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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zur Situation invasiver Candidosen in Deutschland / Epidemiologie, Resistenzverhalten und klinisch-geographische Besonderheiten / About situation of invasive candidiasis in germany / epidemiology, resistance behavior and clinical geographic particularities

Kahl, Daniel 09 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Beta-Defensin 3-Mediated Regulation of Transcriptional Changes During Oropharyngeal Candidiasis

White, Cole Jacob January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Pathogenese und Therapie der oralen Candidiasis bei Immundefizienz

Schmidt-Westhausen, Andrea Maria 10 April 2001 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war anhand eines Tiermodells zu untersuchen, 1. ob eine Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehung zwischen der Keimmenge und der Entstehung einer oralen C. albicans Infektion besteht, 2. welche zelluläre Immunantwort auf definierte inokulierte Keimmengen stattfindet, 3. ob sich die Adhärenz von C. albicans an murine Epithelzellen durch Spaltprodukte von Muzin (Glykopeptide) verhindern läßt. Material und Methode: Immunkompetente Inzuchtmäuse (Balb/c) (n=27) und Mäuse mit kombiniertem B- und T-Zelldefekt (SCID) (n=30) wurden mit Keimmengen von10^4 bis 10^8 C. albicans-Zellen/10 mikrol des Stammes DSM 3454 oral inokuliert. Darüber hinaus wurden Balb/c Mäuse (n=8) mit 10^8 C. albicans-Zellen in Kombination mit Glykopeptiden und SCID Mäuse (n=8) mit 10^5 C. albicans-Zellen mit Glykopeptiden inokuliert. Eine Zungenhälfte wurde histologisch mittels Periodic-Acid-Schiff (PAS) Reaktion auf Invasion von Hyphen untersucht. Die andere Hälfte wurde mittels Immunperoxidase-Technik auf die Verteilung immunkompetenter Zellen (CD4, CD13, ICAM-1, E-Selectin, CD74, CD80, CD86, CD103) im Epithel und subepithelialen Bindegewebe untersucht. Ergebnisse: Eine Woche post inoculationem fanden sich weder bei Balb/c noch bei SCID Mäusen klinische Zeichen einer oralen Candidiasis. Die histologischen Ergebnisse mittels PAS-Methode zeigten jedoch, daß eine Inokulationsmenge von 10^8 C. albicans-Zellen bei Balb/c Mäusen und 10^8 Keime bei SCID Mäusen zu einer Infektion der Zungenmukosa führte. Das Ausmaß der immunologischen Reaktion war abhängig von der Inokulationsdosis sowie vom Immunstatus der Tiere. Die Ergebnisse der Inokulation von 10^8 C. albicans-Zellen zusammen mit Glykopeptiden zeigten bei 2/8 Balb/c Mäusen eine Hypheninvasion in das Zungenepithel. Bei 0/8 SCID Mäusen wurde nach Inokulation von 10^4 C. albicans-Zellen zusammen mit Glykopeptiden eine Hypheninvasion in das Zungenepithel beobachtet. Die immunhistochemischen Ergebnisse zeigten, daß die Reaktionen des Wirtes auf die Gabe der Keim-Glykopeptidlösung denen ohne Inokulation entsprachen. Schlußfolgerung: Obwohl bei den eingesetzten C. albicans-Mengen keine klinisch manifeste orale Candidiasis vorhanden war, fanden sich in beiden Tierstämmen inapparente Infektionen des Zungenepithel (Hypheninvasion), die immunologische Reaktionen der Zungenmukosa auslösten. Da nach Inokulation von C. albicans-Zellen zusammen mit Glykopeptiden weniger häufig Infektionen nachgewiesen werden konnten als bei Inokulation derselben Keimmenge ohne Glykopeptide und Nebenwirkungen dieser antiadhäsiven Wirkstoffe bisher nicht nachgewiesen wurden, wäre der unterstützende Einsatz von Muzinen oder deren Spaltprodukten bei Patienten mit erhöhtem Candidiasisrisiko zu erwägen. / This study applied an animal model to address the following questions: 1. Does a dose/effect relationship exist between C. albicans load and the emergence of an oral C. albicans infection, 2. which cellular immune response takes place following inoculation with defined pathogen loads, 3. is it possible to inhibit C. albicans adhesion to murine epithelium cells through the local application of mucine metabolites (glycopeptides). Material and methods: Immunocompetent inbred mice (Balb/c) (n=27) and mice with combined B- and T-cell defects (SCID) (n=30) were orally inoculated with pathogen loads between 10^4 and 10^8 C. albicans cells/10 microl (strain DSM 3454). Moreover, Balb/c mice (n=8) were inoculated with 10^8 C. albicans cells in combination with glycopeptides; SCID mice (n=8) were inoculated with 10^5 cells, also in combination with glycopeptides. One half of the tongue tissue was histochemically examined with the Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) Method for displaying the invasion of hyphae. The other half of the tissue was examined by immune peroxidase technique for analysing the distribution of immunocompetent cells (CD4, CD13, ICAM-1, E-Selectin, CD74, CD80, CD86, CD103) in the epithelial layers and subepithelial connective tissue. Results: One week following the inoculation, neither group's tissue showed clinical signs of oral candidiasis. Following histochemical preparation (PAS-Reaction) the tongue mucosa showed signs of infection (hyphae) with the inoculation dose of 10^8 C. albicans cells in the case of Balb/c mice and a load of 10^5 pathogens in the case of SCID mice. The extent of the immunologic reaction depended both on the inoculation dose given to the animals and on their immune status. The results of an inoculation of 10^8 C. albicans cells in combination with glycopeptides showed hyphae invasion of the tongue epithelium in 2/8 Balb/c mice. Following an inoculation of 10^5 pathogens in combination with glycopeptides hyphae invasion could be demonstrated in 0/8 SCID mice. The results of immunohistochemical studies showed that the host's reaction to combined glycopeptide-pathogen-inoculation correspond to the reaction without inoculation. Conclusion: Despite the lack of clinical signs of oral candidiasis in neither group's tissue, non-apparent infections of the tongue epithelium were evident leading to immunologic reactions of the tongue mucosa. Inoculation of C. albicans cells in combination with glycopeptides resulted in decreased infection rate compared to a corresponding inoculation dose without glycopeptides. As no side effects have been documented for the oral application of these antiadhesive agents, their use as complimentary therapy for patients at an increased risk for oral candidiasis should be considered.

