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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jovens em conflito com a lei: a violência na vida cotidiana. / Young people in conflict with the law: the violence in the quotidian life.

Fernanda Renata Paziani Pereira 26 September 2002 (has links)
A violência urbana faz parte do cotidiano de nossa sociedade e vem incidindo especialmente sobre os adolescentes que praticam atos infracionais. A necessidade de conhecer as multiplas visões de algo tão complexo, que muitas vezes é reduzido a explicações causais, motivou a realização deste estudo, que teve por objetivos investigar os significados relativos: à violência na vida cotidiana; aos riscos que julgam correr em suas vidas, e às perspectivas para o futuro. Participaram deste estudo 45 adolescentes do sexo masculino, com idade entre 15 e 18 anos, internos na FEBEM-RP. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas individuais, “Oficinas sobre Risco” e notas de diário de campo. A abordagem adotada foi qualitativa, com enfoque interpretativista que privilegia os pontos de vista dos participantes. A análise dos dados mostra que os participantes começaram a praticar atos infracionais pela condição sócio-econômica; por influência dos amigos; pela violência doméstica, e por aliciamento feito pela família. A violência é concebida por eles como uma maneira de agir quando os meios legais não oferecem mais garantias de sobrevivência e de respeito à condição humana. Ao mesmo tempo em que os adolescentes praticam violência, também são vítimas dela. O maior risco que os participantes consideram correr é o de serem mortos pelos adolescentes rivais e pela polícia. Em relação ao risco de morrer em confrontos com adolescentes rivais, nossa análise mostra que as brigas acontecem entre moradores de bairros que já possuem rivalidades entre si. Os atritos são formados por sentimentos de pertencer a um grupo e ter que por essa razão opor-se a outros grupos. As brigas iniciadas nas ruas podem se estender para a FEBEM quando dois adolescentes ou grupos rivais se encontram durante a internação. Os adolescentes resolvem suas rivalidades perseguindo e trocando tiros com seus inimigos e consideram remota a possibilidade de uma convivência pacífica. O risco de morrer durante a perseguição policial parece ser grande, principalmente quando ela é feita à noite, na ausência de testemunhas. Para prender os adolescentes suspeitos de terem praticado atos infracionais, a polícia parece recorrer a meios legais e ilegais, chegando a perseguir mesmo quem é inocente. Diante do risco de morrer e da possibilidade de um dia irem para a cadeia, os participantes relataram que pretendiam não voltar a infracionar depois que fossem desinternados. Apesar das incertezas em relação ao futuro, eles apontaram o RAP, a mudança de cidade e o trabalho como possíveis caminhos que poderiam ajudá-los a abandonar o crime. Ao conhecermos os motivos que levaram os jovens a praticarem atos infracionais; como são formados os grupos antagônicos entre si e seus modos de funcionamento; como acontece a perseguição policial; e as perspectivas para o futuro desses jovens, poderemos propor ações mais eficazes para a prevenção da violência e para a reinserção social desses jovens. / The urban violence is part of the quotidian of our society and has occurring specially with the teenagers that practice crimes. The necessity to know the multiples visions of something so complex, that a lot of times is reduced to causative explications, motivated the realization of this research, that had for objectives the investigation of: a) the reasons to practice crimes; b) the conceptions about violence and the perceptions of the "risks" related of her, and c) the perspectives for the future. Participated in this research 45 teenagers of the male sex, with ages between 15 e 18 years, interned at FEBEM-RP. The basis were collected through individuals interview, “Workshop about Risk” and notes of diary of field. The approach used was qualitative, with interpretative focus that favour the viewpoints of the participants. The analysis of the basis show that the participants started to practice crimes for the social and economical condition; for the influence of friends; for the domestic violence, and for the allurement done by family. The violence is understood by them as a way of act when the lawful ways do not offer guaranties of survival and of respect to being condition. In the same time that the teenagers practice violence, they are her victims too. The major risk that the participants consider to run is of to be killed by the rivals teenagers and by the police. With regard to the risk to die in confrontation with rivals teenagers, our analyses show that the strife happened between the residents of blocks that have previous rivalry. The quarrels are formed for feelings of pertain to one group and have for these reason to oppose for another. The fight initiated on the streets can to be extended for the FEBEM when two rivals teenagers or groups to come across during the internment. The teenagers solve their rivalry persecuting and gun fighting with their enemies and consider remote the possibility of a pacific acquaintance. The risk to die during a police persecution seems to be big, mainly when it is done at night, without witness. In order to catch the teenagers suspects of have practiced the crime, the police seems to use the legal and illegal ways, could also persecute who is innocent. In front of the risk of die and of the possibility of one day go to the prison, the participants related that intended do not practice crimes again after they were free. Despite of the uncertainness in relation for the future, they show the RAP, the living in another city and the work as possible ways that could help them to abandon the crime. For knowing the reasons that motivated the young people to practice crimes; how are formed the antagonistic groups and their way if working; how happen the police persecution; and the perspectives for the future of that teenagers, we will be able to suggest actions more efficacious for the prevention of violence and for the social reinsertion of that young people.

