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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Road Cabotage in the Swedish haulage industry : A survey on three haulage companies

Ericsson, Jesper, Frick, Henrik, Nordgren, Olov January 2006 (has links)
Bachelor thesis in Logistics Management, School of Management and Economics, Växjö University, EKL 361, Spring 2006-05-24 Authors: Jesper Ericsson, Olov Nordgren, Henrik Frick Tutor: Åsa Gustafsson/ Helena Forslund Examiner: Helena Forslund Title: Road cabotage in the Swedish haulage industry Author supplied keywords: Transportation, European Union, Haulage Company, Road Cabotage, Five Forces Model and Generic Strategies. Background: In 1998 the European Union introduced the concept of free road cabotage. The concept implies that haulers from different Member States are allowed to perform domestic transportation in another Member State as long as it is conducted on a temporary basis. The introduction of cabotage has given rise to new competitive conditions on domestic markets within the European Union. Not all haulage companies within the European Union have the same competitive prerequisites. Swedish haulers have a high cost structure in comparison with foreign haulers and therefore it is interesting to see how they are affected by cabotage. Research Questions: o How do Swedish haulers perceive cabotage in their industry and how do they manage it today? o Which improvements can be achieved strategically to sustain and/or improve Swedish haulers’ competitive situation towards foreign haulers? Purpose: The objective of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how Swedish haulers’ are affected by competition concerning road cabotage. Depending on how they are affected by road cabotage we also intend to present strategic improvements that can sustain and/or improve their competitive ability. Methodology: Survey on three haulage companies Theoretical Framework: For our first research question we have chosen to present the concept of cabotage to enlighten readers. To be able to understand what characterises the Swedish haulage industry we have chosen Porter’s Five Forces Model as a foundation. The results from the Five Forces Model are used as inputs to the theories concerning Porter’s generic strategy. Conclusions: Through this bachelor thesis we have concluded that Swedish haulers are in different ways affected by road cabotage. Depending on their type of business, they are more or less affected by cabotage. Through differentiation Swedish haulers can sustain and improve their competitive situation. The differentiation should be focused on issues regarding markets, customers, and specific service characteristics that are difficult for foreign competitors to imitate.

Road Cabotage in the Swedish haulage industry : A survey on three haulage companies

Ericsson, Jesper, Frick, Henrik, Nordgren, Olov January 2006 (has links)
<p>Bachelor thesis in Logistics Management, School of Management and Economics, Växjö University, EKL 361, Spring 2006-05-24</p><p>Authors: Jesper Ericsson, Olov Nordgren, Henrik Frick</p><p>Tutor: Åsa Gustafsson/ Helena Forslund</p><p>Examiner: Helena Forslund</p><p>Title: Road cabotage in the Swedish haulage industry</p><p>Author supplied keywords: Transportation, European Union, Haulage Company, Road Cabotage, Five Forces Model and Generic Strategies.</p><p>Background: In 1998 the European Union introduced the concept of free road cabotage. The concept implies that haulers from different Member States are allowed to perform domestic transportation in another Member State as long as it is conducted on a temporary basis. The introduction of cabotage has given rise to new competitive conditions on domestic markets within the European Union. Not all haulage companies within the European Union have the same competitive prerequisites. Swedish haulers have a high cost structure in comparison with foreign haulers and therefore it is interesting to see how they are affected by cabotage.</p><p>Research Questions:</p><p>o How do Swedish haulers perceive cabotage in their industry and how do they manage it today?</p><p>o Which improvements can be achieved strategically to sustain and/or improve Swedish haulers’ competitive situation towards foreign haulers?</p><p>Purpose: The objective of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how Swedish haulers’ are affected by competition concerning road cabotage. Depending on how they are affected by road cabotage we also intend to present strategic improvements that can sustain and/or improve their competitive ability.</p><p>Methodology: Survey on three haulage companies</p><p>Theoretical Framework: For our first research question we have chosen to present the concept of cabotage to enlighten readers. To be able to understand what characterises the Swedish haulage industry we have chosen Porter’s Five Forces Model as a foundation. The results from the Five Forces Model are used as inputs to the theories concerning Porter’s generic strategy.</p><p>Conclusions: Through this bachelor thesis we have concluded that Swedish haulers are in different ways affected by road cabotage. Depending on their type of business, they are more or less affected by cabotage. Through differentiation Swedish haulers can sustain and improve their competitive situation. The differentiation should be focused on issues regarding markets, customers, and specific service characteristics that are difficult for foreign competitors to imitate.</p>

