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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Designing a Wireless Charger for Smartphones / Trådlös laddare för smartphones.

Kureekkal, Tony Sabu January 2019 (has links)
The wireless charging market has seen exponential growth in recent years and wireless charging is quickly becoming the standard in consumer electronic devices to eliminate inconveniences of wired chargers. The adoption of wireless charging technology is most visible in the smartphone industry. This thesis report elicits the process involved in designing a Wireless charger that complies with the Qi- Wireless Standards set by the Wireless Power Consortium. The drawbacks of current product offerings and user needs are identified, and conceptual solutions that could strengthen the wireless charging experience are explored. The most promising solution is developed upon which results in a full-scale functional prototype.

Exploring Circular Design Opportunities : A case study of a digital health technology solution for incontinence care

Larsson, Linnea, Nilsson, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
Today, circular economy is becoming more and more important to think about when developing new solutions, and considering the growing and aging population it may be extra important when it comes to the design of solutions for health care. This thesis aims at exploring how a digital health technology solution for incontinence care can be designed to contribute to a circular economy. In order to achieve the aim, a case study is performed with the intention to answer four different research questions. To gather data and information, the study also uses methods such as interviews, surveys, and a literature study. The first conclusion that can be drawn is that there are eight different circular design strategy categories, each category with a unique focus area, that are assessed to be suitable to investigate for the given purpose. Three examples of focus areas of these categories are to reuse resources, to influence the user behaviour, and to prolong the use phase for a solution somehow. Furthermore, the users and the production company are seen as the most significant actors for the studied digital health technology solution, and together they have ten important requests including needs regarding provision of knowledge, easily understandable solutions, and peace of mind to mention some. Based on the conclusions regarding circular design strategies and important requests, three concepts are developed which in different ways are assessed to contribute to both circularity and to fulfilling actor requests. One of the concepts focuses on prolonging the use of some components by providing an adapted cleaning kit to keep the components at a high hygienic standard. Another concept focuses on encouraging correct usage of the whole solution through giving the users personal statistics and notifications related to monetary and environmental costs. The last concept aims at providing a simple way to return reusable components to the company in order to enable reuse by another user. Finally, conclusions regarding positive and negative aspects of the three developed concepts are presented, focusing on attributes such as circularity and value creation. The thesis presents different ways regarding how circular design strategies can be applied to a digital health technology solution, which can inspire and aid organisations in their way towards providing solutions that are adapted to fit a circular economy.

Handheld concrete cutter. Market research and concept development.

Šlepikas, Paulius January 2017 (has links)
In this Master’s Degree project the topic of handheld deep cutting is analysed. These days in the construction business workers face the challenge of cutting into concrete, brick and other mineralbased materials deeper than 15 cm. Currently there are a few handheld solutions for deep cutting but they have some major limitations, such as low reliability and safety, high price, maintenance and tiresome usage of these machines. In this paper the project is divided into two components – market research and concept development. To build a knowledge base, firstly, current technical platforms for handheld deep cutting machines are reviewed. Then, theoretical background behind market research and concept development is analysed. Following theoretical framework market research and concept development are implemented and steps taken described. Secondary research, customer interviews and focus groups are the main sources of information for the market research. Morphological and Pugh’s matrices are then used to generate and evaluate possible concepts, while software packages SolidWorks and KeyShot are used as tools for development of design features. Findings from the market research revealed that window, door, ventilation openings, resizing of bricks or concrete elements and fixing mistakes done during moulding are the main applications of deep cutting machines. It was noticed that most of the construction professionals are not aware of these machines, use workarounds or hire subcontractors. Single-phase electric ring saw is the outcome from product concepting stage. Three design features – toothed ring, telescopic blade guard and start switch – are then proposed. Finally, discussion of the whole project and its conclusions are given, recommendations and short overview on future work are provided. Work consists of 7 parts: introduction, frame of reference, implementation, results, discussion and conclusions, recommendations and future work, references. Thesis consists of: 68 pages of text without appendixes, 40 figures, 4 tables, 35 references. 8 appendixes attached. / I detta masterprojekt analyseras ämnet handhållen djupskärning. Nuförtiden inom byggbranchen står arbetarna inför utmaningen att skära i betong, tegel och annat mineralbaserat material som är djupare än 15 cm. För närvarande finns det ett antal handhållna lösningar för djupskärning, dock med stora begränsningar så som låg pålitlighet och säkerhet, högt pris och behov av underhåll samt tröttsam användning av dessa maskiner. I detta arbete delas projektet upp i två komponenter – marknadsundersökning och konceptutveckling. För att bygga upp en kunskapsbas granskas först nuvarande tekniska plattformar för handhållna djupskärningsmaskiner. Därefter analyseras teoretisk bakgrund om marknadsundersökning och konceptutveckling. Baserat på det teoretiska ramverket, implementeras marknadsundersökningar och konceptutveckling och genomförandet beskrivs. Sekundär forskning, kundintervjuer och fokusgrupper är de primära informationskällorna för marknadsundersökningen. Morfologiska och Pughs matriser används sedan för att generera och utvärdera möjliga koncept, medan programen SolidWorks och KeyShot används som verktyg för utveckling av designfunktioner. Resultat från marknadsundersökningen visade att fönster, dörrar, ventilationsöppningar, storlekändringar på tegelstenar eller betongelement och korrigering av defekter som uppkommit under gjutning är de huvudsakliga användningsområdena för djupskärningsmaskiner. Det noterades att de flesta byggnadsarbetarna inte är medvetna om dessa maskiner, använder improviserade lösningar eller anlitar underleverantörer. Enfasig elektrisk ringsåg är resultatet av produktkonceptionsstadiet. Tre designdetaljer – tandad ring, teleskopskärmskydd och startbrytare – föreslås därefter. Slutligen presenteras diskussion om projektet och dess slutsatser samt rekommendationer och en kort översikt över framtida arbete. Arbetet består av 7 delar: introduktion, referensram, genomförande, resultat, diskussion och slutsatser, rekommendationer och framtida arbete, referenser. Avhandlingen består av: 68 sidor text utan bilagor, 40 figurer, 4 tabeller, 35 referenser. 8 bilagor bifogade.

