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Causes et conséquences de l’activation de l’interféron de type I dans les maladies auto-immunes. Étude dans le modèle du syndrome de Sjögren / Causes and consequences of type I IFN activation in autoimmune diseases. Study in the Sjögren's syndrome model.Gestermann, Nicolas 13 January 2012 (has links)
Le syndrome de Sjögren primitif (SSp) est une maladie auto-immune (MAI) systémique ayant des caractéristiques communes avec le lupus érythémateux. Ces caractéristiques incluent des mécanismes physiopathologiques et des facteurs de predispositions génétiques. Notre équipe et d’autres groupes ont pu mettre en evidence une signature interféron (IFN) dans les glandes salivaires et les PBMCs de patients ayant un SSp. Cette découverte a permis de mettre en évidence de nouvelles voies à explorer dans la pathogénie du SLE et SSp en permettant la focalisation des recherches sur le rôle de l’immunité innée et de la voie IFN.Nous avons confirmé le rôle de 2 gènes importants dans le SSp, impliqués dans les voies des IFN. Le premier est IRF5 sur la voie IFN de type I et STAT4 sur la voie IFN de type II. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence une fonctionnalité de l’allèle à risque d’IRF5 (Polymorphisme Indel situé dans le promoteur). Concernant STAT4, son expression n’était pas altérée par le SNP associé à la maladie. Toutefois, l’ARNm de STAT4 était corrélé à l’expression des gènes IFN de type I. Les dérégulations épigénétique pourraient jouer un rôle important dans la pathogénie de nombreuses MAI, en particulier la méthylation de l’ADN qui est hautement liée à l’extinction de l’expression des gènes. Nous avons étudié la méthylation du promoteur d’IRF5 et nous n’avons pas trouvé de régulation de ce promoteur par le méthylation. Une analyse de la méthylation avec une approche globale du méthylome est en cours dans notre équipe et permettra d’identifier de gènes cibles d’une dérégulation épigénétique pouvant être impliqués dans les MAI.Nous avons essayé de comprendre la relation entre STAT4 et gènes IFN de type I. Ainsi, nous rapportons que l’IL-12 induit spécifiquement l’IFN de type I par intéraction entre deux partenaires cellulaires, les lymphocytes T CD4+ et les cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes. Ces résultats pourraient expliquer l’implication des polymorphismes de STAT4 dans les MAI dépendantes de l’IFN de type I. Ces résultats suggèrent également que les MAI dépendantes des IFN de type I et II ne s’opposent pas. Elles seraient seulement le Yin et le Yang d’un facteur d’activation commun, STAT4, capable d’induire les IFNs de type I et II. / Primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) is a systemic autoimmune disease (AID) that presents similar characteristics to systemic lupus erythematosus. These characteristics include pathophysiology and genetic factors. Our team and other groups have highlighted an interferon (IFN) signature in salivary glands and PBMCs from patients with Sjögren syndrome. This signature demonstrates new pathways in pSS and lupus, focusing research on innate immunity and in the IFN pathway.We have confirmed the implication of 2 genes in the pSS, and these genes are involved in the IFN pathway. The first gene is IRF5 which is in the type I IFN pathway and the second is STAT4 which is in the type II IFN pathway. We have shown a functional consequence of IRF5 at-risk allele. Regarding STAT4, the associated SNP did not altered STAT4 mRNA expression but was highly correlated with type I IFN genes expression.The epigenetic deregulation could play a triggering role in autoimmune diseases, particularly through DNA methylation which is highly implicated in the suppression of gene expression. We studied the methylation of IRF5 promoter and found no methylation. Our team is currently undertaking a global approach with methylome analysis. This methylome study will assess specific gene methylation patterns and will allow a better understanding of the role of these genes in autoimmune diseases.We further demonstrated that IL-12 specifically induces a type I IFN signature through a CD4+ T cells and pDCs crosstalk. These results could explain the implication of STAT4 polymorphism not only in type II IFN-dependent AIDs but also in type I IFN-dependent AIDs. Our data confirm that type I IFN- and type II IFN-mediated AIDs do not have to be opposed. They are only the yin and the yang of a common STAT4 activation which may induce secretion of both cytokines.
