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[pt] Com o surgimento dos criptoativos em 2009, iniciado com o Bitcoin, uma nova dinâmica de investimento e de tecnologia emergiu no século XXI com um novo mercado que já chegou a mais de 800 bilhões de dólares em 2018 e conta com mais de 2.000 moedas. Apesar da elevada volatilidade, de vários escândalos de pirâmides, da ausência de regulamentação e da maior utilização como investimento do que em compras de bens e serviços, os criptoativos vêm ganhando seu espaço, em meio às controvérsias, devido a tecnologia disruptiva. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os 50 maiores criptoativos do mercado durante o período de 2015 – 2018 por meio de três ensaios que abordam: (i) a análise e previsão de volatilidade utilizando o MSGARCH (KLAASSEN, 2002), com testes de acurácia (envolvendo funções perda EQM e QLIKE, bem como o MAE, MAPE e o indicador U de Theil); (ii) análise dos fenômenos comportamentais de efeito manada seguindo modificações nas metodologias CSSD (CHRISTIE E HUANG, 1995), CSAD (CHANG, CHENG E KHORANA, 2000) e HS (HWANG E SALMON, 2004), bem como o efeito contágio seguindo modificações nas metodologias do teste FR (FORBES E RIGOBON, 2002) e de testes de comomentos de ordem superior (FRY, MARTIN E TANG, 2010; FRY-MCKIBBIN E HSIAO, 2018); (iii) bem
como a análise do fenômeno de feedback trading por meio do modelo seminal de Sentana e Wadhwani (1992). Como principais achados, foi identificado que: (i) há uma forte influência de dois estados de volatilidade; nos criptoativos com maior probabilidade de ocorrência do segundo regime existe uma maior tendência do aparecimento do segundo estado de volatilidade com a subida de preços, onde existe elação ao efeito manada, o modelo CSAD detectou um efeito pouco significativo, e o modelo CSSD detectou um efeito manada forte estatisticamente significativo no movimento de queda de mercado; o modelo HS capturou com sucesso o comportamento de manada e revelou períodos extremos de manada reversa; em
relação ao efeito contágio, o teste FR conseguiu captar contágio do Bitcoin em outras moedas em praticamente todos os casos com exceção do Tether Dollar, BITCNY e ECC - que tipicamente possuem controle inflacionário e particularidades das stablecoins; nos modelos de comomentos, os testes indicaram
contágio do Bitcoin em relação as moedas analisadas; (iii) em relação ao fenômeno de feedback trading, foi possível captar feedback trade negativo no TETHER e positivo nas moedas BTC, ETH, CSC e ECC, cuja adequação do modelo utilizado foi confirmada posteriormente pelo teste de viés de sinais (ENGLE E NG, 1993), com exceção do TETHER - que contrariou Sentana e Wadhwani (1992) e Shi, Chiang e Liang (2012) ao apontarem que modelos menos parcimoniosos teriam pouca influência na verificação de feedback trading. / [en] With the arise of cryptocurrencies in 2009, started with the Bitcoin, a new dynamic of investment and technology emerged in the 21st century with a new market that has already exceed US 800 billion in 2018 and has more than 2,000 coins. Despite the high volatility, various Ponzi schemes, lack of regulation and the main use as investment than in purchases goods and services, cryptocurrencies have been gaining ground, amid controversy, due to the disruptive technology. The objective of this work is to analyze the 50 largest cryptocurrencies in the market during the period of 2015-2018 by means of three essays that seek to investigate: (i) the volatility analysis and prediction using MSGARCH (KLAASSEN, 2002), with accuracy tests (involving MSE and QLIKE loss functions, as well as MAE, MAPE, and Theil s U indicator); (ii) the analysis of the behavioral phenomena of herd effect following modifications in CSSD (CHRISTIE e HUANG, 1995), CSAD (CHANG, CHENG e KHORANA, 2000) and HS (HWANG e SALMON, 2004) methodologies, as well as the contagion effect following modifications in the methodologies of FR test (FORBES e RIGOBON, 2002) and higher order comoments tests (FRY, MARTIN e TANG, 2010; FRY-MCKIBBIN e HSIAO, 2018); (iii) the analysis of the feedback trading phenomenon through the seminal model of Sentana and Wadhwani (1992). As main findings, it was identified that: (i) there is a strong influence of two volatility states; in the cryptoassets with more probability of occurrence under the second regime, there is a greater tendency of
