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The need for the beneficiation of coffee exports in Kenya in order to improve economic performanceChesire, Milly C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Kenya has historically depended on its coffee industry as a major contributor to foreign exchange earnings and farm incomes. Between 1975 and 1986, coffee was Kenya's leading foreign exchange earner, contributing over 40 percent of total foreign exchange earnings. But since 1988, the Kenya coffee industry has undergone a rapid decline, characterised by very low export earnings, a huge decrease in production and productivity and consequently, increased poverty amongst coffee farmers. By 2000, it contributed only 10 percent of total foreign exchange earnings. This decline has arisen due to the global coffee crisis, in other words, the persisting large imbalance between supply (production) and demand (consumption), that has led to a major collapse in world coffee prices. Given the fact that the coffee crisis is expected to persist for several years to come, this study attempts to formulate coffee industry proposals that would lead to the optimisation of Kenya's coffee potential, as well as increased international competitiveness. Towards this end, it evaluates the intricate supply and demand patterns in the world coffee market to try to identify where the opportunities lie. It is found that even though the overall demand for coffee is growing slowly, there is an emerging niche or specialty coffee market that has arisen owing to new consumption patterns and increased awareness and preference by consumers of premium coffee origins. This niche market offers a route to rising standards of living to farmers, such as those in Kenya, who grow premium quality coffees. It is recommended that Kenya should pursue intense value addition of her coffee to enable her capture a bigger portion of her export sales. Similarly, Kenya will need to alter her production and marketing strategy to feed the emerging niche market instead of the mainstream market, as is currently the case. Furthermore, it is suggested Kenya should strive to increase domestic consumption, which is currently negligible. Other proposals that will support increased competitiveness of Kenya's coffee industry include reducing the cost of coffee production and improving the efficiency and performance of producer organisations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kenia is baie afhanklik van hul koffie-industrie aangesien dit 'n wesenlike bydrae tot die land se buitelandse valuta en binnelandse boerdery-inkomste lewer. Tussen 1975 en 1986 het koffie die meeste buitelandse valuta vir Kenia gegenereer. Hierdie prestasie kon egter nie volgehou word nie en sedert 1988 het Kenia se koffie-industrie agteruit geboer. Hierdie tydperk is gekenmerk deur verlaagde uitvoerverdienstes, en afnames in produksie en produktiwiteit wat grootskaalse armoede onder koffieboere teweeg gebring het. In 2000 het koffie-uitvoere slegs 10 persent van Kenia se buitelandse verdienstes bygedra. Hierdie negatiewe tendens is veroorsaak deur die globale koffiekrisis, oftewel die wanbalans tussen vraag (verbruik) en aanbod (produksie), wat internasionale koffiepryse tot baie lae vlakke gedryf het. Aangesien dit blyk asof die globale koffiekrisis vir nog 'n hele paar jaar sal aanhou, gaan hierdie navorsingsprojek poog om voorstelle vir Kenia se koffie-industrie te formuleer. Die voorstelle is gemik op die optimalisering van Kenia S8 koffie-industrie en om die land in staat te stel om internasionaal te kompeteer. Die navorsing evalueer ook die heersende intrinsieke patrone van vraag en aanbod in die wereld koffiemark en probeer om geleenthede te identifiseer. Dit is byvoorbeeld bevind dat alhoewel die totale vraag na koffie wereldwyd stadig toeneem, daar ontluikende nismarkte vir spesiale koffies onstaan het as gevolg van nuwe verbruikspatrone, asook 'n toenemende bewustheid van top gehalte koffie. Dit is veral verbruiksvoorkeure vir topgehalte koffie van 'n spesifieke gebied van oorsprong wat baie relevant is vir Kenia en dit is juis hierdie nismarkte wat 'n guide geleentheid bied aan Kenia se topgehalte koffieboere. Dit word dus aanbeveel dat Kenia op waardetoevoeging tot hul bestaande koffiebronne fokus, wat groter buitelandse valuta teweeg kan bring. Kenia sal egter hul produksie- en bemarkingstrategiee dienooreenkomstig moet aanpas om die fokus van die hoofstroom koffiemark na die ontluikende nismarkte te skuil. 'n Verdere voorstel is dat Kenia sy plaaslike koffie-verbruik vergroot en stimuleer aangesien dit tans baie laag is. Ander voorstelle wat Kenia se mededigingsvermoe in die koffiemark kan verbeter, sluit in inisiatiewe om produksiekostes te verlaag, asook om die effektiwiteit en prestasie van produsente-organisasies ta verbeter.
