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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation expérimentale et statistique des sources de Composés Organiques Volatils (COV) en région Île-de-France / Experimental and statistical characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) within the Île-de-France region

Baudic, Alexia 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les composés organiques volatils (COV) jouent un rôle majeur au sein du système atmosphérique puisqu’ils interviennent en tant que précurseurs d’ozone troposphérique et d’aérosols organiques secondaires (composés aux divers impacts sanitaires et climatiques) ; d’où le réel besoin de mieux les caractériser. A ce jour, de fortes incertitudes demeurent quant à leur nature, leur quantification et la contribution de leurs sources d’émissions respectives.Cette thèse propose, au travers d’expérimentations de laboratoire et de terrain, une caractérisation exhaustive des COV et de leurs principales sources d’émissions en région Île-de-France. Les méthodes mises en place dans ce travail de thèse reposent sur la détermination de profils de spéciation caractéristiques du trafic routier, du chauffage au bois et du gaz naturel à partir d’investigations en champ proche (en tunnel, en cheminée et à partir d’un conduit de gaz domestique). Ces différents profils de source ont été utilisés comme empreinte chimique de référence pour l’identification des principales sources d’émissions de COV, dont les contributions respectives ont été estimées à l’aide du modèle source-récepteur Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF), appliqué sur une année d’acquisition de mesures COV (HCNM+COVO) à Paris. Ce travail de thèse a ainsi permis, pour la première fois, d’étudier la variabilité saisonnière des COV et de leurs sources majeures. Les émissions liées au trafic routier ont été révélées comme la principale source de COV d’origine locale/régionale à Paris (contribuant à ¼ des émissions totales à l’échelle annuelle). L’impact prépondérant du chauffage au bois en hiver (50 % de la masse totale COV mesurée) a également été mis en évidence. Les résultats de cette étude de répartition de sources ont été confrontés à l’inventaire des émissions d’Airparif. Nous avons souligné un bon accord entre nos observations et l’inventaire pour les sources liées au trafic automobile et au chauffage au bois.Cette évaluation indépendante des inventaires est essentielle puisque ces derniers sont aujourd’hui utilisés comme données d’entrée au sein des modèles de prévision de qualité de l’air. / Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play a key role within the atmospheric system acting as precursors of ground-level ozone and secondary organic aerosols (causing health and climatic impacts); hence the growing interest of better characterizing them. Significant uncertainties are still associated with compounds speciation, quantification and respective contributions from the different emission sources.This thesis proposes, through several laboratory and intensive field campaigns, a detailed characterization of VOCs and their main emissions sources within the Île-de-France region. We used methods based on the determination of speciation profiles indicative of road traffic, wood burning and natural gas sources obtained from near-field investigations (inside a tunnel, at a fireplace and from a domestic gas flue). These different source profiles were used as chemical fingerprints for the identification of the main VOC emission sources, which respective contributions were estimated using the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) source-receptor model applied to one-year VOCs (including NMHC+OVOC) measurements in Paris. This thesis allowed, for the first time, to evaluate the seasonal variability of VOCs and their main emission sources. Road traffic-related emissions are major VOC local/regional sources in Paris (contributing to a quarter of total annual emissions). The important impact of wood burning in winter (50 % of the VOC total mass) was observed. Results obtained from this approach were compared with the regional emissions inventory provided by the air quality monitoring network Airparif. Finally, a good agreement was found between our observations and the inventory for road traffic and wood burning-related sources.This independent assessment of inventories is of great interest because they are currently used as input data within air quality prediction models.

Traitement de l'air habitacle par des matériaux hybrides de type Metal-Organic Frameworks / Adsorption of Volatile Organic Compounds on Metal-Organic Frameworks

