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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

College course selections years 11 and 12 : students' aspirations and ultimate career choice

Soustal, F. G., n/a January 1986 (has links)
This field study aims to identify and examine the consequences and influences of course selections and career choices made by students, their parents and college staff. Because of a lack of information regarding the implications of their selected programmes of study, many students choose unwisely and as a result, have become confused about the relevance of their choices in relation to the achievement of their ultimate career aspirations. To achieve the aims of this study, an analysis of the course selections and career choices of the Year 12 graduates of 1983 from Copland College was completed. This field study is divided into three main sections. The first section comprises Chapters I and II which outline the historical development of secondary colleges within the Australian Capital Territory. The author briefly discusses the influence of both the Hughes and the Campbell Reports and illustrates how these Reports were used as the basis for the establishment of the educational structure we now have for our senior secondary college students in Canberra. In addition, this section details the historical background of careers education within the Australian Capital Territory and the influences this has had on the status of career education at Copland College. The second section covers Chapters III, IV and V. In this section the function of the Student Services Faculty within Copland College is discussed and also a brief explanation given of the type of information gathered by college and administrative staff for career and course advice. The author provides a description of the procedures II used to obtain and collate the information collected for this field study. A questionnaire method of data collection was the basis used to examine the post-collegiate activities of over 240 graduate students of 1983, and part of the questionnaire relates specifically to the destinations of these ex-students. Finally, the third section incorporates Chapters VI and VII. It details the results of my research covered in earlier chapters and at the same time, synthesizes that of other educationalists as it relates to this field study. The concluding portion of this section sets out recommendations proposed to meet the problems identified in such areas as student course selections and careers advice.

Hjälpmedel eller Stjälpmedel? : En studie av ungdomars attityd till intressetester / Meaningful or meaningless? : A study of youngsters' attitude toward measurements of interest

Carlsten, Martina, Jansson Storm, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Under utbildningen till Studie- och yrkesvägledare kom vi att upptäcka hur intressetester av olika slag blivit ett allt populärare sätt att skaffa sig förslag på lämpliga studie- och yrkesval. Intressetester används av verksamma vägledare inom både skola och arbetsförmedling. Internet är vårt främsta informationsanskaffningsmedel och används alltmer inom vår bransch. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka elevers attityd till intressetester. Framförallt undersöka om dessa tester genererar i en ökad kunskapsproduktion och om den kunskapen då är giltig. Vi ville även undersöka om intressetester kan ersätta behovet av mer personlig vägledning. En enkätundersökning innehållande 13 frågor kring respondenternas upplevelse av intressetester utfördes på en grupp gymnasieelever i Norrtälje kommun. Med stöd av denna studies undersökningsresultat, karriärutvecklingsteorier och vägledningsmetoder har följande slutsatser kunnat dras: Att intressetester är ett bra verktyg för att finna ny kunskap om sig själv och olika yrken. Att tester har god förmåga att matcha rätt person till rätt yrke men att utfallen av testerna inte bedömdes som helt hundraprocentigt seriösa. Behovet av personlig vägledning ansågs av majoriteten inte direkt kunna ersättas med intressetester. Det finns nästan ingen tidigare forskning kring problemområdet men vi uppmanar för framtida forskning att undersöka konsekvenserna av en alltmer webbaserad vägledning.</p> / <p>During this education to become career counselors we came to detect how measurements of interest of various kinds is becoming more and more popular when to get proposals on appropriate study - and career choices. Measurements of interest are used of career counselors within both schools and employment offices. The Internet is our most useful facility when it comes to find information and is used increasingly within our sector. The aim with this study is to examine students' attitude to measurements of interest. Above all examine if they generate in an increased knowledge production and if that knowledge is valid. We also wanted to examine if measurements of interest can replace the need of more personal guidance. A questionnaire survey containing 13 questions around individuals' experience in measurements of interest was carried out on a group of high school students in the city of Norrtälje. With support of this study's survey results, career development theories and guidance methods the following conclusions can to be drawn: measurements of interest are a good tool in order to find new knowledge about yourself and different trades. Measurements of interest have good ability to match the correct individual with the correct trade but the outcomes of the measurements were not assessed entirely one hundred percent serious. The need of personal guidance was by majority not considered directly to be replaced with measurements of interest. There is almost no previous research around the problem area but we urge for future research to examine the consequences of progressively more guidance on the web.</p>