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Coffee, Culture, and Capital in America: Starbucks and the Commoditization of Urban SpaceQuicksey, Angelica M. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Starbucks' success following Howard Schultz's purchase of the company in 1987 was largely the product of a particular historical moment, one rooted in the social and economic changes that manifested themselves in the built environment of the American metropolis from the 1970's to the present. Most contemporary observers saw Starbucks as a symbol of these changes – particularly those that fell under the complicated heading of gentrification – rather than recognizing it as an agent of change.
This thesis reveals the development of Starbucks' character and expansion model from its humble beginnings in 1971. It offers an overview of the various theories of gentrification and neighborhood change, relating them to Seattle, and placing Starbucks within this narrative. Chapter three examines Starbucks as a commodity, a place, and a neighbor. As a commodity, the history and preparation of specialty coffee made it a de facto consumption choice for the rich, famous, and educated. Starbucks appropriated, packaged and marketed the drink's sophisticated characteristics toward its own ends. Meanwhile, Starbucks' claims of community centered on its perception and presentation as a "third place" – the public place of a new age. Finally, as a neighbor, Starbucks has been courted and rejected by communities, developers, and city governments seeking or spurning the changes – increased foot traffic, wealthier clientele, etc. – that often accompany the coffee giant's arrival to a neighborhood. Lastly, this thesis focuses on metropolitan areas, perhaps the most tangible places to think about capitalism and capitalist enterprises, with an emphasis on Seattle, Starbucks' native city.
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Fairtrade Ground Up: Profit and Power in the Certification System from the Perspective of Coffee Farmers in La Convención Valley, PeruKeisling, Kathryn E 01 January 2015 (has links)
While the movement for fair trading practices in the world market dates back to the 1940s, the labeling and certification initiative “Fairtrade” has existed for about 25 years. My thesis is based on independent research I conducted in November 2013 in La Convención Valley, Peru. Through in-depth interviews with fifteen small farmers and several cooperative officials at La Central de Cooperativas Agrarias Cafetaleras (COCLA), I examine the discrepancies between what Fairtrade’s claims and what farmers themselves perceive to be the benefits and failures of the certification system. I argue that while in theory farmers receive a competitive price for their Fairtrade coffee, in reality this price is subject to many deductions at the cooperative level such that many certified farmers express little understanding of their role in Fairtrade. Additionally, claims of corruption within the cooperative point to deeply entrenched local hierarchies of power. Comparing La Convencion’s history of exploitative feudal systems to present-day complaints of farmers – that the majority of money remains in the hands of cooperative officials, who limit farmers’ access to important market information and flaunt a higher quality of life – suggests that Fairtrade is actually reproducing harmful conditions of the past. I conclude that Fairtrade certification fails to empower farmers to escape local hierarchies of power and the exploitative conditions of the capitalist neoliberal world market. Making global trade truly fair requires an emphasis on an alternative international economic world order that holds consumers more accountable and places more value on the lives and experiences of producers.
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Coffee crops in the Babati district : A study about the development in Tanzania and the connection to Sweden’s consumptionHuber, Megha January 2006 (has links)
<p>This essay investigates the development of the cash crop coffee. It gives a historical background of the good and shows how it developed to be one of the most important and traded community in the world. Tanzania’s position and how it came to that position in the world market is shown. During a three week field study in the Babati District in 2004, some interviews with coffee farmers were made. These interviews were made with interpreters and were gathered with the help from the LAMP project. The connection to Swedish coffee consumption is also shown. One of the results was that if farmers move on to grow organic coffee they could get a larger profit. There is also an increasing demand after organic coffee in countries as Sweden so LAMP instructs the farmers in Babati to start growing organic coffee. Another result was that the farmers in the Babati district intercropped their coffee with other crops to spread the risks and lower the dependence to the world coffee market.</p>
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Internationalization of „Coffee houses“ business / „Kavos namų“ verslo internacionalizavimasBuiko, Violeta 22 June 2010 (has links)