Alvarez, Elsa 19 January 2016 (has links)
La sensibilisation du grand public à la pollution intérieure, les exigences croissantes des réglementations/recommandations le tout combiné à une nécessité de se démarquer de la concurrence, font de la limitation de la concentration des COV (COV : Composés Organiques Volatiles) dans l’air habitacle un enjeu crucial pour l’industrie automobile. En effet, à l’intérieur des véhicules, les COV sont principalement issus de l’air extérieur par combustion et évaporation du carburant mais, contrairement aux autres polluants, peuvent également avoir une origine intérieure à l’habitacle de par la désorption de substances chimiques utilisées lors de la fabrication des matériaux présents dans le véhicule. La capture des COV par adsorption sur charbons actifs ou zéolithes est à ce jour l’une des techniques d’abattement des COVs les plus efficaces et les moins coûteuses mais souffre de certaines limitations (sélectivité, régénération). L’objectif de cette thèse a consisté à étudier une alternative avec l’emploi d’une autre classe d’adsorbants ‘hybrides’ : les Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs). Formés de briques inorganiques connectées par des ligands organiques, ces matériaux poreux cristallisés présentent une grande diversité structurale ainsi qu’une composition chimique (métal, ligand) et une porosité (taille des pores, surface spécifique et volume poreux) extrêmement modulables. Cela vient de la possibilité quasi-infinie de faire varier à la fois le centre métallique et le ligand organique, ce que l’on ne retrouve pas à cette échelle chez les zéolithes et les charbons actifs. Le travail a consisté à évaluer les performances d’une série d’une dizaine de MOFs, possédant des propriétés chimiques (acidité, redox, hydrophiles/hydrophobes, …) et structurales (taille et forme des pores, réseaux rigides ou flexibles…) différenciées mais aussi de leur stabilité avérée (eau, température) et mise à l’échelle déjà établie. En plus des caractérisations usuelles (diffraction des rayons X, analyse thermogravimétrique, spectroscopie Infra-Rouge, porosimétrie N2 à 77K), la spectroscopie Infra-Rouge operando a été utilisée pour simuler le comportement de ces MOFs en présence de COV dans des conditions aussi proches que possible de la réalité. Les adsorbants les plus prometteurs ont ensuite été mis à l’échelle (50-100 g) et mis en forme (pastilles) puis testés en chambre de simulation environnementale. / The indoor air pollution awareness of general public and the increasing demands of regulations / recommendations, combined with a need to stand out from the competition, make limiting the concentration of VOCs (VOCs : volatile organic compounds ) in the air cockpit crucial for the automotive industry. For example, inside a vehicle, the VOCs are originated from the outside air by combustion and evaporation of fuel. However, unlike other pollutants, it may also have an inner origin from the desorption of existing chemical substances used in the manufacture of the vehicle. Thus, the capture of VOCs by adsorption is one of the challenging techniques today. In this context, activated carbon and zeolite based VOC abatement are effective and least expensive but suffers some limitations in stability, selectivity and regeneration. The aim of this thesis was to study an alternative class of 'hybrid' adsorbents i.e. Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs). These porous crystalline materials are built by the association of inorganic bricks connected by organic ligands. They have highly tunable structural diversity,chemical composition (metal:ligand) and porosity (pore size, surface area and pore volume). Moreover, they possess almost infinite ability to vary both the metal center and the organic ligand that is not found at this level in zeolites and activated carbons. The work was to evaluate the performance of a series of ten MOFs, having diverse architecture (size and shape of the pores, rigid or flexible networks ...), chemical properties (acidity, redox, hydrophilic / hydrophobic, ...) and stability (water temperature). In addition to the usual characterization (X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy, porosimetry N2 at 77K), Infra-Red spectroscopy operando was performed to simulate the behavior of these MOFs in the presence of VOCs in conditions as close as possible to the reality. Furthermore, the most promising adsorbents were scaled up (50-100 g) and formatted/fabricated as pellets and tested for environmental simulation chamber.

Vers une quantification des secteurs d’émission de CO2 de l’agglomération parisienne / Towards a quantification of the CO2 emission sectors of the Paris megacity

