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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Una lectura desde el capital político a la estrategia de seguridad en el Vrae

Zevallos Trigoso, Nicolás, Rojas Boucher, Fátima 25 September 2017 (has links)
El  tráfico  ilícito  de  drogas,  que  implica  una  alta  demanda  de  cultivos ilícitos de hoja de coca, juega un importante papel en la dinámica económica del VRAE. En este contexto, Sendero Luminoso ha reorientado su accionar hacia la protección de estas actividades a fin de construir capital político a su favor. Como respuesta, el Estado ha desplegado estrategias que enfatizan la presencia de las fuerzas del orden, existiendo un desequilibrio en lo referente a la generación de oportunidades de desarrollo económico lícito que permitan quebrar las bases de la relación entre narcotráfico y el terrorismo.

Propuesta para reducir la rotación de personal en la distribuidora de productos Coca-Cola de la ciudad de Chiclayo

Pérez Aguinaga, Franklin Iván January 2013 (has links)
La rotación de personal es un factor de desvinculación laboral de trabajadores, según Chávez (2010) nos dice que la rotación de personal es el abandono del puesto de trabajo por parte de un individuo a una organización. La cantidad de personas que ingresan y se desvinculan de la empresa. La distribuidora de productos Coca-Cola presenta este problema con un índice del 30%, índice muy alto que afecta a la empresa. Los objetivos que se plantean en el presente trabajo es, establecer la causas que provocan la rotación de personal, identificar los elementos que inciden en la decisión de retiro de los colaboradores y desarrollar una propuesta que permita fidelizar a los trabajadores y permanezcan un periodo de tiempo razonable. El instrumento más adecuado para la recopilación de datos fue a través de encuestas y entrevistas informales que se realizó a los trabajadores de la distribuidora quienes proporcionaron una excelente información y en base a ellos se pudo analizar y plasmar las ideas, problemas y sugerencias, contribuyendo en la realización del presente trabajo de investigación. En cuanto a los resultados lo que se logró obtener como datos principales del estudio de investigación, fueron, el desacuerdo que existe por parte de los trabajadores al no respetarse su horario de trabajo, la satisfacción del sueldo, la coherencia que existe del sueldo que percibe con respecto a la labor que realiza y los principales motivos por el cual los trabajadores dejarían de laborar en la distribuidora de productos Coca-Cola.La rotación de personal que presenta la distribuidora de productos Coca-Cola, se debe a múltiples factores como desmotivación, mala remuneración, baja calidad de vida de los trabajadores, ausencia de implementos de trabajo, todos estos factores perjudican en la fluctuación de personal, en la cual obtiene un elevado índice de rotación. Los elementos que comúnmente inciden en la salida y/o renuncia del personal de la distribuidora son, un salario bajo, en la cual esto provoca que los empleados estén desmotivados, otro elemento por el cual inciden es la escasa calidad de trabajo, por lo tanto los trabajadores piensan en irse a trabajar en otro lugar. Finalmente se realizó una propuesta que consta de cinco factores para poder implementarlos y contribuir en la reducción del índice de rotación de personal, cambiar la forma de pago, reducir en forma periódica las reuniones de trabajo, respetar los horarios de trabajo y en consecuencia el pago de las horas extras, eliminar la cuota cero y realizar la implementación de uniformes para mejorar la imagen de la empresa. / Tesis

Valoración Coca Cola Embonor S.A.

