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Simultaneous determination of Debt, Dividend, and Inside Ownership policies : Evidence from SwedenPersson, Rickard January 2014 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the simultaneous determination of debt, dividend, and inside ownership policies in Sweden. We apply a simultaneous equation model estimated with 3SLS. The results reveal a positive two-way causal relationship between debt and dividend polices. We also find a two-way causal relationship between inside ownership and dividend policies, but dividends affect inside ownership in a positive way while inside ownership affects dividends in a negative way. Further, we find a relationship between inside ownership and debt policies, but any causality appears to run from inside ownership to debt in a negative way. This study supports the notion that the convergence of interest and the entrenchment theory are not mutually exclusive. We also show that a SEM estimated with 3SLS is justified empirically over the OLS and that the difference between using 3SLS compared to 2SLS is negligible in our model.
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外匯曝險對公司資本結構之影響 / The Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Exposure on Corporation's Capital Structure蔡雅婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在分析台灣上市公司外匯避險和資本結構策略的運用。本文利用資本市場法,作為外匯曝險衡量模型,並利用預期和非預期的匯率變動探討對企業價值的影響是否有顯著差異,本文以2007~2009年期間的月頻率資料,篩選摩根台灣指數基金(MSCI Taiwan Index Fund-March 09, 2010)成分股共108家台灣上市公司為樣本對象,並進一步利用所量化出的外匯曝險,應用至公司資本結構上,採平衡追蹤資料(balanced panel data)進行分析,探討外匯曝險與其他影響因子對公司資本結構的關係。
在資本結構上,本研究以營運風險、公司成立年數、抵押資產價值、自由現金流量、外匯風險、成長率、稅盾效果、獲利性和公司規模共九個因子作為影響資本結構的變數,在Panel data固定效果模型中,除了成長性和公司規模兩變數在1%顯著水準之下呈現正相關,其餘變數為顯著負相關。且該模型對公司資本結構的解釋能力相當高,Panel data固定效果模型調整後的R2為78.96%。
最後,本研究將產業別列入考量變數之一,結果發現,電子業與非電子業在資本結構決定因素上有顯著差異,且顯示電子業公司的負債比率較低,符合現實情況下,電子業公司在有資金需求時,大多不選擇舉債而較常採取權益融資的方式。而電子業受到外匯曝險對資本結構的影響力並不顯著,表示外匯曝險對公司負債比率並不會因為產業別而有不同的影響力。 / This study examines the foreign exchange rate exposure and capital structure strategy for the Taiwan’s Corporations. The research sample is MSCI Taiwan Index Fund, and the sample period is 2007 to 2009. To see how foreign exchange rate exposure affects the value of corporations, this study uses Capital Market Approach to be the model. Moreover, this study uses balanced panel data to see how exchange rate exposure and other variables affect the strategy of capital structure.
According to the result, the numbers of negative significant samples are greater than the numbers of positive significant samples no matter when measured in expected exchange rate exposure or in unexpected exchange rate exposure. This result can exactly explain that Taiwan is an export-dominated economy. When Taiwan dollar depreciates, which means corporations in Taiwan could improve export competitiveness, thus increasing profits. Moreover, this study found that exchange rate exposure has a greater impact especially on the finance and security industry.
In the capital structure part, this study selects nine variables to see how they affect the capital structure, including business risk, age, collateral value of assets, free cash flows, foreign exchange risks , growth, non-debt tax shields, profitability and size. In panel data fixed effect model, growth and size are found to be positive significant in 99% confidence level; other variables are found to be negative significant. Furthermore, the coefficient of determination, R2 of this panel data fix effect regression model is 78.96%, which means the regression line has a high explanatory power to explain the capital structure.
