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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kan äldre bli delaktiga med hjälp av genomförandeplaner? : En kvalitativ studie med utgångspunkt i genomförandeplaner och kontaktmännens perspektiv / Do elderly have the possibility to participate through care plans? : A qualitative study from care plans` and contact persons` point of view

Schroeder, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand how elderly peoples` right to participate is revealed in care plans and through contact persons in Swedish community nursing homes in order to shed light on and participate in creating knowledge concerning the phenomena participation and care plans.  Method: A qualitative approach was used in this study with semi-structured interviews and document analysis as a base. In order to gain empirical data six contact persons from two different nursing homes in the same community were interviewed and eight care plans examined. Theory: The theoretical points used to understand the empirical data were Foucaults` theory about power and different theoretical phrases related to power as following: Professional power, relatives` power, client power and resource power. Results: The results show that there is a gap between how elderly peoples` wishes concerning care planning are documented in care plans and expressed by contact persons. Elderly peoples´ possibilities to participate in care planning depend on a variety of aspects like their will and ability to communicate, economic situation, relatives` involvement, time, care plans, amount of ordinary staff and staffs` strategies to explore elderly peoples` wishes in order to allow them to participate in establishing their care plan.

Utvärdering av omvårdnadsdokumentation i elektronisk patientjournal på kirurgisk vårdavdelning / Evaluation of the nursing documentation in electronic health record on surgical ward

Janback, Caroline, Petersson, Elin January 2009 (has links)
<p><p><strong>SAMMANFATTNING</strong></p><p><strong>Syfte. </strong>Utvärdera omvårdnadsdokumentationens kvalité och omfattning i elektronisk patientjournal på kirurgisk vårdavdelning. <strong>Metod.</strong> De senaste 60 journalerna från två kirurgiska vårdavdelningar valdes ut genom bekvämt urval. Varje journal lästes och bedömdes av båda författarna. Varje steg i omvårdnadsprocessen utvärderades efter granskningsmall och bedömdes som fullständig, för omfattande eller ofullständig. <strong>Resultat.</strong> Standardvårdplan användes i alla granskade journaler. Antalet steg i omvårdnadsprocessen som fanns dokumenterade varierade mellan fem och nio. Anamnes, status och effekter av åtgärder fanns beskrivna i majoriteten av journalerna. I samtliga journaler fanns utförda åtgärder dokumenterade. Omvårdnadsepikris fanns i större delen av njurtransplantationsjournalerna, men inte alls i struma/hyperparatyroidism (HPT)-journalerna. Majoriteten av uppdaterade status bedömdes som ofullständiga.<strong> </strong>Sexton av struma/HPT-journalerna innehöll inte anteckningar i rapportbladet. Av dem som hade rapportbladsanteckningar bedömdes majoriteten vara för omfattande. Samtliga njurtransplantationsjournaler hade för omfattande anteckningar i rapportbladet. Ingen av journalerna hade en individuell vårdplan. <strong>Slutsats.</strong> Omvårdnadsdokumentationen i den elektroniska patientjournalen bedömdes som ofullständig då det inte gick att få en tydlig bild av patientens omvårdnadsproblem och omvårdnadsbehov. Kvalitén på dokumentationen behöver förbättras. Detta kan ske genom att minska dokumentationen i rapportbladet och istället använda standardvårdplan och uppdaterat status i större omfattning. Fortsatt utbildning och återkoppling krävs för att förbättra dokumentationen.</p></p> / <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p><p><strong>Aim. </strong>To evaluate the quality and extent of the nursing documentation in electronic health record on surgical ward. <strong>Method. </strong>The latest 60 health records from two surgical wards were selected by convenience sample. Both authors read each health record. Every step of the nursing process was evaluated with a nursing documentation audit and was classified as complete, too extensive or incomplete. <strong>Results. </strong>Standardized care plan was used in all electronic health records. Numbers of steps documented in the nursing process were five to nine. Nursing history, status and outcome were documented in most health records. Done interventions were documented in all health records. Goiter/hyperparathyroidism (HPT)-records had no nursing discharge note, while the kidney transplantation-records had one in almost every health record. Majority of updated statuses were evaluated as incomplete. Sixteen of the goiter/HPT-records had no notes of occasional matters, all kidney transplantation-records had too extensive notes. No individualized care plan was found. <strong>Conclusion. </strong>The total nursing documentation in the electronic health records were evaluated as incomplete. The quality of documentation needs to be improved. This can be achieved by less documentation of occasional matters, using the standardized care plan, updating status more often and further education and feedback.</p></p>