Ammoura, Lamia 08 December 2015 (has links)
En réponse aux changements climatiques avérés et à une qualité de l'air qui se dégrade, la quantification des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et des polluants atmosphériques des régions urbanisées suscite un intérêt croissant. La meilleure description des émissions anthropiques actuellement disponible est proposée par les inventaires d'émission. Mais leurs estimations, fournies par secteur, reposent sur la combinaison de données d'activité et de facteurs d'émission déterminés sur bancs d'essai et qui ne représentent pas forcément bien les conditions réelles d'émission. Paris, en tant que 3e mégapole européenne, se place dans ce contexte et nous avons choisi d'utiliser des méthodes reposant sur l'acquisition de mesures in situ en région parisienne pour caractériser le signal urbain et vérifier les estimations de l'inventaire régional haute résolution d'Airparif. Les méthodes mises en place dans ce travail de thèse reposent sur l'utilisation conjointe de différents traceurs atmosphériques (CO, NOx, COV). En effet, ils sont co-émis au CO2 lors des processus de combustions incomplètes dans des proportions supposées caractéristiques du secteur d'émission. Les rapports de concentration entre les différentes espèces co-émises sont donc un outil de choix pour cette étude. Nous avons alors développé différentes méthodes d'évaluation de ces rapports pour caractériser les émissions pour l'une des sources prédominantes de CO2 à Paris (le trafic routier) ou dans le panache parisien. Les variabilités spatiale et saisonnière des rapports ont notamment pu être étudiées et les conclusions obtenues n'étaient pas forcément référencées dans les estimations des inventaires ou d'études antérieures. Nous avons comparé nos résultats aux estimations fournies par l'inventaire le plus récent d'Airparif qui apparait généralement surestimer ces rapports. Enfin, nous avons combiné les résultats de l'approche multi-espèces à ceux fournis par l'analyse des isotopes du carbone dans le CO2 (souvent utilisés comme référence pour l'étude des émissions anthropiques). D'après leur analyse, les émissions de CO2 à Paris sont majoritairement d'origine fossile (81 %) et l'utilisation des combustibles fossiles est répartie quasi équitablement. Finalement, l'accord satisfaisant trouvé entre les deux démarches (multi-espèces et isotopique) a permis d'affirmer leur pertinence pour l'étude des signaux urbains moyens. / In response to changing air quality and climate, there is a growing interest in quantifying emissions ofatmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases from urban areas. Currently emission inventories provide the most detailed description of anthropogenic emissions. However, their estimates rely on the combination of activity proxies and emission factors for individual source sectors calibrated for benchmarck situations that may significantly differ from real conditions. Paris, the third largest megacity in Europe, can be considered in this context. We used methods based on in situ measurements in this region to characterise the urban signal and independently assess the latest estimates from the regional inventory. The methods we developed rely on the joint analysis of atmospheric tracers (CO, NOx, VOCs) which are co-emitted with CO2 during incomplete combustion processes in ratios that are characteristic of each emission sector. These ratios between co-emitted species are thus an appropriate tool to study the urban signal. During this PhD, we developed several methods to evaluate the ratios using measurements for a major CO2 emission source in Paris (road traffic) or for measurements acquired in the urban atmosphere. We revealed spatial and seasonal variabilities in these ratios and the main conclusions were not necessarily in complete accordance with the ones from inventories or previous studies. We also compared our results to the estimates provided by the latest regional inventory, which appears to overestimate them in most cases. Finally, we combined the results obtained with the multi-species analysis to the ones provided by isotopic analyses (which are often used as a reference to study anthropogenic emissions). According to the analyses of these measurements, CO2 emissions in Paris came mostly from combustion of fossil fuels (81 %) and the use of each fossil fuel is almost equally distributed. Finally, the satisfactory agreement found between the two approaches (multi-species and isotopic one) confirmed their relevancefor the analysis of mean urban signals.

Étude de la réponse immunitaire cellulaire lymphocytaire T spécifique au SRAS-CoV-2

