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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Information Technology Application on Customer Relationship Management for Steel Industry, an example of Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd.

Huang, Nelson 18 April 2001 (has links)
The procedures of the study are mainly through the review on the relevant reference documents related to the subject of those have been published domestically and internationally, meanwhile to get a better understanding on the most recent development on Information Technology and its associated models which are being applied to the customer relationship management by the organizations and/or business units in the world. Then, through the investigation and review on steel industries to understand the real situations domestically and internationally, specifically to focus on the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. As an example, for which to plan the implementation of Extranet System for the improvement of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by using Information Technology, what problems it will be faced and how is the best strategyfor this implementation. Then after the completion of the study, to make a constructive recommendation to the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd as an useful reference when the Extranet system to be planned and implementedfor. In Chapter-1 ¡©Introduction¡ª¡Ato descibe the backgroud, purposes, procedures and the limitation related to the study¡Fin Chapter-2, the major is concentrate on the review and understand on the relevant documents of the subject related¡Fin Chapter-3, specifically to focus on the existing situations of the steel industries and the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. how it is the current situation to the subject issue¡Fin Chapter-4, to have further investigation on recent situations for the use of Information Technology in Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. to make a recommendation for their reference whn they plan for the implementation of Extranet System for the improvement of Customer Relationship Management¡Fand finally, in Chapter-5, to describe the findings and issues for whicht to be expected to have further study in the future to come up a generalized model for which can be applied to all companies not only for steel industies but also to all conventional enpterprises as an important and valuable reference guideline.


陳麗慧 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,電信業已由寡占走向了完全競爭市場,伴隨著消費者意識的抬頭,有限的市場大餅,更侷限了用戶數的大躍進,因此各家電信營運商無不卯足全力,專注在提供吸引消費者的產品、資費方案、以及ARPU(Average-Revenue-Per-User)的提昇…等議題上。企業要如何面對競爭慘烈的市場?如何保持內部流程的彈性去因應變化?基於上述事項,如何運用資訊科技來達到企業的目標就更加重要了,而EAI 的功能,提供了企業對應用系統的整合,維持流程的彈性應用,更進而協助企業降低整合風險、節省資訊軟體的開發與維護成本、強化供應商的合作關係,進而產生對企業的效益。 本研究使用個案研討的方式,選定幾項關鍵流程進行深度分析,針對電信業在營運系統上整合的議題作探討,並說明企業整合應用軟體導入所帶來的效益。對於電信產業而言,客戶關係管理系統、帳務系統、開通系統、加值服務應用平台系統…等是整合的開端,亦是重點之所在。經由EAI軟體的導入,提供營運應用系統之間資訊的同步,也相對的提供決策人員反應快速的資訊。 電信業者在系統建置中,如何有效運用企業整合軟體之特性來整合各異質性平台應用系統,以達到資訊的整合,並藉由資訊的及時傳遞提供各不同應用系統使用者一致的資訊,進而提高資訊的可用度及客服人員及門市人員對客戶的服務,增加企業的競爭力。 / Telco has already been moving toward perfect competitive market since last decade. Meanwhile, along with the ideology of consumers that dominates the trend and momentum of open market. It also blocked the growth rate of subscribers in domestic market. Under such circumstance, all Operators are fully concentrating on value-added product, tariff, rate plan…and so on, to attract consumers so that Operators are able to increase the ARPU (Average-Revenue-per-User). How to face the severe competitive market? How to maintain the flexibility of internal process to adopt the drastic changing market? Based upon above mentioned issues, it is very important to use information technology to approach this target. Nevertheless, the functionality of EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) offers an all-in-one solution and integration to application system. Still, it also maintains the flexibility of process flow. Further more, it reduces the risk of enterprise integration and saves cost in terms of implementation and maintenance. On the other hands, EAI is not only to enhance the relationship of suppliers but also generate the synergy of enterprise. The purpose of this theme is to deeply analyze the critical process inside company. Besides, it also points out that how to use EAI in Telco field for the purpose of gaining benefit to Operator. Telco’s IT system includes CRM (Customer relationship management), Billing system, Provision, and the platform of value-added service and application. After installing EAI, it is able to offer the synchronization among all application system and capable to expedite the response time of decision makers. In addition, it is very important to use EAI to integrate the different application platform. After that, EAI is able to consolidation all necessary information and deliver all users with same information just in time. Customer Service Division and Chain Store could transfer this power to secure better services to consumers then enlarge the competition of enterprise.

