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CRM utilitní společnostiBotková, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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E-CRM e a influência da digital analytics. / E-CRM and the digital analytics influence.Lidia Gimenez Simão Macul Monteiro 30 June 2015 (has links)
O mercado consumidor passou por diversas transformações ao longo do tempo devido principalmente à evolução tecnológica. A evolução tecnológica proporcionou ao consumidor a possibilidade de escolher por produtos e marcas, e permite a oportunidade de colaborar e influenciar a opinião de outros consumidores através do compartilhamento de experiências, principalmente através da utilização de plataformas digitais. O CRM (gerenciamento do relacionamento com o consumidor) é a forma utilizada pelas empresas para conhecerem o consumidor e criar um relacionamento satisfatório entre empresa e consumidor. Esse relacionamento tem o intuito de satisfazer e fidelizar o consumidor, evitando que ele deixe de consumir a marca e evitando que ele influencie negativamente outros consumidores. O e-CRM é o gerenciamento eletrônico do relacionamento com o consumidor, que possui todas as tradicionais características do CRM, porém com o incremento do ambiente digital. O ambiente digital diminuiu a distância entre pessoas e empresas e se tornou um meio colaborativo de baixo custo de interação com o consumidor. Por outro lado, este é um meio onde o consumidor deixa de ser passivo e se torna ativo, o que o torna capaz de influenciar não só um pequeno grupo de amigos, mas toda uma rede de consumidores. A digital analytics é a medição, coleta, análise e elaboração de relatórios de dados digitais para os propósitos de entendimento e otimização da performance em negócios. A utilização de dados digitais auxilia no desenvolvimento do e-CRM através da compreensão do comportamento do consumidor em um ambiente onde o consumidor é ativo. O ambiente digital permite um conhecimento mais detalhado dos consumidores, baseado não somente nos hábitos de compra, mas também nos interesses e interações. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal compreender como as empresas aplicam os conceitos do e-CRM em suas estratégias de negócios, compreendendo de que forma a digital analytics contribui para o desenvolvimento do e-CRM, e compreendendo como os fatores críticos de sucesso (humano, tecnológico e estratégico) impactam na implantação e desenvolvimento do e-CRM. Quatro empresas de diferentes segmentos foram estudadas através da aplicação de estudo de caso. As empresas buscam cada vez mais explorar as estratégias de e-CRM no ambiente digital, porém existem limitações identificadas devido à captação, armazenamento e análise de informações multicanais, principalmente considerando os canais digitais. Outros fatores como o apoio da alta direção e a compreensão de funcionários para lidar com estratégias focadas no consumidor único também foram identificados neste estudo. O estudo foi capaz de identificar as informações mais relevantes para a geração de estratégias de gerenciamento eletrônico do relacionamento com o consumidor e identificou os aspectos mais relevantes dos fatores críticos de sucesso. / The consumer market has undergone several transformations over time mainly due to technological developments. Technological progress has given the consumer a choice of products and brands, allowing the opportunity to collaborate and influence the opinion of other consumers through the sharing of experiences, specially by the use of digital platforms. The CRM (customer relationship management) is the form used by companies to know the consumer and establish a satisfactory relationship between both. This relationship aims to satisfy and retain consumers, preventing it ceases to consume the brand and preventing it negatively influence on others. The e-CRM is the electronic management of the relationship with the consumer, which has all the traditional CRM features, which increase the digital environment. The digital environment reduced the distance between consumer and companies becoming a collaborative low-cost way of interaction with the consumer. On the other hand, this is a medium where the consumer is no longer passive and becomes active, which makes it able to influence not only a small group of friends, but a whole network of consumers. The digital analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and preparation of digital data reports for the purposes of understanding and optimizing business performance. The use of digital data helps in the development of e-CRM through understanding consumer behavior in an environment where the consumer is active. The digital environment allows a more detailed knowledge of consumers, based not only on buying habits, but also on the interests and interactions. This study aims to understand how companies apply the concepts of e-CRM in their business strategies, including how the digital analytics contributes to the development of e-CRM, and understanding how the critical success factors (human, technological and strategic) impact in the implementation and development of e-CRM. Four companies from different segments were studied through study case application. Nowadays, Companies are increasingly looking to explore the e-CRM strategies in the digital environment, but there are limitations identified due to capture, storage and analysis of multi-channel information, especially considering digital channels. Other factors were also identified in this study, such as the support of senior management and the understanding of employees to deal with strategies focused on single consumer. The study was able to identify the most relevant information for the generation of electronic management strategies relationship with the consumer and identified the most relevant aspects of the critical success factors.
