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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essais en Microstructure des Marchés Financiers / Essays in Financial Market Microstructure

Dugast, Jérôme 19 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est composée de trois chapitres distincts.Dans le premier chapitre, je montre que les mesures de liquidités traditionnelles, telles que la profondeur du marché, ne sont pas toujours pertinentes pour mesurer le bien-être des investisseurs. Je construis un modèle de marché conduit par les ordres et montre qu'une offre de liquidité élevée peut correspondre à de mauvaises conditions d'éxécution pour les fournisseurs de liquidité et à un bien-être relativement faible.Dans le deuxième chapitre, je modélise la vitesse des ajustements de prix à l'arrivée de nouvelles dans les marchés conduits pas les ordres, lorsque les investisseurs ont une capacité d'attention limitée.En raison de leur attention limitée, les investisseurs suivent imparfaitement l'arrivée de nouvelles. Ainsi, les prix s'ajustent aux nouvelles après un certain délai. Ce délai diminue lorsque le niveau d'attention des investisseurs augmente.Le délai d'ajustement des prix diminue également lorsque la fréquence à laquelle les nouvelles arrivent, augmente. Le troisième chapitre présente un travail écrit en collaboration avec Thierry Foucault. Nous construisons un modèle pour expliquer en quoi le trading à haute fréquence peut générer des "mini flash crashes" (un brusque changement de prix suivi d'un retour très rapide au niveau antérieur). Notre théorie est basée sur l'idée qu'il existe une tension entre la vitesse à laquelle l'information peut être acquise et la précision de cette information. Lorsque les traders à haute fréquence mettent en oeuvre des stratégies impliquant des réactions rapides à des événements de marché, ils augmentent leur risque à réagir à du bruit et génèrent ainsi des "mini flash crashes". Néanmoins, ils augmentent l'efficience informationnelle du marché. / This dissertation is made of three distinct chapters. In the first chapter, I show that traditional liquidity measures, such as market depth, are not always relevant to measure investors' welfare. I build a limit order market model and show that a high level of liquidity supply can correspond to poor execution conditions for liquidity providers and to a relatively low welfare.In the second chapter, I model the speed of price adjustments to news arrival in limit order markets when investors have limited attention.Because of limited attention, investors imperfectly monitor news arrival. Consequently prices reflect news with delay. This delay shrinks when investors' attention capacity increases. The price adjustment delay also decreases when the frequency of new arrival increases. The third chapter presents a joint work with Thierry Foucault. We build a model to explain why high frequency trading can generate mini-flash crashes (a sudden sharp change in the price of a stock followed by a very quick rversal). Our theory is based on the idea that there is a trade-off between speed and precision in the acquisition of information. When high frequency traders implement strategies involving fast reaction to market events, they increase their risk to trade on noise and thus generate mini flash crashes. Nonetheless they increase market efficiency.

Emprego dos métodos eletromagnético indutivo e GPR no mapeamento de redes de interferências instaladas no Sítio Controlado de Geofísica Rasa do IAG/USP / Using inductive electromagnetic and GPR methods for mapping interference installed on the test site of IAG/US

