Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business para"" "subject:"business par""
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Kluster i dagligvarubranschen : En plats för den hungrigeSandberg, Kristoffer, Lekander, Oscar January 2011 (has links)
För närvarande råder en oenighet inom den akademiska världen beträffande begreppet kluster och hur detta skall definieras. Enligt rådande definition kan ett kluster vara såväl globalt, nationellt, regionalt som lokalt. För att få en djupare förståelse för begreppet, och då framförallt klusterbildning inom dagligvarubranschen har vi bedrivit en serie av semistrukturerade intervjuer där vi valt att intervjua personer med ledande befattning inom företag aktiva i denna bransch. Vi ämnade med denna undersökande rapport att se ifall kluster skapas slumpartat eller om dessa går att skapa artificiellt, och i sådant fall hur. Vi har genom vår teoretiska genomlysning funnit att ett kluster genomgår tre faser: startfasen, utvecklingsfasen och mognadsfasen. Förmågan för ett kluster att passera de olika faserna och slutligen nå mognadsfasen har sin grund i en sammansatt grupp av vitala faktorer. Med hjälp av Porters Diamantmodell har vi ämnat förklara och konkritisera vilka faktorer som är av betydelse i respektive fas. I startfasen finns behovet av produktionsfaktorer, faktorer vitala för all ekonomisk verksamhet. I utvecklingsfasen tas ytterligare ett steg för att skapa en symbios inom den geografiska avgränsningen. För att underlätta denna utveckling, kan klustret skapa en nätverksorganisation, klustermotorn. Inom denna fas har även trippelhelixteorin en avgörande roll där den beskriver interaktionen mellan stat/myndighet, näringsliv och utbildning. I den slutliga fasen, mognadsfasen, läggs stor vikt på den kritiska massan av företag, detta skall skapa ett varumärke som skall locka fler aktörer. Vi har genom vår intervjuserie mot dagligvarubranschen funnit att det finns goda förutsättningar för att skapa ett kluster utifrån de rådande förutsättningarna i Solna Business Park. Branschen visar intresse för konceptet kluster, dock är få villiga att ta det första steget. Ett problem inom dagligvarubranschen är att det är en gammal bransch där ett flertal leverantörer har sina huvudkontor etablerade i anslutning till produktionen. Ett flertal av de intervjuade är intresserade av att etablera sig i området om det skulle nå en kritisk massa och få stämpeln "här sitter branschen". För att nå denna kritiska massa måste fastighetsägaren arbeta utifrån ett köpcentrumsperspektiv. Det bör även etableras högre utbildning inom området, detta då tidigare "best practise" visat på den dragningskraft en sådan aktör kan ha för branschen i stort. Att stödfunktioner inte till fullo är utvecklade har visat sig vara ett problem för området. Genom extern marknadsföring skulle negativ påverkan av detta kunna minimeras då dålig "word-of-mouth" annars kan urholka varumärket. Varumärket är en väsentlig del i skapandet av ett kluster och resurser måste på grund av detta även läggas på extern marknadsföring, detta för att skapa en nationell spridning om fördelarna med att befinna sig i Solna Business Park. Om Fabege har för avsikt att skapa ett unikt dagligvarukluster i Solna Business Park bör de investera i fastigheter kring området för att kunna åtnjuta investeringarna till fullo. Kan ej detta göras bör ett syndikat upprättas där kostnader sprids mellan aktörerna.
