Spelling suggestions: "subject:"businessprocess management"" "subject:"businessprocesses management""
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Modelo de gestión integral de la ejecución de la obra para la personalización masiva en edificación residencial. Un enfoque basado en BPMAndújar-Montoya, María Dolores 11 December 2015 (has links)
En la presente tesis se ha llevado a cabo una investigación detallada centrada en el paradigma de la Personalización Masiva aplicada al ámbito edificatorio. En concreto, se propone un modelo que permite la implantación del paradigma de Personalización Masiva como estrategia de posicionamiento competitivo en el mercado ante el entorno empresarial actual, que se caracteriza por la competencia global, la fragmentación del mercado y unos clientes más exigentes con tendencia en la mayoría de los casos a la exclusividad y diferenciación. Para trasladar esta ventaja competitiva a la realidad del sector, concretamente a la ejecución del proceso edificatorio y su gestión, el presente trabajo propone la aplicación de la metodología Business Process Management (BPM) como elemento vertebrador, junto con disciplinas y filosofías en auge en el sector y el uso de tecnologías emergentes como wearables, dispositivos móviles o Internet of Things (IoT´s). El modelo propuesto se centra en la sinergia entre las diferentes estrategias, técnicas y tecnologías que actualmente se utilizan en el ámbito de la gestión (como Lean Construction), junto con otras estrategias y tecnologías que han demostrado ser soluciones efectivas en otros ámbitos como por ejemplo, BPM o Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), etc… A través de la integración de todas estas herramientas se consigue una gestión eficiente de la ejecución de la obra, mejorando el rendimiento y haciendo viable la Personalización Masiva en la ejecución de proyectos. Mediante la implantación de herramientas y principios basados en filosofías Lean Construction, como Last Planner System, se reducirá la variabilidad derivada de las diferentes opciones que implica la Personalización Masiva y que afecta directamente a la calidad y tiempo de entrega. Todo esto con el apoyo de la estrategia BPM y su tecnología asociada que permitirá la automatización de procesos, el control, la disponibilidad de la información y la gestión de los cambios potenciales, dando la agilidad necesaria a una organización para adaptarse a los cambios del entorno y responder a imprevistos. Siendo esta agilidad un aspecto clave para lograr la Personalización Masiva. Para llevar a cabo el objetivo se ha realizado un estudio de los antecedentes donde se ha observado que casi todas las propuestas de aplicación del paradigma de Personalización Masiva se centran en la fase de diseño y edificación prefabricada, no enfocándose ninguna a la construcción tradicional. Asimismo, se ha realizado un estudio y definición de la problemática que conlleva la aplicación del paradigma en la construcción tradicional y se han identificado las soluciones parciales a partir de estrategias, paradigmas, técnicas y tecnologías ya existentes. Este estudio ha permitido justificar el problema, plantear la hipótesis y proponer una solución novedosa con respecto a otros enfoques existentes en la línea de investigación. Posteriormente se han analizado las soluciones parciales a la problemática identificada a partir de estrategias, paradigmas, técnicas y tecnologías ya existentes. Finalmente se ha realizado la integración de estas soluciones parciales a partir del uso de técnicas de integración de procesos y sistemas tecnológicos. El resultado es un modelo conceptual que sirve como marco de referencia para el proceso de ejecución de la edificación en la construcción tradicional bajo un enfoque de Personalización Masiva. Como paso final para validar la investigación se ha implementado un prototipo donde se han modelado y automatizado dos casos de uso, el primero de ellos está referido al proceso de ejecución del pavimentado ubicado en la capa procesos principales en la ejecución de la obra, debido a la relevancia y repercusión en la Personalización Masiva. Por otro lado, se ha modelado y automatizado el proceso LPS ubicado en la capa de procesos de gestión debido a la complejidad y dificultad de gestión de la diversidad de opciones que plantea la Personalización Masiva. El prototipo obtenido basado en los casos de uso ha permitido mostrar su validez y viabilidad poniendo de manifiesto cómo la implementación de un conjunto representativo de técnicas y su integración, permiten alcanzar los requisitos de la personalización masiva como son la eficiencia, productividad, agilidad en la gestión del cambio e integración. Además, a partir de sesiones de Benchmarking con empresas constructoras y empresas especializadas se ha concluido la utilidad y viabilidad de la propuesta en materia de usabilidad y accesibilidad.