Αξιολόγηση της απόδοσης των ηλεκτρονικών τραπεζικών συστημάτων

Χαλικιά, Ναυσικά 12 June 2015 (has links)
Η είσοδος των ηλεκτρονικών λύσεων, εφαρμογών και διευκολύνσεων στις τραπεζικές συναλλαγές δεν είναι κάποια νέα υπόθεση. Το διαφορετικό, σήμερα, βρίσκεται στις τεράστιες δυνατότητες, που προσφέρει η τεχνολογία για την άμεση και συνεχόμενη διασύνδεση της τρα-πεζικής πελατείας με όλα τα προϊόντα και υπηρεσίες του τραπεζικού συστήματος. Οι νέες αυτές δυνατότητες περιγράφονται με τον όρο ηλεκτρονική τραπεζική. Αυτόματες ταμειακές μηχανές σε όλα τα τραπεζικά καταστήματα, ηλεκτρονικές αγορές μέσω καρτών και τηλεφωνικές συναλλαγές προσφέρουν υπηρεσίες που εφαρμόζονται ήδη με μεγάλη επιτυχία. Επίσης και η τραπεζική μέσω του Διαδικτύου αναπτύσσεται με αξιοσημείωτους βαθμούς. Η σχέση των πελατών με την τράπεζά τους ενδύεται πλέον τις ανάγκες της εποχής και προσαρμόζονται στους ρυθμούς με τους οποίους εργάζεται η σύγχρονη, παγκοσμοποιούμενη και συνεχώς ανταγωνιστικότερη οικονομία. Συνεχής λειτουργία επί 24 ώρες και για τις 7 ημέρες της εβδομάδες, με παράλληλη εντυπωσιακή μείωση του χρόνου εκτέλεσης των εντολών και περιορισμού του κόστους. Το ηλεκτρονικό δίκτυο, όπως απεικονίζεται στη φιλική μορφή του Διαδίκτυο (internet) προσφέρει πολλαπλές δυνατότητες εμπορικής ανάπτυξης των ηλεκτρονικών συναλλαγών. Με το ηλεκτρονικό χρήμα να αποτελεί, εδώ και πολύ καιρό, μια καθημερινή συνήθεια ο δρόμος για ριζοσπαστικές αλλαγές έχει ανοίξει. / The entrance of electronic solutions, applications and facilities in banking is not a new case. The different today is the enormous possibilities offered by technology for direct and con-tinuous connection of bank customers with all products and services of the banking system. These new features are described by the term electronic banking. Cash machines in all bank branches, electronic shopping cards and telephone transactions offer services that are be-ing applied with great success. Also the bank via the Internet is growing at a remarkable degree. The customer relationship with their bank now wears the needs of the times and adapt to the rhythms with which modern works, globalized and increasingly competitive economy. Contin-uous operation for 24 hours and 7 days of the week, while striking reduction in the time of exe-cution and cost containment. The electronic network, as illustrated in the friendly form of Internet offers multiple pos-sibilities for commercial development of electronic transactions. With electronic money to be here a long time, a daily habit the way for radical changes has opened.

