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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude des effets multigénérationnels d'une exposition chronique aux rayonnements ionisants chez un organisme modèle : le nématode Caenorhabditis elegans / Study of multigenerational effects of chronic exposure to ionizing radiation in a model organism : the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

Buisset-Goussen, Adeline 08 December 2014 (has links)
L'évaluation de l'impact écologique d'une exposition aux rayonnements ionisants est devenue une préoccupation majeure. L'objectif de ce doctorat était d'étudier les effets multigénérationnels d'une irradiation gamma chronique selon une approche intégrée, des traits d'histoire de vie aux mécanismes subcellulaires chez un organisme modèle, le nématode Caenorhabditis elegans. L'étude des effets d'une irradiation gamma chronique sur les traits d'histoire de vie de C. elegans a d'abord été effectuée. Pour cela, trois générations ont été exposées et deux générations ont été placées en environnement « contrôle » après exposition parentale. Puis, différents mécanismes subcellulaires pouvant expliquer les effets observés sur les traits d'histoire de vie ont été par la suite caractérisés. Les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence que (i) la reproduction était le critère d'effet le plus sensible, (ii) une augmentation de la radiosensibilité était observée sur trois générations exposées et (iii) les effets de la génération parentale étaient transmis aux générations non-exposées. Une augmentation de l'apoptose, une diminution du stock de spermatozoïdes et du nombre de cellules mitotiques semblent expliquer la diminution de la reproduction dans les générations exposées. Seule une diminution du nombre de spermatozoïdes a été observée en parallèle d'une diminution de la reproduction dans les générations placées non exposées. Ce projet de recherche a permis d'apporter des connaissances sur les effets multigénérationnels d'une irradiation gamma et montre l'intérêt d'utiliser une approche intégrée pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes d'action liés à l'action d'un polluant. / The environmental risk assessment of chronic exposure to ionizing has become a major concern. The aim of this PhD was to study the multigenerational effects of chronic gamma radiation in an integrated manner (to the life history traits from the subcellular mechanisms) in a model organism, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. First, studying the effects of chronic gamma radiation on the life history traits of C. elegans was performed. For that, three generations have been exposed to different dose rates and two generations have been placed in "control" environment after parental exposure. The second part of this thesis aimed to characterize the different subcellular mechanisms that could explain the observed effects on the life history traits after multigenerational exposure. The results showed that (i) the reproduction was the most sensitive endpoint to gamma radiation, (ii) an increase in radiosensitivity was observed over three exposed generations and (iii) the effects of the parental generation were transmitted to the non-exposed generations. An increase in apoptosis, a reduction in the stock of sperm, and to a lesser extent, a decrease in the number of mitotic cells, could explain the observed decrease in reproduction for the exposed generations. Only a decrease in sperm number was observed in parallel with a reduction in the cumulative number of larvae in the non-exposed generations. This research contributes to our knowledge on the multigenerational effects of gamma irradiation and shows the importance of an integrated approach to better understand the mechanisms of action related to the action of a pollutant and improve the environmental risk assessment.

Estudo das vitelinas VT1 e YP170B dos nematoides rabditídeos Oscheius tipulae e Caenorhabditis elegans: aspectos estruturais e funcionais. / Structural and functional analysis of VT1 and YP170B vitellins from the Rhabditid nematodes Oscheius tipulae and Caenorhabditis elegans.