In the master thesis there are analysed the methods and strategies of coffee houses‘ business internationalization, theories of business worldwide expansion, theorie of international business networks, opportunities and barriers of business evolution and development across countries. There are presented, examined and compared entry modes of business internationalization process of coffee houses. There is made micro- and macro-environment‘s factors affecting habits, traditions and preferences of coffee consumption. Moreover, there are distinguished trends in coffee house business according changing situation in world market. There are made market researches of the international business expansion of coffee houses and performed market survey about coffee drinking tranditions in coffee house. After investigation of theoretical and practical issues of coffee houses‘ business internationalization there was created model for coffee house business expansion across the world. There are introduced conclusions and suggestions for business crossnational development. Master thesis consists of four main parts: problematic, theoretic, practical and project part. Moreover, there are displayed introduction, conclusions, reccomendations and references. Volume of master thesis – 87 pg. without appendixes, figures, charts and tables, bibliography. Appendixes are attached separately. / Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos kavos namų verslo internacionalizavimo strategijos, metodai, problemos, verslo internacionalizavimo teorijos, tarptautinių verslo tinklų teorijos, globalaus verslo plėtimosi galimybės ir sunkumai. Pateikti yra kavos namų verslo internacionalizavimo modeliai, jų analizė ir palyginimas. Yra išanalizuoti mikro ir makro aplinkos faktoriai įtakojantys kavos gėrimo tradicijas ir poreikius o taip pat pokyčius kavos namų versle. Darbo eigoje yra atlikti tarptautinių kavos namų verslo internacionalizavimo proceso tyrimai bei atlikta kavos namų rinkos apklausa. Išnagrinėjus teorinius ir praktinius kavos namų verslo internacionalizavimo aspektus yra sukurtas kavos namų tarptautinio plėtimosi modelis ir suformuluotos išvados ir pasiūlymai verslui. Darbą sudaro keturios pagrindinės dalys: probleminė, teorinė, praktinė ir projektinė, o taip pat įvadas, išvados ir pasiūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis –87 p. teksto be priedų, iliustracijos, lentelės, grafikai, bibliografiniai šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai.
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Processus hydrologiques, écophysiologiques et de transfert de sédiments dans un bassin agroforestier caféier combinant des approches expérimentales et de modélisation pour les besoins des Services Hydrologiques Environnementaux / Hydrological, ecophysiological and sediment processes in a coffee agroforestry basin : combining experimental and modelling methods to assess Hydrological Environmental ServicesGomez Delgado, Federico 16 December 2010 (has links)
La production hydroélectrique est fortement impactée par la sédimentation dans les retenues de barrages, qui sont influencés par l'occupation du sol, l'infiltration et les interactions entre les eaux de surface et les aquifères. Pour le paiement des Services Hydrologiques Environnementaux au Costa Rica, une quantification de l'impact des utilisations des terres cultivées en café sur le fonctionnement des bassins est nécessaire. Cette thèse vise à : 1) étudier les composantes du bilan hydrologique dans un bassin agroforestier récemment installé 2) à quantifier les flux d'eau et de sédiments à différentes échelles : de la parcelle au bassin et de l'événement de crue à l'échelle annuelle, et 3) à simuler le bilan hydrique et la production de sédiments en tenant compte du ruissellement sur les versants et les routes. Les processus hydrologiques, écophysiologiques et de transfert de sédiments ont été suivis sur le bassin (pluie, débit, évapotranspiration, humidité du sol, niveau de l'aquifère, turbidité) et les parcelles (ruissellement de surface et érosion). Un nouveau modèle éco- hydrologique a été développé pour simuler les termes du bilan hydrologique et de sédiments. Des améliorations sont en cours pour tenir compte de l'effet des routes sur la genèse du ruissellement de surface et de l'érosion. Le faible ruissellement de surface, la faible érosion des parcelles et la faible production de sédiments, compte-tenu des conditions biophysiques et des pratiques de gestion (arbres d'ombrage, désherbage), offrent clairement des Services Ecosystémiques en réduisant les transferts superficiels de pesticides et de sédiments et en permettant une bonne régulation du débit de rivière. / The profitability of hydropower is affected by soil erosion and sedimentation in dam reservoirs, which are influenced by land use, infiltration and aquifer interactions with surface water. In order to promote the payment of Hydrological Environmental Services (HES) in Costa Rica, a quantitative assessment of the impact of land uses (such as coffee farming) on the functioning of drainage basins is required. This thesis seeks: 1) to study the water balance partitioning in a newly installed coffee agroforestry basin 2) to estimate the water and sediment yield at various spatio-temporal scales: from plot to basin and from event to annual scale; and 3) to simulate the water and sediment yields, at both annual and peakflow scale, by including the surface runoff from hillslopes and roads. The main hydrological, ecophysiological and sediment processes were monitored during one year at the basin (rainfall, streamflow, evapotranspiration, soil humidity, aquifer level, turbidity) and at the plots (surface runoff and erosion). A new eco-hydrological model was developed to close the water balance, and the annual sediment yield was also quantified. Improvements are in progress to take into account the effect of roads in surface runoff generation. The low surface runoff, low plot erosion and low basin sediment yield observed under the current biophysical conditions (andisol) and management practices (no tillage, planted trees, bare soil kept by weeding), offer potential HES by reducing the superficial displacement capacity for fertilizers and pesticides, yielding low sediment loads and regulating streamflow variability through highly efficient mechanisms of aquifer recharge-discharge.