企業產品導向轉型客戶導向經營模式研究-以個案銀行「整合式客戶經營專案」為例 / A study on business model transformation from product oriented to customer oriented –A case study of integrated customer management project

胡晉閥, Hu, Jin Fa Unknown Date (has links)
企業面對高度競爭的市場環境,必須透過企業轉型尋求成長的機會。相關文獻指出,高度競爭的市場往往會出現供過於求的現象,產品導向的商業模式難以脫穎而出。客戶導向的經營模式,以客戶需求為中心,從服務出發,容易獲得客戶的青睞。  國內銀行業面臨銀行過盛的高度競爭環境,惟仍缺乏銀行業採行客戶導向商業模式的實證分析。本研究提出「整合式服務利潤鏈(integrate service-profit chain)」,並以個案銀行「整合式客戶經營專案」進行實證研究。採用「實驗性研究方法-控制群設計」,以「整合式客戶經營專案」為實驗組、「事業單位經營模式」為對照組,進行經營成效的量化分析,並針對企業轉型的理論與實務進行質化分析。  本研究發現:(1)客戶導向經營模式可創造客戶價值、提高競爭優勢,可做為企業轉型策略參考。 (2)客戶導向經營模式仍需考慮客群差異,並非所有的客群皆可適用相同的經營模式。 (3)企業轉型充滿挑戰,考驗管理智慧、決策品質,必須在創新與風險間取得平衡。  本研究取得初步的成果,證實企業轉型客戶導向經營模式確實可創造效益,轉型的過程與內容仍值得深入的探討。

Modelos para el análisis de atributos contemplados por los clientes en una estrategia de Marketing Relacional

Luis Bassa, Carolina 15 December 2011 (has links)
El manejo de las relaciones con los clientes es uno de los aspectos más importantes de la gestión empresarial. En un entorno en el que las organizaciones pugnan por retener y fidelizar a los clientes, resultado del cambio permanente, se plantea el hecho de entender claramente qué están esperando los clientes por parte de las empresas cuando adquieren un producto o servicio. Este entendimiento abarca desde el contacto inicial, resultado de una compra o intención de compra, hasta momentos de mayor complejidad en la relaciones cliente-empresa, como pueden ser el manejo de quejas y el servicio post-venta. Cobra importancia entonces revisar el concepto de “necesidades o expectativas de los clientes” hacia las empresas. En este sentido resulta básica la identificación de los denominados “atributos contemplados por los clientes” al establecer algún tipo de relación contractual. Se busca comprender este concepto desde las dos partes que nos ocupan: 1) Desde la perspectiva de la empresa: Esto es, qué entiende la empresa de lo que el cliente realmente necesita 2) Desde la óptica del cliente: Cómo espera el cliente que la empresa responda ante a sus necesidades o expectativas. En este trabajo de investigación se presenta un planteamiento para analizar los atributos valorados por los clientes a la hora de recibir un servicio. Para concretar este planteamiento, se muestra en primer lugar el resultado de la investigación llevada a cabo en las principales bases de datos académicas para conocer el estado de la cuestión. Se presentan los trabajos más relevantes, relacionados con el tema que nos ocupa, que han sido realizados por investigadores y académicos sobre la teoría del Marketing Relacional hasta la fecha. Esto permite entender cómo ha sido la evolución de esta especialidad del Marketing hacia un modelo de gestión de las relaciones con los clientes. Con esta base teórica, se procede al desarrollo de nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento teórico de la relación entre las estrategias de marketing relacional y las expectativas de satisfacción de los clientes. Como elemento innovador, se incorpora a en este trabajo la Lógica Borrosa a través de varios modelos para el tratamiento de la incertidumbre combinados con modelos clásicos y maduros en la gestión de servicio a los clientes. La implementación de estos modelos combinados, radica en identificar un conjunto de herramientas que puedan ser utilizadas por las empresas de cualquier sector para identificar aquellos atributos que los clientes contemplan a la hora de recibir un producto o servicio y que pueden haber sido omitidos por las empresas. Finalmente, este trabajo plantea la aplicabilidad de los modelos propuestos a diversas industrias, seleccionando como industria piloto la Industria Financiera, en particular instituciones bancarias, por presentar una serie de servicios utilizados por un gran número de personas de diferentes características y por ser muy sensibles a ser continuamente evaluadas por sus usuarios. / MODELS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF ATTRIBUTES PROVIDED BY CUSTOMERS IN A RELATIONSHIP MARKETING STRATEGY Thesis submitted by Carolina Luis Bassa to obtain the degree of PHD in Business Director: Dr. Ana Maria Gil Lafuente ABSTRACT Customer Relationship is one of the most important aspects in business management. In an environment where organizations are struggling to retain and build customer loyalty, it is very important to understand what customers are waiting for when they purchase a product or service. This understanding extends from initial contact until after the purchase, such as the complaint handling and after-sales service. It is important to review the concept of "customer expectations". It is essential the identification of so-called "attributes provided by the clients" to establish some kind of contractual relationship from the two parties: 1) from the company’ perspective: This is what the company understands about what the customer really needs? 2) From the customer’ perspective: What does the client expect from the company, to respond to their needs or expectations? In this research we present an approach to analyze the attributes valued by customers when receiving a service. We show the result of the research conducted at the major academic databases in order to check the status of the matter. We present the most relevant papers related to the topic, which have been made by researchers and academics on the theory of Relationship Marketing to date. This allowed us to understand what has been the evolution of this specialty of Marketing, looking for a model for managing customer relationships. With this theoretical base, we proceed to the development of new contributions to theoretical knowledge of the relationship between relationship marketing strategies and expectations of customer satisfaction. As an innovation, we used in this work the Fuzzy Logic through several models for the treatment of uncertainty, combined with classical models in the management of customer service. These models combined, are a set of tools that can be used by companies in any industry to identify those attributes that customers referred to, in receiving a product or service that may have been missed by companies with the current tools. Finally, this paper discusses the applicability of the proposed models to several industries. We selected a bank, because it presents a number of services used by a large number of people for a long time.