Daniela Peres Almenara 07 July 2009 (has links)
A região N-terminal de OTI-VIT-1 foi expressa e os polipeptídeos recombinantes foram purificados. OTI-VIT-1 pode ser homólogo da vitelina YP170B de C. elegans. Foram identificados um intron na região 5´ e dois na região 3´ do gene Oti-vit-1. Antissoro monoespecífico para PVIT1HisC confirmou que o gene Oti-vit-1 codifica VT1. O polipeptídeo recombinante P40-H, correspondente à região N-terminal da proteína OTI-VIT-6 interage com um polipeptídeo de aproximadamente 100 kDa (P100) presente em extratos proteicos totais de O. tipulae. Estudamos também o papel da Proteína Microssômica Transportadora de Triglicerídeos (MTP) na biossíntese de Vitelogenina do nematoide C. elegans. Ensaios de RNAi em C. elegans, utilizando parte da sequência do gene da MTP (Cel-dsc-4) foram realizados nas linhagens N2 e DH1033. Microscopia de fluorescência de vermes adultos da linhagem DH1033, submetidos a RNAi, mostrou acúmulo de YP170B::GFP no interior dos enterócitos. Este acúmulo sugere a participação da MTP na secreção de VTG. Análise imunológica da vitelogenina nestes mesmos vermes não detectaram alterações no processamento de CEL-VIT-6, sugerindo que o mesmo ocorra não só no pseudoceloma, mas também no interior dos enterócitos. / The N-terminal region of OTI-VIT-1 was expressed and the recombinant polypeptides were purified. OTI-VIT-1 may be homologous to the vitellin YP170B from C. elegans. We identified an intron in the 5 \'region and two in 3\' region from Oti-vit-1. Monospecific antisera to PVIT1HisC confirmed that the gene Oti-vit-1 encodes VT1. The recombinant polypeptide P40-H, corresponding to the N-terminal region of the protein OTI-VIT-6, interacts with a polypeptide of approximately 100 kDa (P100) present in total protein extracts of O. tipulae. The role of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) in the biosynthesis of vitellogenin was studied in the nematode C. elegans. Trials of RNAi in C. elegans, using the sequence of the MTP gene (Cel-dsc-4) were performed in the strains N2 and DH1033. Fluorescence microscopy of adult worms of strain DH1033, subjected to RNAi, showed accumulation of YP170B:: GFP within the enterocytes. This accumulation suggests the involvement of MTP in the secretion of VTG. Analysis using anti-vitellogenin immune serum did not detect changes in the processing of CEL-VIT-6, suggesting that it occurs not only in pseudocoelom but also within the enterocytes.

Membrane Invaginations Reveal Cortical Sites that Pull on Mitotic Spindles in One-Cell C. elegans Embryos

Redemann, Stefanie, Pecreaux, Jacques, Goehring, Nathan W., Khairy, Khaled, Stelzer, Ernst H. K., Hyman, Anthony A., Howard, Jonathon 09 December 2015 (has links)
Asymmetric positioning of the mitotic spindle in C. elegans embryos is mediated by force-generating complexes that are anchored at the plasma membrane and that pull on microtubules growing out from the spindle poles. Although asymmetric distribution of the force generators is thought to underlie asymmetric positioning of the spindle, the number and location of the force generators has not been well defined. In particular, it has not been possible to visualize individual force generating events at the cortex. We discovered that perturbation of the acto-myosin cortex leads to the formation of long membrane invaginations that are pulled from the plasma membrane toward the spindle poles. Several lines of evidence show that the invaginations, which also occur in unperturbed embryos though at lower frequency, are pulled by the same force generators responsible for spindle positioning. Thus, the invaginations serve as a tool to localize the sites of force generation at the cortex and allow us to estimate a lower limit on the number of cortical force generators within the cell.

Approche intégrée des dommages des rayonnements ionisants chez Caenorhabditis elegans : de l'ADN aux protéines / Integrated approach of ionizing radiation damage on Caenorhabditis elegans : from DNA to proteins