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Characterization of a locus of resistance to coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastratrix) in coffee trees : genomic organization, diversity and development of tools for functional gene validation / Caractérisation d’un locus de résistance à la rouille orangée (Hemileia vastatrix) chez le caféier (Coffea arabica) : organisation génomique, diversité et développement des outils pour la validation fonctionnelleRibas, Alessandra Ferreira 15 March 2011 (has links)
La rouille orangée du caféier causée par le champignon biotrophe Hemileia vastatrix (Berk et Br.) est la maladie la plus dévastatrice du caféier (Coffea arabica L.). La résistance à la rouille dans l'espèce allotétraploïde C. arabica semble jusqu'à présent conditionnée principalement par 9 facteurs de résistance majeurs (SH1-SH9), seuls ou en combinaison. Les variétés d'Arabica contenant le facteur de résistance SH3 introgressé d'une espèce de caféier sauvage (C. liberica) ont démontré une résistance durable au champ. L'objectif principal de ce travail était d'étudier l'organisation génomique, l'évolution et la diversité du locus SH3 chez le caféier et parallèlement de développer des outils permettant la validation fonctionnelle des gènes candidats pour la résistance à la rouille. Comme Une carte physique couvrant la région SH3 a tout d'abord été construite chez C. arabica et la position du locus de résistance a été délimitée dans un intervalle de 550 kb. La région a été séquencée chez trois génomes de caféier, Ea et Ca sous-génomes de C. arabica et Cc génome de C. canephora. L'analyse des séquences a révélé la présence d'un nombre variable de membres de la sous-classe CC-NBS-LRR ; ces gènes semblant être exclusivement présents à ce locus chez C. arabica. L'analyse génomique comparative indique que i) l'origine de la plupart des copies SH3-CNL est antérieure à la divergence entre les espèces de Coffea, ii) la copie ancestrale SH3-CNL a été insérée dans le locus SH3 après la divergence entre les Solanales et Rubiales. En outre, les mécanismes de duplication, délétion, conversion génique et de sélection positive semblent être les principales forces qui déterminent l'évolution des membres de la famille SH3-CNL. Différentes approches ont été entreprises pour le clonage des gènes candidats de résistance à la rouille. En parallèle, un protocole très efficace de transformation par Agrobacterium tumefaciens a été développé chez le caféier. Des plantes transgéniques contenant l'un des gènes R candidats ont été produites et acclimatées. Le bio-essai pour évaluer la résistance à H. vastatrix a été mis au point. La mise en place de protocoles efficaces pour le clonage des gènes de résistance et la transformation génétique ouvre la voie à la génomique fonctionnelle en routine chez le caféier. L'amélioration des connaissances sur la diversité des gènes de résistance à la rouille permettra l'optimisation des schémas de sélection pour la résistance durable à cette maladie majeure du caféier. / Coffee leaf rust (CLR) caused by the biotrophic fungus Hemileia vastatrix (Berk and Br.) is the most devastating disease of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica). Resistance to CLR in its allotetraploid species appears so far conditioned primarily by 9 major resistance factors (SH1-SH9) either singly or in combination. Arabica varieties harboring the SH3 resistant factor introgressed from a wild coffee species (C. liberica) have demonstrated agronomical acceptable durable resistance in field conditions. The main objective of this work was to study the genomic organization, evolution and diversity of SH3 locus in coffee and in parallel to develop tools for functional gene validation of resistance candidate genes to CLR. As the first step, a physical map spanning the SH3 region in C. arabica was constructed and the position of the resistance locus was delimited within an interval of 550 kb. The region was completely sequenced in three coffee genomes, Ea and Ca subgenomes from C. arabica and Cc genome from C. canephora. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of a variable number of members CC subclass of NBS-LRR genes thatappeared to be exclusively present at this locus in C. arabica. Comparative genomic analysis indicated that i) the origin of most of the SH3-CNL copies predates the divergence between Coffea species ii) the ancestral SH3-CNL copy was inserted in the SH3 locus after the divergence between Solanales and Rubiales lineages. Furthermore, duplications, deletions, gene conversion and positive selection appeared as the main forces that drive SH3-CNL evolution. Different approaches have been undertaken to clone candidate genes to CLR. In parallel, a highly efficient and reliable Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated protocol was established for coffee. Transgenic plants containing one of the candidate gene were successful produced and acclimated into the greenhouse. The preliminary bioassay against H. vastatrix was achieved. The setting-up of efficient protocols for cloning resistance genes and for genetic transformation paves the way for routine functional genomics in coffee. The better knowledge on CLR resistance gene diversity would allow optimization of breeding schemes for durable resistance to this major coffee disease.