occurrence of the second state of volatility when prices go up, where there is more the volatility - the exception that has been noted only in BTC and ETH, where the first state of volatility is strong when prices go up, with more volatility; there is more accuracy in the forecasting with two volatility states for long term prediction than in short term prediction; (ii) with respect to the herd effect, the CSAD model detected a small herd effect, with little statistical significance, and the CSSD model detected a strong herd effect statistically significant in the down movement of market; the HS model successfully captured herd behavior and revealed extreme periods of reversal in the herd effect; in relation to the contagion effect, the FR test
was able to capture Bitcoin s contagion in other currencies in practically all cases except Tether Dollar, BITCNY and ECC - which typically have inflationary control and particularities of stablecoins; in the comoments models, the tests indicated contagion of Bitcoin in relation to the currencies analyzed; (iii) in relation to the feedback trading phenomenon, it was possible to capture negative feedback trading in TETHER and positive in BTC, ETH, CSC and ECC, whose adequacy of the model used was confirmed later by the signal bias test (ENGLE e NG, 1993), with the exception of TETHER - which contradicts Santana and Wadhwani (1992) and Shi, Chiang and Liang (2012) that less parsimonious models would have little
influence on feedback trading.
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[pt] O Bitcoin surgiu no fim da década passada. Desde então, emergiu uma nova classe de ativos: as criptomoedas. O ecossistema das moedas digitais vem avançando a passos largos, seja pelo surgimento de novas moedas, pelo nível de capitalização, pela escalada de investidores ou pelo expressivo desempenho em 2017. Dado o quadro, as criptomoedas se consolidam a cada dia como uma alternativa de investimento, tornando-se de vez uma rota do mercado financeiro. Por consequência, surge a necessidade de avaliar e estimar medidas de risco para esses ativos. Este estudo estimou os coeficientes Beta das quatorze maiores criptomoedas da economia – de acordo com o nível de capitalização – em relação à
índices teóricos, com o fito de auxiliar os gestores de portfólios no apreçamento e na formatação de estratégias. Através de uma regressão de retornos passados destas moedas sobre os retornos dos índices de criptoativos, de ações e de uma cesta de moedas contra o dólar americano, estimou-se o Beta dos ativos. A partir das análises, concluiu-se que o Bitcoin possui elevada sensibilidade aos índices de criptomoedas, mesma condicionante para o Ethereum, porém com correlação mais branda aos referenciais, bem como ao próprio Bitcoin. Quantos às demais moedas, estas não exprimiram fator de risco associado aos índices de criptomoedas, visto os baixos coeficientes. Quando analisados os criptoativos em relação aos índices acionários e de moedas contra o dólar, constatou-se que os coeficientes foram iguais a zero. Portanto, o desempenho das criptomoedas, na janela de tempo estudada, possui relação involuntária às oscilações destes índices. / [en] Bitcoin has risen at the end of the last decade. Since then, a new class of assets emerged: the cryptocurrencies. The cryptocurrencies scenario has been advancing rapidly, by the emergence of new currencies, by the level of capitalization, either by the increase of investors or by its significant performance in 2017. Given the situation, cryptocurrencies keep consolidating itself every day as an investment alternative, becoming a permanent route for the financial market. Consequently, it becomes necessary to estimate risk measures for these assets. This study estimated the Beta coefficients of the largest cryptocurrencies – according to its capitalization level – in relation to theoretical indexes, in order to assist portfolios managers in pricing. Through a regression of past returns of virtual currencies on the returns of the cryptocurrencies indexes, stocks and a portfolio of currencies against the US dollar, the digital assets beta was estimated. From these analyses, it was possible to conclude that Bitcoin is significantly sensitive to cryptocurrencies indexes, the same condition for Ethereum, but with a softer correlation to the references, as well as Bitcoin itself. With respect to the other currencies, they did not express a relevant risk factor associated with cryptocurrencies indexes, due to low coefficient values. When analyzing the cryptocurrency in relation to the stock and currency indexes against the US dollar, it was noted that the coefficients were zero. Therefore, the digital currencies performance of this study, in the given timeframe, has an involuntary relation to the fluctuations of those indexes.