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CRM-systems påverkan på företag och dess kundrelationer / CRM-systems affect on companies and their customer relationsJohansson, Emelie, Pettersson, Mats, Zielinski, Christer January 2008 (has links)
Denna undersökning handlar om hur användandet av CRM-system (Customer Relationship Management) påverkar företag och dess kundrelationer. Forskningen om detta visar att CRM-system kan ge stora fördelar för både kunderna, företaget och relationerna där emellan. Men det finns många delar som påverkar hur mycket ett CRM-system förändrar relationerna mellan företag och deras kunder. Resultatet från denna undersökning kan vara av intresse för företag som går i tankarna att skaffa ett CRM-system eller förnya det som dem redan har. Vilket leder fram till vår problemfråga: Hur påverkar CRM-system företag och dess kundrelationer? Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera hur ett CRM-system påverkar företag och dess kundrelationer. Undersökningen baseras på en teoriram som ger en inblick i vad relationer är och vilken betydelse kundrelationer har för företag, även behandlas CRM-system och dess effekter på företag. Den insamlade teorin utmynnar i en undersökningsmodell som utgår ifrån ett CRM-system och visar hur det enligt teoriramen kan påverka ett företag och dess kundrelationer. Denna modell används som grund för insamlandet av vårt empiriska underlag. Studien inleddes med litteraturstudier som sedan resulterade i en undersökningsmodell. Det utfördes sex intervjuer på fyra företag som använder sig av CRM-system. Därefter utfördes med hjälp av undersökningsmodellen en analysering av intervjusvaren och en sammanställning av resultat och slutsatser. I uppsatsen konstateras det att de undersökta företagen inte använder CRM-systemens fulla potential. Utan att en centraliserad databas är en av de viktigaste komponenterna i CRM-system i företags arbete mot bättre kundrelationer. Undersökning utmynnar i en lista över de faktorer vi anser vara av vikt för ett företag som vill veta hur ett CRM-system kan påverka företag och dess kundrelationer. Om ett företag använder sitt CRM-system på rätt sätt kan de både få bättre kundservice, individualiserade tjänster, förbättrad informationshantering och ökad kundlojalitet vilka samtliga bidrar till bättre kundrelationer och ger företag konkurrensfördelar / This research is about how the usage of a CRM-system (Customer Relationship Management) affects companies and its customer relations. Other researches show that CRM-systems can give big advantages for both the customers, companies and the relations in-between. But there are many issues that affect how much a CRM-system change the relations between companies and its customers. The result from this research could be of interest for a company which is thinking about implementing a CRM-system or improve one they already use. Which leads us to our research question: How does CRM-system affect companies and their customer relations? The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze how a CRM-system affects companies and their customer relations. The research is based on a theory framework that gives an insight into what relations are and of what significance customer relations have for a company, also CRM-systems is discussed and their effects on companies. The collected theory concludes with a research model that begins with a CRM-system and shows how it according to the theory framework could affect a company and its customer relations. This model is used as the foundation in the collection of the empirical information. The study began with a literature study that resulted in a research model. We performed six interviews at four companies that use CRM-systems. Then with help from the research model we analyzed the answers from the interview and created the result and conclusions. In the thesis it’s established that the examined companies don’t use the CRM-systems full potential. A centralized database is one of the most important CRM-system components in a company’s strive for better customer relations. The research concludes with a list of the factors we consider being of weight for a company that wants to know how a CRM-system could affect companies and their customer relations. If a company use its CRM-system in the right way they can get both better customer service, individualized services, improved information management and increased customer loyalty which all contributes to better customer relations and gives companies competitive advantages.