O uso do território brasileiro pela navegação de cabotagem por contêiner no contexto da circulação global de mercadorias (1993-2013) / The use of Brazilian territory by coastal shipping in containers in the context of global movement of goods (1993-2013)

Marco Antonio Gomes 02 December 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa o desenvolvimento da navegação de cabotagem no Brasil, mais especificamente o transporte de mercadorias em contêineres, após 1993, ano de edição da Lei de Modernização dos Portos (Lei n° 8630/1993) e sua relação com a circulação global de mercadorias. Para a consecução desta pesquisa utilizamos o método histórico-dialético, observando-se, sobretudo, o processo e os eventos relacionados à questão portuária e à cabotagem no período após 1993, assim como buscando entender estas questões a partir das teorias e categorias geográficas de espaço, território e circulação. Parte-se do princípio que a lógica hegemônica internacional atual, de intensa movimentação de produtos industrializados, oriundos especialmente dos novos países industrializados da Ásia, reforça a importância das trocas de mercadorias. A inserção do Brasil nesta divisão territorial internacional do trabalho elevou a demanda por contêineres, favorecendo a padronização dos objetos técnicos tanto nas áreas portuárias quanto na forma e na capacidade de carga dos navios. A internalização desta lógica hegemônica no território brasileiro não se dá sem conflitos. Há porções do território que são privilegiadas, dentro de um processo de seletividade espacial, enquanto outras porções permanecem relegadas por esta lógica globalizante. Deste modo, a análise dos fluxos de mercadorias por meio da cabotagem no Brasil passa pela análise desse processo hegemônico global, da universalidade das técnicas e dos objetos técnicos no atual período histórico, assim como pelo entendimento de como isto está relacionado com a circulação de mercadorias em território nacional. Conclui-se que o Estado, por meio de suas normas, é fundamental como gradiente da absorção, no território nacional, das inovações técnicas difundidas em escala global, ao permitir que determinadas porções do território sejam apropriadas a um circuito internacional de circulação de mercadorias, ocasionando uma seletividade espacial. / This dissertation examines the development of coastal shipping in Brazil, more specifically the transport of goods in containers, after 1993, year of edition of Law 8630/1993, and its relationship with the global circulation of goods. To achieve this research we use the historical-dialectical method, noting especially the process and events related to the issue of ports and coastal shipping in the period after 1993, well as seeking to understand these issues from the theories and categories of geographical space, territory and movement. The current international hegemonic logic of intense movement of manufactured goods, especially coming from newly industrialized countries of Asia, reinforces the importance of trade in goods. The insertion of Brazil in this territorial division of labor increased the demand for container, promoting the standardization of technical objects both in port areas as the shape and capacity of ships. The internalization of this hegemonic logic in Brazil is not happening without conflict. There are portions of the territory that are privileged, within a process of spatial selectivity, while other portions remain relegated this globalizing logic. Thus, the analysis of the flow of goods through the cabotage in Brazil involves the analysis of this global hegemonic process, the universality of techniques and technical objects in the current historical period, as well as the understanding of how this is related to the movement of goods domestically. We conclude that the State, through its rules, is critical as the gradient of absorption in the national territory of technical innovations. These innovations are disseminated on a global scale, allowing certain portions of the territory to be appropriate to an international circuit of movement of goods, causing a spatial selectivity.

Otimização da seleção e alocação de cargas em navios de contêineres. / Optimization of cargo selection and alocation in container ship.