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A imunologia da infecção pelo HIV em pacientes com idade avançada: caracterização fenotípica e funcional da resposta imune mediada pela célula T CD4+ / The immunology of HIV infection in older patients: phenotypic and functional characterization of CD4+ T-cell mediated immune responseRegis Mariano de Andrade 21 December 2013 (has links)
A proporção de idosos portadores da síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (aids) tem aumentado de maneira importante nos últimos anos e, até a presente data, existem poucos estudos que abordam a infecção nessa população especial. As particularidades imunológicas decorrentes do fenômeno da imunossenescência podem acarretar mudanças significativas na evolução da infecção pelo HIV, bem como na resposta ao tratamento. O objetivo maior desta Tese foi avaliar o impacto da idade na recuperação funcional do sistema imune de pacientes com aids acima de 55 anos, quando tratados adequadamente com terapia anti-retroviral, caracterizando a resultante imunológica da idade avançada e da infecção pelo HIV. Para tanto, foram estudados quatro grupos experimentais: indivíduos jovens saudáveis ou com aids, e indivíduos acima de 55 anos saudáveis ou com aids. Todos os pacientes com aids estavam recebendo terapia anti-retroviral, em sucesso terapêutico. No primeiro artigo apresentado, avaliamos resposta linfoproliferativa e produção de citocinas in vitro e resposta humoral in vivo mediante desafio antigênico com toxóide tetânico (TT) em indivíduos previamente vacinados contra o tétano. Os resultados mostraram deficiências imunológicas significativas relacionadas à idade avançada no que diz respeito a produção de IgG anti-TT, resposta linfoproliferativa e produção de IFN-. Em contrapartida, a produção de IL-10 foi significativamente maior nos indivíduos acima de 55 anos, infectados ou não pelo HIV. No segundo artigo, foram caracterizadas as subpopulações de células T mediante estímulo policlonal ou específico com antígenos do envelope do HIV (Env). Em culturas não-estimuladas de PBMC do grupo com aids e idade avançada, observamos frequência reduzida de células T naive e de memória central, associada a aumento de células T efetoras. Quando estimuladas policlonalmente, essas culturas apresentaram deficiência na produção de IFN- e hiperprodução de IL-10, como na resposta ao TT. Mediante estímulo específico com Env, a citometria de fluxo revelou frequência elevada de células T CD4+FoxP3-CD152+ com forte marcação intracelular para IL-10, indicando predomínio do fenótipo Tr-1, e não das células Treg clássicas. Interessantemente, em ambos os artigos, a replicação viral in vitro foi significativamente menor nos pacientes com aids acima de 55 anos, condizendo com a excelente resposta virológica desses pacientes ao tratamento antirretroviral. A neutralização da IL-10 com anticorpo anti-IL-10 nas culturas ativadas pelos peptídeos Env aumentou de forma significativa a replicação viral no sobrenadante. Tanto na resposta ao TT quanto aos peptídeos Env, o bloqueio da IL-10 aumentou os níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, mas não melhorou a produção de IFN- dos pacientes acima de 55 anos com aids. Coletivamente, os achados dessa Tese revelam distúrbios em vários segmentos da resposta imune, particularmente no compartimento Th1, de pacientes acima 55 anos com aids e adequadamente tratados, sugerindo que, para esses pacientes, a reconstituição imune pós-tratamento não ocorre com a mesma eficácia que no jovem. Apesar do aumento da produção de IL-10 provavelmente contribuir, ao menos em parte, para o controle virológico, pode comprometer a resposta tanto ao próprio HIV, quanto a outros desafios antigênicos, a exemplo do toxóide tetânico. Sugere-se, portanto, a necessidade de recomendações específicas de manejo clínico para esse grupo de pacientes / The proportion of aged persons living with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) has importantly increased in recent years and, up to the present moment, there are few studies that address the infection in this particular population. The immunological nuances resulting from the immunosenescence phenomenon may promote significant alterations in the clinical course of HIV infection, as well as in treatment response. The major purpose of this Thesis was to evaluate the impact of age on the functional immune recovery in aids patients aged more than 55 years, when adequately treated with anti-retroviral therapy, characterizing the immunological result of advanced age and HIV infection. Thus, four experimental groups were enrolled: healthy or HIV-infected young adults, and healthy or HIV-infected adults over 55 years old. All the HIV-infected patients had diagnosis of aids and were under anti-retroviral treatment with therapeutic success. In the first presented article, we evaluated the lymphoproliferative response and cytokine production in vitro and humoral response in vivo, after antigenic challenge with tetanus toxoid (TT) in previously immunized individuals against tetanus. The results