Pardo, María José, Reyes, Katherine 06 1900 (has links)
TESIS PARA OPTAR AL GRADO DE MAGÍSTER EN FINANZAS / Pardo, María José, [Parte I mediante método de múltiplos], Reyes, Katherine, [Parte II mediante método de flujo de caja] / El presente documento consiste en determinar el Valor económico de Coca Embonor S.A al 30 de Junio 2017, mediante el método de valorización de Múltiplos. Coca Cola Embonor S.A fundada a partir de la Embotelladora Arica S.A en el año 1962 en Chile, cuyo propósito es elaborar y distribuir productos de bebidas carbonatadas bajo la licencia The Coca Cola Company (TCCC), expandiéndose a contar del año 1995 en Bolivia, adquiriendo las franquicias y activos de (EMBOL). El método de múltiplos consistirá en estimar el valor económico a través de la comparación de ratios de la empresa entre sus competidores, bajo indicadores relacionados de: utilidad, ingresos, EBITDA, EBIT, Patrimonio, Deuda Financiera, entre otros. Para este caso, se utilizarán los indicadores de las empresas comparables de los últimos dos años 2016-2017, considerando el resultado de sus actividades de carácter anual. Bajo la valorización de múltiplos, se obtienen estimaciones entre 992 - $1.849 CLP por acción, rango aceptable de valor de la acción, no evidenciándose que la acción se encuentre sobre o sub valorada. / El presente documento consiste en determinar el Valor económico de Coca Embonor S.A al 30 de Junio 2017, mediante el método de valorización de Flujo de Caja Descontado (FCD). Coca Cola Embonor S.A fundada a partir de la Embotelladora Arica S.A en el año 1962 en Chile, cuyo propósito es elaborar y distribuir productos de bebidas carbonatadas bajo la licencia The Coca Cola Company (TCCC), expandiéndose a contar del año 1995 en Bolivia, adquiriendo las franquicias y activos de (EMBOL). El método de valorización de Flujo de Caja Descontado estará basado en los factores claves de estimación de los flujos de las actividades operacionales, de inversión y riesgos que impacten en la generación de estos flujos. Se considerará el periodo 2013 a Junio de 2017 como base histórica de la información financiera y de mercado para la valorización, con el fin de determinar la estructura de capital objetivo de la Compañía, el costo patrimonial y de capital, la deuda financiera, entre otros. Con esto se proyectará, en base a estimaciones históricas y propias, los ingresos y egresos operacionales que permitirán obtener Estado de Resultado desde Junio 2017 a Diciembre 2021 y el Flujo de Caja Libre, para finalmente obtener el valor del Patrimonio Económico. El valor económico estimado de la acción al 30 de Junio de 2017 corresponde a $1.684,9 CLP, mientras que el valor de mercado de cierre en el mismo período correspondió a $1.621,5 CLP, lo que representa una desviación de 3,9% por sobre su valor de mercado.

Epicene Pronoun Use in Modern American English

Watson, Robin Montgomery 22 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Traditional prescriptive grammar for English states that the epicene or gender neutral pronoun for third person singular use is he. Research into speaker perceptions has clearly demonstrated that he is not perceived as neutral. Research has also shown traditionally proscribed epicene pronouns such as he or she and singular they to be commonly used, despite the long-standing proscriptions against them. The author examines the endurance of such proscribed options through the lens of markedness theory, considering the impact of cultural values on speakers' epicene pronoun choices. Gender in language is also considered, as well as Kuryłowicz‘s 4th Law of Analogy as a means for understanding patterns of language change. Second person pronoun change is considered as a model for understanding third person pronoun changes currently underway in Modern American English. The author conducts and reports on a corpus study designed to assess the current usage of three epicene pronouns in Modern American English, namely he or she and its variant she or he; one; and singular they. The results of the study are considered in terms of medium, spoken or written, and register, colloquial, standard, or formal. The study suggests that they is generally the preferred epicene pronoun, particularly in spoken language, but that one is the preferred epicene pronoun for formal writing.

Teaching Vocabulary Through Data-Driven Learning

Shaw, Erin Margaret 10 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this master's project was to write a resource book that demonstrates how teachers can use data-driven learning methods to teach vocabulary. First, a brief overview of corpus linguistics, data-driven learning, and the corpus used in this book (COCA) is given. Then, the book presents different aspects of vocabulary learning in the context of a corpus. Topics included are frequency knowledge, part of speech knowledge, morphological knowledge, synonym knowledge, collocational knowledge, and register knowledge with a chapter on each topic. For each aspect of vocabulary learning there is a section that introduces the topic to the teacher, followed by instructions on performing topic related searches in the corpus. Each chapter also includes examples and ideas for application to the vocabulary classroom. Additional chapters provide information on individual language learning, and an evaluation of the project. The goal of this project was to provide teachers with specific knowledge of vocabulary and corpus-linguistics to be able to teach less-frequently addressed aspects of vocabulary instruction and to encourage more use of corpora in the language classroom. It is hoped that after reading this book, teachers will be able to improve their vocabulary teaching and ability to use the Corpus of Contemporary American English and DDL methods in the ESL/EFL classroom. The evaluation of this project will consist of teacher reviews of the book after reading. Specifically, the questionnaire addresses readers' feelings of increased knowledge and understanding of these areas and desire to use them in the classroom.

