Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hantera"" "subject:"cantera""
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Computational Analysis of Zel'dovich-von Neumann-Doering (ZND) DetonationNakamura, Tetsu 2010 May 1900 (has links)
The Transient Inlet Concept (TIC) involves transient aerodynamics and wave
interactions with the objective of producing turbulence, compression and flow in ducted
engines at low subsonic speeds. This concept relies on the generation and control of
multiple detonation waves issuing from different ?stages? along a simple ducted engine,
and aims to eliminate the need for compressors at low speeds. Currently, the Zel?dovichvon
Neumann-Doering (ZND) steady, one-dimensional detonation is the simplest
method of generating the waves issuing from each stage of the TIC device.
This thesis focuses on the primary calculation of a full thermochemistry through a ZND
detonation from an initially unreacted supersonic state, through a discontinuous shock
wave and a subsonic reaction zone, to the final, reacted, equilibrium state. Modeling of
the ZND detonation is accomplished using Cantera, an open-source object-oriented code
developed at Caltech. The code provides a robust framework for treating
thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and transport processes, as well as numerical solvers
for various reacting flow problems. The present work examines the effects of chemical
kinetics on the structure of ZND detonation, by using a detailed chemical kinetics
mechanism that involves 53 species and 325 simultaneous reactions (Gas Research
Institute 3.0). Using a direct integration of the system of inviscid ordinary differential
equations for the ZND detonation, I obtain results for the combination of different fuels
(hydrogen and methane) and oxidizers (oxygen and air). The detailed thermochemistry results of the calculations are critically examined for use in a future induced-detonation compression system.
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Implementación de un planeamiento de operación para incrementar el nivel de productividad en la cantera de aridos en Matahuasi de la empresa Inversiones Vidal Olivares E.I.R.L. Concepción - JunínMendiola Chuquipoma, Jorge Luis 04 January 2018 (has links)
Las empresas hoy más que nunca se enfrentar al dilema de tener que planear para el corto y mediano plazo y a la vez enfrentarse a escenarios muy complejos e inestables lo cual dificulta su estabilidad y crecimiento. Es necesario tener una estrategia que incremente la productividad a la empresa, que conozca sus procesos y pueda mejorarlos.
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Structure of Partially Premixed Flames Using Detailed Chemistry SimulationsKluzek, Celine D. 2009 August 1900 (has links)
State-of-the-art reacting-flow computations have to compromise either on the detail of chemical reactions or on the dimensionality of the solution, while experiments
in flames are limited by the flow accessibility and provide at best a limited number of observables. In the present work, the partially premixed laminar flame structure is examined using a detailed-chemistry, one-dimensional simulation. The computational results are compared to unpublished single-point multiscalar measurements obtained at Sandia National Labs in 2001. The study is focused on axisymmetric laminar partially-premixed methane/air flames with varying premixture strength values of 1.8, 2.2, and 3.17. The combination of computational and experimental results is
used to analyze the spatial and scalar flame structure under the overarching concept of flamelets. The computations are based on the Cantera open-source software package developed at CalTech by D. Goodwin, and incorporating the GRI 3.0 chemical kinetic mechanism utilizing 325 chemical reactions and 53 species for methane combustion. Cross-transport effects as well as an optically-thin radiation model are included in the calculations. Radiation changes the flame profiles due to its effect on temperature, and the attendant effects on a number of species. Using the detailed analysis of different reaction rates, the adiabatic and radiative nitric oxide concentrations are compared. The cross-transport effects, i.e. Soret and Dufour, were studied in detail. The Soret term has a small but important effect on the flame structure through a reduction of the hydrogen mass fraction, which changes the conserved scalar values.
Based on the flamelet approach and a unique formulation of the conserved scalar, the flame thermochemistry can be analyzed and understood. A number of interesting effects on the flame thermochemistry can be discerned in both experiments and computations when the premixture strength is varied. An increase in premixing results in a counterintuitive decrease in intermediate species such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen, as well as an expected increase in nitric oxide concentrations. Good agreement is found between experiments and calculations in scalar space, while the difference in dimensionality between axisymmetric measurements and opposed jet computations makes comparison in physical space tentative.
