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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Analytisk CRM för beslutsstöd : Faktorers påverkan på förmågan för beslutsfattande, samt dess genererade sociotekniska förändringar / Analytical CRM for decision support : Factors' impact on decision-making capability, and its generatedsociotechnical changes

Salloum, Alexander, Yousef, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Dagens samhälle genomgår förändringar av betydande karaktär som i stor utsträckningdrivs av digitalisering. En av de mest påtagliga förändringarna som påverkar företagenär förändringarna i konsumentbeteendet. Dessa dramatiska förändringar utgör enbetydande utmaning för företag då traditionella metoder för kundhantering inte längre ärtillräckliga.Betydelsen av Customer Relationship Management (CRM), utifrån ett analytiskttillvägagångssätt, blir då avgörande för att bättre hantera kundrelationer i dagens högtkonkurrerande arbetsmiljö. Analytisk CRM är ett IT-beroende arbetssystem däranvändaren av data och analys utför processer och aktiviteter som gör att erbjudnaprodukter och tjänster i högre grad möter kundernas behov. Studiens övergripande målär att genom insikter förstå hur beslutsfattare upplever olika faktorers påverkan påderas förmåga att använda analytisk CRM för att stödja deras beslutsfattande samt desociotekniska förändringar som genereras av det. För att uppnå detta antogs enkvalitativ forskningsmetod där djupintervjuer genomfördes. Sju respondenter, medvarierande roller som Business Analyst, Data Scientist, Marknadschef och CRMansvarig intervjuades för att få deras insikter och erfarenheter om analytisk CRM.Studiens resultat och slutsats visar på att beslutsfattare anser kundcentrering ochinformationsteknik som avgörande faktorer för användningen av analytisk CRM.Kundcentreringen skapar en datadriven miljö som främjar datadriven beslutsfattandegenom användningen av data och analys. Det genererar sociotekniska förändringar påbåde djupare och ytmässiga nivåer. Informationstekniken spelar en avgörande roll iinsamling, hantering och analys av data. Detta påverkar beslutsprocesserna till att blidatadrivna och stärker beslutsfattarnas förmåga att fatta välgrundade beslut.Sociotekniska förändringar som generades av informationstekniken var på ytliga nivåer. / Society today is undergoing significant changes largely driven by digitalization. Onetangible change that impacts businesses is the shift in consumer behaviour. Thesedramatic changes pose a significant threat for companies as traditional methods forcustomer management are no longer sufficient.The significance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), based on an analyticalapproach, therefore becomes crucial to better manage customer relationships in today’shighly competing work environment. Analytical CRM is an IT-reliant work system whereparticipants of data and analysis perform processes and activities that enable offeredproducts and services to better meet the needs of customers. The overall goal of thestudy is to understand through insights how decision-makers' experience variousfactors' impact on their ability to utilize analytical CRM to support their decision making,as well as the sociotechnical changes generated by it. To achieve this, a qualitativeresearch method was adopted, where in-depth interviews were conducted. Sevenrespondents, with varying roles as Business Analyst, Data Scientist, Marketing Managerand CRM Manager, were interviewed to get their insights and experiences on analyticalCRM.The study’s results and conclusion show that decision-makers consider customercentricity and information technology (IT) as a pivotal factors' influencing the use ofanalytical CRM. Customer centricity fosters a data-driven environment that promotesdata-driven decision-making through the utilization of data and analysis. It generatessociotechnical changes on both deeper and surface structures. IT plays a critical role inthe collection, management, and analysis of data. This impacts decision-makingprocesses to become data-driven and enhances the decision-makers' ability to makedata-driven decisions. Sociotechnical changes generated by information technologywere at surface structures.