Vinicius Rafael Neris dos Santos 19 March 2009 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa foram realizados levantamentos geofísicos utilizando os métodos eletromagnético indutivo - EMI (equipamento EM38) e GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar, visando localizar redes de interferências, tais como, tubulações metálicas, cabos elétricos e conduítes de plástico instalados nas linhas 6 e 7 do Sítio Controlado de Geofísica Rasa do IAG/USP. Os dados EMI foram afetados pelo drift instrumental devido à variação de temperatura. A sua correção foi efetiva por meio do uso de uma função quadrática, realçando os alvos mais profundos. A aquisição em distância permitiu detectar alvos metálicos no subsolo com boa precisão e a aquisição em tempo permitiu fazer um mapeamento regional de alvos metálicos no subsolo. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com a aquisição em distância, com os sensores posicionados a 10 cm de altura, devido às anomalias ficarem mais nítidas, onde a influência da condutividade do background foi reduzida. Os perfis GPR 2D obtidos com a antena de 400 MHz permitiram detectar os alvos até 1 m de profundidade e com a antena de 200 MHz foi possível detectar quase todos os alvos metálicos e não-metálicos instalados nas linhas estudas do SCGR. Para o GPR quase-3D, na forma de depth slices, foram importantes para estimar as dimensões dos alvos e melhorar a visualização dos resultados. Os resultados obtidos com os métodos EMI e GPR são complementares, sendo ambos recomendados no mapeamento de interferências no subsolo, tendo aplicações diretas nas áreas de planejamento urbano e infra-estrutura nos grandes centros urbanos. / This research was conducted geophysical surveys using inductive electromagnetic - IEM (EM38 equipment) and GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar methods, to locate network interference, such as metal pipes, electric cables and plastic conduit installed in lines 6 and 7 of test site of the IAG/USP (SCGR). IEM data were affected by instrumental drift due to temperature variation. The correction was effective through the use of a quadratic function, highlighting the deeper targets. The acquisition targets identified in the distance underground metal with good accuracy and acquisition time allowed to make a survey of regional targets metal underground. The best results were obtained with the acquisition in distance with the sensors placed at 10 cm in height, due to deficiencies become more clear, where the influence of the background conductivity was reduced. The 2D GPR profiles obtained with the antenna of 400 MHz to detect the target by 1 m depth and the antenna of 200 MHz was possible to detect almost all metal targets and non-metallic lines installed in the study SCGR. GPR to the quasi-3D in the form of depth slices, were important for estimating the size of the targets and improve the visualization of results. The results obtained with the IEM and GPR methods are complementary, and both are recommended in mapping interference underground, with direct applications in the areas of urban planning and infrastructure in urban centers.

Utilisation de la conduite coopérative pour la régulation de trafic dans une intersection / Using the technology of cooperative driving for the traffic control at isolated intersection

Wu, Jia 20 July 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est d’exploiter les potentialités offertes par la conduite coopérative afin de fluidifier le trafic au niveau des intersections isolées. Pour ce faire, nous avons proposé un nouveau système de régulation au sein des intersections en s’inspirant du principe de l’intersection autonome. Nous avons appelé notre système : SVAC (système du véhicule-actionneur coopératif). Il repose sur la possibilité des échanges d’information entre le véhicule et son environnement de conduite.Le SVAC permet une régulation plus précise du trafic puisqu’il se base sur les requêtes de droit de passage envoyées par les véhicules réellement présents dans l’intersection. En outre, grâce à la signalisation à bord, la régulation consiste à définir les séquences de passage des véhicules, ce qui permet de personnaliser la signalisation. Le gain de précision soulève plusieurs obstacles. D’une part, nous nous heurtons systématiquement à l’absence de modèles mathématiques permettant d’aborder le problème. D’autre part, la simple énumération des séquences implique une explosion combinatoire, ce qui ne convient pas à l’application temps-réelle de la régulation des intersections. Pour s’affranchir des deux problématiques nous avons utilisé les réseaux de Petri P-temporisés. Le modèle nous a permis de décrire sous la forme d’équations mathématiques les compteurs des différents évènements observés par les véhicules. Deux objectifs de régulation ont été dégagés après avoir déduit le temps moyen d’attente basé sur la formule de Little. Le premier consiste à vider les intersections au plus tôt. Nous avons proposé un algorithme de programmation dynamique et deux heuristiques. La première heuristique est directement issue de l’analyse des propriétés du problème posé. La deuxième est basée sur l’algorithme de colonies de fourmis. En effet, le problème défini est un cas particulier du problème du voyageur de commerce. Le deuxième objectif de régulation consiste à minimiser instantanément la longueur de la file d’attente. Dans ce cadre, nous avons supposé le fonctionnement à vitesse maximale du réseau de Petri. L’utilisation des contraintes sur les ressources nous a permis de définir des règles simples de régulation en utilisant le mapping.Dans ce mémoire, nous avons utilisé la simulation microscopique basée sur les lois de poursuite pour s’approcher du comportement de conduite. La simulation a servi pour la comparaison des différentes approches proposées dans ce mémoire avec les régulateurs adaptatifs et les intersections autonomes. Dans tous les cas notre approche se distingue par un gain de capacité, ce qui nous a encouragé de reproduire le SVAC à travers un prototype de robots. Cette maquette montre la faisabilité du système au moins pour des applications industrielles. / The aim of this work is to benefit from the potential of the cooperative driving in order to optimize the traffic throughput at isolated intersections. To achieve this objective, we have proposed a new traffic control system for isolated intersections: Cooperative Vehicle-Actuation Signalization (CVAS). The concept of this new system is based on the assumption of the ability of exchanging information between each vehicle and the surrounding vehicles or the nearby infrastructure.The system allows more precise control of the traffic since it determines the right-of-way of each vehicle according to its corresponding data sent by the embedded wireless device. The right-of-way is displayed to the driver by means of the onboard signalization. The control system determines the sequence of the vehicles to be directed through the intersection. For the sake of benefiting the improvement brought by the new system, we face several challenges. On the one hand, we are confronted with the absence of a mathematical model to address the control problem. On the other hand, despite the fact that the optimal passing sequence of vehicles can be found by the simple enumeration of all feasible sequences, the exhaustive search does not fulfill the requirements of the real-time application. To overcome these two problems, we seek help from the P-timed Petri nets. This mathematical modeling tool is able to describe the events observed by the position markers in the form of mathematical equations. Two different objectives of the control have been derived from the Little's formula. The first one aims to minimize the maximum exit time of vehicles present in the intersection. An algorithm of dynamic programming and two heuristics have been proposed to achieve this objective. The first heuristic is based on the analysis of the properties of the control problem. The second heuristic is based on the analogy between the dealt problem and the problem of Traveling Salesman Problem, which can be solved successfully by the algorithm of ant colony system. The second objective of the control is to instantly minimize the queue length. A protocol of relaying the right of way has been determined from the assumption of a Petri net that operates at its maximum speed. This simple protocol of control can be extended to all possible layouts of the isolated intersections by using the technique of “mapping”.In this work, a microscopic model (car-following model) is used to simulate the driving behavior. The simulations show that the CVAS system outperforms the other systems which are popularly used at present. It is even better than some innovative systems based on the technology of the cooperative driving. The good results encouraged us to replicate the system under real conditions through a prototype of NXT robots. The tests of this prototype prove the feasibility of the system at least for industrial applications.