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Impacto ambiental en el geosistema de las canteras de sillar de Añashuayco – Arequipa / Impacto ambiental en el geosistema de las canteras de sillar de Añashuayco – ArequipaTrujillo Vera, Carlos César 10 April 2018 (has links)
The quarries of Añashuayco are located northwest of the city of Arequipa on a peneplain formedby ignimbrites and alluvionic deposits.The geomorphology of the area is made by a traversal quebrada coming down from the Chachani volcano until its contact with the Chili river in the Uchumayo district, very closeto the La Caldera batholit. The upper sector of quebrada Añashuayco is settled by very poor people without any urbaninfrastructure. The medium sector is affected by the wastes of the industrial park Río Seco which have already infiltrated the underground water. The air quality is also very poor due to the burning of domestic garbage which produces a very uncomfortable smell. The lower sector of the quebrada is formed by ignimbrites and it is the quarries sites that have provided building material to Arequipa since Colonial times.In spite of being considered as a touristic attraction, these quarries are in complete abandonement and much polluted. Then, there is a need to join cooperation efforts from geography and education in order to get a more sustainable environment to benefit the locals and the landscape in general. / Las canteras de sillar de Añashuayco se localizan en la parte noroeste de la ciudad de Arequipay ocupan parte de la penillanura constituida por ignimbritas y depósitos aluviónicos. La geomorfología del área presenta una quebrada transversal que se inicia en el aparato vol- cánico del Chachani y concluye en la margen derecha del río Chili en el distrito de Uchumayo muy cerca del batolito de La Caldera.La parte superior de la quebrada está ocupada por asentamientos humanos en situación de extrema pobreza, mostrando una ocupación anárquica del territorio. La parte media recibe el impacto del Parque Industrial de Río Seco, donde los efluentes de las curtiembres y relaves de Inka Bor son depositados en esta quebrada, afectando directamente a la napa freática al producir un proceso de infiltración. Asimismo, se observa la presencia abundante de residuos sólidos y la atmósfera en esta zona es afectada principalmente por la constante quema de basura doméstica, lo que ocasiona olores fétidos. En el sector inferior de la quebrada, constituida por ignimbritas, se observa la extracción de este material obteniendo el sillar que ha sido utilizado desde la época colonial en la arquitectura religiosa y civil de la ciudad de Arequipa.A pesar de haber sido consideradas como un atractivo turístico, las canteras de sillar de Añashuayco se encuentran actualmente en un estado de contaminación total, por ello se debe hacer un esfuerzo desde la perspectiva geográfica y educativa a fin de contribuir al desarrollo de una sociedad más sustentable y equitativa para las actuales y futuras generaciones, tanto enel ámbito local como global.
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Propuesta de un plan de minado para la Cantera de Agregados San Isidro – Unidad Minera CobrizaBuendia Meza, Cesar José, Valdivia Gutierrez, Darlyn Junior 28 December 2018 (has links)
tiene por objetivo general, la extracción de agregados aplicando las normas de seguridad (ancho de banco, ángulos de talud, altura de banco, bermas de seguridad), identificando los riesgos potenciales de deslizamiento de agregado, que pudieran afectar a nuestro personal, equipos e instalaciones; de tal forma que la explotación sea segura y que las reservas de agregado sean sostenibles. Para la ejecución de la presente investigación se tuvo que efectuar coordinaciones con la Jefatura de Ingeniería de la Unidad Minera Cobriza, ya que en la Supervisión realizada a la Cantera de Agregados San Isidro se constató ínsitu, que la explotación se estaba ejecutando de manera empírica y sin los estándares de ingeniería principalmente en lo que atañe a la Seguridad Minera, motivo por el cual se propone realizar un Plan de
Minado para la Cantera de Agregados San Isidro, las cuales nos ayudaran a cubicar las reservas de agregados, mejorar los bancos de explotación, los accesos, muros de seguridad, bermas de seguridad y estabilidad física de taludes lo que redundara en el tiempo vida y sostenibilidad de la Cantera.
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La cantera inca de Rumiqolca, CuscoBéjar, Ives S. 10 April 2018 (has links)
The Rumiqolca Quarry, CuscoThe finely carved blocks at the Rumiqolca quarry site reveal important data on technology, concerning the selection of the blocks, reduction procedures, polish and transport from the site to their final insertion in the walls of buildings at Cusco, in an unbroken sequence from Pachacutec’s times to the Spanish invasion. / Los bloques líticos finamente trabajados en la cantera de Rumiqolca, en el Cusco, revelan importantes datos acerca de los procedimientos técnicos empleados, desde la clasificación de las rocas, el desbaste, el pulido y el transporte, hasta el asentamiento de las piezas en los muros de los edificios del Cuzco. Esto se enmarca en una secuencia continuada desde el gobierno del Inca Pachacutec hasta la invasión española.