A mediação como método de administração de conflitos entre empresas e comunidades no Brasil / Mediation as a method to manage conflicts between companies and communities in Brazil

Diogo Lopes Nunes Galvão 08 December 2017 (has links)
Através do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento, o Brasil passou a receber diversos empreendimentos na área de infraestrutura. São muitos os projetos em fases de planejamento ou já em execução, em sua maioria localizados em regiões historicamente esquecidas pelo poder público. Os conflitos ocasionados por tais empreendimentos, envolvendo empresas e comunidades, caracterizam-se como sendo complexos, revelando desequilíbrios de poder e envolvimento de diversos atores. Tomando o conceito de conflito a partir das contribuições de Simmel, e entendendo que ele se manifesta também em aspecto latente, como na subjetividade e na formação de identidades, o conflito somente pode ser administrado por meio de métodos que consigam atuar em todos os seus níveis. O presente trabalho tem como objetivos centrais o de entender como o método da mediação pode contribuir para administrar os conflitos entre empresas e comunidades e investigar como estes conflitos estão sendo resolvidos, hoje, no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada foi qualitativa, por meio de exaustivas leituras de fontes primárias, secundárias e terciárias. Também foi feito o uso de entrevistas in loco e à distância, com lideranças e especialistas. Estudos e entrevistas in loco também foram utilizadas em dois casos: Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte e Mina de Juruti. Os resultados obtidos versam sobre as possibilidades e resultados do uso da mediação em conflitos complexos envolvendo empresas e comunidades, criando paradigmas e indo além dos casos estudados aqui. Portanto, este trabalho conclui que, apesar do incentivo de uso de métodos alternativos (consensuais), os conflitos ainda são largamente resolvidos apenas pelas formas tradicionais da justiça brasileira. Como consequência, temos soluções de baixa qualidade para todas as partes envolvidas. A mediação, por sua vez, se mostra como um método bastante eficaz, com potencial de reconciliar e prevenir novos conflitos. Logo, ela deve ser institucionalmente incentivada e merece ser muito mais explorada para administrar os tipos de conflitos aqui estudados. / Through the Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (Growth Acceleration Program), Brazil started developing several infrastructure projects. There are many initiatives at the planning stage and many are already implemented, mostly of them in regions historically forgotten by the government. The conflicts caused by these projects, which involves companies and communities, are characterized as being complex, revealing imbalances of power and the involvement of several actors. Considering Simmel\'s concept of conflict, and understanding that it manifests itself also in a latent aspect, such as subjectivity and the formation of identities, conflict can only be managed through methods that can deal with all of its several levels. The main objectives of this work is to understand how the mediation method can contribute to manage conflicts between companies and communities and to investigate how these conflicts are being solved today in Brazil. The methodology used was qualitative, through exhaustive readings of primary, secondary and tertiary sources. It was also used on-site and remotely interviews with leaders and specialists, besides case studies, such as Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant and Juruti Mine. The results obtained are related to the possibilities and results of the use of mediation in complex conflicts involving companies and communities, creating paradigms and going beyond the examples used here. Therefore, this work concludes that, despite the growing incentive to use alternative (consensual) methods, conflicts are still largely solved only by the traditional system of Brazilian justice. As a consequence, we have low quality solutions for all parties involved. Mediation, in turn, has proven to be a very effective method with the potential to reconcile and prevent further conflicts. Hence, it should be institutionally encouraged and deserves to be much more explored to manage the type of conflicts studied here.