Gharbi, Molka 12 1900 (has links)
La maladie à coronavirus (COVID-19) est une infection virale hautement contagieuse causée par le virus SRAS-CoV-2. La maladie s’est rapidement propagée entrainant une épidémie mondiale, causant la mort des personnes à risque. De nombreuses mesures sanitaires ont été prises durant ces deux dernières années, cependant la maladie n’est pas encore éradiquée. Considérant l’importance du système immunitaire dans le contrôle des maladies infectieuses et dans l’induction d’une mémoire immunitaire de longue durée, le SRAS-CoV-2 pourrait être une cible du système immunitaire, en particulier du système adaptatif représenté par les lymphocytes B et T. La réponse humorale induite chez les personnes convalescentes est largement perçue comme étant efficace pour combattre le virus. Par conséquent, toutes les plateformes de vaccination actuelles se sont basées sur la réponse humorale induite, particulièrement par la protéine SPIKE du virus. Compte tenu de la variabilité des réponses humorales ainsi que leur déclin rapide observé chez certains patients, et l’émergence de variants, il est nécessaire d’inclure d’autres stratégies permettant de renforcer la réponse immunitaire. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse qu’une réponse cellulaire pouvait être induite par les lymphocytes T contre les différentes protéines virales du SRAS-CoV-2. Dans cette étude nous avons détecté la réactivité des lymphocytes T contre les protéines virales (SPIKE, membrane, nucléocapside) par ELISPOT chez les patients convalescents. Nous avons ensuite identifié plus précisément les séquences riches en épitopes au niveau de la protéine membranaire et de la nucléocapside en préparant des délétants successifs (approche « mRNA PCR-based epitope chase technique” ou mPec). La validation de ces séquences a été confirmée par l’utilisation de banques de peptides dans des zones définies, se chevauchant de 12 acides aminés. En vue d’inclure ces régions dans une stratégie vaccinale future, une protéine de fusion MN contenant les séquences riches en épitopes a été créée et la réactivité des lymphocytes T contre la protéine MN a été évaluée de nouveau par ELISPOT. Nos données démontrent une réponse T dirigée principalement contre la nucléocapside et la protéine membranaire. Trois zones immunogènes sont identifiées au niveau de la nucléocapside et une zone au niveau de la membrane. La réactivité observée contre la protéine de fusion MN souligne le potentiel pouvoir immunogène des protéines (membrane et nucléocapside) et l’importance d’inclure ces protéines dans une stratégie vaccinale future afin de solliciter une réponse immunitaire cellulaire protectrice. / Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a highly contagious viral infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The disease has spread rapidly resulting in a worldwide epidemic, causing death in those at risk. Numerous health measures have been taken over the past two years, but the disease has not yet been eradicated. Considering the importance of the immune system in the control of infectious diseases and in the induction of a long-lasting immune memory, SARS-CoV-2 could be a target of the immune system, in particular of the adaptive system represented by B and T lymphocytes. The humoral response induced in convalescent individuals is widely used as an effective therapy to combat the virus. Therefore, all current vaccination platforms have relied on the humoral response induced particularly by the virus' SPIKE protein. Given the variability of humoral responses and their rapid decline in some patients, and the emergence of variants, it is necessary to include other strategies to enhance the immune response. We hypothesized that a cellular response could be induced by T cells against the different viral proteins of SARS-CoV-2. In this study, we detected the reactivity of T cells against viral proteins (SPIKE, membrane, nucleocapsid) by ELISPOT in convalescent patients. We then identified more precisely the immunogenic sequences at the level of the membrane protein and the nucleocapsid by successive deletants using the mRNA PCR-based epitope chase technique (mPec). The validation of these sequences was confirmed by the use of small peptide libraries (overlapping by 12 amino acids), covering defined sequences rich in epitopes. In order to include these regions in a future vaccine strategy, a MN fusion protein containing the selected sequences was created and T cell reactivity against the MN protein was further confirmed by ELISPOT. Our data show a T-cell response primarily against the nucleocapsid and membrane protein. Three immunogenic zones were identified at the nucleocapsid level and one zone at the membrane level. The reactivity observed against the MN fusion protein cassette rich in epitopes, highlights the potential immunogenicity of the proteins (membrane and nucleocapsid) and the importance of including these proteins in a future vaccine strategy.

Factors Associated with Non-Severe Adverse Reactions after Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2: A Cohort Study of 908,869 Outpatient Vaccinations in Germany

Loosen, Sven H., Bohlken, Jens, Weber, Kerstin, Konrad, Marcel, Luedde, Tom, Roderburg, Christoph, Kostev, Karel 09 June 2023 (has links)
Background: Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 significantly reduces the transmissibility of the virus and the likelihood of a severe course of COVID-19, and is thus a critical component in overcoming the current pandemic. The factors associated with adverse reactions after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 have not yet been sufficiently evaluated. Methods: We used the Disease Analyzer database (IQVIA) to identify 531,468 individuals who received a total of 908,869 SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations in 827 general practices in Germany between April and September 2021. Cox regression models were used to analyze the frequency of vaccination-related side effects reported within 14 days after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, as well as subjects’ demographic characteristics and comorbidities. Results: The total number of side effects documented was 28,287 (3.1% of all vaccinations). Pain in the limb (24.3%), fatigue (21.0%), dizziness (17.9%), joint pain (15.7%), fever (9.5%), nausea (7.5%), and myalgia (6.4%) were the most common side effects documented among the 12,575 vaccinations with definite side effects. In the multivariate regression analysis, young age was associated with much higher odds of reported side effects (OR18–30 years: 4.45, OR31–40 years: 3.50, OR41–50 years: 2.89). In addition, pre-existing comorbidities such as dementia (OR: 1.54), somatoform disorder (OR: 1.53), anxiety disorder (OR: 1.43), depression (OR: 1.37), chronic respiratory tract disease (OR: 1.27), hypertension (OR: 1.20), and obesity (1.14) significantly increased the odds of side effects. Finally, the male sex was associated with increased odds of reported side effects (OR: 1.17). Conclusion: Our study, based on a large outpatient database from Germany, identified young age, male sex, and pre-existing comorbidities such as dementia, somatoform disorders, anxiety disorders, and depression as factors associated with vaccine-related adverse events diagnosed in GP practices. These data could help to identify subgroups needing particular advice and care in the context of SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations.