Marcello Cuoco 25 September 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do problema de otimização do resultado para uma empresa (maximização da receita) que presta o serviço de transporte de carga conteinerizada por via marítima num cenário onde a demanda dos clientes supera a oferta de capacidade disponível. No trabalho são descritas as características do problema da escolha do mix de carga em um horizonte de planejamento típico de várias semanas (tipicamente de 6 a 8) com detalhamento diário, ou seja, caracterizando um problema de múltiplos períodos. Também são consideradas as restrições de peso e de volume dos navios utilizados e disponibilidade de contêineres. A proposta é maximizar o retorno gerado pelo transporte através da escolha do conjunto de clientes que apresentem a melhor rentabilidade total dentre um universo definido em um processo mensal de levantamento de demanda. Contribuem para o aumento da complexidade da modelagem do problema a necessidade de utilização de variáveis inteiras em função da escolha de cada carga de cada cliente, considerando também vários navios em múltiplas rotas e programação do reposicionamento de contêineres vazios em conjunto com os cheios. Para a resolução deste problema foi desenvolvida uma heurística para a solução do modelo matemático que analisa a rentabilidade relativa de cada carga segundo critérios de ocupação (volume e peso) dos navios. A partir daí, as cargas mais rentáveis são alocadas e são verificadas as restrições de capacidade do navio utilizado e a disponibilidade de contêineres vazios em um processo interativo, onde são analisadas as opções de reposicionamento dos contêineres vazios até a obtenção da solução ou recusa da carga. A heurística proposta permite considerar diferentes critérios de rentabilidade dos clientes e cargas, tendo sido aplicada a um problema real para a sua validação. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma oportunidade de melhoria no processo atual tanto no aspecto de aumento da lucratividade do negócio, objetivo principal do trabalho, como em outras questões como a programação antecipada do reposicionamento dos contêineres vazios e a flexibilização do espaço alocado para esta movimentação. / This work presents a problem of profit optimization (revenue maximization) in container shipment company by maritime modal in a scenario where demand surplus the available capacity. In this work is described the characteristics of cargo mix problem in a multiple planning period of several weeks (typically from 6 to 8) with diary scheduling, which means that it turns to a multiple period problem. It is also considered the weight and volume restrictions of the boats and availability of containers. The proposal is to maximize the return generated by the transportation service by choosing the set of clients that generates the bigger profitability in a major group defined in a monthly process of demand evaluation. The complexity of the problem is enhanced by the utilization of integer variables, because of the need of choosing each client and its cargo, also considering that it may be more than one ship in multiple routes and the empty containers transportation along with the cargo. For the solution of the problem, it was developed a heuristic for the solution of the mathematical model that analyses the profitability of each client according to occupation (volume and weight) of the ships. From this moment on, the most profitable cargos are allocated and the restriction of capacity of the ships and availability of empty containers are in a interactive process until the solution is found or the client discharged. This method was tested in a real problem of a maritime transportation company, comparing the various profitability criteria of the clients and cargos. The obtained results show an opportunity of actual process improvement concerning the profitability of the business, main objective of this work, as in the anticipation of the empty containers repositioning and flexibilization of the space allocated to this operation.

A circulação através da navegação de cabotagem no Brasil: um sistema de fluxos e fixos aquaviários voltados para a fluidez territorial / The circulation through the coastal shipping navigation in Brazil: a flow system and fixed waterways focused on territorial fluidity

