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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die dekriminalisering van dagga in Suid-Afrika

Du Pré, Nicoline 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Na meer as veertig jaar het Suid-Afrika 'n nuwe politieke bedeling wat veranderde wetgewing in die vooruitsig stel. 'n Oorweging van 'n dekriminaliseringsbeleid vir die gebruik van dagga, beskou teen die agtergrond van 'n toename in emstige misdaad soos moord, gewapende roof, taxigeweld en verkragting, weerspieel die realiteite van vandag se oorweldigende misdaadprobleem in Suid-Afrika. Een van die belangrikste take van die kriminoloog is om misdaad te omskryf sodat 'n beleid voorgeskryf kan word wat die strafregsplegingstelsel van hulp kan wees om uiteindelik misdaad te verminder of, meer realisties, meer doeltreffend te beheer. Die omskrywing daarvan is egter nie so eenvoudig nie vanwee die kompleksiteit van die mensdom. Inhierdie studie is 'n meningsopname gebruik van sowel jeugdiges, die toekomstige beleidmakers en algemene daggagebruikers, as kenners op die gebied van dwelmrehabilitasie en -beheer, ten einde die wenslikheid van 'n dekriminaliseringsbeleid te beoordeel. Empiriese data van beide groepe (die wetsgehoorsame en die wetsverbrekende) is vir die voorwaardelike steun vir die wetlike beheer van daggagebruik versamel, met die verskil dat eerste- en eksperimentele daggagebruikers wat geen antler misdaadrekord het of by enige misdaadbedrywighede betrokke is, nie 'n misdaadrekord moet kry nie. Die respondente het dus die behoud van strafmaatreels ondersteun, maar met 'n de facto-dekriminalisasie deur middel van nie-toepassing van die wet. Die respondente is van mening dat 'n verslapping van die huidige dwelmwetgewing tot 'n toename in misdaad aanleiding sal gee. Die respondente betwyfel egter die doeltreffendheid van die kriminele regstelsel. Hulle is selfs van mening dat die SAPD nie in staat is om die probleem te bekamp solank die middel in aanvraag is nie. Die studie beklemtoon verder die kompleksiteit en dikwels teenstrydige opvattings ten opsigte van dekriminalisasie ten einde te illustreer hoe moeilik dit is om 'n staatsbeleid daarop te skoei. / After more than forty years, South Africa has a new political dispensation with prospective new legislation. The consideration of a policy of decriminalization for the use of dagga, seen against the background of an increase in serious crimes such as murder, armed robbery, taxi violence and rape, reflects the realities of the current overwhelming crime problem in South Africa. One of the most important tasks of the criminologist is to describe crime in order to facilitate the system of administration of criminal justice in the diminishing of, or more realistically, better control of crime. The description thereof is, however, not simple due to the complexity of humanity. In this study an opinion survey of both youths as the future policy makers and most common users of dagga, and specialists in the field of drug rehabilitation and control was used, in order to determine the expedience of a policy of decriminalization. Empirical data was obtained from both groups (the law abiders and the law-breakers) for the conditional support of legislative control of dagga use, with the exception that first and experimental users with no criminal record or history of criminality should not be subjected to a criminal record. The respondents therefore supported the retention of punitive measures, but with a defacto-decriminalization by way of non­ enforcement of the law. The respondents were of the opinion that the relaxation of the present drug legislation would lead to an increase in crime. The respondents doubt the effectiveness of the criminal justice system, however, they are of the opinion that the SAPS would never be able to combat the problem as long as a demand for the drug continues to exist. The study further emphasizes the complexity and often diverse conceptions of decriminalization in order to illustrate how difficult it is to base a state policy on these conceptions. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Kriminologie)

Consommation de cannabis, impulsivité et comportements routiers à risque chez les jeunes conducteurs