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BPM: Cultural Alignment of Organizational Units : A Case Study of a German ShipyardMarcus, Ralph Janis Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
Purpose – This research aims to explore subcultures within a target organization that have been formed in different organizational units and investigate their interactions with a central business process. This will be done by analyzing how the subcultures of a German shipyard align with values that are supportive of a business process management (BPM) approach and how they might support or hinder those values. Design/ methodology/approach – This research is constructed as a qualitative case study. An inductive approach is utilized to conduct semi-structured interviews. Data analysis is conducted by a thematic framework analysis. Findings – The results of the research are factors that can not only hinder but also support BPM-supportive values. Those factors are continuous communication, engagement and motivation of the employees and an active process management. Research limitations/implications – The transferability of this research to other organizations is limited, yet not negligible. Due to the highly context-based, cultural setting that is specific to any group of people. The research contributes to further understanding the holistic approach of BPM that is highly influenced by organizational culture and subculture and its values. Practical implications – The result can be used to either prepare organizations for a BPM-initiative or give them guidance in assessing the factors that might hinder and support the BPM-supporting values of specific organizations. Originality/value – The research contributes to further understanding the holistic approach of BPM that is highly influenced by organizational culture and subculture and its values.
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Design and Implementation of a Framework for Process Management in Service Oriented Virtual Organizations Using Service ZonesAhmadi Danesh Ashtiani, Mohammad Hosein January 2012 (has links)
Virtual Organizations (VO)—a network of independent organizations collaborating to address specific business opportunities—have become popular in today’s technology driven business environment. Due to their autonomous and interdependent nature, management of collaboration among such organizations is a challenging task. Although many solutions have been proposed over the past two decades to support inter-organizational interactions, VOs still face several challenges due to their dynamic and temporal nature that cannot be addressed by traditional solutions such as ebXML, RosettaNet and EDI. In this research, we present a framework for process management in service oriented virtual organizations and a distributed architecture for a flexible infrastructure that supports collaborative business process execution, monitoring and management. The framework contains 6 layers with multiple components within each layer. In designing the components of the framework, standard reference architecture such as the Open-EDI reference model and the S3 service oriented architecture, as well as best practices such as ITIL V3 and PMBOK are used. The infrastructure supports the common topologies of inter-organizational collaboration (e.g. peer-to-peer, star, linear), and responds well to changes due to its loosely coupled components. The proposed infrastructure is based on federating multiple SOA infrastructures with the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) as its core. It is implemented using IBM WebSphere ™ products. We demonstrate that VOs built with our framework and implementation architecture facilitate flexibility, rapid process integration and dynamic evolution.
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Process Modelling Language Engineering - Konstruktion und Spezifikation von Prozessmodellierungssprachen für digitale ArbeitsumgebungenJannaber, Sven 13 July 2020 (has links)
Geschäftsprozesse gelten als kritischer Erfolgsfaktor für die Unternehmensgestaltung und im Kontext der digitalen Transformation als essentielles Werkzeug für die Entwicklung von Informationssystemen. Zur Modellierung von Geschäftsprozessen werden sogenannte Prozessmodellierungssprachen verwendet. Die Ereignisgesteuerte Prozesskette (EPK) ist eine der verbreitetsten Modellierungssprachen und nutzt u.a. Ereignisse, Funktionen und Verbindungselemente, um einen betrieblichen Ablauf als semi-formales Modell abzubilden.