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臺灣上市公司市場擇時理論之實證研究 / The Empirical Evidences of Market Timing Theory on Taiwan Listed Company詹英汝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要欲針對市場擇時理論進行實證研究,研究期間橫跨1990年至2008年,以台灣上市公司為研究樣本,主要欲探討兩大議題:第一部分驗證台灣上市公司是否會在權益資金成本相對較低時,進行外部權益融資,而使公司之槓桿下降;反之,觀察其是否會在權益資金成本相對較高時,進行負債融資,而使公司槓桿上升。研究方法參考Huang and Ritter(2009)之方法,使用剩餘收益模型估計權益資金成本,並以權益風險溢酬作為衡量市場擇時行為的代理變數,探討權益資金成本的大小是否會透過淨權益的發行而影響公司資本結構,並加入公司特徵變數與總體市況變數作為控制變數。實證結果顯示在公司有財務資金需求的前提下,公司的負債比例與權益風險溢酬之間存在正向的關係,此結果符合市場擇時理論之預期。第二部分討論過去依據資金成本之高低所進行的市場擇時融資行為是否會影響公司的資本結構。實證結果發現市場擇時行為對公司資本結構的影響力會在三年後消逝,對資本結構只具有短期的影響效果。 / This paper examines market timing theory on Taiwan listed company during 1990-2008, and focus on two topics. In the first part, we want to test whether firms fund larger proportion of their financing deficit with external equity when cost of equity is relatively low. We refer to Huang and Ritter (2009), using residual income model to estimate the firm’s implied cost of equity, and let implied equity risk premium as a market timing proxy. Consistent with the market timing theory, the empirical evidences show that the effect of financing deficit on leverage is positively related to the implied equity risk premium. In the second part, we test whether the historical values of cost of equity have persistent impact on current capital structure. We find about three years impacts, indicating that past market timing financing behavior have short-term effects on firm’s capital structure.
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Alternativ finansiering av börsnoterade fastighetsbolag : Om synen på den funktion som preferensaktier och D-aktier fyller vid optimering av kapitalstruktur och finansiering / Alternative Financing of Listed Real Estate CompaniesMarinder, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Kommersiella fastigheter har blivit allt viktigare inom svensk ekonomi. Fastighetssektorn har haft en särskilt hög tillväxt under de senaste åren där fastigheter kan anses vara en kapitalkrävande reell tillgång. Finansieringen av fastighetsbolag har traditionellt utgjorts av banklån men på senare tid söker fastighetsbolag alternativa finansieringsmetoder. Allt vanligare blir det att finna finansiering genom kapitalmarknaden. I regel är en av de största kostnaderna för ett fastighetsbolag dess finansieringskostnader. Således är det av vikt att bearbeta kapitalstrukturen för att använda den mest rationella givet bolagets förutsättningar, där ett sätt kan vara att i större utsträckning använda sig av eget kapital i balansräkningen. Vid första emissioner av preferensaktier i Sverige användes de av fastighetsbolagen ett sätt att inhämta eget kapital. De erbjöd investerarna en förutsägbar hög direktavkastning, samtidigt var utdelningen prioriterad framför andra aktieslag, dock utformade med en inlösenkurs. Efter ett antal år kom en första emission av D-aktier vilka populariserades bland fastighetsbolag. Dessa liknade preferensaktier med en löpande hög direktavkastning, dock utan prioritet. På senare tid har många preferensaktier kommit att lösas in av större fastighetsbolag. Samtidigt har många bolag kreditbetyget investment grade av ratinginstituten. Denna uppsats syftar till att reda ut vilken funktion preferensaktier har fyllt i form av källa till eget kapital och varför D-aktier delvis använts i form av ett substitut till preferensaktier. Undersökningen baserades på intervjuer med ett antal personer med erfarenhet och olika perspektiv av den kommersiella fastighetsmarknaden. Det framgår att emittering av preferensaktier kan vara rationellt för fastighetsbolag med höga tillväxtmål. Preferensaktier har historiskt varit en förmånlig källa till eget kapital vilket varit effektiv då det haft en låg utspädningseffekt relativt stamaktier. Preferensaktier blev dyra att behålla utestående för fastighetsbolag vilka sökte en investment grade-rating då dessa behövde förhålla sig till ratingbolagens syn på preferensaktier. Till följd av detta har D-aktier men även hybridobligationer används i form av ett substitut till preferensaktier. / Commercial properties have become increasingly important in the Swedish economy. The real estate sector has had a particularly high growth in recent years where real estate is considered a capitalintensive real asset class. Bank lending has traditionally been the method of financing real estate companies. As of recent years, the real estate companies seek to find alternative methods of financing, where it is becoming more common to finance through the capital markets. Generally, the