Cordelier, Noémie 04 1900 (has links)
Malgré de nombreux efforts de prévention, les jeunes conducteurs sont surreprésentés dans les accidents routiers. Certaines études ont visé à mettre en évidence les facteurs pouvant influencer les jeunes conducteurs à adopter des comportements risqués. La consommation de cannabis et l’impulsivité ont été identifiées comme des facteurs importants. L’objectif de cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre les liens entre la consommation de cannabis et les comportements routiers risqués, tout en tenant compte de l’impulsivité. Pour ce faire, cette thèse se divise en deux articles. Le premier article vise à vérifier si la fréquence de consommation de cannabis prédit la prise de risque des jeunes conducteurs au-delà de l’effet de leur impulsivité. 209 participants âgés de 17 à 25 ans ont rempli des questionnaires sur leurs comportements routiers, leur impulsivité, et leur fréquence de consommation de cannabis. Les résultats montrent que la fréquence de consommation de cannabis prédit la prise de risque des jeunes conducteurs au-delà de l’effet de l’impulsivité. De plus, l’urgence positive est la seule facette de l’impulsivité qui prédit la prise de risque, indépendamment des habitudes de consommation. Plusieurs hypothèses pouvant expliquer ces résultats ont été proposées dont une qui nous semblait particulièrement pertinente : la probabilité de prendre le volant après avoir consommé est plus élevée dans le cas d’une consommation plus fréquente, ainsi l’effet direct de la substance pourrait expliquer les comportements risqués. C’est pourquoi dans notre deuxième étude, nous avons voulu vérifier si la consommation de cannabis était associée aux comportements risqués même lorsque le consommateur n’est pas sous l’effet du cannabis. Comme une consommation fréquente peut être symptomatique d’un trouble d’utilisation du cannabis (TUC), nous avons voulu vérifier son impact sur les comportements risqués. Le deuxième article compare donc un groupe de consommateurs ayant un TUC avec un groupe n’en ayant pas sur des comportements risqués tout en tenant compte de leur impulsivité. Pour ce faire, 76 participants masculins, consommateurs de cannabis, âgés de 18 à 25 ans, ont complété une tâche de simulation de conduite ainsi qu’une tâche stop-signal, s’étant abstenus de 6 consommer du cannabis dans les 12 heures précédant l’expérimentation. Ils ont aussi rempli des questionnaires sur les habitudes de consommation de cannabis, les traits d’impulsivité et la prise de risque. Les consommateurs ayant un TUC ont manifesté plus de comportements risqués dans le simulateur que ceux n’en ayant pas, quel que soit leur niveau d’impulsivité et sans être sous l’effet de la substance. Plusieurs explications ont été proposées : difficulté d’adaptation à la conduite sans l’effet de la substance; présence d’une autre variable confondante que l’impulsivité sous-jacente à la consommation et aux comportements risqués; effet résiduel de la substance, non détecté par la tâche stop-signal, qui influencerait les comportements routiers. En résumé, il ressort de cette thèse que la consommation de cannabis est un facteur contribuant aux comportements risqués des jeunes conducteurs, et ce indépendamment de l’impulsivité. De plus, les consommateurs ne constituent pas un groupe homogène, d’où la pertinence de cibler particulièrement les consommateurs problématiques dans les campagnes de prévention. / Despite many prevention efforts, young drivers are overrepresented in road crashes. Some studies show that cannabis use and impulsivity are significant predictors of risky driving behaviour among young drivers. The aim of this thesis is to better understand the association between cannabis use and risky driving behaviour, while considering the driver’s impulsivity. For this purpose, this thesis is divided into two articles. The first article aims to verify whether the frequency of cannabis use predicts risk-taking over and above the impulsivity traits of young drivers. 209 participants aged between 17 and 25 completed questionnaires on their driving behaviours, impulsivity, and frequency of cannabis use. Results show that the frequency of cannabis use is a significant predictor of risky driving over and above the five impulsivity traits. Furthermore, positive urgency is the only impulsivity trait which predicts risky driving, regardless of the frequency of cannabis use. Several explanations of these results are proposed, including one we found particularly relevant: the probability of driving under the influence is higher with more frequent use, so the substance effects could explain risky driving behaviour. Therefore, in our second study, we wanted to test whether cannabis use was associated with risky driving behaviour even if the user was not driving under the influence. Moreover, since frequent use can be symptomatic of a cannabis use disorder (CUD), we wanted to verify its impact on risky behaviours. The second article, therefore, compares two groups of cannabis users (with or without CUD) on several driving behaviours, while considering their impulsivity. A sample of 76 male participants, cannabis users, aged 18 to 25, completed a driving simulation task and a stop-signal task, abstaining from cannabis use in the 12 hours preceding the experiment. They also completed questionnaires about their cannabis use patterns, impulsivity traits and risk-taking. Results show that users with a CUD displayed more risky behaviours in the simulator than users without a CUD, regardless of their impulsivity level and without being under the effects of the substance. Several explanations have been proposed: difficulty adjusting to driving without the influence of the substance for users with a CUD; presence of a confounding variable different from the impulsivity; or residual effects of cannabis, not detected by the stop-signal task. In summary, this thesis emphasizes that cannabis use is a contributing factor to young drivers’ risky behaviours, regardless of their impulsivity. Moreover, cannabis users are not a homogeneous group, which is why it is important to specifically target problematic users in prevention campaigns.