Qualitative Bestimmung von Candida-Spezies in der Mundhöhle bei Patienten nach Herz-, Leber- und Lungentransplantation

Kießling, Cornelia 28 April 2005 (has links)
Bei 85 Patienten (61 % Männer, 39 % Frauen, Altersmedian: 49 Jahre) nach Leber- (38), Herz- (34) und Lungentransplantation (13) wurde die orale Besiedlung mit Candida-Spezies und deren Biotypen sowie klinische Manifestationen einer Candidiasis bestimmt. Eine orale Candidiasis wurde bei 21/85 Patienten (24,7 %) diagnostiziert (pseudomembranöse Form: 15,3 %; erythematöse Form: 9,4 %; Cheilitis angularis: 3,5 %). Bei 63/85 Patienten (74,1%) wurden Candida spp. nachgewiesen. Von allen gefundenen Candida-Isolaten war C. albicans die am häufigsten isolierte Spezies (73 %), gefolgt von C. glabrata, C. krusei und C. famata (9,5 %; 6,3 %; 3,2 %). Außerdem wurden C. lusitaniae, C. guilliermondii, C. kefyr, C. magnoliae, Pichia ohmeri und C. dubliniensis, eine Spezies, die anfänglich nur bei HIV-positiven Individuen auftrat, identifiziert. Für C. albicans konnten sieben Biotypen nachgewiesen werden. Eine Korrelation der klinischen Manifestationen der Candidiasis und der identifizierten Spezies bzw. Biotypen konnte nicht gefunden werden. Während bei Patienten ohne Antimykotikatherapie neben C. albicans (87 %) nur drei verschiedene non-albicans-Spezies (C. glabrata: 8%; C. dubliniensis: 3 % und C. famata 3 %) identifiziert wurden, konnten bei Patienten mit Antimykotikatherapie sieben verschiedene non-albicans-Spezies nachgewiesen werden. C. albicans wurde nur noch zu 50 %, andere Spezies, wie C. krusei und C. glabrata, jedoch vermehrt identifiziert (C. krusei: 17 %; C. glabrata: 13 %; C. famata, C. guilliermondii, C. kefyr, C. lusitaniae C. magnoliae: 4 %). Die vorliegende Studie weist darauf hin, dass eine Dauertherapie bzw. notwendig verbreitete prophylaktische Gabe von Antimykotika (Amphotericin B; Fluconazol/Itraconazol) das Auftreten von non-albicans-Spezies fördert. Resistenzentwicklung und das Auftreten bisher apathogener Spezies und Biotypen spielen bei Patienten nach Organtransplantation eine bedeutende Rolle. / For evaluation of Candida carriage, oral swabs were taken from the tongue of 85 patients after liver- (38), heart- (34) and lung transplantation (13) (61 % men, 39 % women, median age: 49 years). Oral candidiasis was found in 21/85 patients (24,7 %) (pseudomembranous form: 15,3 %; erythematous form: 9,4 %; angular cheilitis: 3,5 %). Candida species were cultured in 63/85 patients (74,1 %). C. albicans was the most common isolate (73 %), followed by C. glabrata, C. krusei and C. famata (9,5 %; 6,3 %; 3,2 %). Other isolated species were C. lusitaniae, C. guilliermondii, C. kefyr, C. magnoliae, Pichia ohmeri and C. dubliniensis, the latter being a species first described in oral cavities of HIV-infected individuals. According to the API 20C AUX assimilation profiles seven different phenotypes were identified. No correlation was seen between clinical features and isolated species or biotypes. In patients without antimycotic therapy four different Candida species (C. albicans: 87 %; C. glabrata: 8 %; C. dubliniensis: 3 % and C. famata: 3 %) were identified, whereas, in patients with antifungal therapy eight different Candida species (C. famata, C. guilliermondii, C. kefyr, C. lusitaniae C. magnoliae: 4 %) were isolated. In only 50 % of the latter group C. albicans was detected, while C. glabrata in 17 % and C. krusei in 13 % were identified Long-term therapy and prophylaxis with antifungal agents (amphotericin B; fluconazole/itraconazole) to suppress fungal infections in immunosuppressed patients have contributed to a significant increase in non-albicans-infections because of the high incidence of resistance of the species to these drugs. On the other hand, risk of infection caused by less virulent species is increasing.