Obwohl die Bedeutung und der positive Einfluss vorliegender Geschäftsprozessmodelle auf die Unternehmensgestaltung und den Unternehmenserfolg in Wissenschaft und Praxis dokumentiert sind, steht die Geschäftsprozessmodellierung mit der EPK vor vielfältigen Herausforderungen: Da die EPK bislang kein systematisches Spezifikationsverfahren durchlaufen hat, werden die Modellierungstätigkeiten und der Modellaustausch erschwert wird, wodurch als Konsequenz zunehmend auf andere Modellierungssprachen zurückgegriffen wird. Gleichzeitig leidet die Geschäftsprozessmodellierung an generellen Akzeptanzproblemen: Modellierungssprachen werden immer komplexer, sodass Anwender verstärkt auf rein visuelle, kaum formalisierte Modellierungsformen und grafische Standardsoftware zu Modellierungszwecken zurückgreifen. Auch das Ausbleiben von Innovationssprüngen der Modellierung führt dazu, dass die Akzeptanz und der wahrgenommene Nutzen der Prozessmodellierung in den Hintergrund rücken. Noch immer werden primär statische Desktop-Computer und umfangreiche Software-Systeme zur Prozessmodellierung verwendet, was dem mehr und mehr durch Mobilität und Agilität geprägten Arbeitsalltag der Anwender nicht mehr gerecht wird.
Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Herausforderungen ist die Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit die Konstruktion und Spezifikation von Modellierungssprachen, die nicht nur für klassischen Arbeitsumgebungen wie Desktop-Computer geeignet sind, sondern auch auf neuartigen, mobilen Endgeräte wie Tablets oder Smart Glasses zur Prozessmodellierung zum Einsatz kommen können. Um die Anwendbarkeit und Zweckmäßigkeit der entwickelten Sprache zu erhöhen, sind dabei insbesondere Anwendungsfall- als auch Technologie-spezifische Anforderungen der Endgeräte berücksichtigen. Eingebettet in einen gestaltungsorientierten Forschungsrahmen werden innerhalb von sechs Einzelbeiträgen in dieser kumulativen Dissertation geeignete Forschungsmethoden der Wirtschaftsinformatik angewandt und sinnvoll verknüpft, um die skizzierte Zielsetzung sukzessive zu adressieren. Die Forschungsarbeit demonstriert die (Weiter-)Entwicklung einer Prozessmodellierungssprache auf Basis der EPK, die insbesondere eine Anwendung innerhalb des mobilen Endgeräts „Smart Glasses“ in den Mittelpunkt rückt. Gleichzeitig wird die Anwendbarkeit der entwickelten Sprachvariante durch die Implementierung innerhalb einer Smart-Glasses-basierten Prozessmodellierungsumgebung unterstrichen.
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Goal-oriented Process MiningGhasemi, Mahdi 05 January 2022 (has links)
Context: Process mining is an approach that exploits event logs to discover real processes executed in organizations, enabling them to (re)design and improve process models. Goal modelling, on the other hand, is a requirements engineering (RE) approach mainly used to analyze what-if situations and support decision making.
Problem: Common problems with process mining include the complexity of discovered “spaghetti” processes and a lack of goal-process alignment. Current process mining practices mainly focus on activities and do not benefit from considering stakeholder goals and requirements to manage complexity and alignment. The critical artifact that process mining practices rely on is the event log. However, using a raw version of real-life event logs will typically result in process models being too complex, unstructured, difficult to understand and, above all, not aligned with stakeholders’ goals.
Method: Involving goal-related factors can augment the precision and interpretability of mined models and help discover better opportunities to satisfy stakeholders. This thesis proposes three algorithms for goal-oriented process enhancement and discovery (GoPED) that show synergetic effects achievable by combining process mining and goal-oriented modelling. With GoPED, good historical experiences will be found within the event log to be used as a basis for inferring good process models, and bad experiences will be found to discover models to avoid. The goodness is defined in terms of alignment with regards to three categories of goal-related criteria:
• Case perspective: satisfaction of individual cases (e.g., patient, costumer) in terms of some goals;
• Goal perspective: overall satisfaction of some goals (e.g., to decrease waiting time) rather than individual cases; and
• Organization perspective: a comprehensive satisfaction level for all goals over all cases.