Hjälpmedel eller Stjälpmedel? : En studie av ungdomars attityd till intressetester / Meaningful or meaningless? : A study of youngsters' attitude toward measurements of interest

Carlsten, Martina, Jansson Storm, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
Under utbildningen till Studie- och yrkesvägledare kom vi att upptäcka hur intressetester av olika slag blivit ett allt populärare sätt att skaffa sig förslag på lämpliga studie- och yrkesval. Intressetester används av verksamma vägledare inom både skola och arbetsförmedling. Internet är vårt främsta informationsanskaffningsmedel och används alltmer inom vår bransch. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka elevers attityd till intressetester. Framförallt undersöka om dessa tester genererar i en ökad kunskapsproduktion och om den kunskapen då är giltig. Vi ville även undersöka om intressetester kan ersätta behovet av mer personlig vägledning. En enkätundersökning innehållande 13 frågor kring respondenternas upplevelse av intressetester utfördes på en grupp gymnasieelever i Norrtälje kommun. Med stöd av denna studies undersökningsresultat, karriärutvecklingsteorier och vägledningsmetoder har följande slutsatser kunnat dras: Att intressetester är ett bra verktyg för att finna ny kunskap om sig själv och olika yrken. Att tester har god förmåga att matcha rätt person till rätt yrke men att utfallen av testerna inte bedömdes som helt hundraprocentigt seriösa. Behovet av personlig vägledning ansågs av majoriteten inte direkt kunna ersättas med intressetester. Det finns nästan ingen tidigare forskning kring problemområdet men vi uppmanar för framtida forskning att undersöka konsekvenserna av en alltmer webbaserad vägledning. / During this education to become career counselors we came to detect how measurements of interest of various kinds is becoming more and more popular when to get proposals on appropriate study - and career choices. Measurements of interest are used of career counselors within both schools and employment offices. The Internet is our most useful facility when it comes to find information and is used increasingly within our sector. The aim with this study is to examine students' attitude to measurements of interest. Above all examine if they generate in an increased knowledge production and if that knowledge is valid. We also wanted to examine if measurements of interest can replace the need of more personal guidance. A questionnaire survey containing 13 questions around individuals' experience in measurements of interest was carried out on a group of high school students in the city of Norrtälje. With support of this study's survey results, career development theories and guidance methods the following conclusions can to be drawn: measurements of interest are a good tool in order to find new knowledge about yourself and different trades. Measurements of interest have good ability to match the correct individual with the correct trade but the outcomes of the measurements were not assessed entirely one hundred percent serious. The need of personal guidance was by majority not considered directly to be replaced with measurements of interest. There is almost no previous research around the problem area but we urge for future research to examine the consequences of progressively more guidance on the web.

Varför lyckas inte alla? : En studie på Hantverksprogrammet Frisör och Florist om skillnader mellan hög- och lågpresterande elever.

Aarnes, Rose-Marie, Andersson, Malin January 2011 (has links)
Our purpose with this study was to investigate whether there was any difference between high and low performing students from selected aspects such as choice of studies, achievement, self-image, motivation, confidence and career choices. A training professional in today's schools requires knowledge of how young people think about their lives for us to help students develop both high-and low-performing students. Students have different conditions, but no matter good or bad conditions, each individual pupil must be allowed to develop. The concepts used in the study are of study, self-image, motivation, achievement in the future and career choices. In the background, describes these concepts through literature study. The method we have used was semi-structured interviews. Which means a fixed structure, but with room for follow-up questions. The results of our study indicate that there were clear differences between high-and low-performing students. The differences suggest that the high-performing students were more conscious about their study options than low-performing students. Differences were also in the students' views of themselves,where the high-performance had a lower self- image than the low-performing students had. High performance compared each other more often with other people and was more unsure of themselves, however, the motivation was significantly higher among the high-performance students, performance showed the same results. The high-performing students had a clearer vision of the future and that they had a clearer picture of their career choice than the low-performing students. Discussion on how we as educators can strengthen each student based on their individual needs have been based on results of the study.