revealed significant age-related immunological impairments concerning anti-TT IgG production, lymphoproliferative response and production of IFN-. On the other hand, the production of IL-10 significantly higher in individuals aged more the 55 years, HIV-infected or not. In the second article, T cell subsets were characterized after polyclonal activation or specific stimulus with antigens derived from the HIV envelope (Env). In fresh unstimulated PBMC cultures obtained from the aged aids patients, there was a reduced frequency of naïve and central memory T cells, associated with increased frequency of effector T cells. When polyclonally stimulated, these cultures showed deficient production of IFN- and hyperproduction of IL-10, like in response to TT. In Env-stimulated cultures, flow cytometry revealed high frequency of T CD4+FoxP3-CD152+ T cells with strong intracellular staining for IL-10, indicating a dominant Tr-1 phenotype, and not the classical Treg cells. Interestingly, in both articles, the viral replication in vitro was significantly lower aids patients over 55 years old, which is in consonance with their excellent virological response to anti-retroviral treatment. IL-10 neutralization with anti-IL-10 antibody in Env-activated cultures enhanced the viral replication in culture supernantants. Both in TT and in Env-peptides-stimulated cultures, the IL-10 blockade enhanced the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, but it did not improve IFN- production from aged aids patients. Altogether, the results reported in this Thesis reveal disturbances in several segments of the immune response, particularly in the Th1 compartment, of anti-retroviral-treated aids patients older than 55 years, suggesting that, for these patients, immune reconstitution after treatment does not occur with the same efficacy as in young patients. And although the enhanced IL-10 production probably contributes, at least in part, to the virological control, it can compromise the immune response both to HIV and to other antigenic challenges, such as tetanus toxoid. It is suggested, therefore, the need for specific recommendations regarding the clinical management of these patients
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Étude du rôle de la protéine Vpr du VIH-1 dans la modulation de la réponse immunitaireRichard, Jonathan 06 1900 (has links)
L’infection par le VIH-1 est caractérisée par une activation chronique du système immunitaire et par une réduction graduelle du nombre de lymphocytes TCD4+, qui contribuent à une détérioration lente du système immunitaire menant à la phase SIDA. Paradoxalement, ce sont majoritairement des lymphocytes T CD4+ non infectés qui sont détruits et la cause de ce phénomène reste encore inconnue. Certaines protéines virales, dont la protéine accessoire Vpr, sont soupçonnées de jouer un rôle dans ce processus. Synthétisée tardivement, Vpr est incorporée à l’intérieur des virions, en plus d’être relâchée sous forme soluble dans le milieu extracellulaire. La principale fonction biologique de Vpr est l’induction d’un arrêt de cycle en phase G2/M, via le recrutement du complexe d’ubiquitine E3 ligase CUL4A-DDB1VprBP et l’activation de la voie de dommage à l’ADN contrôlée par la kinase ATR. Une étude démontre que l’activation des voies de dommages à l’ADN conduit à l’expression de ligands du récepteur activateur NKG2D, exprimés par les cellules NK, déclenchant leurs fonctions cytolytiques. Chose intéressante, plusieurs études suggèrent que le VIH-1 régule positivement l’expression des ligands de NKG2D à la surface des lymphocytes T CD4+ infectés. Cependant, le facteur viral impliqué dans ce processus reste encore indéfini.
Le but de cette thèse était d’évaluer le rôle de Vpr dans la modulation des fonctions cytolytiques des cellules NK et son implication potentielle dans la destruction des lymphocytes T CD4+. Nos travaux ont permis de démontrer que l’expression de Vpr, seule ou dans le contexte de l’infection, est suffisante afin d’augmenter spécifiquement l’expression du ligand de NKG2D, ULBP2, au niveau de lymphocytes T CD4+ primaires. Conséquemment, Vpr augmente ainsi la susceptibilité de ces cellules à une lyse par des cellules NK autologues. Nous démontrons que cette régulation positive d’ULBP2 repose sur la capacité de Vpr de recruter le complexe d’ubiquitine E3 ligase DDB1-CUL4AVprBP et l’activation de la voie de dommage à l’ADN ATR. Plus important encore, nous apportons des preuves que Vpr augmente également l’expression d’ULBP2 au niveau des cellules non infectées lors d’une infection de lymphocytes TCD4+ par le VIH-1. À cet effet, nous montrons que l’acheminement de Vpr au niveau de lymphocytes T CD4+ non infectés via des particules virales défectives est suffisant afin de réguler positivement ULBP2 et d’augmenter leur lyse par des cellules NK autologues. De plus, nous décrivons pour la première fois que Vpr, sous forme soluble, a la capacité d’induire des dommages à l’ADN et de réguler positivement ULBP2 suite à la transduction de différents types cellulaires, incluant des cellules T.