Dubois, Cécile 28 November 2017 (has links)
De par l'omniprésence des rayonnements ionisants, l’évaluation de leur impact sur les écosystèmes est devenue une préoccupation environnementale majeure. Cependant, l’évaluation des risques environnementaux liés aux expositions chroniques souffre d’un manque de connaissances, d’autant que l’extrapolation des données acquises après exposition aiguë (plus nombreuses) ne semble pas adaptée pour la prédiction des effets des expositions chroniques. Pour exemple, les effets sur les paramètres individuels i.e. la reproduction, diffèrent entre ces deux modes d’expositions, suggérant que les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents diffèrent également. Il est donc nécessaire de réaliser des études au niveau individuel et subcellulaire afin de mieux comprendre les différences de radiotoxicité observées entre les deux modes d’irradiation. Les protéines sont les molécules fonctionnelles dans les organismes, elles peuvent être les cibles de dommages oxydatifs (i.e carbonylation), et sont susceptibles d’être des marqueurs pertinents et sensibles de l’exposition aux rayonnements ionisants. Ainsi, l’objectif de ce projet de thèse était d’améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires de radiotoxicité (aigu vs chronique) en étudiant particulièrement la contribution du protéome chez un organisme modèle, le nématode Caenorhabditis elegans. Pour ce faire, l’étude des effets d’irradiation gamma aiguë et chronique sur une large gamme de doses (0,5 - 200Gy, dont 4 doses communes aux deux modes d’exposition) a été opérée au niveau individuel, et en particulier sur la reproduction, paramètre susceptible d’influencer directement la dynamique des populations. En complément, la modulation de l'expression des protéines mais aussi leurs dommages (i.e carbonylation) et leur dégradation par le protéasome ont été évalués. Les résultats ont montré que l’irradiation aiguë induit un effet sur le succès d’éclosion et sur la ponte totale dès 30Gy alors que seule la ponte totale est impactée par l’irradiation chronique à partir de 3,3Gy. A l’échelle moléculaire, les niveaux de protéines carbonylées sont très peu modulés après exposition chronique ou aiguë aux rayonnements ionisants. Le protéasome semble être impliqué dans la dégradation des protéines carbonylées après irradiation chronique. En revanche, après irradiation aiguë, celui-ci semble dépassé, suggérant une possible implication d’autres mécanismes de défense (autophagie). Les profils d’expression des protéines, et notamment de protéines impliquées dans l’apoptose, la réparation des dommages à l’ADN, la réplication et la reproduction sont différents après irradiation aiguë et chronique. Ainsi, les protéines nécessaires au développement embryonnaire sont réprimées après irradiation aiguë dès 0,5 Gy alors que celles impliquées dans le développement de la lignée germinale sont surexprimées. Ces dernières sont réprimées après irradiation chronique dès 0,5 Gy. Ces résultats, suggèrent que les mécanismes de radiotoxicité entre les expositions aiguës et chroniques sont bien distincts, et que les effets de l’irradiation aiguë pourraient être dus à une perturbation de l’embryogénèse (via l’accumulation de dommages génotoxiques). A l’inverse, l’irradiation chronique induirait un effet sur la gamétogénèse se traduisant par une baisse de la ponte totale sans affecter l’embryogénèse. Ce projet de recherche nous a permis d’apporter des connaissances sur les cascades d’évènements moléculaires suite à différentes conditions d'irradiation gamma et illustre l’intérêt d’utiliser une approche intégrée pour mieux prédire et comprendre les effets observés sur les grandes fonctions biologiques. De plus ces travaux ont permis de caractériser des marqueurs protéiques d’exposition plus sensibles que les marqueurs individuels puisque l’activité du protéasome et l’expression des protéines est modulée dès 0,5Gy. In fine cet ensemble de données contribuera à améliorer l’évaluation des risques pour l’environnement. / Because of the ubiquitous nature of ionizing radiation, the risk assessment on ecosystems has become a major environmental concern. However, the environmental risk assessment of chronic exposures suffers from a lack of knowledge, especially because the extrapolation of data acquired after acute exposure in order to predict the effects of chronic exposures is not always relevant. Indeed, the effects on the individual parameters, i.e reproduction, differ between these two irradiation modes, suggesting that underlying mechanisms are also different. It is therefore necessary to carry out studies at the individual and at the subcellular level in order to better understand molecular mechanisms governing these differences in the observed effects. Proteins are the functional molecules in organisms, they can be the targets of oxidative damage (i.e carbonylation), and are likely to be relevant and sensitive markers of exposure to ionizing radiation. Thus, the objective of this research project was to improve the understanding of molecular mechanisms of radiotoxicity (acute vs chronic), particularly by studying the proteome contribution, on the biological model Caenorhabditis elegans. The study of the acute and chronic gamma irradiation effects, on a large dose range (between 0.5 and 200Gy, including 4 common doses to both irradiation modes), was performed at the individual level with the reproduction as endpoint, a parameter likely to directly influence the dynamic of populations. In addition, the modulation of protein expression but also their damage (i.e. carbonylation) and their degradation by the proteasome were evaluated. The results showed that acute irradiation induced an effect on hatching success and on total spawning from 30 Gy whereas only total spawning was impacted after chronic irradiation from 3.3 Gy. At the molecular level, the global level of carbonylated proteins was not so modified after chronic or acute exposure to ionizing radiation. The proteasome appears to be involved in the degradation of carbonylated proteins after chronic irradiation whereas after acute irradiation, it seems overtaken, suggesting a possible involvement of other defense mechanisms (autophagy). The protein expression, and particularly proteins involved in apoptosis, DNA repair, replication and reproduction, is differentially modulated after acute and chronic exposure. Thus, the proteins involved in embryonic development are repressed after acute irradiation as soon as 0.5 Gy whereas those involved in the germline development are overexpressed. These results suggest that the radiotoxicity mechanisms between acute and chronic exposures are quite different and that the effects of acute irradiation may be due to an embryogenesis disturbance (via the accumulation of genotoxic damage). Conversely to acute, chronic irradiation induces an effect on gametogenesis, resulting in a decrease of the total spawning without impacting embryogenesis. This research project allowed us to provide knowledge on the molecular cascade events following different gamma irradiation conditions and highlights the need of using an integrated approach to better predict and understand the observed effects on major biological functions. Moreover, this work allowed characterizing more sensitive markers of exposure than the individual ones as the proteasome activity and the protein expression is modulated from 0.5Gy. Ultimately this dataset would help to improve the environmental risk assessment.