En undersökning av fluktuationer av BOD7 i industriavloppet hos Coca-Cola Enterprises anläggning i Sverige / An investigation of the fluctuating patterns of BOD7 in the industrial sewage of Coca-Cola Enterprises Sweden

Bainetas Rosendahl, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Stockholm Vatten har sedan januari 2014 infört en avgift på biokemiskt syreförbrukande ämnen (BOD) som släpps ut av industriella processer. Obehandlat kan BOD ha syretärande effekter på recipienten och således påverka akvatiskt liv om mottagaren är en sjö eller ett vattendrag. Målet med det här examensarbetet är att undersöka fluktuationerna av specifikt BOD7 i Coca-Cola Enterprises Sverige (CCES) industriella avloppsvatten. Därutöver finna eventuella BOD7 källor och undersöka var, hur och varför fluktuationerna uppkommer. Ytterligare mål för examensarbetet är att diskutera korrelationen mellan kemiskt syreförbrukande material (COD) och BOD. En stor del av examensarbete bestod av att analysera data från CCES och Eurofins . Eurofins är ett externt företag som analyserar prover av industriavloppsvattnet från CCES. Under arbetets gång har också prover tagits på industriavloppet som sedan skickats för analys av BOD7 och CODcr. Efter ombyggnationer i produktionsanläggningen valdes det att titta på data från 2015-01-01 till 2016-05-31. Det som analyserades var vid vilka datum som provtagningen av BOD7 och CODcr skett för att sedan jämföra med händelser som skedde under produktion av dryck under dessa datum. De händelser som undersökningen omfattade var om någon kassaktion eller dumpning av dryck skett, vilka produkter som tillverkades och antal sortbyten som inträffade under provtagningsdatumet. Resultatet från rapporten indikerade att de tillfällen då det var ett högt antal sortbyten brukade generellt ge en hög andel BOD7. Samtidigt som även dumpningar och kassaktion av dryck kunde ge ett högt BOD7, som kan bekräftas med momentan provtagningen som utfördes på industriavloppsvattnet. Vid kassaktion av dryck finns alternativet att skicka iväg den kasserade drycken till ett företag, SITA, som tar hand om industriavloppet för att producera biogas. Detta visade sig inte ge någon ekonomisk fördel med vad de sparar på avgiften för BOD7 då CCES måste betala SITA för att hämta den kasserade drycken. Analysen av den existerande datan från Eurofins fastställde även en positiv korrelation mellan BOD7 och CODcr. CODcr mäter den kemiskt syreförbrukande materialet vilket innebär att oxiderbara oorganiska ämnen ger ett CODcr värde utöver det organiskt syreförbrukande materialet. Detta resulterar i att CODcr nästan alltid kommer att vara större än BOD7. / Stockholm Vatten introduced in januari 2014 a fee on biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) that is being releaed by industrial processes. Untreated BOD could have an oxygen depleting effect on recipients and thus affect aquatic life if the reciever is a lake or a stream. The goal with this research thesis is to investigate the fluctuating patterns of specifically BOD7 in the industrial sewage of Coca-Cola Enterprises Sweden (CCES). Additionally to find possible BOD7 sources and investigate where, how and why these fluctuating patterns occur. Another objective for this research thesis is to discuss the correlation of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and BOD. A large part of this research thesis consisted of analyzing data from the databases of CCES and Eurofins. Eurofins is an external company that analyzes samples taken from the industrial waste of CCES. During the research thesis samples were taken from the industrial waste and sent for analysis of BOD7 and CODcr. After rebuilding at CCES production plant the dates which were looked at were 2015-01-01 to 2016-05-31. The analysis consisted of looking at what dates sampling was done of BOD7 and CODcr and correlating these with events happening in the production facility during these dates. The temporary events that were looked at were if discarding or dumping of beverage happened, what products were manufactured and how many changeovers took place during the sampling dates. The results indicated that a high number of changeovers would generally give a high BOD7. Discarding and dumping of products would also give a high BOD7, which can be confirmed by the sampling of the industrial waste. The discarded beverage would also have the alternative of sending the it away to another company, SITA, that would use it to make biofuel. This however did not show any economic advantage regarding savings on the fee for BOD7 since CCES have to pay SITA for the transport of the discarded beverage. The analysis of the existing data from Eurofins confirmed a positive correlation of BOD7 and CODcr. CODcr measure the chemical oxidizable material which means that in addition to measuring the organic oxidizable material it also measures the inorganic oxidizable material. This results in that CODcr will almost always be larger than the BOD7.