O problema da habitação no contexto da revalorização do centro histórico de São Paulo (1991-2006) / The housing problem in the context of historic center\'s revaluation of São Paulo (1991-2006)

Kleber Wilson Valadares Felizardo da Silva 20 September 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o uso e a apropriação do espaço na cidade de São Paulo na perspectiva do processo de revalorização do seu Centro Histórico. A análise focaliza, sobretudo, os problemas relacionados aos planos e estratégias voltados para o reforço da função habitacional desta região. Dentre as estratégias do poder público para a revalorização do Centro estão incluídas propostas que estimulam o seu uso habitacional. Entretanto, em torno deste objetivo se evidenciam diferentes interesses dos agentes sociais (dentre os quais estão a Associação Viva o Centro e o Fórum Centro Vivo) que entram em conflito pelo uso e apropriação deste espaço. Neste cenário de disputas em torno do Centro Histórico de São Paulo, averiguam-se, ainda, como as diretrizes e instrumentos contidos no Estatuto da Cidade sobre o uso do solo são aplicados nesta centralidade e quais seus possíveis efeitos. / This dissertation aims at analyzing the usage and appropriation of space in the city of São Paulo from the perspective of the Historic Center\'s revaluation process. The focus of the analyses lies mainly on problems related to the plans and strategies directed to reinforce the region\'s residential function. Proposals to stimulate its residential function are included among the policy strategies to revalue the Historic Center. However, different interests of social agents (Associação Viva o Centro and Fórum Centro Vivo among others) around this objective become evident. These social agents start a conflict over the usage and appropriation of the space. In this setting, the application and possible effects of the guidelines and instruments contained in the City\'s Statute on the usage of soil in this locality are further investigated.

A configuração de conflitos socias e ambientais nas franjas da metrópole de São Paulo: o caso de Juquitiba / The configuration of social and environmental conflicts in the fringe of São Paulo: the case of Juquitiba

Priscila Petri Rallo 21 August 2014 (has links)
A proposta deste trabalho é investigar a constituição de conflitos entre moradia e proteção da natureza nas mais longínquas periferias (franjas) da metrópole de São Paulo para trazer à tona uma questão maior: a reprodução da urbanização crítica dessa metrópole, que extrapola os limites territoriais contíguos e contínuos de seu tecido espraiado, avançando e instaurando-se em fragmentos próprios do período mais recente de sua expansão urbana. Para tal feito, partiu-se da análise de um fragmento específico: o município de Juquitiba, pois, integralmente inserido em áreas de mananciais e detentor de parte da mata conservada da metrópole, ele vem testemunhando nas últimas décadas considerável crescimento populacional. Usou-se o método materialista dialético para situar a problemática dos conflitos em uma totalidade espacial, qual seja, a metrópole de São Paulo, num movimento constante de expansão da periferia urbana que promove a ocupação das áreas naturais protegidas por lei mais distantes do centro da capital. O método regressivo-progressivo, por sua vez, possibilitou encontrar no tempo o fundamento, os processos, os sujeitos e as contradições que estão por trás dessa expansão urbana geradora de conflitos, estes reduzidos pela lógica dominante a uma mera questão ecológica. Esse percurso teórico adotado pôde melhor explicar o que o trabalho de campo e a análise de leis e dados estatísticos diziam sobre a realidade estudada. As descobertas encontradas permitiram nos posicionar contra a linha de pensamento que responsabiliza a moradia do mais pobre pela degradação da natureza e pelo impedimento a uma possível saída para a crise de abastecimento de água na metrópole, considerando que as águas de Juquitiba são fortes candidatas a abastecimento dessa região no futuro. Assim, o trabalho procurou demonstrar que a expansão da periferia urbana de São Paulo, a qual está na base de seu processo de urbanização, é contraditória no sentido de se dar sob a expulsão dos moradores mais pobres para áreas sem infraestrutura e cada vez mais distantes devido à lógica do capital que valoriza áreas centrais bem equipadas e precariza as condições de trabalho, ocasionando grande segregação socioespacial e deteriorando as condições sociais e ambientais nas periferias metropolitanas / The propose of this work is investigate how conflicts between housing and protection of nature take place in the most far periphery of São Paulo metropolis to bring up a larger issue: the reproduction of critical urbanization of this metropolis which goes beyond the territorial boundaries of his contiguous and continuous sprawling, advancing and introducing themselves in fragments of the latter period of his urban expansion. For this, we analyze a specific fragment: Juquitiba, because it is a fully inserted into watersheds area municipality and owner of part of the metropolis´s forest kept while in recent decades it has witnessed considerable population growth. We used the dialectical materialist method to situate this problem in a spatial totality, namely the metropolis of São Paulo, in a movement of ever-expanding urban sprawl that promotes occupation in far natural areas protected by law. The regressive-progressive method, in turn, allowed finding in the historicity of metropolis the reasoning, processes, subjects and contradictions that are behind the urban sprawl that generates conflicts, these reduced by dominant logic to a mere ecological issue. This theoretical path could explain better what the fieldwork, the analysis of laws and the statistics said about the reality studied. The findings of this work allowed us stand against the line of thought that blames the poorest housing for the degradation of nature or for preventing a possible solution to the crisis of supply water in the metropolis, if we can think that waters of Juquitiba are strong candidates for supply this region in the future. Thus we tried demonstrate the expansion of the urban periphery of São Paulo, which is the basis of its urbanization process, is contradictory in order to be done under the expulsion of the poorest residents to more distant and poor areas as a result of logic of capital that value central and well-equipped areas and undermines the work conditions promoting a large socio-spatial segregation and deteriorating of social and environmental conditions on metropolitans peripheries