Le cannabis, le tabac et le changement d’adiposité chez les jeunes hommes et femmes : une étude longitudinale 2005-2012

Dubé, Emily 04 1900 (has links)
Exposé de la situation : Des études menées sur les animaux démontrent que le système endocannabinoide est important dans le maintien de l’homéostasie de l’énergie et que les effets de sa modulation sont différents selon le sexe et l’exposition à la nicotine. Deux études longitudinales ont étudié l’association entre l’usage du cannabis (UC) et le changement de poids et ont obtenus des résultats contradictoires. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de décrire la modification de l’association entre l’UC et le changement de poids par la cigarette chez les jeunes hommes et femmes. Méthodes : Des donnés de 271 hommes et 319 femmes ont été obtenues dans le cadre de l’étude NICO, une cohorte prospective (1999-2013). L’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) et la circonférence de taille (CT) ont été mesurés à l’âge de 17 et 25 ans. L’UC dans la dernière année et de cigarette dans les derniers trois mois ont été auto-rapportées à 21 ans. Les associations entre l’UC et le changement d’IMC et de CT ont été modélisées dans une régression polynomiale stratifiée par sexe avec ajustement pour l’activité physique, la sédentarité et la consommation d’alcool. Résultats : Uniquement, chez les hommes, l’interaction de l’UC et cigarettes était statistiquement significative dans le model de changement IMC (p=0.004) et celui de changement de CT (p=0.043). L’UC était associé au changement d’adiposité dans une association en forme de U chez les homes non-fumeurs et chez les femmes, et dans une association en forme de U-inversé chez les hommes fumeurs. Conclusion : La cigarette semble modifier l’effet du cannabis sur le changement d’IMC et CT chez les hommes, mais pas chez les femmes. / Background: Animal studies suggest that the endocannabinoid system is a regulator of energy homeostasis, whose effects are modified by sex and nicotine. Two studies in humans have examined the association between cannabis use and change in adiposity, and obtained conflicting results. This thesis aimed to determine if the association between cannabis use and change in adiposity is modified by cigarette smoking in young adults. Methods: Data were available for 271 males and 319 females participating in the Nicotine Dependence In Teens study, a prospective cohort investigation (1999-2013). Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) were measured at ages 17 and 25 years. Self-report data on past-year cannabis use and past three-month cigarette smoking were collected at age 21 years. Modification of the association between cannabis use and change in adiposity by cigarette smoking was tested separately in each sex, in polynomial linear regression models controlling for physical activity and sedentary behavior in both sexes, and alcohol use in males only. Results: In males only, the interaction between cannabis use and cigarette smoking was statistically significant in both the model for change in BMI (p=0.004) and the model for change in WC (p=0.043). Cannabis use was associated with change in adiposity in a U-shaped form in females and in non smoking males, and in an inverted U-shaped association in males who smoked more than 10 cigarettes per day. Conclusion: Smoking cigarettes appears to attenuate the association between cannabis use and change in adiposity in young men, but not in young women.