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Sistema de certificação da qualidade de condomínios logísticos no Brasil. / Quality Classification System of warehouses business park in Brazil.Chavarri Mora, María Jackeline 27 September 2016 (has links)
Atualmente no mercado brasileiro de condomínios de galpões logísticos são ofertados empreendimentos em variados estratos de qualidade. Isto decorre do grande espectro de necessidades e demandas de uma ampla variedade de usuários interessados em ocupar Condomínios Logísticos (CL). De modo geral, os usuários desta tipologia de empreendimento procuram, além da eficiência de armazenagem, outros serviços e atributos tais como: localização privilegiada, moderna infraestrutura de sistemas prediais, forte segurança patrimonial, incentivos fiscais na região, flexibilidade no projeto para ajustar as instalações existentes a requisitos operacionais específicos, entre outros. A partir do conjunto de atributos de qualidade oferecidos aos usuários é possível enquadrar empreendimentos deste segmento em classes específicas que permitam o mercado fazer uma leitura sem viés do padrão de qualidade dos empreendimentos em oferta, a exemplo do que já é utilizado em outros segmentos de empreendimentos de Base Imobiliária no Brasil. Contudo, um sistema de classificação de CL rigoroso e isento de viés é inexistente hoje no Brasil. O mercado dispõe exclusivamente de critérios formulados pelas empresas responsáveis pela comercialização dos espaços nos empreendimentos, o que compromete a isenção da avaliação da qualidade para o usuário. Esta notória ausência de um sistema de classificação reclama a construção de critérios mais bem fundamentados e com análise do estado dos atributos, sob o ponto de vista do usuário de CLs. Portanto o objetivo desta pesquisa é desenvolver um sistema de certificação da qualidade de CL no Brasil, no qual sejam identificados e analisados os diferentes atributos que possam enquadrar um empreendimento dentro de uma classe específica, para dar suporte a uma leitura de qualidade dos empreendimentos pelo mercado. Para atingir o objetivo mencionado, foi necessário identificar os principais aspectos comuns às classificações existentes no mercado de CL através de levantamento bibliográfico e de práticas de mercado, para, em seguida, eleger uma metodologia de análise que permita avaliar os atributos que fundamentam na visão dos usuários o que configura a qualidade dos CLs. O método empregado foi o Delphi, que envolve a aplicação sucessivas de questionários a especialistas no tema, com o intuito de reconhecer a opinião prevalente acerca da qualidade de CL segundo o ponto de vista de seus usuários típicos. Deste modo, os resultados alcançados são, i) construção de uma Matriz de atributos que identifica a importância relativa dos sistemas e atributos requeridos pelos usuários de CLs, ii) construção de um sistema de classificação da qualidade de CLs para ser oferecido ao mercado. / Currently in the Brazilian Warehouses Business Park (WBP) are offered projects in varying quality strata. This follows from the broad spectrum of needs and demands of a wide variety of users interested in occupying charges (WBP). In general, users of this project typology looking beyond the storage efficiency, other services and attributes such as: prime location, modern infrastructure building systems, strong balance security, tax incentives in the region, design flexibility to adjust the facilities existing specific operational requirements, among others. From the set of quality attributes offered to users can frame projects this segment in specific classes that allow the market to do a reading without standard bias quality of the projects on offer, similar to what is already used in other segments of enterprises Base of Real Estate in Brazil. However, a strict classification system of WBP whit free bias is nonexistent today in Brazil. The market has only criteria formulated by the companies responsible for marketing the spaces in the projects, which compromises the quality assessment of the exemption for the user. This notorious absence of a classification system calls for the construction of wellfounded criteria and analysis of the state of the attributes from the point of view of WBP user. Therefore the aim of this research is to develop a quality certification system to Warehouses Business Park in Brazil, which are identified and analyzed the different attributes that can frame a project within a specific class, to support a quality reading of developments in the market . To achieve the goal mentioned, it was necessary to identify key commonalities of existing ratings in the WBP market through literature and market practices, to then elect a methodology for assessing the attributes that support the vision of users which sets the quality of WBP. The method used was Delphi, which involves the successive application of questionnaires to experts on the subject, in order to recognize the prevailing opinion about the quality of WBP from the point of view of their typical users. Thus, the results obtained are i) construction of an array of attributes that identify the relative importance of the attributes required for systems and users shed, ii) construct a quality classification system of WBP to be offered to the market.