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Cryptocurrencies future carbon footprint : An exploratory scenario analysis of cryptocurrencies' future energy consumption and carbon emission. / Kryptovalutors framtida koldioxidavtryckTunberg, Jacob January 2022 (has links)
Since the creation of Bitcoin, the virtual currency has attracted the attention of many people and is now a household name synonymous with cryptocurrencies. Today, many thousands of different variants of cryptocurrencies exist, and more are being launched each day. The increase in popularity over the recent years has made them grow exponentially in value but at the same time also created a significant increase in energy consumption. Many of the cryptocurrencies we know today are based on Proof of Work, which is very energy intensive. There are also new and upcoming currencies based on alternative algorithms, such as Proof of Stake, which can considerably reduce the energy consumption of cryptocurrencies. However, Proof of Stake has not been proven to be as resilient and secure as Proof of Work. This study explores the future energy consumption and carbon emission of cryptocurrencies and reflects on their sustainability via exploratory scenario analysis. It includes three scenarios. Scenario 1 – Business as usual is the reference scenario. Scenario 2 – Change in the market, is based on the possibility of the market naturally switching over to PoS. Scenario 3 – under regulation is based on the possibility of a ban of PoW within the EU. The results of this study indicate that the current emissions might be much lower than previously considered and that they might only be 30 percent of what had previously been reported. The fact that the emission is lower today does not mean that they will be sustainable in the future. Suppose Bitcoin and Ethereum energy consumption continues to grow as it has been doing for the last two years. In that case, the combined electricity consumption of the two currencies will have the possibility to surpass 650 TWh, which is an increase of over 300 percent from today's estimates. Banning Proof of Work within the EU would not yield the desired outcome of reducing carbon emissions but would instead increase carbon emissions. A continually growing Proof of Work based network, as it is used today, cannot be seen as sustainable. The recommendations to both industry and policymakers are to find and facilitate areas where Proof of Work would have the possibility to provide added value to society. / Sedan Bitcoin först lanserades har den virtuella valutan väckt mycket intresse. Många känner till Bitcoin men det finns flera tusen olika kryptovalutor och flera skapas varje dag. Det växande intresset har fått flertalet kryptovalutor att öka enormt i värde, men också i dess energiåtgång. Många av dagens kryptovalutor drivs av en algoritm som kallas Proof of Work, vilket är väldigt energikrävande. Det finns även nya och växande kryptovalutor baserade på alternativa algoritmer så som Proof of Stake, vilket har stora möjligheter att minska energiåtgången avsevärt. Dock har inte Proof of Stake bevisats vara lika motståndskraftigt vid attacker så som Proof of Work. Denna studie utforskar den framtida energikonsumtionen och koldioxidutsläppen från kryptovalutor och har som avsikt att reflektera på hållbarheten via en utforskande scenarioanalys. Där tre scenarios utforskats. Scenario 1 – Business as usual är referensscenariot. Scenario 2 – Change in the market, är baserat på att marknaden själv glider över till PoS och Scenario 3 – under regulation vilket är baserat på ett förbud av PoW inom EU. Resultatet från studien visar att de nuvarande utsläppen kanske är mycket lägre än vad som tidigare trotts och kanske bara är 30 procent av det som tidigare rapporterats. Faktumet att kryptovalutor kanske släpper ut mindre koldioxid idag betyder inte att de kan anses hållbara i framtiden. Anta att Bicoin och Ethereum fortsätter växa som de har gjort de senaste två åren, då kommer de två valutorna ha en möjlighet att förbruka mer än 650 TWh per år vid 2025. Detta är en ökning med mer än 300 procent från dagens energikonsumtion. Att införa ett förbud på Ptoof of Work inom EU kommer dock inte ge de önskade förhoppningarna om att minska koldioxidutsläppen, utan skulle snarare kunna öka dem. Med det sagt så kan ett ständigt växande Proof of Work nätverk inte anses vara hållbart. Därför är rekommendationerna till industrin och beslutsfattarna att identifiera och främja områden där Proof of Work kan implementeras för att skapa ett mervärde till samhället.