陳柏瑞, Chen, Po-Juei Unknown Date (has links)
顧客關係管理(CRM)在國內外已有不少應用實例,但在醫療服務業鮮少被研究過,本研究嚐試將資料採礦的三大核心技術:資料庫管理、Domain知識與資料採礦技術三者予以整合,針對一個獨立經營主體(聯合診所),從行銷策略制定、營運策略描述與執行到經由資料採礦得到具體結果,重新檢討行銷策略之STP定位與導引未來經營策略,並提出一對一行銷的診所病患管理架構。 本研究以一個新成立的診所,取其開業之初(89年12月)至92年1月底止,所累積九千三百多位患者的5萬多筆門診就醫記錄進行資料採礦分析希望研究以下幾個問題: 1.哪些病患帶來最大利潤?為甚麼?哪些患者容易流失?為甚麼? 2.哪些交叉服務對何種患者適合?哪些服務對增加慢性病患者有幫助?糖尿病患者接受視網膜檢查的可能原因為何?婦產科門診所增加的病患,是否會同時接受診所內其他科的服務?是否應該繼續擴大其他專科? 3.診所病患主要的居住地區如何描述? 研究結果顯示較高獲利組與高醫療費用,高忠誠度,高就診次數,高藥費比率,高慢性病費用比率有關,以疾病別來看,集中在慢性疾病患者身上。顯然經營策略上的意涵是如何爭取慢性病人的高度滿意及信賴度,贏得高忠程度,患者願意將診所視做健康上的守門人(Gate Keeper),而從地區別分析中也發現一些,診所服務之涵蓋範圍,可以區分為距離效益、慢性病患者口碑效應與轉移效益。慢性病患者之分群可以分成黃金老主顧、會忘記看病的老主顧、快流失的老主顧、高穩定低忠誠度高獲利新客戶、不常來但還會來的一般客戶、已流失的舊客戶、已流失的中期客戶及流失已久的舊客戶,至於非慢性病患則不需太複雜的分群,本研究建議將非慢性病患者依健保卡卡序計算就醫忠誠度區分。慢性病患群流失的原因與無法提供完整治療,疾病症狀不明顯或與民眾對治療效益的看法改變有關(如更年期)有關。 就病人區隔分析及交叉服務的相關分析都可以發現,以慢性疾病群為中心,針對不同疾病群發展網路治療團隊,應該是未來診所擴張時需要遵循的最重要策略原則;另外健保案件類別的交叉分析,也發現增加預防保健服務可以增加慢性病人的案件,診所需要將成人健康檢查業務當作策略性業務,加強重視並提升品質。 本研究針對描述患者求醫行為過程所發展出對個人主要疾病診斷碼的歸戶處理、RFM相關指標方式、健保卡卡序計算忠誠度及邊際利潤的計算方式對於類似研究應該有其參考價值。至於本研究所提出的診所病患群分群架構,則有待進一步評估其達到CRM顧客最佳化的效果。 / At present, there are much of researches of Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) and data mining in Taiwan. There is little research in medical service. Our research tried to integrate the three domains knowledge, DBA, domain knowledge of medical service and data mining techniques. This is a case study type research. The CRM Strategy Planning for Outpatient in Kai-Nan Group Practice Clinic by Data Mining on National Health Insurance Dataset. This research included 9300 cases of Kai-Nan Clinic, with nearly 50,000 records of OPD records from Dec, 2000 to Jan, 2003. Our research questions include as followings: 1、How to segment the outpatient, which segment is the most profitable? Which segment is loosing? Why? 2、Which cross service is necessary for what kinds of patients? What kinds of services will be benefit for recruiting chronic patient? What is the reason for the diabetes patient will receive funds examination in this clinic? Are the patients of GYN/OBS will also to be patients of other specialty? Is it necessary to include other specialty in this clinic? 3. Where is the most profitable patient in nearby area? Our study revealed that the most profitable patients is characterized by high medical cost, high loyalty to this clinic, high visit frequencies, high portion of medication fee and high portion of fee for chronic disease. Most of the profitable patients are suffered with chronic diseases. This implies that how to satisfy chronic patient with high satisfaction and earn their trust to be health gate keeper for this patient is very import issue for a clinic. From the results of area analysis for these chronic patients, we concluded the three effects for different areas, such as near-distant effect, public praise and addict effect for original doctors. The segments of chronic patients include golden regular customer、forgetful regular customer、loosing old customer、regular but lower loyalty profitable new customer、irregular general customer、loosed old customer、loosed past customer and loosed old customer. Regarding the segmentation of outpatients of acute illness, we recommended simplify classification according to loyalty that was calculated from the sequence of national health insurance card used in Taiwan. The chronic patients loosed in the clinic was due to lack of comprehensive treatment options, non obvious symptoms or the fears of treatment side effects announced from public media,such as hormone replacement therapy for post menopausal syndrome. We conclude that multidisciplinary team for comprehensive disease management is very important for clinics as our previous success experiences on diabetes patients. Our clinic should expand teams with out bond member according to the needs of our profiles of chronic patients. From association mining, periodic health examinations increase the base of chronic patients. It is strategic important to enhance the staffs and facility for handling periodic health examinations. Our research will also contribute to the following research issues , such as how to describe patients behaviors, how to extract the dominant diagnosis from patients health insurance records, modified RFM dimensions indexes、loyalty based on sequences of health insurance card in Taiwan and the model of calculation of marginal revenue for clinics. As regarding the efficacy of the patients’ segmentation model deserved further study.