The effect of fixed orthodontic appliances on the oral carriage of Candida species and coliforms in adolescents

Paporn, Kaveewatcharanont. January 1993 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Dentistry / Master / Master of Dental Surgery

Avaliação clínica e laboratorial de uma solução experimental à base de Ricinus communis em comparação ao hipoclorito de sódio para higiene de próteses totais / Clinical and laboratorial evaluation of an experimental solution based on Ricinus communis compared to sodium hypochlorite for denture cleansing

Badaró, Mauricio Malheiros 06 December 2013 (has links)
Este estudo clínico-laboratorial avaliou uma solução à base de Ricinus communis para higiene de próteses totais, comparando-a ao hipoclorito de sódio, quanto à efetividade na remoção do biofilme, remissão de Candidíase Atrófica Crônica, grau de satisfação dos pacientes e rugosidade superficial da resina acrílica termopolimerizada. Sessenta e quatro usuários de próteses totais com ausência (n=40) ou presença de Candidíase (n=24) foram selecionados e orientados a escovar as próteses com escova específica e sabão neutro por 3 minutos, 3 vezes ao dia e imergi-las nas soluções de higiene (Hipoclorito de sódio 0,25% - S1; e 0,5% - S2; R. communisa 10% - S3; Salina - S4: controle) por 20 minutos. As soluções foram utilizadas de forma cruzada e randomizada com períodos de \"wash out\". Para quantificação do biofilme (ImageTool 3.0), a superfície interna foi evidenciada (vermelho neutro 1%) e fotografada ao final de cada período. A remissão da Candidíase foi avaliada por atribuição de escores antes e após o uso das soluções. A satisfação dos pacientes foi analisada por questionário. A rugosidade da superfície polida e não polida de 40 espécimes (90x30x4mm) de resina foi avaliada antes e após a exposição dos mesmos ao protocolo clínico de higiene por meio de rugosímetro e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura. A remoção do biofilme foi analisada como um \"split-plot\" com dois fatores de variação: presença de inflamação e soluções. A remissão da Candidíase foi analisada após ajuste dos dados por regressão logística multinomial. Para análise da satisfação dos pacientes os dados foram ajustados por regressões logísticas e foi adotada análise de simetria composta. Para avaliação da rugosidade das superfícies polida e não polida foi empregada análise de variância com dois fatores (período e solução). Todas as análises foram realizadas com nível de significância de 5%. Não houve diferença na porcentagem de biofilme entre pacientes com e sem inflamação, bem como na interação entre os fatores. Houve diferença entre soluções, sendo que o Hipoclorito de sódio a 0,25 e 0,5% promoveu as menores médias de biofilme (4,41±7,98 e 2,93±5,23), seguido do R. communis(6,95±10,93) e Salina (11,07±11,99). Para remissão da Candidíase, as soluções mais eficientes foram R. communis(50%) e Hipoclorito de sódio 0,25% (46%). O questionário de satisfação não indicou diferença entre as soluções. A rugosidade da superfície polida não foi alterada pelo período (p=0,062). Houve alteração em função das soluções (p=0,00) e da interação entre os fatores (p=0,005). Para S1 e S4, o período não influenciou na rugosidade. Para S2, houve alteração a partir de 07 dias, permanecendo estável após 14 dias. Para S3, houve alteração e estabilização a partir de 14 dias. Após 07 e 14 dias, S2 e S3 promoveram as maiores alterações, porém após 21 dias, não houve diferença entre as soluções, exceto a salina. A superfície não polida não foi influenciada pelos fatores período (p=0,358), solução (p=0,120) e interação (p=0,204). Concluiu-se que há viabilidade do uso do hipoclorito de sódio em menores concentrações e do Ricinus communis para remoção do biofilme, remissão da Candidíase e controle da rugosidade superficial. / This clinical-laboratory study evaluated a solution based on Ricinus communis for denture cleansing, comparing it to sodium hypochlorite, regarding biofilm removal capacity, remission of atrophic chronic candidiasis, degree of patient satisfaction and surface roughness of heat-polymerized acrylic resin. Sixty-four denture wearers with absence (n = 40) or presence of Candidiasis (n = 24) were selected and oriented on how to brush their dentures with a specific brush and mild soap for 3 minutes, 3 times a day and immerse them in hygiene solutions (0.25% sodium Hypochlorite - S1 and 0.5% - S2, R. communis 10% - S3; Saline - S4: control) for 20 minutes. The solutions were used in a randomized and cross form with \"washout\" periods. To quantify biofilm (ImageTool 3.0), the inner surface was disclosed (1% neutral red) and photographed at the end of each period. The remission of Candidiasis was assessed by assigning scores before and after using solutions. Patient satisfaction was assessed by questionnaire. The surface roughness of 40 polished and unpolished resin specimens (90x30x4mm) was evaluated before and after their exposure to clinical protocol hygiene by surface roughness and scanning electron microscopy. The biofilm removal was analyzed as a \"split-plot\" with two variation factors: inflammation and solutions. The candidiasis remission was analyzed after adjustment using multinomial logistic regression. For patient satisfaction logistic regression analysis was adopted and compound symmetry. For evaluation of surface roughness polished and unpolished was employed analysis of variance with two factors (time and solution). All the analysis were performed with a significance level of 5 %. There was no difference in the percentage of biofilm between patients with and without inflammation, as well as the interaction between the factors. There were differences among the solutions, having the Sodium Hypochlorite 0.25 % and 0.5% promoted the lowest average biofilm (4.41±7.98 and 2.93±5.23), followed by R. communis (6.95±10.93) and Saline (11.07±11.99) . For the remission of candidiasis, the most efficient solutions were R. communis (50%) and 0.25% sodium hypochlorite (46%). The satisfaction questionnaire indicated no difference among the solutions. The roughness of the polished surface was not affected by time (p = 0.062). There was a change in function of the solutions (p = 0.00) and the interaction between factors (p = 0.005). For S1 and S4, the period did not influence the roughness. For S2, there was a change from 07 days, remaining stable after 14 days. For S3, there were changes and stabilization from 14 days. After 7 and 14 days, S2 and S3 promoted major changes, but after 21 days, there were no difference among the solutions except the saline. The unpolished surface is not influenced by factors: period (p = 0.358), solution (p = 0.120) and interaction (p = 0.204). It was concluded that there is feasibility for using sodium hypochlorite at lower concentrations and Ricinus communis for the removal of biofilm, remission of candidiasis and control of surface roughness.

Ocorrência das espécies de leveduras isoladas de sangue e cateter de pacientes internados em Hospital Público Infantil de São Paulo (período 2007 a 2010). / Yeasts species isolated from blood and catheter from patients admitted into Children\'s Public Hospital of São Paulo (period 2007 to 2010).