Rafael Oliveira Fonseca 15 March 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem o propósito de analisar a dinâmica da circulação no Brasil através da navegação de cabotagem de carga. Cabotagem é definida como aquela navegação realizada entre portos brasileiros, utilizando exclusivamente a via marítima ou a via marítima e as interiores, ou seja, é todo transporte aquaviário nacional que se realiza totalmente ou parcialmente pela via marítima costeira. No atual período histórico, a convergência da técnica, da ciência, da informação, e do processo de mundialização do capital criam maiores possibilidades para a especialização dos lugares, não havendo mais a necessidade de se produzir todo o tipo de demandas por mercadorias, estabelecendo-se uma intensa divisão territorial do trabalho onde a circulação emerge como elemento intrínseco aos processos produtivos, pois é somente através da movimentação das mercadorias que os ciclos produtivos se efetivam. Esse processo vem contribuindo para uma intensificação dos fluxos materiais e imateriais que ocorrem em espaços cada vez mais amplos do mercado internacional, aumentando dessa forma a tendência ao espraiamento geográfico das atividades econômicoprodutivas. No Brasil esses aspectos ganham ênfase, sobretudo a partir da década de 1990, quando na maior parte do mundo ocorreram alterações econômicas, políticas e sociais que impuseram aos países, e ao Brasil, um novo padrão de organização do território pautado, dentre outros fatores, na busca de uma maior racionalidade e fluidez territorial devido à intensificação dos fluxos e a inserção cada vez mais vigorosa do país no mercado mundializado. Assim, em um país de dimensão continental que apresenta mais de sete mil quilômetros de costa, com uma faixa litorânea onde se localizam a maioria das principais cidades e centros consumidores, a navegação de cabotagem se apresenta como um modal potencial para realização da circulação de mercadorias, sobretudo no contexto da intermodalidade pretendida em um país ainda essencialmente rodoviarista. Os agentes privados, defendendo seus interesses, e, sobretudo o Estado, na sua esfera de ação tem dinamizado recentemente o setor aquaviário. Dessa maneira, nos propomos compreender a atuação do agente estatal sobre o setor dos transportes, especificamente sobre a navegação de cabotagem de carga no Brasil, bem como compreender a atuação dos principais armadores nacionais, que se utilizam da navegação de cabotagem para oferecem seus serviços baseados em soluções logísticas que buscam otimizar a circulação material de seus clientes. Desse modo, busca-se perpassar pelos caminhos e conteúdos da cabotagem brasileira, bem como analisar os principais circuitos espaciais da produção que se utilizam dessa modalidade de transporte, com ênfase para os circuitos produtivos: do petróleo, do alumínio (bauxita) e da celulose (madeira). / This study aimed to analyze the dynamics of circulation in Brazil through the coastal shipping cargo. Coastal shipping or cabotage is defined as that navigation between Brazilian ports, using only the sea or the sea and the rivers, in other words, is a national waterway transportation that takes place totally or partially by sea coast. In the current historical period, the convergence of technical, science, information, and the process of capital globalization create greater opportunities towards specialization of places, there was no longer a need to produce all kinds of demands for goods, establishing an intense territorial division of labor where circulation emerges as an element intrinsic to the production processes, therefore it is only through the circulation of goods that the production cycles become effected. This process has contributed to an intensification of the material and immaterial flows that occur in wider spaces increasingly globalized thereby increasing the tendency to geographical spreading of economic-productive activities. In Brazil these aspects acquire emphasis, especially since the 1990s, when most of the world, economic, political and social changes occurred imposed to all the countries, and to Brazil, a new pattern of organization of the territory ruled, among other factors, in the search of a better rationality and territorial fluidity due to the intensification of flows and increasingly forceful insertion of the country in the globalization. Therefore, in a country of continental dimension presenting over seven thousand kilometers of coastline, with a coast where are located most of the major cities and consumer centers, coastal shipping appears as a modal transport with potential for circularion of goods, especially in the context of intermodality intented in a country still essentially based on road transportation. Private agents, defending their interests, and above all the State, within its sphere of action has recently dynamized the water transportation sector. In this way, we propose to understand the action of the State on the transport sector, specifically on coastal shipping cargo in Brazil, as well as understanding the role of the main national shipowners, that use the cabotagae to offer their services based in logistics solutions aimed to optimize material circulation of their customers. Therefore, it is intended to pervade the ways and contents of Brazilian cabotage as well as analyze the main spatial circuits of production that use this mode of transport, with emphasis on productive circuits of: petroleum, aluminum (bauxite) and cellulose (wood).