Utvärdering av omvårdnadsdokumentation i elektronisk patientjournal på kirurgisk vårdavdelning / Evaluation of the nursing documentation in electronic health record on surgical ward

Janback, Caroline, Petersson, Elin January 2009 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Syfte. Utvärdera omvårdnadsdokumentationens kvalité och omfattning i elektronisk patientjournal på kirurgisk vårdavdelning. Metod. De senaste 60 journalerna från två kirurgiska vårdavdelningar valdes ut genom bekvämt urval. Varje journal lästes och bedömdes av båda författarna. Varje steg i omvårdnadsprocessen utvärderades efter granskningsmall och bedömdes som fullständig, för omfattande eller ofullständig. Resultat. Standardvårdplan användes i alla granskade journaler. Antalet steg i omvårdnadsprocessen som fanns dokumenterade varierade mellan fem och nio. Anamnes, status och effekter av åtgärder fanns beskrivna i majoriteten av journalerna. I samtliga journaler fanns utförda åtgärder dokumenterade. Omvårdnadsepikris fanns i större delen av njurtransplantationsjournalerna, men inte alls i struma/hyperparatyroidism (HPT)-journalerna. Majoriteten av uppdaterade status bedömdes som ofullständiga. Sexton av struma/HPT-journalerna innehöll inte anteckningar i rapportbladet. Av dem som hade rapportbladsanteckningar bedömdes majoriteten vara för omfattande. Samtliga njurtransplantationsjournaler hade för omfattande anteckningar i rapportbladet. Ingen av journalerna hade en individuell vårdplan. Slutsats. Omvårdnadsdokumentationen i den elektroniska patientjournalen bedömdes som ofullständig då det inte gick att få en tydlig bild av patientens omvårdnadsproblem och omvårdnadsbehov. Kvalitén på dokumentationen behöver förbättras. Detta kan ske genom att minska dokumentationen i rapportbladet och istället använda standardvårdplan och uppdaterat status i större omfattning. Fortsatt utbildning och återkoppling krävs för att förbättra dokumentationen. / ABSTRACT Aim. To evaluate the quality and extent of the nursing documentation in electronic health record on surgical ward. Method. The latest 60 health records from two surgical wards were selected by convenience sample. Both authors read each health record. Every step of the nursing process was evaluated with a nursing documentation audit and was classified as complete, too extensive or incomplete. Results. Standardized care plan was used in all electronic health records. Numbers of steps documented in the nursing process were five to nine. Nursing history, status and outcome were documented in most health records. Done interventions were documented in all health records. Goiter/hyperparathyroidism (HPT)-records had no nursing discharge note, while the kidney transplantation-records had one in almost every health record. Majority of updated statuses were evaluated as incomplete. Sixteen of the goiter/HPT-records had no notes of occasional matters, all kidney transplantation-records had too extensive notes. No individualized care plan was found. Conclusion. The total nursing documentation in the electronic health records were evaluated as incomplete. The quality of documentation needs to be improved. This can be achieved by less documentation of occasional matters, using the standardized care plan, updating status more often and further education and feedback.

Konsten att tillvarata patientens resurser : en intervjustudie / The art of managing patient's resources : an interview study