Studies of the Mechanics and Structure of Shallow Magmatic Plumbing Systems

Díez, Mikel 04 April 2008 (has links)
Volcanic activity, and the resultant deposits and structures at the Earth's surface, are the outcome of the inner workings of underground magmatic plumbing systems. These systems, essentially, consist of magma reservoirs which supply magma to the surface through volcanic conduits feeding volcanic eruptions. The mechanics and structure of plumbing systems remain largely unknown due to the obvious challenges involved in inferring volcanic processes occurring underground from observations at the surface. Nevertheless, volcanologists are beginning to gain a deeper understanding of the workings and architecture of magmatic plumbing systems from geophysical observations on active volcanoes, as well as from geological studies of the erosional remnants of ancient volcanic systems. In this work, I explore the relationship between the structure and mechanics of shallow plumbing systems and the volcanic eruptions these systems produce. I attempt to contribute to the understanding of this complex relationship by linking geological and geophysical observations of an eroded basaltic subvolcanic system, and the eruptive and tectonic activity of an active volcano, with mathematical models of magma ascent and stress transfer. The remarkable exposures of the Carmel outcrop intrusions, near the San Rafael swell, southeast Utah, U. S. A., allow detailed geological and geophysical observations of the roots of volcanic conduits that emerge from a subhorizontal magma feeder reservoir. These observations reveal a new mechanism for magma ascent and eruption triggering through gravitational instabilities created from an underlying feeding sill, and shed light on the mechanics of sill emplacement. Geophysical and geological observations of the 1999 and xii 1992 eruptions of the Cerro Negro volcano, Nicaragua, are used to explore the coupling between changes in the stress field and the triggering of volcanic eruptions, and magma ascent through the shallow crust. Modeling results of stress transfer and conduit flow highlight the importance of the surrounding stress field and geometry of the volcanic conduits that comprise shallow plumbing systems.