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Sistema de certificação da qualidade de condomínios logísticos no Brasil. / Quality Classification System of warehouses business park in Brazil.María Jackeline Chavarri Mora 27 September 2016 (has links)
Atualmente no mercado brasileiro de condomínios de galpões logísticos são ofertados empreendimentos em variados estratos de qualidade. Isto decorre do grande espectro de necessidades e demandas de uma ampla variedade de usuários interessados em ocupar Condomínios Logísticos (CL). De modo geral, os usuários desta tipologia de empreendimento procuram, além da eficiência de armazenagem, outros serviços e atributos tais como: localização privilegiada, moderna infraestrutura de sistemas prediais, forte segurança patrimonial, incentivos fiscais na região, flexibilidade no projeto para ajustar as instalações existentes a requisitos operacionais específicos, entre outros. A partir do conjunto de atributos de qualidade oferecidos aos usuários é possível enquadrar empreendimentos deste segmento em classes específicas que permitam o mercado fazer uma leitura sem viés do padrão de qualidade dos empreendimentos em oferta, a exemplo do que já é utilizado em outros segmentos de empreendimentos de Base Imobiliária no Brasil. Contudo, um sistema de classificação de CL rigoroso e isento de viés é inexistente hoje no Brasil. O mercado dispõe exclusivamente de critérios formulados pelas empresas responsáveis pela comercialização dos espaços nos empreendimentos, o que compromete a isenção da avaliação da qualidade para o usuário. Esta notória ausência de um sistema de classificação reclama a construção de critérios mais bem fundamentados e com análise do estado dos atributos, sob o ponto de vista do usuário de CLs. Portanto o objetivo desta pesquisa é desenvolver um sistema de certificação da qualidade de CL no Brasil, no qual sejam identificados e analisados os diferentes atributos que possam enquadrar um empreendimento dentro de uma classe específica, para dar suporte a uma leitura de qualidade dos empreendimentos pelo mercado. Para atingir o objetivo mencionado, foi necessário identificar os principais aspectos comuns às classificações existentes no mercado de CL através de levantamento bibliográfico e de práticas de mercado, para, em seguida, eleger uma metodologia de análise que permita avaliar os atributos que fundamentam na visão dos usuários o que configura a qualidade dos CLs. O método empregado foi o Delphi, que envolve a aplicação sucessivas de questionários a especialistas no tema, com o intuito de reconhecer a opinião prevalente acerca da qualidade de CL segundo o ponto de vista de seus usuários típicos. Deste modo, os resultados alcançados são, i) construção de uma Matriz de atributos que identifica a importância relativa dos sistemas e atributos requeridos pelos usuários de CLs, ii) construção de um sistema de classificação da qualidade de CLs para ser oferecido ao mercado. / Currently in the Brazilian Warehouses Business Park (WBP) are offered projects in varying quality strata. This follows from the broad spectrum of needs and demands of a wide variety of users interested in occupying charges (WBP). In general, users of this project typology looking beyond the storage efficiency, other services and attributes such as: prime location, modern infrastructure building systems, strong balance security, tax incentives in the region, design flexibility to adjust the facilities existing specific operational requirements, among others. From the set of quality attributes offered to users can frame projects this segment in specific classes that allow the market to do a reading without standard bias quality of the projects on offer, similar to what is already used in other segments of enterprises Base of Real Estate in Brazil. However, a strict classification system of WBP whit free bias is nonexistent today in Brazil. The market has only criteria formulated by the companies responsible for marketing the spaces in the projects, which compromises the quality assessment of the exemption for the user. This notorious absence of a classification system calls for the construction of wellfounded criteria and analysis of the state of the attributes from the point of view of WBP user. Therefore the aim of this research is to develop a quality certification system to Warehouses Business Park in Brazil, which are identified and analyzed the different attributes that can frame a project within a specific class, to support a quality reading of developments in the market . To achieve the goal mentioned, it was necessary to identify key commonalities of existing ratings in the WBP market through literature and market practices, to then elect a methodology for assessing the attributes that support the vision of users which sets the quality of WBP. The method used was Delphi, which involves the successive application of questionnaires to experts on the subject, in order to recognize the prevailing opinion about the quality of WBP from the point of view of their typical users. Thus, the results obtained are i) construction of an array of attributes that identify the relative importance of the attributes required for systems and users shed, ii) construct a quality classification system of WBP to be offered to the market.
