com colaboradores da empresa e da revisão da literatura tornou-se possível mapear as fragilidades e oportunidades do processo de transformação da Natura em um modelo multicanal (com pretensão de tornar-se omnichannel), bem como torna-se claro as vantagens de utilização das novas ferramentas de modelagem em inovação de negócios. / After years of enjoying competitive advantages in front of its competitors through its direct sales channel, Natura begins to suffer from the increasingly fierce competition. The objective of this work is, through the Natura case study, to assess how the need of changing business model arises and how it can be implemented. Through interviews with company employees and literature review it has become possible to map the weaknesses and opportunities of Natura\'s transformation process into a multi-channel model (with the intention of becoming omnichannel), as well as the advantages of new modeling tools in business innovation.
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