Разработка концепции детско-юношеской спортивной школы по биатлону в городе Каменск-Уральский : магистерская диссертация / Development of the concept of a children's and youth biathlon sports school in the town Kamensk-Uralsky

Воронина, Т. И., Voronina, T. I. January 2020 (has links)
В диссертационном исследовании рассмотрены вопросы разработки концепции детско-юношеской спортивной школы по биатлону, направленной на реализацию программ дополнительного образования детей по биатлону. В результате разработана концепция, учитывающая организационно-правовую форму ДЮСШ, целевую аудиторию, анализ рынка конкурентов. Полученные в результате исследования положительные результаты позволяют рекомендовать разработанную концепцию кругу специалистов, работающих в данной отрасли. / The dissertation research deals with the development of the concept of a children's and youth sports school in biathlon, aimed at implementing programs for additional education of children in biathlon. As a result a concept has been developed, that takes into account the legal form of the children’s and youth sports schools, target audience, market analysis of competitors. The positive results obtained in the research allow us to recommend the developed concept to specialists working in this industry.

Kit-box mekanism / Kit-box mechanism

Boateng, Kevin, Holm, Erick Lucian Matias January 2023 (has links)
På uppdrag av EQpack var projektets mål att utveckla ett koncept för en hyllvagn tänkt att användas i fabriksgolv av montörer. Hyllvagnen ska bära på kit-boxar med komponenter och ta upp mindre golvyta än befintliga hyllvagnar för kit-boxar. EQpacks idé var att till skillnad från konventionella hyllvagnar, i vilka kit-boxar placeras horisontellt till varandra och förs vidare med rullband, i stället ha hyllvagnar där kit-boxar kan placeras vertikalt i relation till varandra. Någon form av mekanism ska möjliggöra styckvis nedförsel av kit-boxar åt montören, i vilken form detta sker var föremål för utveckling i projektet. Utvecklingen av hyllvagnen skedde i fyra faser; analys och avgränsning, faktainsamling, genomförande samt utvärdering. Som förstudie har bland annat befintliga vagnar i en fabrik observerats vid arbete samt har samtal förts med de olika användarna om deras synpunkter. Under samtal med handledare sattes förväntningar, krav och avgränsningar. Genomförandet bestod av att ta fram diverse idéer och testa deras funktionsduglighet m.h.a bland annat lego. De olika koncepten analyserades och jämfördes med puhg matris. Med valda legomodellen som grund gjordes en CAD-modell med standardiserade komponenter som förslag på hur det skulle kunna konstrueras. Modellen uppmättes ta upp ca en fjärdedel av golvytan som en konventionell vagn tar. / The aim of the project was to develop a concept for a shelf trolley for EQpack, intended to be used on factory floors by assemblers. The shelf trolley must be able to carry kit boxes with components and take up less floorspace than existing shelf trolleys for kit boxes. EQpack's idea was to, unlike conventional shelf trolleys, in which kit boxes are placed next to each other horizontally and transported by conveyor belts, instead have shelf trolleys where kit boxes can be placed vertically in relation to each other. Some form of mechanism must enable piecemeal lowering of kit boxes for the assembler. How this is done was subject for development in the project. The development of the shelf trolley took place in four phases; analysis and boundaries, fact-gathering, exicution and evaluation. As a preliminary study, existing trolleys in a factory have been observed at work and discussions have been held with the various users about their views. Through discussion with supervisors the expectations, requirements and boundaries were set. The execution consisted of development of various ideas and testing their functionality with Lego. The different concepts were analyzed and compared with a puhg matrix. With the chosen Lego model as a basis, a CAD model was made with standardized components as suggestions for how a final product could be constructed. The final model was measured to take up about a quarter of the floorspace that the conventional trolley occupies.