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Od továrny k business parku: Socioprostorová změna Karlína / From a Factory to the Business Park: Socio-spatial Change of KarlinÚlehlová, Marie January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the socio-spatial transformation of the Prague district Karlin. This post- socialist and post-industrial developing dynamic district has changed its character in the recent decades. I follow on from the post-socialist theories that perceive the city of the so- called hybrid perspectives. These theories reveal it as a whole and take into account the everyday experience of the changing city. I describe these experiences of the inhabitants and visitors of Karlin with the concepts of social production and social construction, which combine the macroanalysis of social, economic and political influences and the microanalysis of individual living experience. I work on the assumption at the same time that the socio- spatial change manifests itself in the everyday activities of people and their rhythmicity which is the result of social construction and the production of urban space. The aim of the thesis is to describe the socio-spatial change through the example of Karlin Square with the analysis of rhythmicity. I use several qualitative methods of urban studies. In particular, I use the following methods: semi-structured interviews with mental mapping, participating observations and diaries
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Reviving SkellefteåBoltakke, Lubna January 2021 (has links)
The changes that we are seeing and anticipating are largely due to human behaviour. Arctic sea ice is at the lowest levels ever recorded. The volume of Arctic ice has decreased dramatically over the past decade. . The consequences of losing the Arctic ice cover are expected to be enormous if the ice is no longer able to reflect sunlight, as the region could warm more than it is now. And water quality would go to its lowest levels since the flooding levels is higher. Industry also is considered as major source of water pollution; it produces pollutants very harmful to people and the environment. Many industrial plants use freshwater surfaces for the transfer of waste from the factory to rivers, lakes and oceans. This could lead to increased ocean temperatures with unknown effects on the weather system. Moreover, the natural habitats of many species are being destroyed. Environmentally destructive practices and the increasing number of people living in harm's way can exacerbate natural disasters. Through forest degradation and river engineering. Filling wetlands, destabilizing the climate, we are changing the natural system so that its ability to protect us diminishes. Cities around industrial locations can lose their vigor and vitality just as surely as a once hot product can lose its cutting edge cool. Meanwhile working on city development into ecological perspective means gathering all the systems together in circular system make post industrial future cities greener place to live and fresher attractive centres.