O Supremo Tribunal de Justiça no Segundo Reinado (1849 a 1855): “um pouco de homens, outro pouco de instituição”

Almeida, Carla Beatriz de 05 July 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-02T12:30:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 carlabeatrizdealmeida.pdf: 1402127 bytes, checksum: 038879361c662a52ec7f433c71b587d5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-09-06T11:52:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 carlabeatrizdealmeida.pdf: 1402127 bytes, checksum: 038879361c662a52ec7f433c71b587d5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-06T11:52:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 carlabeatrizdealmeida.pdf: 1402127 bytes, checksum: 038879361c662a52ec7f433c71b587d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-05 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho pretende promover a discussão sobre a trajetória do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça (funcionamento e composição) no período de 1849 a 1855. Através dos Livros de Atas de Julgamentos deste tribunal, dos relatórios do Ministério da Justiça, do Banco de Dados dos Ministros do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça e outras fontes, percebemos que os limites impostos ao Supremo Tribunal para tentar isolá-lo de possíveis conflitos políticos não lograram êxito completamente. A partir da década de 1840, a situação do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça e a questão da interferência do Executivo no Judiciário estará constantemente nos debates políticos da época. Refletimos sobre o método da prosopografia - sua aplicação e contribuição na pesquisa histórica -, bem como buscamos traçar o perfil coletivo dos membros do Supremo que na sua maioria exerceu cargos na Administração Pública e desta forma interferiu nos rumos do Estado Imperial Brasileiro. / The present work intends to promote discussion about the history of the Supreme Court (functioning and composition) in the period from 1849 to 1855. Using the Books of Acts of judgments of this court, reports the Ministry of Justice, the Database of the Supreme Court’s members and other sources, we realized the limits imposed the Supreme Court to try to isolate it of possible political conflicts were not successful. Since the 1840s, the state Supreme Court and the issue of executive interference in the judiciary will be constantly in the political debates of that age. Reflecting about the prosopography method - its application and contribution to historical research – and profiling the members of the Supreme which most of them provided the statement and interfered in the course of the Empire of Brazil.