Lázaro García, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Master thesis carried out in collaboration with PS Retail, a retail design company from Jönköping, during the spring semester of 2022 as a part of the Industrial Design Master at Jönköping University. This project describes the process of design, development and construction of a module focused on the bread and bakery department in grocery stores for EveryDay Sweden, a partner of PS Retail. It consists of the development of a new versatile and contemporary assortment of displays that fit the interior of grocery stores, more specifically, for the bread and bakery department. Some of their approaches are to anticipate how supermarkets will evolve over time and design accordingly. In addition, they want the space to be comfortable for everyone, so some ergonomic factors are taken into account. Finally, their goal is to expand to other European markets, so both aesthetics and function must be considered. The final result is a module for bread storage and some proposals on how to fit in different environments. It works similar to a drawer, except that when the customer pulls it, the glass is lifted and the bread is exposed. In addition, the proposals represent how this module would look in different shapes and environments, depending on the capacity of the store.

Konceptframtagning av ett par OTG-goggles / Concept development of OTG-goggles

Liljencrantz, Cajsa, Pettersson, Frida January 2024 (has links)
Detta projekt har tagit fram ett koncept för vintergoggles som möjliggör samtidig glasögonanvändning, så kallat OTG-goggles. Goggles används som skydd för ögonen vid vintersportsutövning såsom skid- och snowboardåkning. Detta har gjorts genom att följa metoden Double Diamond i produktutvecklingen. Under arbetet har de fyra faserna Discover, Define, Develop och Deliver bejakats. Efterforskningar visade på att särskilt känsliga punkter för OTG goggles är passformen kring näspartiet samt sidorna av ett par goggles då dessa områden kan pressa på glasögonen och på så sätt orsaka obehag, alternativt göra det omöjligt att bära goggles och glasögon samtidigt. Skribenterna utforskade olika koncept sett till de känsliga punkterna med hjälp av relevant information från det uppdragsgivande företaget Flaxta samt det handledande företaget Above. Med hjälp av detta kunde olika koncept tas fram, testas och utvecklas. Prototyper gjordes och testades i tre omgångar på flertalet testpersoner med olika ansiktstyper och glasögon. Alla koncept utgick från den befintliga goggles-modellen Plenty från Flaxtas nuvarande kollektion. Resultatet blev en kombination av tre olika koncept som såg till att lösa de känsliga punkternas problemområden relaterade till OTG-goggles. Dessa koncept var Cut (näsparti), Utskärning (sidoparti) samt Gradramen (ramutformningen). Konceptet Cut relativt originalet Plenty hade delar av näspartiet skurits ur vilket gav mer utrymme för glasögonens lins och gjorde så att näspartiet inte längre pressade upp glasögonen mot näsryggen. Konceptet Utskärning gick ut på att ta bort material i sidorna av goggles vilket gav utrymme för skalmarna. Gradkonceptet utgick från att ramen delades i två och vinklades ut 2°. Detta gav mer utrymme för att glasögonen ej skulle kollidera med linsen i goggles. Prototyparbetet genomfördes först med hjälp av moduler för näsparti och ram vilka skrevs ut med hjälp av 3D-skrivare för filament i hård PLA. Slutprototyperna skrevs ut i en bit med hjälp av SLA-skrivare i det flexibla materialet Flexible 80 A. Arbetet resulterade i ett fungerande koncept som passar på ett 1-M huvud enligt SS-EN ISO 18526-4:2020 samt kan rymma de utvalda referensglasögonen RB4379D från märket Ray-ban och sticker ej ut mer än 5 mm från Flaxtas nuvarande modeller. Resultatet stämde överens med målen för projektet. / This project has led to the creation of a concept for winter goggles that allows you to wear glasses simultaneously, also known as OTG goggles. Goggles are used to protect the eyes when performing winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding. The product development has been conducted by following the Double Diamond method. According to this, the project has been divided into the four phases: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. The research conducted during the project showed that some of the most sensitive areas of OTG goggles are the fit around the nose area and sides, as these areas can affect the glasses and cause discomfort, but also make it impossible to wear glasses and goggles at the same time.The authors explored different concepts related to the sensitive areas. This was based on relevant information from Flaxta, the commissioning company, and Above, the supervising company. This led to the creation, testing, and development of different concepts. From this, prototypes were made and tested in three different batches by test subjects with various facial structures and glasses. All the concepts were based on one of Flaxta’s current goggles models called Plenty. The project resulted in a combination of three different concepts, each solving a problem related to the sensitive areas of OTG goggles. These concepts were Cut (nose area), Cutout (side area), and Angle frame (frame construction). In the Cut concept, relative to the original design of Plenty, parts of the nose area had been removed to allow more space for the lens of the glasses. This ensured that the nose area of the goggles no longer pushed up the glasses, causing them to press on the bridge of the nose. The Cutout concept removed material from the sides of the goggles, providing more space for the side pieces of the glasses. The Angle frame was designed by dividing the frame in two and angling it two degrees from the midplane, giving the glasses more space so that they did not collide with the lens of the goggles.The prototypes were initially made by using modules for the nose area and the rest of the frame. These were created by a 3D-printer using hard PLA filament. The final prototypes were made in one piece by printing it in an SLA-printer and the flexible material called Flexible 80 A. The project resulted in a working concept that fits a 1-M head according to SS-EN ISO 18526-4:2020 and that can accommodate the glasses used as reference, model RB4379D from the brand Ray-Ban. It also did not protrude more than 5 mm relative to Flaxta’s current goggles models. The result achieved the goals of the project.