Sensory neuronal protection & improving regeneration after peripheral nerve injury

McKay Hart, Andrew January 2003 (has links)
Peripheral nerve trauma is a common cause of considerable functional morbidity, and healthcare expenditure. Particularly in the ~15% of injuries unsuitable for primary repair, standard clinical management results in inadequate sensory restitution in the majority of cases, despite the rigorous application of complex microsurgical techniques. This can largely be explained by the failure of surgical management to adequately address the neurobiological hurdles to optimal regeneration. Most significant of these is the extensive sensory neuronal death that follows injury, and which is accompanied by a reduction in the regenerative potential of axotomised neurons, and in the supportive capacity of the Schwann cell population if nerve repair is delayed. The present study aimed to accurately delineate the timecourse of neuronal death, in order to identify a therapeutic window during which clinically applicable neuroprotective strategies might be adopted. It then proceeded to investigate means to increase the regenerative capacity of chronically axotomised neurons, and to augment the Schwann cells’ ability to promote that regenerative effort. Unilateral sciatic nerve transection in the rat was the model used, initially assessing neuronal death within the L4&5 dorsal root ganglia by a combination of morphology, TdT uptake nick-end labelling (TUNEL), and statistically unbiased estimation of neuronal loss using the stereological optical disector technique. Having identified 2 weeks, and 2 months post-axotomy as the most biologically relevant timepoints to study, the effect upon neuronal death of systemic treatment with acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR 10, or 50mg/kg/day) or N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC 30, or 150mg/kg/day) was determined. A model of secondary nerve repair was then adopted; either 2 or 4 months after unilateral sciatic nerve division, 1cm gap repairs were performed using either reversed isografts, or poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) conduits containing an alginate-fibronectin hydrogel. Six weeks later nerve regeneration and the Schwann cell population were quantified by digital image analysis of frozen section immunohistochemistry. Sensory neuronal death begins within 24 hours of injury, but takes 1 week to translate into significant neuronal loss. The rate of neuronal death peaks 2 weeks after injury, and neuronal loss is essentially complete by 2 months post-axotomy. Nerve repair is incompletely neuroprotective, but the earlier it is performed the greater the benefit. Two clinically safe pharmaceutical agents, ALCAR & NAC, were found to virtually eliminate sensory neuronal death after peripheral nerve transection. ALCAR also enhanced nerve regeneration independently of its neuroprotective role. Plain PHB conduits were found to be technically simple to use, and supported some regeneration, but were not adequate in themselves. Leukaemia inhibitory factor enhanced nerve regeneration, though cultured autologous Schwann cells (SC’s) were somewhat more effective. Both were relatively more efficacious after a 4 month delay in nerve repair. The most profuse regeneration was found with recombinant glial growth factor (rhGGF-2) in repairs performed 2 months after axotomy, with results that were arguably better than were obtained with nerve grafts. A similar conclusion can be drawn from the result found using both rhGGF-2 and SC’s in PHB conduits 4 months after axotomy. In summary, these findings reinforce the significance of sensory neuronal death in peripheral nerve trauma, and the possibility of its` limitation by early nerve repair. Two agents for the adjuvant therapy of such injuries were identified, that can virtually eliminate neuronal death, and enhance regeneration. Elements in the creation of a bioartificial nerve conduit to replace, or surpass autologous nerve graft for secondary nerve repair are presented.