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How can Interaction Design enhance web 3.0 wallet usability? : Focusing on trust, security, user flow and interface of proposed Skane Wallet.Vančo, Damián January 2024 (has links)
This study explores the adop)on of crypto assets and the onboarding of new users into Web 3.0 products through the lens of interac)on design. By employing par)cipatory design methodology during the design process, this work inves)gates the challenges faced by beginner or occasional users. By analyzing tradi)onal banking applica)ons like Revolut, Swish, and Slovak Tatra Banka, and comparing them with Binance exchange, the study proposes an approach to new technological applica)ons based on situa)onal normality theory. The final concept contributes to the discussion on the role interac)on design can play in the vola)le world of crypto assets and Web 3.0.
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Hur kan blockkedjeteknik hantera transaktionskostnader i avtalsprocesser exponerade mot opportunism, jämfört med traditionella avtalslösningar? : En fallstudie om korruption i biståndsprocesser / How can the blockchain technology handle transaction costs in contractual processes exposed to opportunistic behavior, in comparison to traditional contractual solutions? : A case study about corruption in aid processesKlasson, Kent, Lind, Nicoline January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att analysera huruvida korruption i biståndsprocesser bättre kan hanteras via de blockkedjebaserade lösningarna kryptovalutor, smarta kontrakt och tokens, jämfört med traditionellt biståndsgivande. Vidare ämnar studien applicera resultaten från fallstudien på generella avtalsprocesser exponerade mot opportunism, för att analysera huruvida de blockkedjebaserade lösningarna bättre kan hantera transaktionskostnader jämfört med traditionella avtalslösningar. Bakgrund: Informationsasymmetrier, begränsad rationalitet och strategiskt beteende resulterar i tillitsproblematik vid avtalsprocesser, vilket ökar transaktionskostnaderna (Williamson, 1974). Biståndsprocesser är extra exponerade mot opportunistiskt beteende i form av korruption, vilket leder till att en stor del av biståndet försvinner på vägen (Transparency International, 2017). Blockkedjebaserad teknik ger möjligheten att ingå avtal utan tillit till motparten, men lösningen är inte optimal för alla typer av avtal. Det motiverar en analys om huruvida tekniken kan hantera transaktionskostnader i biståndsprocesser bättre än traditionellt biståndsgivande. Genomförande: Studiens primärdata inhämtades via semi-strukturerade intervjuer med två svenska biståndsorganisationer och två experter inom blockkedjetekniken. Utöver intervjuerna genomfördes även en litteraturstudie och den insamlade empirin analyserades utifrån ett transaktionskostnadsperspektiv. Slutsats: Blockkedjebaserade lösningar kan hantera transaktionskostnader bättre än traditionellt biståndsgivande när Greenspans (2015) fem kriterium är uppfyllda. Kontexten, avtalets karaktär och avtalsparternas preferenser är de avgörande faktorerna huruvida kriterierna uppfylls i såväl biståndsgivande som generella avtalsprocesser. En ökad transparens, öppenhet och censurresistens måste värderas högre vid implementering än de medföljande säkerhetsriskerna. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze whether corruption in aid processes better can be managed through the blockchain-based solutions cryptocurrencies, smart contracts and tokens, in comparison to traditional donation of aid. The study also aims to apply the results from the case study to general contractual processes exposed to opportunistic behavior, to analyze whether the blockchain-based solutions better can manage the transaction costs in comparison to traditional contractual solutions. Background: Asymmetric information, bounded rationality and strategic behavior result in trust issues in contractual processes, which increases transaction costs (Williamson, 1974). Aid processes are particularly exposed to opportunistic behavior in form of corruption, which leads to aid disappearing on the way (Transparency International, 2017). Blockchain-based technology enables contractual relationships without trusting the counterpart, but is not an optimal solution for all types of contracts. This provides incentives for a further analysis whether the technology can manage transaction costs in aid processes better than traditional donation of aid. Completion: The study´s primary data was obtained through semi-structed interviews with two Swedish aid organizations and two experts in blockchain technology. A literature review was made and the empirical data was analyzed from a transaction cost perspective. Conclusion: Blockchain-based solutions can manage transaction costs better than the traditional donation of aid when Greenspan´s (2015) five criteria is met. The context, the characteristics of the contract and the preferences of the contracting parties are the decisive factors whether the criteria are met in the aid donation process and in general contractual processes. Increased transparency, openness and censor resistance must be valued higher when implementing the technology than the following security risks. / <p>Bilagor är inkluderade</p>
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The earth trembles before cryptocurrencies; but how does a blokchain-based smart money platform perform?Isaac, Andreas, Kakavandy, Shahow January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish central bank has in 2018 launched an investigation into what a digital e-currency in Sweden would look like. Tendermint is being investigated for a potential implementation. Tendermint is a blockchain building environment which has its own consensus-algorithm, and its own solution to the Byzantine general's problem. The most relevant part is the scalability and reliability of Tendermint. To do this we tested out the software by sending transactions between our computers, and recorded its performance in the case of one node and two nodes. After a series of simulations, we then come to the conclusion that indeed Tendermint is a suitable software for a potential e-krona.