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Användning av CRM-system : En kvalitativ studie om CRM-användning för att stödja företags kundrelationerPesic, Stefanie, Pham, Emmy January 2015 (has links)
Företag befinner sig i en konkurrenskraftig värld och för att lyckas överleva måste de ta hand om sina befintliga kunder såväl som attrahera nya. Med hjälp av dagens teknologi, har företag möjlighet att lagra information om sina kunder och kan därför få en ökad förståelse för kunders beteende och önskemål. CRM-system (Customer Relationship Management-system) är ett hjälpmedel i detta arbete och har därför blivit en prioriterad investering för företag då kunder betraktas som dess viktigaste tillgång. CRM-system är en kostsam investering, samtidigt som chansen för att misslyckas vid implementering är stor. Därför är det av stor vikt för företag att efter implementeringen kunna hantera, använda och ha förståelse för CRMsystemets olika funktioner för att lyckas stärka kundrelationer och erhålla tänkta fördelar som systemet syftar till. Studien tillämpar kvalitativa undersökningstekniker där ett fallföretag har undersökts genom intervjuer. Syftet med studien är att undersöka användningen av ett CRM-system för att komma fram till hur denna stödjer organisationen och dess kundrelationer. Utifrån litteraturstudien identifieras funktioner och användningsområden i ett CRM-system, vilket skapar underlag för den empiriska undersökningen. Studiens slutsats innehåller rekommendationer kring användning av CRM-system för att stödja kundrelationer. Rekommendationerna riktas till företag som använder CRM-system eller befinner sig i processen om att införa ett sådant. / Companies are in a competitive world and to manage to survive, they must take care of their existing customers as well as attract new ones. With the help of today's technology, companies have the ability to store information about their customers and can therefore have a greater understanding of customer behavior and preferences. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is an aid in this work and has therefore become a priority investment for companies as customers regarded as their most important asset. CRM-systems are a costly investment, while the chance of failure in the implementation is large. Therefore it is of great importance for companies to handle, use, and have an understanding of the CRM-system's various functions to manage to strengthen customer relationships and obtain prospective benefits that the system is aimed at. The study applies qualitative survey techniques where a company has been investigated through interviews. The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of a CRM-system to find out how this supports the organization and its customer relationships. Based on the literature review we identified features of a CRM system, which creates a basis for the empirical study. The study's conclusion contains recommendations about the use of CRMsystems to support customer relationships. The recommendations are addressed to companies using CRM-systems or to companies that are in the process of introducing such a system.
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Podpora firemních procesů s využitím IT / Support of firm processes with usage of ITBeránek, Marek January 2007 (has links)
Master's Thesis deals with firm's IT support used in the engineer's office. Implementation of CRM system enables to monitor and lead customer relationship in more effective way. This support leads to optimization of firm's processes.
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A tailored web-based system for managing and attracting customersGustavsson, Carl Anton, Indebetou, Elis, Von Knorring, Filip, Larsson, Erik, Persson, Nils, Shakarna, Ramez January 2023 (has links)
Denna rapport redogör utvecklingen av ett kundhanteringssystem (CRM) och en webbsida för Minafribrev, ett finansbolag, i syfte att förbättra kundinteraktioner och relationshantering. Målet var att utveckla ett system som kunde användas för att effektivt hantera kundaktiviteter och att lagra relevant data som kontaktinformation, information om möten, och att hantera kundrelaterade uppgifter. CRM-systemet anpassades för att hantera dessa uppgifter, medan webbplatsen fungerar som en plattform för kunder att registrera sig för företagets tjänster och få tillgång till information. För att lösa problemet utvecklades CRM-systemet och webbplatsen med användning av moderna webbteknologier och verktyg, såsom Express, React, och Next.js. Dessa verktyg möjliggjorde en effektiv och säker implementering av systemet, samtidigt som de uppfyllde funktionella och säkerhetskrav som fastställdes av intressenterna. För att fastställa att CRM systemet och Webbsidan uppfyllde de krav intressenterna hade användes två olika testverktyg, Lighthouse för webblatsen och Cypress för CRM systemet. Resultaten visade att CRM-systemet och webbplatsen effektivt uppfyllde de specificerade kraven och att systemet hanterade kunddata på ett säkert sätt. Webbsidan uppnådde även väldigt bra resultat i utvärderingen, vilket indikerade på en god prestanda, tillgänglighet och sökmotoroptimering. Dessa resultat visade att CRM-systemet och webbplatsen var användbara och effektiva lösningar för Minafribrev. Genom att använda dessa verktyg kan företaget förbättra sin kundhantering och erbjuda en bättre upplevelse för sina kunder. / In an effort to improve customer interactions and relationship management, a CRM system and website were developed for Minafribrev, a finance company. The CRM system was tailored to manage customer activities and store relevant information and notes, while the website serves as a platform for customers to sign up for services and access information. This project aimed to address the specific needs of the company and provide solutions for efficient customer management through the usage of these two tools.