Att få tillgång till ett val : En studie om hur elever på introduktionsprogrammet resonerar kring sin framtid / To access a choice : A study on how students in the introductory program reason about their future

Linde, Jonna January 2015 (has links)
Målgruppen för studien är de elever som i högstadiet blivit obehöriga till gymnasiet och nu går på något introduktionsprogram. Studien syftar till att belysa hur de talar om sin position och hur detta påverkar resonemanget kring framtiden samt hur de förhåller sig till normer i resonemangen. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär med livshistorisk metod och det empiriska materialet består av intervjuer. Det saknas i princip framåtblickande studier för denna målgrupp men tidigare forskning finns för den närliggande gruppen dropouts där positionen beskrivs som kostsam. Intressant är därför att vidga forskningsområdet till den position där de obehöriga eleverna som ännu finns kvar i utbildning befinner sig. Slutsatsen är att elever på introduktionsprogrammet talar om sin position som ett fråntagande av deras ansvar för framtiden. De talar om positionen som en brytpunkt där deras önskan om att följa normerna för utbildning ökar motivationen till kompromisser i framtidsvalet. Studiens slutsats är att positionen förskjuter fokus i elevernas resonemang från valalternativen till att få tillgång till en valmöjlighet. / The target group for this study are the students that has become ineligible for upper secondary school and educates in a introductory program. The study aims to convey a picture of how these students speak about their position and how this affects their reasoning about the future and how they relates to norms in this reasoning. The study is qualitative with a life-historical method and the empirical material consists of interviews. There are no prospective studies for this target group but previous research on dropouts in general describes the position as costly. Interesting is therefore to expand the research to the position where ineligible students are in their education. The results of the study suggest that these students speak of the position as a deprivation of their responsibility for their future. These students speak about the position as a breaking point where the desire to follow the norms of education increases motivation to compromise. The study concludes that the position shifts the focus about their future from selections of choice to the ability to choose.


Wingren Ahlström, Veronica January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att som barn växa upp i en dysfunktionell familj i nära relation till förälder/föräldrar med psykisk ohälsa påverkar barnet både under uppväxten men även senare i livet. Anknytningen och de system som finns runt barnet kommer ha en avgörande betydelse för barnets förmåga att socialisera, mentalisera och för att bygga upp en resiliens. Genom maskrosbarnens berättelser om sin uppväxt skapas en större förståelse för hur uppväxtvillkoren kan påverka framtida val av yrke och yrkesprofession. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur uppväxtvillkoren kan påverka framtida val av yrke för barn som vuxit upp i en dysfunktionell familj i nära relation till förälder/föräldrar med psykisk ohälsa.Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ inriktning med utgångspunkt semistrukturerade intervjuer där sex intervjuer har utförts. Studien utgår från anknytningsteorin och systemteorin som också kopplas samman med mentaliseringsteorin och resiliens. Resultat: Resultatet visar att uppväxtvillkor har påverkat informanternas val av yrke. Utifrån intervjuerna har sex teman hittats, önskan att hjälpa andra, rädsla, bristande tillit, ombytta roller, bekräftelse och mentalisering. Uppväxtens olika roller som exempelvis den vuxna som tagit hand om familjen, ”terapeuten” som lyssnat, tillsammans med sin egen sårbarhet, rädsla och bristande tillit har byggt upp en kunskap och identitet. Detta har i sin tur byggt upp en grundtrygghet av olika rollerna som kan finnas inom socialt arbete. Att arbeta som exempelvis terapeut är något de är bra på, en roll de känner sig trygg med, en roll de identifiera sig med. Konklusion: Maskrosbarnens utbildning har pågått hela livet och med ett samlat perspektiv av erfarenheter från uppväxten, sin utökade förmåga att mentalisera, tillsammans med en akademisk grund skulle dagens socialpsykiatri kunna lyfta en ny specialkompetens. Dagens maskrosbarn är morgondagens profession. / Background: As a child, growing up in a dysfunctional family in close relation to parent / parents with mental illness affects the child both during childhood but also later in life. The attachment and the systems that exist around the child will have a decisive influence on the child's ability to socialize, mentalize and to build resilience. Through the stories of the dandelion children regarding their upbringing which gives a greater understanding of how the growing conditions can affect future choices of profession and professional profession is created.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how the growing conditions can affect the future choice of profession for children who have grown up in a dysfunctional family in close relation to parent/parents with mental illness.Method: The study has a qualitative focus with semistructured interviews, which six interviews have been conducted. The study is based on attachment theory and system theory, which are also linked to the mentalization theory and resilience.Result: The results show that growth conditions have affected the informants' choice of profession. Based on the interviews, six themes have been found, the desire to help others, fear, lack of trust, exchange roles, confirmation and mentalization. The different roles of childhood, such as the adult who has taken care of the family, the “therapist” who has listened, together with their own vulnerability, fear and lack of confidence, have built up a knowledge and identity. This in turn, has built up a basic security of different roles that may exist in social work. Working as a therapist, for example, is something they are good at, a role they feel safe with, a role they identify with.Conclusion: The dandelion children's education has been going on throughout their whole lives and with an overall perspective of experiences from the upbringing, their extended ability to mentalize, together with an academic foundation, today's social psychiatry could lift a new special competence. Today's dandelion children are tomorrow's profession.