Essais en Microstructure des Marchés Financiers

Dugast, Jérôme 19 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse est composée de trois chapitres distincts. Dans le premier chapitre, je montre que les mesures de liquidités traditionnelles, telles que la profondeur du marché, ne sont pas toujours pertinentes pour mesurer le bien-être des investisseurs. Je construis un modèle de marché conduit par les ordres et montre qu'une offre de liquidité élevée peut correspondre à de mauvaises conditions d'exécution pour les fournisseurs de liquidité et à un bien-être relativement faible. Dans le deuxième chapitre, je modélise la vitesse des ajustements de prix à l'arrivée de nouvelles dans les marchés conduits pas les ordres, lorsque les investisseurs ont une capacité d'attention limitée. En raison de leur attention limitée, les investisseurs suivent imparfaitement l'arrivée de nouvelles. Ainsi, les prix s'ajustent aux nouvelles après un certain délai. Ce délai diminue lorsque le niveau d'attention des investisseurs augmente. Le délai d'ajustement des prix diminue également lorsque la fréquence à laquelle les nouvelles arrivent, augmente. Le troisième chapitre présente un travail écrit en collaboration avec Thierry Foucault. Nous construisons un modèle pour expliquer en quoi le trading à haute fréquence peut générer des "mini flash crashes" (un brusque changement de prix suivi d'un retour très rapide au niveau antérieur). Notre théorie est basée sur l'idée qu'il existe une tension entre la vitesse à laquelle l'information peut être acquise et la précision de cette information. Lorsque les traders à haute fréquence mettent en oeuvre des stratégies impliquant des réactions rapides à des événements de marché, ils augmentent leur risque à réagir à du bruit et génèrent ainsi des "mini flash crashes". Néanmoins, ils augmentent l'efficience informationnelle du marché.

Adaptation de clones orofaciaux à la morphologie et aux stratégies de contrôle de locuteurs cibles pour l'articulation de la parole / Adaptation of orofacial clones to the morphology and control strategies of target speakers for speech articulation