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DiD WarehouseBrand, Adele 26 November 2003 (has links)
The warehouse will be seen as an outlet of décor elements and designer furniture as well as of South African and international décor shops and designs. A showroom of designer furniture (of well-known designers like Rietveld, Graves, Gehry, etc.) for the public and interested and affected parties will be provided. All the different functions must be integrated and the interaction between various designers and different décor elements will form an important aspect of the warehouse. DiD Warehouse must facilitate innovation and welcome new talents among collaborators along with the "design consumer", an informed and sensitive buyer who, by setting in motion a buying project of his own, is transforming distribution. Even retailers will have to change their attitude, and get rid of the "museum store" concept, that is, a space where the objects on display cannot be touched. The warehouse should be seen as an event place, which has a give-and-take relationship with the life and culture of the city and which attracts the visitor, plying him with emotions and services over and above a simple exchange of merchandise and money over a counter. Growth of any kind brings with it an ability to keep changing, doing away with moldy prejudices to make room for the new. Transformation, movement and lightness are, in the end, the words that best sum up the character of what the designer warehouse must be in the future. Time, scale and functional differences must be solved through the design and planning of spaces. The building will be seen as a "container". South African and international influences, as well as space perceptions of the Post-Modernist era, must be incorporated to set a precedent for the warehouse. A true South African influence and modern style will be reflected through the architecture. The furniture and décor elements will form part of the building and architecture, and must complement each other. DiD Warehouse will house historical and current designer furniture and décor elements, to ensure prospects, possibilities and opportunities for designers of the future. Local designers will get exposure to the international design industry, and a standard for each design and designer will be set. Differences versus similarities must positively reflect the diversity of South African and international design. Import and export of designer furniture and décor are going to be very important aspects in the administration and economical management of the warehouse. The architecture and interior design of the warehouse will complement each other and create the same feeling, that of inspiration, creativity, modern design, imagination, reality and exclusivity. a designer masterpiece as well. Every well-known architect has designed a piece of furniture in his/her life The building will reflect its function and the activities within the façade and architecture, and will aim to be time and the relationship between architecture and designer furniture is very important and dynamic. One of the most important functions of the building will be to launch careers and test ideas. The exterior (architecture and façade) will set a standard for what is inside the building and the warehouse will aim to set a precedent for future furniture development in South Africa. The building will strive to be a very important catalyst in generating designer décor and furniture. There is a demand for steady retail, which will revive the industrial and export sector. South Africa remains the powerhouse of the continent and medium to long-term prospects are good. This means that deals that can be successful today will become that much more attractive in the future. The warehouse must encourage other designers to make conscious use of design as a factor in the competitive process. Precedents will be the platform of the final product. The building must be adaptable and flexible to accommodate continuous changes in technology, fashion and the changing environment and way of living of each person. It must be flexible in terms of more possibilities, greater prospects and better investments. Young entrepreneurs must have the opportunity to show their designs. The warehouse will be educational in a theoretical, practical and visual way. Furniture design courses will be held from time to time as well as exhibitions held by entrepreneurs and "young-up-and-coming" designers. That will create contrasts in price and experience. The aim of the thesis is to design a modern designer furniture and décor warehouse (situated in a security business park) to fulfill the needs of the community and industry; to investigate well-known architects and furniture designers theoretical approaches and philosophy towards design; to ensure that DiD Warehouse will be one of its kind in South Africa; to set a market for our local talent and to reflect diversity in today's modern designer furniture and décor; to showcase local and international design for the public and to give everyone easy access to and from the building; and finally, to create a place (warehouse) from another century, not of the past but of the future - based on human relationships, master intelligence, respect and loyalty; which will hold the key to our future in design - the rediscovery of compassion. / Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Architecture / unrestricted
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Финансово-экономическое обоснование проекта строительства бизнес-парка с формированием общественного пространства на прилегающей территории : магистерская диссертация / Financial and economic justification of the project for the construction of a business park with the formation of public space in the adjacent territoryГлумнушина, П. С., Glumnushina, P. S. January 2022 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, библиографического списка и приложений. В работе рассмотрены теоретико-прикладные аспекты создания бизнес-парков и общественных пространств в рамках комплексного развития территории. Проведено маркетинговое исследование офисной, складской и производственной недвижимости, обозначены обоснования для выбора концепции проекта, изучена возможность применения государственно-частного партнерства при создании общественного пространства, представлена концепция проекта. Определены источники финансирования, сформирован бюджет проекта, рассчитаны показатели экономической эффективности проекта. В заключении сформулированы основные выводы и обобщены результаты исследования. / The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list and appendices. The paper considers theoretical and applied aspects of the creation of business parks and public spaces within the framework of the integrated development of the territory. A marketing study of office, warehouse and industrial real estate was conducted, the justifications for the choice of the project concept were outlined, the possibility of using public-private partnership in the creation of public space was studied, the project concept was presented. The sources of financing have been identified, the project budget has been formed, and the indicators of the economic efficiency of the project have been calculated. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formulated and the results of the study are summarized.
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