Réflexions sur les concepts en droit de l'environnement / Toughts on concepts in environmental law

Meynier, Adeline 11 December 2017 (has links)
Le droit moderne de l’environnement apparaît, en France, dans les années 1960. Il émerge de manière empirique en réaction à de grandes catastrophes écologiques et intervient dans les domaines les plus divers pour mettre en place des garde-fous juridiques propres à limiter la dégradation de l’environnement. Le droit est alors fragmenté, technique et constitue la plupart du temps un simple placage des mécanismes et des concepts juridiques classiques sur un nouvel objet : l’environnement. Le manque de cohérence et de construction du droit est progressivement pallié par l’affirmation de principes, l’édiction d’un Code et la consécration de la Charte constitutionnelle de l’environnement. En outre, au gré des réformes, le droit se construit autour de nouveaux concepts. Les concepts écologiques, qualifiés auparavant d’insuffisants pour appréhender l’environnement sont complétés avec la prise en compte, par exemple, des concepts d’écosystème, de processus écologiques ou de solidarité écologique. Une dimension conceptuelle du droit de l’environnement émerge en droit positif avec les notions phares de patrimoine commun de l’humanité, de développement durable, de précaution, d’irréversibilité, susceptible d’en rassembler les morceaux épars et d’affirmer la maturité du droit de l’environnement. La conceptualisation récente du droit de l’environnement participe d’une construction plus aboutie et d’une simplification et généralisation de la matière. / Modern environmental law appeared in France in the 1960s. It emerged empirically in response to major ecological disasters and intervened in the most diverse fields to set up legal safeguards to limit the environmental degradation. The law was then fragmented, technical and usually constituted a mere plating of conventional legal mechanisms and concepts on a new object: the environment. The lack of coherence and the construction of the law was gradually mitigated by the assertion of principles, the enactment of a Code and the consecration of the Constitutional Charter of the Environment. In addition, as the reforms proceed, law is being built around new concepts. Ecological concepts, previously qualified as insufficient to understand the environment, are supplemented by taking into account, for instance, ecosystem concepts, ecological processes or ecological solidarity. A conceptual dimension of environmental law emerges in positive law with the flagship notions of the common heritage of humanity, sustainable development, precaution, irreversibility, capable of gathering scattered pieces and asserting the maturity of environmental law. The recent conceptualization of environmental law is part of a more complete construction and a simplification and generalization of the subject matter.