Oliveira, Vanessa Kummer Perinazzo de 14 December 2011 (has links)
Investigamos a ocorrência de espécies de leveduras isoladas em um hospital infantil. Pesquisamos a presença de C. dubliniensis; investigamos as espécies do complexo Candida parapsilosis e estudamos as espécies deste complexo quanto a produção de biofilme. Pesquisamos os fatores relacionados a virulência e o perfil de sensibilidade pelo método Etest®. Dentre os anos em estudo C. albicans foi a levedura mais isolada com 36.45% seguida de C. tropicalis 23.36%, C. parapsilosis sensu stricto 21.49%, Pichia anômala 5.61%, C. guilliermondii 4.67%, C. krusei 2.80%; C. orthopsilosis 1.87%, C. glabrata 1.87%, C. metapsilosis 0.94%, C. pararugosa 0.94%. C. dubliniensis não foi isolada nesta pesquisa. No estudo do complexo Candida parapsilosis, C. parapsilosis sensu estricto foi a espécie mais prevalente. Produziram biofilme apenas oito amostras de C. parapsilosis sensu estricto e uma amostra de C. orthopsilosis. As espécies não-albicans produziram mais proteinase e hialuronidase do que C. albicans. No estudo da fosfolipase e hemolisina, C. albicans foi a espécie mais produtora. Todas as amostras foram sensíveis para anfotericina B e para fluconazol quatro amostras foram resistentes. Duas amostras foram resistentes para caspofungina. / We investigated the occurrence of yeast species isolated in a public hospital. We researched the presence of C. dubliniensis and investigated the species within the complex Candida parapsilosis and studied this complex in relation to biofilm´s production. We also investigated the factors related to virulence and studied the sensibility profile by the \"Etest ®\" method. During the years of study, C. albicans was the most isolated yeast with 36.45% followed by C. tropicalis 23,36%, C. parapsilosis sensu stricto 21,49%, Pichia anomala 5,61%, C. guilliermondii 4.67%, C. krusei 2.80%, C. orthopsilosis 1.87%, C. glabrata 1.87%, C. metapsilosis 0.94%, C. pararugosa 0.94%. C. dubliniensis was not isolated in this study. In the study of Candida parapsilosis complex, C. parapsilosis sensu stricto was the most prevalent species. Only eight strains of C. parapsilosis sensu stricto and one strain of C. orthopsilosis produce biofilm. The non-albicans species showed greater activity of the proteinase and hyaluronidase than C. albicans. In the study of hemolysin and phospholipase, C. albicans was the most producer. All strains were susceptible to amphotericin B and to fluconazole four were resistant. For caspofungin, two strains were resistant.

Protocolo custo-efetivo de terapia fotodinâmica com eritrosina e fotopolimerizador odontológico para o tratamento das candidose bucal: estudo pré-clínico em modelo murino / Cost-effective protocol of photodynamic therapy with erythrosine and dental curing light for the treatment of oral candidosis: a preclinical study in murine model