胡文華, Hu, W.H. Unknown Date (has links)
參加國際展覽是國際行銷重要的方式之一,台灣是以產品外銷為導向,廠商參加國際展覽,邀請現有的國外客戶,也期望主辦單位能協助宣傳和推廣,能開發新的國外買主客戶,努力尋找商機是台灣廠商參加展覽的最大需求。隨著國際化的潮流,國內廠商參加國際展覽有愈來愈多的趨勢,身為展覽的主辦單位,為提昇展覽品質及擴大效益,制定展覽的行銷策略更顯重要。 伴著新科技時代來臨,辦理展覽的傳統方式,可能因時空地的因素,未能完全吸引到國外買主,也有無法掌握的競爭環境,展覽主辦單位必須增加展覽的附加價值,規劃虛擬網路展覽是一個轉型的機會,搭配與實體展覽同時進行,確實來宣傳和提升展覽的效益。 本論文之研究,係以顧客關係管理的觀念來辦理國際專業展覽,為參展的廠商爭取商機,也為參觀的國外買主尋找合適的台灣供應商,在實體展與虛擬網路展中結合,找到新的模式,而提出一套有效地制定國際展覽行銷策略方法的論證,供展覽主辦單位在展覽的辦理過程中加值,也為台灣的參展廠商參考運用。 關鍵字詞:顧客關係管理、國際展覽、行銷策略、網路展覽、實虛整合 / Participating in the international trade shows is one of the important methods of the international marketing. Export is the main trade in Taiwan. In the trade shows, the exhibitors not only invite their foreign customers but also want to look for the trade opportunities of the new foreign buyers whom are invited by the show organizers. With the trend of the globalization, the domestic suppliers participating in the trade shows are getting more and more. It seems that making the new marketing strategies is a promotion turning point. Accompanying the new scientific and technological era, the traditional trade shows could not attract to the foreign buyers. They won’t show up for some unknown reasons, also the unpredictable competition and environment. The show organizers have to find out the additional value of the trade shows. It seems that planning virtual trade shows is the new way to develop. Combine the real and virtual trade shows. The benefit of the trade shows will be improved through the planned advertisement. The purpose of this research is to find out the feasible marketing solution of organizing the international trade shows through the concept of CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Try to get the trade opportunity of the exhibitors. Recommend the proper suppliers to the foreign buyers. It’s the new model to combine of the real trade shows and the virtual trade shows. To get proved and make the efficiency of the international trade shows. Key words: CRM, trade shows, virtual trade shows, marketing strategy

在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程 / People-Driven Processes in Customer Relationship Management