biggest cost of a real estate company is its cost of finance. Therefore, it is important to process the capital structure to find the most rational one given the circumstances, where the use of equity found in the balance sheet can be an alternative. With the first issues of preferred shares in Sweden, the shares were used to obtain equity. The preferred shares offered the investors a high and predictable yield that was prioritized over the common shares, though designed as retractable at a specific price. Subsequently, the first dividend shares were issued, and the dividend share was popularized with real estate companies. The dividend share is similar to the preferred shares with a continuous high yield but without the priority. In recent years, many preferred shares have been retracted by the larger real estate companies. In the meantime, the demand for credit ratings has increased, with the goal of obtaining an investment grade rating by the rating agencies. This thesis aims to study what function the preferred shares have had as a source of equity and why dividend shares have partly been used as a substitute to preferred shares. The inquiry was based on interviews with persons of experience from the commercial real estate market that could offer different perspectives of the manner. What can be derived is that the issue of preferred shares can be rational for real estate companies with high set growth targets. Historically, preferred shares have been a competitive source of equity that has been effective due to its low dilution compared to common shares. Preferred shares became expensive to keep outstanding for the real estate companies that wanted the investment grade rating. This since the companies needed to operate in a way that the rating agencies favored regarding the preferred shares. As a result of this, dividend shares as well as hybrid bonds have been used as a substitute for preferred shares.
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Essays on voting power, corporate governance and capital structure /Chen, Yinghong, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Göteborg : Univ., 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Kapitalstruktur i större onoterade fastighetsbolag : Vad påverkar kapitalstrukturen?Karacsonyi, Gabriella January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka variabler som påverkar skuldsättningsgraden i större onoterade fastighetsbolag och studera vilka samband variablerna uppvisar med varandra. Skuldsättningsgrad har valts ut som beroende variabel och materiella anläggningstillgångar, företagsstorlek och tillväxt som oberoende. En deduktiv forskningsansats har används och resultat har fåtts fram genom kvantitativa studier. Den teoretiska grunden har utarbetats utifrån tidigare forskning presenterad i vetenskapliga artiklar, böcker samt elektroniska källor. Avseende empirin har data huvudsakligen inhämtats från databasen Retriever. Bearbetning av data har skett i dataprogrammet Excel, där bland annat uträkningar gjorts. Därefter har empirin analyserats och förklarats utifrån tidigare forskning och teori, vilket sedan lett fram till slutsatser. Slutsatsen i denna studie är att linjära samband kan uteslutas mellan de utvalda variablerna och att möjligtvis andra typer av samband kan föreligga, då det finns antydningar till detta i diagrammen och korrelationskoefficienterna. För till exempel företagsstorlek och skuldsättningsgrad uppvisades svagt negativa korrelationskoefficienter för alla fyra år, vilket tillsammans med diagrammen indikerar ett slags samband där skuldsättningsgraden i allmänhet minskar när storleken ökar. Studien visar också på att det är möjligt att skuldsättningsgraden kan vara en påverkande variabel. Undersökningens resultat, som har analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning, tyder på att det förmodligen är flertalet faktorer som tillsammans och genom varandra påverkar skuldsättningsgraden. Förslagsvis skulle vidare studier kunna göras inom området där det undersöks ifall andra samband än linjära föreligger mellan de utvalda variablerna. Det skulle också vara intressant att studera skuldsättningsgraden som påverkande variabel istället för beroende. Då belåning är viktigt för fastighetsbolag, eftersom stora investeringar görs i materiella anläggningstillgångar, skulle forskare i framtiden kunna undersöka hur räntenivåerna i landet påverkar skuldsättningsgraden för just fastighetsbolag. Resultaten och slutsatserna i denna studie ökar kunskaperna kring kapitalstruktur och förändringar i kapitalstruktur