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Bezpečná implementace technologie blockchain / Secure Implementation of Blockchain TechnologyKovář, Adam January 2020 (has links)
This thesis describes basis of blockchain technology implementation for SAP Cloud platform with emphasis to security and safety of critical data which are stored in blockchain. This diploma thesis implements letter of credit to see and control business process administration. It also compares all the possible technology modification. Thesis describes all elementary parts of software which are necessary to implement while storing data and secure integrity. This thesis also leverages ideal configuration of each programable block in implementation. Alternative configurations of possible solutions are described with pros and cons as well. Another part of diploma thesis is actual working implementation as a proof of concept to cover letter of credit. All parts of code are design to be stand alone to provide working concept for possible implementation and can source as a help to write productive code. User using this concept will be able to see whole process and create new statutes for whole letter of credit business process.
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Christopher Kaczmarczyk-Smith Dissertation Fall 2022Christopher Kaczmarczyk-Smith (14209127) 06 December 2022 (has links)
<p>\textbf{Chapter 1}\\</p>
<p>This paper explores the implications of the mismatch hypothesis in the context of the labor market using a survey on newly licensed US lawyers called the After the JD Study. Using a triple difference approach, I measure the impact of diversity quotas on marginal minority workers’ future salaries, promotion rates, and leaving rates for occupation and job. With middling statistical power, my findings are in line with the mismatch hypothesis in that beneficiaries of the diversity quota policy are made ex-ante worse off. My findings are also in line with recent literature on diminishing racial outcome gaps by skill.</p>
<p>\textbf{Chapter 2}\\</p>
<p>In this paper, we provide theoretical framework for three models of Digital Media Firm behavior called \textit{Premium}, \textit{Free-to-Play}, and \textit{Play-to-Earn} as well as suggest an empirical measure of firm ponzi-likeness. First, we study a baseline model optimal price and quality of a digital product, the premium model. Second, we extend the baseline model where some customers, called minnows, receive the product for free and other customers, called whales, pay a price for a better version of the product, this is the free-to-play model. Finally, we explore a model where customers receive a security-like asset from the firm and this asset acts like a negative price while also subsidizing the firm's revenue. This final model provides an environment for much research. We show that, even when firms are ponzi-schemes in this final model, quality of the product need not be at a minimum. We also briefly discuss how one would measure the ponzi-likeness of a digital media firm in the third model setting. </p>
<p>\textbf{Chapter 3}\\</p>
<p>In this paper, I explore unique measures of racial prejudice and their impact on black wages in the labor market using the General Social Survey, Current Population Survey and the NLSY79. I generate two variables to proxy for racial prejudice which are extracted from the GSS and the NLSY79. The first variable, drawn from the GSS, measures prejudice sentiment towards blacks and the second, drawn from the NLSY79, measures individual experience with racial discrimination. I use these measurements to proxy for racial prejudice and its impact on the black-white wage gap. I find that these variables are two distinctly different measures of racial discrimination in the labor market, providing a powerful instrument for measuring racial discrimination in the labor market. They also provide the insight that, while racial prejudice may be high in certain occupations and regions, this sentiment does not directly impact black outcomes. Specifically, wages are more sensitive to racial prejudice in WC jobs than in BC jobs. </p>