GoPED first adds goal-related attributes to conventional event characteristics (case identifier, activities, and timestamps), selects a subset of cases concerning goal-related criteria, and finally discovers a process model from that subset. For each criterion, an algorithm is developed to enable selecting the best subset of cases where the criterion holds. The resulting process models are expected to reproduce the desired level of satisfaction. The three GoPED algorithms were implemented in a Python tool. In addition, three other tools were implemented to complete a line of actions whose input is a raw event log and output is a subset of the event log selected with respect to the goal-related criteria. GoPED was used on real healthcare event logs (an illustrative example and a case study) to discover processes, and the performance of the tools was also assessed.
Results: The performance of the GoPED toolset for various sizes and configurations of event logs was assessed through extensive experiments. The results show that the three GoPED algorithms are practical and scalable for application to event logs with realistic sizes and types of configurations.
The GoPED method was also applied to the discovery of processes from the raw event log of the trajectories of patients with sepsis in a Dutch hospital, from their registration in the emergency room until their discharge. Although the raw data does not explicitly include goal-related information, some reasonable goals were derived from the data and a related research paper in consultation with a healthcare expert. The method was applied, and the resulting models were i) substantially simpler than the model dis-covered from the whole event log, ii) free from the drawbacks that using the whole event log causes, and iii) aligned with the predefined goals.
Conclusion: GoPED demonstrates the benefits of exploiting goal modelling capabilities to enhance event logs and select a subset of events to discover goal-aligned and simplified process models. The resulting process model can also be compared to a model discovered from the original event log to reveal new insights about the ability of different forms of process models to satisfy the stakeholders’ goals. Learning from good behaviours that satisfy goals and detecting bad behaviours that hurt them is an opportunity to redesign models, so they are simpler, better aligned with goals, and free from drawbacks that using the whole event log may cause.
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Towards a disruptive learning model in information systems education: a reflective student-dominant logic perspectiveGarbutt, Malcolm 26 August 2022 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis describes the research carried out to identify mechanisms as potential causes of action that can lead to improved learning outcomes. Identifying mechanisms requires an exploratory approach because mechanisms are not always directly perceivable. The potential mechanisms in this study were identified by analysing the reflections of students who participated in experiential learning projects during business process management education. The research was necessary due to a persistent need to minimise the gap between learning and practice. The research is unique because it takes a student-dominant approach to review students' reflective practices using a novel pragmatic-critical realist paradigm. Although reflection is central to experiential learning, there is limited understanding of how students reflect and what they consider to influence their learning outcomes. This limitation was explored using action research with mixed methods analysis which combined thematic analysis and partial least squares based structural equation modelling. During four action research cycles, student reflections on business process projects as part of higher education enterprise systems and business process management courses in a South African higher education institution were observed and analysed. Each action research cycle changed one aspect of the students' projects. The first intervention required students to reflect on action, the second required students to reflect in action, and the third required reflection for action. In the fourth cycle, the teaching staff changed. The findings showed that reflection is complex and must be linked to action to improve learning. Reflections were observed to positively influence learning outcomes when students apply effort to assigned tasks. On the basis of the observations, two models were proposed. The first model is a learning influence model embedded in the second disruptive learning model. The models show that reflective practices can improve learning outcomes by recognising that students learn at different levels but are predominantly absolutist. Students need to be inspired to apply effort in completing tasks and overcoming satisficing.