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Customer Relationship Management: from Conversion to Churn to WinbackLi, Ke January 2013 (has links)
With the grant of a big CRM dataset from a large media company, this dissertation examines four different categories of factors that could impact three stages of customer relationship management, namely customer acquisition, retention, and winback of lost customers. Specifically, with the aid of machine learning method of random forests and text mining technique, this study identify among the factors of customer heterogeneity (e.g. in usage of self-care service channels, duration of service, responsiveness to marketing actions), firm's marketing initiatives (e.g. the volume of the marketing communications, the depth of the promotion, the different communication channels they use, and the marketing penetration in different geographical areas), customer self-reported deactivation reasons, as well as the call centers notes in text form, which factors play bigger roles than others during each of the three stages of CRM. Furthermore, the authors also examine how these factors evolve throughout these three stages of CRM in terms of their effects on shaping customers' decision making of whether to convert to paid customer, to churn, or to reactivate their service with the company. The findings help managers better allocate their resources in the processes of acquiring, retaining and winning back customers. / Business Administration/Marketing
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Das Antwortverhalten von Unternehmen im MailvekehrHasewinkel, Uwe 01 1900 (has links)
Das Internet versetzt Unternehmen in die Lage auf Kundenanfragen und-beschwerden schnell und individuell zu reagieren. Es schafft die technische Vorraussetzung für eine wechselseitige Kommunikation zwischen dem Unternehmen und dem (potentiellen) Kunden. Der direkte Dialog über das Internet bietet dem Kunden die Möglichkeit, jederzeit mit Beschwerden, Anfragen oder Reklamationen an das Unternehmen heranzutreten. Voraussetzung für eine gelungene Kunden-Kommunikation via Internet ist jedoch ein gut funktionierendes E-Mail-Management der Unternehmen.
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How does Organizational Culture Impact Intention to use Customer Relationship Management Amongst Employees?Vikström, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to elaborate on if organisational culture has an impact on the intention to use a CRM system. Methodology: The data was collected by use of an online questionnaire, the questions used were created based on the literature review andmeasured according to a 5 point Likert-scale Conclusion: Organisational culture has no meaningful impact on intention touse CRM. This since each of the culture types produced results which were outside acceptable perimeters. Out of the three aspects of the technology acceptance model,attitude has the biggest impact on intention to use CRM. PEOU and PU were not within acceptable perimeters. Neither PU nor PEOU had a statistical significant impact on attitude, leaving attitude as a sole positive contributor to intentionto use CRM. K
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How do B2B companies approach CRM and the management of customer data in today’s era of social media and GDPR? : A Multiple Case StudyDegerman, Isabel, Eckerbom, Johanna, Gu, Hong January 2019 (has links)
This multiple case study focuses on the customer relationship management (CRM) processes and the management of customer data within two international business-to-business (B2B) companies based in the southern parts of Sweden. This study explores and compares these companies’ approaches to CRM in today’s era of social media and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A qualitative research method in the form of 12 semi-structured interviews were conducted and later analyzed through coding using grounded theory. The findings of this study show that the companies studied work in both different and similar ways when it comes to CRM, with one having recently implemented a new CRM system while the other relies on their enterprise resource (ERP) system for the same purposes. Neither company are proactively using social media and although both companies have taken action to adapt to the new rules set by the GDPR, neither seem to know exactly how it works. Through its theoretical-, managerial-, as well as social policy implications, this study contributes to the existing research on CRM in a B2B context by providing a contemporary perspective which takes into account the influence of social media and the GDPR.
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