Globalement, nos résultats démontrent que Vpr est un facteur viral clé impliqué dans la régulation positive des ligands de NKG2D induite par le VIH-1. Cette régulation positive d’ULBP2 pourrait alors contribuer à la destruction des lymphocytes T CD4+ infectés et non infectés via l’activation des fonctions cytolytiques des cellules NK. Une meilleure compréhension de la contribution de cette activité de Vpr dans la pathogenèse du VIH-1 a le potentiel de permettre le développement de nouvelles cibles ou stratégies thérapeutiques contre le VIH-1. / Chronic immune activation and gradual depletion of CD4+ T cells are hallmarks of HIV-1 infection, which are thought to contribute to the progressive deterioration of the host’s immune response that ultimately leads to AIDS. Paradoxically, the majority of CD4+ T cells that are destroyed are uninfected and causes for this bystander effect of infection on CD4+ T cells remains unclear. Some HIV-1 proteins, including the accessory protein Vpr, are suspected to play a role in this process. Vpr, expressed late during HIV-1 infection, is shown to be incorporated within the budding virions as well as secreted as soluble protein in the extracellular medium from the infected cells. The main biological function of Vpr is the induction of a G2/M cell-cycle arrest through the recruitment of the E3 ubiquitin ligase complex DDB1-CUL4AVprBP and activation of the ATR-mediated DNA damage pathway. One study showed that activation of DNA damage pathways leads to the expression of specific ligands for the activating receptor NKG2D expressed on NK cells, thus triggering NK cell cytolytic function. Interestingly, several evidences suggest that HIV-1 upregulates expression of specific NKG2D ligands on infected CD4+ T cells. However, the viral factor involved in this process remains undefined.
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the role of Vpr in modulating NK cell cytolytic function and its potential involvement in CD4+ T cells depletion. Our work demonstrated that the expression of Vpr, alone or in the context of HIV-1 infection, is sufficient to specifically increase expression of the NKG2D ligand, ULBP2, on primary CD4+ T cells. Consequently, these CD4 T cells become more susceptible to autologuous NK cell-mediated lysis. Our studies have shown that this Vpr-mediated ULBP2 upregulation requires the recruitment of the E3 ubiquitin ligase complex DDB1-CUL4AVprBP and the activation of the ATR-mediated DNA damage pathway. More importantly, we provide evidence that Vpr augments ULBP2 expression on both infected and uninfected bystander cells during HIV-1 infection of primary CD4+ T lymphocytes. In that context, we show that delivery of Vpr into uninfected cells via defective viral particles is sufficient to upregulate ULBP2 and increase their susceptibility to autologuous NK cell-mediated killing. In addition, we describe for the first time that soluble
Vpr has the ability to induce DNA damages and upregulate ULBP2 upon transducing target cells, including T cells.
Overall, our results show that Vpr is a key HIV-1 factor involved in the upregulation of NKG2D ligands induced by HIV-1. This upregulation of UBP2 might contribute to depletion of infected and uninfected CD4 + T cells through activation of NK cell cytolytic functions. A better understanding of the contribution of this new activity of Vpr in HIV-1 pathogenesis has the potential to enable the development of new therapeutic targets or therapeutic strategies against HIV-1.
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Role of CD4+ T cells in the regulation of the immune response against encapsulated Group B StreptococcusClarke, Damian 08 1900 (has links)
Le Streptocoque de groupe B (GBS) est un important agent d’infection invasive pouvant mener à la mort et demeure la cause principale de septicémie néonatale à ce jour. Neuf sérotypes ont été officiellement décrits basés sur la composition de la capsule polysaccharidique (CPS). Parmi ces sérotypes, le type III est considéré le plus virulent et fréquemment associé aux maladies invasives graves, telle que la méningite. Malgré que plusieurs recherches aient été effectuées au niveau des interactions entre GBS type III et les cellules du système immunitaire innées, aucune information n’est disponible sur la régulation de la réponse immunitaire adaptative dirigée contre ce dernier. Notamment, le rôle de cellules T CD4+ dans l’immuno-pathogenèse de l’infection causée par GBS n’a jamais été étudié. Dans cet étude, trois différents modèles murins d’infection ont été développé pour évaluer l’activation et la modulation des cellules T CD4+ répondantes au GBS de type III : ex vivo, in vivo, et in vitro. Les résultats d’infections ex vivo démontrent que les splénocytes totaux répondent à l’infection en produisant des cytokines de type-1 pro-inflammatoires. Une forte production d’IL-10 accompagne cette cascade inflammatoire, probablement dans l’effort de l’hôte de maintenir l’homéostasie. Les résultats démontrent aussi que les cellules T sont activement recrutées par les cellules répondantes du système inné en produisant des facteurs chimiotactiques, tels que CXCL9, CXCL10, et CCL3. Plus spécifiquement, les résultats obtenus à partir des cellules isolées T CD4+ provenant des infections ex vivo ou in vivo démontrent que ces cellules participent à la production d’IFN-γ et de TNF-α ainsi que d’IL-2, suggérant un profil d’activation Th1. Les cellules isolées T CD4+ n’étaient pas des contributeurs majeurs d’IL-10. Ceci indique que cette cytokine immuno-régulatrice est principalement produite par les cellules de l’immunité innée de la rate de souris infectées. Le profil Th1 des cellules T CD4+ a été confirmé en utilisant un modèle in vitro. Nos résultats démontrent aussi que la CPS de GBS a une role immuno-modulateur dans le développement de la réponse Th1.