陳志翔, Chen,Chih-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
顧客關係管理(CRM)是結合人、流程和科技,並且追求瞭解顧客需求、提供商業策略和建立與顧客之間的長期關係。成功的利用整合科技,需要適合的商業流程和組織文化來適當地定位人本行為上的元素。因為顧客關係管理並不是簡單的技術解決方案,成功的顧客關係管理運作主要與人們的介入有關。為了建立對於在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程中清楚剖析內容和角色,本研究分析顧客關係管理流程和倚賴人本的文獻,並且構成有關於在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程假說需要。它強調高階主管和營運職員對於制定重要決策和與顧客進行立即性溝通的責任,進而帶領與顧客之間的關係管理。 典型的在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程是很難已被建置或無法以單獨地成為技術解決方案,這些活動包含規劃顧客策略、設計顧客關係管理流程、處理顧客問題、瞭解顧客需求、處理立即溝通和問題、以及整合顧客回應。影響在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程的因素會和顧客特性、資訊內容、員工能力和組織環境有關。本研究建立的假說是探討在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程會被以下因素影響的相關性:(1)顧客情感需求、在交易過程中的顧客涉入度和顧客需求的變化;(2)內隱顧客資訊的需求;(3)員工經驗和知識;(4)組織文化。 為了建立在顧客關係管理中以人為本流程的清楚瞭解,本研究依據文獻發現建 構假說和經由深度個案研究來驗證他們。目標是檢驗顧客特性、資訊內容、員工能力和組織環境對於在顧客關係管理中以人為本流程的相關性。 / Customer relationship management (CRM) is a combination of people, processes, and technology that seeks to provide understanding of customer needs, to support a business strategy, and to build long-term relationships with customers. Successful utilization of the integrated technology requires appropriate business processes and organizational culture to adequately address human behavioral elements. Because it is not simply a technology solution, success in CRM business revolves largely around people. In order to build a clearer understanding of the content and role of the people-driven processes of CRM, this study analyzes the literature on CRM processes and people dependencies and forms propositions about the need for people-driven processes in CRM. It emphasizes the responsibility of executives and operational staff in making critical decisions and using intimate communications to conduct relationship management with their customers. Typical people-driven processes in CRM are those that are difficult to implement or that cannot be carried out using technology solutions alone, including such activities as planning customer strategy, designing CRM processes, coping with customer problems, understanding customer needs, handling intimate communications, and integrating customer responses. Factors that affect the dependency of people-driven processes in CRM are related to customer characteristics, the content of information, employee capabilities, and the organizational environment. Propositions formed in this study are that the dependency on people-driven processes in CRM is affected by (1) customer emotional needs, customer involvement in transaction processing, and the dynamics of the customer needs; (2) the need for tacit customer information; (3) employee experience and knowledge; and (4) the organizational culture. To build a clear understanding of the people-driven processes of CRM, this research constructed propositions based on literature findings and verified them through an in-depth case study. The objective is to explain the effects of customer characteristics, the content of information, employee capabilities, and the organizational environment on the dependence of people-driven processes in CRM.


蔡其修 Unknown Date (has links)
企業要提昇營運管理績效及核心競爭力,除了組織及流程改造外,改變作業管理方式,精進e化管理模式,亦是不可或缺的解決方案之一。而企業導入資訊系統更是為因應這變動劇烈的產業競爭環境必備的條件之一。 K公司因營運範疇急速擴增,事業版圖擴及大陸,卻面臨原來所使用的AS400系統,已無法快速且精確的揭露財務報表,及面臨嚴峻之經營挑戰。為解決此一問題,該公司透過經營管理委員會之投資審議機制,形成導入企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)之決策。ERP系統係將企業內部各事業體、各部門,以資訊科技,企業內部大小系統,整合在一起,將所有的資訊能在線上即時揭露,由於資訊的透明化、即時化,使K公司能達成立即反應規劃的目標,並將所有的營運資訊納為決策資訊。 企業建置ERP系統,將會付出相當可觀的軟體費用和顧問諮詢費用,且在人力成本上,若事先未溝通清楚,而引進新系統,將會使企業內部員工或主管產生抗拒與適應不良,這些有形或無形的成本,身為企業主或高階經營者均必須審慎考量,既然導入成本很高,管理者更應慎思:「ERP系統是否可以提升企業的營運績效與競爭力」。 爰此,K公司在專案導入過程中,從專案評估、籌備、流程設計、系統設定階段、系統上線等五大導入過程,均是環環相扣且是綿密的,以及應用專案管理九大領域之要領,使專案能如期如質成功導入。 本研究主要針對K公司導入SAP/ERP系統,瞭解其成功關鍵因素為: 一、考量最佳流程,而非用舊流程套新系統 是要避免將系統AS400化,亦即不是用SAP做到原來AS400中舊系統的作業流程,而是要學習SAP系統中的流程實務,思考最佳的作業模式。 二、分析系統關連圖,找出完善業務的IT建置。 透過整個資訊的關連圖,需進一步找到更多需整合或開發的細節,讓ERP系統的管理幅度能夠涵蓋所有的企業流程。 三、分階段讓主管受益,降低導入阻礙 為了與使用單位主管溝通,專案經理及關鍵使用者(Key User),對主管簡報與分享經驗,讓主管能感受到系統的預期效益。 四、有系統解決問題,而非見招拆招 系統成功上線後,並非導入已經結束,而是將工作重新從系統建置及導入時程與品質的確保,移轉到ERP系統的調教,並持續推動ERP基礎工程,研討的系統改進。 並就企業導入ERP後,在作業面及人力成本與營運管理之改善成效與成功關鍵因素進行實證研究,研究方法係採用AHP方法來驗證軟(硬)體,顧問團隊之系統評選與人為評選之差異,與個案訪談的方式來進行研究,探討導入ERP系統是否提升企業營運改善成效之差異。 本研究之結論:透過ERP系統導入確實可以使K公司從「印量預測」到「生產交貨」至「財報揭露」改善成效更具體。