i Sverige. / The purpose of this study is to investigate which variables affect the D/E ratio in large unlisted real estate companies in Sweden and what kind of connections that can be found between the variables. D/E ratio is investigated as the dependent variable and fixed assets, company size and growth as independent variables. The study is built on a deductive approach and quantitative methods have been used. Theory was collected through scientific papers, literature and the internet and numeral information through the database Retriever. The numeral information was later processed in Excel, for instance through calculations. In the next step the processed information was analyzed and compared to earlier scientific findings. After these steps conclusions could be achieved. The results and conclusions of this study show that the connections between the chosen variables can not be described through linear functions. It is possible that other kinds of connections exist, which is indicated by the correlations and charts in this study. For instance, negative correlations between company size and D/E ratio was found for all four years, and these facts, together with the charts, indicates a connection where D/E ratio generally decreases when company size increases. The results in this study also indicate a possibility that it is the D/E ratio that affects the other variables. The results, that were analyzed through earlier reserach findings, show that probably many variables together, and through each other, affect the D/E ratio. Deeper research can be done within the field. It would be interesting to study if other connections exist between the variables, since the connections could not be described through linear functions. D/E ratio can also be studied as an independent variable. Since debt financing is so important for real estate companies, researchers could investigate how interest rates in a country affect the D/E ratio for these companies. The contribution of this study is increased knowledge regarding capital structure and capital structure changes in Sweden.
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Essays on Bank risk, capital and Lending / Essais sur le risque bancaire, le capital et les prêtsAl Raheb, Tammuz 21 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse examine trois questions importantes dans le secteur bancaire, à savoir le risque, les fonds propres et le crédit. Elle comprend trois essais empiriques. Le premier chapitre analyse l'impact du «printemps arabe» et de la crise financière mondiale de 2007-2008 sur la stabilité du secteur bancaire dans la région MENA. Les résultats montrent que le «printemps arabe» n'a pas eu d'effet négatif sur la stabilité des banques, alors que la crise financière mondiale a considérablement réduit leur stabilité. Le deuxième chapitre étudie le rôle joué par l'environnement institutionnel dans la mise en place de coussin de fonds propres par les régulateurs ou par les banques en interne. D’après les résultats, pour que les ratios de capital réglementaire soient efficaces, l'environnement institutionnel ne doit pas être négligé lors de la mise en place de ces ratios. Le troisième chapitre étudie les différents effets des droits des consommateurs et des créanciers sur le coût des prêts. Les résultats révèlent que le coût des prêts augmente en présence de lois strictes sur la protection des consommateurs, tandis que l'augmentation des droits des créanciers réduit ce coût. / This thesis examines three important issues in the banking sector, namely: Risk, Capital and Lending. It comprises of three empirical essays. The first chapter analyzes the impact of the 'Arab Spring' and the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 on the banking sector stability in the MENA region. The results show that the ‘Arab Spring’ did not have a negative effect on banks’ stability, while the Global Financial Crisis significantly decreased banks’ stability. The second chapter investigates the role played by the institutional environment in determining capital buffers set either by regulators or by banks internally. The findings provide evidence that for the regulatory capital ratios to be effective, the institutional environment should not be neglected when implementing these ratios. The third chapter investigates the different effects of both consumers’ and creditors’ rights on the cost of lending. The results reveal that the cost of lending increases in the presence of strong financial consumer protection laws, while higher creditors’ rights decrease this cost.