Les usagers de cannabis et la prise de risque sur la route

Langlois, Julie 05 1900 (has links)
La consommation de cannabis et la conduite sous l’influence du cannabis sont des préoccupations grandissantes dans la société d’aujourd’hui. Le but de la présente étude est d’examiner plus en profondeur la relation entre la fréquence de consommation de cannabis chez les jeunes adultes et la prise de risque sur la route. Les participants (n=48) sont tous des hommes âgés de 18 à 26 ans. Ils ont complété une batterie de questionnaires ainsi qu’une tâche sur simulateur de conduite. Les résultats indiquent que la fréquence de consommation de cannabis est associée positivement avec la prise de risque auto rapportée et suggèrent une tendance positive avec les comportements risqués observés lors de la simulation de conduite en laboratoire. Lorsque les différents groupes de consommateurs sont comparés, ceux qui font un usage quotidien ou multihebdomadaire de cannabis semblent prendre plus de risques au volant que ceux qui consomment une fois semaine et moins ou encore une fois par mois et moins. De plus, il semble que plus les individus consomment fréquemment de la marijuana, plus ils ont tendance à adopter des attitudes permissives en lien avec la conduite sous l’influence de cannabis. Les implications quant à l’intervention sont discutées. / Cannabis use and driving under the influence of cannabis have become a growing concern in today’s society. The aim of the present study was to further examine the relationship between the use frequency of cannabis among young adults and on-road risk taking. Participants (n=48) were all men aged between 18 and 26 years old who were asked to complete questionnaires and to perform in a simulation task. Results indicate that the use frequency of cannabis is positively associated with self-report of risky driving and suggest a trend with observed risk taking behaviour during the simulation. When comparing the different cannabis users, participants who consumed daily or multiple times a week seem to take more risk on the road than those who use cannabis once a week or less and less than monthly. Moreover, it seems that marijuana users who consume more frequently have a tendency of adopting more permissive attitudes toward smoking cannabis and taking the wheel. Implications for interventions are discussed.

Le cannabis, le tabac et le changement d’adiposité chez les jeunes hommes et femmes : une étude longitudinale 2005-2012

Dubé, Emily 04 1900 (has links)
Exposé de la situation : Des études menées sur les animaux démontrent que le système endocannabinoide est important dans le maintien de l’homéostasie de l’énergie et que les effets de sa modulation sont différents selon le sexe et l’exposition à la nicotine. Deux études longitudinales ont étudié l’association entre l’usage du cannabis (UC) et le changement de poids et ont obtenus des résultats contradictoires. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de décrire la modification de l’association entre l’UC et le changement de poids par la cigarette chez les jeunes hommes et femmes. Méthodes : Des donnés de 271 hommes et 319 femmes ont été obtenues dans le cadre de l’étude NICO, une cohorte prospective (1999-2013). L’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) et la circonférence de taille (CT) ont été mesurés à l’âge de 17 et 25 ans. L’UC dans la dernière année et de cigarette dans les derniers trois mois ont été auto-rapportées à 21 ans. Les associations entre l’UC et le changement d’IMC et de CT ont été modélisées dans une régression polynomiale stratifiée par sexe avec ajustement pour l’activité physique, la sédentarité et la consommation d’alcool. Résultats : Uniquement, chez les hommes, l’interaction de l’UC et cigarettes était statistiquement significative dans le model de changement IMC (p=0.004) et celui de changement de CT (p=0.043). L’UC était associé au changement d’adiposité dans une association en forme de U chez les homes non-fumeurs et chez les femmes, et dans une association en forme de U-inversé chez les hommes fumeurs. Conclusion : La cigarette semble modifier l’effet du cannabis sur le changement d’IMC et CT chez les hommes, mais pas chez les femmes. / Background: Animal studies suggest that the endocannabinoid system is a regulator of energy homeostasis, whose effects are modified by sex and nicotine. Two studies in humans have examined the association between cannabis use and change in adiposity, and obtained conflicting results. This thesis aimed to determine if the association between cannabis use and change in adiposity is modified by cigarette smoking in young adults. Methods: Data were available for 271 males and 319 females participating in the Nicotine Dependence In Teens study, a prospective cohort investigation (1999-2013). Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) were measured at ages 17 and 25 years. Self-report data on past-year cannabis use and past three-month cigarette smoking were collected at age 21 years. Modification of the association between cannabis use and change in adiposity by cigarette smoking was tested separately in each sex, in polynomial linear regression models controlling for physical activity and sedentary behavior in both sexes, and alcohol use in males only. Results: In males only, the interaction between cannabis use and cigarette smoking was statistically significant in both the model for change in BMI (p=0.004) and the model for change in WC (p=0.043). Cannabis use was associated with change in adiposity in a U-shaped form in females and in non smoking males, and in an inverted U-shaped association in males who smoked more than 10 cigarettes per day. Conclusion: Smoking cigarettes appears to attenuate the association between cannabis use and change in adiposity in young men, but not in young women.