Silva, Nathalia Ramos da 30 April 2015 (has links)
A candidose bucal acomete grande número de pessoas mundialmente, sendo associada a condições como imunossupressão, radioterapia, tabagismo, higiene bucal, idade, xerostomia e uso de próteses removíveis. Uma importante abordagem terapêutica para essas infecções consiste nos medicamentos antifúngicos, que podem apresentar efeitos colaterais e resultar na resistência dos patógenos. Nesse contexto, a terapia fotodinâmica (PDT) faz-se interessante como alternativa capaz de minimizar essas limitações. Protocolos de PDT poderão ser mais facilmente assimilados à prática clínica se empregarem materiais já aprovados para uso odontológico. Sendo assim, este estudo propõe avaliar o uso de PDT com eritrosina como fotossensibilizador, irradiada por um LED azul, usando-se um modelo animal. Quarenta camundongos tiveram candidose induzida sobre o dorso da língua por meio de imunossupressão e inoculação com Candida albicans. Após estabelecimento da lesão durante cinco dias, os animais receberam um dentre quatro tratamentos possíveis: aplicação da eritrosina 5% seguida de irradiação pelo LED (E+L+); aplicação de eritrosina, somente (E+L-); salina seguida pela irradiação (EL+); e somente salina (E-L-). A fim de distinguir possíveis efeitos colaterais, os mesmos tratamentos foram aplicados em 12 camundongos sem a indução de candidose. O número de unidades formadoras de colônia de C. albicans foi contado após o tratamento, e a mucosa foi submetida à análise histológica para determinar o grau de inflamação. Os dados dos grupos foram comparados por meio de ANOVA e teste de Kruskal-Wallis, (α=0,05). Não foram detectadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos testados quanto à contagem de colônias de C. albicans e o grau de inflamação. O infiltrado inflamatório foi classificado como discreto na maioria dos casos. Os animais com candidose bucal induzida e os saudáveis que foram submetidos aplicação de eritrosina 5% e irradiação pelo LED apresentaram infiltrado inflamatório mais acentuado e lesões mais evidentes na camada epitelial, sugerindo que este protocolo ocasionou danos aos tecidos orais. / Oral candidosis affects many people worldwide and is associated with conditions such as immunosuppression, radiation, smoking, oral hygiene, age, xerostomia and use of removable prostheses. An important therapeutic approach for these infections consists of antifungal drugs, which have side effects and can result in the resistance of pathogens. In this context, photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an interesting alternative able to overcome those limitations. PDT protocols can be more easily assimilated in clinical practice if they employ materials already approved for use in dentistry. Thus, this study evaluate the PDT with the use of erythrosine as a photosensitizer, irradiated by a blue LED light, using an animal model. Forty mice had candidosis induced on the tongue by the immunosuppression and inoculation with Candida albicans. After five days that the lesion is established, the animals received one of four possible treatments: application of 5% erythrosine and irradiation by the LED (E+L+); erythrosine application, only (E+L- ); saline followed by irradiation (E-L+); and only saline (E-L-). In order to distinguish potential side effects, the same treatments were applied in 12 mice without induced candidosis. Colony-forming units (CFU) of C. albicans were counted after treatment, and the mucosa was subjected to histological analysis to determine the degree of inflammation. The data of the groups were compared using ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test (α=0.05). No significant difference was detected among the groups tested for the number of CFU of C. albicans and the degree of inflammation. The inflammatory infiltrate was classified as mild in most cases. Animals with induced oral candidosis and the healthy ones exhibited more pronounced inflammatory infiltrate and lesions in the epithelial layer following PDT by 5% erythrosine and irradiation by the LED light. Such findings suggest that this protocol resulted in damage to oral tissues.

Paracoccidioides lutzii e outros fungos de importância médica: desenvolvimento de vacina terapêutica e tratamento alternativo com compostos sintéticos no controle das micoses sistêmicas. / Paracoccidioides lutzii and other fungi of medical importance: development of therapeutic vaccine and alternative treatment with synthetic compounds in the control of systemic mycoses.

Rossi, Diego Conrado Pereira 24 March 2017 (has links)
A maioria dos tratamentos antifúngicos são longos e não eficazes, portanto, há uma necessidade de pesquisa de novas alternativas. A fim de prospectar novos epitopos para uma vacina para Paracoccidioides lutzii e Cryptococcus spp.. Foi desenvolvido um sistema com o objetivo de purificar epitopos de macrófagos no contexto de MHCII. Além disso, houve pesquisa de epítopos na parede celular e sobrenadante de Paracoccidioides spp. A atividade antifúngica da miltefosina foi avaliada contra Paracoccicioides spp.. A miltefosina demonstrou atividade inibitória similar à anfotericina B. A atividade fungicida ocorreu em baixas concentrações, se observou alterações ultraestruturais e formação de melanina. A atividade do C7a in vitro e in vivo contra Candida spp. foi analisada. Os resultados mostraram atividade fungicida em valores baixos. Além disso, foi visto inibição da formação de hifas / pseudohifas e alterações morfológicas. Os ensaios in vivo demonstraram uma diminuição significativa na infecção em um modelo de candidíase vaginal e sistêmica. / Most of antifungal treatments are not completely effective or long, thus there is a need to search new alternatives. In order to prospect new epitopes for a vaccine to Paracoccidioides lutzii and Cryptococcus spp.. A system was developed with the purpose of purify epitopes from macrophages in the context of MHCII. Also, a search for epitopes in the cell wall and supernatant of Paracoccidioides spp. was done. The antifungal activity of miltefosina was evaluated against Paracoccicioides spp.. Miltefosine demonstrated inhibitory activity similar to amphotericin B. Fungicidal activity occurred at low concentrations, ultrastructural alterations and melanin production were observed. The activity of C7a in vitro and in vivo against Candida spp. was analyzed. The results showed fungicidal activity at low values. Also, it was revealed that inhibition of formation of hyphae/pseudohyphae and morphological alterations. In vivo assays demonstrated a significant decrease of fungal border of intravaginal and intravenous infected mice.