Budování vztahu se zákazníky v rámci Supply Chain Managementu / Building relationship with customers in Supply Chain Management

Kaluzhna, Yevgeniya January 2011 (has links)
Application of supply chain management is still relatively recent practice, but it's importance is growing over time. Today, in the era of customer centricity, in order to become competitive firms shouldn't avoid collaboration with it's supply chain partners. Purpose of my thesis was to find out how supply chain management can contribute to building relationship with customers, who are the basis of any existing company. First part summarizes knowledge about supply chain, compeptitive strategies, customers, types of supply chains and customer relationship management. Particular part is dedicated to customer service and how supply chain management can contribute to it's improving. It describes also what meaning has customer service for future competitiveness. In second part, I presented the case of Zappos.com. E-retailer, which aligning entire functional strategies and whole supply chain to common strategic purpose managed to build excellent relationship with it's customers.

Návrh na zlepšení systému odměňování ve firmě / The Project of Improvement Combinantion Compensation in the Firm

Matuška, Ladislav January 2009 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with the analysis problem of improvement combination compensation in the Firm. On the basis of findings, improvement compensation position, which should had help establish firm. The general form is of remuneration and their link to the legislative conditions. Proposal to improve the remuneration system for improvement is focused on improving performance and working staff. Great emphasis is placed on simplicity of solutions to practical applications for daily practice.

Analýza informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Company’s Information System Analysis and Modifications Concept

Chasák, Petr January 2010 (has links)
Nowadays the information system of dynamically developing companies has an increasingly important role. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate current information system used in Brněnské komunikace a.s., analyze its drawbacks and weak spots and then propose steps leading to its improvement and thus to increase the company´s performance.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Company’s Information System Analysis and Modifications Concept

Chloupek, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
Nowadays the information system of dynamically developing companies has an increasingly important role. IS MFG PRO of Fei Company will not be easy to criticize. Thesis will try to direct on coincident state. Thesis will try to find out it´s positives and negatives and according to this informations it will contained changes suggestions whitch can be profitable in state of effectivity to company.

Computer Mediated Communication: Perceptions of Academic Advisors Regarding Text Messaging in Higher Education

Looney, Kathryn 02 March 2022 (has links)
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