Deciphering and modulating G protein signalling in C. elegans using the DREADD technology

Prömel, Simone, Fiedler, Franziska, Binder, Claudia, Winkler, Jana, Schöneberg, Torsten, Thor, Doreen January 2016 (has links)
G-protein signalling is an evolutionary conserved concept highlighting its fundamental impact on developmental and functional processes. Studies on the effects of G protein signals on tissues as well as an entire organism are often conducted in Caenorhabditis elegans. To understand and control dynamics and kinetics of the processes involved, pharmacological modulation of specific G protein pathways would be advantageous, but is difficult due to a lack in accessibility and regulation. To provide this option, we designed G protein-coupled receptor-based designer receptors (DREADDs) for C. elegans. Initially described in mammalian systems, these modified muscarinic acetylcholine receptors are activated by the inert drug clozapine N-oxide, but not by their endogenous agonists. We report a novel C. elegans-specific DREADD, functionally expressed and specifically activating Gq-protein signalling in vitro and in vivo which we used for modulating mating behaviour. Therefore, this novel designer receptor demonstrates the possibility to pharmacologically control physiological functions in C. elegans.

Diet-responsive Gene Networks Rewire Metabolism in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to Provide Robustness against Vitamin B12 Deficiency: A Dissertation

Watson, Emma 17 September 2015 (has links)
Maintaining cellular homeostasis is a complex task, which involves monitoring energy states and essential nutrients, regulating metabolic fluxes to accommodate energy and biomass needs, and preventing buildup of potentially toxic metabolic intermediates and byproducts. Measures aimed at maintaining a healthy cellular economy inherently depend on the composition of nutrients available to the organism through its diet. We sought to delineate links between dietary composition, metabolic gene regulation, and physiological responses in the model organism C. elegans. As a soil-dwelling bacterivore, C. elegans encounters diverse bacterial diets. Compared to a diet of E. coli OP50, a diet of Comamonas aquatica accelerates C. elegans developmental rate, alters egg-laying dynamics and shortens lifespan. These physiological responses are accompanied by gene expression changes. Taking advantage of this natural, genetically tractable predator-prey system, we performed genetic screens i) in C. elegans to identify regulators of diet-responsive genes, and ii) in E. coli and Comamonas to determine dietary factors driving transcriptional responses in C. elegans. We identified a C. elegans transcriptional program that regulates metabolic genes in response to vitamin B12 content in the bacterial diet. Interestingly, several B12- repressed metabolic genes of unknown function are highly activated when B12- dependent propionyl-CoA breakdown is impaired, and inactivation of these genes renders animals sensitive to propionate-induced toxicity. We provide genetic and metabolomic evidence in support of the hypothesis that these genes form a parallel, B12-independent, β-oxidation-like propionate breakdown shunt in C. elegans, similar to the pathway utilized by organisms like yeast and plants that do not use vitamin B12.

Tyraminergic G Protein-Coupled Receptors Modulate Locomotion and Navigational Behavior In C. Elegans: A Dissertation

Donnelly, Jamie L. 04 August 2011 (has links)
An animal’s ability to navigate through its natural environment is critical to its survival. Navigation can be slow and methodical such as an annual migration, or purely reactive such as an escape response. How sensory input is translated into a fast behavioral output to execute goal oriented locomotion remains elusive. In this dissertation, I aimed to investigate escape response behavior in the nematode C. elegans. It has been shown that the biogenic amine tyramine is essential for the escape response. A tyramine-gated chloride channel, LGC-55, has been revealed to modulate suppression of head oscillations and reversal behavior in response to touch. Here, I discovered key modulators of the tyraminergic signaling pathway through forward and reverse genetic screens using exogenous tyramine drug plates. ser-2, a tyramine activated G protein-coupled receptor mutant, was partially resistant to the paralytic effects of exogenous tyramine on body movements, indicating a role in locomotion behavior. Further analysis revealed that ser-2 is asymmetrically expressed in the VD GABAergic motor neurons, and that SER-2 inhibits neurotransmitter release along the ventral nerve cord. Although overall locomotion was normal in ser-2 mutants, they failed to execute omega turns by fully contracting the ventral musculature. Omega turns allow the animal to reverse and completely change directions away from a predator during the escape response. Furthermore, my studies developed an assay to investigate instantaneous velocity changes during the escape response using machine based vision. We sought to determine how an animal accelerates in response to a mechanical stimulus, and subsequently decelerates to a basal locomotion rate. Mutant analysis using this assay revealed roles for both dopamine and tyramine signaling. During my doctoral work, I have further established the importance for tyramine in the nematode, as I have demonstrated two additional roles for tyramine in modulating escape response behavior in C. elegans.