Efeitos da Terapia Fotodinâmica mediada por laser de emissão vermelha e azul de metileno em vaginite induzida por Candida albicans / Effects of photodynamic therapy mediated by red laser and methylene blue aplied in induced vaginitis by Candida albicans

Sena, Rosa Maria Machado de 28 November 2013 (has links)
A candidíase vaginal (CV) é uma doença causada por fungos do gênero Candida spp. que acomete milhares de mulheres no mundo. Estima-se que 75% das mulheres sofrerão CV pelo menos uma vez durante a vida fértil, 40 a 50% terão o segundo episódio e 5 a 8% sofrerão a forma recorrente, caracterizada pela ocorrência de quatro ou mais episódios durante um ano. O tratamento ainda permanece um desafio para as candidíases complicadas. A terapia fotodinâmica (TFD) é uma modalidade terapêutica que utiliza substâncias fotossensibilizadoras (FS) e uma fonte de luz, que juntas, produzem espécies reativas de oxigênio, tóxicas para micro-organismos e inofensivas para a célula animal hospedeira. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos antifúngicos e anti-inflamatórios da TFD mediada por azul de metileno (AM) e laser de emissao vermelha (LEV) no tratamento da CV em modelo animal. Fêmeas de camundongos BALB/c, com 6 a 10 semanas foram estrogenizadas e, 72h após, receberam via intravaginal 20μL de suspensão contendo 107 UFC/mL de C. albicans ATCC 90028. Cinco dias após, a TFD foi aplicada na vagina das fêmeas, utilizando AM 1000μM e laser (100mW, 660nm, energia de 36J por 6 min ou duas aplicações de 18J por 3min, com intervalo de 24h entre sessões). Após 0, 24 e 96h foram feitas lavagens vaginais para recuperação fúngica, cultivo microbiológico, eutanásia para remoção das vaginas e estudo histológico. Lâminas coradas por hematoxilina e eosina foram utilizadas para contagem da área de células inflamatórias (ACI), utilizando o programa ImageJ. Os resultados mostraram que TFD in vivo reduziu a carga fúngica em aproximadamente 1,6 log UFC/mL e, quando aplicada em duas sessões de 18J por 3min, diminuiu a ACI. A TFD mediada por LEV e AM 1000μM mostra-se como alternativa promissora para o desenvolvimento de novas modalidades terapêuticas para vaginites fúngicas. / Vaginal candidiasis (VC) is a disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida spp. that affects thousands of women worldwide. It is estimated that 75% of women in childbearing age will have VC at least once, 40 to 50% will have a second episode and 5 to 8 % will suffer recurrent form, characterized by the occurrence of four or more episodes during one year. Treatment remains a challenge for complicated candidiasis. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a therapeutic modality that uses photosensitizing (FS) substances and a light source, which together produce reactive oxygen species, toxic to microorganisms and harmless to host animal cell. The aim of this study was to evaluate antifungal and anti - inflammatory effects of PDT mediated by methylene blue (MB) and red laser (RL) in the treatment of CV in an animal model. Female BALB/c mice 6 to 10 weeks were estrous and 72h after received intravaginally 20μL of suspension containing 107 CFU/mL of C. albicans ATCC 90028. Five days after, PDT was applied in the vagina of females using MB 1000μM and laser (100mW, 660nm, 36J for 6 min or two applications of 18J for 3 min, with an interval of 24h between sessions). Vaginal washes for fungal recovery and microbiological culture, and euthanasia for removal of vaginas and histological study were made after 0, 24 and 96h. Glass slides stained by hematoxylin and eosin were used for counting the area of inflammatory cells (AIC) using ImageJ software. PDT in vivo reduced the fungal burden in approximately 1.6 log CFU/mL, and, when applied in two sessions with 18J for 3min, decreased the AIC. PDT mediated by RL and MB 1000μM shown as a promising alternative for the development of new therapeutic modalities for yeast vaginitis.

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