Desenvolvimento do conhecimento físico com a aprendizagem baseada em problemas : análise das interações discentes

Soares, Vando Kleber Santos 30 March 2017 (has links)
This work investigated the establishment of the interactive process among the students of a third grade high school class with the adoption of the methodology of problem-based learning (PBL) and its relation in the development of students' scientific and everyday concepts about electrodynamics. The research was carried out at a state public high school in the interior of the state of Sergipe. In order to analyze social interactions, we used Vygotsky's ideas, Wertsch's (1984) constructs, from Monteiro's (2006) perspective, and the (2002) Analytical tool of Mortimer and Scott. Participant observation was used for data collection, which was performed during 11 classes, and a recorder was used to record the conversations of two groups. Field records, evaluation chart, knowledge sheets and tests of the students were also used. The results showed that the PBL allowed the students to formulate and to expose their points of view of the studied contents, which promoted the emergence of interactive chains as a pattern of interaction and to use semiotic resources as mediators for the understanding and development of the concepts. / Este trabalho investigou o estabelecimento do processo interativo entre os alunos de uma turma da terceira série do ensino médio com a adoção da metodologia da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (ABP) e sua relação no desenvolvimento dos conceitos científicos e cotidianos dos estudantes sobre eletrodinâmica. A pesquisa foi realizada em um colégio público estadual do interior do estado de Sergipe. Para analisar as interações sociais lançamos mão das ideias de Vygotsky, dos constructos de Wertsch (1984), na perspectiva de Monteiro (2006), e da ferramenta analítica de Mortimer e Scott (2002). Utilizou-se a observação participante para a coleta de dados, que foi realizada durante 11 aulas, e se utilizou um gravador para gravar as conversas de dois grupos. Foram utilizados ainda registros de campo, fichas avaliativas, folhas de conhecimentos e provas dos alunos. Os resultados mostraram que a ABP permitiu aos alunos formularem e exporem seus pontos de vista dos conteúdos estudados o que promoveu o surgimento de cadeias interativas como padrão de interação e utilizarem recursos semióticos como mediadores para o entendimento e o desenvolvimento dos conceitos.

Utformning av kokenhet på solkokare : Designprojekt för den östafrikanska marknaden / Design of the cooking unit on a solar cooker : Design project for the East African market

Nilsson, Hampus January 2017 (has links)
Detta projekt är ett samarbete mellan Hampus Nilsson och Joto Solutions, projektet är ett examensarbete för Högskoleingenjörsexamen i innovationsteknik och design, MSGC12 vid fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap på Karlstads universitet. Studenten ska tillsammans med Joto Solutions utveckla kokenheten på deras solkokare. Projektet motsvarar 22.5 hp och utförs under vårterminen 2017. Handledare i projektet är Lennart Wihk, universitetsadjunkt, och examinator är Leo De Vin, professor. Joto Solutions AB startades våren 2015 i samband med två examensarbeten som initierades av Adam Fjaestad i Arvika. Under 2016/2017 avser Joto Solutions att göra en satsning på att utveckla och produktifiera solkokaren som sedan ska testas i fält. Målet med projektet att utveckla en design på solkokarens kokenhet som är väl anpassad för slutanvändaren. Frågeställningen som behandlas i rapporten är ”Hur ska solkokarens kokenhet utformas för att tillfredsställa slutanvändarens behov”. Projektet följer ett ingenjörs- och industridesignmässigt arbetssätt och grundar sig i produktutvecklingsprocessen. De faser som behandlas i detta projekt är projektplanering, förstudie, produktspecifikation, konceptgenerering, konceptval och layoutkonstruktion. Projektet resulterade i tre stycken kokenheter med varierande design som redovisas i layoutkonstruktionsfasen. Det finns utrymme för framtida vidareutveckling av de tre variationerna av kokenheten i form av konstruktionsförbättringar och säkerhetstillhörigheter. / This project is a collaboration between a student and the company Joto Solutions and is a degree work for a degree of bachelor in the field of innovation and design, MSGC12 at Karlstad University, Faculty of Health, Science and Technology. The student, together with Joto Solutions, will develop the cooking unit on their solar cooker. The project is equivalent to 22.5 ECTS credits and is being executed in the spring of 2017. Supervisor of the project is Lennart Wihk, a university lecturer, and the examiner is Leo De Vin, the professor. Joto Solutions AB was founded in the spring of 2015 in connection with two degree projects initiated by Adam Fjaestad in Arvika. In 2016/2017, Joto Solutions intends to make an effort to develop their solar cooker which will then be tested in the field. The aim of the project is to develop a design on the solar cooker's cooking unit that is well adapted to the end user needs. The question discussed in the report is "How should the solar cooker's cooking unit be designed to satisfy the end user's needs in a cultural and functional perspective." The project follows an engineering and industrial design practice and is based on the product development process. The phases covered in this project are project planning, preliminary study, product specification, concept generation, concept selection, layout design and risk analysis. The project resulted in three cooking units with varying designs that are presented in the layout design phase. There is room for further development of the three variations of cooking units in the form of design improvements and safety issues.

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