Identification of Novel (<em>R</em>NAi <em>De</em>ficient) Genes in <em>C. elegans</em>: A Dissertation

Chen, Chun-Chieh G. 26 September 2006 (has links)
RNA interference or RNAi was first discovered as an experimental approach that induces potent sequence-specific gene silencing. Remarkably, subsequent studies on dissecting the molecular mechanism of the RNAi pathway reveal that RNAi is conserved in most eukaryotes. In addition, genes and mechanisms related to RNAi are employed to elicit the regulation of endogenous gene expression that controls a variety of important biological processes. To investigate the mechanism of RNAi in the nematode C. elegans, we performed genetic screens in search of RNAi deficient mutants (rde). Here I report the summary of the genetic screens in search of rde mutants as well as the identification of two novel genes required for the RNAi pathway, rde-3 and rde-8. In addition, we demonstrate that some of the rde genes, when mutated, render the animals developmentally defective, suggesting that these rde genes also function in developmental gene regulation. This work presents novel insights on the components of the RNAi pathway and the requirement of these components in the regulation of endogenous gene expression.

Parallel Genetics of Gene Regulatory Sequences in Caenorhabditis elegans

Froehlich, Jonathan 08 June 2022 (has links)
Wie regulatorische Sequenzen die Genexpression steuern, ist von grundlegender Bedeutung für die Erklärung von Phänotypen in Gesundheit und Krankheit. Die Funktion regulatorischer Sequenzen muss letztlich in ihrer genomischen Umgebung und in entwicklungs- oder gewebespezifischen Zusammenhängen verstanden werden. Da dies eine technische Herausforderung ist, wurden bisher nur wenige regulatorische Elemente in vivo charakterisiert. Hier verwenden wir Induktion von Cas9 und multiplexed-sgRNAs, um hunderte von Mutationen in Enhancern/Promotoren und 3′ UTRs von 16 Genen in C. elegans zu erzeugen. Wir quantifizieren die Auswirkungen von Mutationen auf Genexpression und Physiologie durch gezielte RNA- und DNA-Sequenzierung. Bei der Anwendung unseres Ansatzes auf den 3′ UTR von lin-41, bei der wir hunderte von Mutanten erzeugen, stellen wir fest, dass die beiden benachbarten Bindungsstellen für die miRNA let-7 die lin-41-Expression größtenteils unabhängig voneinander regulieren können, mit Hinweisen auf eine mögliche kompensatorische Interaktion. Schließlich verbinden wir regulatorische Genotypen mit phänotypischen Merkmalen für mehrere Gene. Unser Ansatz ermöglicht die parallele Analyse von genregulatorischen Sequenzen direkt in Tieren. / How regulatory sequences control gene expression is fundamental for explaining phenotypes in health and disease. The function of regulatory sequences must ultimately be understood within their genomic environment and development- or tissue-specific contexts. Because this is technically challenging, few regulatory elements have been characterized in vivo. Here, we use inducible Cas9 and multiplexed guide RNAs to create hundreds of mutations in enhancers/promoters and 3′ UTRs of 16 genes in C. elegans. We quantify the impact of mutations on expression and physiology by targeted RNA sequencing and DNA sampling. When applying our approach to the lin-41 3′ UTR, generating hundreds of mutants, we find that the two adjacent binding sites for the miRNA let-7 can regulate lin-41 expression largely independently of each other, with indications of a compensatory interaction. Finally, we map regulatory genotypes to phenotypic traits for several genes. Our approach enables parallel analysis of gene regulatory sequences directly in animals.

Analysis of the sleep homeostat of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

Spies, Jan-Philipp 20 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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