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Medelstora företags kapitalstruktur och lönsamhet / Capital structure and profitability of medium sized companiesEdgren, Albin, Käkönen, Henri January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund Forskningen kring kapitalstrukturens påverkan på lönsamhet har fått vitt skilda resultat, en del resultat pekar på att en högre andel lån är fördelaktigt och andra resultat tyder på det motsatta. Orsaker till detta kan bero på exempelvis olika förutsättningar i olika länder, branscher och företagsstorlekar. Medelstora företag har ofta ingått i undersökningar tillsammans med små, men forskning har sällan skett koncentrerat på medelstora företag. Studien har valt att göra en undersökning fokuserat på medelstora företag eftersom de är relativt outforskade. Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att dels beskriva sambandet mellan kapitalstruktur och lönsamhet bland svenska medelstora kapitalintensiva företag och dels förklara sambandet utifrån pecking order och trade off theory. Metod En kapitalintensiv bransch valdes ut dels för att göra företagen i urvalet mer jämförbara med varandra och dels för att kapitalintensiva företag möter finansieringsfrågor i större grad. Metallindustri valdes ut som en representant för kapitalintensiva företag. Årsredovisningar från samtliga företag som uppfyllde kriterierna kring företagsstorlek undersöktes. Linjär regressionsanalys användes för att studera sambanden mellan kapitalstruktur och lönsamhet. Resultat och Slutsats Resultatet av studien visade att ROA är negativt korrelerat med total skuldandel och kortfristig skuldandel, dock kunde inget samband påvisas mellan ROA och långfristig skuldandel. Det kunde inte påvisas något samband mellan ROE och total skuldandel, kortfristig skuldandel eller långfristig skuldandel. Studiens resultat visar att företag med högre andel lån tenderar prestera sämre mätt i ROA, men ROE påverkas inte. / Background Research on the impact of capital structure on profitability has shown very different results, some results show that a higher ratio of debt is beneficial and other results suggests the opposite. The reasons for this may be due, for example, to different conditions in different countries, industries and company sizes. Medium-sized companies have often been involved in surveys together with small ones, but research has rarely been concentrated on medium-sized companies. The study focused on medium-sized companies because they are relatively unexplored. Purpose The purpose of the study is to describe the relationship between capital structure and profitability among Swedish medium-sized capital-intensive companies and explain the relationship with pecking order and trade off theory. Method A capital intensive industry was chosen partly to make the companies in the sample more comparable to each other and partly because capital intensive companies encounters more financing decisions. Metal-industry was chosen as a representative of capital intensive companies. Annual reports from all companies that met the criteria for company size were examined. Linear regression analysis was used to study relationships between capital structure and profitability. Result and Conclusion The result of the study showed that ROA is negatively correlated with total debt ratio and shortterm debt ratio, but no correlation between ROA and long-term debt ratio could be found. There was no correlation between ROE and long-term debt ratio, short-term debt ratio or long-term debt ratio. The results show that companies with higher debt ratio tend to perform worse when measured in ROA. However, ROE was not affected by debt ratio.