Fidelização de clientes a partir do marketing de relacionamento no segmento de farmácias e drogarias

Pereira, Paula Fernanda Prado 18 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:45:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paula Fernanda Prado Pereira.pdf: 1670141 bytes, checksum: a1fae6268d9fbba622c17b483329d479 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-18 / The main purpose of the present essay is to verify to what extent the Relationship Marketing strategies may contribute to the increase in fidelity rates among customers in the drugstore/pharmacy chains in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, always searching for solutions to the issues arising from the vast competition in the segment today. The relevance of this theme is clear when one observes the difficulty found nowadays by organizations, in the most diverse market segments, in trying to make their trademarks able to conquer and retain customers, and gaining the customer fidelity. The research was of the exploratory kind, and the quantity methodological approach was conducted through a survey. This one was created from a question form with closed questions which enabled pre-determined answers and, aiming a certain degree of flexibility, some questions were half-open, making it possible for the interviewed to give an individual and specific answer. The sample was of the non-probability kind and counted on the participation of 232 individuals, who came to compose 108 valid question forms, according to three filter criteria adopted. Individuals belonging to classes A1, A2, B1 and B2 were chosen (even though they represent only 29% of the total Brazilian population), because it is believed that the Relationship Programs focus their efforts in people belonging to those classes. The application strategy adopted was the sending of the form through the Internet, using the website http://www.surveymonkey.com. A link for the research was sent to the email of the responding people, along with an invitation for taking part. Based on this research, it was possible to conclude that the process of client fidelity search in the segment of pharmacy and drugstores still remains in need of a deeper analysis, given that it was made clear that the Relationship Marketing was not the only and main requirement for client fidelity in that segment / O objetivo geral da presente dissertação foi verificar como as estratégias de Marketing de Relacionamento podem contribuir para o aumento do índice de fidelidade dos clientes de redes de farmácias/drogarias da cidade de São Paulo, buscando-se soluções para os problemas da vasta concorrência que a maioria das redes enfrentam atualmente. A relevância do tema se dá na observação da atual dificuldade vivenciada pelas organizações, nos mais diversos segmentos de mercado, na tentativa de que suas marcas sejam capazes de conquistar e reter o consumidor, tornando-o fiel. A pesquisa foi do tipo exploratória e a abordagem metodológica quantitativa, realizada por meio de uma survey. A mesma foi criada a partir de um questionário com perguntas fechadas que permitiram respostas prédeterminadas e, visando certo grau de flexibilidade, algumas perguntas do questionário foram semi-abertas, permitindo assim, que o entrevistado desse uma resposta individual e específica. A amostra foi do tipo não probabilística e contou com a participação de 232 indivíduos, que compuseram 108 questionários válidos de acordo com três critérios de filtro adotados. Optou-se por indivíduos pertencentes às classes A1, A2, B1 e B2 (ainda que representem apenas 29% da população total do Brasil), por se acreditar que os Programas de Relacionamento direcionam seus esforços predominantemente para pessoas pertencentes a essas classes. A estratégia de aplicação adotada foi o envio pela internet, por meio do uso do site http://www.surveymonkey.com. Um link para a pesquisa foi enviado para o e-mail dos respondentes juntamente com um convite para a participação. Com base na pesquisa, tornou-se possível concluir que o processo de fidelização de clientes no segmento de farmácias e drogarias ainda precisa ser estudado em maior profundidade, tendo-se em vista que foi possível constatar que o Marketing de Relacionamento não se constituiu no único e principal requisito para fidelização de clientes neste segmento

企業整體顧客關係管理運作模式之研究 / The Study of The Operation Model in Integrated Customer Relationship Management