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The Supply Chain Of Fair Trade Coffee: Challenges, Opportunities & The Future Inside A Troubled IndustryLukas, Katharine D. 01 January 2015 (has links)
What started as a grassroots effort to aid tradespeople in developing nations, Fair Trade and similar certification models have, over the last sixty years, successfully established themselves as a viable alternative to conventional international trade; the ongoing growth of their market share and volume emphasize the increasing market demand for these alternatives. For coffee, Fair Trade's oldest and most established commodity, over two billion pounds was sold as certified in 2012 alone and the percentage of certified coffee continues to grow in share each year (Volcafe, 2012, Fair Trade USA 2012). As Fair Trade continues to grow, so does the variety of participants in the program and with this shift, Fair Trade is challenged to continuously evaluate how it can support both its producer base and the customers driving demand. This is, at its core, a challenge of maintaining its mission while appealing to new customers and channels.
Fair Trade's expanding customer base, particularly with larger and more conventional businesses, has driven increased pressure for Fair Trade to prove and improve its impact and value. The research presented in this thesis explores Fair Trade's history, its current state and its future with a focus on impact and value creation. While Fair Trade is ultimately only a third party certification scheme with a mission singularly focused on improving producer livelihoods, its certification has inadvertently developed a global value chain network. This research focuses not on the mission, but on the supply chain of Fair Trade.
This thesis reviews two existing bodies of literature; the first, the past and present of Fair Trade and its current challenges, the second sustainable supply chain management and supply chain governance. Following this review, we also explore the work of Keurig Green Mountain, the largest US procurer of Fair Trade coffee (Fair Trade USA, 2013). From here, we develop a conceptual model and framework by which to view the current supply chain actors within Fair Trade. Finally, through our research and a series of semi-structured interviews with key industry players, we explore the future of Fair Trade and the opportunities within the supply chain to optimize operations and explore the potential benefits. Based on the results of our qualitative research, our study seeks to highlight a gap in the existing literature of Fair Trade by exploring its opportunities from a business and supply chain management perspective.
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Customer Loyalty of Coffee Shops : A study of Swedish Generation YWang, Shiyang, Xu, Jiahong, He, Beibei January 1991 (has links)
Background: Sweden is one of the biggest coffee consuming countries in Europe with the average annual coffee consumption per capita as high as 8.2kg. This mass consumption of coffee therefore creates high level of competition amongst coffee providers in the Swedish coffee market. There are numerous coffee shops and even some food chains and retail stores selling their own brand of coffee. This study will focus on Generation Y, as they will soon be the majority of consumers Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze what factors affect Generation Y’s loyalty to coffee shops and examine what forms the basis of Generation Y’s loyalty for coffee shops. Methodology: In this thesis, the research method is based on a quantitative approach using a questionnaire to collect data. The findings are established by using both existing literature and primary data. The questionnaire consists of 432 respondents and 400 respondents’ data was used to answer the research question. The respondents consist only of Generation Y who has lived in Sweden for longer than six months. Conclusion: This study has shown that the most important factor that affects people of Swedish Generation Y to become loyal customers to coffee shops is being provided a comfortable and suitable environment. The second important factor is product quality. The third factor is service. However, for those who are students and unemployed Swedish Generation Y, price is also a factor that could influence their loyalty. Moreover, Coffee shops can use loyalty programs to get their customers’ higher customer loyalty. Key words: Coffee shops, Generation Y, Customer loyalty, Customer satisfaction
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Jak si založit podnik / How to establish a companyKonečný, Viktor January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on a franchising business establishment, particularly on the business establishment of a fictive coffe house which could become a well known franchising concept on the Czech market. Primary advantage of franchise compared to the other types of business cooperation is mainly risk reduction for the investor (franchisee) who obtains proven model of the business. For the franchisor the franchise means an easier way how to widen his business without taking higher lability. The main reason for choosing this topic is an attractivity of this field. Correct preparation and serving of a cup of coffee is not an easy process and there is not a big number of coffee houses and restaurants which can offer such a coffee. By offering high-quality and delicious coffee at user acceptable price our company would like to achieve its objectives and be a successful. The primary objective of this diploma thesis is to analyse and define strategy, mission, vision, marketing activities, product strategy and price policy of a new coffee house. These factors should be used for successful enter to the market. Secondary objective is to determine necessary initial capital, planned costs analysis and investment rate of return.
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