COVID-19 symptomatology and compliance with community mitigation strategies in Latin America early during the COVID-19 pandemic

Herrera-Añazco, Percy, Urrunaga-Pastor, Diego, Benites-Zapata, Vicente A., Bendezu-Quispe, Guido, Toro-Huamanchumo, Carlos J., Hernandez, Adrian V. 01 February 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Community mitigation strategies (CMS) have demonstrated to be effective in the reduction of transmission and incidence of COVID-19, especially in the population with symptoms associated with the disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between the presence of COVID-19 symptoms and adherence to CMS in Latin American adults. Methods: We carried out a secondary analysis of a database developed by the University of Maryland and Facebook social network during the COVID-19 pandemic. We included Latin American adults that used the Facebook platform and participated in a survey conducted from April 23 to May 23, 2020. The principal outcome variable was reported compliance with the three main CMS (physical distancing, use of face masks, and hand washing). The exposure variable included symptoms suspicious for COVID-19 defined as the presence of three or more symptoms of an acute clinical case of COVID-19. We performed generalized linear models of the Poisson family with a logarithmic link function to evaluate the association between the presence of COVID-19 symptoms and reported compliance with CMS. We calculated crude and adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) with their 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Results: We analyzed 1,310,690 adults from Latin America; 48.1% were male and 42.9% were under 35 years of age. The prevalence of suspicious symptoms of COVID-19 was 18.5% and reported compliance with the three CMS was 45.3%. The countries with the highest proportion of reported compliance with the three CMS were Peru, Bolivia and Panama, while those with the lowest reported compliance were Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras. In the adjusted model, people with suspicious symptoms for COVID-19 had a 14% lower compliance with the three CMS (aPR = 0.86; 95%CI: 0.85–0.87; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Less than half of the participants complied with the CMS, and those presenting suspicious symptoms for COVID-19 had lower reported compliance with the three CMS. / University of Maryland / Revisión por pares

Impact of COVID-19 on the Intestinal Microbiome

Venegas-Borsellino, Carla, Sankararaman, Senthilkumar, Roche, Keelin, Burns, J. Bracken, Landis, Ryan M. 01 December 2021 (has links)
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review article aims to explore the GI changes induced by SARS-CoV-2 and how gut microbial homeostasis can influence these changes and affect the lung-gut axis and its relationship with the induction of the cytokine release syndrome in severe COVID-19 patients. RECENT FINDINGS: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) affects not only the respiratory system but can produce multi-systemic damage. The expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) receptors in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the high prevalence of GI symptoms in severely ill COVID-19 patients, and the abnormalities described in the gut microbiome in these patients have raised concerns about the influence of GI tract as a risk factor or as a potential modulator to reduce the severity of COVID-19. Understanding the mechanisms by which gut dysbiosis may influence viral transmission and disease progression in COVID-19 may help in shaping how accessible therapies, like diet modulation, can potentially help beat the devastating consequences of COVID-19.

Nursing Faculty and Students' Satisfaction With Telepresence Robots During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Abuatiq, Alham, Brown, Robin, Plemmons, Christina, Walstrom, Beth, Hultman, Cassy, Currier, Danielle, Schmit, Marie, Kvigne, Valborg, Horsley, Leann, Mennenga, Heidi 01 March 2022 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Telepresence robots provide real-time audio, video, and mobility features, allowing faculty and students to engage in learning experiences without being physically present. PROBLEM: With multiple students and faculty members needing to quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a flexible learning environment was essential. APPROACH: The telepresence robots were used as an innovative approach for both faculty and students to engage in learning experiences offered in a variety of settings. OUTCOME: Feedback was obtained from faculty and students about the use of and satisfaction with telepresence robots. The robots were easy to use and posed only a few technological challenges, which were easily overcome. CONCLUSIONS: Telepresence robots were effective tools in overcoming teaching and learning barriers caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The telepresence robots have many applications, including use in clinical and community settings.