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Digitalization and BPM : The impact digitalization has on BPM from the employee perspectiveDartsch, Antonia, Nederlof, Bram Pieter Gerard January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparing Machine Learning Algorithms and Feature Selection Techniques to Predict Undesired Behavior in Business Processesand Study of Auto ML FrameworksGarg, Anushka January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, the scope of Machine Learning algorithms and its techniques are taking up a notch in every industry (for example, recommendation systems, user behavior analytics, financial applications and many more). In practice, they play an important role in utilizing the power of the vast data we currently generate on a daily basis in our digital world.In this study, we present a comprehensive comparison of different supervised Machine Learning algorithms and feature selection techniques to build a best predictive model as an output. Thus, this predictive model helps companies predict unwanted behavior in their business processes. In addition, we have researched for the automation of all the steps involved (from understanding data to implementing models) in the complete Machine Learning Pipeline, also known as AutoML, and provide a comprehensive survey of the various frameworks introduced in this domain. These frameworks were introduced to solve the problem of CASH (combined algorithm selection and Hyper- parameter optimization), which is basically automation of various pipelines involved in the process of building a Machine Learning predictive model. / Under de senaste åren har omfattningen av maskininlärnings algoritmer och tekniker tagit ett steg i alla branscher (till exempel rekommendationssystem, beteendeanalyser av användare, finansiella applikationer och många fler). I praktiken spelar de en viktig roll för att utnyttja kraften av den enorma mängd data vi för närvarande genererar dagligen i vår digitala värld.I den här studien presenterar vi en omfattande jämförelse av olika övervakade maskininlärnings algoritmer och funktionsvalstekniker för att bygga en bästa förutsägbar modell som en utgång. Således hjälper denna förutsägbara modell företag att förutsäga oönskat beteende i sina affärsprocesser. Dessutom har vi undersökt automatiseringen av alla inblandade steg (från att förstå data till implementeringsmodeller) i den fullständiga maskininlärning rörledningen, även känd som AutoML, och tillhandahåller en omfattande undersökning av de olika ramarna som introducerats i denna domän. Dessa ramar introducerades för att lösa problemet med CASH (kombinerat algoritmval och optimering av Hyper-parameter), vilket i grunden är automatisering av olika rörledningar som är inblandade i processen att bygga en förutsägbar modell för maskininlärning.
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Automating the development of Physical Mobile Workflows. A Model Driven Engineering approachGiner Blasco, Pau 17 May 2010 (has links)
La visión de la "Internet de las Cosas", hace énfasis en la integración entre elementos del mundo real y los Sistemas de Información. Gracias a tecnologías de Identificación Automática (Auto-ID) cómo RFID, los sistemas pueden percibir objetos del mundo físico. Cuando éstos participan de manera activa en los procesos de negocio, se evita el uso de los seres humanos como transportadores de información. Por tanto, el número de errores se reduce y la eficiencia de los procesos aumenta.
Aunque actualmente ya es posible el desarrollo de estos sistemas, la heterogeneidad tecnológica en Auto-ID y los requisitos cambiantes de los procesos de negocio dificultan su construcción, mantenimiento y evolución. Por lo tanto, es necesaria la definición de soluciones que afronten la construcción de estos sistemas mediante métodos sólidos de desarrollo para garantizar la calidad final del producto.
Partiendo de las bases de la Ingeniería Dirigida por Modelos (MDE), esta tesis presenta un proceso de desarrollo para la construcción de este tipo de sistemas. Este proceso cubre desde la especificación del sistema hasta su implementación, centrándose en los requisitos particulares del enlace entre los mundos físico y virtual.
Para la especificación de los sistemas se ha definido un Lenguaje de modelado adaptado a los requisitos de la "Internet de las Cosas". A partir de esta especificación se puede obtener una solución software de manera sistemática.