Interaction du bio-brai avec le coke : effet du bio-brai sur la formulation d'anode

Lu, Ying 10 February 2024 (has links)
Les producteurs d'aluminium sont constamment confrontés à des défis concernant l'augmentation des coûts de production et notamment ceux liés au brai de goudron de houille. Le brai de goudron de houille est utilisé comme liant pour produire des anodes en carbone. Indépendamment des avantages techniques du brai de goudron de houille, il contient des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP), connus pour être cancérigènes pour l'homme et nocifs pour l'environnement. De plus, l’augmentation phénoménale de la production d’aluminium des trente dernières années exerce une pression importante sur le marché du brai, causant une difficulté en l’approvisionnement de ce dernier. Pour surmonter ce défi, des sources de substitution au brai de goudron de houille capables de résoudre les problèmes de coût et de santé sans diminuer la qualité de l'anode sont donc d'un grand intérêt pour l’industrie. Le bio-brai produit à partir de bio-huile, pourrait être un bon candidat à cet égard. Cependant, les propriétés du bio-brai pourraient être significativement différentes de celles du brai de goudron de houille en fonction de ses origines et des conditions de son procédé. Cette étude se concentre sur la synthèse de bio-brai à partir de bio-huile dans différentes conditions de pyrolyse et la caractérisation de ses propriétés physiques et chimiques, dans le but de déterminer les conditions qui peuvent conduire à des propriétés appropriées pour la formulation d'anode. Nous avons d’abord synthétisé du bio-brai dans différentes conditions. Les bio-brais produits ont été soigneusement caractérisés afin de comprendre l’effet du procédé de fabrication sur leurs propriétés. Parmi les caractérisations typiques, on peut nommer l’analyse chimique et la détermination de la densité, du point de ramollissement, de la valeur de cokéfaction, de la teneur en insolubles de quinoléine (QI), de la teneur en HAP, de la masse moléculaire, de la viscosité, de la composition élémentaire, des structures chimiques ainsi que des mécanismes de réaction se produisant pendant le processus de pyrolyse. Ensuite, nous nous sommes concentrés sur la caractérisation de l'interaction du bio-brai avec du coke afin de comprendre son comportement et son rôle, en tant que lien, lors de la fabrication d’anode. Les informations sur la capacité de mouillage du bio-brai à la surface de la particule de coke sont d'un grand intérêt pour évaluer son utilisation éventuelle en tant que liant dans la formulation d’anode. iv Nous avons montré que la mouillabilité du bio-brai est fortement influencée par sa viscosité, sa tension superficielle, ses groupes chimiques fonctionnels de surface, sa quantité de QI et sa distribution de masse moléculaire. La bonne mouillabilité du bio-brai améliore la densification de l'anode et atténue ainsi l'effet négatif de sa faible valeur de cokéfaction sur la densité de l'anode cuite. Afin d'optimiser les propriétés du bio-brai, l'étude visant à ajuster la teneur en QI a également été effectuée afin d'améliorer ainsi sa valeur de cokéfaction en ajoutant différentes quantités d'additif (bio-char). / Aluminium producers are constantly facing challenges regarding the increase in production costs including those related to coal-tar-pitch (CTP). CTP, a fossil material with carbon footprint, is used as binder to produce carbon anodes. Regardless of the technical benefits of CTP, it contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), known to be carcinogenic for humans and detrimental to the environment. Furthermore, the escalating production capacity of aluminium during the past 3 decades exerts a considerable pressure on the pitch supply chain. To overcome this challenge, alternative sources to CTP capable of addressing the health issues and zero carbon footprint without decreasing anode quality, are thus of great interest. Bio-pitch, produced from bio-oil, could be a good candidate in this regard. However, the properties of bio-pitch could be significantly different from those of CTP depending on its origins and process conditions. This study focuses on the synthesis of bio-pitches from bio-oil under different pyrolysis conditions and characterization of its physical and chemical properties, aiming at determining the conditions which may result in suitable properties for anode formulation. We first synthesized biopitch from bio-oil under different conditions. The resulting biopitches were deeply characterized in order to understand the effect of process parameters on their properties. Among these typical characterizations are determination of density, softening point, coking value, quinoline insoluble, PAH content, molecular weight, viscosity, elemental composition, chemical structures as well as the reaction mechanisms occurring during the pyrolysis process. Then we focused on characterisation of biopitch interaction with coke in order to assess its behaviour and its role, as a binder, in anode formulation. Information on the wetting capacity of bio-pitch on the surface of coke particle is also of great interest in assessing its possible use as a renewable and environmental-friendly binder. It was shown that the wettability of bio-pitch is greatly influenced by its viscosity, surface tension, surface chemical functional groups, amount of quinoline insoluble, and molecular weight distribution. The good wettability of bio-pitch enhances the anode densification, thus mitigates the negative effect of its low coking value on the baked anode density. In order to improve the bio-pitch properties, the investigation to increase the QI content thereby to vi improve its coking value by adding different amounts of solid bio-char as an additive were also studied