COVID-19 and Wastewater-based Epidemiology: A flexible approach to monitoring SARS-CoV-2 and its variants in Trentino wastewater to support the Health Authorities

Cutrupi, Francesca 15 May 2023 (has links)
During the past three years, we assisted to the rise of a new pathogen that afflicted the world with a global pandemic. Working in an era of rapid change has posed important challenges and the focus of research has shifted more and more toward topics of greater social utility. However, this period has also brought a new role for wastewater highlighting how it can provide insight into the health of a community. This is the approach of Wastewater-based Epidemiology (WBE). The work presented here aimed to deepen this approach not only at the theoretical level but also contributing with an ongoing monitoring of about 30 months. The main objectives were (i) to collect information on the recently discovered SARS-CoV-2 virus, its biology, transmission mechanism, and role in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP); (ii) set up a surveillance system that would allow to monitor SARS-CoV-2 infections over time, obtaining early information on its spread among the population to support the Health Authority. Starting from a detailed study of the shedding mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 in the feces of infected patients, we moved on to the evaluation of the viral concentrations in the sewage system and the wastewater entering the WWTP. The possibility of a faecal-oral transmission route of the virus was investigated by evaluating the data about viability and infectivity in wastewater. The natural processes of decay of the virus in wastewater and the reduction of its concentration in the different treatment stages of WWTPs were explored in literature and with experimental data. At the same time, we developed a SARS-CoV-2 surveillance system in wastewater by applying different detection methods. Some practical and scientific aspects of the analysis protocol have been studied in depth such as the choice of the type of sample, the storage temperatures, and the pre-heat treatments aimed at making the analysis safer for the operator. The choice of the concentration method was evaluated to comply with the low concentration of the viral titer and therefore the crucial importance of this phase of the protocol. During the monitoring campaign, we further investigated aspects related to data processing and developed normalization approaches. Samples from WWTPs in the province of Trento were analysed weekly and sampling frequencies and curve smoothing methods deriving from those data were evaluated. The trend curves thus obtained were compared with those deriving from clinical data provided by the local Health Authority and signals of early warnings of virus diffusion trends in the population were highlighted. With the alternation of the different variants of the virus and the evidence of their importance in the development of new waves of infection, a PCR based genotyping method has been devised to rapidly identify the already known variants. In conclusion, this research project addressed a broad spectrum of aspects related to the WBE approach in contrasting the COVID-19 emergency and confirmed that wastewater could be a valuable source of information and management support for this and other emerging pathogens or micropollutants.


Emily A David (17583603) 10 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The recent global pandemic, COVID-19, has revealed to all the importance of understanding the complex relationship between viruses and hosts. Before COVID-19, I started my study of viral protein-host lipid interactions in the hemorrhagic fevers Ebola and Marburg viruses. These viruses contain a matrix protein that interacts with the plasma membrane to facilitate the formation of both authentic viruses and virus-like particles. My goal was to understand the limitations of their specific host lipid interactions. However, when the COVID-19 pandemic began, so to be our swift response in the development of a biosafety level 2 compatible model. This model can be used for studying severe acute respiratory distress syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) assembly, egress, and entry. This model enabled exponentially greater access to more facilities to study the intricacies of SARS-CoV-2 assembly. With more access to studying the virus in a safe model, our goal is to push the understanding of viral assembly faster. I then began to take apart the individual pieces of the model and started to look at understanding the roles that they play independently. The membrane protein is the most abundant structural protein and I studied the specific lipid interactions of the soluble fraction of the protein. Physicians observed nucleocapsid protein mutations in the clinic with the increasing number of SARS-CoV-2 variants that are on the rise. The microscopy data collected can give us more insight into perhaps how the nucleocapsid protein induces the formation of filopodia structures at the plasma membrane. The envelope protein proved to be a challenge, but I determined a specific envelope and ceramide interaction in cells. The envelope protein was also causing the formation of microvesicles for an undefined function. I was able to determine the subcellular localization of the protein to the mitochondria. The localization to the mitochondria appears to induce depolarization of the mitochondria membrane action potential and induces the increase in mitochondria dysfunction signal, cytochrome c. Although the mitochondria were dysfunctional, there was no increase in apoptosis signal in the presence of the protein alone.</p>

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