楊珮伶, Yang, Pei-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
以往顧客服務對企業而言只是被動的支援單位,企業無法得知每一位顧客的想法,顧客的聲音也難以傳達到企業內部,然而資訊與通訊技術的進步打破了這樣的障礙,促使資訊透明化,企業藉由資訊科技的輔助可以直接接觸到每一個個別的顧客,了解顧客的想法與需求來帶動企業的運作,成為企業經營的競爭優勢。 顧客關係管理(customer relationship management;CRM)為近年新興熱門話題,國內外軟體大廠紛紛投入CRM市場,然而此環境尚未成熟,各家提出之系統功能相當不一致,本文提出企業在建置顧客關係管理環境時應具備七大單元,包括產品端資訊蒐集機制、互動機制、事件處理機制、儲存分析機制、內部鏈結機制、策略對應機制、回饋執行機制等,以供企業參考。 CRM重視區別出每一個個別顧客的屬性再提供客製化服務,本文針對北部某醫院進行訪談,探討其規劃中之CRM及進行狀況,驗證本文所提出模式之可行性。 / Because of the power of information and telecommunications technologies, business can keep tracking of their customers to know what they really want and how they actually use the product. Analyzing the information return from customers and products, business can provide active and accurate service to the right customer through the right channel at the right time and rise the customer satisfaction.  The purpose of this article is to show a complete CRM model which includes product information collecting mechanism, interact mechanism, event processing mechanism, storage and analysis mechanism, internal linkage mechanism, decision support mechanism, feedback implementing mechanism. When business constructs the CRM environment, they can apply this model to their organization.  This article also studies a hospital case and plans a future framework for it by applying the model.

資料挖掘應用於入口網站之顧客關係管理—以國內某網站為例 / Application of Data Mining Techniques to Portal Site's Customer Relationship Management: A Case Study of Taiwan's Portal Site

柯淑貞, Ko, Shu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
處在變化快速的網路環境中,入口網站如何建立起專屬的會員制度,以期行銷人員能在大量的會員資料庫中找出有用的資訊,掌握會員的網路行為模式、實現個人化之服務、有效區隔市場及瞭解不同會員之網路行為模式等,進而以制定適當之行銷策略而達成結合實體行銷之目標。而資料挖掘的技術能在資料量龐大的會員交易資料庫中,利用會員的基本資料與交易資料衍生建立相關的評估指標,以評估會員的特質、需求模型、消費特徵、建立市場區隔的行銷策略等,行銷人員藉此可採用不同的宣傳方式與促銷策略,以達最佳的獲利結果。 本研究以國內某入口網站真實之會員基本資料及入口網站之商品:BBS頻道與財經頻道的資料檔,做為會員網路行為模式之資料分析的基礎。本研究利用資料挖掘的技術,找出入口網站的會員與商品之分群特徵,並發掘會員在兩頻道間的網路行為的關聯規則。另一方面,本研究利用關聯規則演算法,考量實際在發掘關聯規則分析所碰到的問題,實作出一套操作流程式較為簡便的關聯規則分析程式。本研究提供不同的關聯規則分析角度,以考量會員購買商品項目組合的關聯規則,進而支援決策者制定相關商品的促銷決策,以提高銷售量。 / In the rapid-changing network environment, how do Portal Sites establish exclusive membership mechanism in order to filter useful information out of their own database, master the network behavior models of their members, realize personalized services, and effectively segment and understand different network behavior models of all members? However, data mining can use the basic members' information and transaction data to produce the associated evaluation indicator during the high volume transaction database in order to evaluate the customers’ traits, demand models, consuming characteristics, and establish the marketing strategy of segmenting target market. As a result, we can adopt different advertising types and promotion strategies to achieve the best profitable goals. The research is based on the real data of members and the merchandise of some website in Taiwan. (i.e. using data files of BBS channel and financial channel as the fundamental analysis data of network behavior models). Per using the data mining techniques, we can not only find out the characteristics of the members of portal sites and the clustering of merchandises, but unearth the association rules of network behavior of the two kinds of channels. On the other hand, this research, according to the association-ruled calculation method, is considering the practical problems when excavating association-ruled analysis methodology and producing a much simpler association-ruled analysis program. By providing the list of best buyers, the association-ruled analysis program will consider the association rule of members’ buying component and for further step, support the decision-maker to institute the related promotion strategy in order to raise the sales volume.