Förpackningsdesign i en varumärkesstärkande process : En fallstudie av varumärket Coca-Cola

Polatsidou, Niki, Strömstedt, Hedwig January 2014 (has links)
Nowadays, packaging design is seen as a competitive tool and its importance for corporations is becoming increasingly apparent. The rivalry within homogeneous markets puts high demands on differentiation and the ability to create something more than the product itself. With this fundamental question, the soft drink industry has been examined and a case study of the brand Coca-Cola has been performed. The aim is to investigate how packaging design is used as a tool for strengthening a brand and to explore which additional values this contributes. In addition, the study observes the most important factors in the development of packaging design. A theoretical work of reference, consisting primarily of theories related to branding, design development and visual identity, has been developed to support the study. The thesis has been carried out using two semi-structured interviews with companies that think of packaging design as a vital part of their business: Designkontoret Silver and Amore Brand Identity Studios. The question formulations in this thesis are answered by describing the research front to the matter and to inquire how packaging design has made its mark in the Coca-Cola brand in the years 1886-2014. In this essay, the iconic Coca-Cola bottle plays a central role, as it sets an example of a successful design, along with the campaign “Share a Coke”. The study’s findings show that the phenomena of packaging design and branding are inseparable and require a strategic anchor between them. Packaging design is an effective means to create a good image of your company in the consumer’s mind. Important factors in the design development are recognition, color and shape, and consistency. These are highly characteristic marks of Coca-Cola who over a century stringently has maintained the brand’s well-known design language. The company has historically used design as an innovative tool, not least at the launch of the Contour Bottle in 1916, and has only performed minor changes since then.

Drink! : En analys av <em>The Coca-Cola Company's</em> marknadsföringshistoria ur ett moderniseringsperspektiv / Drink! : The Marketing History of<em> The Coca-Cola Company</em>: A Modernization Perspective

Hedblom, Karin, Forsgren, Oskar January 2009 (has links)
<p><em>Drink! The Marketing History of The Coca-Cola Company: A Modernization Perspective</em> examines the development of <em>The Coca-Cola Company’s</em> marketing history, from the founding of the company in 1886 until today. <em>The Coca-Cola Company</em> has been superior on the market for over a century. It has also developed along with the urbanisation of its society, which is interesting in a modernization perspective. The essay investigates the marketing strategies of the company, with focus on three themes: gender, sponsorship and interactive culture phenomenon. The examination is based on an analysis of six significant photo- and TV advertisements, two from each theme. The research is based on profound literature studies combined with studies of visual culture. With the work of this essay, we have come to the conclusion that <em>The Coca-Cola Company</em> has reached its power and fame because of it’s creative marketing strategies. Hence, of the fact that the company has developed together with the urbanisation and technical an economical growth of society.</p>

Drink! : En analys av The Coca-Cola Company's marknadsföringshistoria ur ett moderniseringsperspektiv / Drink! : The Marketing History of The Coca-Cola Company: A Modernization Perspective

Hedblom, Karin, Forsgren, Oskar January 2009 (has links)
Drink! The Marketing History of The Coca-Cola Company: A Modernization Perspective examines the development of The Coca-Cola Company’s marketing history, from the founding of the company in 1886 until today. The Coca-Cola Company has been superior on the market for over a century. It has also developed along with the urbanisation of its society, which is interesting in a modernization perspective. The essay investigates the marketing strategies of the company, with focus on three themes: gender, sponsorship and interactive culture phenomenon. The examination is based on an analysis of six significant photo- and TV advertisements, two from each theme. The research is based on profound literature studies combined with studies of visual culture. With the work of this essay, we have come to the conclusion that The Coca-Cola Company has reached its power and fame because of it’s creative marketing strategies. Hence, of the fact that the company has developed together with the urbanisation and technical an economical growth of society.

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