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Attityder och hinder för användning av kryptovalutor som betalningsmedel : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer som påverkar användningen av kryptovalutor / Attitudes and barriers to the use of cryptocurrencies as means of payment : A qualitative study on factors affecting the use of cryptocurrenciesYara, Dylan, Hanna, Hélen January 2023 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har kryptovalutor som Bitcoin blivit alltmer populära och genererat stor uppmärksamhet inom finansiella och tekniska kretsar. Trots den ökande populariteten och intresset för kryptovalutor som investeringsobjekt och spekulativt instrument, är deras användning som betalningsmedel fortfarande begränsad. Det finns flera faktorer som kan påverka användares acceptans av kryptovalutor för transaktioner, inklusive osäkerhet kring säkerhet och integritet, brist på reglering och stabilitet, och begränsad acceptans hos handlare och serviceleverantörer. Studiens syfte avser att undersöka varför kryptovaluta som betalningsmedel inte fått genomslag på den svenska marknaden, och de attityder som ligger till grund för detta. Till val av metod har triangulering använts för att samla in data genom vetenskapliga artiklar, enkäter och intervjuer. Fokus har legat på att få en förståelse för användare av kryptovalutor. Genom att engagera användarna direkt har vi haft möjlighet att lyssna på deras åsikter, erfarenheter och attityder på en djupare nivå. Genom att undersöka användares uppfattningar om att använda kryptovalutor som betalningsmedel, kan vi belysa viktiga insikter som kan forma framtida utveckling och acceptans av kryptovalutor. Samtliga data analyseras med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultatet som framställdes var att informationen kring kryptovalutor framstår i sin helhet som bristfällig. Genom att nå ökad förståelse kan man öka intresset och användningen av teknologin. Genom att undersöka och analysera olika aspekter av kryptovalutors acceptans och användning som betalningsmedel har vi identifierat flera viktiga faktorer som påverkar människors beslut att använda denna teknologi. Bland de främsta faktorerna är kunskap om kryptovalutor, uppfattningar om säkerhet och integritet, acceptans hos företag och serviceleverantörer, samt fördelarna med snabba och enkla transaktioner. Samtidigt har vi noterat att bristande kunskap och osäkerhet kring kryptovalutor kan vara en bromsande faktor för deras acceptans. För att öka användningen av kryptovalutor som betalningsmedel bör det finnas en kombination av utbildning, reglering, acceptans och incitament för användare. Detta kommer att underlätta för människor att fatta informerade beslut om sina ekonomiska transaktioner och främja en hållbar och säker användning av kryptovalutor. / In recent years, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have become increasingly popular and generated a lot of attention in financial and technology circles. Despite the increasing popularity and interest in cryptocurrencies as an investment and speculative instrument, their use as a means of payment is still limited. There are several factors that can affect user acceptance of cryptocurrencies for transactions, including uncertainty about security and privacy, lack of regulation and stability, and limited acceptance by merchants and service providers. The purpose of the study is to investigate why cryptocurrencies haven’t break through as a payment method on the Swedish market, and what attitudes that contributes to this. We have used triangulation as a method to collect data through scientific articles, surveys, and interviews. The focus has been on gaining an understanding of cryptocurrency users. By engaging the users directly, we have had the opportunity to listen to their opinions, experiences, and attitudes on a deeper level. By examining users' perceptions of using cryptocurrencies as a means of payment, we can emphasize important insights that can shape the future development and acceptance of cryptocurrencies. All data is analyzed using content analysis. The information about cryptocurrencies appears to be deficient. By achieving increased understanding, interest and use of the technology can be increased. By researching and analyzing various aspects of cryptocurrency acceptance and use as a means of payment, we have identified several important factors that influence people's decisions to use this technology. Among the main factors are knowledge of cryptocurrencies, perceptions of security and privacy, acceptance by businesses and service providers, and the benefits of fast and easy transactions. At the same time, we have noted that lack of knowledge and uncertainty surrounding cryptocurrencies can be a slowing factor for their acceptance. To increase the use of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment, there should be a combination of education, regulation, acceptance, and incentives for users. This will facilitate people to make informed decisions about their financial transactions and promote the sustainable and safe use of cryptocurrencies.
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Communication for Child Protection in the Digital Era: Influencing Social Media Users to Advocate Against Child Trafficking in KenyaOdhiambo, Aggrey Willis Otieno January 2021 (has links)
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