網際網路對B2C企業顧客關係管理的影響-以券商及書店為例 / Internet Effect on the B2C Enterprises' Customer Relationship Management -- Stock Brokerage and Bookstores

王希寧, Frances Wang, Chan Unknown Date (has links)
針對現今網路時代的變化與趨勢,本研究試圖以網站經營面和顧客使用面的角度切入,探討經過網際網路各項特性的催化後,一個完善的顧客關係管理系統所應該包含的重點工作為何。此外,本研究並試圖利用電子券商與網路書店此兩種不同產業的特性、實體與網路並存及純網路型企業及台灣與美國兩個不同國家的相關基礎環境影響這幾個變數,來探討在各個層面上,顧客關係管理系統在運用上所產生的相同與相異點,以提供業界與後續研究者做分析比較的參考。本研究的主要研究發現如下: ● 不同產業與企業,在網際網路上進行顧客關係管理共同應注意的重點工作有 ■ 客製化服務是黏住顧客的最大關鍵 ■ 因為網際網路無遠弗屆的特性使然,利用網路進行顧客關係管理首重即時性與不間斷性 ■ 顧客服務應採用推播式(Push),而非被動的等待顧客來使用 ■ 確認機制和即時性的回復系統,是博得顧客信賴與安全感的重要機制 ■ 顧客真正想要的是「資訊」而非「資料」,資訊內容除了量大之外,好的搜尋引擎及分類機制才是關鍵 ■ 部分實體特性所帶來的「顧客感受」尚無法為網路所替代 ■ 既有品牌轉至網路,在獲取新顧客與保留顧客上不見得是助力 ● 電子券商與網路書店在進行顧客關係管理時所產生的不同點為 1. 在資料擷取時點及使用方式方面 ■ 券商總是在一開始便擷取相當多的資訊、並採用即時採擷與分析的模式 ■ 書店則以較為開放的資訊分享方式進行,直到交易完成之後,才開始利用各式各樣的交易資訊來進行資料分析 2. 在套牢現象方面 ■ 券商因為交易的複雜度較高,牽涉到大額金錢流動的安全性考量也較高,是故所產生的套牢效應比較明顯(E*Trade有95%的顧客重複使用率,Charles Schwab也有90%) ■ 書店的商品比較標準化,且資訊又採完全公開分享的方式,是故與券商相較起來,套牢效應較小 ● 實體與網路並存與純網路型企業在進行顧客關係管理時所產生的不同點為 ■ 實體和網路並存的企業多利用策略聯盟或活動舉辦的方式來吸引顧客的目光及再度加深顧客的印象 ■ 純網路的企業則推陳出新的發展出像是聯屬行銷或是社群經營的方式來利用動態循環的概念套牢顧客。 ● 美國與台灣在相關產業基礎環境不同的情況下,企業在進行顧客關係管理時所產生的影響與窒礙有 ■ 台灣的券商在金流交換系統的不相容、不互通及法令層面上影響較大,例如證交法規定券商為特種行業,不可進行個股推薦並收取顧問費的營利活動,導致台灣券商目前並無法提供一站購足式的金融服務,並限制了擴展海外業務增加國際競爭力的能力。 ■ 台灣書店則受限於實體物流、倉儲等配銷層面的基礎建設不足。EDI系統的零散與不足,導致存補書籍及追蹤書籍資訊都多所障礙,同時台灣發書量與網路商業使用人口的不足,也導致進行人工智慧比對的比較基礎不夠,讓許多加值性的顧客服務目前只能處於規劃狀態,無法上線執行。 此外,由研究結論可知,顧客關係管理系統內容廣泛,常常因產業的不同、企業數位化程度的不同、相關基礎設施的不同等等因素而以不同的型態呈現,並影響整個顧客關係管理的績效。但整體而言,國內外企業在推展的過程中,或多或少都已經對企業及顧客的價值產生提升的效果,甚至有些企業,例如Amazon已藉此達成了交叉銷售及雙贏的目標,並積極地為創造顧客的終身價值而努力。 / The 1990s has been a dynamic era for the information technologies. Since 1994, internet has boomed up and made trade commerce becoming a global-wide competition. Real time, boundless and multi-culture are the characteristics of internet and they also make changes to all the business models. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) which has been effected by the internet is one of the examples. The principle of 80/20 defines clearly that enterprises can create 80% of profit from their 20 % customers. How to utilize internet and apply the 80/20 principle to grasp customers is an important and also fashionable issue in business administration. Objectives This thesis tries to investigate internet's impact on CRM, in the context of characteristics of industry, enterprise digitalization involvement and complementary industries impact factors, to discuss the following objectives: ● The key successful factors of CRM on internet. ● What are the differences of CRM between stock houses and bookstores? ● What are the differences of CRM system between pure on-line and on-line + off-line enterprises? ● What are the differences of CRM between Taiwan & the United State? ● Does CRM enhance the value of both enterprises and customers. Research Structure This thesis is based on the CRM as the core and supported by the web operation and customer points of view. According to literature survey, a complete CRM should include the mechanism to transfer customers' data to useful knowledge, good customer services, efficient database services and community & associates program applications. Case Choice For the purpose of case study, this thesis chooses 8 companies as studies cases. Research Methodology This thesis adopts the case study using direct web observation, testing the internet system and in-depth managers and customers interviews. Before interviewing, the author has collected related data and the under-practicing data of every enterprise. Case Analysis and Conclusions According to the analyses of the 8 cases, the author has generated the following conclusions: 1. The key successful factors ofCRM on internet stock broker and bookstore industries including: ● One-to-one marketing & customerlization is the most important way to stick the customers. ● Real time, continuous and confirm-back system is necessary. ● Customers need "information" not "data". CRM should integrate these data into information and provide to the customers. ● Without providing the value-added services or the same identification of the brand name, established brand name may not be an asset to the new internet brand name. 2. The differences ofCRM between stock houses and bookstores are: ● Stock houses always adopt the way of real time data-mining and data warehousing; bookstores always share their information and provide information before they complete the first deal. ● Because of the complexity and security, stock houses always have more lock-in effect than bookstores. 3. The differences of CRM between pure on-line & on-line + off-line enterprises are: ● They have different way to attract new customers. Associates program is only applicable to internet deal. ● internet can't substitute some real things' interaction feeling for the customers. 4. The differences ofCRM between Taiwan and the United States are: ● The financial databases are not compatible in Taiwan. Therefore, it makes Taiwan's stock houses need more time and paper works to check customer's credibility. ● The Stock Trading Regulations in Taiwan limit Taiwan stock houses services to their customers. This inconvenience weakens Taiwan stock houses competition with American stock houses on internet. ● In Taiwan, EDI and logistic system is very poor. It makes bookstores can't trace their goods on time and provide value-added services. 5. Increasing the Value of Enterprises and Customers ● According to this research, it has discovered that a good CRM will collect customers' data, enhance customer relation, provide customers' knowledge and make cross interaction between sellers and customers. Both the enterprises and the customers gained "value-added". ● Customers always save their time to complete the trading and information search work. Enterprise always save the rent fee and labor cost to open a real store, and always make cross selling by good CRM system. ● For example, Amazon.com has made huge gain from the cross selling and has built a very good customer database. In 2000, Amazon.com has more than 17 million web users visit its homepage and more than 10 million have been its customers.