Determinação de canabinóides em cabelo por microextração em fase sólida por Headspace e análise por espectrometria de massa associada à cromatografia em fase gasosa / Determination of cannabinoids in hair by Headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Oliveira, Carolina Dizioli Rodrigues de 21 July 2005 (has links)
Foi desenvolvido um método para determinar canabinóides (canabidiol, canabinol e delta-9-tetraidrocanabinol) no cabelo. Uma amostra de 10mg foi descontaminada com diclorometano, seguida de digestão alcalina, microextração em fase sólida por headspace (HS-SPME) e analisada por espectrometria de massa associada à cromatografia em fase gasosa (GC/MS). Os limites de detecção e de quantificação foram de 0,07 e 0,12 ng/mg, respectivamente, para todos canabinóides estudados. O método demonstrou ser simples, rápido, preciso e linear no intervalo de 0,12 a 12 ng/mg (r2 > 0,98). Amostras de cabelo de 8 usuários de Cannabis foram coletadas de pacientes provenientes de uma clínica dependentes pela equipe médica. O método mostrou-se eficiente em amostras de cabelos de usuários que faziam uso da droga pelo menos 10 vezes por semana. / A method was to develop to detect cannabinoids (cannabidiol, cannabinol and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) in hair. A 10 mg of hair sample was descontaminated by dichloromethane followed by alkalin digestion, headspace solid-phase microextraction technique (HS-SPME) and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (CG/MS). The detection and quantitation limits were 0,07 and 0,12ng/mg respectively for all studied cannabinoids. The method proved to be simple, fast, precise and linear at the range of 0,12 to 12ng/mg (r2 > 0,98). Eight hair samples of Cannabis user were collected from patients at admittance from a dependence clinic by clinical staff. The method showed efficient in samples of users who use the drug at least 10 fold a week.

Efeito do canabidiol no processo cicatricial de defeitos ?sseos cr?ticos mecanicamente induzidos em calota craniana de ratos : avalia??o cl?nica e histol?gica