Como validación de la propuesta, ésta se ha aplicado en la práctica con usuarios finales. Pese a que el proceso de desarrollo no ofrece una automatización completa, las guías ofrecidas y la formalización de los conceptos implicados ha demostrado ser útil a la hora de elevar el nivel de abstracción en el desarrollo, evitando el esfuerzo de enfrentarse a detalles tecnológicos. / Giner Blasco, P. (2010). Automating the development of Physical Mobile Workflows. A Model Driven Engineering approach [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8272
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O fluxo de usuários no SUS coordenado pela regulação assistencial: um estudo dos processos para acesso a organizações de saúde de média complexidade / The user flow in the SUS coordinated per assistance regulation: a study of the process for health secondary care accessibilityFerreira, Gabriela Souza Assis 07 October 2015 (has links)
A regulação assistencial é um importante instrumento de gestão pública que tem como objetivo viabilizar o acesso dos usuários aos serviços de saúde. No entanto, há estudos que apontam que não há um equilíbrio entre a oferta e a demanda por serviços da atenção secundária no SUS. Na presente pesquisa questiona-se como está efetivamente estruturado o acesso a esse nível de atenção e quais os principais entraves para a efetividade do acesso. O objetivo consistiu em analisar o processo de acesso à atenção secundária da saúde buscando identificar oportunidades de melhoria. O foco desse estudo foi o acesso à especialidade médica de gastrocirurgia dos dois hospitais secundários integrantes do complexo do Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto. Foram realizadas entrevistas com gestores, médicos e demais profissionais envolvidos no processo. A partir das informações coletadas foi construído um mapa dos processos utilizando o software Bizagi e a notação de modelagem de processos de negócios (BPMN). A partir da descrição e análise, foi verificado como os processos descritos poderiam ser otimizados. Foi possível identificar que os dois processos estudados, apesar de terem o mesmo objetivo: prover acesso a atenção secundária de saúde, possuem diferenças marcantes. As vagas são distribuídas aos municípios na forma de cotas no processo de acesso ao HEAB enquanto que no acesso ao HERP há uma regulação compartilhada entre o DRSXIII e o próprio hospital. Os principais problemas identificados foram: absenteísmo dos usuários nas consultas; guias de referência incompletas ou ilegíveis; dificuldades de relacionamento entre os profissionais e organizações de saúde; demora para agendar consulta, entre outros. Concluiu-se que existem pontos no processo que não estão coerentes com as normas que o regulam e que há dados que podem ser utilizados para medir o desempenho do processo, como a proporção de casos novos e de pedidos de interconsulta; distribuição de vagas por município e situação após primeira consulta. Concluiu-se ainda que os problemas identificados podem ser solucionados a partir da implantação de melhorias sugeridas como: melhorar a comunicação e a triagem nos municípios, realizar treinamento dos funcionários e divulgar protocolos aos envolvidos. / The assistance regulation is an important public management tool that aims to facilitate users\' access to health services. However, studies show that there is not a balance between supply and demand for services in secondary care in the Unified Health System (SUS). In the present study it casts doubt on how the access is effectively structured to this level of care and what the main obstacles to the effectiveness of access are. The aim was analyze the process of access to secondary health care seeking to identify opportunities for improvement. The focus of this study was the access to medical specialty Gastrosurgery of the two hospitals that are members of the complex of the General Hospital of Ribeirão Preto Medical School (University of São Paulo). Interviews were conducted with managers, doctors and other stakeholders. From the information collected, a map of the processes using the Bizagi software and the notation for business process modeling (BPMN) was constructed. From the description and analysis, it was verified how the described processes could be optimized. It was possible to identify that the two processes studied have the same goal: provide access to secondary health care, have marked differences, such as how the distribution of vacancies. The vacancies are distributed to municipalities for quotas in the process of access to HEAB while access to HERP there is a shared regulation between the DRSXIII and the hospital. The main problems identified were outpatient non-attendance (absenteeism), incomplete or illegible reference guides, relationship difficulties between professionals and health organizations, long wait for schedule consultation, among others. It was concluded that there are points in the process that are not consistent with the rules that regulate, there is data that can be used to measure the performance process, as the proportion of new cases and requests for referral; distribution of vacancies for municipality and situation after first appointment. It was possible concluded also that the problems found can be solved through the implementation of suggested improvements; such as how improve communication and sorting in the municipalities, conduct employee training and disseminate the protocols involved.
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