Life Stories of Managerial and Professional Women in the South African Mining Industry

Letlape, Lesego Hellen January 2014 (has links)
This study explores the life stories of eight women in the South African mining industry; four older women in senior managerial positions and four younger women who have recently acquired a technical mining-related qualification that should place them on the path to management. A major goal was to understand how the women came to their careers in mining, the field being a non-traditional choice for women. The study also aimed to explore how working in a male-dominated industry affected their current life experiences and future aspirations. Life story interviews were conducted to trace the journeys they took to their present positions. The stories collected were then analysed using qualitative thematic analysis through Atlas.ti, to derive patterns in the accounts collected, as well as any differences that may exist between the two groups of women. The results indicate that each woman’s life story is unique. However, significant patterns were found during the analysis. Both the younger and older women were raised in nuclear family structures, consisting of two parents and one or more siblings. Both groups of women also displayed a high affinity towards academics and performed well throughout their basic education years, while displaying a specific interest in the scientific- and technically-related fields. This was then followed by attendance of a higher education institution, with continued high performance. At this point most of the women entered the mining industry, through a bursary from a mining company requiring them to work back the bursary as an employee of the company. The participants all have a high level of ambition and desire to succeed in their respective professions. The results provided insight on how early life and other influences shaped the women’s career choices. Although the participants were diverse in their method of entry into the mining industry and the motivations or factors that have thus far kept them there, their workplace experiences have been similar, even though their reactions to them varied. They faced challenges related to being respected professionals despite their gender, career delays, sacrificing femininity to conform to a masculine environment, and exposure to overt sexual harassment. These challenges and experiences have been a source of growth for some, mainly in the older cohort, and a signal to exit the industry for others, mainly in the younger cohort. This explains to an extent why the technically qualified women-miner statistics have remained stagnant, since half the women are leaving the industry as fast as they are entering. Overall, the results of the research paint a bleak picture of the leadership and professional pipeline for women in mining. The implications of these findings for research and organisations in South Africa are discussed. / Dissertation MCom--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted

The flying Classroom : Study trips in Education for Sustainable Development

Paul, Leonie January 2020 (has links)
Higher education in any area of sustainable development is increasingly seen as aremedy to solve the currently faced climate crisis. However, the complex,interdisciplinary, and even personal nature of Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) questions the status quo of traditional pedagogic approaches and learningtechniques. Using the example of a study trip provider specialized in ESD, therelevance of experiential real-life studies in a foreign setting is investigated and theirpotential for Sustainability Education highlighted. An online questionnaire serves as afundament for understanding the impacts of multidimensional study trips regardingpersonal but especially professional choices. Data of more than 100 formerparticipants of sustainability-related study trips were gathered and evaluatedquantitatively as well as following a deductive analysis. Focus is drawn topro-environmental behaviors and beliefs that are potentially nourished by theexposure to natural treasures and first-hand expertise in Sustainable Development.The results of this study substantiate the great potential for knowledge transfer,behavioral changes, and shifts in mindsets based on experiential learning taking placein the context of traveling. Participants are encouraged and determined to follow acareer in sustainability after participating in the program. Half of the examined alumnigroup is already in a position that supports Sustainable Development in some form,leading to the overall success of the utilization of study trips in ESD, despite existingweaknesses.