Cabotage as an external non-tariff measure on the competitiveness on SIDS's agribusinesses: The case of Puerto Rico

Suárez II Gómez, William January 2018 (has links)
Yes / This paper explores the multidimensional effects of an external non-tariff measure (NTM) on maritime transportation between the United States (US) and Puerto Rico (PR) trades. In particular, this research addresses the vulnerability level of PR’s agrifood sector in relation to sustainability as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) highly influenced by a larger economy. Due to the high potential of climate changes in the Caribbean, this study reviewed the effects of a maritime cabotage policy on a SIDS agribusinesses’ logistic. Could a NTM affect the supply chain capabilities and the food security of a SIDS? What challenges and opportunities does the US Cabotage policy present for PR’s agricultural sector’s competitiveness? Based on mixing empirical analysis in an exploratory convergent design, the research categorizes the cabotage policy in relation to the effects on PR’s agrifood supply chain, its port infrastructure, and its native agribusinesses’ competitiveness. Results show the maritime cabotage itself is a constraint. However, the interactions with others NTMs, indirectly related to the cabotage but inherent to the political status and business relationship between PR and the US, add other limits. In addition, it revealed that internal factors have an impact on the efficiency and competitiveness of PR’s agro-industrial sector.

Logística de baixo carbono: avaliação da eficiência do modal cabotagem no transporte de longa distância. / Low carbon logistics: evaluating the efficiency of modal cabotage in long distance transportation.

Rodrigues, Edmilson Roberto 20 December 2018 (has links)
Este estudo estima e compara as emissões de CO2 entre os dois modos de transporte intermodais mais utilizados no Brasil, para cargas com origem e destino ao município de Manaus, Estado do Amazonas. O primeiro é denominado cabotagem porta-a-porta, tem o contêiner como unidade de transporte e é caracterizado pela utilização da navegação em rios e/ou oceano como modalidade principal, complementado por caminhões para os trechos rodoviários na origem e destino. O segundo modo de transporte consiste na combinação do modo fluvial com rodoviário, conhecido no mercado brasileiro como rodo-fluvial. Nesse modal, a unidade de transporte é usualmente a carreta-baú, que percorre uma parte do trajeto sobre uma barcaça (trecho fluvial) e outra parte conectada a um cavalo-mecânico (trecho rodoviário). Através da aplicação dos métodos de cálculo baseados na energia ou atividade (energy-based or activity-based approach) foi possível realizar uma comparação das emissões de forma bastante compreensiva. Na literatura existem diversos estudos que destacam a eficiência do modal aquaviário em relação ao modal rodoviário. No entanto, esses estudos analisam as emissões sem considerar todas as etapas envolvidas, como coleta e entrega, e movimentação portuária. Dessa forma, esses estudos podem estar deixando de computar quantidades importantes de emissões quando fazem essas comparações. Nesse estudo, a comparação contempla todas as etapas e permite que ao analisarmos os resultados, possamos entender exatamente em qual etapa do processo as emissões são mais significativas. Os resultados apurados apontam uma clara vantagem ambiental do modal cabotagem porta-a-porta, emitindo até 40% menos CO2 que o modal rodo-fluvial no trecho entre Manaus e São Paulo. De igual forma, mostra-se também mais eficiente mesmo em trechos de menor distância, como entre Manaus e Recife, onde as emissões na cabotagem porta-a-porta são 54% inferiores ao modal rodo-fluvial. Quando comparado com rotas puramente rodoviárias, como entre Porto Alegre e Recife, a cabotagem porta-a-porta emite 63% menos CO2 que o modal alternativo. / This study estimates and compares CO2 emissions between the two modalities of intermodal transport most used in Brazil for cargo with origin and destination to the municipality of Manaus, State of Amazonas. The first is called door-to-door cabotage, has the container as a transport unit and is characterized by the use of river and/or ocean navigation as the main modality, complemented by trucks for the road sections at the origin and destination. The second mode is the combination of the fluvial and road modal, known in the Brazilian market as a fluvial highway. In this modality, the transport unit is usually the trailer, which travels part of the route on a barge (river sections) and another part connected to a tractor (road sections). Through the application of the energy-based or activity-based approach, it was possible to compare the emissions in a very comprehensive way. In the literature there are several studies that highlight the efficiency of the waterway modal in relation to the road modal. However, these studies analyze emissions without considering all the steps involved, such as pick-up and delivery and port handling. Thus, these studies may be failing to compute significant amounts of emissions when making such comparisons. In this study, the comparison contemplates all the steps and allows that when analyzing the results, we can understand exactly at which stage of the process the emissions are more significant. The results obtained indicate a clear environmental advantage of the modal cabotage door-to-door, emitting up to 40% less CO2 than the combined fluvial and road modal in the stretch between Manaus and São Paulo. Similarly, it is also shown to be more efficient even in smaller distances, such as between Manaus and Recife, where the emissions in the door-to-door cabotage are 54% lower than the alternative (fluvial-road) modal. When compared to purely road routes, such as between Porto Alegre and Recife, the door-to-door cabotage emits 63% less CO2 than the alternative modal.