En résumé, cette étude adresse pour la première fois, la contribution des cellules T CD4+ dans la production d’IFN-γ lors d’une infection à GBS et donc, dans le développement d’une réponse de type Th1. Ces résultats renforcent d’avantage le rôle central de cette cytokine pour un control efficace des infections causées par ce pathogène. / Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is an important agent of life-threatening invasive infections and remains the leading cause of neonatal sepsis to this day. Nine serotypes have been officially described based on capsular polysaccharide (CPS) composition. Among them, capsular type III is considered one of the most virulent and frequently associated with severe invasive diseases, such as meningitis. Although extensive research has been done on the interactions between GBS type III and various cells of the innate immune system, no information is available on the regulation of the adaptive immune response against this pathogen. In particular, the role of CD4+ T cells in the immuno-pathogenesis of the infection caused by GBS has never been assessed. In this study, three different models of murine infection were developed to evaluate activation and modulation of responding CD4+ T cells against GBS type III: ex vivo, in vivo, and in vitro. Ex vivo analysis of total splenocytes showed that GBS induces the release of type-1 pro-inflammatory cytokines. A strong IL-10 production follows this inflammatory cascade, indicating the host effort to maintain homeostasis. Results also indicate that T cells were actively recruited by responding innate immune cells via the release of chemotactic factors such as CXCL9, CXCL10, and CCL3. More specifically, results obtained from isolated CD4+ T cells from ex vivo or in vivo infections showed that they actively participate in the production of IFN-γ and TNF-α, as well as IL-2, suggesting a Th1 profile of activation. On the other hand, isolated CD4+ T cells were not main sources of IL-10. This observation suggests that this immuno-regulatory cytokine is produced mainly by cells of the spleen innate immune system of infected animals. The CD4+ Th1 cell profile was confirmed using an in vitro model of infection. Our results also suggest that the GBS CPS plays an immuno-modulatory role in the development of a Th1 response.
In summary, this study addresses for this first time the contribution of CD4+ T cells in IFN-γ production during GBS infection, and thus, in the development of a Th1 response. Our data further highlight the central role of this cytokine for effective control of GBS infections.
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Enforcing dendritic cell vaccines by manipulating the MHC II antigen presentation pathwayPezeshki, Abdul Mohammad 10 1900
Les vaccins à base de cellules dendritiques (DCs) constituent une avenue très populaire en immunothérapie du cancer. Alors que ces cellules peuvent présenter des peptides exogènes ajoutés au milieu, l’efficacité de chargement de ces peptides au le complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMH) de classe II est limitée. En effet, la majorité des molécules du CMH II à la surface des DCs sont très stable et l’échange de peptide spontané est minime. Confinée aux vésicules endosomales, HLA-DM (DM) retire les peptides des molécules du CMH II en plus de leur accorder une conformation réceptive au chargement de peptides.
Il est possible, cependant, de muter le signal de rétention de DM de façon à ce que la protéine s’accumule en surface. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que ce mutant de DM (DMY) sera aussi fonctionnel à la surface que dans la voie endosomale et qu’il favorisera le chargement de peptides exogènes aux DCs. Nous avons utilisé un vecteur adénoviral pour exprimer DMY dans des DCs et avons montrer que la molécule augmente le chargement de peptides.
L’augmentation du chargement peptidique par DMY est autant qualitatif que quantitatif. DMY améliore la réponse T auxiliaire (Th) du coté Th1, ce qui favorise l’immunité anti-cancer. Du côté qualitatif, le chargement de peptides résulte en des complexes peptide-CMHII (pCMH) d’une conformation supérieure (conformère). Ce conformère (Type A) est le préféré pour la vaccination et DMY édite avec succès les complexes pCMH à la surface en éliminant ceux de type B, lesquels sont indésirables.