Eckerström, Joachim January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Rapporter och studier belyser utvecklingsbehovet inom hälso- och sjukvården avseende salutogena förhållningssätt. Få systematiska hälsofrämjande arbetsmetoder existerar samt att ett helhetsperspektiv där den enskilde patientens resurser tillgodoses, bör vara centralt. Denna studie avser att skapa ökad kunskap om hur arbetet med patientens resurser ser ut. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hur specialistsjuksköterskan i psykiatrisk vård identifierar, värderar och använder sig av resurser hos patienter med psykisk ohälsa. Metod: Kvalitativ design valdes för att ge svar på syftet. Datainsamlingsmetoden var intervju där sex specialistsjuksköterskor inom psykiatrisk vård deltog. Forskningsfrågorna besvarades via frågor av öppen karaktär. Datamaterialet analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys, induktiv ansats. Resultat: Informanterna beskrev att patientens resurser identifierades i alliansskapande möten, kartläggande samtal samt motiverande samtal. Vad informanterna värderade som resurser resulterade i kategorierna interna respektive externa resurser. Exempel på betydelsefulla resurser är att ha ett socialt nätverk, att ha insikt över sin situation samt motivation att göra förändringar i sin tillvaro. Att formulera resursdiagnoser och att interagera dem med åtgärderna i omvårdnadsplanen, beskrevs som ett effektivt verktyg för att förvalta patientens resurser. Samtliga informanter upplevde påtagliga förbättringsområden avseende resurshanteringen, till exempel saknades ett gemensamt språk angående hur resurser skall tillvaratas, arbetet upplevdes alltför probleminriktat samt önskades ett processmässigt tankesätt istället för att endast det akuta åtgärdas. Diskussion: Studiens resultat diskuterades gentemot Antonovskys salutogena perspektiv, vilken understryker vikten av att se det friska hos patienten och vilka resurser som bidrar till hälsa. Flera studier lyfter fram att det salutogena perspektivet och begreppet KASAM kan användas i praktiken samt ha betydelse i återhämningsprocessen mot psykisk hälsa. / Background: Studies show a need for development in mental health service for salutogenic approaches. Few systematic health promoting activities exist and a holistic perspective, where the patient’s individual resources are catered, should be the focus. This study intends to provide a better knowledge of how the work with the patient’s resources look like. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine how psychiatric nurses identify, value and use the resources of patients with mental illness. Method: A qualitative design was chosen. The data collection was done by interviews, in which six psychiatric nurses participated. Open-ended questions were used to answer the research questions. Data was analyzed according to qualitative content analysis, using an inductive approach. Results: The participants described that the patient’s resources were identified in sessions where the emphasis was laid on building a therapeutic alliance, information gathering and motivational interviewing. The resources that the participants valued resulted in two categories, internal versus external resources. To have a social network, to have awareness of one’s situation and motivation to change were all examples of meaningful resources according to the participants. To formulate resource diagnosis and to integrate these with the interventions in the care plan were described as effective tools in order to look after the patients’ resources. All participants experienced significant improvements in terms of managing their resources. For instance, there was no agreed understanding of how to utilize resources, the work was perceived as too problem focused and a preference for a more process focused way of thinking was expressed. Discussion: The study’s results were discussed against Antonovsky’s salutogenic         perspective, which emphasises the importance of viewing the healthy aspects in patients as well as the factors that contributes to good health. Many studies highlight that the salutogenic perspective and KASAM can be applied in practice and is useful for the recovery process in mental health.

Workflow modelling of coordinated inter-health-provider care plans

Browne, Eric Donald January 2005 (has links)
Workflow in healthcare, particularly for the shared and coordinated management of chronic illnesses, is very difficult to model. It is also difficult to support via current Clinical information Systems and current information technologies. This dissertation contributes significant enhancements to the current methodologies for designing and implementing workflow Management Systems (WfMSs) suitable for healthcare. The contribution comprises three interrelated aspects of workflow system architecture as follows:- Firstly, it shifts the emphasis of workflow modelling and enactment to a focus on goals, and the monitoring and facilitation of their achievement. Secondly, it introduces the concept of self-modifying workflow in the context of health care planning, whereby explicit tasks in the goal-based care plan are devoted to assessing and modifying downstream workflow. Thirdly, this dissertation proposes methodologies for identifying and dealing with tasks which overlap, subsume or interfere with other tasks elsewhere in a given workflow. / PhD Doctorate

Young people leaving care : plans, challenges and discourses

Lamond, Catherine January 2016 (has links)
This small-scale study explored plans for four young people leaving care and the perspectives of twelve key adults supporting them. Using Fairclough’s model of critical discourse analysis, the rationale for this research was concern about the difference in outcomes between care leavers and young people in general. Aims were to explore if contradictions in plans and ideas contributed to problems for the young people, and to examine explanations and justifications made by the adult participants. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews from an opportunistic sample. Findings indicated that the established problem of young people having to leave care too early persists in spite of initiatives to prevent this happening. Theories drawn from the psychology of child development influence the professionals’ constructions of the young people, thereby limiting the responses which adults can offer. It is proposed that neoliberal discourses of individual responsibility and continuous self-improvement constrain systems which encourage young people to leave care before they are ready. Two concepts of chop (abrupt change, such as end of school phase) and churn (disruption, such as staff turnover) are used to examine how frequent disturbance in the life of a looked after child is exacerbated by points of rupture which are caused by the structures of children’s services. This study adds to calls for increased stability for young people, and recommends earlier planning for the future of young people in care. Implications for educational practice are presented, including the need to ensure that leaving mainstream education for segregated provision is not an irreversible decision. It is suggested that educators should consider critically the labelling of looked after children as having Special Educational Needs, as this can lead to practices which encourage compliance by young people, and pathologise resistance which could instead be re-framed as self-reliance.