Quais valores? Disputas morais e monetárias em ações de alimentos - uma etnografia em varas de família- / What values? Moral and monetary disputes in alimony - an ethnography in family courts-

Tatiana Santos Perrone 22 February 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa que orienta esta dissertação foi realizada no período de março a dezembro de 2008 no Fórum de Santo Amaro e na Vara Distrital de Parelheiros com mulheres que entraram com ações de alimentos contra os pais de seus filhos. As 35 mulheres entrevistadas apontaram para a multiplicidade do conflito que as fazem entrar com este tipo de ação e para a multiplicidade de papéis sociais que desempenham, embora tanto conflito quanto papéis sejam simplificados e padronizados durante as audiências de conciliação. O espaço dessas audiências se restringe à discussão do valor monetário da pensão alimentícia, o que contribui para a celeridade processual e para um certo tipo de reprodução de desigualdade de gênero, pois a paternidade é restringida à obrigação de arcar com uma parcela do sustento material do filho, enquanto da maternidade se espera não só a outra parcela desse sustento material como, em muitos casos, toda a responsabilidade pelos sustentos moral e afetivo. Como a ação de alimentos é normalmente acionada após a dissolução de uma união consensual, o conflito que costuma deflagrá-la envolve questões como divisão de bens, violência doméstica, guarda e visitas das crianças, questões estas que são vistas pelas mulheres como tão ou mais importantes do que o estabelecimento de um valor monetário de pensão alimentícia, pois abarcam a dimensão afetiva da paternidade e o reconhecimento de insultos morais de que muitas mulheres se declaram vítimas. Essas dimensões morais e afetivas do conflito não são discutidas em audiências de conciliação, sendo algumas delas objetos de outras ações judiciais. O conflito, portanto, sentido como único pelas partes, é fragmentado pelo Judiciário para que se chegue a uma solução. Apesar disto, a abordagem aprofundada de dois casos mostra que o acesso à justiça, por meio deste tipo de ação, pode ser sentido como positivo pelas mulheres, pois o contato com o Judiciário acaba por resignificar seu lugar, fazendo com que se reconheçam, mais enfaticamente, como sujeitos de direitos. / This dissertation was originated by a research carried out from March to December 2008, at Santo Amaros Court and Parelheiros District Court, with women who have filed lawsuits against their childrens fathers for child support. The 35 interviewed women pointed out the conflict multiplicity to make them file this kind of lawsuit and the social roles diversity they have to perform, although both conflict and roles are simplified and standardized during the conciliation hearings. Those hearing spaces are restricted to the discussion of the child support amount, thus contributing to procedural speed. But the reproduction of gender inequality is also reinforced, for fatherhood is understood to cover only part of the childs maintenance, while motherhood covers financial support and also, in many cases, all the moral and affective responsibility. As the child support process is usually filed after a domestic partnership has been dissolved, the conflict that often starts the lawsuit is also related to issues like distribution of property, domestic violence, and child custody and access. These issues are perceived by the women as equally or more important that the settlement of child support, for they entail the affective dimension of parenthood and the recognition of the moral offenses that many women claim to be victim of. Those moral and affective dimensions of the conflict are not discussed in conciliation hearings, while some of them are objects of other law proceedings. The conflict, thus, experienced as a whole by the parties, is divided by the Judiciary to be successfully settled. In spite of that, the deep analysis of two cases shows that access to justice, by means of this kind of legal action, is experienced as positive by the women, for the contact with the Judiciary actually reframes their places, causing them to recognize themselves, more strongly, as subjects of rights.

Des transhumants entre alliances et conflits, les Arabes du Batha (Tchad) : 1635-2012 / Herders between coalition and conflict : the Batha Arabs of Chad : 1635-2012