La fonction de DM est régulée par HLA-DO (DO). Ce dernier inhibe l’habilité de DM à échanger le peptide CLIP (peptide dérivée de la chaîne invariante) en fonction du pH, donc dans les endosomes tardifs. Mes résultats indiquent que la surexpression de DO influence la présentation des superantigènes (SAgs) dépendants de la nature du peptide. Il est probable que DO améliore indirectement la liaison de ces SAgs au pCMH dû à l’accumulation de complexe CLIP-CMH, d’autant plus qu’il neutralise la polarisation Th2 normalement observée par CLIP.
Ensemble, ces résultats indiquent que DMY est un outil intéressant pour renforcer le chargement de peptides exogènes sur les DCs et ainsi générer des vaccins efficaces. Un effet inattendu de DO sur la présentation de certains SAgs a aussi été observé. Davantage de recherche est nécessaire afin de résoudre comment DMY et DO influence la polarisation des lymphocytes T auxiliaires. Cela conduira à une meilleure compréhension de la présentation antigénique et de son étroite collaboration avec le système immunitaire. / Dendritic cell peptide-based vaccines are the most common immunotherapy approach in cancer therapy. While, in principle, dendritic cells (DCs) could be loaded efficiently by exogenously added tumor peptides, their loading efficacy is severely reduced due to low number of peptide-receptive MHC II on cell surface. Most surface MHC II molecules are either occupied by endogenous peptides or are inactive due to a conformation that is not receptive for free peptides. In MHC II antigen presentation pathway, HLA-DM (DM) in acidic endosomal vesicles removes the self-peptides and grants a peptide receptive conformation to MHC II.
Mutating of an intracellular sorting motif in DM, renders its accumulation on cell surface. We hypothesized that the mutant DM (DMY) is functional on cell surface and can generate peptide receptive MHC II on surface of DCs for exogenous peptide loading. By using an adenoviral vector that expresses DMY, we found that DMY is functional on surface of DCs. DMY supplied peptide receptive MHC II on surface of DCs and improved exogenous peptide loading.
The improvement of peptide loading by DMY is both quantitative and qualitative. DMY improves helper T cell (Th) response in Th1 direction that favors anti-cancer immunity. The qualitative improvement of peptide loading extends to loading of superior conformational isomer (conformer) of peptide-MHC complexes. This superior conformer (type A) is the favourite type for vaccination approaches and DMY successfully edits peptide-MHC conformers on cell surface level by eliminating undesirable one (type B).
Function of DM is regulated by HLA-DO (DO) and it is well accepted that in acidic pH of late endosomes, DO inhibits function of DM by preventing removal of class II associated invariant chain peptide (CLIP) from peptide binding groove of MHC II. My results indicate that DO overexpression, changes binding of peptide-dependent superantigens to MHC II molecules. Superantigens (SAgs) are small microbial proteins that bind out side peptide binding groove of MHC II. DO probably enhances binding of peptide-dependent SAgs by forcing the accumulation of CLIP on the cell surface of antigen presenting cells. DO also neutralizes Th2 polarization by CLIP.
Collectively, these results indicate that DMY is a valuable tool for improvement of exogenous peptide loading in DCs vaccines. An unnoticed effect of DO on SAgs binding was also recognized. Further investigations are needed to clarify the mechanisms by which, DMY and DO influence Th polarization. This would provide a better understanding of antigen presentation pathway and its interaction with immune system.