Alternativas de transporte rodo-marítimo na distribuição de cargas frigoríficas no Brasil / Road-waterway transportation alternatives in the distribution of reefer cargo in Brazil

Rorato, Rafael José 22 August 2003 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga alternativas de transporte de cargas frigoríficas entre fábricas e centros de distribuição, avaliando as possíveis vantagens econômicas que resultariam do transporte intermodal rodo-hidroviário de contêineres ISO e do uso da CVC (Combinação de Veículo Carga) do tipo 3S3B3 - cavalo mecânico de três eixos mais dois semi-reboques de três eixos unidos por uma conexão do tipo B com PBTC de 74t, em relação ao cenário atual de transporte rodoviário porta-a-porta com a CVC do tipo 2S3 – cavalo mecânico de dois eixos com um semi-reboque de três eixos de 41,5t de PBTC. Com o auxílio de um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (TransCAD) dimensiona-se a frota e elabora-se um modelo de custos de transporte na rede de rotas para diversos cenários alternativos. As tarifas de pedágios das principais concessionárias de rodovias brasileiras e as tarifas portuárias dos portos considerados no modelo serviram como fonte de informações para a criação de mapas temáticos, rotas de caminho mínimo e a obtenção do custo por tonelada transportada. Conclui-se, através da análise dos resultados obtidos, que existem potenciais ganhos econômicos da alternativa de transporte intermodal rodo-marítimo, associado a CVC 3S3B3 – bitrem com implemento porta-contêineres, no acesso aos portos e no trajeto do porto ao centro de distribuição em relação à tecnologia de transporte utilizada atualmente, de transporte rodoviário porta-a-porta com a CVC 2S3 – semi-reboque com implemento rodoviário baú frigorífico e capacidade de carga de 26 paletes padrão PBR. Conclui-se também que a tecnologia do tipo 3S3B3 com baú frigorífico e capacidade de carga de 40 paletes oferece aos transportadores uma alternativa que, na grande maioria das rotas estudadas, é mais competitiva que a integração modal rodo-hidroviária. / This research investigates transportation alternatives between industries and distribution centers by evaluating the possible advantages of the road-waterway intermodal transport of ISO containers and the use of a LCV-Long Combination Vehicle of the 3S3B3 type – a tractor plus two semi-trailers linked by a B-train connection and 74t of GVW, in relation to the present roadway house-to-house operating scenario using a five axles semi-trailer of the 2S3 type and 41,5t of GVW. Using a Geographic Information System (TransCAD) the fleet size and the operating costs of the transportation network are calculated. For different alternative scenarios tolls charged by the brasilian private road administration partnership and current port rates are used in the model, and served as the basis to elaborate the thematic maps, minimum cost routes and costs per transported ton. From the analysis of the results it is concluded that the intermodal road-waterway alternative, associated to the transport of containers to the ports and from the ports to the distribution centers using the 3S3B3 with two container flatbeds, offers potencial economic gains in relation to the present technology using the house-to-house road transport with the 2S3 and a reefer trailer for 26 PBR pallets. It is also concluded that the 3S3B3 technology with 2 reefer units and capacity of 40 PBR pallets offers an alternative to the transportation industry that outperforms the road-waterway intermodal integration on most studied routes.