Noronha, Rafael de Ara?jo 28 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Odontologia (odontologia-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-06-27T16:07:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RAFAEL_DE_ARAUJO_NORONHA_DIS.pdf: 673617 bytes, checksum: 0e6162f0003c8204cabce0b4b4b0a140 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2018-07-04T14:34:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RAFAEL_DE_ARAUJO_NORONHA_DIS.pdf: 673617 bytes, checksum: 0e6162f0003c8204cabce0b4b4b0a140 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-04T14:52:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RAFAEL_DE_ARAUJO_NORONHA_DIS.pdf: 673617 bytes, checksum: 0e6162f0003c8204cabce0b4b4b0a140 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Maxillofacial fractures of traumatic origin have a high incidence in the world population. These can be treated in different ways, ranging from conservative methods to widely invasive procedures. Among the multiple possibilities of treatment of this type of disease is the use of herbal medicines, where cannabidiol (CBD) is inserted. This is the main non-psychomimetic component of Cannabis sativa (Can-ns) and plays potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and analgesic effects in a variety of pathological conditions. The present dissertation is structured in the form of 2 scientific papers. The first one consists of a literature review, whose objective was to evaluate the mechanisms of action of CBD that may be involved in bone repair. The results of this study suggest that CBD is unable substance of interfering in the healing process of bone defects from its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential. The second is an experiment in an animal model, using 64 Wistar rats, divided into two groups (test with CBD and control). At the periods of two, four, six and eight weeks, they were evaluated clinically and histologically in the cicatricial process of mechanically induced bone defects in the skull cap of rats. It was found that the CBD exerted a beneficial effect in the fourth week after treatment where an increase in the mean of neoformed bone within the defect was observed, however, no statistically significant difference was observed in the healing process of the bone defects at the times analyzed. These results suggest the need to deepen the theme, aiming at a better understanding of the possible effects of CBD on bone metabolism and repair. / As fraturas ?sseas bucofaciais de origem traum?tica possuem uma elevada incid?ncia na popula??o mundial. Estas podem ser tratadas de distintas formas, que variam desde m?todos conservadores at? procedimentos amplamente invasivos. Dentre as m?ltiplas possibilidades de tratamento deste tipo de enfermidade, est? a utiliza??o de fitoter?picos, onde insere-se o canabidiol (CBD). Esse ? o principal componente n?o-psicomim?tico da Cannabis sativa (Can-ns) e desempenha potentes efeitos anti-inflamat?rios, antioxidantes e analg?sicos em diversas condi??es patol?gicas. A presente disserta??o est? estruturada na forma de 2 artigos cient?ficos. No primeiro foi realizada uma revis?o de literatura, cujo objetivo foi avaliar os mecanismos de a??o do CBD que possam estar envolvidos no reparo ?sseo. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que o CBD ? uma subst?ncia capaz de interferir no processo cicatricial de defeitos ?sseos a partir do seu potencial antiinflamat?rio. O segundo trata de um experimento desenvolvido em modelo animal, utilizando 64 ratos Wistar, divididos randomicamente em 2 grupos (teste com CBD e controle). Avaliou-se cl?nica e histologicamente o efeito da administra??o intraperitoneal do CBD, na dose de 10 mg/kg/dia, por duas, 4, 6 e 8 semanas, no processo cicatricial de defeitos ?sseos mecanicamente induzidos em calota craniana de ratos. Constatou-se que o CDB exerceu um efeito ben?fico na quarta semana p?s tratamento onde observou-se um aumento na m?dia de osso neoformado no interior do defeito. Contudo n?o foi observada diferen?a estatisticamente significativa no processo cicatricial dos defeitos ?sseos nos tempos analisados. Estes resultados sugerem a necessidade de aprofundar o tema, visando uma melhor compreens?o sobre poss?veis efeitos do uso do CBD no metabolismo e reparo ?sseo.

Determinação de canabinóides em cabelo por microextração em fase sólida por Headspace e análise por espectrometria de massa associada à cromatografia em fase gasosa / Determination of cannabinoids in hair by Headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Carolina Dizioli Rodrigues de Oliveira 21 July 2005 (has links)
Foi desenvolvido um método para determinar canabinóides (canabidiol, canabinol e delta-9-tetraidrocanabinol) no cabelo. Uma amostra de 10mg foi descontaminada com diclorometano, seguida de digestão alcalina, microextração em fase sólida por headspace (HS-SPME) e analisada por espectrometria de massa associada à cromatografia em fase gasosa (GC/MS). Os limites de detecção e de quantificação foram de 0,07 e 0,12 ng/mg, respectivamente, para todos canabinóides estudados. O método demonstrou ser simples, rápido, preciso e linear no intervalo de 0,12 a 12 ng/mg (r2 > 0,98). Amostras de cabelo de 8 usuários de Cannabis foram coletadas de pacientes provenientes de uma clínica dependentes pela equipe médica. O método mostrou-se eficiente em amostras de cabelos de usuários que faziam uso da droga pelo menos 10 vezes por semana. / A method was to develop to detect cannabinoids (cannabidiol, cannabinol and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) in hair. A 10 mg of hair sample was descontaminated by dichloromethane followed by alkalin digestion, headspace solid-phase microextraction technique (HS-SPME) and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (CG/MS). The detection and quantitation limits were 0,07 and 0,12ng/mg respectively for all studied cannabinoids. The method proved to be simple, fast, precise and linear at the range of 0,12 to 12ng/mg (r2 > 0,98). Eight hair samples of Cannabis user were collected from patients at admittance from a dependence clinic by clinical staff. The method showed efficient in samples of users who use the drug at least 10 fold a week.