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ANÁLISE DAS MUDANÇAS DOS FATORES DETERMINANTES DA ESTRUTURA DE CAPITAL EM FUNÇÃO DO CICLO DE VIDA DAS EMPRESAS BRASILEIRAS SÃO BERNARDO DO CAMPO / Analysis of chenges of the determinants of capital structure based on the life cycle of Brazilian companiesREIS, RENATA TOLEDO 26 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Timbo Noeme (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2016-08-08T17:58:28Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The several theories about the capital structure motivate many studies on this subject, however without meeting a consensus. Other topic not much explored refers to the organization’s life cycle, and how it can influence in the capital structure. This study had as main objective to verify which determinants are the most relevant for the borrowing process in the companies and understand if these determinants change depending on the life cycle, supported by the theories Trade off, Pecking order and Agency’s Theory. In order to achieve the objective was used the analysis of fixed effect panel and Brazilian listed companies have been chosen as sample, finally the study was also based in secondary data available in the Economatica® between 2005 and 2013 using sections from BM&F and BOVESPA. The main result stands the same behavior among the general sample, high and low growth for accounting debt for determining Profitability presenting a negative relationship, and the determinants Growth Opportunity and size, with such a positive relationship. For high groups and some low growth determinants showed different results, such as the uniqueness resulting significance in these two groups, with positive growth in low and negative in the high growth, the collateral value of assets and non-debt tax relief were significant only in low-growth group. For the debt at market value was observed significance for the tax benefit not debt and Singularity. This result reinforces the argument that the life cycle influence the capital structure / As várias teorias acerca da estrutura de capital despertam interesse motivando diversos estudos sobre o assunto sem, no entanto, ter um consenso. Outro tema aparentemente pouco explorado refere-se ao ciclo de vida das empresas e como ele pode influenciar a estrutura de capital. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar quais determinantes possuem maior relevância no endividamento das empresas e se estes determinantes alteram-se dependendo do ciclo de vida da empresa apoiada pelas teorias Trade Off, Pecking Order e Teoria da Agência. Para alcançar o objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizado análise em painel de efeito fixo sendo a amostra composta por empresas brasileiras de capital aberto, com dados secundários disponíveis na Economática® no período de 2005 a 2013, utilizando-se os setores da BM&FBOVESPA. Como resultado principal destaca-se o mesmo comportamento entre a amostra geral, alto e baixo crescimento pelo endividamento contábil para o determinante Lucratividade apresentando uma relação negativa, e para os determinantes Oportunidade de Crescimento e Tamanho, estes com uma relação positiva. Para os grupos de alto e baixo crescimento alguns determinantes apresentaram resultados diferentes, como a singularidade que resultou significância nestes dois grupos, sendo positiva no baixo crescimento e negativa no alto crescimento, para o valor colateral dos ativos e benefício fiscal não dívida apresentaram significância apenas no grupo de baixo crescimento. Para o endividamento a valor de mercado foi observado significância para o Benefício fiscal não dívida e Singularidade. Este resultado reforça o argumento de que o ciclo de vida influência a estrutura de capital
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Firm ownership and financial structure in less developed economies : empirical evidence from three sub-Saharan economiesKomakech, Samuel January 2018 (has links)
This thesis comprehensively examines financial structure choices of firms in three emerging economies of the East African region. It highlights the lack of research in this area and empirically examines three panel data models of financial structure (ownership, firm-specific factorsâ and firm performance models, whilst incorporating the influence of macroeconomic factors) using panel data estimation techniques, including the method of moments framework. It estimates these models using panel data from 47 listed firms; and then data from 20 private firms. The original and significant contributions to knowledge of my thesis are as follows: it provides novel insights into the relation between ownership structure and firm financial structure; it provides new understanding of the relation between firm-specific factors and financial structure of quoted and private firms in emerging economies (an area where research has been lacking); it provides new understanding and additional evidence with respect to the effect of ownership structure on the performance of firms in the East African region; it incorporates the influence of macroeconomic and institutional factors on financial structure choices; and it proposes frameworks for reviewing knowledge of financial structure choices, which can be used for further scholarly work on financial structure of firms in emerging economies. The findings of this research have implications for a possibility of a new theoretical framework for researching financial structure choice of firms in emerging economies; for policy makers to design deliberate policies that enhance access to finance for firms operating in an emerging economy; and for policy makers to regulate institutions (banking sector and capital market) as they develop to ensure equitable access (particularly for the private firms) to finance by all firms operating within the economy. Taken together, the results have implication for future scholarship in that they provide clearer and useful insights on ownership structure, financial structure choices and performance of both quoted and private firms in emerging economies; and the methods used are highly replicable and can be replicated in future studies of financial structure choices of firms in emerging economies. It has also invoked further questions that require answers.
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