應用顧客關係管理服務於數位學習之研究─以參與體驗式個案教學為例 / Applying CRM services on e-learning : program on case method and participant-centered and experiencing learning

宋榕芝, Sung, Jung Chih Unknown Date (has links)
在網路發達的數位經濟時代,數位學習越來越普及,且大多是以非同步線上學習為主,但是非同步線上學習面臨即時互動性不高的問題,如此情形下,學習者無法立即獲得回應,會降低其學習意願與學習成效;以「參與體驗式個案教學」為例,參與體驗式個案教學法主張透過學生角色扮演,進行個案模擬和討論來增強個人成長與在組織中互動運作的應變能力。本研究透過探討並描述「參與體驗式個案教學法」課程的情境,了解課程在上課前、中、後教師與學生的需求,規劃並實作一個學習社群導向、結合顧客關係管理、網路客服中心概念與Wiki共筆為基礎的數位學習系統去支援參與體驗式個案教學,建立客製化服務,讓學習內容被網路的成員所共同創造、分享、重新混合、重新定義,並傳遞出去,以及運用即時通訊來實踐立即性互動,改善學習者無法即時獲得回應而降低學習意願的問題。 本研究所建用來支援參與體驗式個案教學的雛型系統,其操作介面簡單易上手,且功能符合參與體驗式個案教學情境所需,是一個因教學制宜的系統,並且提供了即時通訊於其中,實踐了客製化、即時互動與數位學習社群的概念,同時也補足非同步線上學習的缺點,讓數位學習系統確實成為學生自主學習參與體驗式個案教學的輔助工具。

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