Zakinet, Dangbet 07 December 2015 (has links)
Au Tchad, depuis l’époque précoloniale, la transhumance permet aux éleveurs d’exploiter les ressources pastorales dispersées et de tisser des liens avec les sédentaires. Dans les zones où l’eau et le pâturage sont disponibles en toute saison, l’accès aux ressources était régulé par un système traditionnel fondé sur le compromis et les alliances entre les communautés. Depuis les sécheresses successives des années 1970 et 1980, le tarissement rapide des ressources dans les zones pastorales du Nord oblige les éleveurs à descendre plus tôt que prévu dans les zones agricoles. Cette dérégulation du calendrier de la transhumance suscite des débats contradictoires entre les éleveurs et les agriculteurs, au sein de la classe politique, intellectuelle et dans les médias. De nos jours, il y a une tendance à la montée des conflits pour l’accès aux ressources et à la remise en cause des alliances qui constituent au-delà des problèmes, le socle sur lequel se fondent les relations entre les éleveurs et les agriculteurs. Dans les débats parfois houleux sur la question de la transhumance, certains affirment que la transhumance est un mode de vie archaïque qu’il faut dépasser, d’autres soutiennent qu’elle demeure le seul système adapté à la variabilité des ressources pastorales dans un Sahel incertain. À partir d’une étude historique et ethnographique auprès des Arabes du Batha, cette thèse est une contribution au débat sur la question de la transhumance au Tchad. Elle tente de répondre à la question principale : comment évoluent les rapports entre les transhumants et les agriculteurs dans un contexte sociopolitique et environnemental en pleine transformation ? / In Chad as in other Sahelian countries, transhumance enables pastoralists to exploit the fluctuating and scattered pastoral resources. For generations, pastoralists have established linkages among themselves and with sedentary farmers along transhumance routes. In areas where water and pasture are available in every season, access to resources was regulated by a traditional system based on arrangements and alliances between communities. Since the successive droughts of the 1970s and 1980s, the rapid depletion of resources in northern pastoral areas forces farmers to make their way earlier than expected into agricultural areas. This deregulation of transhumance patterns raises debates between pastoralists and farmers as well as in the political, intellectual and media spheres. There is nowadays a trend of rising conflicts over access to resources and the disruption of the alliances on which relationships between herders and farmers were based. In the sometimes deleterious discussions on the issue of transhumance, some argue that transhumance is an archaic way of life that must be changed, and others argue that it is the only system adapted to the variability of pastoral resources in the Sahel context. This thesis is a modest contribution to the exciting and passionate debate on transhumance in Chad. It attempts to answer the main question: how is the relationship between transhumant and farmers evolving in a changing environmental sociopolitical context?


Dani, Grasiela Cristine Celich 06 September 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present dissertation talks about Homophobic conflict in school, and the theory of recognition . It belongs to the research line Scholastic Practices and Public Policies of the Post-Degree Program in Education of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Such dissertation has as a goal to discuss in which way the theory of recognition can contribute for the understanding and solution of homophobic conflicts in school, among High School students. In order to achieve such thematic propose it was chosen the interactive method, founded on the dialectic-hermeneutical process. As a research tool, it is used the application of a questionnaire to collect the opinion of High School students concerning homoaffection, prejudice, homophobia, as well as the recognition of the homosexuals, with the intention of solving the homophobic conflicts. It s important to mention that the results of the research are evaluated taking in consideration a qualitative and quantitative approach. In the data analyses, it is possible to ascertain how the homophobia is formed. Based on that, it is shown ways of how the scholastic homophobic conflict can be worked and confronted, with the intention of comprehending and solving it. Thus, it is possible to conclude the dissertation with a positive response when it comes to the attempt of solving homophobic conflicts in school. Such attempt is possible through the theory of recognition of Hegel (2008) and Honneth (2009). / A presente dissertação trata acerca dos Conflitos homofóbicos na escola, e a teoria do reconhecimento . Pertence à linha de pesquisa Práticas Escolares e Políticas Públicas do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Tal dissertação tem por objetivo discutir de que modo a teoria do reconhecimento pode contribuir para compreender e solucionar os conflitos homofóbicos na escola, entre alunos do Ensino Médio. Para alcançar tal proposta temática, optou-se pelo método interativo, fundado no processo dialéticohermenêutico. Como instrumento de pesquisa, tem-se a aplicação de um questionário para coletar a opinião dos estudantes do Ensino Médio acerca da homoafetividade, do preconceito, da homofobia, bem como sobre o reconhecimento dos homossexuais, com o intuito de solucionar os conflitos homofóbicos. Cabe mencionar que os resultados da pesquisa são avaliados tomando por base uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Na análise dos dados, é possível verificar como a homofobia se forma. Com base nisso, é mostrada maneiras de como o conflito homofóbico escolar pode ser trabalhado e enfrentado, com o intuito de compreendê-lo e solucioná-lo. Sendo assim, conclui-se a dissertação com uma resposta positiva ao que tange à tentativa de solucionar os conflitos homofóbicos na escola. Tal tentativa é possível pela teoria do reconhecimento de Hegel (2008) e Honneth (2009).