Parcours de soins des patients atteints de maladie rénale chronique : place et éthique des réseaux de santé ? / Care plan for patients with chronic kidney disease : place and ethic of care network?

Fave Levert, Sophie 30 May 2013 (has links)
Les maladies chroniques engagent réciproquement les soignants et les patients dans une relation de partenariat au long cours. L'offre de soins est orientée vers la prévention secondaire et la préservation de la qualité de vie. La maladie rénale chronique est une priorité de santé publique par sa prévalence, les comorbidités diabétiques et cardiovasculaires, la technicité des soins par dialyse ou greffe, les répercussions économiques et le retentissement sur le quotidien des patients. Les recommandations de bonnes pratiques incitent à une prise en charge thérapeutique précoce avec des parcours de soins personnalisés. Les réseaux de néphrologie ont pour mission de sensibiliser au dépistage de l'insuffisance rénale, de coordonner les suivis pluridisciplinaires et favoriser le décloisonnement entre établissements de soins et médecine de premier recours. Ce travail porte sur le rôle des réseaux français de néphrologie. Une enquête sur l'accès aux soins et le soutien organisationnel des parcours de soins montre une forte hétérogénéité dans leur fonctionnement. Alors que la littérature internationale relate l'impact positif de la coordination des prises en charge sur l'évolution de la fonction rénale et sur la qualité de vie, le recours aux réseaux de néphrologie par les professionnels et les patients reste inégal. L'étude suggère de promouvoir l'accompagnement des patients dans des parcours de soins et d'harmoniser les pratiques par la formation continue, la pluridisciplinarité et la posture éducative. L'enjeu sanitaire des maladies chroniques pour chaque projet de vie est d'intégrer l'ensemble des morbidités dans un même parcours de soins coordonné et évalué / Chronic diseases necessarily imply partnership between patients and medical team. The health care system is directed towards secondary prevention and the preservation of quality of life. Chronic kidney disease is a public health priority by its prevalence, diabetes and cardiovascular comorbidities, specific care as dialysis or transplantation, economics and impact on patients’ way of life. Guidelines encourage early therapeutic care plan. Renal care networks aim at raising awareness of kidney disease detection, coordinate and promote multidisciplinary follow-up and connections between hospitals and ambulatory care. This work analyses the role of renal care networks in France. A survey on access to care and care plan running supports shows a strong heterogeneity in their organisation and management. While international literature describes the positive effect of such supported care management on evolution of renal function and quality of life, using renal care networks by professionals and patients remains uncertain. The study suggests promoting supporting patients in care management and globalizing practices through training, multidisciplinary approach and pedagogic attitude. Every plan of life has to integrate all morbidities in a same coordinated and evaluated care plan

The nursing process as a means of improving patient care

Mamseri, Redempta Alex 02 1900 (has links)
Improvement of patient care in any hospital depends primarily on the quality of nursing care. Nursing care is enhanced by the nursing process, which outlines the nursing activities to be provided for a patient. The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent the nursing process could improve the quality of nursing care, and to explore the knowledge limitations of nursing staff in implementing the nursing process, nursing care planning and proper documentation. Quantitative research, making use of an exploratory, descriptive and contextual design was conducted, utilising a structured questionnaire for data collection. Registered nurses (n=120) employed at a Referral Hospital in Tanzania served as the respondents. The findings revealed a lack of knowledge in understanding and applying the concepts of the nursing process, especially in formulating the nursing diagnosis. Recommendations pertaining to a focused in-service training programme, integrating theory and practice, were made to enhance the effective implementation of the nursing process. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Výživa v paliativní péči / Nutrition in Palliative Care

Zedníková, Daniela January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with nutrition in palliative care. The main aim is to introduce the issue of nutrition in palliative care, to help with a comprehensive perception of the context and the application of a palliative approach in nutritional care. The aim is to monitor and examine the current state of nutrition in facilities providing palliative care in the Czech Republic. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on the issues of palliative care, nutrition and hydration. The practical part contains the objectives of the work, hypotheses and research with evaluation and analysis of the obtained data. There were two hypotheses established and evaluated. From a methodological point of view, a combination of several research methods of a quantitative nature was used. As a means of obtaining data, the use of the survey in the form of an internet survey was sent to the management of individual facilities providing palliative care in the Czech Republic. The obtained data were processed using standard statistical methods. Using descriptive statistics procedures in the form of analysis of the obtained results, especially with the use of absolute and relative frequency. The total number of 97 questionnaires were distributed. 18 questionnaires for hospices, 70...