Reduced memory and attention performance in a population-based sample of young adults with a moderate lifetime use of cannabis, ecstasy and alcohol

Indlekofer, Friedrich J., Piechatzek, Michaela, Daamen, Marcel, Glasmacher, Christoph, Lieb, Roselind, Pfister, Hildegard, Tucha, Oliver, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Schütz, Christian G. 25 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Regular use of illegal drugs is suspected to cause cognitive impairments. Two substances have received heightened attention: 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or ‘ecstasy’) and δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC or ‘cannabis’). Preclinical evidence, as well as human studies examining regular ecstasy consumers, indicated that ecstasy use may have negative effects on learning, verbal memory and complex attentional functions. Cannabis has also been linked to symptoms of inattention and deficits in learning and memory. Most of the published studies in this field of research recruited participants by means of newspaper advertisements or by using word-of-mouth strategies. Because participants were usually aware that their drug use was critical to the research design, this awareness may have caused selection bias or created expectation effects. Focussing on attention and memory, this study aimed to assess cognitive functioning in a community-based representative sample that was derived from a large-scale epidemiological study. Available data concerning drug use history allowed sampling of subjects with varying degrees of lifetime drug experiences. Cognitive functioning was examined in 284 young participants, between 22 and 34 years. In general, their lifetime drug experience was moderate. Participants completed a neuropsychological test battery, including measures for verbal learning, memory and various attentional functions. Linear regression analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between cognitive functioning and lifetime experience of drug use. Ecstasy and cannabis use were significantly related to poorer episodic memory function in a dose-related manner. For attentional measures, decrements of small effect sizes were found. Error measures in tonic and phasic alertness tasks, selective attention task and vigilance showed small but significant effects, suggesting a stronger tendency to experience lapses of attention. No indication for differences in reaction time was found. The results are consistent with decrements of memory and attentional performance described in previous studies. These effects are relatively small; however, it must be kept in mind that this study focussed on assessing young adults with moderate drug use from a population-based study.

What predicts incident use of cannabis and progression to abuse and dependence? A 4-year prospective examination of risk factors in a community sample of adolescents and young adults

Sydow , Kirsten von, Lieb , Roselind, Pfister , Hildegard, Höfler , Michael, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 05 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Objectives: To determine risk factors of incident onset of use, abuse and dependence of cannabis in a community sample of adolescents and young adults. Methods: Risk factors were examined in a prospective longitudinal design across 4 years in a representative sample (N=2446) aged 14-24 at the outset of the study (EDSP). Patterns of DSM-IV defined cannabis use, abuse and dependence were assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (M-CIDI). Potential risk factors were assessed at baseline. Incident cannabis use, abuse and dependence at second follow-up (on average 42 months after baseline) were the main outcome measures in this study. Associations were analyzed with logistic and negative binomial regressions. Results: Using 11 of a total of 56 variables examined, the predictive value of the final multiple logistic regression for incident cannabis use was moderately good (area under the ROC curve=0.78). Cannabis use frequency was predicted in the final model by 18 variables, cannabis abuse by two variables in the younger subsample and nine factors in the older group, and dependence by eight variables (dependence: ROC curve area=0.97). Incident cannabis use was predicted mainly by availability of drugs, peers’ drug use, a more ‘positive’ attitude towards future drug use, and regular previous use of licit drugs, while cannabis dependence was predicted primarily by parental death before age 15, deprived socio-economic status, and baseline use of other illicit drugs. Conclusion: Different factors predict the onset or severity of cannabis use and the progression to abuse and dependence. In addition to well-documented risk factors such as peer group pressure, drug availability, and low self-esteem, findings suggest that family history (e.g. parental mental disorders, early parental death), and prior experiences with legal drugs play a significant role in the initiation of cannabis consumption and the transition to cannabis use disorders in adolescents and young adults. Findings suggest that early intervention and prevention might be improved by better targeted treatment.

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