Population genetic structure, mating system and conflicts in Pheidole ants

Fournier, Denis 08 January 2004 (has links)
A key feature of social Hymenoptera is the division of labor in reproduction between one or a few fertile individuals – the queen(s) – and many sterile nestmates that function as helpers – the workers. The reproductive altruism of workers has long been considered as one of the most important paradox of Evolution. Today, kin selection (Hamilton 1964a,b) is recognized as a prime selective force for the evolution reproductive altruism in Hymenoptera. Hamilton’s kin selection theory states that workers may benefit helping relatives reproduce as long as the relatives they aid share a higher than average proportion of their genes with the workers and effectively pass on copies of the workers' genes to the next generation. Relatedness between colony members is therefore pivotal in kin selection theory, because it directly influences the benefits from indirect fitness. In social Hymenoptera, within-colony relatedness is usually high, because of the haplodiploid sex determinism system. However, several factors of the breeding system are known to affect the colony genetic structure and, hence, the workers’ indirect inclusive fitness: the number of breeders, their genetic relationships and their relative contribution to the reproduction. On the other hand, dispersal strategies influence the population genetic structure, which in turn may result in different interaction patterns between members from neighboring colonies. Despite its central role in the evolution of cooperation and reproductive altruism in animals, kin selection also predicts conflicts between colony members. Because the individuals from a colony are not genetically identical, their reproductive interests may be different (Trivers 1974). These conflicts are diversified, both regarding their actors and their causes (Trivers & Hare 1976; Bourke & Franks 1995; Keller 1995; Chapuisat & Keller 1999b; Keller & Reeve 1999; Sundström & Boomsma 2001). The first part of this work deals with the population genetic structure, mating system and dispersal strategies of two Pheidole ants, the Mediterranean ant Pheidole pallidula and the Mojave Desert ant Pheidole tucsonica. Chapter 1 investigates the population genetic structure, the breeding system, the colony kin composition and the colony genetic structure of the Mediterranean ant P. pallidula. This study was performed by using highly polymorphic DNA microsatellite marker loci. The results show that a single, unrelated male inseminates each queen. Colonies are monogynous (i.e. headed by one reproductive queen) or polygynous (i.e. headed by 2 to 4 functional queens). Moreover, they are genetically differentiated and form a population exhibiting significant isolation-by-distance, suggesting that some colonies originate through budding. Chapter 2 reports cross-species amplifications of microsatellite markers developed for the ant P. pallidula on 13 ant species belonging to the sub-family Myrmicinae. Moreover, levels of genetic diversity within a colony, as well as relationship among colonies are studied for the black ant Pheidole tucsonica. Chapter 3 characterizes the level of inter-nest aggression, the spatial distribution and the genetic structure of a P. tucsonica population. The results show that inter-colony aggression varies from none to “all out” fights and that it is largely non-transitive. No effect of geographical distance or genetic structure on inter-nest aggression levels is detected. Moreover, genetic data reveal high rates of polygyny and/or polyandry. Overall, these results do not support the idea of a simple mechanism of nestmate recognition through queen or worker-produced pheromones or environmental cues. The second part of this work is devoted to the queen-queen conflict over reproduction, and the queen-workers conflict over sex allocation in P. pallidula. Chapter 4 is a detailed analysis on the partitioning of reproduction among queens in polygynous colonies of the species. Our results show a significant departure from equal contribution of queens to reproductive female, male and worker production. Reproductive skew is greater for male production than for queen and worker production. There is no relationship between the magnitude of the reproductive skew and (i) the number of reproductive queens per colony, (ii) their relatedness and (iii) the overall colony productivity, some of the factors predicted to influence the extent of reproductive skew. Finally, this study reveals a trade-off in the relative contribution of nestmate queens to reproductive female and worker production. The queens contributing more to reproductive female production contribute significantly less to worker production. To our knowledge, such a trade-off is shown for the first time in the Formicidae. Chapter 5 focuses on queen-workers conflict over sex allocation. Colonies of the Mediterranean ant P. pallidula show a strong split sex ratio, with 85% colonies producing more than 80% sexuals of one sex. Genetic analyses reveal that this species has an unusual breeding system, with colonies being headed by a single or a few unrelated queens. As expected in such a breeding system, our results show no variation in relatedness asymmetry between monogynous (single queen per colony) and polygynous colonies. Nevertheless, sex allocation is tightly associated with the breeding structure, with monogynous colonies producing a male-biased brood and polygynous colonies almost only females. In addition, sex allocation is closely correlated with colony total sexual productivity. Overall, our data show that when colonies become more productive (and presumably larger) they shift from monogyny to polygyny and from male production to female production, a pattern that has never been reported in social insects so far. A new explanation based on the concept of the “tragedy of the commons” is proposed to explain the strong sex ratio specialization observed in P. pallidula and in other species characterized by facultative polygyny. Chapter 6 investigates the relationship between the breeding system (monogynous vs. polygynous colonies) and the biosynthesis rate of juvenile hormone. Previous works in P. pallidula showed (i) that maternal effects induced by hormones and/or other compounds transferred to the eggs could influence the caste fate of female eggs and (ii) that sex specialization is tightly associated with the breeding structure (monogynous colonies produce a male-biased brood and polygynous colonies almost only females - Chapter 5). This study reveals a strong relationship between the biosynthetic rate of juvenile hormone (JH) production and the breeding system. Because in this species the breeding structure is closely associated with colony sex ratio, we propose that the rate of JH in queens could be a critical parameter in colony sex ratio determination. Queens of P. pallidula would exert partial control over sex ratio by laying different proportions of worker-destined eggs and queen-destined eggs according to the structure monogynous or polygynous of their colony. To conclude, some perspectives for future research on the different topics presented in this work are suggested. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Gentrification et conflits d'un quartier dans la mobilisation. Le cas de Palermo Viejo, Buenos Aires. / Gentrification and conflicts of a neighborhood in the globalization process. The case of Palermo Viejo, Buenos Aires