Valdés Vargas, Julian Andrés 28 June 2013 (has links)
La capacité de production de la parole est apprise et maintenue au moyen d'une boucle de perception-action qui permet aux locuteurs de corriger leur propre production en fonction du retour perceptif reçu. Ce retour est auditif et proprioceptif, mais pas visuel. Ainsi, les sons de parole peuvent être complétés par l'affichage des articulateurs sur l'écran de l'ordinateur, y compris ceux qui sont habituellement cachés tels que la langue ou le voile du palais, ce qui constitue de la parole augmentée. Ce type de système a des applications dans des domaines tels que l'orthophonie, la correction phonétique et l'acquisition du langage. Ce travail a été mené dans le cadre du développement d'un système de retour articulatoire visuel, basé sur la morphologie et les stratégies articulatoires d'un locuteur de référence, qui anime automatiquement une tête parlante 3D à partir du son de la parole. La motivation de cette recherche était d'adapter ce système à plusieurs locuteurs. Ainsi, le double objectif de cette thèse était d'acquérir des connaissances sur la variabilité inter-locuteur, et de proposer des modèles pour adapter un clone de référence, composé de modèles des articulateurs de la parole (lèvres, langue, voile du palais, etc.), à d'autres locuteurs qui peuvent avoir des morphologies et des stratégies articulatoires différentes. Afin de construire des modèles articulatoires pour différents contours du conduit vocal, nous avons d'abord acquis des données qui couvrent l'espace articulatoire dans la langue française. Des Images médio-sagittales obtenues par Résonance Magnétique (IRM) pour onze locuteurs francophones prononçant 63 articulations ont été recueillis. L'un des principaux apports de cette étude est une base de données plus détaillée et plus grande que celles disponibles dans la littérature. Cette base contient, pour plusieurs locuteurs, les tracés de tous les articulateurs du conduit vocal, pour les voyelles et les consonnes, alors que les études précédentes dans la littérature sont principalement basées sur les voyelles. Les contours du conduit vocal visibles dans l'IRM ont été tracés à la main en suivant le même protocole pour tous les locuteurs. Afin d'acquérir de la connaissance sur la variabilité inter-locuteur, nous avons caractérisé nos locuteurs en termes des stratégies articulatoires des différents articulateurs tels que la langue, les lèvres et le voile du palais. Nous avons constaté que chaque locuteur a sa propre stratégie pour produire des sons qui sont considérées comme équivalents du point de vue de la communication parlée. La variabilité de la langue, des lèvres et du voile du palais a été décomposé en une série de mouvements principaux par moyen d'une analyse en composantes principales (ACP). Nous avons remarqué que ces mouvements sont effectués dans des proportions différentes en fonction du locuteur. Par exemple, pour un déplacement donné de la mâchoire, la langue peut globalement se déplacer dans une proportion qui dépend du locuteur. Nous avons également remarqué que la protrusion, l'ouverture des lèvres, l'influence du mouvement de la mâchoire sur les lèvres, et la stratégie articulatoire du voile du palais peuvent également varier en fonction du locuteur. Par exemple, certains locuteurs replient le voile du palais contre la langue pour produire la consonne /ʁ/. Ces résultats constituent également une contribution importante à la connaissance de la variabilité inter-locuteur dans la production de la parole. Afin d'extraire un ensemble de patrons articulatoires communs à différents locuteurs dans la production de la parole (normalisation), nous avons basé notre approche sur des modèles linéaires construits à partir de données articulatoires. Des méthodes de décomposition linéaire multiple ont été appliquées aux contours de la langue, des lèvres et du voile du palais ... / The capacity of producing speech is learned and maintained by means of a perception-action loop that allows speakers to correct their own production as a function of the perceptive feedback received. This auto feedback is auditory and proprioceptive, but not visual. Thus, speech sounds may be complemented by augmented speech systems, i.e. speech accompanied by the virtual display of speech articulators shapes on a computer screen, including those that are typically hidden such as tongue or velum. This kind of system has applications in domains such as speech therapy, phonetic correction or language acquisition in the framework of Computer Aided Pronunciation Training (CAPT). This work has been conducted in the frame of development of a visual articulatory feedback system, based on the morphology and articulatory strategies of a reference speaker, which automatically animates a 3D talking head from the speech sound. The motivation of this research was to make this system suitable for several speakers. Thus, the twofold objective of this thesis work was to acquire knowledge about inter-speaker variability, and to propose vocal tract models to adapt a reference clone, composed of models of speech articulator's contours (lips, tongue, velum, etc), to other speakers that may have different morphologies and different articulatory strategies. In order to build articulatory models of various vocal tract contours, we have first acquired data that cover the whole articulatory space in the French language. Midsagittal Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) of eleven French speakers, pronouncing 63 articulations, have been collected. One of the main contributions of this study is a more detailed and larger database compared to the studies in the literature, containing information of several vocal tract contours, speakers and consonants, whereas previous studies in the literature are mostly based on vowels. The vocal tract contours visible in the MRI were outlined by hand following the same protocol for all speakers. In order to acquire knowledge about inter-speaker variability, we have characterised our speakers in terms of the articulatory strategies of various vocal tract contours like: tongue, lips and velum. We observed that each speaker has his/her own strategy to achieve sounds that are considered equivalent, among different speakers, for speech communication purposes. By means of principal component analysis (PCA), the variability of the tongue, lips and velum contours was decomposed in a set of principal movements. We noticed that these movements are performed in different proportions depending on the speaker. For instance, for a given displacement of the jaw, the tongue may globally move in a proportion that depends on the speaker. We also noticed that lip protrusion, lip opening, the influence of the jaw movement on the lips, and the velum's articulatory strategy can also vary according to the speaker. For example, some speakers roll up their uvulas against the tongue to produce the consonant /ʁ/ in vocalic contexts. These findings also constitute an important contribution to the knowledge of inter-speaker variability in speech production. In order to extract a set of common articulatory patterns that different speakers employ when producing speech sounds (normalisation), we have based our approach on linear models built from articulatory data. Multilinear decomposition methods have been applied to the contours of the tongue, lips and velum. The evaluation of our models was based in two criteria: the variance explanation and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between the original and recovered articulatory coordinates. Models were also assessed using a leave-one-out cross validation procedure ...

Vytápění objektu se vzduchotechnikou / Heating of building with air conditioning

Toboláková, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of the diploma thesis is to design a heating system and hot water heating for a newly built wellness hotel placed on the beach nearby reservoir Vranov. The theoretical part is focused on the build heating with solid fuels specifically pellets. In the calculation part is processed the proposal of heating systems, the heat sources, the water heater and other equipment. The last part of the project includes a technical report and drawing documentation at the level of implementation of the project.

Functionalized Nanofiber Substrates for Nerve Regeneration

Silantyeva, Elena A. 26 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Development and evaluation of a reactive hybrid transport model (RUMT3D) / Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines reaktiven Hybrid-Stofftransportmodelles (RUMT3D)

Spießl, Sabine Maria 09 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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