Cabotage : the effects of an external non-tariff measure on the competitiveness of agribusiness in Puerto Rico

Suárez Gómez, William January 2016 (has links)
Small islands developing states (SIDS) sustainability is a United Nations’ aim. Their markets are often influenced by external policies imposed by larger economies. Could an anti-competitive measure affect the food vulnerability of a SIDS? This research examines the effects of an external non-tariff measure (NTM) on Puerto Rico’s (PR) agribusinesses. It explores the effects of a maritime cabotage regulation (US Jones Act) on the affordability and accessibility of produce and grains. PR imports 100% of their needs of grain and over 85% of fresh produce. PR’s food imports are generally from the US and the trade service is restricted to the use of the US maritime transportation. As a result, the supply chain of these two sectors although different, are limited by the US Act that may impact the cost of food, its availability, firms’ efficiency and other structures of production. Using a mixed convergent design, PR’s agrifood supply chains were explored and analysed in relation to the maritime cabotage regulation. Oligopolistic structures and collusion between maritime transporters and local agribusinesses importers limit the access to data, but other internal factors also have a role. Fieldwork shows that while the cabotage regulation itself is a constraint, interaction with others NTM and the current political framework between US and PR are relevant. Factors such as lack of efficiency, poor innovation and a self-limitation of the agribusinesses firms were found. The novelty of this research is the use of mixed methods to evaluate the effects of cabotage on the agrifood supply chain.

Modelo integrado para seleção de cargas e reposicionamento de contêineres vazios no transporte marítimo. / Integrated model of cargo selection and empty containers repositioning in maritime transport.

Teixeira, Rafael Buback 23 September 2011 (has links)
A popularização dos contêineres no transporte de cargas gerais por volta dos anos 60 provocou significativa mudança no tráfego de mercadorias ao redor do mundo. A utilização deste equipamento simplifica e agiliza o processo de transporte e manuseio de cargas, uma vez que permite a movimentação entre diferentes modais com rapidez e segurança nas operações de carga e descarga. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa trata do problema que integra decisões de escolha de cargas a serem transportadas pelo modal marítimo com decisões de reposicionamento de contêineres vazios de modo a maximizar a receita total. O modelo baseia-se em um problema de fluxo em rede multiproduto, a partir da qual é proposta uma modelagem matemática inédita, que permite levar em consideração as principais restrições encontradas na prática tais como: horizonte de planejamento de longo prazo; diferentes tipos e tamanhos de contêineres; múltiplos navios, rotas e suas respectivas programações; rotas que permitem que um porto seja visitado mais de uma vez; capacidades dos navios em termos de número máximo de contêineres cheios e vazios por tipo e peso máximo total; para cada rota e trecho entre dois portos consecutivos; etc. O modelo proposto foi implementado em C++ e utiliza o software de otimização GUROBI, lançado recentemente, assim como uma planilha eletrônica para os dados de entrada. O mesmo foi comparado a um modelo da literatura que utiliza método heurístico para resolução de problema semelhante. O modelo também foi aplicado a problemas de diversos portes evidenciando que é capaz de resolver problemas até à otimização de maneira eficiente e em tempos de processamento reduzidos. / The popularization of containers in transporting general cargo caused a significant change in freight traffic around the world. The use of this mechanism simplifies and streamlines the process of shipping and handling charges, allowing you to move it between different transport modes, with speed and safety in loading and unloading process. In this context, this research deals the problem that incorporates decisions of cargo selection to be transported by sea with decisions involving reposition empty containers in order to maximize total revenue. The problem is modeled as a multi-product network flow problem and is proposed a novel mathematical model, which takes into account the main constraints encountered in practice, such as planning horizon of long-term; different types and sizes of containers, multiple ships and routes and their schedules, routes that allow a port to be visited more than once, and capacity of vessels in terms of maximum number of full and empty containers by type, and maximum weight for each route and the segment between two consecutive ports, etc. The proposed model was implemented in C++ and uses for its solution, the optimization software recently launched, GUROBI, as well as a spreadsheet for data entry. The same was applied to a problem of literature that uses a heuristic method to solve it. The model also was applied to several size of problems showing the model able to solve problem to optimality of efficient way and in processing time reduced.

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