Industry-Situated STEM Labs: A Case Study of a Novel Application

William H Walls (9745313) 18 December 2020 (has links)
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to understand: (1) the influence that an industry-situated STEM lab experience has on students’ (ages 10-18) perceptions of careers in manufacturing, and (2) the challenges and opportunities that this space presents. To answer these questions, this study analyzed participant pre- and post-draw a manufacturer tests as well as manufacturing career perception surveys that included Likert-scale items and open response questions. Along with these data sources, five semi-structured interviews were conducted with industry stakeholders in order to understand the conception and operation of the STEM lab, as well identify any challenges or opportunities to improve or replicate success for other industries. From there, the data were analyzed through thematic coding for the drawings, open-response questions, and interviews, and a Mann-Whitney U test was performed on the survey results in order to look for general shifts in responses to specific questions from before to after the STEM lab experience. The results gained from the three different data collection techniques were looked at in aggregate and used to triangulate specific understandings, questions, and recommendations. The results confirmed a lack of students’ awareness and understanding of manufacturing, misperceptions surrounding the careers within, and a disconnect between industry needs and educational output. Along with the data, literature on vocational psychology supports the need for students to participate in authentic learning opportunities to build self-efficacy and form more accurate outcome expectations with regards to future career selection. However, the data did reveal that the industry-situated STEM lab experience likely led the participants to an improved understanding of the manufacturing ecosystem and provided an opportunity for local educators to engage with industry. While this research looked at a novel application of a STEM lab and highlighted its influence on students’ perceptions of manufacturing careers, there is obviously no “silver bullet” for fixing the talent pipeline for manufacturing and continuous work in this area needs to be done.

Karriärval i en kollektivistisk kultur: Framträdande påverkansfaktorer i sex turkiska universitetsstudenters karriärval

Wicksén, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Tidigare forskning visar att karriärval påverkas i och av olika kulturer på olika sätt. Samhällen präglas av ett individualistiskt och kollektivistiskt kulturellt tänkande, vilket även det har förmåga att påverka karriärval på olika sätt. Enligt flera forskare finns ett behov av att som vägledare vara medveten om hur karriärval påverkas i och av andra kulturer. Hur karriärval påverkas i och av andra kulturer är dock kunskap som saknats på studie- och yrkesvägledarprogrammet. Det här är problematiskt, eftersom det utan denna kunskap finns en överhängande risk för att som vägledare påverka vägledningsprocessen med det egna kulturella tänkandet. Med sikte mot att som vägledare i ett västerländskt land och med ett eventuellt individualistiskt kulturellt tänkande löpa mindre risk för att påverka vägledningsprocessen, undersöker examensarbetet karriärval i en kollektivistisk kultur. Det icke västerländska land med en kollektivistisk kultur som undersöks är Turkiet. Studiens syfte är att redogöra för hur turkiska universitetsstudenters karriärval påverkats av och kan förstås utifrån Turkiets kollektivistiska kultur. Frågeställningarna som behandlas för att uppfylla syftet är: Vilka påverkansfaktorer framträder i turkiska universitetsstudenters karriärval? Hur kan framträdande påverkansfaktorer i turkiska universitetsstudenters karriärval förstås mot bakgrund av Turkiets kollektivistiska kultur? Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod och på sex intervjuer. Teoretiska begrepp som kulturella värden, habitus, kapital, handlingshorisont och position används för att analysera resultatet. Resultatet visar bland annat att familjen och tankar om en framtida ekonomi är framträdande påverkansfaktorer i turkiska universitetsstudenters karriärval. Mot bakgrund av Turkiets kollektivistiska kultur, kan dessa framträdande faktorer förstås genom individers skäl till att utföra kulturella värden i karriärvalen. / Previous research shows that career choices are influenced in and by different cultures in different ways. In addition, societies are characterized by an individualistic and collectivistic thinking, which also could influence career choices in different ways. According to several researchers, there is a need as a career counselor to be aware of how career choices are influenced in and by other cultures. How career choices are influenced in and by other cultures, however, is knowledge that has been missing throughout the Program of Study and Career Guidance. This is problematic, because without this knowledge, there is an imminent risk of influencing the career guidance process with the counselor’s own cultural thinking. With a starting point of being less of a risk to influence the career guidance process as a career counselor in a Western country and with a possible individualistic cultural thinking, this final thesis examines career choices in a collectivist culture. The nonWestern country with a collectivist culture that is being examined is Turkey. The aim of the study is to give an account of how Turkish university students’ career choices have been influenced by, and can be understood based on, Turkey’s collectivist culture. The questions addressed to fulfill the aim of this study are: What are the prominent factors influencing Turkish university students’ career choices? How can prominent factors influencing Turkish university students’ career choices be understood in the light of Turkey’s collectivist culture? The study is based on a qualitative method and on six interviews. Theoretical concepts as cultural values, habitus, capital, horizon of action and position are used to analyze the result. The result shows, among other things, that the family and thoughts about a future economy are prominent factors influencing Turkish university students’ career choices. In the light of Turkey’s collectivist culture, these prominent factors can be understood by individuals’ reasons for carrying out cultural values in their career choices.

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