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Anomalies immunitaires chez les enfants exposés au VIH mais non infectésGravel, Catherine 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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A imunologia da infecção pelo HIV em pacientes com idade avançada: caracterização fenotípica e funcional da resposta imune mediada pela célula T CD4+ / The immunology of HIV infection in older patients: phenotypic and functional characterization of CD4+ T-cell mediated immune responseRegis Mariano de Andrade 21 December 2013 (has links)
A proporção de idosos portadores da síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (aids) tem aumentado de maneira importante nos últimos anos e, até a presente data, existem poucos estudos que abordam a infecção nessa população especial. As particularidades imunológicas decorrentes do fenômeno da imunossenescência podem acarretar mudanças significativas na evolução da infecção pelo HIV, bem como na resposta ao tratamento. O objetivo maior desta Tese foi avaliar o impacto da idade na recuperação funcional do sistema imune de pacientes com aids acima de 55 anos, quando tratados adequadamente com terapia anti-retroviral, caracterizando a resultante imunológica da idade avançada e da infecção pelo HIV. Para tanto, foram estudados quatro grupos experimentais: indivíduos jovens saudáveis ou com aids, e indivíduos acima de 55 anos saudáveis ou com aids. Todos os pacientes com aids estavam recebendo terapia anti-retroviral, em sucesso terapêutico. No primeiro artigo apresentado, avaliamos resposta linfoproliferativa e produção de citocinas in vitro e resposta humoral in vivo mediante desafio antigênico com toxóide tetânico (TT) em indivíduos previamente vacinados contra o tétano. Os resultados mostraram deficiências imunológicas significativas relacionadas à idade avançada no que diz respeito a produção de IgG anti-TT, resposta linfoproliferativa e produção de IFN-. Em contrapartida, a produção de IL-10 foi significativamente maior nos indivíduos acima de 55 anos, infectados ou não pelo HIV. No segundo artigo, foram caracterizadas as subpopulações de células T mediante estímulo policlonal ou específico com antígenos do envelope do HIV (Env). Em culturas não-estimuladas de PBMC do grupo com aids e idade avançada, observamos frequência reduzida de células T naive e de memória central, associada a aumento de células T efetoras. Quando estimuladas policlonalmente, essas culturas apresentaram deficiência na produção de IFN- e hiperprodução de IL-10, como na resposta ao TT. Mediante estímulo específico com Env, a citometria de fluxo revelou frequência elevada de células T CD4+FoxP3-CD152+ com forte marcação intracelular para IL-10, indicando predomínio do fenótipo Tr-1, e não das células Treg clássicas. Interessantemente, em ambos os artigos, a replicação viral in vitro foi significativamente menor nos pacientes com aids acima de 55 anos, condizendo com a excelente resposta virológica desses pacientes ao tratamento antirretroviral. A neutralização da IL-10 com anticorpo anti-IL-10 nas culturas ativadas pelos peptídeos Env aumentou de forma significativa a replicação viral no sobrenadante. Tanto na resposta ao TT quanto aos peptídeos Env, o bloqueio da IL-10 aumentou os níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, mas não melhorou a produção de IFN- dos pacientes acima de 55 anos com aids. Coletivamente, os achados dessa Tese revelam distúrbios em vários segmentos da resposta imune, particularmente no compartimento Th1, de pacientes acima 55 anos com aids e adequadamente tratados, sugerindo que, para esses pacientes, a reconstituição imune pós-tratamento não ocorre com a mesma eficácia que no jovem. Apesar do aumento da produção de IL-10 provavelmente contribuir, ao menos em parte, para o controle virológico, pode comprometer a resposta tanto ao próprio HIV, quanto a outros desafios antigênicos, a exemplo do toxóide tetânico. Sugere-se, portanto, a necessidade de recomendações específicas de manejo clínico para esse grupo de pacientes / The proportion of aged persons living with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) has importantly increased in recent years and, up to the present moment, there are few studies that address the infection in this particular population. The immunological nuances resulting from the immunosenescence phenomenon may promote significant alterations in the clinical course of HIV infection, as well as in treatment response. The major purpose of this Thesis was to evaluate the impact of age on the functional immune recovery in aids patients aged more than 55 years, when adequately treated with anti-retroviral therapy, characterizing the immunological result of advanced age and HIV infection. Thus, four experimental groups were enrolled: healthy or HIV-infected young adults, and healthy or HIV-infected adults over 55 years old. All the HIV-infected patients had diagnosis of aids and were under anti-retroviral treatment with therapeutic success. In the first presented article, we evaluated the lymphoproliferative response and cytokine production in vitro and humoral response in vivo, after antigenic challenge with tetanus toxoid (TT) in previously immunized individuals against tetanus. The results revealed significant age-related immunological impairments concerning anti-TT IgG production, lymphoproliferative response and production of IFN-. On the other hand, the production of IL-10 significantly higher in individuals aged more the 55 years, HIV-infected or not. In the second article, T cell subsets were characterized after polyclonal activation or specific stimulus with antigens derived from the HIV envelope (Env). In fresh unstimulated PBMC cultures obtained from the aged aids patients, there was a reduced frequency of naïve and