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The thesis focus on simulating one-dimensional flame subjected to a microwave and nanosecond pulse. We modified open-source codes Cantera and Ember to perform one-dimensional flame simulations for steady and unsteady state, respectively. Our model is computationally efficient to perform simulations in a range of parameters such as electric field strength, flow strain rate, and pulse repetitive frequency. Our model for the one-dimensional flame subjected to a microwave predicted flame speed enhancement more accurately than the previous studies. <br>
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El paisaje natural de las lomas de Cantera (Lima) / The natural landscape of the Cantera hills (Lima)Sánchez Mascaro, Jahayra de los Angeles 07 July 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad, existen diversas áreas naturales en el Perú, entre ellas encontramos a las lomas costeras. Estos hermosos paisajes se encargan de reverdecer la costa peruana con una infinita riqueza dentro de su ecosistema. Su principal característica es que son estacionales, por ende, la belleza de su paisaje es dependiente del cambio de las estaciones.
La siguiente investigación, tiene como objetivo general proponer una colección de moda prêt-à-porter femenina a partir del análisis teórico y visual del paisaje natural de las lomas de Cantera, ubicadas en el distrito de Nuevo Imperial en la provincia de Cañete. Así pues, se centrará en explicar las principales características de este paisaje natural, definir cómo el concepto de preservación de espacios a naturales se vincula con esta colección y describir la situación actual de las lomas de Cantera.
Asimismo, para realizar el proceso de diseño se recopilarán las referencias visuales de este paisaje y se documentará el proceso de experimentación visual de color, formas y texturas, a través de moodboards y composiciones con técnica de collage. Por último, se diseñará una colección, partiendo desde los bocetos, hasta llegar a la selección de los diez diseños finales. / At present, there are several natural areas in Peru, among them we find the coastal hills. These beautiful landscapes are responsible for greening the Peruvian coast with an infinite wealth within its ecosystem. Its main characteristic is that they are seasonal, therefore, the beauty of its landscape is dependent on the change of the seasons.
The following research has the general objective of proposing a collection of women's ready-to-wear fashion based on the theoretical and visual analysis of the natural landscape of the Cantera hills, located in the Nuevo Imperial district in the province of Cañete. Thus, it will focus on explaining the main characteristics of this natural landscape, defining how the concept of preservation of natural spaces is linked to this collection and describing the current situation of the Cantera hills.
Likewise, in order to carry out the design process, the visual references of this landscape will be compiled and the process of visual experimentation with color, shapes and textures will be documented, through moodboards and compositions with the collage technique. Finally, a collection will be designed, starting from the sketches, until reaching the selection of the final ten designs. / Trabajo de investigación
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Aproximación metodológica al paisaje y sus cicatrices: el caso de La Cantera y de las Torres de la Huerta de AlicantePérez Payá, María Dolores 29 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Modeling Simplified Reaction Mechanisms using Continuous Thermodynamics for Hydrocarbon FuelsFox, Clayton D.L. 25 April 2018 (has links)
Commercial fuels are mixtures with large numbers of components. Continuous thermodynamics is a technique for modelling fuel mixtures using a probability density function rather than dealing with each discreet component. The mean and standard deviation of the distribution are then used to model the chemical reactions of the mixture. This thesis develops the necessary theory to apply the technique of continuous thermodynamics to the oxidation reactions of hydrocarbon fuels. The theory is applied to three simplified models of hydrocarbon oxidation: a global one-step reaction, a two-step reaction with CO as the intermediate product, and the four-step reaction of Müller et al. (1992), which contains a high- and a low-temperature branch. These are all greatly simplified models of the complex reaction kinetics of hydrocarbons, and in this thesis they are applied specifically to n-paraffin hydrocarbons in the range from n-heptane to n-hexadecane. The model is tested numerically using a simple constant pressure homogeneous ignition problem using Cantera and compared to simplified and detailed mechanisms for n-heptane. The continuous thermodynamics models are able not only to predict ignition delay times and the development of temperature and species concentrations with time, but also changes in the mixture composition as reaction proceeds as represented by the mean and standard deviation of the distribution function. Continuous thermodynamics is therefore shown to be a useful tool for reactions of multicomponent mixtures, and an alternative to the "surrogate fuel" approach often used at present.
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