Anhörigas upplevelser av avancerad vårdplanering för personer med demenssjukdom med fokus på vård i livets slutskede : en litteraturstudie / Relatives experiences of advanced care planning for people with dementia with focus on end-of-life care : a literature study

Löfquist, Annie, Leifsdotter Glavonjic, Katarina January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Var tredje sekund insjuknar en person i demenssjukdom i världen. Demenssjukdom är en progressiv sjukdom som medför förlust av den mentala kapaciteten och individen får svårare att vara delaktig i beslut. Att vara anhörig till en person med demenssjukdom är utmanande då ens närstående sakta försvinner. Förlusten av mental kapacitet innebär att anhöriga väljer att inte involvera PMD i beslutsfattande. Enligt patientlagen 5 kap. 1 § samt patientsäkerhetslagen 6 kap. 1 § ska vården och behandlingen utformas och genomföras i samråd med patienten i största möjliga mån. PMD lägger stor tillit till sina anhöriga att ta beslut när stunden för vård i livets slut inträffar. Regelbunden och kontinuerlig kommunikation och information från vårdpersonal till anhöriga och PMD främjar en kvalitetssäkrad vård- och omsorg.  Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen var att beskriva anhörigas upplevelser av avancerad vårdplanering för personer med demenssjukdom med fokus på vård i livets slutskede.  Metod: Examensarbetet är en allmän litteraturöversikt. Resultatartiklar har analyserats i syfte att skapa en kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Harden &amp; Thomas (2008). Kvalitativa artiklar från Pubmed och Cinahl har analyserats.  Resultat: Resultatet presenteras med tre analytiska teman för att svara på examensarbetets syfte. Anhöriga uttryckte svårigheter att finna rätt tidpunkt för avancerad vårdplanering och en önskan om att skydda PMD från sjukdomen. Avancerad vårdplanering kunde också ses som en process över tid för att skapa en relation till sjukdomen men också till vårdgivare för att finna tillit och trygghet. Slutligen sågs avancerad vårdplanering som en strategi för att minska bördan hos anhöriga att fatta beslut när de slutligen ofta blir ställföreträdande beslutsfattare.  Slutsats: Avancwerad vårdplanering är inte ett engångstillfälle utan bör följas upp regelbundet under sjukdomsförloppet. Kunskap och information om sjukdomen är viktigt och en stor del i den avancerade vårdplaneringen kan i längden minska bördan på anhöriga som ställföreträdande beslutsfattare. / Background: One person every three seconds develops dementia. Dementia is a progressive disease and entails loss of mental capacity and makes it difficult to participate in decisions. Being a relative of a person with dementia is challenging as one's loved ones slowly disappear. This loss of mental capacity means that relatives choose not to involve the PWD in decision-making. According to the Patient Act ch. 5 § 1 and the Patient Safety Act ch. 6 § 1 care and treatment must be designed and carried out in consultation with the patient as far as possible. PWD leaves it up to relatives to make decisions when the end-of-life approaches. Regular and continuous communication and information from healthcare staff to relatives and PWD promotes quality-assured healthcare. Aim: The purpose of this essay was to describe relatives' experiences of advanced care planning for people with dementia in the early stages of the disease with a focus on end-of life care. Methods: The thesis is a general literature review. Result articles have been analyzed with the aim of creating a qualitative content analysis according to Harden &amp; Thomas (2008). Both qualitative and quantitative articles from PubMed and Cinahl have been analyzed. Results: Relatives expressed difficulty finding the right time for advanced care planning and a desire to protect PWD from the disease. Advanced care planning was seen as a process over time to create a relationship with the disease but also with caregivers to create trust. Finally, advanced care planning was seen to facilitate decision-making for relatives when they ultimately often become substitute decision-makers. Conclusion: Advanced care planning is not a one-time event but should be followed up. Knowledge and information is important and a large part of the advanced care planning can in the long run reduce the burden on relatives as substitute decision makers.

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