Schwartzmann, Serge 05 December 2013 (has links)
Palermo Viejo est un ancien quartier populaire de Buenos Aires, qui connaît depuis la fin des années 1970 des transformations très importantes de ses activités, du bâti, et des populations résidentes. Ces transformations ont enclenché un processus de gentrification, dont les caractères se sont transformés avec l’ouverture de la ville sur la mondialisation au cours des années 1990, et surtout depuis la crise de 2001, avec l’apparition d’un tourisme important, l’arrivée de magasins de marque, et la multiplication des projets immobiliers de grande ampleur. Il s’agira ici d’interroger les formes de ce mode de développement urbain, dans un contexte marqué à la fois par la gentrification et la mondialisation, et ses effets sur le territoire, ses pratiques et ses habitants au travers de deux conflits : celui déclenché par l’arrivée de vendeurs de rue, et celui produit par la multiplication des projets immobiliers. Ces conflits permettent de reposer la question des effets de la gentrification sur les territoires urbains centraux, et de la façon dont les habitants les reçoivent. Ils ont donc ici un rôle heuristique en permettant à la fois d’en révéler les effets cachés par le discours médiatique et d’inciter à la réflexion sur la façon même dont ces changements ont été imposés. / Palermo Viejo is an old, working class neighborhood of Buenos Aires, which, since the end of the 1970s, has been subject to a large-scale transformation of its activities, its building environment and its resident populations. These transformations have triggered a process of gentrification, whose characteristics have evolved with the opening of the city to globalization during the 1990s, and above all, since the 2001 crisis, with the appearance of growing tourism, the implantation of brand name stores and the multiplication of wide-scale real estate projects. The aim of this work will be to question the forms of this type of urban development, in a context marked by both gentrification and globalization, as well as its effect on the territory, its practices and its inhabitants, through two conflicts: the first triggered by the sudden arrival of street vendors, and the second produced by the multiplication of new construction projects. These conflicts allow us to question the effects of gentrification on central urban centers and the way in which its residents receive them. Thus, they play a heuristic role, permitting, on the one hand, a means of revealing the hidden effects of the media discourse, and on the other, an invitation to reflect on the way these changes have been imposed.

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