central memory T cells, associated with increased frequency of effector T cells. When polyclonally stimulated, these cultures showed deficient production of IFN- and hyperproduction of IL-10, like in response to TT. In Env-stimulated cultures, flow cytometry revealed high frequency of T CD4+FoxP3-CD152+ T cells with strong intracellular staining for IL-10, indicating a dominant Tr-1 phenotype, and not the classical Treg cells. Interestingly, in both articles, the viral replication in vitro was significantly lower aids patients over 55 years old, which is in consonance with their excellent virological response to anti-retroviral treatment. IL-10 neutralization with anti-IL-10 antibody in Env-activated cultures enhanced the viral replication in culture supernantants. Both in TT and in Env-peptides-stimulated cultures, the IL-10 blockade enhanced the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, but it did not improve IFN- production from aged aids patients. Altogether, the results reported in this Thesis reveal disturbances in several segments of the immune response, particularly in the Th1 compartment, of anti-retroviral-treated aids patients older than 55 years, suggesting that, for these patients, immune reconstitution after treatment does not occur with the same efficacy as in young patients. And although the enhanced IL-10 production probably contributes, at least in part, to the virological control, it can compromise the immune response both to HIV and to other antigenic challenges, such as tetanus toxoid. It is suggested, therefore, the need for specific recommendations regarding the clinical management of these patients
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Rôle de la réponse immunitaire adaptative anti-tumorale dans l’induction de la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse / Role of anti-tumor adaptive immune response in induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transitionSanlaville, Amélien 13 December 2016 (has links)
Un enjeu majeur en cancérologie est de réduire le risque de développement métastatique et de rechute. La transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (EMT), processus physiologique au cours de l'embryogenèse, est un mécanisme central de la carcinogenèse, contribuant de façon précoce à la transformation et la dissémination des cellules tumorales via l'inhibition de la surveillance cellulaire (apoptose et senescence) et l'acquisition de capacités migratoires et invasives. Une autre caractéristique des cancers est la capacité d'échapper à la réponse immunitaire, puissante barrière anti-tumorale. Mais les cellules tumorales entretiennent des relations complexes avec le système immunitaire. Alors que la propension de l'inflammation et des cellules immunitaires innées à favoriser le développement tumoral et l'échappement immunitaire, via l'induction de l'EMT et le maintien d'un microenvironnement immuno-suppresseur, a été bien étudiée, le rôle éventuel de la réponse immunitaire adaptative dans la promotion de l'EMT est quant à lui peu connu. Grâce au développement d'un modèle murin de lignée tumorale mammaire plastique surexprimant l'oncogène Her2/Neu, ce travail démontre in vivo la capacité des cellules tumorales à subir l'EMT, induite par la réponse immunitaire médiée par les lymphocytes T. La déplétion spécifique des lymphocytes T (LT) CD4 restaure le phénotype épithélial de la tumeur, indiquant que les LT CD4 médient une réponse immunitaire induisant l'EMT. En retour, l'EMT confère aux cellules tumorales la capacité de modeler l'immunité comme le recrutement de neutrophiles. Ce travail apporte un nouvel éclairage sur les interactions entre cellules tumorales et système immunitaire / Current clinical challenge in many carcinomas is to reduce the risk of metastasis development and cancer recurrence. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), a physiological process during embryogenesis, is a central mechanism in oncogenesis. EMT induction contributes to early transformation and dissemination through inhibition of cellular surveillance (apoptosis and senescence) and increased migrative and invasive behavior. Another necessary hallmark of cancer is the ability of tumor cells to evade immune surveillance, a powerful barrier against tumor progression. But cancer cells enjoy intricate relations with the immune system. Whereas inclination of inflammation and innate immune cells to favor tumor development and immune escape, via EMT induction and immunosuppressive microenvironment maintenance, has been well investigated, the role of adaptive immune response in EMT promotion is understudied. Based on the development of a plastic murine mammary tumor cell line model overexpressing Her2/Neu oncogene, this study demonstrate in vivo that tumor cells keep an epithelial phenotype in adaptive immunodeficient mice but undergo EMT under the pressure of T-cell mediated immune response, characterized by loss of epithelial EpCAM marker and acquisition of mesenchymal features and EMT transcriptomic signature. CD4 T cell depletion but not CD8 restores the epithelial phenotype of tumors, suggesting that CD4 T cells mediate an immune response that could lead ton EMT induction. In return, EMT confers the ability of tumor cells to shape immunity like intra-tumor neutrophil infiltration. This work shed a new light on interactions between tumor cells and immune system
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Enforcing dendritic cell vaccines by manipulating the MHC II antigen presentation pathwayPezeshki, Abdul Mohammad 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Étude du rôle de la protéine Vpr du VIH-1 dans la modulation de la réponse immunitaireRichard, Jonathan 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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